Unit Catalogue
ARCH0001: Acoustics & sound control
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To strengthen the link between theory and design.
Objectives: To complement previous acoustics courses with an understanding of the analytical methods and practical techniques for the acoustic design of buildings.
Wave theory: plane and spherical waves
Standing waves. Propagation across medium boundaries.
Vibration in buildings: free and forced vibration. Damping. Machine
motion, inertial bases
Traffic noise.
Sound insulation case studies.
Ventilation noise design: - ductborne and regenerated noise
Speech in offices
Open plan offices
ARCH0002: Continuum mechanics 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce continuum mechanics and its application to elasticity, plasticity and fluid mechanics.
The unit is complementary to other units describing the numerical methods which would be used to solve the equations.
Equations in three dimensions using 'Timoshenko notation'. Stress functions. Compatability equations.
Two dimensional elasticity: derivation of del4phi=0 and solutions using polynomials.
Reworking of this using cartesian tensor notation to demonstrate its utility.
Plasticity: Tresca and von Mises yield criteria. Outline proof of upper and lower bound theorems. Application to indentation problems.
Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations in fluid mechanics.
ARCH0003: Building environment 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Introduction to basic concepts and general design issues.
Objectives: To provide a basic vocabulary which enables a sensible discussion of environmental issues. To make students aware of the effects of physical impingements upon the body. The introduction of principal design variables. To use calculations at a basic level sufficient to enable students to make informed decisions about the orientation of buildings, the choice of building envelope and satisfactory internal conditions.
Seeing: Receptors, stimulus, sensation, adaption, contrast, perceptual constancies
Design criteria: Seeing the world as it is, performance, critical detail, contrast, light level.
Units: Radiant flux, luminous flux, illuminance, luminous exitance.
Calculations: Average illuminance, average daylight factor.
Natural light: Light environments, sunlight and daylight availability, sunpath diagrams.
Windows: Design criteria for windows, area, distribution, position, shape, details.
Comfort: Physiology and metabolism, work performance, criteria, comfort charts.
Air quality: airborne contaminants, O2, CO2, bacteria, odours , ventilation needs.
Climate: Global, macro, micro, built form related to climate, design values.
Properties: radiation, convection, conduction, water vapour
Units: Temperature, irradiance, humidity, moisture content
Fabric: heat gain and loss, U-values, condensation, Building Regulations, peak temps.
Hearing: The experience of sound and the auditory system.
Sound: Its nature, Frequency and wavelength, measurement and quantification.
Units: Decibels, addition of sound levels.
Sound propagation: In free space, within rooms, Reverberation and the Sabine equation.
Sound insulation: Transmission and absorption. Insulation and mass.
ARCH0004: Building environment 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ARCH0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: A review of some design methods encountered in practice.
Objectives: To gain a basic understanding of all principal concerns in buildings including both the modification of external environment using the building envelope and creation of good internal conditions by appropriate building design and the incorporation of necessary electrical and mechanical systems. To be able to do simple calculations as well as apply the knowledge to design projects.
Daylight: Daylight factors at a point, Waldram diagrams, no sky lines. Shading: Design of solar shading to exclude sunlight.
Units of light: Point sources, luminous intensity, luminance, calculation of illuminance.
Light sources: Efficacy, life, colour, rendering, optical size, physical size, flicker, lumen maintenance, starting time, restart time, wattages available, cost. Installations: Choice of luminaire, illuminance ratios, uniformity, regular arrays, lumen method, discomfort glare, disability glare, reflected glare, vector/scalar ratios.
Sound and noise analysis. Propagation of sound: Outside. Sound reflection, diffraction and diffusion. Sound absorption. Sound level and reverberation in rooms. Transmission and insulation: Single partitions. Sound propagation in and out of buildings. Cavity constructions. Flanking transmission. Impact noise insulation. Acoustic design for speech and music: Sightline design, acoustic faults. Outside and enclosed theatres. Concert hall design including the traditional rectangular hall.
Energy: Requirements for heating and cooling, assessments, targets, efficiency. Spaces: Zones of discomfort, action of heat emitters, co-ordination, safety. Ventilation: Natural, mechanical, systems, mixing, distribution patterns. Materials: Choosing appropriate characteristics for walls, ceilings, floors and roofs. Solar heating: Windows, atria, sun spaces, active collection and storage. Heat production: Electricity, oil, gas, centralised and distributed boiler plant, emission control. Sick building syndrome: Causes, avoidance. Air-conditioning: Essential psychrometrics, comfort cooling, ventilation, full air-conditioning. All air systems: High & low velocity, single duct, dual duct, variable air volume/temperature. Air /chilled water: High and low velocity, fan coil, induction, terminal reheat, chilled surfaces. Plant: Central vs. distributed, space requirements, water chillers, cooling towers, air-cooled condensers, air handling units, fresh air intakes, exhausts.
ARCH0005: Building environmental engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To consider the strategy of design for the thermal environment.
To understand the analytical techniques available to investigate the thermal responses of building fabric and the conditions within the building. To provide the information needed to choose an appropriate heating, ventilation or air conditioning system and estimate energy consumption throughout the year.
Passive control: Built form, thermal storage, natural ventilation
Active systems: Heating and air conditioning systems, energy use, automatic controls and energy measurement systems.
Themal modelling software.
ARCH0006: Civil engineering construction
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The course covers the practical, safety and organisational aspects of civil engineering construction and is intended to present an overview of procedures in the industry.
Early roads (Roman to Macadam) and Bridges (beams, arches, trusses to steel and concrete).
Present organisation and procedure - DOT, Welsh Office, etc.
RCU's and County Councils - rules, codes, memoranda.
Road Alignment
horizontal curves, vertical curves, gradients, sight lines.
Pavement Design
rigid, flexible, vertical curves, gradients, sight lines.
Bridge Design
types of crossing, relationship to strata, factors affecting choice of materials and construction, headroom, loading rules.
Cut and fill/embankments
factors affecting excavation and fill (costs, suitability of fill, difficulties of excavation programme etc), calculations for cut and fill, slopes of embankments, compaction.
Piers and caissons, box foundations
buoyancy rafts and basements, piers, open caissons, box caissons, pneumatic caissons. Methods of construction.
Excavating below water table or in water
sheet cofferdams, diaphragms, underwater construction, well-pointing, pumping.
Excavations in cohesive and non-cohesive soils
methods of excavation and shoring, means of determining forces and bending moments in shoring systems.
Tunnelling in rock and in soft ground
types of machines, immersed tubes.
Safety and Health on construction sites, good practice and relationship to law.
ARCH0007: Civil engineering hydraulics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's knowledge and understanding of open channel flow beyond that covered in Fluid Mechanics, and give the student a knowledge of civil engineering structures in which that understanding is applied.
Open channel flow: normal flow, critical flow, Froude Number, surges, hydraulic jump, broad crested weir, narrowing channel, gradually varied flow, backwater curve and surface profiles.
Hydraulic structures: dams, spillways, stilling basins, draw off towers, constant velocity channel, settlement tanks, flow dividers.
ARCH0008: Civil engineering hydraulics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the students some knowledge and understanding of the behaviour of water in and around buildings. To consider the environmental impact of buildings including waste disposal, groundwater and contaminated ground.
The successful student should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject areas described in the content.
Groundwater: wells, groundwater movement, groundwater contamination, dispersion and diffusion.
Water supply: sources of water, purity, hardness, water consumption, methods of treatment, supply networks, supply installations, estimation of demand and sizing, simultaneous demand.
Drainage: foul and surface water drainage, materials and components, sizing and design, ventilation, xewage lifting, sewerage systems, problems with various effluents, septic tanks, disposal to rivers.
Environmental and risk assessment, pollution.
ARCH0009: Computer aided design 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course is intended to introduce students to the use of CAD software in the construction industry and to develop skills using AutoCAD for Windows. In addition students will be given an introduction to the campus network and to the sofware available on machines throughout the University.
By the end of the course student should be able to use AutoCAD to construct 2D drawings and 3D models of their design projects.
By the end of the course student should be able to use AutoCAD to construct 2D drawings and 3D models of their design projects. The course is taught through illustrated lectures, tutorial exercises which students work through in their own time and tutorial classes where they receive help in the CAD Studio.
ARCH0010: Computer aided design 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0009
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will consist of introductory lectures on advanced AutoCAD modelling techniques and optimising design projects for use in 3DStudio. By the end of the course students should be confident in the use of 3DStudio for assigning textured materials with lighting and camera effects to produce rendered stills or animations. The course will be taught through illustrated lectures and tutorials in the CAD studio alongside small projects worked through in the students own time. Submission can either be in the form of rendered stills or a short animation.
ARCH0011: Conservation of historic buildings
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the student sufficient specialist knowledge and insight to enable participation in design and appraisal of engineering work on historic buildings.
To familiarise the student with issues affecting the structural conservation of historic buildings.
To teach the correct methodological approach.
To encourage an interest in historic and architectonic issues.
To encourage a flair for investigation supported by sound structural knowledge.
The mechanics of historic materails, and the assessment of their properties in situ and in the laboratory.
The use of analytical tools in the interpretation of the structural condition of existing buildings.
The methodology for the analysis of historic buildings:
- the collectin of data from different fields of analysis (history, architectonic quality, visual inspection, survey and in situ testing, crack pattern interpretation and structural analysis).
- interpretation of data to produce a final judgement on causes of damage and present safety level, with examples
Choice and implementation of structural conservation techniques. Level of alteration of existing structure, reversibility of new work, homogeneity of old and new materials, with direct involvement in project work.
Dedicated seminars will be used throughout the course, given by representatives of English Heritage and engineering companies.
ARCH0012: Construction 2.2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims are to demonstrate how to integrate construction, building services and engineering into the Design Studio, and to establish standards of technical ('working') drawing technique of a standard that may be expected in the first Professional Placement ARCH0064.
The learning objectives are to provide students with good examples of modern constructional practice, and to assess their ability to apply good practice to a specific building type.
Lectures by representatives of specialist sectors of the building industry.
Preparation of a 1:20 uncut sectional working drawing of a building (usually multi-storey in height) designed during Design Studio 2.1 or 2.2: ARCH0017/18. To be presented together with structural diagrams, building services diagrams, 'U'-value calculations and full descriptive notation.
ARCH0013: Construction 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Metals, glass, coatings and finishes, plastics and insulants.
Performance Criteria
Principles: joint and support design.
Structural gasket and panel, structural and silicone glazed, pressure plate and components.
Case Studies
Hong Kong Bank, B3 + B8 Stockley Park etc.
Site Visit
Stockley Park, Taywood Engineering, Elemeta.
Design Project
Tutorial sessions related to the joint 3rd year design project.
ARCH0014: Construction & materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic understanding of building construction and materials, sufficient to allow students to integrate this knowledge into their design work.
This course will take place within the studio, and will be co-ordinated as much as possible with other studio projects.
The basic human need for shelter.
Natural and man-made materials and textures.
Foundations: strip, raft, piled foundations.
External walls in masonry and brick. Bonding, insulation, coursing, dimensions, junctions.
Eaves, gables and ridges.
Flat roofs, parapets and eaves.
Wall openings. Windows and doors. Jambs, sills, heads, thresholds, sizes and frames. Glazing.
Suspended timber floors. Concrete floors.
Stairs and ramps.
Internal walls and partitions. Junctions and finishes.
Glazed walls and roofs. Curtain walling.
Timber construction. The Segal method.
Cladding materials and techniques.
Detailed 3-dimensional studies of junctions.
ARCH0015: Design studio 1.1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students the basic dawing and model making skills required in subsequent project work. To provide an introduction to the design process.
The conventions of architectural and engineering drawing. Orthographic, planometric, isometric and oblique projections. Freehand survey drawing. An introduction to perspective. Consideration of spatial, structural, environmental and constructional issues in the design of a small building.
ARCH0016: Design studio 1.2
Semester 2
Credits: 24
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue, through a series of short structured projects, the exploration of fundamental theoretical and historical themes in architecture begun with the reading programme in Semester 1. The aim of these projects is to provoke students to ask - and suggest some answers to - the basic question, what is this activity called 'architecture' which we propose to devote our careers to? In the process they will also acquire and develop skills in design and communication.
Four major project-programmes are undertaken, each comprising four discrete projects which are separately criticized and assessed. The first programme is a creative application of the themes of the Semester 1 reading programme. The second is devoted to materials, which the four projects explore at a technical, environmental, ecological and emotive level. The third concentrates on the spatial structure and historical evolution of the house, taken as a paradigm for architecture in general (Alberti's house-city analogy). The final project explores the perception of architecture and the problems of communicating the architectural experience through a number of examples.
ARCH0017: Design studio 2.1
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0016
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to provide students with specific design skills (as listed in the unit contents), and provide further experience of design process.
The learning objectives are to assess the readiness of students for their first placement experience (Professional Placement 1).
The design and detailing of an interior space. The achievement of quality in space. Materials and the junctions between them. Development of presentation skills. Housing theory through study of housing precedents: through a visit to a British or European city. Housing as an element of urban design The enclosure, planning and detailing of external space Site analysis. There will be a joint design project with engineering students.
ARCH0018: Design studio 2.2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0017
Aims & learning objectives:
Apart from the acquisition of design skills listed in the unit contents, this unit gives continuing experience of the design process, and in particular prepares students for their first placement (Professional Placement 1)
The design and detailing of an interior space
The achievement of quality in space
Materials and junctions between them
Development of presentation skills
Housing theory
Study of housing precedents through a visit to a British or European city
Housing as an element of urban design
The enclosure, planning and detailing of external space
Site analysis
There will be a joint design project with students of engineering in the year.
ARCH0019: Design studio 3.1
Semester 1
Credits: 15
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0018, Co ARCH0093
Aims & learning objectives:
The third year studio syllabus exploits the international profile of the year.
The studio furthers the individual student's capacity for independent architectural thought and its application at all stages of the design process.
The studio explores the relationship between culture, urban form and architecture, allowing students from diverse cultural backgrounds to share their understanding and experiences, as well as the coherent presentation of ideas through suitable media, and on open group discussion of these ideas.
The studio develops skills in working as individuals and as members of a team.
A series of design projects, including a joint design project with students of engineering in the year.
ARCH0020: Design studio 3.2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0019
Aims & learning objectives:
The third year studio syllabus exploits the international profile of the year. The studio furthers the individual student's capacity for independent architectural thought and its application at all stages of the design process. The studio explores the relationship between culture, urban form and architecture, allowing students from diverse cultural backgrounds to share their understanding and experiences, as well as the coherent presentation of ideas through suitable media, and on open group discussion of these ideas.The studio develops skills in working as individuals and as members of a team.
A series of design projects, including a joint design project with students of engineering in the year.
ARCH0021: Design studio 4.1
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0019
Aims & learning objectives:
Part of the year is spent in a joint project with students of engineering, leading to the award of the Basil Spence Prize for the best multidisciplinary teamwork.
In addition, students of architecture will undertake:
The development of design strategies for a significant public space, related to -
The detailed design of a large building with high structural and environmental demands, typically a performance space.
This design will be used, where possible, as a vehicle for assessment for the technical modules in years 3/4.
ARCH0022: Design studio 4.2
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0021
Aims & learning objectives:
Part of the year is spent in a joint project with students of engineering, leading to the award of the Basil Spence Prize for the best multidisciplinary teamwork.In addition, students of architecture will undertake:The development of design strategies for a significant public space, related to - The detailed design of a large building with high structural and environmental demands, typically a performance space. This design will be used, where possible, as a vehicle for assessment for the technical modules in years 3/4.
ARCH0023: Dissertation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To assess the ability of students for original and individual thought and application to a substantial project/ programme of work.
A substantial work of research presented as a short thesis, normally entailing experimental and analytical or numberical modelling and their practical application to a researched topic.
This preliminary unit represents the background reading and planning for the investigation.
Assessment will be together with Dissertation Completion, but a formal presentation must be made by each student describing the background, aims, and proposed methods of their dissertation, which will carry 50% of the mark for this unit.
ARCH0024: Continuum mechanics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a brief introduction to cuvilear co-ordinates and tensors which are useful for any advanced work in continuum mechanics, the finite element method, or shell theory.
To stimulate the students interest in physics and its relation to some important areas of current engineering research.
Revisio of Navier-Stokes equations and introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Curvilinear co-ordinates, covariant and contravariant base vectors, metric tensor. Tensor product. Tensors in cuvilenear co-ordinates.
Properties of symmetric second order tensors - principal values and directinos, Mohr's circles in three dimensions. Definition of stress and strain in curvilinear co-ordinates.
Christoffel symbols and covariant differentiation. Equilibrium equations in curvilinear co-ordinates.
Constiutive equations in elasticity, plasticity and fluid mechanics using curvilinear co-ordinates.
Geometry of surfaces, metric tensor, second fundamental form, normal curvature and twist, mean and Gaussian curvature. Order of covariant differentiation, Reimann-Christoffel tensor. Gauss's theorem and the Codazzi equations.
Membrane equilibrium equations. Application to shell and tension structures.
Discussion of ccurvilinear co-ordinates in 4-dimensional space-time, the Bianci relations, the Ricci tensor, the Einstein tensor and the General Theory of Relativity.
ARCH0025: Dissertation completion
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Aims & learning objectives:
As for Dissertation.
The main part of the dissertation work, following on from the 'Dissertation' unit.
ARCH0026: Facade engineering construction
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a knowledge and understanding of the design and construction of building facades.
To give an understanding of the various structural and environmental requirements of facades.
To give a knowledge of the various methods used in facade construction, and of how they meet design requirements.
Design principles
Windows, curtain walling, slope glazing, overcladding. Front sealed, drained and ventilated and pressure equalised systems.
Glass, aluminium, steel, PVC.U, G.R.P., G.R.C., bricks, natural stone, precast concrete, finishes, sealants, gaskets.
Performance criteria
Water penetration, air leakage, wind, thermal mass and insulation, condensation, acoustics, building movement, thermal movement, ventilation, fire, security, blast.
Specification and contracts
Nature of the industry, construction/manufacturing, specification, contracts, installation.
Joints, anchorages, stick systems, panellised systems, untied systems, tolerances.
ARCH0027: Electrical engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the student a basic knowledge of those aspects of electrical engineering most pertinent to civil engineering and building design.
Basic units, electromagnetic theory, AC generation, phasor diagram, power factor, three phase supply, transformer characteristics, AC machines, power electronics
ARCH0029: Environmental design
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0004
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To improve students confidence to use building environmental design as a major positive factor in the design of buildings.
Objectives: To examine in some detail the objectives of design using examples from practice. The course will use the joint design project as a vehicle for the early lectures in the course.
Design: Designed appearance, enclosure, structure, rational use of colour.
Combined lighting: Exploitation of natural light, control of electric lighting.
Design criteria: Establishing criteria, isolation of variables, effects of experimentation.
Display: Art galleries, museums, principles of design, conservation.
Nightime lighting: Security, floodlighting of buildings.
Green buildings: Integrated design.
Principles of internal room acoustic design.
Acoustic design of lecture and drama theatres.
Multi-purpose hall design.
Noise control in buildings.
Case histories of internal acoustic and noise control design.
Guidance for the final year joint design project.
Choice between passive and active control of internal environment. incorporating major Building services.
ARCH0030: Facade engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the knowledge and understanding gained in Facade Engineering Construction by examining the engineering issues involved in current developments in Window and Cladding Technology.
Brittle materials, anchorages and fixings
Engineering use of adhesives
Structural/ cladding interaction
Structural use of glass
Heat transfer, thermal capacity, component temperatures, shading, moisture and condensation
Advanced glazing
Durability, weathering
ARCH0033: Geology
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Requisites: Co ARCH0212
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a general knowledge of geological processes appropriate to the needs of a civil engineer, and to teach basic methods of interpretation of simple geological maps
Soil and rock description. Particle size classification. Definitions of voids ratio, Moisture content, density, Atterberg Limits with explanation of their relevance.
Plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes.
Formation and characteristics of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.
Intrepretation of simple geological maps, producing accurate cross-sections for inclined and faulted strata, includingg unconformities, and sketch cross-sections for folded strata. To be able to appreciate the topography from the geology in common situations.
Processes of weathering, erosion and transportation. The formation of sediments in different environments and key characteristics.
Intrepretation of simple geological maps, producing accurate cross-sections for inclined and faulted strata, includingg unconformities, and sketch cross-sections for folded strata. To be able to appreciate the topography from the geology in common situations.
The Hydrological cycle and occurrence of ground water.
ARCH0034: Geotechnical engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an understanding of the behaviour of piled foundations, and of the principles, theory and methods used in their design and analysis.
Earth Retaining Structures
Soil as fill.
Reinforced soil.
Piling : construction and design of single piles and pile groups. Types of pile and appropriate analytical methods, related to site investigation methods. Calculation of working loads and settlements.
ARCH0035: History & theory 1.2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce students of architecture to architectural literature, and to enable them to read this literature effectively, and to use it when developing work in the studio.
The learning objectives are to provide students with key texts that have influenced the course of architectural history, and to assess their ability to identify the relationship between architectural ideas and form.
Following the structured reading that will have taken place in the first semester, students will be invited to implement what they have learned through special projects within the design studio.
ARCH0036: History & theory 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to enable students to use their basic knowledge of achitectural history and theory to develop their own opinions, and to understand the theoretical issues that confront us today. The course's title is 'Architecture after Modernism'.
Each week students will examine a text selected from an established writer, starting chronologically with Robert Venturi. The range of texts will provide students with a thorough working knowledge of contemporary issues. Following presentation of the selected texts by the students themselves, there will be a structured discussion in which all students will be encouraged to participate. Assessment will be through the presentation of a script of each student's presentation.
Typical subjects areas covered will be:
Venturi; Urban Theorists; PostModerns in Britain; Urban Reconstruction; Privatisation
ARCH0038: History & theory 4
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES75 CW25
Requisites: Pre ARCH0036
Aims & learning objectives:
Designed to complement the project work set in the studio, this unit aims to introduce a range of analytical theories and formal research techniques associated with the proportional design of buildings.
Students are assessed on their knowledge of the application of proportional systems to buildings through history, in relation to a design project in the studio.
Lectures providing a thorough grounding in the history of the use of proportion in architectural design based on recent texts on proportional history and theory. The course is assessed in two modes: by an essay to be completed at the end of the semester; and by a studio project in which students use principles of proportion in their design work.
ARCH0039: History & theory 5
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
An introductory course examining the effect of theoretical positions on design activity and the kind of explanation which can be put forward for architectural solutions.
The area and nature of theories; boundary between history and theory and between practice and theory.
Building types as equivalent of biological species; 18th and 19th century French history.
Activity and space links in primative functionalism; the importance of the brief.
Space and activity as unrelated phenomena; flexibility as a determinant; the architecture of Mies van der Rohe.
Categories of space as in served and servant spaces; the architecture of Louis Kahn.
Defined criteria and solutions for aspects of the environment; Christopher Alexander's 'Pattern Language'.
Popper's hypothetico - deductive theory and its implications; model selection and model shifts.
The library as a building type; development of the library plan.
The museum as a building type; analysis of characteristics.
Case studies of Louis Kahn and Carlo Scarpa.
ARCH0040: History and Theory 1.1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to provide a summary of key architectural movements from classical to modern times, alongside an overview of the historical development of civil engineering.
The learning objectives are to provide students with good examples of constructions that have influenced the course of building history, and to assess their ability to identify the factors that determine the quality and contribution of such buildings to society.
Different lecturers from within the Department will provide a series of discrete lectures in which the period, movement or area of activity is examined through key buildings and structures.
ARCH0041: History/ Case studies civil and structural engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To strengthen the basic understanding of structures given to the students in Structures 1 by relating it to the history of civil and structural engineering, and to the design of specific structures through case studies.
The student should axquire a knowledge of the history of civil and structural engineering. The student should acquire an understanding of the way in which that history, together with an understanding of statics, informs the design of structures.
A range of lecturers from within and outside the School will give a series of discrete lectures examining a period of historical development or the design of a specific structure.
ARCH0042: Industrial placement 1
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain experience and knowledge of civil engineering in practice, and to report on an area of interest.
Practical experience and first hand observation of civil engineering and construction, preferably on a construction site as an employee of a contractor, but possibly as an employee of a consultant with visits to sites. The student is supported in finding an employer, but the School cannot guarantee that every student will be employed.
All students will be given an academic supervisor for the duration of the unit. Students who obtain employment in the UK will normally be visited at their place of work; otherwise, communication will be maintained by other means.
Should a student fail to find a job, they would be expected to carry out a relevent study in the area in which they live; their supervisor will discuss this study with them, and give guidance where required.
Students will be assessed for the award of the credits on the basis of a report on one aspect of the work they have done.
ARCH0043: Industrial placement 2
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain experience and knowledge of civil engineering design in practice, and to report on an area of interest.
Practical experience and first hand observation of civil engineering desgn, preferably in a consulting practice. The student is supported in finding an employer, but the School cannot guarantee that every student will be employed.
All students will be given an academic supervisor for the duration of the unit. Students who obtain employment in the UK will normally be visited at their place of work; otherwise, communication will be maintained by other means.
Should a student fail to find a job, they would be expected to carry out a relevant study in the area in which they live; their supervisor will discuss this study with them, and give guidance where required.
Students will be assessed for the award of the credits on the basis of a report on one aspect of the work they have done.
ARCH0044: Industrial placement M2
Semester 1
Credits: 24
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain experience and knowledge of civil engineering design in practice, and to report on an area of interest.
Practical experience and first hand observation of civil engineering desgn, preferably in a consulting practice. The student is supported in finding an employer, but the School cannot guarantee that every student will be employed.
All students will be given an academic supervisor for the duration of the unit. Students who obtain employment in the UK will normally be visited at their place of work; otherwise, communication will be maintained by other means.
Should a student fail to find a job, they would be expected to carry out a relevant study in the area in which they live; their supervisor will discuss this study with them, and give guidance where required.
Students will be assessed for the award of the credits on the basis of a report on one aspect of the work they have done.
ARCH0045: Industrial project IP1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT100 or CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give experience in solving a real industrial problem under both industrial and academic supervision.
Structural or Environmental Engineering Design carried out in industry with academic links, following or during the second industrial placement M2.
For students who are unable to gain an industrial placement the project IP1 will be undertaken as a sponsored project on behalf of one of the companies who would normally employ students. In this case the project will be undertaken wholly at the University (in labs or CAD labs) during the first part of term 2 and before commencement of Semester 2.
ARCH0046: Industrial project IP2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give further experience in solving a real industrial problem under both industrial and academic supervision.
Structural or Environmental Engineering Design linked with industry sponsorship, following on from Industrial Project IP1, but for all students based in the University under closer academic supervision.
ARCH0047: Laboratory 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate material covered in lecture-based units and demonstrations, and to introduce good civil and environmental engineering laboratory and practical techniques.
To develop skills in the writing up and analysis of practical work.
Laboratory experiments and exercises in geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, fluid mechanics, acoustics and lighting
ARCH0048: Laboratory 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce more sophisticated laboratory techniques including electronic instrumentation and data logging, and to give experience of some of the methods and apparatus referred to in lecture modules.
