The #thinklist was designed to highlight social media’s most influential faculty thinkers on issues of responsible business. It was created in recognition of the value of discussions we have online, and in the hope of sharing insights with a wider community.
The #thinklist30 aims to recognise and amplify the voices of women in the field.
The #thinklist30 - women's list
Name | Twitter handle |
Tima Bansal | @TimaBansal |
Jan Bebbington | @JanBebbington |
Héloïse Berkowitz | @calamityloise |
Deborah Brewis | @DeborahBrewis |
Itziar Castello | @ItziarCA |
Julia Christensen Hughes | @LangDean_1 |
Cathy Clark | @cathyhc |
Amelia Clarke | @DrAmeliaClarke |
Alessia Contu | @AlessiaContu3 |
Stephanie Creary | @StephanieCreary |
Nolywé Delannon | @Nolywe_ |
Delphine Gibassier | @DelGib |
Jennifer Howard-Grenville | @JHoward_Grenvil |
Tanusree Jain | @TanusreeJain |
Dima Jamali | @JamaliDima |
Sarah Kaplan | @sarah_kaplan |
Charlotte Karam | @Ckaram12 |
Martina Linnenluecke | @mlinnenluecke |
Mariana Mazzucato | @MazzucatoM |
Lauren McCarthy | @genderCSR |
Banu Ozkazanc-Pan | @banupan |
Andrea Prothero | @andreaprothero |
Quinetta Roberson | @QuinettaPhD |
Ruth Sealy | @RuthSealy |
Laura Spence | @Prof_LSpence |
Madeline Toubiana | @drtoubiana |
Anne Touboulic | @Anne2108 |
Diana Trujillo | @ditrujil |
Judith Walls | @ProfWalls |
Gail Whiteman | @GenerationCO2 |
Discover the story behind the new #thinklist30 and the methodology behind it.