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The #thinklist30 is a list of influential female scholars on social media around issues of responsible business.

People using social media.
Social media has become the landscape for new ideas.

The #thinklist was designed to highlight social media’s most influential faculty thinkers on issues of responsible business. It was created in recognition of the value of discussions we have online, and in the hope of sharing insights with a wider community.

The #thinklist30 aims to recognise and amplify the voices of women in the field.

The #thinklist30 - women's list

Name Twitter handle
Tima Bansal @TimaBansal
Jan Bebbington @JanBebbington
Héloïse Berkowitz @calamityloise
Deborah Brewis @DeborahBrewis
Itziar Castello @ItziarCA
Julia Christensen Hughes @LangDean_1
Cathy Clark @cathyhc
Amelia Clarke @DrAmeliaClarke
Alessia Contu @AlessiaContu3
Stephanie Creary @StephanieCreary
Nolywé Delannon @Nolywe_
Delphine Gibassier @DelGib
Jennifer Howard-Grenville @JHoward_Grenvil
Tanusree Jain @TanusreeJain
Dima Jamali @JamaliDima
Sarah Kaplan @sarah_kaplan
Charlotte Karam @Ckaram12
Martina Linnenluecke @mlinnenluecke
Mariana Mazzucato @MazzucatoM
Lauren McCarthy @genderCSR
Banu Ozkazanc-Pan @banupan
Andrea Prothero @andreaprothero
Quinetta Roberson @QuinettaPhD
Ruth Sealy @RuthSealy
Laura Spence @Prof_LSpence
Madeline Toubiana @drtoubiana
Anne Touboulic @Anne2108
Diana Trujillo @ditrujil
Judith Walls @ProfWalls
Gail Whiteman @GenerationCO2

Discover the story behind the new #thinklist30 and the methodology behind it.

Difficult conversations in a digital world event

The first event in the #thinklist webinar series 'Difficult conversations in a digital world: Amplifying the voices of responsible business scholars' discussed the effects of the pandemic on our working lives.

Find out who else to follow

Follow our full women's list on twitter

Centre for Business, Organisations and Society

We want to be as inclusive as possible in future iterations, so please let us know who you think should be included by tweeting us, using the hashtag #ThinklistNom.