Laboratory experiments and exercises in geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, fluid mechanics, acoustics and lighting
ARCH0049: Landscape
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To raise awareness of the physical environment around buildings and its modification, through passive and active technical means.
Understanding the Site:
An introduction to the principles of landscape assessment and the basic methods of recording and analysing site specific landscape and ecology information so that it can be used effectively in the design process.
Landscape Design theory:
Including an outline understanding of landscape design history from prehistory to today and an introduction to contemporary landscape planning and design.
Introduction to the basic principles of ecology with an emphasis on the planning and design of ecological landscapes.
Landscape and Buildings:
Providing a basic outline of how landscapes influence the design of buildings including consideration of energy conservation, setting, daylighting, access, external spaces, choice of materials and colours, construction methods, orientation, views and long term management.
Technical details:
An introduction to the basic principles of landscape detailing to include consideration of paving, planting, boundaries and edges, changes in level and water features.
ARCH0050: Lighting
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Lighting for civil engineering projects and overall building form.
Objectives: Introduction to external lighting which may be experienced by practicing civil engineers. The calculation of sky factors to enable rapid estimation of sky components in order to assess the adequacy of window design.
Applications: Streetlighting, Floodlighting,Tunnel lighting, Sports lighting,
Light sources: Discharge light sources, luminaires.
Theory: Adaption time, apparent brightness, unit hemisphere, vector summation method.
ARCH0051: Lightweight structures
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the theory and practical design of lightweight wide-span structures, particularly tensile membranes, cable networks, grid shells, air-supported and pneumatic structures.
Characteristics, behaviour and analytical methods for funicular cable structures subject to uniform and non-uniform loadings. Effects of elastic extensino, temperature effects, support settlements and cable slip.
Matrix methods for geometric and material non-linear cable and membrane structures. Incremental, Newton-Raphson and modified N-R methods. Zero stiffness controls in the iteration process. Implicit and explicit integration vector methods.
Dynamic Relaxation applied to shell, space and tension structures. Form-finding controls.
Kinetic and viscous damping.
Behaviour and modelling of prestressed fabric membranes. Crimp interchange and on-off non-linear material properties modelling.
Computer Aided Design packages for form-finding and analysis of membrane, cable network, grid shell and pneumatic structures.
Wind load response and numerical and physical modelling.
Practical design aspects for steelwork, membrane and foundation design, steelwork detailing and steelwork and membrane fabrication patterning. Assembly and on-site construction procedures.
The course will entail design project studies embracing conceptual and structural engineering dsign and detailing using both CAD and physical modelling methods.
ARCH0052: Management 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
An introductory course concerning the management of the construction industry and the roles and responsibilities of the professions.
Procurement of construction work tendering, design and build, project management. Contractors and sub-contractors.
Organisation of construction sites - the roles of architect, engineer, contractor, project manager.
The importance of construction sequence, time, critical paths.
The course is designed to develop the individual's concept of employment, professional duties and the 'business of business' by:
1. Ensuring an understanding of the various ways in which the design team may be structured.
2. Demonstrating the role and differing levels of the professional's responsibility within each structure.
3. Generating an understanding of sole trader, partnership and corporate entities.
4. Examining the laws governing employment.
5. Discussing personal promotion in terms of the use of technology, e.g. the use of computer technology for the presentation of c.v.'s and the like.
ARCH0053: Management 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0052
Aims & learning objectives:
These courses are designed to ensure an understanding of the Architect's authority under the terms of the standard forms of contract and the effect that the exercising of that authority may have on the client in terms of time and money.
The course will further examine the Architect's responsibility and liability, in law, for the adverse effects of decisions and actions that may ultimately be proven to have been made wrongfully. This course will further generate an appreciation of due legal process.
ARCH0054: Management 2C
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a general knowledge of legal and contract obligations in the construction industry.
Law and contract
- Introduction to English law and legal system
- Law of contract
- Law of torts
- Construction contracts
ARCH0055: Management 3C
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a knowledge of the economics of the construction industry.
Project economics and finance
circular flow of income, multiplier, accelerator, construction in the economy
construction as an investment, investment appraisal
construction work allocation, tendering
introduction to economics of building, productivity, buildability
valuing construction work, forecasting, cash flows
demand for construction, financial institutions, etc
new building, refurbishment, urban regeneration, etc
ARCH0056: Management 4C
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a working knowledge of project and business management in the construction industry.
Project Management
anatomy of a project
project boundaries
multi-project planning- managing the project team
managing the project tools
Business management in construction
corporate policy, objectives, strate-gies, tactics, communications
human factors; networks, leadership, group theory, power and influence
ARCH0059: Mathematics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a general mathematical basis for the development of engineering subjects at first year level of the civil engineering courses.
Elementary functions
Exponential and logarthmic functions, hyperbolic functions and inverses in logarithmic form, inverse circular functions.
Differentiation and its applications
Maximum and minimum values, inflection points, tangents, normals, curvature, solution of non-linear equations using Newton's method, limits.
Integration and its applications
General revision of techniques, by parts, use of partial fractions, substitution, length of curves, areas and volumes, first and second moments, centre of gravity, parallel and perpendicular axes theorem.
ARCH0060: Mathematics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a general mathematical basis for the development of engineering subjects at first year level of the civil engineering courses.
Infinite series
Maclaurin and Taylor's series, binomial expansion, ideas of convergence, geometrical series, comparison, ratio and integral tests, l' Hôpital's rule.
Complex numbers
Complex plane, Cartesian, polar and exponential forms, algebra of complex numbers, de Moivre's theorem multiple roots, complex logarithm.
Basic descriptive statistics, his-tograms, stem-and-leaf plots, cumulative frequency, measure of location and dispersion, mean, mode and median, upper and lower quartiles, variance and standard deviation. Concept of probability, exclusivity, dependence and independence of events, conditional probability. Binomial and Poisson distributions.
ARCH0061: Mathematics 3 & computing
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a general mathematical basis for the development of engineering subjects at second year level of the civil engineering courses.
Differential equations
Simple first order using separation of variables and integrating factor. Linear equations with constant coefficients using trial method for particular integral. Simultaneous equations. Application of differential equations to mechanical systems and structural problems. Numerical solution of first order equations.
Functions of several variables
Partial differentiation. Small errors. Taylor's theorem. Maxima and minima. Method of least squares. Regression.
Determinants and matrices
Properties of determinants. Matrix algebra. Solution of simultaneous equations using the matrix inverse. Cramer's rule and Gauss elimination. Consistency.
An introduction to the principles and techniques of computer programming using C++.
ARCH0062: Mathematics 4
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a general mathematical basis for the development of engineering subjects at third year level of the civil engineering courses.
Fourier series
Full and half-range series. Odd and even functions, odd harmonics.
Laplace Transforms
Basic theory for simple functions, derivatives and integrals, step and impulse functions. Solution of differential equations. Periodic functions. Convolution integral.
Elementary vector analysis
Basic definitions and algebra. Scalar and vector products. Equations of lines and planes. Geometrical interpretations, orientation of planes, volumes of solids.
Partial Differential Equations
Separation of variables, Laplace's equation, diffusion and wave equations.
Numerical analysis
Solution of non-linear equations, zeros of polynomials, both real and com-plex. Finite differences, interpolation using Lagrange and Newton difference formulae. Error estimation, splines, Chebychev polynomials.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Euler, improved Euler, Runge-Kutta methods. Accuracy and stability. Initial and boundary value problems.
ARCH0063: Numerical modelling
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide practice in the computational formulation and solution of engineering problems; principally related to structures but including field problems such as seepage and fluid flow.
The theoretical basis for computer packages used or demonstrated will be studied and students will develop their own (simplified) computer programs or routines for the numerical methods employed. These will cover step-by-step integration methods for the modelling of structural dynamics, heat transfer and potential flow problems. Individual projects will be undertaken to cover one of these areas and will be presented in seminar groups covering all aspects.
ARCH0064: Professional placement 1
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims and objectives are stipulated as part of an RIBA Practice Logbook to be completed by the student and his/her employer.
The thin sandwich system at Bath offers students of architecture the opportunity to experience a range of employment in architectural practices, or on other activities that are related to the academic and professional nature of the course.The Department will support all students in their search for placements, and will in particular offer guidance in the preparation of applications. However, employment is not guaranteed, and students who are not successful will be encouraged to pursue activities that will form a useful contribution to their development.
Students will be assessed for the award of the cedits attached to this unit on the basis of a written report on the work they have done.
ARCH0065: Professional placement 2 (Bath)
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims and objectives are stipulated as part of an RIBA Practice Logbook to be completed by the student and his/her employer.
The thin sandwich system at Bath offers students of architecture the opportunity to experience a range of employment in architectural practices, or on other activities that are related to the academic and professional nature of the course.The Department will support all students in their search for placements, and will in particular offer guidance in the preparation of applications. However, employment is not guaranteed, and students who are not successful will be encouraged to pursue activities that will form a useful contribution to their development.
Students will be assessed for the award of the cedits attached to this unit on the basis of a written report on the work they have done.
ARCH0066: Professional placement 2 (Socrates)
Semester 2
Credits: 21
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
ARCH0067: Project C2/SE2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the art of resolving apparently conflicting architectural and engineering requirements in the context of a simple building.
Structural and Environmental Engineering Design linked with architecture and engineering studio
Precedent lectures are used to discuss relevent examples.
Suitable buildings might include a woodworking shop used for training, a small exhibition space, or a visitor centre with spans typically up to 10m. Structural issues should cover the overall conceptual design, choice of apprpriate materials, sizing of members and connection details, and simple foundation design. Environmental issues should concentrate on light, sound and energy control.
The proportion of time spent on common group working with the architectural students is about 25% (at the early stages of the project).
ARCH0068: Project C3/SE3
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop skills in integration of engineering and architectural objectives to produce creative and competent designs.
Structural and Environmental Engineering Design linked with architectures studio.
Precedent lectures are used to discuss relevent examples.
Suitable buildings might include a community centre, an electronics factory with spans typically up 15m. Structural issues should include the integration of architectural and environmental aspects in the complete conceptual design, the design to codes of practice of all principal members, connection details and construction aspects, and the design of foundations. Environmental issues should include optimal use of daylight, solar heating, natural ventilation, noise from surroundings.
The proportion of time spent on group working with the architectural students is up to 50% (in the first half of the project development).
ARCH0069: Project C4
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students experience in developing a complex scheme working in teams with architecture students.
Precedent lectures are used to discuss relevent examples.
The building type will have more complex planning problems and potential for elegance to suit the needs of the architects. There should be environmental conditions to consider, ie air conditioning/ natural ventilation to compare, and lighting and acoustic problems.
Types of building which are suitable include autitoria based (theatre, opera house, concert hall - all have potential for interesting structures, eg cable, domes, frameworks etc), museum (differing types from art galleries to 'Exploratory' type, and libraries, requiring exclusion of noise and good lighting ), industrial (eg brewery, with the process providing a problem), or sports complex. All have air conditioning / natural ventilation, potential for interest visually as well as in services and structure, and heavy foundation loads.
The project will be tutored both by academic staff and industrial visiting tutors.
ARCH0070: Project C5/M5
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the wider urban issues and how they affect structural, environmental and architectural design, and give them some experience of resolving those issues.
Joint design work with BArch students involving consideration of civil, structural and environmental engineering design issues in a broad urban context. Normally a real current development project will be used for this brief, and the project will involve the full structural, geotechnical and environmental design for a particular building or small complex of buildings within the development.
Precedent lectures are used to discuss relevent examples, and the work is tutored by visiting architects and engineers.
ARCH0071: Project CS4
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop further the project designed in Project C4
The development and structural engineering design of particular aspects of project C4 to professional levels of competence.
This more detailed design development is carried out by students individually and will usually also give rise to a substantial revision of the conceptual design. Alternatively, entirely new aspects are developed; the itention in either case is to assess ingenuity and engineering design competence.
Precedent lectures are used to discuss relevent examples. The project is tutored by both academic and industrial visiting tutors.
ARCH0072: Project M1
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give experience in considering both structural and environmental engineering issues in the context of a simple building, with particular emphasis on those areas covered in the co-requisite units.
Application of structural and environmental engineering design in a simple building
ARCH0073: Project M2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Integrated design of a building which can be handled in a simple way architecturally but which gives rise to realistic problems of integration of structure, environmental and services requirements.
Structural and Environmental Engineering Design, with particular emphasis on problems of integration.
ARCH0075: Socrates Exchange & Placement (BSc)
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0018
Aims & learning objectives:
This exchange programme with 12 other European Schools of Architecture provides students with an opportunities to study abroad. Students on this unit learn directly about the architectural values of the institution being visited through design project work and lectures, as well as from travel within the country. The Placement allows them to then extend these experiences into the work-place. They also have an opportunity to perfect their language skills - particularly the technical language relating to design and practice.
This is tailored to the requirements of the individual student, partly by the Socrates co-ordinators (here and at the host university), and according to the units being offered by the host institutions. Exchange students complete design projects which is first assessed by the host institution, and marks and a report on each student are sent to Bath. On returning to Bath each student is required to submit their portfolio of designs and Placement logbook to the Socrates co-ordinator for inspection and assessment.
ARCH0075: Socrates exchange
Semester 1
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
ARCH0076: Soil mechanics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the behaviour of soil, and the factors that influence that behaviour.
Seepage, Darcy's law of permeability, definitions of effective stresses and pore water pressure. Introductory flow net, principles.
Non-linear stress-strain character of soils, consolidation of natural deposits, normally consolidated and over-consolidated materials.
The critical state model, isotopic and one-dimensional consolidation, drained and undrained soil behaviour.
ARCH0077: Soil mechanics 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain a knowledge of the way in which the understanding developed in Soil Mechanics 1 can be applied to the design of foundations and soil structures, and how the necessary information is obtained in practice.
The shear strength of soils and applications to retaining wall design, slope stability.
Site investigation and laboratory testing.
Slope stability analysis.
Foundation design - stress distributions, bearing capacity and settlement calculation, related to site investigation techniques.
ARCH0079: Structures 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To make students aware of the role played by structure in the design and building process.
To introduce the concepts of statics and load carrying mechanisms, sufficient for an elementary appraisal of structures.
To familiarise students with different types of structural materials and assemblies.
Enclosure of space, spatial forms and structures.
Functional and environmental loads on structures; real and design loads, and the concepts of structural safety.
Stable structures and structural mechanisms.
Newton's laws, free body diagrams, triangles of forces and reciprocal figures.
Static equilibrium and free body diagrams.
The concepts of forces and moments in structural members.
Equilibrium of loads, forces and moments in simple structures; external and internal constraints.
Traditional building materials, their characteristics, and concepts of structural connections. Reinforced Concrete, masonry, timber and steel.
Introduction to load carrying action of trusses, beams, arches, cables and columns.
The concepts of stress, section sizes and shapes.
Pin-jointed trusses: resolving at joints and method of sections; physical behaviour and structural form and efficiency.
Direct stresses and strains; Young's Modulus.
Direct determination of deflections in simple trusses.
Beams and free body diagrams, bending moments and shear forces.
Bending stresses in beams, section shape and structural efficiency; web action and the concept of shear stresses.
Overall efficiency of beams and simple bridges.
Combined bending and axial loading in short columns; the middle third; wall construction; slender columns and stability concepts.
Hanging chains and funicular shapes; simple suspension systems.
Voussoir arches and masonry domes.
Three pin arches and portal frames.
The above topics concentrate on a broad overview of structural concepts and will be supported by laboratory demonstrations, tutorial classes and case studies emphasising the relation between structural and architectural concepts, structural safety and examples of structural failures.
ARCH0080: Structures 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an analytical understanding of the statics and mechanics of statically determinate structures and structural mechanisms.
To introduce students to the internal action of structures, stresses and strains, and the comparative action of statically determinate and indeterminate structures.
To consider in greater detail the range of structures examined conceptually in Structures 1.
To develop a physical and analytical understanding of stresses and strains in two (and three) dimensions, and of the three-dimensional action of structures and components.
The action of statically determinate and indeterminate structures; concepts of redundancy and redistribution of forces; construction tolerances, temperature effects and settlements.
Bending moment and shear force diagrams for beams; comparison of statically determinate and continuous beams.
Bending and shearing stresses in beams; concept of principal stresses, stress trajectories and analolgies with truss action; structural form efficiency.
Centroid, neutral axis, section modulus and beam sectional shape efficiency.
Analysis of suspension systems subject to uniform and non-uniform loading; funicular polygons.
Analysis of three-pin arches and portals; consideration of thrust lines; comparison with two-pin and fixed systems.
Voussoir arches, thrust lines, and their mechanism of collapse.
Deflected forms and bending moments in portal and framed structures; weak beam/ strong column and strong beam solutions (physical action and approximate analysis).
Young''s modulus and Poisson''s ratio; shear modulus; elastic and plastic behaviour; brittle failure and fatigue.
Internal stress equilibrium; Mohr''s circle for stresses and strains; principal stresses and strains.
Failure and safety criteria for common structural materials.
Theory of bending of beams; moment/curvature relations and analysis of deflections.
Shear stresses and shear flow in beams; fabricated and composite beams; welds and shear connectors.
Bending of asymmetric sections.
Torsion of thin-walled closed sections.
Shear centre; torsion of thin-walled open sections; warping constraints in torsion.
Stresses due to combined bi-axial bending, torsion and axial loading in structural members.
Euler buckling load for columns; differing end constraints; imperfections, eccentric loading and initial curvatures.
Plastic moment and reduced plastic moment; concepts of plastic failure mechanisms.
Plastic analysis of continuous beams, portals and pitched portal frames; failure mechanisms and instantaneous centres.
Approximate elastic analysis and plastic analysis of vierendeel girders and multi-storey frames.
ARCH0081: Structures 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0079
Aims & learning objectives:
To consider the historical development of various classes of structures and their form efficiency.
To consider in more detail bridging and vaulting systems through the examination of works by acclaimed engineers.
The historical development and action of various classes of structural forms: suspension chains, cable structures and prestressed mechanisms; funicular vaults, gothic cathedrals and flying buttresses; beams, arches and shells; trusses, girders and space frames; the historical development of high-rise buildings.
The bridges of Telford, Brunel, Eiffel, Maillert, Leonhardt and Calatrava.
The Forth Bridge, Saltash Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge
Conceptual thinking in two and three dimensions.
Gothic cathedrals, fan vaulting and modelling.
The structures of Nervi, Candella and Torroja.
Structure in nature.
Funicular forms, Frei Otto and Antonio Gaudi.
The concept of ideal structural form, Maxwell and Mitchell.
The constraints of real construction.
ARCH0082: Structures 3
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop analytical and conceptual understanding of structural action through the use of compatability methods (virtual work and flexibility analysis).
To develop an appreciation of the importance of construction tolerances and foundation settlements.
To develop understanding of structural analysis using equilibrium methods.
Virtual work and the Unit Load method for calculating deflections.
Maxwell's reciprocal theorem and influence lines.
Flexibility Analysis of statically indeterminate truss and frame structures.
Lack of fit, support settlements and temperature effects.
Virtual work extended to beams subject to bending, shear and torsion.
Torsional and shear deflection of beams.
Derivation of slope deflection relations.
Application of the slope/deflection method to continuous beams, pitched portals and sway frames.
ARCH0083: Structures 4
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
Development of matrix methods of analysis and computer techniques for structural analysis.
To advance the student's knowledge and ability in the plastic analysis of structures, including multibay frames and the yield line analysis of slabs.
Derivation of moment distribution / relaxation concepts.
Application of the moment distribution method to frame structures.
Matrix Methods: stiffness analysis of pin-jointed space trusses and rigidly jointed frames.
Organisation of stiffness method for computation.
Introduction to finite element method.
Finite element method: Shape functions. Application of virtual work and the Rayleigh-Ritz method to the derivation of stiffness and load matrices. Compatibility requirements between elements. Plane stress, plane strain and three dimensional elements. Simple plate bending elements.
Finite element analysis of complete structures; compatibility of in-plane and bending displacements.
Application of Finite Element Computer Package to analysis of frame and slab structures.
Plastic analysis of frames: Upper and lower bound solutions. Instantaneous centres, combined mechanisms for multibay and multistorey frames.
Plastic analysis of slabs and yield line theory: equilibrium and energy methods, isotropic and orthotropic slabs, skew reinforcement. Iterative methods, "Affine" methods.
ARCH0084: Structures 5
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the understanding and application of design procedures for various materials (particularly steel and concrete) related to professional codes of practice.
To cover the effects of vibrations and issues affecting the stability of structures.
Reinforced concrete: beams - T & L beams, doubly reinforced beams, crack widths. Slabs - two way span slabs, flat slabs, strip theory. Columns - combined compression and bending, compression and tension control, derivation of design graphs, moment increase due to slenderness.
Prestressed concrete: derivation of losses, elastic and ultimate analysis. Introduction to shear and end blocks.
Structural steel: lateral torsional buckling. Local buckling of webs, web stiffeners. Combined shear and bending. Column design. Plastic sizing of elements.
Structural timber: properties of timber, strength of joints, slenderness, notching, combined stresses, glued laminated members.
Masonry: strengths and partial safety factors, stress block, slenderness, arching. Wind loading, tensile stresses, precompression. Tables of panel moments.
Single degree of freedom systems: free vibrations, response to step load, sinusoidal load and seismic and inertial excitation.
Dynamic loads: random loads. Earthquakes, rigid model and aeroelastic model wind tunnel tests.
Natural frequencies and mode shapes or buckling loads and mode shapes with a variety of end conditions. Orthogonality conditions. Damping and response to loads including moving loads.
Multi degree of freedom systems: lateral vibrations of beams under constant axial load.
Discussion of post buckled stability via single degree of freedom models. Interaction of buckling and plasticity; lateral torsional buckling of beams.
Modal analysis for vibrations and buckling of structures; eigenvalues, eigenvectors and othogonality conditions.
Damping and geometric stiffness.
ARCH0085: Structures 6
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend previously introduced structural theory and analysis to an appropriate level for a broad coverage of finite element methods.
To develop the understanding and application of finite element methods to a range of structural systems.
To extend understanding of, and the ability to design, prestressed concrete structures.
Numerical methods: revision of matrix methods of analysis as applied to pin jointed trusses, rigidly jointed frames, and finite element modelling of continuum structures. Isoparametric elements, plate and shell elements.
Classical plate theory.
Plate buckling and buckling of thin-walled box-beams.
Non-linear behaviour of structures, geometric and material non-linearity; Newton-Raphson and incremental solution methods. Computer finite element modelling of non-linear problems.
Prestressed concrete: slip losses in prestressed tendons; ultimate conditions in prestressed beams; principal stresses in prestressed beams; composite anchorage, bursting effects. Continuous prestressed concrete members, cable effects, concordant cable line, transformed cable line, effects on support reactions.
ARCH0086: Thermodynamics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Introduction to thermal processes.
Psychrometrics: analysis of air conditioning processes.
Vapour power cycles: steam turbine cycles , power cycles and CHP.
Refrigeration and heat pump systems; multistage vapour compression cycles, refrigerant properties. Absorption refrigeration: analysis of LiBr systems; comparison with NH3 systems.
Compressors: compressor types and applications, analysis and characteristics of compressors, compressors for air conditioning.
Fuels and combustion: introduction to fuel types, classification and properties; combustion processes, combustion equations, stoichiometric analysis, combustion efficiency.
ARCH0087: Surveying 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ARCH0212
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students the knowledge and skills required to carry out an engineering survey of a small site.
Object and application of surveys - basic functions of survey instruments - survey planning - assessment of accuracy.
Measurements of distance - direct tape measurements - cumulative errors in chainage measurements and corrections applied. Principles of electronic methods of distance measurement.
Measurement of level - types of levels - levelling procedures and methods of booking - errors - reciprocal levelling - recording and plotting levels.
Measurement of angles - principles and operations of the theodolite - scope of use - instrument errors and adjustments. Usage of theodolite and computation for tacheometry, traverse surveys, triangulation.
After a series of initial practice periods with survey instruments the course concludes with a survey project consisting of the measurment of a closed traverse around a land plot and its detailed mapping.
ARCH0088: Surveying 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the student's knowledge of surveying by giving them an understanding of how terrerial and aerial photogrammetry can be used in support of engineering projects.
Definition, history, uses and application of photogrammetry.
Photographic measurements, coordinate systems, scale and relief displacement.
Stereoscopic viewing, depth perception, the human eye, principle of parallax.
Terrestrial photogrammetry.
Geometry of photo pairs, intersection procedures for computation of coordinates for parallel and angled camera sights.
Planning air photography, flight map, required photo scale, end and side flap.
Surveying accuracy / errors
Differences between random and systematic errors, observations not equally precise, assessment of accu-racy.
Sources of Errors in photogrammetry and plain survey work.
Assessment of acceptable tolerances in construction and building.
Laboratory / practical work
Measurement of point coordinates on Terrestrial photographs.
Practical Terrestrial camera exercise for comparative appraisal of method's accuracy.
Air photo studies, stereoscopic methods of parallax measurement, elevations by parallax differences.
Review of photogrammetric equipment, camera requirements, comparators.
ARCH0089: Thermofluids
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The movement of energy and fluids in buildings.
Dimensionless analysis and similarity : Introduction to the principles of dimensionless analysis; determination of dimensionless groups; use of dimensionless groups in experimental investigation.
Turbo-machinery Performance characteristics of rotodynamic machines; centrifugal, axial and mixed flow pumps and fans; use of specific speed for pump selection; simple applications of network machine systems. Euler one dimensional theory for axial and centrifugal turbomachines.
Introduction to heat transfer :General conduction equation, 2-D steady state solutions; 1-D unsteady state, lumped parameter approach, Biot and Fourier numbers.
Convection : Velocity and temperature boundary layers, calculation of convection coefficients, use of dimensionless parameters in heat transfer, analogies between momentum and heat transfer; dimensionless correlations in forced and natural convection.
Radiation : Laws of radiant heat transfer, radiation properties of real materials, geometric factors. Radiation networks in buildings.
Extended surfaces : Analysis of heat transfer from fins, overall U-value for extended surfaces.
Heat exchangers : Analysis of parallel and counterflow exchangers, log mean temperature difference and Transfer Unit approaches, fouling factors. Heat recovery devices used in buildings
ARCH0093: Urban studies report
Semester 1
Credits: 9
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Co ARCH0019
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this course are twofold: firstly, to introduce students to issues of urban design, to the ideas and ideals which have shaped cities in Europe and America. Secondly, to introduce students to the methodology of academic writing.
The course will be taught through one introductory lecture covering the 20th century literature on city development, and through subsequent supervisions agreed between the students and their tutors. The students will be required to select a region or 'neighbourhood' of a city in Europe or America and to discuss the changes to the structure of that city region over the last 50 years (ie post war), emphasising the shifting relationship between monuments and fabric, between nature and built form, emphasising wherever possible the competing 'visions' of the city which have shaped the chosen area in the second half of the 20th century.
