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Work and Wellbeing Survey

A pulse survey is run for staff three times during the academic year exploring key work and wellbeing topics as well as real time organisational issues.

About the survey

Find out more about the Work and Wellbeing survey.

Introduced at the start of the pandemic to understand staff experience of work and wellbeing, this survey has become a key listening tool helping to shape the University’s approach during the pandemic and beyond.

The surveys have provided valuable data to inform senior leadership decisions, provide longitudinal data to track trends and benchmark data to assess against national standards. 

View results of previous surveys

Please view the results summary of our previous Work and Wellbeing surveys.

We’ve been listening

Examples of some of the changes we’ve made in response to your feedback.

Changes from the Work and Wellbeing Survey from previous years

The following changes have been made following your responses in the Work and Wellbeing Survey (pre 2024):

  • Sharing anonymised departmental summary results with departments directly to inform local action planning going forwards.

  • The introduction of weekly updates from the Vice-Chancellor, a fortnightly operational update, and monthly town halls to keep you up to date with what is going on

  • For wellbeing support, we have expanded our network of Wellbeing Champions. There are now over 30 champions trained and in post to signpost staff to support. We’ve continued to promote and signpost wellbeing resources

  • Summer at Bath was launched including activities for staff to create opportunities to re-connect with colleagues on campus

  • To address issues around workload, we developed a new resource pack with support and guidance to help address workload issues

  • We launched the Management Curriculum to further support staff including ‘Managing People’ and ‘Confident Conversations’ 

  • The Future Ways of Working project was implemented for professional services staff with office-based roles to reimagine how we work, and explore what this could look like at Bath

  • Resources have been brought together in a Future Ways of Working topic page which will continue to be built on as our learning grows

Contributions from the Wellbeing Survey 2024:

Your responses in the 2024 Work and Wellbeing surveys have contributed to:

  • Our Be Well at Bath work

  • Mental Health Charter application

  • Athena Swan awards

  • Providing indicators of progress against aspects of the University strategy

  • The development of the soon-to-be-launched benefits platform, as well as more initiatives in the reward area

  • The next update of the leadership and management development approach

WATCH: Work and Wellbeing Survey

Here's what we've been working on thanks to your feedback.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the work and wellbeing survey, please contact us.