UNTSOCP002: BSc (hons): Social Work and Applied Social Studies

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

PSYC0010 Clinical psychology      6 Credits

SOCP0004 Family, gender & social policy      6 Credits

SOCP0006 Social values & social policy      6 Credits

SOCP0062 Qualitative social research methods           6 Credits

Optional Units

Select      6 credits from the following list:

PSYC0008 Cognitive psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0021 Research design & measurement           3 Credits

SOCP0049 The sociology of crime & deviance      6 Credits

SOCP0061 Quantitative methods 2      3 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

PSYC0007 Developmental psychology      6 Credits

SOCP0003 'Race' & racism      6 Credits

SOCP0005 The social policy process      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select between 1 and 2 units from the following list:

SOCP0010 Social policy evaluation      6 Credits

SOCP0069 Social science methodology & social theory      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

PSYC0009 Social psychology      6 Credits

SOCP0050 Sociology of criminal justice policy           6 Credits

SOCP0051 Social structure & languages of class           6 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1
Not available in 1998/99

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Mandatory Units

SOCP0016 Communication skills      3 Credits

SOCP0017 Groupwork      3 Credits

SOCP0018 Community profiling      3 Credits

SOCP0019 Developing professional competence 1           3 Credits

SOCP0020 Discrimination & empowerment in social work      6 Credits

SOCP0021 Social work placement 1      18 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

SOCP0022 Organisation of personal social services           6 Credits

SOCP0023 Child care research & practice      3 Credits

SOCP0024 Legislation for social work practice 1           6 Credits

SOCP0025 Theories & methods in social work           3 Credits

SOCP0026 Sociology of social work      6 Credits

SOCP0027 Social work dissertation 1      6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1
Not available in 1998/99

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Mandatory Units

HASS0001 Alcohol & drug dependency      3 Credits

SOCP0028 Social work dissertation 2      12 Credits

SOCP0029 Legislation for social work practice 2           6 Credits

SOCP0030 Developing professional competence 3: principles of practice      3 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

SOCP0031 Community care      6 Credits

SOCP0032 Mental health      6 Credits

SOCP0033 Children & families      6 Credits

SOCP0034 Working with offenders      6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

SOCP0035 Social work placement 2      30 Credits

Return to Programme/Unit Catalogue 1998/99

[University of Bath]