ARCH0094: Urban studies dissertation (Socrates)
Semester 2
Credits: 9
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
ARCH0095: Wind & earthquake engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable understanding of the use of power spectra analysis in the design of structures (e.g., how do you plan wind tunnel tests to give the information necessary to predict the rms acceleration of a building caused by the peak ten minutes of a storm with a return period of five yers?).
The nature of wind, flow around angular, curved and streamlined bodies. Vorticity and turbulence. The effect of terrain. Introduction to the statistics of extremes, return periods, gusts, etc.. Introduction to codes and standards. Wind tunnel testing. Comfort criteria limiting sway of tall buildings.
Introduction to aero-elasticity, flutter, galloping and divergence. Aero elastic wind tunnel tests.
The causes of eartquakes, prediction of ground movements. Effects of earthquakes on buildings and other structures. Introduction to codes and standards. Rules for the design of earthquake resistant buildings and structures.
Description of wind and earthquake loads using power spectra. 'Reconstitution' of load from power spectrum. Fourier tansform, auto-correlation and cross-correlation.
Use of modal analysis to predict the root mean square building acceleration from power spectrum of load.
The use of tuned mass dampers to reduce the motion of tall buildings.
ARCH0096: Socrates exchange (MArch)
Semester 1
Credits: 24
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This exhange programme with 12 other European Schools of Architecture provides students with an opportunity to study abroad from October to December. As the usual exchange period for Bath students occurs in year 3 of the BSc in General Architectural Studies, it is usual for incoming students to the BArch course from other UK institutions to take advantage of SOCRATES at this time. Students on the programme learn from first-hand experience about the architectural values of another European country, by travelling within the country, and perfecting their knowledge of its language.
The unit is undertaken prior to commencement of units based at the University.
The content of the SOCRATES Exchange is tailored to the requirements of the individual student in collaboration of the host institution in which the student is placed. SOCRATES Exchange students complete project work which is assessed by the host institution and marks and a report are sent to Bath. On returning to Bath each student is to submit their Socrates portfolio for inspection by the Director of Studies of the MArch programme.
ARCH0097: Placement MArch
Semester 1
Credits: 24
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Graduation in the BSc in General Architectural Studies takes place in March of the year preceding the commencement of the BArch course. The RIBA require architecture students to work in an architectural practice for a minimum of 5 months on completing a first degree in architecture and before commencing the BArch course (or its equivalent leading to Part 2 exemption of the RIBA examinations), though a period of 10 months is the normal period worked by most graduates at this level. Aims and objectives are stipulated as part of an RIBA Practice Logbook to be completed by the student and his/her employer.
The unit is undertaken prior to commencement of units based at the University.
The content of the Placement is tailored to the requirements of the individual student in collaboration of the host office in which the student is placed, and in line with the check-list of activities compiled by the RIBA. Placement students are visited in their work-place by the RIBA Professional Practice Officer at Bath, who also scrutinises and counter-signs the RIBA Practice Logbook completed by the student.
ARCH0098: Design studio 5.1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The exploration of architecture within an a UK urban context explored through Architectural Design. The course builds on knowledge acquired during the first degree in architecture, with an emphasis on architectural design and planning in an urban context. It involves the exploration of architecture within a UK urban context explored through Architectural Design in the Studio. Students should demonstrate an understanding of the historical and cultural evolution of the city being studied and provide an overview - through text and drawings - of its present condition.
Field trip lasting not less than three days to study a UK town or city. Collection in groups of visual, historical, social and cultural information relating to its urban development. Presentation in groups through drawings, photographs and models of the past and present character and future potential of the area. Written documentation as necessary supportive of visual and verbal presentations.
Specialist expertise will be provided by visiting Architectural, Landscape, Environmental and Structural Engineering consultants, and visiting design critics will be invited at appropriate times during the project.
ARCH0099: Design studio 5.2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The exploration of architecture within an a UK urban context explored through Architectural Design. The course builds on knowledge acquired during the first degree in architecture, with an emphasis on architectural design and planning in an urban context presented in unit Design Studio 5.1 (ARCH0098). Students are to demonstrate a competence in the integrated design of a range of building types while producing architecturally elegant designs.
The formulation of group and/or individual design briefs using material accumulated in Design Studio 5.1 (ARCH0098) for different building types (public and residential) in different locations within the established urban context. The design to be presented at a drawing scale not less than 1:100 through plans and sections of key examples of these types, and supplemented by models (physical and/or computer models). Designs will be developed with due regard to aesthetic and technical requirements pervailing nationally and especially within the urban context studied; and with due regard to the perceived long-term social and physical needs of the local community.
Specialist expertise will be provided by visiting Architectural, Landscape, Environmental and Structural Engineering consultants.
ARCH0100: Construction studies
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend awareness of high quality building construction through individual case studies of buildings selected by the co-ordinator and researched by individual students and presented for discussion in the form of an illustrated report and a physical or computer generated model.
Six lectures on the approaches of architects to six different building types in differing contexts. Individual tutorials to develop the design of building types which constitute Design Studio 5.2., and to understand the specific qualities and characteristics of the particular building to be presented in its cultural context.
ARCH0101: Management 5
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To demonstrate the need for advance planning in the cost of construction works, and for the combined control of expenditure. To develop an understanding of estimating procedures, cost analysses and the impact of design changes upon costs. To provide an advanced knowledge of the practice of architecture, the place of the discipline in the construction industry, and the professional role of the architect.
To include 6 lectures on Building Cost Control (5A), and 6 lectures on Architectural Practice, Management & Law (5B). Building Cost Control: 1. The nature of cost planning and the preparation and use of viability studies; 2. Estimates of capital construction cost and cost analyses; 3. Sources of cost information; 4. Impact of design on cost and principles of cost control; 5. Cost reporting procedures and preparation of final accounts; 6. Cost benefit analysis, cost-in-use and life cycle costing. Architectural Practice, Management and Law: 1. Looking at sources of work, the appointment process, management and design process; 2. Areas of work for the architect, types of client, marketing, the strategic view of the profession; 3. Contracts of appointment, codes of conduct, fees, consultants, collateral warranties, registration acts; 4. The RIBA Job Book, Planning ahead, pricing the job, tendering procedures for the architect, communication in the office, feedback and development; 5. job getting, confirming the appointment, planning the work, pricing for fees, dealing with warranties and appointing other consultants; 6. Revision and general discussion.
ARCH0102: Urban history & theory
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a background to current and historical debates about the city, and also the urban situation being studied in units Design Studio 5.1 and Design Studio 5.2.
The course commences with 7 lectures on Western Urban Ideals and continues with accounts of major world cities in the context of particular historical periods: 1. The Idea of the Town in antiquity; 2. Italian Renaissance urban planning; 3. Stuart London, Georgian Bath and Edinburgh; 4. East and West Coast USA; 5. Developments in Asia and Australasia; 6. Developments in Continental Europe; 7. London. . A minimum of 8 student led seminars will explore the relationship between urban design theory and practice. The course is examined through illustrated seminar papers presented by students.
ARCH0103: Landscape & ecology
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To raise awareness of the physical environment around buildings and its modification, through passive and active technical means.
The course will comprise of 3 introductory lectures relating prevalent landscape and ecological attitudes to the context of the urban situation being studied in Design Studio 5.2. Tutorials will develop individual and group responses to such issues by students in the context of design problems which are part of unit Design Studio 5.2.
ARCH0104: Advanced computer imaging
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop Computer Aided Design skills already learnt in the first degree, and in practice, in order to learn new presentation techniques.
The unit commences with a single lecture demonstrating different software visualisation packages and showing examples of their application. This is followed by 12 hours of workshops over the following week. During this time students are required to explore part of one of the building types which they are designing in Design Studio 5.2, by passing their design into a 3-D visualisation package, selecting key view-points which are then lit and rendered to best explain the design concept and realisation of the building/component of the building design.
ARCH0105: Western philosophers
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a forum for the discussion of cultural, aesthetic and philosophical issues relating to architectural design and society at large.
It commences with an introductory lecture outlining the scope of the course, and is followed by student led seminars at which seminar papers are submitted for discussion, and which explore the writings of leading philosophers.
ARCH0106: Dissertation (BArch)
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity for students to study an aspect of architecture in depth, and to present this material primarily in written form. The dissertation is to take the form of an academic piece of writing structured with a clear argument which reaches a balanced conclusion. It is intended to demonstrate an individual's use of written English and powers of reasoning and expression.
The dissertation should be written as a balanced review of archive material, or as a survey of a building and/or associated products. It is to comprise of around 8,000 words on a theme selected by the candidate and agreed to by the dissertation co-ordinators. Emphasis is to be placed on the cultural context of architecture, with particular to respect to the history, theory and urban design of architecture; or, on a technical aspect of architectural design or production. The dissertation is to be written in English and illustrated as necessary. It is to be poperly referenced and provided with a full bibliography. Each student will be appointed a supervisor, and the dissertation assessed by two readers.
ARCH0106: Dissertation
Semester 1
Credits: 15
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity for students to study an aspect of architecture in depth, and to present this material primarily in written form. The dissertation is to take the form of an academic piece of writing structured with a clear argument which reaches a balanced conclusion. The dissertation should be written as a balanced review of archive material, or as a survey of a building and/or associated products. It is intended to demonstrate an individual's use of written English and powers of reasoning and expression.
ARCH0107: Urban design studio 1
Semester 1
Credits: 9
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The exploration of architecture within an a European urban context explored through Architectural Design. The course builds on skills in urban analysis acquired during unit Design Studio 5.1.
Field trip lasting not less than eight days to study a major European city. Collection in groups of visual, historical, social and cultural information relating to its urban development. Presentation in groups through drawings, photographs and models of the past and present character and future potential of the area. Written documentation as necessary supportive of visual and verbal presentations.
Specialist expertise will be provided by visiting Architectural, Landscape, Environmental and Structural Engineering consultants, and visiting design critics will be invited at appropriate times during the project.
ARCH0108: Urban design studio 2
Semester 2
Credits: 21
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Students are to demonstrate a high level of competence in the integrated design of one building type in a major European urban setting, while producing an architecturally elegant design. The course builds on knowledge acquired during unit Design Studio 5.2 (ARCH0098) and Urban design studio 1 (ARCH0107).
The formulation of group and/or individual design briefs using material accumulated in Urban Design Studio 1 for one building type (public or residential) in one location within the established urban context. The design is to be presented at a drawing scale not less than 1:100 through plans and sections, and supplemented by models (physical and/or computer models). The design will be developed with due regard to the technical requirements pervailing in the UK and aesthetically in accordance with the urban context being studied; and with due regard to the perceived long-term social and physical needs of the local community.
Specialist expertise will be provided by visiting Architectural, Landscape, Environmental and Structural Engineering consultants.
ARCH0109: Urban design project reports
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
Design Project Reports will be used to explain the urban context of the European city under investigation in Urban design Studio 1 and 2 (ARCH0107 & ARCH0108), and to describe group and individual architectural and urban design responses to it.
An illustrated A3-sized project report to be produced by a study group/or an individual student describing the cultural and physical context of the city as it was in the past, as it is now, and as it may be developed in the near future. An illustrated A4-sized project report describing the building type designed by each individual student and in its national, regional and local cultural and physical context.
ARCH0110: Management 6
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To determine some of the principles of policy organisation, planning and control that are present in project management in the construction industry. To encourage an understanding of the present strengths and weaknesses of project management, and to appreciate something of the cause and effect in business practice.
Six lectures on Project Management and Building Cost Control: 1. The business syatem and the market, project and enterprise; 2. The participants in the project; 3. Management control; 4. Control of time, resources and money; 5. Corporate Management; 6. Team building.
ARCH0112: Building services engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co ARCH0073
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable the design of mechanical and electrical services.
To understand the techniques available to design various air consitioning systems and choice of suitable plant. To provide tools needed design principal electrical service distribution systems. To consider the design of utility systems within buildings.
Design of heating systems
Design of mechanical ventilation systems
Design of air conditioning systems
Coice of cooling plant and methods of heat rejection,
Design of Utility systems,
Design of hot and cold water services,
Gas distribution
Telephones and communiactions
Waste systems and management.
Design of electrical distribution systems, fault protection, harmonics, interference
Emergency power generation
Fire and security systems.
ARCH0113: History & theory 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a number of key texts dealing with fundamental concepts in architecture: space, proportion, structure, ornament.
The Unit is an unsupervised reading programme. Students work in four groups, each reading and summarizing texts dealing with one of the four concepts.
ARCH0114: Structures 4A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0081
Aims & learning objectives:
To reinforce the understanding of architectural students in the role of statics in determining the form efficiency of structural systems.
A number of architectural projects with significant qualities in their structural engineering and conceptual realisation are examined in the context of their statical actions as a whole and the influence of these actions on the construction detailing.
ARCH0156: Structural conservation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Requisites: Co ARCH0157
ARCH0157: History & theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Requisites: Co ARCH0156
ARCH0158: Historical analysis 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Requisites: Co ARCH0159
ARCH0159: Research methodology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Requisites: Co ARCH0158
ARCH0160: Dissertation (b)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
ARCH0164: Construction 2.1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit aims to encourage a better understanding of the connection between building design, the use of materials and the construction and assembly of buildings.
The learning objectives are to provide students with good examples of modern constructional practice, and where to find these examples in the library and through other sources.
A series of 12 lectures, each on an element of building construction illustrated by extracts from construction text books, building trade (product) information, case studies and a range of completed buildings that are an important source in architectural history. Reference notes accompany each lecture providing information on sources used and available in the library.
ARCH0207: Bridge Engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims and Learning Objectives:
To develop an awareness and enthusiasm for the design, construction and assessment of various forms of bridge structures.
The successful student should be able to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the material given in the content.
The history of bridge engineering, from stone arches and rope-suspension bridges to the wholly plastic Aberfeldy Bridge and the 2km long span Akashi Bridge.
Lessons learned from intermittent bridge collapses.
Bridge components and their nomenclature.
The choice of bridge types and suitablility at specific sites for reasons of constructability, aesthetics, economics, function and available materials.
Issues involved in short, medium and long span bridge design.
Bridge construction techniques available for various applications, and design of the bridge to allow for easier construction.
Design loading on bridges, including dead, superimposed dead, traffic, wind, temperature, earthquake, etc.
Elastic and plastic analysis techniques available for the design of various forms of bridge structure.
Realistic strength assessment of existing highway bridges, so that needless demolition of adequate bridges may be prevented.
Bridges of the future, from short-span to the Messina Crossing.
ARCH0208: Structures design and construction
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre ARCH0079
Aims and Learning Objectives:
To introduce students to the concepts of limit state design and its practical application to reinforced concrete, steel, timber and masonry structural elements.
To further develop analytical and conceptual understanding of structural action through the design of elements and simple structures.
To introduce elements of construction technology as applied to reinforced concrete, steel, timber and masonry construction.
To introduce principles of prestressed concrete.
Structral arrangements to resist vertical loading and wind loading.
Design philosophies (Geometrical principles; P{ermissible stress; LFRD; Limit state). Codes of Practice, Standards, Building Regulations, British Standards, Euro-codes. Design loads and actions. Layout of calculations, drawings.
Reinforced concrete design - materials; singly reinforced rectangular beams; doubly reinforced beams; non-rectangular sections; serviceability - deflection, cracking; shear; detailing of reinforcement; fire resistance; simple retaining wall design.
Structural steel design - steel sections; materials; simple tension members; simple compression members; beam design (bending; lateral restraints; laterally restrained beams; laterally unrestrained beams; shear; deflections); bolted and welded connections.
Structural timber - materials (grading, species); tension; compression; bending; connections.
Structural masonry - materials; compression; bending; shear.
Introduction to principles of prestressed concrete; section stresses; losses; load-balancing.
Introduction to construction technology (steel, concrete, timber, masonry); temporary works used in concrete, steel, timber and masonry construction.
ARCH0209: Architectural history & theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES100
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To offer an introduction to historical and theoretical research in architecture, by analysing the ways in which architecture has been understood - as a practical and/or intellectual discipline - at different points in history. Students should acquire an overview about research methods, and how it is undertaken in research libraries and national archives.CONTENT Lectures and structured discussions will cover the following topics: an introduction to Baths built fabric, showing how the buildings have been appropriated in different ways; the Philosophy of History; defining Legitimate Knowledge, Magic and Alchemy in architecture; and the shaping of history through historical method; the illustrated architecture book in history; Alberti and Vitruvius, the similarities and differences between key concepts in their two treatises; Dom Hans Van Der Laans interpretation of Vitruvius six fundamental principles; the notion of bodily perfection in classical antiquity and the 20thcentury; Richard Payne Knights concern to abolish formulae and regulations in matters of taste. There will also be structured visits to the Building of Bath Museum and the County Records Bath.
ARCH0210: Conservation of historic buildings
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims and learning objectives: An introduction to the range of philosophies and techniques concerning the repair and re-use of historic buildings, drawing on the resource of the classical city of Bath and its regional context. The unit introduces the range of tasks performed by conservation professionals from the repair of individual buildings through to the field of urban management, and describes the historic evolution of structures and the causes of, and remedies for structural defects and decay. The aim is to stimulate debate and to develop individual viewpoints on the issues raised.
Contents: Lectures and discussion include: conservation and classicism in Bath, reviewing the phases of building in Bath, and examining some of the conservation techniques that have been applied locally; the ethics and aesthetics of architectural conservation and a discussion of society's influence on the emergence of twentieth century planning and conservation law; an historical outline of structural engineering, an overview of the history of structures and structural materials; causes of damage and decay in structures; the assessment of structural defects; and repair criteria and techniques; monitoring and maintenance, techniques for ongoing care and maintenance of building structures.
ARCH0211: Environmental Design (Eng)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To improve students confidence to use building environmental design as a major positive factor in the design of buildings.Objectives: To examine in some detail the objectives of design using examples from practice. The course will use the joint design project as a vehicle for the early lectures in the course.
LightingDesign: Designed appearance, enclosure, structure, rational use of colour.Combined lighting:Exploitation of natural light, control of electric lighting.Design criteria: Establishing criteria, isolation of variables, effects of experimentation.Display: Art galleries, museums, principles of design, conservation.Nightime lighting: Security, floodlighting of buildings.Green buildings: Integrated design. Acoustics: Principles of internal room acoustic design.Acoustic design of lecture and drama theatres.Multi-purpose hall design.Noise control in buildings.Case histories of internal acoustic and noise control design.Guidance for the final year joint design project.Thermal: Choice between passive and active control of internal environment. Value engineering.Implications on building design when incorporating major Building services. Fire: An introduction to fire engineering including the nature of fire, the mechanism of combustion and the behaviour of its products. The behaviour of people in fire is examined, the interaction between fire, buildings and other enclosures and the principles of escape and survival studies.
ARCH0212: Surveying and Geology Field Course
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0059, Co ARCH0033, Co ARCH0087
Aims & learning objectives:
To learn how to apply modern surveying techniques appropriate to a larger scale and rougher terrain than can be found on the university campus, and to gain experience in geological field observations.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
appreciate the requirements for carrying out geological and surveying observations in the field;
carry out a limited range of geological field observations;
understand the use of methods for surveying in rough terrain;
appreciate the scale of some geological structures;
be able to describe some geological structures and materials.
Techniques for reconnaisance surveys.
Use of total stations.
Study of glacaited landforms.
Study of coastal and fluvial systems.
Study of patterns of discontinuities and description of materials in outcrops.
ARCH0213: Management 1C
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a basic knowledge of the civil engineering profession and its place in society, and other basic skills needed for obtaining and successfully completing a first industrial placement.
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of what is needed for good written and verbal communication skills, and an awareness of the requirements for the effective use of mass media and graphical communications.
Demonstrate an outline understanding of the importance of the engineer's role in society, and some of the broader issues affecting an engineer's work.
Demonstrate an understanding of the role of professional organisations, and the ethical and behavioural framework within which the engineer is expected to operate.
Demonstrate a knowledge of the routes to corporate membership of ICE and IStructE, and the contribution to be made by the industrial placements.
Demonstrate an ability to find and apply for a job.
Demonstrate an ability to assume responsibility for their personal safety on a construction site.
Communication skills:
Written communication skills (English usage; Word processing; Report writing)
Verbal communication skills (e.g. Presentations; Interviews; Meetings; Conversation)
Mass media
Graphic communication skills (Data presentation)
Organisation of the construction industry:
Sectors, clients, designers, contractors, roles of the various parties
The Engineer & Society:
Role of the engineer
Case studies of contentious engineering products
The basics of English Law as applied to:
Professional responsibility
Professional ethics:
professional organisations (ICE, IStructE)
Code of ethics
Professional behaviour
Professional training:
Employer's role
Sandwich training
Looking for a job:
Matching applicant's and employer's potentials
Applications (C.V.s and covering letters)
Personal safety on construction sites.
BIOL0001: Skills & techniques 1 (basic laboratory & communication skills)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co BIOL0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide students with an opportunity to acquire basic laboratory skills ((general microbiological practice and biochemistry techniques) and communication skills delivered by directed tutorial assignments and computer practical sessions). Tutorial sessions will develop group discussion and presentation skills. Computer sessions will introduce students to Windows, MS Work and BIDS.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* present reasoned arguments and analyses in the form of a word-processed document
* to cite references (in recognised format) which they have obtained form an on-line bibliographical database
* possess skills of accurate autopipetting and spectrophotometric determinations.
Practical skills: Basic quantitative laboratory skills; micro-organism handling; radioisotope techniques. IT skills: Introduction to IT and campus IT facilities; word-processing, BIDS. Presentation skills: Essay writing. Small group discussion work. These skills will be developed during tutorial sessions which have the additional aim of identifying and rectifying weaknesses in subject background.
BIOL0002: Skills & techniques 2 (quantitative skills)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide students with an opportunity to develop data analysis and mathematical skills through statistics workshops, directed tutorial assignments and computer session with Minitab.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* decide on an appropriate statistical test for the analysis of scientific data
* execute basic statistical tests using Minitab and interpret the outcome of such tests
* manipulate and transfer data from one software application to another.
Introduction to quantitative biology, including elementary statistics. Use of Minitab. Numerical calculation workshops. Small group discussion work. Verbal and written presentation.
BIOL0003: Biochemistry 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Co BIOL0001
Pre A-Level Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach the students the pathways of central metabolism and to relate the regulation of these pathways to the homeostasis of the whole organism. In order to appreciate and understand metabolism, the students are taught the fundamental aspects of enzymes and their regulation, and this in turn is necessarily preceded by lectures on protein structure.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* know the pathways of central metabolism
* understand the way in which the cell degrades nutrients in small steps to allow the energy to be trapped and converted to a useful form
* appreciate the way in which central metabolism connects catabolism and anabolism
* understand the regulation of central metabolism with respect to the needs of the organism in relation to its environment
Proteins: amino acids - structures, ionisation and physical properties; primary structure and an overview of protein folding and conformation. Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, regulation. Metabolism: chemistry of monosaccharides, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, regulation of central metabolism.
BIOL0004: Biochemistry 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the central pathways of fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial oxidation and integrate these into overall cell function. To inculcate appreciation of the metabolic pathways into function at the organ and tissue level. To teach the implications of stereochemistry into the biochemistry of key metabolic intermediates.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* appreciate the principles of mitochondrial oxidative function
* understand lipid structure and the pathways of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis
* understand the mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction
* comprehend the stereochemistry of small organic molecules of biological importance
The course is a direct follow on from BIOL0003. Topics studied are 1) mitochondrial bioenergetics, respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory; 2) lipid metabolism structure of lipids, catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, ketogenesis and coordination with other metabolic pathways; 3) biochemistry of animal tissues and organs, such as mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction; 4) stereochemistry of simple carbohydrates and citric acid cycle intermediates with applications of biochemical mechanisms.
BIOL0005: Cell biology 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the techniques available for determining the structure and function of cellular components and processes, to describe the structure and function of cells and cell organelles and to show the diversity of cells.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
* describe the structure and explain the function of cell organelles
* make comparisons between related structures and functions
* critically appraise methods available to determine the nature and function of cellular processes
* understand the dynamic nature of cell behaviour.
Introduction: eucarya, eubacteria and archaea; microscopical techniques; cytochemistry; cell fractionation and autoradiography. The structure and function of cell membranes, plant walls, intercellular channels. Cellular processes such as cell signalling, cytoskeleton and cell movement, secretion and absorption. Organelles involved in energy metabolism: chloroplasts and mitochondria, plant microbodies. Nucleus, chromosomes, cell growth and proliferation, mitosis and meiosis.
BIOL0006: Cell & molecular biology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the structure and function of nucleic acids; To introduce the concepts and methodology of genetic modification. To introduce the processes of animal and plant development.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how the structure of nucleic acid determines their biological function
* understand the power of the techniques of genetic modification for studying and manipulating organisms, especially micro-organisms, for fundamental and applied science
* appreciate the role changing patterns of gene expression play in modulating development during animal embryogeny
The structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in relation to organisms, genes, gene expression and protein synthesis. How organisms, genes and gene expression can be altered and studied via the technology of genetic modification. How the changing patterns of gene expression in cells and tissues can lead to the development of an egg into an animal, using examples from Xenopus, Drosophila and mouse.
BIOL0007: Genetics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 PR30 OT10
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the principles of inheritance, to describe the chemical nature of inheritable material and the molecular basis of mutagenesis, to describe the structure and expression of genes and genomes in cells, to enable the student to appreciate how genetic data are generated and interpreted, to show basic genetic techniques in a wide range of organisms.
After taking the course the student should be able to:
* explain Mendelian principles and their underlying concepts
* explain and create a genetic map
* describe how the chemical structure of DNA accounts for information encoding and its change
* appreciate the structure and dynamic nature of the genome
* understand the basis of the gene transfer in prokaryotes.
Topics: Principles of inheritance in eukaryotes; chemical nature of the gene; structure of genomes; gene expression; mutagenesis; non-Mendelian genetic systems. Practical sessions cover: Random assortment of two genetic markers in the fruit fly (Drosophila); sex linkage in Drosophila; tetrad analysis in a fungus (Sordaria); complementation testing in the yeast Saccharomyces; genetic mapping in the fungus Aspergillus; mutagenesis in the bacterium Salmonella; genetic polymorphism in Homo sapiens.
BIOL0008: The diversity of bacteria & fungi
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the characteristic features and biological properties of bacteria (prokaryotes) and fungi (eukaryotes). The two strands of the unit are taught separately to provide a thorough grounding in the cellular, morphological and general physiological properties of the two groups of organisms through lectures and complementary practical sessions. These are related to the diversity of habitats, modes of life and practical and environmental importance of the two groups.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
(in bacteria)
* describe in detail the size and anatomical features of typical bacterial cells
* show a clear understanding of the structure and function of important cellular components
* discuss bacterial growth in terms of nutritional requirement and the influence of physicochemical factors on growth and survival
* demonstrate the acquisition of aseptic manipulative skills and accuracy, staining techniques, microscopic examination methods and observational and interpretative faculties
(in fungi)
* have an outline knowledge of fungal classification and how this is related to diversity in form and function
* appreciate the scientific, environmental and practical importance of fungi
* know where and how fungi grow and reproduce
* know how to study fungi macroscopically, microscopically and in culture.
