Our Prasp software can model or simulate fluid-borne noise (pressure and flow pulsations or ripple) seen in hydraulic circuits. It can be used in a range of areas including:
- automotive power-assisted steering
- mobile machinery
- aerospace
- marine
- industrial hydraulics
Noise can be a serious problem in any of these applications. Prasp is a powerful tool to help analyse and design low-noise systems.
What Prasp can do

Prasp includes mathematical models for most common hydraulic components. The user can also create new models if necessary. Besides the mathematical models, it can also represent components using spectral data from files. These files are compatible with experimental results processed using our FBN package. Circuits can be built up using experimental data, mathematical models or a combination of the two.
Prasp circuit models are not solved in the same way as normal Simulink models. Instead, the Prasp toolbox provides a separate MATLAB solver and graphical post-processor. Prasp operates in the frequency domain.
It can plot results as pressure ripple, flow ripple, impedance or pressure ration. It can also calculate transmission loss and transfer matrices and perform frequency and parametric sweeps.
Prasp features
- clear hydraulic circuit diagrams
- user-defined models
- compatible with measured component data
- parametric sweeps for system optimisation
- advanced models for flexible hoses, including 'tuner' insert
Prasp licensing options
Please contact us to discuss the availability and price of Prasp licences for commercial use.
You can also use our consultancy services to carry out analysis. We have a wealth of experience in measuring and modelling fluid-borne noise, and interpreting results.