Bacteria: relative to the other domains of cell-based life; bacterial cell shapes and size, ubiquity and adaptability; methods for their visualisation; anatomy, from chromosome to capsule, via ribosomes, cytoplasmic inclusions, cell membrane, cell wall, pili, flagella and endospores; growth/cultivation; nutritional requirements, modes of energy-yielding metabolism, influence of physical factors (temperature, pH, redox potential, water activity). The essentials of practical bacteriology, embodying good laboratory practice. Fungi: Diversity and significance of the fungal Kingdom; hyphal structure and growth and the nature of mycelium; sexual reproductive cycles; asexual reproduction; nutritional ecology fungi as saprotrophs, biotrophs and necrotrophs, decomposers, parasites and symbiotic partners.
BIOL0009: The diversity of animals & plants
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To demonstrate the diversity of invertebrate animals, to use comparative anatomy and embryology to reveal clues about invertebrate evolution. To demonstrate the diversity of plants, emphasising the adaptive significance of the organisational innovations which have evolved within the constraints imposed.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*define the terms deuterostome, protostome, coelom, diploblastic, triploblastic, radial and bilateral symmetry
*describe aspects of structure and function which contribute to the success of animals at different levels of complexity
*give an account of the defining feature of the major groups of invertebrate animals.
*give an account of the defining features of the major groups of plants
*understand how the different groups of plants use light energy for the biosynthesis of biomolecules
What is an invertebrate - defining terms, simple metazoans (sponges and coelenterates), 3 types of work-like animal (Nematodes, flatworms and Annelids), shell bearing animals (molluscs), focus on squid, cuttlefish and octopus (cephalopods), invertebrates with an external skeleton - why are insects so successful (arthropods)?
A consideration of the functioning of plants as non-mobile, photo-autotrophic life forms with federal organisation.
BIOL0010: Introductory animal physiology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of the how animals function at the level of systems, organs and physiological processes.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* display knowledge and understanding of the physiological systems covered in the course
* demonstrate understanding of the organisation of the body into cells, tissues, and organs
* explain the role of feedback control systems in homeostasis and physiological regulation
* give an account of the roles of endocrine and nervous control of physiological systems
* show appreciation of the physiological principles underlying some important contemporary issues in biology and medicine
* dissect the abdominal and thoracic cavities of a mouse
* appreciate some of the problems of obtaining reliable physiological data from living animals including humans
* appreciate the procedures used in histological staining and be able to follow a staining protocol to stain sections of fixed and embedded tissue
* make clear outline drawings of microscopical preparations in order to demonstrate their structure
Basic organisation- tissues and organs; Body fluids- plasma, blood cells, haemostasis; Gut - digestion and absorption; Heart & circulation - control of blood pressure, exchange with tissues; Lung - respiration; Kidney - salt and water regulation; Nervous system - electrical properties of neurones, synapses and chemical transmission, the brain, autonomic nervous system; Endocrine system - homeostasis; Reproductive organs - production of male and female gametes - fertilisation; immune system - cellular and humoral defences, inflammation. Most material concerns mammalian physiology. However, where appropriate, comparisons are made with other groups of animals. Special topics of current interest (such as weight control; cholesterol and cardiovascular disease; kidney transplants; AIDS; diabetes; psychoactive drugs) are highlighted.Practicals: mouse dissection; human blood pressure; fish respiration; osmotic relations of red blood cells; assay of digestive enzymes; histological staining.
BIOL0011: The biosphere
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a global perspective of the communities and ecosystems of the world and the role of these systems in the flow of energy and matter.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* identify the main flows of energy through the biosphere
* understand how minerals cycle in the environment and how soils form
* appreciate the main features of aquatic environments and terrestrial biomes
* have an awareness of the effects that humans have on the environment
The flow of energy through the biosphere; the global biogeochemical cycles; soils and aquatic environments; the major terrestrial biomes(tundra, northern coniferous forests, temperate deciduous forests, temperate grasslands, and tropical forests). The impact of humankind on the environment, with particular emphasis on pollution.
BIOL0012: Ecology & evolution
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a broad introduction to key concepts in ecology and evolution. To approach issues in ecology and evolution in a rigorous, cohesive way that will provide the students with a conceptual framework that will help them to examine other areas of biology in a fuller context of evolution and ecology. To provide a firm foundation for more detailed study within the specific fields of evolution and ecology later in their course.
It aims to introduce students to the unique position of ecology and evolution in the biological sciences; why these disciplines pose unusual challenges such as huge time scales and an attendant paucity of experimental information; why ecology and evolution tend to be analytical rather than experimental sciences; reasons why these are theory driven sciences and the special role of mathematical models in these disciplines.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*outline certain key principles in evolution and ecology
*demonstrate an understanding of the unique position of evolution and ecology in the biological sciences
*demonstrate an understanding of the logic of the arguments used in the construction of simple mathematical models for population growth, competition and predator prey relationships
*synthesise evidence of many kinds that animal, fungal and plant communities have evolved in highly structured ways
*show some appreciation of the role of ecological and evolutionary thinking in areas such as conservation and biodiversity
*have some basics skill in obtaining, processing and evaluating ecological data in laboratory and field based practicals.
Key concepts in evolution, including the nature of evolutionary selection, including kin-selection, sexual selection and natural selection. Dynamics of ecological populations including field and laboratory examples and mathematical models. Population growth, intraspecifc and interspecific competition and predator/prey relationships. The structure and development of plant, animal and fungal communities are also examined and evidence is described from studies of the limits of similarity, island biogeography and food webs.
BIOL0013: Directed studies 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: Tutorial 100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give each student experience in the study of biological information and in its written and verbal presentation.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* make appropriate use of the various forms of biological publication
* carry out searches using BIDS and EMBASE
* write and word-process a substantial essay on a biological topic, with appropriately listed references to published literature.
The course consists of a series of small group sessions with a lecturer and about 6-8 students.
BIOL0014: Directed studies 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: Tutorial 100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0013
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give each student experience in the study of biological information and in its written and verbal presentation.After taking this course the student should have further developed the learning objectives of BIOL0013.
The course consists of a series of small group sessions with a lecturer and about 6-8 students.
BIOL0015: Biochemical problems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0096
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop students' abilities to assimilate compilations of experimental data and to draw valid conclusions from them.
After taking the course, the student should be able to:
* study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the Results Section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, eg answering particular questions or writing the Discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data.
Several members of academic staff will participate in the Course, each providing a particular problem. This will be handed out and explained to the class, who will then have some 4 days to provide written answers. These will be marked and returned.
BIOL0016: Professional training in Biochemistry 1
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 2
Assessment: Placement report 100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004
Aims & learning objectives:
* to provide experience of the application of biochemistry
* to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme
* integrate into a commercial or academic environment
Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Director of Studies (Placements).
BIOL0018: Enzymology A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a fundamental basis for understanding the action of enzymes as catalysts, mainly at a physical level, and also those properties of enzymes arising from their nature as proteins.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the nature of steady-state kinetics of simple enzyme-catalysed reactions
* appreciate the influence that protein structure and organisation has on the catalytic and regulatory functions of enzymes.
* understand the requirements of reliable assay procedures, including practical ability.
* discuss the purpose of studies of the transient phase of enzyme-catalysed reactions.
* from simple mechanisms, to derive steady-state rate equations.
* appreciate the role of coenzymes and their underlying basis in heterocyclic chemistry.
* understand reversible inhibition and covalent modification, and the effects of pH on catalytic activity.
Ligand binding; steady-state and transient kinetics; theories of catalysis; allostery; multienzyme complexes; chemical modification; effects of inhibitors and pH; isoenzymes; heterocyclic chemistry and coenzymes; purification and assay
BIOL0020: Physical biochemistry & proteins
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre CHEY0007, Pre CHEY0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide understanding of protein conformation in terms of noncovalent interactions between amino acid side chains, the thermodynamic principles underlying the protein folding problem. Also to provide understanding of the various physical methods available for the characterisation of biological macromolecules and their application to the study of protein conformation.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* give a qualitative description of the interactions that maintain the native conformation of a protein and determine the stability of the native conformation
* appreciate the structural information that various spectroscopic techniques can give
* understand the structural information that various scattering and diffraction techniques can give.
Polypeptide chain folding, the role of non-covalent interactions, the protein folding process, denaturation and renaturation, protein conformational change, spectroscopic techniques (UV/visible/IR, Raman, circular dichroism, nmr, esr), scattering techniques (X-ray diffraction, solution scattering), Microscopy (optical and electron)
BIOL0021: Protein purification
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0097
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide understanding of the principles and application of the various methods for the purification and characterisation of proteins. To provide understanding of the principles and application of the ultracentrifuge in the biochemistry laboratory.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* plan a purification scheme for the isolation of a protein from various starting materials, taking account of requirements for both purity and yield of the product
* design experiments that involve the use of ultracentrifugation techniques.
Protein separation by column chromatography based on differences in molecular size, charge, hydrophobicity and specific affinity for ligands; electrophoretic methods for the purification and characterisation of proteins; theory and practise of preparative and analytical ultracentrifugation
BIOL0022: Practical biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide practical experience of some commonly used molecular biology techniques and to evaluate these in comparison with other available methods so that the students are aware of a range of techniques used for the characterisation of gene structure and gene expression.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how and why these techniques have been applied when they encounter them in journal articles
* consider these methods when they design their own experiments
* develop planning and organisational skills in carrying out a scientific project
* develop data handling and interpretation skills
The course involves a series of linked experiments that form a mini-project. This begins with the preparation of cellular RNA, its conversion to cDNA and the amplification of gene fragments using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific fragments are cloned in a bacterial plasmid, these screened by restriction enzyme digestion and one or two are subject to DNA sequencing. Data interpretation involves DNA sequence analysis and the interrogation of remote nucleic acid databases, chromosome physical maps and mutational databases. A demonstration of various methods for analysing gene expression is included.
BIOL0023: DNA (making, breaking & disease)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide understanding of the relationship between DNA synthesis, DNA repair, the animal cell growth cycle and apoptosis.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* give a detailed account of the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair in a variety of living systems
* show how DNA metabolism and cell cycle controls are related to cancer
* give an account of antitumour therapy.
DNA replication, and where relevant DNA in øx174, E.coli, SV40, and human cells. Cross talk between synthesis, repair and the cell cycle in complex systems. Immortality and carcinogenesis. Site of action of antifolates, fluorouracil, magic bullets.
BIOL0023: DNA (making, breaking & disease)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW10 ES10
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide understanding of the relationship between DNA synthesis, DNA repair, the animal cell growth cycle and apoptosis.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* give a detailed account of the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair in a variety of living systems
* show how DNA metabolism and cell cycle controls are related to cancer
* give an account of antitumour therapy.
DNA replication, and where relevant DNA in øx174, E.coli, SV40, and human cells. Cross talk between synthesis, repair and the cell cycle in complex systems. Immortality and carcinogenesis. Site of action of antifolates, fluorouracil, magic bullets.
BIOL0024: Cell biology 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To familiarise students with the concepts and vocabulary of key aspects of cell biology. To give students an understanding of current models of how cells attach to and move upon their substrate, how they maintain their composition and shape, how they communicate and how they grow.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* outline and distinguish the roles of carrier proteins and ion channels, and describe current models of their functional mechanisms
* describe the major components of the cytoskeleton and their function in cell integrity, in intracellular trafficking and in cell motility
* differentiate the various types of plant and animal cell-cell junctions
* summarise the major extracellular matrix components in plant and animal tissues and how cell attach to them
* discuss the key signals and mechanisms permitting targeting of protein components to various subcellular locations
* demonstrate knowledge of the major inter cellular signalling systems and intracellular signalling pathways, and also the ways that these are studied
* understand the principles of cellular signal generation, control, recognition, integration and interpretation to generate a response
* extend their knowledge in these areas by reference to primary research articles
Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix; membrane transport (carrier proteins and ion channels); intracellular trafficking; cytoskeleton; cell signalling: growth factors and regulation of vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation; tyrosine kinase receptors and the MAP kinase intracellular signalling pathway; G-protein coupled receptors and the cAMP and Ca2+ second messenger systems; hormone signalling via the intracellular receptor family.
BIOL0024: Cell biology 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To familiarise students with the concepts and vocabulary of key aspects of cell biology. To give students an understanding of current models of how cells attach to and move upon their substrate, how they maintain their composition and shape, how they communicate and how they grow.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* outline and distinguish the roles of carrier proteins and ion channels, and describe current models of their functional mechanisms
* describe the major components of the cytoskeleton and their function in cell integrity, in intracellular trafficking and in cell motility
* differentiate the various types of plant and animal cell-cell junctions
* summarise the major extracellular matrix components in plant and animal tissues and how cell attach to them
* discuss the key signals and mechanisms permitting targeting of protein components to various subcellular locations
* demonstrate knowledge of the major inter cellular signalling systems and intracellular signalling pathways, and also the ways that these are studied
* understand the principles of cellular signal generation, control, recognition, integration and interpretation to generate a response
* extend their knowledge in these areas by reference to primary research articles
Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix; membrane transport (carrier proteins and ion channels); intracellular trafficking; cytoskeleton; cell signalling: growth factors and regulation of vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation; tyrosine kinase receptors and the MAP kinase intracellular signalling pathway; G-protein coupled receptors and the cAMP and Ca2+ second messenger systems; hormone signalling via the intracellular receptor family.
BIOL0025: Practical molecular biology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR80 OR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide practical experience of some commonly used molecular biology techniques and to evaluate these in comparison with other available methods so that the students are aware of a range of techniques used for the characterisation of gene structure and gene expression.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how and why these techniques have been applied when they encounter them in journal articles
* consider these methods when they design their own experiments
* develop planning and organisational skills in carrying out a scientific project
* develop data handling and interpretation skills
The course involves a series of linked experiments that form a mini-project. This begins with the preparation of cellular RNA, its conversion to cDNA and the amplification of gene fragments using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific fragments are cloned in a bacterial plasmid, these screened by restriction enzyme digestion and one or two are subject to DNA sequencing. Data interpretation involves DNA sequence analysis and the interrogation of remote nucleic acid databases, chromosome physical maps and mutational databases. A demonstration of various methods for analysing gene expression is included.
BIOL0026: Recombinant DNA techniques
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce some of the basic practical skills and techniques of recombinant DNA technology. To work independently and evaluate their own data. To learn to integrate theory and practice in genetic modification. To gain an insight into the exploitation of microbes as genetic model systems.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* appreciate the interrelationship between intellectual and manual skills in experimental science
* understand the need for care and attention to detail in experimental work
*use a range of basic molecular-biological methods and equipment
* plan their time carefully in order to be able to carry out experimental work efficiently
Basic cloning techniques: isolation of plasmid and lambda DNA, restriction of digestion, ligation, transformation into E. coli, biological and physical analysis of recombinant clones.
BIOL0027: Animal reproduction
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0010
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explain the structure and differentiation of the reproductive system in vertebrates, including humans, and how it is controlled in order to produce eggs, sperm and offspring and the appropriate time of year. Practical classes will illustrate the material discussed.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* have a clear understanding of different reproductive strategies, the anatomical structures
involved, the environmental conditions and hormones that control reproductive physiology
and how these hormones themselves are regulated.
Reproductive strategies; the differentiation of reproductive systems; male and female reproductive anatomy and physiology in mammals; pregnancy, parturition and lactation; in vitro fertilisation and other medical interventions; reproductive physiology in selected birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
In the practical classes students will have the opportunity to examine whole specimens and slides of different reproductive organs and to interpret data from scientific papers dealing with reproduction.
BIOL0028: Cellular neurobiology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Ex BIOL0099
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction and broad overview of cellular neurobiology which should serve as a basis for more in-depth study in final year courses.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* give a general description of the organisation of the nervous system including the basic anatomically subdivisions
* relate neuronal cell structure with function
* discuss the similarities and differences between receptor classes and their association with various signalling cascades
* describe the principles of electrical signalling in neurons including the properties of ion channels
A brief description of basic aspects of neuronal development and anatomy: the cells of the nervous system; the subcellular architecture of neurons including features in common with other cells and unique aspects such as axons, dendrites, synaptic vesicles and the neuronal cytoskeleton; synaptic transmission and intercellular communication; and signalling in the nervous system including the electrical properties of neurons, resting and action potentials and ion channels.
BIOL0029: Insect biology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0009
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction to the biochemistry, physiology, morphology and behaviour of insects, particularly in relation to their role as crop pests and the development of methods of control.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*define the elements of structure and function that have contributed to the diversity and numerical success of insects
*identify aspects of insect biochemistry, physiology and behaviour that provide or potentially could provide targets for exploitation in pest control.
Insect classification and types of post-embryonic development; characteristics of the major orders of insects; polymorphism as found in aphids and locusts; biochemistry and physiology of some major life systems; insect plant relations; a survey of chemical pesticides - chemical classes, mode of action and mechanisms of resistance; biological pest control.
BIOL0030: Plant biochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR/CW20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce some important aspects of plant metabolism and their role in the functioning of the whole plant.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how plants (by definition static) are able to utilise light energy for the biosynthesis of important biomolecules, yet cope with the potential problems posed by excess solar radiation and drought.
* understand how plant protection systems will not only explain plant survival in an ever changing environment, with the possibility of animal predation, but also how the disruption of proteins and detoxification systems can lead to plant death via herbicides.
Utilisation of light energy in photosynthesis; CO2 incorporation; carbohydrate synthesis, storage and breakdown; the metabolism of stored carbohydrate to yield energy (respiration) and intermediary metabolites; the function and metabolism of lipids; pigments, with particular reference to porphyrins and carotenoids. Emphasis will be placed on sites where herbicides disrupt normal metabolism and biochemical protective and detoxification mechanisms (e.g.cytochrome P-450) in plants.
Practical sessions provide experience in the use of a variety of techniques for the study of plant processes. An equivalent period of directed study will be provided for students who already have adequate experience of practical biochemistry.
BIOL0031: Plant biotechnology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the techniques used in Plant Biotechnology and discuss their applications in Crop Production and Protection.
After taking this course the student should be able to
* understand the role that biotechnology and recombinant DNA techniques play in the development of novel plant genotypes:
This unit introduces the methods of plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and regeneration. The techniques of Agrobacterium - mediated and direct transformation e.g. particle bombardment are described. Applications of plant genetic engineering are discussed with examples drawn from a wide range of Crop Production and Protection situation e.g. manipulation of floral development; fruit ripening; pest and disease resistance. The socioeconomics of Plant Biotechnology as well as its role in germplasm conservation is discussed. Practical sessions provide experience in the use of tissue culture and transformation techniques in the study of Plant Development and Biotechnology.
BIOL0032: Plant pathology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0009
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the biology and control of the major groups of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. To introduce the physiological, biochemical and genetical basis of host-parasite interactions.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* name the major groups of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens and describe their key biological features and methods of controls
* understand the molecular and biochemical basis of host-pathogen interactions
* be able to describe the modes of action of key fungicides
Pathogens' strategies and modes of nutrition; the biology, disease cycles and control via host resistance, fungicides and cultural practice of the major groups: plasmodial fungi eg clubroot; Phytophthora species; downy mildews; powdery mildews; vascular wilt fungi; smuts; rusts bacterial pathogens. The concept of disease management and integrated control. The genetic basis of host-parasite interactions; host resistance mechanisms. The mathematical modelling of plant disease epidemics and the relationship between these models and practical disease forecasting. Fungicide modes of action and resistance.
BIOL0033: Bacteriology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give students an appreciation of the diversity and importance of bacteria, their ecology and associated physiology, their isolation, characterisation and classification, and their influences on mankind. It also provides training and quantitative experimental/investigative experience in mainstream bacteriology.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the dynamics of bacterial population growth and how this can be quantified
* know how bacteria can be inactivated and extinguished
* be familiar with procedures (ranging from phenotyping to genotyping) for characterising and recognising bacteria
* have an outline knowledge of the 'Bergey' system for bacterial classification
* describe the main features of some key groups of bacteria and have more detailed knowledge of selected examples with medical, veterinary, environmental, public health and food industry relevance
Population growth dynamics, with emphasis on batch liquid culture systems; chemical and physical methods for inactivating and eliminating bacteria - heat sterilisation, filtration, antiseptics, disinfectants; characterisation and classification of bacteria, the 'Bergey' system; properties of main groups of bacteria; more detailed consideration of organisms of ecological and public health significance, food and water-borne human pathogens, and agents of plant disease. Practical sessions include quantitative experiments on bacterial growth, bacterial isolation from natural sources and demonstration of some biochemical properties; methods for bacterial characterisation, from traditional tests to state of the art rapid and miniaturised procedures.
BIOL0034: Virology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the basic characteristics of viruses, both as microorganisms and as agents of disease of animals and plants.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* define the main characteristics of plant and animal viruses
* know how to detect and identify viruses
* understand the role of viruses in disease
* recognise the importance of new and emerging virus infections
* appreciate how some viruses spread and are controlled
The physical, chemical and biological properties of viruses; the life cycle and replication strategies of representative RNA and DNA viruses; the effects of viruses, including methods of pathogenesis, at the whole organism, cellular and biochemical levels; principles of virus detection and disease diagnosis; virus transmission, ecology and control; emerging viruses and novel virus-like agents. Practical sessions introduce common methods for identification and characterisation of viruses.
BIOL0035: Genes & development 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the study of animal development, making use of the three most important animal models viz. Xenopus, Drosophila and the mouse, to demonstrate basic embryological concepts and the functions of developmentally important genes.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* demonstrate a knowledge of the descriptive embryology of the three model species.
* demonstrate a knowledge of selected methods for the study of gene expression, overexpression and ablation.
* discuss how information from anatomy, molecular biology and genetics can be integrated in the explanation of a particular developmental process.
Xenopus development covering normal development, fate mapping, specification map, induction, morphogen gradients, DV patterning in egg, mesoderm induction, dorsalisation, neural induction, AP patterning. Drosophila development covering normal developmental genetics, dorsoventral and anteroposterior patterning. Mouse development covering gametogenesis and fertilisation, normal pre and post implantation development, ES cells, transgenesis and targeted mutagenesis. Cell adhesion. Extracellular matrix. Cell movement and morphogenesis.
BIOL0036: Genes & development practicals
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0035, Ex BIOL0100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the appearance of Xenopus, insect and mouse embryos; to the use of dissecting and compound microscopes; to simple microsurgical procedures and to immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* recognise the stages of Xenopus and mouse embryos.
* carry out simple experiments on Xenopus embryos.
* relate the appearance of two dimensional microscope sections to three dimensional embryos.
* identify selected Drosophila mutants
* carry out immunohistochemical or in situ hybridisation procedures
12 laboratory practical sessions: sorting and staging Xenopus embryos; embryo culture; maternal inheritance; simple micromanipulations; interpretation of sections; morphology of insect embryos; isolation of preimplantation mouse embryos; analysis of a gene trap ES cell line; in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry.
BIOL0037: Crop protection & weed biology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the measures which can be taken to prevent losses of crops due to the effects of pest, diseases and weeds. Approaches range from those used in developed countries, often based on sophisticated technology involving application of pesticides and herbicides, to low cost cultural methods more practicable in developing countries.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* decide upon optimal strategies for controlling pests, diseases and weeds
* evaluate the risks involved in a control method and be aware of relevant legislation
* identify key UK weed species
The history, principles and practice of protection of crop plants from parasitic microorganisms, pests and competing weeds; biological physical and chemical approaches to crop protection; pesticides and herbicides, their design, screening, formulation and application; legislation; strategic and safe use in view of non-target organisms; development of pest and herbicide resistance and environmental pollution; integrated control measures. Practical sessions include identification of weed plants and excursions to conventional and organic farms to study methods of weed and pest control.
BIOL0038: Environmental physiology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explore how organisms respond to their environment.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the versatile developmental and physiological responses of indeterminate life forms to a changeable environment, with specific reference to the roles of fungi as decomposers, parasites and partners of living, dying and dead trees or parts of trees.
* demonstrate understanding of the cellular and physiological mechanisms by which animals sense change in their environment, and co-ordinate developmental, physiological and behavioural responses to environmental change.
* demonstrate how environmental toxicants affect some physiological and cellular mechanisms and mechanisms by which organisms may show tolerance.
Fungi and trees as complex, developmentally indeterminate, responsive systems; factors influencing colonisation and decay of wood; fungal colonisation strategies in living trees - interactions between fungal and tree responses; fungal colonisation of detached wood and leaves - interfungal interactions and foraging mechanisms; insect-fungal interactions; formation and function of mycorrhizal associations.
Bacterial chemotaxis as an example of sensorimotor function; structure and function of animal sense organs; nervous and endocrine encoding of sensory information; central modulation of sensory function; extraordinary sensory modalities (eg electroreception); pheromones, kairomones and allomones, biological clocks - phenomenology, properties, cellular and systems location, genetic analysis.
Impacts of environmental pollutants on animals, plants and microorganisms in terrestrial and aquatic environments. The accumulation of environmental toxicants by living organisms. What are the consequences of accumulation? (heavy metals as examples). Interactions between toxicants during exposure to mixtures of toxicants. Mechanisms and processes to reduce toxicity. Organochlorines and hydrocarbons as pollutants.
BIOL0039: Autumn field course
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To enhance students' awareness of the diversity of forms and behaviours to be found in natural populations and communities of organisms and of how the patterns in which this diversity occurs may be studied, described and understood.
After taking the course the student should be able to:
*know how to find and identify a variety of kinds of organisms within their natural habitats
*know how to characterise distribution patterns using qualitative and quantitative methods and sampling procedures including conventional descriptive, mapping, quadrat, transect and trapping techniques and estimates of fractal dimension
*recognise the influence of selection on distribution patterns
*begin to question and understand how distribution patterns may arise from dynamic processes of energy transfer and feedback within and between living systems and their environment
*have developed presentational skills enabling them effectively to convey, discuss and analyse ideas and information about natural diversity.
Two members of academic staff spend six days in full-time residence with students at a suitable location in the south west of the UK. This involves visits to intertidal, sand dune, coastal grassland, moorland/heathland, salt marsh and woodland habitats; sampling, identification, descriptive and recording methods for plants, animals and fungi; data presentation and analysis using statistical and non-linear mathematical approaches; consideration of evolutionary and ecological relationships between genotypes, phenotypes and environment; investigative project; oral and written discourse. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95)
BIOL0040: Concepts in ecology & evolution
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of the nature of selection; stability and instability in living systems; the parallels and disparities that exist between pattern generating processes operating across and within kingdom boundaries, in relation to development and behaviour; the role of self-organisation in evolution; population dynamics and conservation; behavioural ecology and optimal foraging theory.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*utilise concepts from natural selection theory, kin selection theory, optimisation theory, behavioural ecology, community biology, ecological genetics and non-linear systems theory (including chaos theory) in understanding ecological and evolutionary issues
*understand the nature of probabilistic, deterministic and random processes, and discuss their role in ecology and evolution
* understand the role of self-organisation in social insects.
The role of selection in evolution; agents of selection; units of selection; selection and adaptation; selection and fitness; natural selection and kin selection; genetic drift. Stability and instability of living systems; concepts of niche; competition, symbiosis, ecological strategies and self/non-self. Conservation and habitat fragmentation; exploiter mediated co-existence. Optimality in ecology and evolution; optimal foraging theory; self organisation; division of labour and the super-organism; battle strategies in social insects.
BIOL0041: Spring field course
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the student to natural habitats in ways that enable the students to recognise patterns of distribution and behaviour of organisms and to question the basis of these patterns and behaviours. To introduce the student to the use of appropriate sampling patterns, experimental design, data gathering and statistical analysis.
After taking the course the student should be able to:
*appreciate how aspects of behavioural ecology and of community structure can be investigated
*understand how these behaviours and structure may have arisen and how they are maintained
*design and perform a short field-based investigation; analyse and graphically present data
*prepare a written report of field-based investigations.
Visit to ecosystem types of varying complexity and subject to different kinds of selection process, such as rocky shore, sand dune, coastal grassland, salt marsh, woodland, moorland and fresh water. Investigation of components of these ecosystem types including spatial distribution, size and age distributions, reproduction and behaviour. Each student designs and carries out a half-day and a two-day field-based investigation; a preliminary report of the two-day investigation is presented as a short talk on the last day of the field trip; the data from the investigations are analysed and graphically presented using University computing facilities after the field trip. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95)
BIOL0042: Investigative project
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide students with skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation,
analysing and interpreting findings and reporting the outcome.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*appreciate the intellectual, time- and resource-management and technical requirements for productive, rigorous and responsible scientific investigation and reporting
*have gained experience of scientific writing at the level of a primary research paper and/or review
*have acquired technical, time and resource management, analytical, interpretative and literature-accessing skills appropriate to the undertaking and presentation of their project
*have contributed to knowledge.
Selection and definition of a problem that can be investigated effectively within constraints of safety, time and resources; strategic planning; gathering, processing, analysis and interpretation of information; literature searching and reviewing; scientific writing and presentation.
BIOL0042: Investigative project
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide students with skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation,
analysing and interpreting findings and reporting the outcome.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*appreciate the intellectual, time- and resource-management and technical requirements for productive, rigorous and responsible scientific investigation and reporting
*have gained experience of scientific writing at the level of a primary research paper and/or review
*have acquired technical, time and resource management, analytical, interpretative and literature-accessing skills appropriate to the undertaking and presentation of their project
*have contributed to knowledge.
Selection and definition of a problem that can be investigated effectively within constraints of safety, time and resources; strategic planning; gathering, processing, analysis and interpretation of information; literature searching and reviewing; scientific writing and presentation.
BIOL0043: Biological data interpretation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of biological data.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources
*make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data
*be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests
* interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data.
The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of biological information, the course covers the interpretation of simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends, selection of appropriate statistical tests for particular data sets. As far as possible, the examples are generic, designed to be capable of interpretation without a requirement for in depth understanding of any particular area of biology.
BIOL0044: Clinical neurochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0028
or Pre BIOL0099
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the neurochemical basis of brain disorders, their causes and treatments.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* describe a number of brain disorders in terms of their neurochemistry;
* comprehend the gross regional anatomy of the human brain;
* distinguish "psychiatric" and "neurological" disorders.
Methods of studying human brain dysfunction;
The altered neurochemistry of a number of diseases and addiction will be reviewed, with consideration of their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Discussion of the mind versus brain question;
Video presentations will illustrate some of the clinical conditions.
BIOL0045: Cell membranes
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0024
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the student to the principles governing the structure and function of biological membranes. To introduce the principles governing the structure of the lipid bilayer and the topological arrangement of proteins in the membrane. To introduce the principles and mechanisms involved in the transport of solutes across cell membrane. To introduce the student to mechanisms involved in sorting membrane proteins to specialised subcellular compartments. To provide an understanding of the overall importance of membrane processes in cellular function.
After taking the course the student should be able to:
*outline how membrane lipids and proteins are structurally organised in the membrane
*describe how ions and sugars are transported across membranes
*describe the mechanisms by which membrane proteins are sorted into specialised subcellular compartments and the routes by which membrane trafficking occurs.
Functions and common structural feature of membrane lipids and proteins. Case study of the erythrocyte membrane proteins. Lateral diffusion of membrane components. Common features of membrane transporters for ions and neutral molecules together with the specialised features that provide substrate specificity. Simple kinetic features of the membrane transport process. Mechanisms for membrane vesicle budding and fusion and the functional significance of these processes in terms of membrane protein sorting and trafficking.
BIOL0046: Proteins & immunochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0020
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the molecular basis of antibody function and the principles of their application in immunochemical techniques. To provide an understanding of the significance of protein:protein and protein:nucleic acid interactions.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the molecular basis for antigen:antibody interaction
*appreciate the role of antibody as a component of the immune system
*understand the basis of specific immunochemical methods and their applications
Overview of the immune system and the biological role of antibodies, structure of an antibody molecule and its relationship to antigen-binding and effector functions, principles of immunochemical techniques, protein:protein interactions and their importance for the function of oligomeric proteins, protein:nucleic acid interactions and their relevance to restriction enzymes and repressors.
BIOL0047: Carbohydrate polymers
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of carbohydrate conformation and of chemical synthesis of simple oligosaccharides as a basis for structural analysis. To teach methods of structural analysis of complex oligosaccharides. To outline the structure, biosynthesis and metabolic importance of glycogen, of glycoproteins and of mucopolysaccharides.
After taking the course the student should be able to:
*understand the principles of conformational analysis as applied to monosaccharides
*appreciate the methods and applications of chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides
*give an account of the means by which glycogen metabolism is regulated by the hormones adrenalin and insulin and by metabolic substrates
*describe the structure and function of mucopolysaccharides
* understand the basic structural pattern of glycoproteins and how these may be determined
* outline the pathways of glycoprotein biosynthesis and discuss their function
Topics: Conformational analysis; simple chemical approaches to oligosaccharide synthesis, glycogen structure, biosynthesis and catabolism; regulation of glycogen metabolism by hormones; inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism; relationship between mucopolysaccharide structure and function and distribution; common structural patterns of glycoproteins; methods of structural analysis of carbohydrate polymers and glycoprotein carbohydrates; general distribution of glycoproteins, biosynthesis and functions.
BIOL0048: Enzymology B
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims To provide an outline of the various approaches that may be used to elucidate the mechanism of enzyme action, illustrating these with specific examples.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand how information on kinetics and protein chemistry and structure can be used to provide mechanistic evidence.
*appreciate general approaches and specific types of catalysis in the context of enzyme mechanisms.
the course addresses the methods used to study end elucidate mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. Three aspects of evidence are discussed. 1) Study of the overall reaction 2) Study of enzymes as proteins 3) Use of non-enzymic models. These approaches are applied to case studies of individual enzymes: ATP citrate lyase, citrate synthase, acetoacetate decarboxylase, ribonuclease and chymotrypsin
BIOL0049: Biochemical parasitology
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To examine the biochemical adaptations required for existence as a successful parasite.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the definition of a parasite and give examples of important human parasitic diseases.
*appreciate the metabolic constraints caused by occupancy of this niche and the effects that parasitic infections and infestations have on the host
*note unique aspects of parasite molecular biology & physiology.
Parasitology: protozoan and helminth biochemistry and molecular biology. Its modifications in parasites. The modes of action of anti-parasite drugs and what these tell us about target metabolism.
BIOL0050: Biochemical problems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0015, Pre BIOL0048
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop students' abilities to assimilate compilations of experimental data and to draw valid conclusions from them.
After taking the course, the student should be able to:
*study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the results section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, e.g. answering particular questions or writing the discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data.
Several members of academic staff will participate in the course, each providing a particular problem. This will be handed out and explained to the class, who will then have some 4 days to provide written answers. These will be marked and returned.
BIOL0051: Laboratory project
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0021
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of advanced laboratory practice with emphasis on the choice of analytical systems and development of team based research.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*elucidate defined biochemical problem by designing appropriate practical experiments.
Could include molecular biology, enzymology, protein separation, immunochemistry.
BIOL0051: Laboratory project
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0015
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of advanced laboratory practice with emphasis on the choice of analytical systems and development of team based research.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*elucidate defined biochemical problem by designing appropriate practical experiments.
Could include molecular biology, enzymology, protein separation, immunochemistry.
BIOL0052: Scientific communication
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0015
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To examine good and bad practice in communicating science to a variety of professional and lay audiences using written and oral methods.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* communicate new findings in biochemistry to professional, student and lay audiences. They will have produced an education poster suitable for use by "A" level or first year undergraduate students, written a 1,000 word article for publication in the science section of a broadsheet national newspaper and given a short "journal club" oral presentation explaining a recent biochemical paper to an advanced scientific audience.
Contents: Students are required to produce three pieces of work for assessment:
1.An education poster suitable for "A" level students or first year undergraduates.
2.A 1,000 word article on a recent advance in the biochemical sciences.
3.A 10-12 minute "journal club" presentation on a recent article in the biochemical literature. The presentation should summarise the paper and its significance and should critically evaluate the methods used, the results obtained and their interpretation.
BIOL0052: Scientific communication
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0015
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To examine good and bad practice in communicating science to a variety of professional and lay audiences using written and oral methods.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* communicate new findings in biochemistry to professional, student and lay audiences. They will have produced an education poster suitable for use by "A" level or first year undergraduate students, written a 1,000 word article for publication in the science section of a broadsheet national newspaper and given a short "journal club" oral presentation explaining a recent biochemical paper to an advanced scientific audience.
Contents: Students are required to produce three pieces of work for assessment:
1.An education poster suitable for "A" level students or first year undergraduates.
2.A 1,000 word article on a recent advance in the biochemical sciences.
3.A 10-12 minute "journal club" presentation on a recent article in the biochemical literature. The presentation should summarise the paper and its significance and should critically evaluate the methods used, the results obtained and their interpretation.
BIOL0053: Professional training in Biochemistry 2
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0016
Aims & learning objectives:
* to provide experience of the application of biochemistry
* to provide a second placement experience, thereby building upon and extending the skills, techniques and knowledge gained in the second year.
* to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme
* integrate into a commercial or academic environment
Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Director of Studies (Placements).
BIOL0055: Genes & genomes
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0023, Pre BIOL0007
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an advanced study of genome structure and expression in eukaryotes.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*appreciate the complexities of gene regulation and the various stages at which expression is regulated
*review the ways in which mRNA differs from the primary transcript.
*know how to use genome structural information to distinguish between individuals
*devise a strategy for the identification and mapping of genes.
Genome structure and mapping (genetic & physical). Repetitive DNA, its origins and use in DNA fingerprinting. Assembly of the eukaryotic RNA synthetic machinery and its regulation by transcription factors. Chromatin remodelling in transcription. RNA splicing, editing and other modifications and their control.
BIOL0056: Plant molecular biology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce recent work on plant development and genetics as elucidated by a molecular approach. To demonstrate the importance of genes and gene expression in the development and life-cycle of the plant as a whole.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of key topics of plant genetics and development.
* critically evaluate experimental evidence within this field.
* understand the importance of a molecular approach, amongst others, to elucidating aspects of plant biology.
The course examines plant gene-structure, gene-expression and molecular aspects of development. Topics include: plant genome size and repetitive DNA; plant transposable elements; the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes; male sterility; epigenetics, plant development; self-incompatibility; embryogenesis and seed formation; fruit ripening; seed germination.
BIOL0057: Cell growth & proliferation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0023, Pre BIOL0024
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of cell growth and division, the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the different constraints on free-living and metazoan cells, and the regulation of the cell cycle.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*give quantitative interpretation of growth curves
*account for the regulation and dependency relationships in cell cycles
*give an account of the control of DNA replication in cells
*give an account of the cell cycle controls that ensure ordered progress of the cell cycle
*show how genetics and biochemistry have been used to elucidate the cell cycle
*relate cell cycle principles to the causes of cancer
*show how an understanding of the molecular biology of cell cycle controls is providing therapeutic insights into the treatment of cancer.
Topics: Methods for analysing growing cells and proliferating cell populations; batch culture; continuous culture; Escherichia coli cell cycle; cell cycle of yeasts; cell cycle of metazoan cells and cancer; specialised seminar topics presented by each participating member.
BIOL0058: Microbial genetics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an overview of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genetic systems, to relate the genetics of microorganisms to their wider biological role, and give an indication of the diversity of genetic systems.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*compare critically methods of mapping genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
*understand the unity and diversity amongst bacterial plasmids
*explain the mechanism and implications of transposition
*provide a critical understanding of the molecular basis and types of recombination
*provide an account of the development of bacteriophage lambda with an understanding of the regulation of promoters and the nature of a genetic switch
*relate the possible evolutionary relationships between different replicating genetic elements.
Topics: Advanced Mendelian genetics; recombination and repair; mitotic analysis; extranuclear genetics of yeasts; genetics of bacterial plasmids; genetics and development of bacteriophage lambda; specialised seminar topics presented by each participating member.
BIOL0059: Insect-microbe interactions
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0029
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an insight into the nature of symbioses between insects and their microbial flora - from commensal through parasitic to mutualistic association; to provide an understanding of the nature of the diseases in insects caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses; to explore the basis of immunity and host defence against microbial pathogens; to demonstrate some of the complexity of the mutualistic associations that have evolved between insects and their flora.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*discuss the concepts of pathogenesis, virulence and specificity as they relate to microbial pathogens of insects
*compare and contrast the strategies used by different types of microbial pathogen of insects
*define the strengths and weaknesses of insect immune systems
*compare and contrast insect and vertebrate immune systems
*define criteria for establishing a mutualistic role for a micro-organism.
Concepts of symbiosis; ice nucleating agents and insect cold hardiness; mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis in insects - host recognition, host invasion, role of toxins, molecular approaches to the study of virulence; entomopathogenic bacteria; endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus; entomopathogenic viruses - overview, baculoviruses, polyDNA viruses, host immunity - cuticle and gut barriers, cellular defence, humoral defence, immune proteins, comparison with vertebrate systems; mutualism - exogenous mutualists, cellulose digestion, intracellular mutualists.
BIOL0060: Neurobiology - systems
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0028
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of some holistic systems in neurobiology to illustrate the integrated functioning of the nervous system
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*describe a number of integrated neuronal systems in terms of their physiology and neurochemistry
Model systems: Aplysia, C. elegans; Sensory systems: pain, vision; Memory: Plasticity & LTP; Motor control; Language & Lateralisation.
BIOL0061: Topics in endocrinology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Pre: BIOL0027 recommended but not essential
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To study selected endocrinological topics in depth
After taking this course, the student should be able to:
* discuss evidence of hormone evolution
* understand and be able to discuss methods used in hormone research
* appreciate the effects of hormones on aspects of behaviour and physiology and how hormones are regulated
Techniques used in endocrine research; the biosynthesis of hormones from larger precursors; the hypothalamo-pituitary axis; the neuroendocrinology of stress; the behavioural effects of hormones, including the regulation of appetite and sexual behaviour; the pineal gland and melatonin; medical endocrine problems and hormone therapy
BIOL0062: Fungi & people
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES15 OR5
Requisites: Pre BIOL0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide students with an understanding of the many ways (excluding those due to diseases of crops, which are covered in other units) in which fungi either are, or may in future be, of direct relevance to the quality of human life.
After taking the course, the student should be able to:
*categorise and describe the ways in which fungi are of practical and cultural importance to people
*describe current methods of controlling and making use of fungi
*identify the intellectual and technological constraints which presently limit ability to control and make use of fungi
*identify opportunities available for the future practical application of fungal properties.
Toxic fungi - mycetisms and mycotoxicoses and their relevance in human traditions and the aetiology of human and animal diseases; cultivation of fungal fruit bodies and mycelium as sources of food; use of fungi in production of fermented foods and beverages, including cheese making and koji processes; industrial use of fungi in the discovery and production of useful compounds, including pharmaceuticals, organic acids and enzymes; fungal infections of people and animals (mycoses); fungi as agents of biodeterioration and biodegradation; fungi and pollution; future uses of fungi - constraints and opportunities.
BIOL0063: Microbial physiology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0033
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce principles of microbial pathogenicity (of humans), with particular regard to the roles of the cell envelope and bacterial toxins. To present detailed aspects of the physiological and biochemical processes involved.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* have a sound understanding of a range of physiological properties and biochemical mechanisms, particularly in relation to bacterial pathogenicity towards humans
Introduction to microbial pathogenicity; iron transport and the bacterial cell membrane; the mechanisms of cell adhesion; bacterial biofilms - their nature, formation and involvement in health problems; an introduction to bacterial toxins and their role in disease; structural properties and detection of toxins; cell envelope structural components and their role in vaccine development; E. coli H0157, an important 'new' pathogen; AIDS.
BIOL0064: Plant-microorganism interactions
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0032
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the processes involved in infection and colonisation of plants by parasitic microorganisms which lead to disease. To detail the chemical signals exchanged between the two species as key components of recognition events. To reveal the potential range of defences of plants: constitutive, induced non-specifically by damage, or specifically by pathogens.
After taking this course, the student should be able to:
*understand the biochemical and physical factors which determine the outcome of interactions between microorganisms and plants
*appreciate how pathogens can avoid, negate or suppress host defences
*recognise different strategies by pathogens for obtaining nutrients from plant hosts
*appreciate alternative strategies for control of plant diseases.
Constitutive resistance based on existing structural barriers such as cuticle, secondary cell walls and on antimicrobial chemicals such as saponins and phenolics; detoxifying enzymes; toxin binding sites. Induced resistance comprising formation of physical barriers such as new or altered cell walls, vascular occlusions, de novo synthesis of phytoalexins. Triggering of defence by stress or wounding, microbial elicitors or a recognition event. Infection structures of pathogenic fungi. Pathogenicity determinants including depolymerases, toxins, polysaccharides, siderophores, detoxifying enzymes; their structure, modes of action and role. Contrasting strategies of obligate biotrophs and facultative necrotrophs.
BIOL0066: Bacterial ecophysiology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0033
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the concept of ecophysiology as an interface of physiology with ecology and to examine in detail the physiological traits of certain types of bacteria in relation to their habitat and mode of life.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* have developed an appreciation of the ecophysiology of some environmentally significant organisms
*have a detailed understanding of the mechanisms and specialised activities involved in aspects as diverse as, eg buoyancy regulation, nitrogen fixation, starvation survival, and life at nature's extremes
A review of bacterial fixation of nitrogen; oxygen relations of nitrogenase, with emphasis on protection strategies and the exquisite sophistication of the cyanobacterial heterocyst; symbiotic nitrogen-fixing associations, cyanobacterial and rhizobial; bacterial movement (flagellar and gliding), tactic responses; buoyancy regulation, gas vesicle physiology; adhesion to surfaces, biofilms and their control; responses to low nutrient levels, ultramicrobacteria; prosthecate bacteria; bacterial endospores, their differentiation and resilience; bacterial life in extremes of pH, temperature, hydrostatic pressure and water availability.
BIOL0067: Genes & development 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0035
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an advanced course in developmental biology that will communicate the excitement of recent research advances
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the basic principles underlying invertebrate development and organogenesis in higher organisms
*relate the mechanisms of development to cellular and molecular events
*understand the applications and implications of research in developmental biology to human developmental defects
This course builds on BIOL0035 to give a comprehensive grounding in developmental biology. The vertebrate development lectures will cover HOX genes, somitogenesis, myogenesis, neural development, epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, limb development and regeneration, and developmental defects. Invertebrate model organisms are increasingly being used for molecular genetic analysis of genetic systems important in human medicine. We shall introduce the important model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and extend the analysis of Drosophila development to include the mechanism of segmentation and the patterning of the imaginal discs.
BIOL0067: Genes & development 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0035
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an advanced course in developmental biology that will communicate the excitement of recent research advances
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the basic principles underlying invertebrate development and organogenesis in higher organisms
*relate the mechanisms of development to cellular and molecular events
*understand the applications and implications of research in developmental biology to human developmental defects
This course builds on BIOL0035 to give a comprehensive grounding in developmental biology. The vertebrate development lectures will cover HOX genes, somitogenesis, myogenesis, neural development, epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, limb development and regeneration, and developmental defects. Invertebrate model organisms are increasingly being used for molecular genetic analysis of genetic systems important in human medicine. We shall introduce the important model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and extend the analysis of Drosophila development to include the mechanism of segmentation and the patterning of the imaginal discs.
BIOL0069: Plant development
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Pre: BIOL0038 or BIOL0031
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a molecular genetic description of the main developmental pathways operating within the higher plant life cycle and to illustrate the principal experimental techniques used in plant developmental biology.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the principal mechanisms that 1) regulate body plan specification in plants 2) pattern the flower and the root and 3) regulate leaf development
* describe the processes of cell and tissue differentiation at the molecular genetic level
* design experimental approaches to investigate developmental pathways in Arabidopsis
The course starts by contrasting life cycle and styles of higher plants with that of animals; next we consider the establishment of the basic body plan of plants and again contrast the mechanisms adopted in plants with that of various animal models. The various molecular genetic techniques used in plant development research are then described and illustrated with a focus on plant embryogenesis. Cell fate specification is described in some depth with frequent examples from various organisms. Post-embryonic development is illustrated using flower development. Cell and tissue differentiation is described using anther and carpel development as examples.
BIOL0070: Plant biotechnology & the environment
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To define 'Plant Biotechnology' and describe the categories included within the definition and their applications.
By the end of this course the student should have gained:
*a general understanding of the various categories of plant biotechnology
*an understanding of the direct and indirect effects of plant biotechnology on the environment in terms of socio-economic costs and benefits
*an appreciation of policy and institutional issues related to the exploitation of plant biotechnology by both the public and private sectors in a democratic society.
The definition of Plant Biotechnology, the categories included within the definition and their applications. The link: population + consumption level + (bio) technology = environmental impact. World, regional and national trends in population size and food consumption levels and their implications for agricultural and natural ecosystems. The contribution of plant biotechnology to agricultural systems and their environmental implications. Ex situ and in situ biodiversity conservation strategies and the impact of biotechnology. Risk analysis and the release of genetically manipulated organisms into the environment. Public and private sector research, ownership of biological resources and intellectual property rights. Control of biotechnology R & D and implementation: priority setting; public participation; policies and institutions; developed and developing countries. The Cassava Biotechnology Network as an example of control and implementation of plant biotechnology.
BIOL0071: Topics in environmental plant virology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0034
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explore the relationship between viruses, plants (including fungi) and people through the appreciation of plant viruses as pathogenic entities that move and survive, at the molecular level, within cellular environments, and at the whole plant level, within and between natural and crop environments
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the biology of plant viruses and their impact on plants and people.
The nature of plant viruses. Viruses within the cellular environment; virus movement and distribution in planta; viruses in seed and pollen; secondary compounds in virus-infected plants; antiviral compounds; viruses and dsRNA in fungi; viruses within crop and natural environments: symptom expression; emerging crop virus disease problems (especially in developing countries); virus vector transmission mechanisms, especially nematodes, aphids and fungi; the origins and epidemiology of plant viruses; viruses as pathogens of fungi
BIOL0072: Biology as a world view
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of the history of biological thought in western culture. To develop an understanding of the extent to which the biological world view reflects and shapes the broader western world view. To provide an introduction to debates conducted within the philosophy of science about the potential of science to obtain an accurate picture of reality; this debate is illustrated with a case study which looks at philosophical and biological issues of the mind-brain problem.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*discuss the development of biological thought in ancient Greece, in medieval Europe and between the onset of the Scientific Revolution and the present
*debate problems associated with scientific methodology and discuss the implications for the biological world view of these problems.
Views of nature in ancient Greece, from presocratic philosophers to Plato, Aristotle and the neoplatonists, and in Europe from the medieval period to the present. Topics include: the nature of reality; what exists and why; the relationship between individuals, universals and classification. A critique of science which will include the following issues: how science is possible; how science identifies areas for study; the scientific approach, including the role of inductive and deductive reasoning, theory-ladeness and theory choice.
BIOL0073: The evolution of genetic systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Requisites: Pre BIOL0040, Pre BIOL0039
(recommended but not essential) Pre: A level Mathematics
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction to mathematical population genetics and its application as regards understanding problems related to the organisation and structure of genetic systems.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate competence in the analysis of simple recursion equations as applied to one locus problems
*understand the operation of two locus recursion equations with application to modifier analysis
*understand the methods for testing evolutionary hypotheses
*understand basic concepts within evolutionary genetic and molecular evolution.
The first four lectures provide an introduction to the mathematics of gene frequency change.This provides the basis for asking the following questions:1) Why do organisms have sex? 2) What determines the mutation rate? and 3) Why be diploid? After this the notion of selfish elements is introduced and their relevance to understanding the number of sexes and to genome structure is examined. Use of molecular evolutionary data comparative analysis and experimental tests of hypotheses are discussed.
BIOL0074: The evolution of social behaviour
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre BIOL0040
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of (a) key conceptual issues in the evolution of social behaviour; (b) why sociobiological issues, such as the nature nurture debate, have been, and will continue to be, controversial and (c) the ways in which evolutionary theories can be tested by experimentation. To develop skills in first: recognising and selecting key studies from the primary literature, and second, presenting a case study in the form of a short seminar, complete with summary sheets, in such a way as to highlight how key ideas have been tested and refined empirically.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate an understanding both of the theories of social evolution and how such theories are tested and refined by observations and experiments
*discuss and synthesise results from a number of carefully selected case studies in such a way as to critically evaluate the pros and cons of different theories and to form some judgement about their validity
*present a clear concise and well focused short seminar on new topics drawn from the primary literature.
This course debates the hottest topics in the evolution of social behaviour in animals including Homo sapiens. These topics include kin selection, inclusive fitness theory, sexual selection, kin recognition, altruism, genetic determinism, the evolution of co-operation and conflict, selfishness and spite and human sociobiology. This is a course based largely on seminars presented by students on the basis of their reading of primary publications, reviews and text book examples.
BIOL0075: Professional training placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Pre A good record of achievement at level 1 and 2
Aims & learning objectives:
* to provide experience of the application of biological science
* to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme
* integrate into a commercial or academic environment
Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Director of Studies (Placements).
BIOL0076: Research project (MBiochem)
Semester 1
Credits: 18
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0053
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation in biochemistry at the level of advanced research.
After taking this course the students should be able to
*undertake research at the advanced level, interpret the results and report the outcome.
All stages are undertaken under the guidance of an academic supervisor. The planning stage involves defining the problem and devising an appropriate strategy to investigate it within constraints of time and resources. Risk assessment. Investigation stage involves the acquisition of (usually) quantitative data. Experimental design. Carrying out quantitative techniques, evaluating sources of error. The analysis and interpretation stage involves the use of appropriate statistical techniques and the evaluation of results in relation to published work. The final phase is to communicate the outcome of the project in the form of a written report.
BIOL0076: Research project (MBiochem)
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0053
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation in biochemistry at the level of advanced research.
After taking this course the students should be able to
*undertake research at the advanced level, interpret the results and report the outcome.
All stages are undertaken under the guidance of an academic supervisor. The planning stage involves defining the problem and devising an appropriate strategy to investigate it within constraints of time and resources. Risk assessment. Investigation stage involves the acquisition of (usually) quantitative data. Experimental design. Carrying out quantitative techniques, evaluating sources of error. The analysis and interpretation stage involves the use of appropriate statistical techniques and the evaluation of results in relation to published work. The final phase is to communicate the outcome of the project in the form of a written report.
BIOL0077: Molecular evolution
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0020, Pre BIOL0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To draw on the wealth of biochemical and molecular biological information that the students have accumulated over the previous years of their course. The revolution in molecular biology has created an extensive database of sequences and correlations between protein structure and function; to appreciate and analyse this, it is essential to understand the principles of molecular evolution. This course aims to provide that understanding.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the current theories of molecular evolution
* appreciate that changes occur to the genotype, but selection is of the phenotype
* interpret evolutionary changes in protein structure with respect to changes in function
* apply what we learn from the evolution of proteins to the engineering of enzymes
* understand the way in which phylogenetic trees are constructed
* evaluate critically current theories of cellular evolution
Topics: Evolution - what is it and why study it? Chemical evolution and the origin of life. The RNA world. Genome evolution. Evolution of proteins: gene duplication, mutation and divergence, adaptation and selection. Construction of phylogenetic trees. Current concepts of cellular evolution.
BIOL0078: Biotechnology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles and practice of advanced Biotechnology as described by industrial speakers.
After taking this course the students should be able to:
*give an account of how Biochemistry relates to Biotechnology in animal cell culture
*describe the commercial use of extremophiles
*understand therapeutic use of biopharmaceuticals
*describe approaches to vaccine development
*account for the world wide implications of Biotechnology.
Animal cell culture, extremophiles, biopharmaceutical production, vaccine development, clinical diagnostics, biosensors, viral products, computer aided drug design.
BIOL0079: Clinical biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of biochemistry as applied to medicine as described by invited clinical speakers.
After taking this course the students should be able to:
*understand the molecular biology and appreciate the medical significance of various congenital and other defects in humans
*give an account of the biochemical aspects of cystic fibrosis; abnormalities of postabsorbtive blood sugar, glycogen storage diseases, plasma lipids.
Topics: ion channels, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.
BIOL0081: Biochemical ethics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the ethical issues that arise from advances in the life sciences.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*give quantitative interpretation of advanced techniques which are ethical concern
*provide balanced argument for a particular ethical stance.
Biochemical heretics, AIDS controversy, rights to genetic knowledge; embryo research, artificial chromosomes, gene therapy, genetic counselling scientific misconduct, cell transplants.
BIOL0081: Biochemical ethics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the ethical issues that arise from advances in the life sciences.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*give quantitative interpretation of advanced techniques which are ethical concern
*provide balanced argument for a particular ethical stance.
Biochemical heretics, AIDS controversy, rights to genetic knowledge; embryo research, artificial chromosomes, gene therapy, genetic counselling scientific misconduct, cell transplants.
BIOL0082: Neurochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW 100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0028
or Pre BIOL0099
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To acquire knowledge of neurological and psychiatric diseases, with reference to underlying neurochemical dysfunctions and potential therapies
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate an insight into current topics and controversies in the neurosciences,
*show development of presentation and discussion skills.
Topics selected from:
* Alzheimer's disease
* Parkinson's disease
* Huntingdon's chorea
* Epilepsy
* Multiple sclerosis
* Jacob Creutzfelt
* Stroke
* HIV dementia
* Depression
* Schizophrenia
* Anxiety / Panic
* Muscular dystrophies
BIOL0083: Enzymes in biotechnology & medicine
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0048
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To use our current knowledge of enzymes to explore their applications in biotechnology and medicine.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* appreciate the wide potential applications of enzymes with respect to their properties
* understand how enzymes can be engineered to meet the needs of biotechnology and medicine
* know a wide range of examples of biotechnological and medical uses
* appreciate the economic factors involved in the use of enzymes
* appreciate the impact of genome sequencing on enzymes and their applications
Enzyme engineering; electro-enzymology and biosensors; enzyme chaperones; enzymes in organic solvents; pepzymes; clinical enzymology; enzyme therapy; enzymes as target for drugs; catalytic antibodies; extremozymes; genomics and proteomics.
BIOL0084: Cellular biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0045
Pre BIOL0028 or Pre BIOL0099
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To encourage students to think critically about the current state of knowledge of biochemical processes within cells. Current literature is studied in detail with a view to understanding the molecular basis of cell regulatory processes. The cellular basis for disease states including Diabetes and Cancer are discussed with a view to evaluating the key steps in research required for further progress in these areas.
After taking this course students should be able to:
*prepare and present a 40 minute seminar on an advancing area of cell biology and present their own views as to where progress is being made
*critically assess recent scientific literature and be able to comment on areas of the literature where there are controversial or contrasting views.
*prepare a research proposal which identifies a research problem in cell biology and describes a series of experiments which seek to solve the problem.
Signalling molecules, signalling proteins, cell structure and organisation, cell compartmentalisation and membrane protein trafficking. The cellular basis of disease.
BIOL0085: Medical biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0004, Ex BIOL0102
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To generate an understanding of the extent to which Biochemical knowledge influences current clinical practice and therapeutic approaches.
After taking the course, the student should be able to:
*appreciate the increasing contribution of biochemical science to drug design and to the day to day activities in both hospital and general clinical practice
*have a knowledge of the areas of biochemical research that are most relevant to clinical medicine.
A series of lectures/discussions will be led by invited clinicians from Regional Hospitals in the Bath and Bristol area. The specialists will discuss their clinical and related research areas and stress the extent of the foundation of their work on basic science. In a second aspect of the Option, students will prepare and present a 30 min talk on a particular area of clinical biochemistry, chosen, in general, from a list provided by the Option organiser. The talks will be followed by general discussion. Contributions of students to both their own talk and discussion of others will be assessed.
BIOL0086: Molecular immunology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0046
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To describe the principles of particular aspects of Molecular immunology.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*give qualitative interpretation and description of the human immune systems
*show how this system breaks down to give various disease states
*show how the immune system can be used in therapy.
Antigen processing and presentation, Tcell receptors and receptor complexes, cell adhesion, self tolerance, allergic reactions, autoimmunity, antibody engineering, therapeutic antibodies, catalytic antibodies, cancer vaccines.
BIOL0087: Vaccines
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To describe how recent advances in knowledge about the viral and microbial factors required for virulence and the immune response to infection are now leading to the development of new vaccines based on rational design.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand pathogenic mechanisms and role of action of whole cell, whole virus and purified subunit vaccines in protecting against various human diseases
* appreciate how recent advances in molecular biology, protein and peptide purification and immunology might lead in the next century to new vaccines of well-defined specificities and low toxicity based on rational design.
Historical vaccines and eradication of smallpox and polio; diphtheria, tetanus and cholera vaccines; subunit vaccines against pertussis and meningococcal disease; malarial vaccines; possibilities synthetic peptides, chimeric antigens, vaccinia virus recombinants and anti-iodiotype antibodies as novel vaccines; mode of action and different types of adjuvants i.e. depots, emulsions, cell-wall components and liposomes. Specialised seminars presented by invited speakers and participating students.
BIOL0088: Bioinformatics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW 100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0046
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To understand the concept of Bioinformatics; to become familiar with the tools of Bioinformatics; to recognise the ways in which Bioinformatics can be used to develop new drugs.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the basis of sequence alignment and structure prediction methods
* know how the tools of Bioinformatics are used in the identification of new protein functions
* be familiar with some "hands-on" sequence analysis
Despite the title, the option in Bioinformatics is not about computing. The series of topics will cover the present methods being used to understand the mass of sequence data from the human and other genome projects. It will cover pattern recognition in DNA sequences and how to derive function from sequence, methods of sequence alignment of protein sequences, prediction of structure from sequence, structural comparison and a discussion of how structure and biological function are related. Particular attention will be paid to the topic of therapeutic target discovery
BIOL0089: Human biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach the fundamentals of human metabolism and bioenergetics: to gain a basic understanding of nutrition and its effect on performance of the human body. To enable students to describe and explain the relationship between the biochemistry and physiology of human performance.
Basic thermodynamics and biochemistry of muscles and movement.
Bioenergetics: the requirement for energy and how it is produced at the cellular level.
Energy fuels: the breakdown and synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and protein; anaerobic and aerobic metabolism.
Control of metabolism and the biochemistry of fatigue: the role of oxygen and minerals.
An introduction to the biochemistry of nutrition.
An introduction to the biochemistry and pharmacology of drugs in sport.
BIOL0091: Data interpretation in molecular & cell biology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of molecular and cellular biological data.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources
*make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data
*be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests
* interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data.
The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of molecular and cellular biological information, the course covers the interpretation of gels and autoradiographs as well as simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends. As far as possible, the examples are drawn from molecular and cellular biology.
BIOL0093: Practical microbial genetics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OR70 PR30
Requisites: Pre BIOL0007
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide practical experience of the use of advanced microbial genetics techniques.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*organise working in a pair on two mini-projects
*plan their own time schedule
*make their own materials in advance for the growth and selection of cells
*convert written protocols into practically designed experiments
*perform good aseptic technique
*make comprehensive and accurate records of their work
*critically evaluate their own microbial genetics data
*understand the theoretical basis of the experiments they have performed
*interpret their results in relation to expected outcomes.
Interrupted mating experiment in Escherichia coli; bacterial conjugation and transposition; resistance factor plasmid transfer; transduction with bacteriophage lambda; genetics of lactose operon; Luria and Delbruck fluctuation experiment with yeast mutants; gene expression following mating in E. coli.
BIOL0094: Professional training placement 2
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The placement period aims to provide experience of the application of Biological Science in the world. By the end of the placement year, the student should be able: To take individual responsibility for a piece of work within an agreed programme; To organise a personal work schedule, including setting of targets and objectives; To carry out practical work accurately and to appropriate specifications; To take the necessary steps to learn a new technique; To analyse, interpret and report scientific information; To produce a substantial report on the institution and on the personal work programme undertaken.
The placement period consists of 6 months, undertaken in an establishment, in the UK or abroad. The establishments include government-funded research institutes, commercial research establishments, public health laboratories, agricultural, food science and educational establishments. The majority of placements involve laboratory and/or field experimentation. A small number involve administrative and/or journalistic activities.
BIOL0095: Integrated biochemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 OT25
Requisites: Pre BIOL0016, Pre BIOL0075
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To enable students to use information from their courses, their placements and their attendance at departmental seminars to give themselves a competent overview of the subject of biochemistry. To gain expertise in expression of biochemistry research through poster presentation.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate the communication of a research (placement) experience through a poster presentation
*in an examination at the end of the course, write two essays of a global nature that will illustrate the comprehension of biochemistry as an integrated subject.
See above
BIOL0095: Integrated biochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 OT25
Requisites: Pre BIOL0016, Pre BIOL0075
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To enable students to use information from their courses, their placements and their attendance at departmental seminars to give themselves a competent overview of the subject of biochemistry. To gain expertise in expression of biochemistry research through poster presentation.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate the communication of a research (placement) experience through a poster presentation
*in an examination at the end of the course, write two essays of a global nature that will illustrate the comprehension of biochemistry as an integrated subject.
See above
BIOL0096: Biochemical problems [for MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Ex BIOL0015
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0015.
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0015.
This unit covers the content of BIOL0015 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement.
BIOL0097: Protein purification [For MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0021
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0021.
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0021. This unit covers the content of BIOL0021 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement.
BIOL0098: Practical biochemistry [For MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Ex BIOL0022
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0022.
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0022. This unit covers the content of BIOL0022 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement.
BIOL0099: Cellular neurobiology [For MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Ex BIOL0028
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0028.
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0028. This unit covers the content of BIOL0028 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement.
BIOL0100: Genes & development practicals [for MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0035, Ex BIOL0036
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0036.
Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0036. Students should attend either the first half or the second half of BIOL0036.
BIOL0101: Neurobiology - development
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0028, Pre BIOL0099
Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a detailed understanding of selected examples of the origins of neural tissues and the mechanisms that control their development.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*outline the processes involved in generating a nervous system
*explain current models of the mechanisms of neural plate specification and patterning
Neural development, including neuronal specification, survival and proliferation, and axon guidance to target tissues
BIOL0102: Molecular mechanisms of disease
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW 100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0024, Ex BIOL0085
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To describe how a defect at the level of the gene results in an observed disease phenotype. To show how such patients can be treated with modern molecular medicine.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the common themes of genetic disorders, and how they relate to the overall phenotype
* understand the principles of tools involved in diagnosis and treatment of the disorders.
Diseases: diabetes, glycogen storage diseases, hyperbilirubinaemia, familial hypercholesterolaemia, fibroblast growth factor receptors and skeletal dysplasia.Diagnosis and treatment: PCR/cloning, antibody engineering, gene therapy, gene targeting in the mouse, mouse models for human disease.
BIOL0103: Molecular biology of animal adaptation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0006
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To demonstrate to students how novel molecular tools can be used to address questions central to natural selection theory
After taking this course the student should be able to:
*describe central examples of natural selection such as pesticide resistance, mimicry and current examples from the growing field of evolution/development, and have examined the impact of molecular biology on these examples
Possible topics include: how do genotypes produce phenotypes; pesticide resistance, sex determination, colour pattern formation and mimicry, population genetics, neutral theory
BIOL0104: Molecular neuroscience
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Pre BIOL0028 or BIOL0099, Pre BIOL0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: An advanced review of the molecular and molecular processes underlying intercellular communication in the mammalian nervous system.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the properties of the various classes of receptors and ion channels present in the mammalian CNS, and how these molecules interact to co-ordinate neuronal activity.
* read and comprehend the relevant scientific literature.
Lectures. Receptors and ion channels - the existence of families and super-families. The structure of these various families of polypeptide. The functional consequences of this diversity and how it might be regulated at the gene and protein levels. How the signals produced by these channels are integrated. Synthesis, release and uptake of neurotransmitters
BIOL0105: Third year pre-placement course (MBiochem)
Semester 2
Credits: 15
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW50 ES25 PR25
Requisites: Pre BIOL0016
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide preparation for the third year placement and final year work.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
* be able to use current methods to understand sequence data from the human and other genome projects
* be able to communicate new findings in biochemistry and/or the nature of biochemical employment in writing. At least one of these presentations will be aimed at a lay audience.
* be able (alongside earlier practicals) to perform the full range of biochemical techniques used in the Department
* study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the results section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, e.g. answering particular questions or writing the discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data.
Workshops in bioinformatics. Preparation of presentation of scientific work. Laboratory sessions in advanced biochemistry. Problem classes.
BIOL0106: Plant-animal interactions
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW10 ES10 EX80
Requisites: Pre BIOL0009, Pre BIOL0014
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explore by means of lectures, directed study and student-led seminars, the biochemical, physiological, toxicological, ecological and evolutionary interactions between plants and animals, leading to an understanding of how these relationships have contributed to the evolution of these groups and of present day biodiversity.
After taking this course, the student should be able to:
* Display an appreciation of the richness of interactions between plants and herbivores at the biochemical, physiological, and toxicological levels.
* Describe the host-finding and food-selection mechanisms of a number of herbivores, relating these to the properties of the plants and the environments in which they are found.
* Describe a number of named examples of plant defensive mechanisms and herbivore strategies to overcome these.
* Understand the feeding behaviour of herbivores in terms of optimal foraging and optimal digestion/nutrition strategies.
* Relate the present status of plant-herbivore interactions to the existence of past evolutionary arms races.
* Discuss other kinds of plant-animal interactions, including mutualisms connected with pollination, seed dispersal, and the trophic relations between carnivorous plants and their prey.
* Display a critical appreciation of the experimental and field ecological methods used to study these phenomena.
Various examples of plant herbivore and other kinds of plant-animal interactions, taken from the scientific literature will be presented in introductory lectures, will form the subject of directed study by the class, and will be presented as topics in student led seminars. The course will focus very largely on angiosperm plants and insects, although examples of other groups will be used as appropriate.
CHEL0001: Transport phenomena & material & energy balances 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 PR30 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce fluid flow and momentum transfer in pipes, channels and various devices and fittings. To discuss the principles of turbulent flow and flow measurement along with the physical properties of fluids.
To introduce the mechanisms and modes of heat transfer, heat transfer situations and heat transfer equipment.
To introduce students to the principles and practices of steady state and unsteady state material and energy balancing and to the concept of formulating flowsheets. The subject matter will cover single component/multicomponent, single phase/multiphase systems with or without reaction.
After successfully completing this module the student should:
* understand the principles of fluid flow and momentum transfer and
* understand the mechanisms and modes of heat transfer.
* be able to formulate and manually solve material and energy balances for process systems which may include multicomponent streams, phase changes, simple reactions, recycle, purge, by-pass and mixing.
* types of fluid - Newtonian and non-Newtonian
* Bernoulli, continuity and momentum equations
* application of basic equations
* pressure drop and power requirement
* pressure drop in pipes and fittings
* laminar and turbulent flow
* flow measurement using pitot tube, orifice and venturi meters
* flow in channels
* compressible flow
Heat Transfer
* heat transfer mechanisms
* introduction to conduction, thermal resistances in series and parallel, conduction through cylindrical walls
* introduction to convection, film theory, heat transfer coefficient correlations
* introduction to radiation, radiation between surfaces, furnace design
* heat exchangers, types, construction, design
Mass and Energy Balances
* units, molar concentrations, mass and molar flowrates
* material balances on non-reacting systems; steady-state and transient, batch and continuous processes, systematic approach, multiple units
* material balances on recycle and by-pass streams; concept of the flowsheet
* material balances on reacting systems and purge flows
* material balances for multiphase systems
* conservation of energy; interchange of energy and work
* energy balances on closed and open (flow) systems at steady-state and unsteady-state
* enthalpy and sources of data; state properties and process paths; multicomponent streams, phase changes, mixing and solution, humidification
* energy balances on single and multiphase systems with and without reaction; adiabatic, non-adiabatic and isothermal processes; incomplete conversion, excess reactants and presence of inerts; combustion calculations
CHEL0002: Communications 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the use of computers including both the operating system and a number of useful software packages.
the skills required for communication
* report writing
* teamwork
* oral presentation
* cv preparation
* Computing: Introduction to the IBM PC and windows operating system; Introduction to a spreadsheet package and its use in data manipulation and presentation; Introduction to a word processing package and its use for document and programme preparation; Introduction to e-mail and the World Wide Web
CHEL0004: Reaction engineering & engineering thermodynamics 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW10 OT30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the principles of reaction kinetics and their applications to chemical and biochemical reactors.
To provide students with an appreciation of heat and mechanical work applications.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* understand the basic principles of reaction engineering; reaction order; rate law; half life and stoichiometric tables
* be able to perform simultaneous mass and energy balances on adiabatic reactors
* be able to apply the Arrhenius equation to calculate the activation energy and specific reaction rate
* be able to carry out basis isothermal reactor designs
* appreciate the role of various reactors in chemical and biochemical processes.
* understand that heat and work are interconvertible,
* appreciate the limitations and capabilities of systems that exchange heat and do work,
* understand the limitations on converting heat into work,
* be able to solve elementary problems relating to the performance of steam power and refrigeration plant,
* be able to calculate the available energy (exergy) of an operating plant.
Order of reaction and analysis of kinetic rate equations
* Arrhenius equation and simple collision theory
* Absolute rate theory and interpretation of rate data
* Reactor material balances: batch, continuous and plug
* Applications of traditional chemical interpretations to biochemical processes
* Basic reactor designs: batch, CSTR, plug flow
* Heats of reaction and formation; standard heats of reaction and formation; exothermic and endothermic reactions; Hess's law
* Energy balances on reactive systems; examples of isothermal and non-isothermal processes
* Heat of combustion, calorific values. Energy balances for combustion. Adiabatic flame temperature
* Simultaneous mass and energy balances on reactors. Adiabatic reactors
* First Law for closed and open systems and its applications
* Internal energy, enthalpy, and heat capacities
* relationship between heat and work
* reversibility and irreversibility
* Carnot's principle and the second law of thermodynamics
* thermodynamic Carnot and Rankine cycles
CHEL0005: Separation processes 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce some of the basic concepts behind the design and operation of separation processes in general, and provide a more detailed treatment of distillation, solvent extraction and crystallisation in particular.
After successfully completing this course the student should:
* have an understanding of the fundamental principles of phase equilibria;
* have an understanding of material and energy balances and how they can be combined with equilibrium relationships in order to describe separation processes;
* be able to use this understanding in order to prepare elementary designs of the following stage-wise separation process operations: binary distillation, solvent extraction, crystallisation;
* understand the basic concepts behind membrane technology and adsorption processes.
* Thermodynamic relationships
* Vapour/liquid equilibria
* Liquid/liquid equilibria
* Solid/gas, solid/liquid equilibria
* Concepts of single-stage and multi-stage contacting
* Development of mass and energy balances
Unit Operations:
* Distillation
* Solvent extraction
* Crystallisation
* Adsorption
* Membranes
CHEL0006: Design project 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW90 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
Students having successfully completed this module will have acquired further abilities in working in teams, including division of labour, intra-team communication, time management and planning. Students will have experience in solving an open-ended problem, and have learnt how to synthesize material learnt from many courses in solving a real-life problem. Students will appreciate the opportunities to exercise creativity in engineering solutions. Experience in oral presentation of results to outside parties will be gained.
The design project requires students to specify how a limited supply of reaction vessels, driers, heat exchangers, pumps and storage vessels can be used to produce a specified product mix using a series of recipes for the manufacture of several types of starch. Students will work in teams of 4 or 5 and each team will be asked to produce a schedule for a different product mix.
CHEL0007: Engineering applications 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide instruction and practice in techniques of engineering experimentation.
To expose students to items of process equipment
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* describe the operation of relatively large equipment (pilot evaporator).
* design and construct experimental equipment. (pumping circuit)
* estimate the accuracy of experimental data and calculated results. (pumping circuit + flow measurement)
* schedule experimental work to meet imposed deadlines.
* compare and evaluate different measurement techniques (flow measurement) and methods of operation (mass transfer).
* locate specific items (e.g. valves) on equipment from a PID diagram of the equipment. (pilot evaporator).
Four experiments will be carried out: pumping circuit, flow measurement, mass transfer in bubble columns, pilot evaporator.
CHEL0008: Biology & fermentation
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce aspects of biology and fermentation that enable us to exploit microorganism systems in order to develop useful products and processes (e.g. enzymes, alcohol, effluent treatment, pharmaceuticals and food stuffs).
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* have an understanding of the importance of biological systems in the modern process industries;
* be aware of the different types and classifications of organisms which exist in the microbial kingdom;
* understand the basic chemistry, structure and function of the main classes of biochemicals;
* have a basic understanding of the role of DNA and genetics in regulating biological activity, and how DNA can be manipulated to produce "new" processes and products;
* be aware of the major internal structures in microbial cells and their functions;
* understand that enzymes are responsible for the catalysis of biochemical reactions, and how these reactions are regulated;
* have a basic knowledge of at least two commercial bio-processes.
Introduction to biochemical processes and the types of product that are currently produced on industrial scale.
* Classification of organisms within the microbial kingdom, and the types of compounds which they require for growth or which they can produce as products.
* Basic chemistry, structure and function of these biochemical compounds.
* The role of DNA and genetics in regulation of metabolic and microbial activity, and its significance in modern biotechnology.
* Basic structure of microbial cells, including intra-cellular structures and their biological function.
* The role of enzymes in regulation and catalysis of biochemical reactions.
* Case studies of selected commercial bioprocesses, e.g. sewage treatment, alcoholic beverage production, cheese production, antibiotic production, food processing etc
CHEL0009: Computer programming 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic introduction to FORTRAN programming.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* understand the need for programming within Chemical Engineering;
* be able to draw and understand program flowsheets;
* be able to break simple problems down into a series of defined steps and formulate them into an algorithm to solve the problem;
* be able to use a FORTRAN compiler to produce and edit simple programs;
* be in a position to use program code from other sources, e.g. text books
This course will run on an informal basis and will essentially be a teach-yourself exercise with guidance from myself and a demonstrator. Learning to program computers is like learning another spoken language - you generally get further by teaching yourself and practising.
* Discussion session on the role of programming within Chemical Engineering
* Assignment 1 - produce algorithms and flowsheets for a given set of examples
* Assignment 2 - produce a working FORTRAN program to calculate the least squares regression line for a given set of data points.
* Assignment 3 - produce a working FORTRAN program which uses the Smoker equations to calculate the number of theoretical plates in a distillation column.
* Assignment 4 - produce a working FORTRAN program to sort a set of 10 random numbers (in the range 0 - 100) into numerical order.
CHEL0010: Particle technology
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX85 PR15
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an introduction to the behaviour of particulate systems within a broad range of applications.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* characterise particles by size, shape, and size distribution,
* calculate drag forces using standard correlations and determine particle trajectories,
* calculate terminal and equilibrium velocities for single particles and design and evaluate classifiers, elutriators and centrifuges,
* calculate sedimentation velocities for suspensions,
* calculate pressure drop in packed beds, describe the basic fluidisation phenomena,
* describe techniques for the storage and conveyance of particles and associated hazards,
* calculate filter performance for constant pressure and rate operation,
* describe the behaviour of fine particles and the electrical and surface effects that cause this behaviour.
Formation and characterisation of dispersed phases
* Crushing and grinding
* Fluid mechanics applied to deformable and non-deformable dispersed phases
* Settler thickener design: precipitation and coalescence
* Centrifugation: disk; decanter; solid bowl types
* Packed and fluidised beds
* Filtration
* Pneumatic and hydraulic conveying and other methods of transport for solids and slurries
* Colloids and emulsions
* Agglomeration and flocculation
CHEL0011: Computer programming
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop programming ideas from CE1 computing course and show some simulation examples, e.g. simultaneous ODE solving, of one/some of the laboratory experiments.
To introduce the use of FORTRAN for dynamic simulation for the solution of non steady state processes.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* solve problems generated in the Mathematics course on numerical methods through the "in-house" programming route in FORTRAN.
Structure of numerical integration routines (brief revision of CE2.01)
* Use of subroutines, and methods for argument passing
* Use of dedicated simulation packages and their advantages versus programming
* Review of available programming routine Libraries
* Transfer of data between packages
CHEL0012: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate and complement the theoretical content of the University courses in Chemical Engineering with practical experience of industrial activity and practice in the process, bio-process and related industries.
To encourage self development.
To promote self confidence.
CHEL0016: Engineering thermodynamics 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To complete the teaching of core chemical engineering thermodynamics.
After successfully completing this unit the student should
* understand the significance of and the means for estimating K values,
* be able to estimate physical properties of pure components and mixtures(with the aid of reference material),
* be aware of the need to question the validity of techniques used to estimate properties, especially when using computer packages,
* be able to apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to solve problems of power cycles, compressors and refrigeration.
Prediction of physical properties and non-ideal vapour liquid equilibria, The determination of K values
* PVT relations, Equations of state: Van Der Waals, Redlich-Kwong, Benedict-Webb-Rubin, Virial equation, Compressibility factor , Pitzer's correlation
* Mixture combination rules
* Heat capacity of gases and liquids, Enthalpy and entropy as a function of temperature and pressure
* Standard heat of reaction, Maxwell's relations, Chemical potential, Gibbs-Duhem equation
* Fugacity, fugacity coefficient and fugacity in a mixture, Activity coefficient in liquid phase
* Excess thermodynamic functions, extension of binary experimental data to multi-component systems
* Steam and gas turbine power plant
* Refrigeration
* Compressors and expanders
* Nozzles and diffusers
CHEL0017: Biochemistry & electrical engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX30 ES10 PR10 OT50
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an introduction to the principles of biochemistry and how they influence the behaviour of biochemical processes.
Electrical Engineering
To provide a background from which to appreciate the role of electrical and electronic technology in chemical engineering.
* Biochemical thermodynamics
* Coupling o degradative and synthetic reactions
* Introduction to metabolic pathways: regulations and control
* Concepts of membrane transport and its influence in cell growth
* Introduction to biochemical techniques and their potential for transfer to large scale.
Electrical Engineering
* Ohm's law
* Kirchoff's laws
* Faraday's law
* Passive and active components
* Impedance
* DC and AC circuit theory
* Single and three phase power systems
* AC/DC conversion techniques
* Transformers and simple AC and DC machines
* Semi-conductors and semi-conductor devices
* Amplifiers, gates and memories
* Simple analogue and digital circuits
* A to D and D to A converters
* Transducers
* Instrumentation, computers and applications
* Interfacing real time data acquisition and data transmission
* Safety in hazardous environments: Zener barriers, intrinsic safety, area classification and codes of practice
CHEL0018: Transport phenomena 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To explain the underlying phenomena, design methods and principles for heat exchangers and also to introduce the Navier-Stokes equation along with basic laminar boundary theory.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to apply the continuity and the momentum equations along with basic laminar boundary theory to moving fluids,
* understand the mechanisms of heat and mass transfer by natural and forced convection,
* be able to perform outline design calculations for shell and plate and spiral heat exchangers,
* appreciate different types of condenser and reboilers and their application
* be able to apply heat transfer theory to the design of reboilers and condensers.
General equations of continuity and motion: applications, including order of magnitude analysis
* Inviscid flow, including 2-D potential flow
* Introduction to boundary layer flow: definition of boundary layer thickness, simple form of the momentum equation and approximate solution for a laminar boundary layer
* Separation and wake formation
* Flow at entry to a pipe
* Natural convection, including dimensional analysis and correlations for heat transfer
* Heat losses from pipes
* Forced convection: simple models and mechanisms, including Reynold's and film models
* j factor analogy
* Simultaneous transfer of heat and mass
* Heat exchanger selection and design, including various single phase units
CHEL0020: Communications 2 & further engineering applications
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide instruction and practice in techniques of engineering experimentation. To promote the application of the engineering principles covered in the lectures which have not been addressed in other practical work earlier in the course. To enhance the students' ability to communicate through the written and spoken word by practice in individual and team exercises.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* write procedures for safe working practices
* critically analyse data of variable quality from a variety of sources
Interview skills
· Working in teams in industry
The students will complete the following assignments in groups:
*· BP Business Game - CD ROM based interactive computer business game;
* Work Permit for Heat Exchanger + Dismantle/Reassemble Plate Heat Exchanger;
*· COSHH / Risk Assessments for Fermentation & Heat Exchanger;
*· Fermentation Experiment;
*· Heat Exchanger Experiment;
*· Analyse pooled class data from Fermentation Experiment;
*· Analyse pooled class data from Heat Exchanger Experiment;
CHEL0021: Process design 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To deal with the philosophy and methods of process development and design i.e. the formulation of the problems, development and evaluation of alternatives solutions based on technological requirements, economics, environmental and safety considerations and legislation.
To consider safety and loss prevention with an introduction to the methods used in loss prevention i.e. 6 stages of assessment. To use a considerable number of case studies.
After successfully completing the module, the student should be able to produce a solution to a design problem:
* taking into account the problem specification, the raw material requirements, energy requirements and simple energy integration for the design, codes of practise, standards and legislation,
* producing flow sheets, mass and energy balances, simple instrumentation and control algorithms,
* performing a capital costing based on factored estimates and an approximate manufacturing cost based on energy, utilities and raw material costs and including a sensitivity analysis.
The student should also be able to:
* Perform a literature search on a specialist topic using modern computer-aided methods
* Prepare a review of the literature in a critical manner
Introduction to optimisation of systems
* Accounting for uncertainty in data
* Designing for future developments
* Codes of Practice and British Standards for design
* Case studies for detection and evaluation of hazards, Introduction to HAZOP with case study
* DOW or MOND Fire and Explosion Index, HAZAN studies and the implications of Risk
* Maintenance, Work permit systems
* Preventing emergencies in Process Industry and planning for handling emergencies.
* Designing for Inherent safety
* Introduction to various codes of practice: BSS's, legislation relating design and processing, COSHH regulations, CEMA regulations, Electricity Regulations.
CHEL0023: Reaction engineering 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR10 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with the ability to produce process engineering designs of ideal reactors where the rate of reaction is controlled by chemical kinetics.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to complete problems on heterogeneous catalytic reactors if they are supplied with global rate data.
* be able to apply a reaction engineering analysis to the controlled growth of micro-organisms in biological reactors.
* be able to use global or homogeneous kinetic expressions to formulate material and energy balances for batch, CSTR and plug flow reactors that exhibit ideal behaviour with reversible and multiple reaction steps.
* understand the essential features that control microorganism growth and design fermenters for batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivation.
Basic reactor designs: batch; CSTR; plug flow
* Application of stoichiometric tables
* Chemical equilibrium
* Definition of reaction rate; elementary reactions, and temperature dependence
* Mass and energy balances developed for ideal batch, CSTR and plug flow reactors
* Ideal batch reactor: constant volume, variable volume, variable temperature and pressure.
* Expansion factor: irreversible and reversible reactions.
* Performance comparison between batch, CSTR and plug flow.
* Optimisation: multiple reaction; parallel; series; series-parallel; selectivity and yield; optimum temperature; isothermal, adiabatic and non-adiabatic modes of operation; multiple reactions temperature effects
* Heterogeneous kinetics
* Microorganism growth kinetics and kinetics of product formation
* The effects of environmental variable such as Ph and temperature on performance.
CHEL0024: Basic process management & economics
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a basic understanding of the economic parameters and methods for evaluating the costs and profitability of engineering projects, and the legal framework in which companies have to operate.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* make quick engineering estimates of chemical plant equipment and manufacturing costs,
* determine the profitability of simple projects using traditional and cash flow techniques,
* describe the legal framework in which companies are required to operate.
Interest relationships, Discount formulas
* Sources of investment capital. Profit and cash flow relationships. Payback period.
* Contribution and variable costing. Break-even production diagrams.
* Basis for rate of return concept, Minimum acceptable rate of return, risk factor.
* Profitability methods based on cash flow: cumulative cash flow curves, determination of NPV, DCF rate of return, EMIP, IRR, discounted break-even point.
* Capital cost estimation: short-cut methods e.g. ratio methods, use of cost indices, factored estimates, computerised cost estimation; introduction to detailed cost estimation, scale-up
* Manufacturing cost estimating: short cut methods and scale-up
* Optimal costing methods, incremental costing and profitability.
* Common / statute law with examples in Health & Safety at Work & Environmental Protection Act; structure of the courts
* law of contract, law of agency, sale of goods, law of partnership,
* joint stock companies: memorandum; articles of association; shares; debentures; board of directors
* commercial arbitration, trade union law, restrictive trade practices
* contract of service: duties of employer and employee
CHEL0026: Separation processes 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX90 PR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concepts and terminology associated with mass transfer and show the importance of mass transfer using chemical engineering examples and draw analogies with heat transfer. To provide an overview of the processes of distillation and evaporation for separating two or more components.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
· understand steady and unsteady state mass transfer models
*· be able to design mass transfer controlled unit operations and assess their performance
*· understand equilibrium controlled unit operations and be able to assess their performance
*· understand the use of graphical techniques in determining the performance of distillation columns
*· be able to describe distillation column control schemes and unsteady state operation effects
*· understand the concepts underlying the performance of tubular evaporators and be able to design single and multiple effect evaporators with different methods of feeding
Fick's law: equimolar and single component mass transfer across a fixed boundary layer
*· Use of dimensionless groups: characterisation of the effect of flow on mass transfer
*· Distillation, absorption and liquid-liquid extraction
*· Main models for a mass-transfer coefficient: i.e. the two-film, penetration and Higbie-Danckwerts
*· Simple correlations for mass transfer coefficients and their limitations.
*· Distillation: choice of operating pressure, azeotropic and extractive distillation
*· Solution methods for distillation with binary mixtures
*· Batch distillation: calculations and control
*· Multi-component distillation: short-cut methods, Economic and control considerations
*· Design of multi-stage contacting equipment, especially selection and design of distillation trays
*· Evaporation: examples of use, single and multiple effect, energy considerations
*· Introduction to Supercritical fluid extraction, phase diagrams, systems used and applications
CHEL0028: Chemical reaction engineering 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a critical analysis of chemical and physical interactions in catalytic processes, to introduce analysis tools and models for a variety of reactors employing catalysts in solid form and to present the basis and value of residence time distribution (RTD) techniques.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to analyse reaction, mass transfer effects and deactivation in catalytic processes
* understand how to analyse and design a wide variety of reactors
* understand and be able to apply residence time distribution techniques
steps in catalytic reactions
* rate expressions for catalytic reactions: Langmuir-Hinshelwood and Ely-Rideal
* mass transfer in catalysis
* catalyst deactivation and regeneration
* analysis of reactor types: fixed bed, fluidised bed, slurry, monolith
* residence time distribution techniques and application to CSTR and PF reactors
* non-ideal flow models: partial stagnation, by-pass, short-circuiting, segregated flow, CSTR and PF reactors in series and parallel, laminar flow and axial dispersion models
CHEL0029: Biochemical reaction engineering 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the various biological, reactor and process plant strategies that can be employed to produce biochemicals in a controllable and predictable process through the exploitation of bacteria, yeast and higher organisms.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be aware of the importance of biological considerations when assessing reactor strategies
* understand how and why when culturing living organisms, the predicted theoretical results often vary from those achieved in practice
* be able to assess and design a reactor for cell growth or to carry out an enzyme reaction.
Revision of basic microbial metabolism, stoichiometry and energetics
* Power consumption and mixing in a stirred tank fermenter
* Oxygen transfer during a fermentation.
* Shear in fermenters.
* Micro-organism growth kinetics.
* Animal cell culture systems.
* Enzyme reactor kinetics.
* Cultivation of genetically modified organisms, improving reactor performance through genetics
* Sterile system design, biosafety and containment.
CHEL0030: Chemical separation processes 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the principles and practices involved in the selection and sequencing of complex separations, advance students' understanding of the principles and practices of multicomponent distillation, and introduce students to the roles of adsorptive and membrane methods as advanced separation processes for gas and liquid phase systems.
After successfully completing this module, students should be able to understand the principles and practices, and to carry out calculations on the following: the selection and sequencing of separation processes, the design and operation of adsorptive- and membrane-based separation processes, and the design and operation of multistage multicomponent distillation.
Selection and evaluation of alternative separation process routes and sequences
* Selective adsorption; adsorbent materials, equilibria, kinetics; batch, cyclic and continuous processes
* Column dynamics; dilute, isothermal, equilibrium plug flow, axial dispersion, constant pattern
* Examples drawn from pressure swing and thermal swing separations of gases and liquids
* Membrane processes, modules and applications in the process industries
* Microfiltration and analysis of fouling in porous systems; design of reverse osmosis
* Principles and design of separation for gas separation and pervaporation membranes
* Electrodialysis and related operations
* Multicomponent vapour-liquid equilibria, bubble and dew points, flash calculations
* Design considerations for multicomponent fractionation; stagewise design for multicomponent distillation
* Advances in distillation technology
CHEL0031: Biochemical separation processes 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the main unit operations used in the separation of materials of biological origin. To provide an understanding of the role of each operation within a multi-unit process and how this is influenced by the properties of the process stream. To introduce and explore the use of quantitative performance equations for design purposes.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be aware of the main separation techniques available and how their choice is dependent on the nature of the bioproduct to be produced,
* be able to sequence a series of unit operations on the basis of their capacity and selectivity,
* be able to formulate quantitative design equations for sizing purposes (centrifuge, membrane, adsorber and chromatographic separator).
* understand how process data can be used to optimise the performance of a bioseparation sequence.
Properties of biochemicals which influence choice and availability of methods.
* Cell recovery. Influence of cell morphology and media composition. Cell disruption.
* General introduction to membranes, materials of construction and modes of operation. Flux in UF/MF effects of concentration, pressure, temperature. Enhancement by hydrodynamic techniques.
* Chromatographic separations, review of techniques available
* Batch adsorption, prediction of equilibrium adsorbed design based on isotherm data
* Design of adsorption columns. Simplified models based on equilibrium assumption, kinetic models with and without an assessment of mass transfer coefficients. Prediction of breakthrough.
* Aqueous two phase extraction, field flow fractionation, electrophoresis
* Protein refolding systems and applications of genetic engineering to downstream processing
* Optimisation of separation process sequences, quantification of purity/recovery
CHEL0032: Process control 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a wider appreciation of process control system applications and understanding of the design techniques, analysis and procedures for safe plant operation. It will introduce the techniques of signal analysis, filters, data acquisition and digital control. The particular requirements of instrumentation and control of bioprocess systems will be covered.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* determine the limits to stability of linear systems, also certain non-linear systems, and use frequency response techniques to design PID loops,
* apply signal analysis and sampling techniques to obtain dynamic information for process identification,
* solve noise problems with the aid of appropriate filters and devise digital control solutions,
* assess the instrumentation and control requirements of bioprocess systems.
Linearisation and state space representation
* Stability of feedback systems: Routh array, root locus (CODAS)
* Frequency response: Bode diagrams, Nyquist plots, gain and phase margin
* Advanced control strategies: Smith predictor, multiloop, feedforward control
* Fourier series, sampled data systems, z-operator, sampling intervals
* Analogue and digital filters: Butterworth, Chebychev, IIR, FIR
* Digital control: z-transform, PID, deadbeat controllers
* PLC's, ladder networks
* Bioprocess control: instrumentation, control strategies. Case studies: on-line mass balancing, model-based FBC/FFC, multiproduct fermentation.
CHEL0033: Transport phenomena 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the principles and practices involved in selected areas of transport phenomena, to advance students' understanding of the principles of complex single phase flow, and to introduce students to the principles and applications of multiphase flows.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* understand a wide variety of non-Newtonian behaviour and carry out basic calculations,
* gain an appreciation of viscous and turbulent flows including secondary flows,
* understand momentum, thermal and mass transfer behaviour in boundary layers and carry out basic calculations and understand gas-liquid flows in pipes and mixing reactors,
* understand multiphase flow in petroleum reservoirs and methods of enhanced oil recovery,
* gain an appreciation of the wide/extensive importance of fluid flow fundamentals for non-Newtonian, multiphase and petroleum reservoir applications,
* carry out 1-D calculations of pressure drop and gas holdup for gas-liquid flows.
Non-newtonian fluids including Bingham plastics
* Application of Navier-Stokes equation
* Simple models for turbulent flow including universal velocity profile
* Prandtl-Taylor analogy, calculation of 1/7th power law
* Approximation for turbulent boundary layer, introduction to thermal and diffusion boundary layers
* Two-phase (gas-liquid) flow: flow patterns, basic equations and nomenclature
* Lockhart-Martinelli correlation
* Multiphase mixing reactors
* Introduction to petroleum reservoir engineering. Secondary and enhanced oil recovery methods.
* Multiphase flow in reservoir porous media
* EOR: gas injection processes and thermal recovery methods
CHEL0034: Advanced process management & economics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend understanding of the economic evaluation of engineering projects, particularly involving the treatment of uncertainties using statistical methods.
To gain a wider perspective of the business environment in which companies have to operate, from the practitioner's viewpoint of company structure, legal framework, financial control, marketing, project management, corporate and R & D strategy.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to use various methods for the economic evaluation of projects
* be able to read a company report and balance sheet; maintain control during a project of costs incurred using financial information available
* know how a project is planned and the principles of critical path scheduling,
* know models of company structure and operating style and how employees are managed
* know the legal framework in which companies, unions and employees operate; the major constraints imposed on them through legislation and how it is developed, enabled and enforced
* understand corporate strategies for long term planning; the role of R & D and innovation
* understand importance of marketing, total quality and customer needs.
Feasibility analysis; interest and inflation rates
* Comparison of net present value, B/C, IRR. Cash flow techniques. Sensitivity analysis.
* Effect of uncertainty on forecasts and decision making
* Cumulative probability curves
* Monte Carlo simulation, decision trees
* Bayes strategies; critical path methods
* Total quality; marketing; legal aspects (contracts, patents, European law); project management
* Company accounts; R & D/marketing interface, employee relations
CHEL0035: General
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore the wider role of the Chemical Engineer in society.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* make a reasoned and informed response to matters of general concern related to the practice of Chemical Engineering.
CHEL0038: Experimental project
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To produce and carry out an independent work programme, making good use of the School of Chemical Engineering's extensive research facilities and experience.
A wide range of projects, experimental and theoretical/ computational, both chemical and biochemical engineering, will be on offer at the beginning of the winter term.
The project is essentially broken into two parts. The initial stage, which takes place in the first semester, involves getting to know what is required and devising a work plan. During this period, you will be encouraged to discuss the project in more detail with the academic supervisor(s), along with, if relevant researchers and technicians. At the end of the semester a short, preliminary report must be submitted which includes: (i) outline of the project (ii) literature survey (iii) materials and methods, (iv) completed set of any necessary safety forms (e.g. COSHH assessments) and (v) experimental work programme (scheduled around the time available in the Spring term). An additional requirement during this semester, may be attendance at short-courses which will provide necessary enabling skills (e.g. use of specialized analytical equipment, microbial culture techniques).
In the second semester, time will be time-tabled to carry out the project, although after discussion with both academic supervisors and technicians, it may be possible to carry out additional work during other times. However, all laboratory work must be carried out between 9:15 am and 17:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
At the conclusion of the project you will need to produce and submit a detailed report. It should follow a similar format to the preliminary report, except two additional sections are required, (i) results and discussion and (ii) conclusions and recommendation for further work.
The final requirement, is a poster presentation based on the project. This consists of six A4 sides and should give a lucid summary of the work carried out, by outlining key methods and results. The posters will be put-up during the first week after the Easter vacation, and subsequently assessed.
CHEL0040: Waste management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the students an awareness of the problems of "waste" (solid, liquid and gaseous), and the methods of managing waste to meet with the requirements of legislation, economic and environmental considerations.
After successfully completing the unit the student should:
* be able to identify what is waste
* to able to determine the sources of waste
* be familiar with the legislation covering the handling and disposal of waste
* be able to formulate a scheme for waste management for a process and, where appropriate, be able to suggest methods of reducing the quantity of waste produced by either more efficient processing, clean technology, waste recovery, recycle or reuse
* be able to identify the costs associated with a waste management scheme.
Hierarchies of good waste management practice;
* authorities involved in waste i.e. Health and Safety Executive, Pollution Inspectorate, National Rivers Authority;
* relevant legislation - the Pollution Act, the Duty of Care etc;
* identification characterisation and documentation of wastes;
* records, costs, storage, licensing, future liability; contractors; transfrontier movements;
* outline treatment of solid wastes - techniques including landfill, stabilisation, incineration;
* outline treatment of liquid wastes - destruction or recovery and recycle, biological treatment etc;
* outline treatment of gaseous streams - scrubbing, filtration, incineration etc;
* auditing of waste management systems in-house and contractors.
CHEL0041: Pollution control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW15 ES10
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the technologies of Air and Water Pollution Control and the major environmental effects of pollution.
Students successfully completing the course should know the operating and design principles of the major technologies and the pollutants which they are most effective at controlling and be able to recommend appropriate solutions to particular cases of pollution control
Water pollutants and their effects
* Chemical treatment: precipitation, ion-exchange, adsorption, catalytic oxidation, photocatalytic processes
* Physical treatment: sedimentation, flocculation, deep bed filtration
* Biological treatment: principles, suspended growth processes, fixed growth processes, anaerobic processes
* Combined processes and total systems
* Air pollutants and their effects
* Particulate removal: filters, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators
* Chemical removal: scrubbers, fixed bed adsorbers, catalytic converters
CHEL0042: Environmental awareness
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an appreciation of the complexity of environmental interactions and the ways in which our activities can impinge on the ecosystem as a whole.
After successfully completing the unit the student should:
* Be aware of the macroscopic effects of industrial activities on the environment.
* Appreciate the complexity of environmental pathways, their effect in modifying the environmental impact of potential pollutants and the difficulties inherent in quantifying these effects.
* Have an understanding of how pollutants are transported and dispersed in the environment.
* Be able to conduct a life cycle analysis to predict the environmental effects of process design choices
Introduction to the concepts of an integrated environment - the Gaia hypothesis.
* Biodiversity.
* Environmental pathways and endpoints.
* Contributions of chemical and biological processing to local environmental problems.
* Principles of toxicology.
* Health issues.
* Contributions of chemical and biological processing to global environmental problems.
* Energy conversion - renewable and non-renewable resources.
* Climate effects: global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain.
* Water quality.
* Behaviour of pollutants in the environment.
* Effects of pollutants on environmental quality.
* Mechanisms of pollutant transport and dispersion via air water and land.
* Life cycle analysis.
CHEL0043: Environmental management systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the principles and practices of environmental management systems and environmental auditing in the context of the processing industries.
After successfully completing the unit the student should:
* understand the basic structure of modern environmental management systems
* be able to prepare components of an EMS for a simple processing environment
* understand the requirements for complex processing sites and large companies
Origins and benefits; EMS elements; EMS loops
* British, European and International standards; comparisons of BS7750, EMAS and ISO 14001
* Company culture and commitment; the preparatory review
* Case study of a preparatory review
* Environmental policy statement
* Case study of the formulation of an environmental policy statement
* Organisation, personnel and responsibilities; case studies
* Register of environmental regulations; case study and examples
* Register of environmental effects; process/site based assessments; examples
* Life cycle assessment; indicative assessment matrix; effects identification matrix
* Risk based approaches to determining significance of environmental effects
* Case study for combined cycle gas turbine power station
* Objectives and targets
* Management programme and manual
* Operational control and records
* Environmental auditing and reporting
CHEL0044: Environmental monitoring & clean technology
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of obtaining reliable measurements of potential pollutants in the enviornment and the role that process design plays in the development of clean technology.
After successfully completing the unit the student should:
* Understand the technical problems associated with obtaining accurate measurements of pollutants in the environment.
* Appreciate the importance of appropriate sampling regimes.
* Appreciate the relationship between emission constraints and limits of detection.
* Be aware of the tools available for clean design and analysis of processes.
* Understand the kinetic and thermodynamic limitations on pollution prevention regimes.
* Techniques for determining level of organic pollutants in potable water.
* Techniques for determining level of inorganic pollutants in potable water.
* Techniques for determining level of biological contaminants in potable water.
* Techniques for monitoring air borne pollutants.
* Monitoring of pollutants in soil.
* Problems of implementing monitoring systems.
* Commerical implications.
* Legal implications.
* Relationship between emission limits and limits of detection.
* Process waste diagrams and environmental mass balances.
* Design simulation and optimisation methods.
* Thermodynamic and kinetic limitations.
* Quantification of progress.
* Normalisation of data and indexing.
CHEL0045: Environmental research project
Semester 2
Credits: 20
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To produce and carry-out an independent work programme, of either an experimental or theoretical/ computational nature, based around environmental control and/or management themes and making good use of the Chemical Engineering's extensive research facilities and experience.
CHEL0046: Environmental impact assessment
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a deeper understanding of environmental and related issues associated with the preparation and defence of an environmental statement for a chemical or bio-process development.
Environmental statement/assessment
* Quantification of emissions
* Impact of residual emissions
* Visual impact
* Noise
* Transportation and vehicle movements
* Fire and emergency
* Justification of process technology selected
* Justification for the plant
CHEL0047: Environmental regulations & guidance notes
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To advance students' understanding of the principles and practices of environmental law pertaining to the processing industries.
After successfully completing the unit the student should:
* understand the basic principles and practices of UK and European environmental law,
* understand the roles of the regulatory bodies and agencies,
* understand the duties placed on owners and operators of processing sites,
* understand the need and basic requirements for environmental impact assessment of new developments,
* prepare an IPC authorisation for a simple process
Recap of UK and European environmental law from the lawyer's perspective
* Case studies concerning breaches of statutory duty
* Case studies concerning regulatory regimes, enforcement powers and risk minimisation
* Effect of European Directives; case study on volatile organic compounds; technological solutions
* Background to the process to be used in the EIA case study; regulations relating to the aquatic
* environment
* Conceptual design of the EIA case study process
* The Regulatory Body's Guidance Notes for the EIA case study; BPEO, IPC and BATNEEC
* Environmental assessment regulations; Guidance Notes for environmental assessment and the environmental statement for the EIA case study
* Environmental effects, Register of regulations and IPC authorisation for the EIA case study
CHEY0001: Introductory Chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Ex CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce current ideas of atomic structure, covalent bonding and coordination chemistry fundamental to more advanced chemistry topics.
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
* Name the first 36 elements, their symbols and electronic configurations.
* Name the four quantum numbers and their allowed values.
* Draw radial and angular functions for s, p, d orbitals.
* Draw simple MO diagrams and use them to predict bond order and magnetic properties.
* Derive the shapes of molecules using the VSEPR method.
Bohr model of the atom, quantization, properties of waves, Schrödinger equation and its solutions, anuglar and radial functions, quantum numbers. The Periodic Table, Aufbau Principle, Hunds Rules; ionisation energy, electron affinity and electronegativity. Basic molecular orbital theory, application to homo- and heteronuclear diatomics. Introduction to coordination chemistry: shape, VSEPR, hybridization and isomerism.
CHEY0002: Kinetics & Mechanism 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Ex CHEY0007, Ex CHEY0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concept of reaction mechanism in the context of key reactions of organic and inorganic chemistry. To provide a grounding in the measurement and analysis of reaction rates, and in the concepts of molecular kinetics.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Draw mechanisms for some of the fundamental reactions of organic chemistry,
* Describe the use of kinetic and stereochemical experiments to determine reaction mechanism.
* Predict chemical reactivity from knowledge of acid/base and nucleophile/electrophile properties.
* Analyse, interpret and account for reaction rate data and its temperature dependence.
* Describe the connection between molecular kinetic properties and measured macroscopic gas phase features.
Moles and molecules, formal charge, polarity. Acids, bases, electrophiles, nucleophiles. Resonance, conjugation, tautomerism. Reaction energy profiles, equilibria and rates; kinetic and thermodynamic control. Electrophilic addition to carbonyl compounds; addition/elimination for acyl derivatives. Rates of reaction: definition and analysis of rate law, order and rate constant, connection with mechanism. Temperature dependence of rates; rate-determining step, uni- and ter-molecular reactions. Molecular kinetics: ideal gas equation; calculation of pressure and temperature, internal energy, heat capacities and quantisation. Real gases, van der Waals equation, critical point.
CHEY0003: Functional Group Interconversions
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Ex CHEY0008
Aims & learning objectives:
The characteristic properties of functional groups (FG's) and methods for their interconvertion are the foundations of organic chemistry. The aim of this unit is to provide a sound grasp of these topics to form a basis for further of the subject.
After studying this unit, students should be able:
* To recognise, give examples of, systematically name (IUPAC) and represent diagrammatically the various FG's.
* To explain the electronic structure, bonding, and shape of the various FG's and to extapolate this to describe the origins of reactivity of these groups.
* To describe the general properties, reactions and methods of synthesis for monofunctionalized organic compounds.
* To extend the above discussion to encompass aromatic counterparts.
* To explain the special stability of aromatic compounds and how this affects reactivity.
Properties, isomerision, synthesis and interconversion reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, haloalkanes, alcohols, ethers, amins, ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids with their derivatives. To describe and account for the differences and similarities between the above groups and their aromatic counterparts.
CHEY0004: Equilibria in chemical systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Ex CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the basic chemical principles governing phase behaviour, chemical reactions and processes in terms of the thermodynamic properties of the components.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Define the three laws of thermodynamics and solve simple problems involving their application
* Define the relationship between Gibbs free energy and chemical equilibrium and calculate the latter from data under a range of conditions.
* Draw and interpret a range of phase diagrams and make predictions as to phase behaviour
* Account for the main types of intermolecular forces found in liquids and solutions
* Perform qualitative and quantitative analyses and problems involving thermodynamic data.
Definition of chemical systems and changes in internal energy and enthalpy. Calculation of U, H, S, G under a range of temp., pressure and composition conditions. Relation between free energy and equilibrium constants with examples drawn from chemical reactions, redox and electrochemical processes. Phase behaviour of solids, liquids and gases. Intermolecular forces in liquids and gases. Ideal and non-ideal gases and solutions. Emphasis will be placed on the solution of a rabge of types of problems involving the correlation and prediction of system behaviour from thermodynamic data.
CHEY0005: Introduction to solid state and main group chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre CHEY0001, Ex CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce inorganic solid state chemistry, modern ideas about chemical bonding and the chemistry of s- and p- block elements.
After studying this Unit students should be able to:
* Define basic crystallographic concepts.
* Describe the main types of inorganic structures through cell-projection diagrams.
* Provide a theoretical treatment for lattice energies.
* Describe the basic principles of s- and p-block chemistry, including hydrogen.
* Use the redox properties of the s- and p-block elements to predict and rationalise chemical reactions.
* Describe the bonding and structures of selected interhalogen and noble gas compounds.
Solid state structures, radius ratio rule, cell projections for common structural types, lattice energy. Chemical bonding theory, shapes of molecules. The s-block elements, properties related to reactivity and size. H-bonding. Chemistry in aqueous and non-aqueous media. Oxidation states of the p-block elements, stability, lone-pair effect, free energy (Frost) diagrams. Chemistry of the halogens and noble gases and their inter-relationship; basic organometallic chemistry of s-bonded species.
CHEY0006: Spectroscopy
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Ex CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
The Unit will provide an introduction to the principles of molecular spectroscopy, developing from the basic quantum mechanics of simple molecules to the interpretation of spectra of complex molecules.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Define the terms wavefunction and eigenvalue.
* Relate physical models to quantisation of molecular and electronic energies.
* Predict the pure rotation and vibration-rotation spectra of linear diatomic molecules.
* Describe the origin of microwave, IR, NMR and electronic spectra.
* Identify organic species from IR, NMR and UV spectra.
Basic principles of quantum mechanics; wavefunctions, eigenvalues and operators. Introduction to electromagnetic radiation. Rotational spectroscopy; rigid rotor model. Vibrational spectroscopy. Linear ditomics and polyatomic molecules. Vibration-rotation spectroscopy. Electronic spectra of conjugated compounds. IR spectra of functional group containing compounds. Origins and applications of proton and carbon NMR spectra. Introduction to mass spectrometry.
CHEY0007: General chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX65 PR25 CW10
Requisites: Ex CHEY0001, Ex CHEY0004, Ex CHEY0009, Ex CHEY0010, Ex CHEY0011, Ex CHEY0012
This unit is not available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a broad introduction to the principles governing chemical reactivity and to illustrate these with a range of examples.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Analyse experimental data and classify reactions.
* Use thermodynamic principles to account for chemical reactivity
* Describe the determination of rates of chemical reactions
* Describe simple theories of bonding in compounds.
* Rationalise reaction and structural chemistry in terms of the bonding models
Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics with a range of case-study examples to illustrate how the basic principles can be applied to real reactions. Chemical equilibria and coupled reactions. An introduction to atomic and molecular structure and bonding in compounds and how this is used to explain trends in structure and reactivity across the Periodic Table.
CHEY0008: Introductory organic chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX65 PR25 CW10
Requisites: Ex CHEY0003, Ex CHEY0009, Ex CHEY0010, Ex CHEY0011, Ex CHEY0012
This unit is not available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the subject of organic chemistry as a basis for understanding molecular processes affecting other areas of sciences, with reference to the themes of structure and bonding, reactivity, mechanism and synthesis.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Account for the mechanism by which simple organic reactions occur
* Name and draw diagrammatically a selected range of organic compounds and functional groups
* Describe methods for the interconversion of selected functional groups
* Solve straightforward problems involving the material covered
Structure and bonding: Lewis theory, formal charge; resonance; hybridization conformation, configuration, chirality. Reactivity: chemistry of functional groups including alkanes, alkenes, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, thiols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, acyl halides, thioesters, amides, amines; aromatics.
Mechanism: energy profiles, heterolyis, homolysis, acidity, basicity, nucleophilicity, electrophilicity, electrophilic addition, nucleophilic substitution, elimination; nucleophilic addition/elimination, electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution, kinetic vs. thermodynamic control
CHEY0009: Foundation chemistry laboratory
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Co CHEY0010, Co CHEY0011, Co CHEY0012, Ex CHEY0007, Ex CHEY0008
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
This foundation course is designed to impart some of the essential basic techniques and skills in practical chemistry that will be important throughout the degree course. Interpretation of results obtained in the light of theories and concepts developed in other units will also be an aim.
After following the Unit, students should be able to:
* Assemble and use straightforward apparatus for preparative and analytical chemistry
* Accurately report observations and measurements made in the laboratory
* Use PC's for communication and basic data analysis and use Library sources for finding chemical information
* Perform accurate analytical measurements using selected titrimetric and spectrophotometric methods.
* Prepare standard solutions and perform straifghtforward purification techniques such as recrystallisation
* Interpret results in terms of an appropriate theoretical framework and draw appropriate conclusions
* Quantitatively assess the significance of measurements made in the laboratory
A series of quantitative and qualitative experiments and exercises will be performed. These will illustrate some basic principles of volumetric and spectrophotometric analytical chemistry. Methods used will include acid-base and redox titrimetry, absorption and fluorescence spectrophotometry. The accuracy and limitations of thermochemical measurements will be explored. The use of these techniques in "real" situations will be used to develop an understanding of precision and accuracy in chemical measurements. Basic manipulative techniques such as crystallisation and purification of compounds will be performed. An introduction to using PCs and spreadsheets for analysing results, for e-mail and chemical simulation will be covered as will Library sources of data.
CHEY0010: Inorganic chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0011, Co CHEY0012, Ex CHEY0008
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the basic techniques of synthetic and analytical inorganic chemistry. To foster a good scientific style in the presentation of data and to develop students' ability to manipulate and interpret scientific data.
After studying this Unit students should be able to:
* Make careful observations of chemical reactions and explain them in terms of chemical equations.
* Perform straightforward synthetic and purification procedures
* Use volumetric glassware and balances in the correct manner.
* Manipulate and present scientific data in a clear and logical way, including the use of significant figures.
Analysis by titration, flame photometry and spectrophotometry; preparation of compounds selected from Group 14 - 17 elements and their reaction chemistry; ion-exchange chromatography; modelling ionic and covalent bonding.
CHEY0010: Inorganic chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0011, Co CHEY0012, Ex CHEY0007
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the basic techniques of synthetic and analytical inorganic chemistry. To foster a good scientific style in the presentation of data and to develop students' ability to manipulate and interpret scientific data.
After studying this Unit students should be able to:
* Make careful observations of chemical reactions and explain them in terms of chemical equations.
* Perform straightforward synthetic and purification procedures
* Use volumetric glassware and balances in the correct manner.
* Manipulate and present scientific data in a clear and logical way, including the use of significant figures.
Analysis by titration, flame photometry and spectrophotometry; preparation of compounds selected from Group 14 - 17 elements and their reaction chemistry; ion-exchange chromatography; modelling ionic and covalent bonding.
CHEY0011: Organic chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0010, Co CHEY0012, Ex CHEY0007
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the basic techniques of experimental organic chemistry.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Assemble and use basic apparatus for experimental organic chemistry
* Perform straightforward synthesis and purification methods
* Relate the mechanistic organic chemistry from lectures Units to the appropriate laboratory experiment.
Reactions of double bonds, electrophilic addition. Reactions involving the carbonyl group, to include; the aldol reaction, synthesis of esters and amides. Electrophilic aromatic substitution. Retrieval of information from the scientific literature.
CHEY0011: Organic chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0010, Co CHEY0012, Ex CHEY0008
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the basic techniques of experimental organic chemistry.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Assemble and use basic apparatus for experimental organic chemistry
* Perform straightforward synthesis and purification methods
* Relate the mechanistic organic chemistry from lectures Units to the appropriate laboratory experiment.
Reactions of double bonds, electrophilic addition. Reactions involving the carbonyl group, to include; the aldol reaction, synthesis of esters and amides. Electrophilic aromatic substitution. Retrieval of information from the scientific literature.
CHEY0012: Physical chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0010, Co CHEY0011, Ex CHEY0008
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic training in laboratory skills for Physical Chemistry. To relate experimental work to the scientific theory behind the experiment and thus give a fuller understanding of the theory.
After studying this Unit, the student should be able to:
* The student should be able to use scientific apparatus with care and confidence
* make essential observations accurately and estimate the possible errors.
* Produce a scientific report of their work.
* Gain a critical appreciation of the purpose, significance and limitations of any experimental study.
A series of experiments based on principles introduced during lecture units which may include: Determination of thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions using thermochemical and electrochemical approaches. Spectroscopic analysis of compounds to measure physical properties. Study of the rates of chemical reactions by a number of methods.
CHEY0012: Physical chemistry laboratory 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Co CHEY0010, Co CHEY0011, Ex CHEY0007
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic training in laboratory skills for Physical Chemistry. To relate experimental work to the scientific theory behind the experiment and thus give a fuller understanding of the theory.
After studying this Unit, the student should be able to:
* The student should be able to use scientific apparatus with care and confidence
* make essential observations accurately and estimate the possible errors.
* Produce a scientific report of their work.
* Gain a critical appreciation of the purpose, significance and limitations of any experimental study.
A series of experiments based on principles introduced during lecture units which may include: Determination of thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions using thermochemical and electrochemical approaches. Spectroscopic analysis of compounds to measure physical properties. Study of the rates of chemical reactions by a number of methods.
CHEY0013: Characterization methods
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre CHEY0006
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to a number of techniques for characterisation of chemical compounds.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe the principles underlining the techniques studied.
* Interpret and make calculations based on simple X-ray diffraction patterns.
* Interpret and predict NMR and ESR spectra from a number of nucleii.
* Obtain chemical information from more advanced 1H NMR spectral methods.
* Identify the fundamental processes that lead to absorption, emission and scattering of electromagnetic radiationfrom molecular species.
Overview of X-ray generation and use of filters. Crystal classes, lattices and unit cells. Bragg's Law. Uses of powder diffraction. General principles of NMR - magnetic properties of nuclei, sensitivity and abundance. Spectra of I = 1/2 nuclei. Chemical shifts and coupling constants. Problems with I>1/2 nuclei. Interpretation of NMR spectra. Homotopic and diastereotopic protons. Exchange processes. Correlated spectra. The Nuclear Overhauser effect. Magnetic properties of the electron and the origin and interpretation of ESR spectra. Mass spectrometry. IR vibrational spectra of complex molecules. Scattering, rotational and vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Emission spectroscopy. The fate of steady states. Alternative emission processes.
CHEY0014: Synthesis of organic molecules
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre CHEY0003, Pre CHEY0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the student with a working knowledge of important classes of organic transformations, including mechanisms. To give an overview of retrosynthetic analysis as a valuable method for the design of an organic molecule.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* account for the importance of selectivity in organic synthesis.
* demonstrate the important relationship between structure and reactivity for organic molecules.
* design syntheses of heterocyclic and alicyclic compounds from common starting materials
* apply retrosynthesis methods to a selected range of compounds
The principles of retrosynthesis. The use of carbon nucleophiles in retrosynthesis. Malonate ester synthesis and applications. Umpolung reagents. Alkene synthesis, including Wittig reaction. Oxidation reactions of alkenes and alcohols. Reduction reactions of ketones and other carbonyl compounds. Protecting groups and strategy in organic synthesis. Introduction to selectivity; substrate selectivity, regioselectivity. Chemoselectivity - oxidation and reduction. Stereoselectivity - diastereoselective and enantioselective synthesis. Conformation of cyclohexanes - the importance of stereochemistry to reactivity - carbohydrates. Description and synthesis of heterocycles. Routes to pyrroles, furan, thiophene, pyridine and indoles and their reactivity. Synthesis and reactivity of pyridines, quinolines and isoquinolines. Synthesis and reactivity of 3- and 4-membered ring heterocycles.
CHEY0015: Transition metal chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre CHEY0005, Pre CHEY0007, Co CHEY0020
Aims & learning objectives:
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe bonding models that can be applied to a consideration of the properties of transition metal compounds.
* Understand the general chemical features of d-block elements in their normal oxidation states.
* Describe the basic features of low oxidation state compounds involving p-acceptor ligands particularly carbon monoxide.
* Appreciate the chemistry of transition metal compounds containing metal-carbon s and p-bonding.
General properties of transition metal compounds. Bonding theories e.g. Crystal Field Theory and its applications and limitations. Multi-electron systems: Russell-Saunders coupling and its application to d-d electronic spectra and magnetochemistry. Explanation of structural and chemical properties of transition metal- ligand complexes particularly carbon monoxide. Organometallics - nomenclature, electron counting, hapticities. Metal-carbon s and p-bonding and examples of each. Applications and uses of organometallic compounds.
CHEY0016: Interfacial chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co CHEY0022
Pre CHEY0004 or CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the physical chemistry of interfaces and to demonstrate its significance in catalysis and colloid science.
After studying this units, students should be able to:
* Describe and define the types of adsorption at solid surfaces
* Explain the qualitative and quantitative basis of catalysis and physical adsorption
* Define surface tension and solve simple problems involving its application
* Define and interpret the forces between two colloids
* Describe the different processes which control reactions at solid/liquid interfaces
Introduction to surfaces. chemisorption versus physisorption. adsorbed amounts. Types of isotherms: Langmuir Isotherm. determination of heat of adsorption,BET isotherm: Introduction to heterogeneous catalysis. Kinetics of catalysis. Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism. Eley Rideal mechanism. Catalysis examples Modern surface science techniques. Molecular basis and consequences of surface tension. Colloid stability. Micellisation. Gibbs equation.reactions at solid/liquid interfaces. Mass transport, surface reactivity.
CHEY0017: Kinetics & mechanism 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Pre CHEY0002 or (CHEY0007 and CHEY0008)
Aims & learning objectives:
To illustrate how the rate and mechanism of a chemical reaction can be understood in terms of the chemical structure of molecules.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe the synthetic chemistry of carbocations, anions and radical species and describe some of the mechanisms involved in their reaction.
* Describe some experimental methods for investigating reaction rate and mechanism.
* Account for the temperature dependence of reaction rates.
* Define the stereochemical implications of a range of common mechanisms.
* Summarise how the mechanism of a reaction may be found from structural and kinetic data.
Evidence for mechanisms and intermediates; principles for acceptability;. Solvent and substituent effects on equilibria. Rates for reactions of various kinetic orders, and kinetic treatment of more complex mechanisms. Theoretical treatments of reaction kinetics and examples of their application.. Reactions in solution. Catalysis by acids and bases.; Nucleophilic catalysis. Stereochemistry and mechanism. Aspects of the chemistry of carbocations, carbanions, radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and arynes. Experimental methods for fast reactions. Basic photochemical processes. Applications of photochemistry. New methods of studying reactions: molecular beams; infra-red chemiluminescence.
CHEY0018: Environmental aspects of chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Pre CHEY0005 OR CHEY0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to various aspects of chemistry which have an impact on the environment. To promote an understanding of the major chemical processes contributing to the structure and stability of the biosphere. To provide an insight into the effects of human activities on the atmosphere.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* select appropriate techniques for the analysis of compounds or elements in a range of situations.
* describe the principles behind as well as the usefulness and significance of a selected range of analytical methods.
* describe factors affecting nuclear stability and outline selected applications of radioactive decay processes.
* describe qualitative and quantitative aspects of selected radioactive decay processes.
* account for the physical structure and composition of the atmosphere.
* describe natural and anthropogenic sources of N,O and halogen containing species and relate their reactivity to ozone forming and depleting reactions and to global warming.
Revision of basic analytical methods (titrimetry, spectroscopy) and statistical treatment of results. Electrochemical methods of analysis. Techniques for metals in the environment (AAS, AFS, ICP-MS). Chromatographic methods, with emphasis on applications for organics in the environment
The nature, properties and applications of radioactivity and radioactive elements. Production and recycling of nuclear fuels. Uses of radioactivity and its effects on the environment.
General features determining the composition of the biosphere. Major chemical cycles and dynamic versus thermodynamic control. Atmospheric chemistry and the roles of N, O and halogens in relation to ozone producing cycles and organic radicals.The Greenhouse effect.
CHEY0019: Structure & bonding in chemical systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre CHEY0001, Pre CHEY0002, Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to a range of tools that enable us to investigate a range of chemical properties and relate them to molecular structure and bonding.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* identify symmetry elements in and define the point group of a molecule
* fully assign the vibrational spectra (IR and Raman) using Group Theory
* Use Group Theory to draw MO diagrams for simple chemical species
* use quantum mechanical methods to generate and rationalise the structure and bonding in organic molecules.
* rationalise the reactivity of molecules in terms of sterochemical considerations
The concept of symmetry and symmetry operations and their use to generate point groups for molecular species. Group theory and vibrational spectroscopy. Solving the Schrodinger equation and the calculation of energy levels. Development of the variation method applied to diatomics and hydrocarbons. Calculation of electronic and bonding energies,the relationship between molecular orbitals, electron density andreactivity. Extensions to pericyclic reactions. Importance of frontier molecular orbitals (FMO) to cycloaddition reactions, endo selectivity of Diels-Alder reaction and FMO analysis of sigmatropic rearrangements. Stereochemical considerations in complex molecules.
CHEY0020: Inorganic chemistry laboratory 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0010, Co CHEY0021, Co CHEY0022, Co CHEY0023
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide experience in synthetic inorganic chemistry and introduce a range of experimental techniques.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Perform straightforward syntheses of coordination and organometallic compounds.
* Analyse compounds using a number of physical methods.
* Deduce structural information from physical methods of analysis.
* Write a clear and concise account of the experimental work undertaken and the deductions made from it.
The experiments have been designed to illustate some of the important features of coordination and organometallic chemistry. Compounds will be prepared and information obtained from a number of physical methods including IR spectroscopy, NMR, UV/visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption, measurement of magnetic moment and thermal decomposition. Experiments illustrating specfic techniques such as column chromatography and photochemistry will also be performed.
CHEY0020: Inorganic chemistry laboratory 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0010, Co CHEY0015, Co CHEY0023
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide experience in synthetic inorganic chemistry and introduce a range of experimental techniques.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Perform straightforward syntheses of coordination and organometallic compounds.
* Analyse compounds using a number of physical methods.
* Deduce structural information from physical methods of analysis.
* Write a clear and concise account of the experimental work undertaken and the deductions made from it.
The experiments have been designed to illustate some of the important features of coordination and organometallic chemistry. Compounds will be prepared and information obtained from a number of physical methods including IR spectroscopy, NMR, UV/visible spectroscopy, atomic absorption, measurement of magnetic moment and thermal decomposition. Experiments illustrating specfic techniques such as column chromatography and photochemistry will also be performed.
CHEY0021: Organic chemistry laboratory 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0011, Co CHEY0020, Co CHEY0022, Co CHEY0023
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to extend and develop laboratory skills and techniques necessary for competent practical organic chemists. To complement some of the lecture material presented in other Year 2 units and to provide experience in synthetic organic chemistry and, in particular, spectroscopic interpretation of structural features of componds.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* To recognise the relationship of the experiments to the lecture material presented in the other year 2 units.
* To interpret spectroscopic data of a wide variety and to relate this to the spatial, structural and chemical features of the compounds synthesised in the laboratory.
* To apply their experience in synthetic organic chemistry to other organic reactions.
* To demonstrate their practical skills and techniques to a good level of ability.
Experiments designed to illustrate the wide diversity of organic chemistry ranging from physical principles to organic synthesis and through to biological and natural product chemistry. These experiments will extend existing, and introduce new, skills and techniques to the students.
CHEY0022: Physical chemistry laboratory 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0012, Co CHEY0016, Co CHEY0020, Co CHEY0021, Co CHEY0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on existing physical chemistry techniques and reinforce lecture material.
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
* Use spreadsheets to analyse data in a competent manner.
* Understand the importance of advanced experimental design and safety
* Perform sophisticated experiemental manipulation
* Evaluate complicated results in terms of the theory underlying the experiment
* Write coherent scientific reports on obtained data
6 self contained experiments to include: surface analysis, polymer viscosities, phase equilibria, electrochemical techniques, photochemistry and colloid science.
CHEY0023: Computational chemistry laboratory
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Co CHEY0020, Co CHEY0021, Co CHEY0022
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
Practical introduction to the use of computational packages for molecular modelling as tools for the solution of chemical problems.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Build and manipulate computational molecular models to assist interpretation of chemical structue, bonding and properties.
* Use computer packages to perform calculations to opitmise molecular geometry, determine atomic charges and electrostatic potentials, display molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration.
* Analyse and interpret vibrational-rotational spectra for diatomic molecules.
* Index, interpret and perform simple calculations based on powder X-ray diffraction photographs of crystalline materials with rubic Bravais lattices.
Molecular mechanics with NEMESIS: conformations of six-membered rings. Molecular orbital calculations with SPARTAN : qualitative MO theory and molecular vibrations. Molecular orbital calculations with EHMO : coordination of nickel complexes. X-ray powder diffraction. Infra-red spectrum of HCI.
CHEY0023: Computational chemistry laboratory
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Co CHEY0020
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry programmes.
Aims & learning objectives:
Practical introduction to the use of computational packages for molecular modelling as tools for the solution of chemical problems.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Build and manipulate computational molecular models to assist interpretation of chemical structue, bonding and properties.
* Use computer packages to perform calculations to opitmise molecular geometry, determine atomic charges and electrostatic potentials, display molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration.
* Analyse and interpret vibrational-rotational spectra for diatomic molecules.
* Index, interpret and perform simple calculations based on powder X-ray diffraction photographs of crystalline materials with rubic Bravais lattices.
Molecular mechanics with NEMESIS: conformations of six-membered rings. Molecular orbital calculations with SPARTAN : qualitative MO theory and molecular vibrations. Molecular orbital calculations with EHMO : coordination of nickel complexes. X-ray powder diffraction. Infra-red spectrum of HCI.
CHEY0024: Inorganic & computational chemistry laboratory
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0009, Pre CHEY0010
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry with Management
Aims & learning objectives:
Two aspects of practical chemistry will be introduced in this Unit. It aims to demonstrate the utility of synthetic inorganic chemistry and the use of computational packages for molecular modelling as tools for the solution of chemical problems.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Build and manipulate computational molecular models to assist interpretation of chemical structue, bonding and properties.
* Use computer packages to perform calculations to opitmise molecular geometry, determine atomic charges and electrostatic potentials, display molecular orbitals and normal modes of vibration.
* Perform straightforward syntheses of coordination and organometallic compounds.
* Analyse compounds using a number of physical methods.
* Deduce structural information from physical methods of analysis.
Experiments designed to illustrate the important features of metal d-block chemistry coordination chemistry, organometallics and metal-metal bonded compounds. Interpretation of spectra. Computation techniques to be introduced will include Molecular mechanics, energy minimization and geometry optimization. Databases for chemical structures and chemical synthesis design.
CHEY0025: Physical & organic chemistry laboratory
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0011, Pre CHEY0012
This unit is only available to students on Chemistry with Management
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on existing practical chemistry techniques and reinforce lecture material.
After studying this unit, students should be able to:
* Use spreadsheets to analyse data in a competent manner.
* Understand the importance of experimental design and safety
* Evaluate complicated results in terms of the theory underlying the experiment
* Write coherent scientific reports on obtained data
* To interpret spectroscopic data of a wide variety and to relate this to the spatial, structural and chemical features of the compounds synthesised in the laboratory.
* To apply their experience in synthetic organic chemistry to other organic reactions.
* To demonstrate their practical skills and techniques to a good level of ability.
Experiments involving surface analysis, colloid science, and reaction kinetics requiring computer based analysis of results. Synthesis of organic compounds and interpretation of information obtained from physical methods.
CHEY0026: Organic chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To describe some modern aspects of organic synthesis, including, the use of unconventional elements in synthesis, the control of stereochemistry and an introduction to medicinal chemistry
After studying this Unit, students sould be able to:
* Understand the basic principles of organic chemistry taught in earlier modules.
* Define the role of transition metals as catalysts in modern organic chemistry
* Describe some of the important organic reactions based on main group elements
* Integrate concepts from inorganic chemistry with a mechanistic understanding of organoelement chemistry.
* Explain how stereochemistry can be controlled in organic synthesis
* Discuss contemporary methods of drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
* Explain why combinatorial chemistry can benefit the drug discovery process
Transition metal catalysed coupling reactions and carbonylation reactions. Catalytic reactions involving alkenes (especially the Heck reaction). Other applications of transition metals to organic synthesis. General aspects of organosilicon chemistry, including the use of organosilicon protecting groups and the reactivity of allylsilanes. The use of sulfur ylides in alkene formation. Revision of retrosynthetic analysis. The control of stereochemistry in the alkylaton of enolates. The formation of E/Z enolates and their reactiviy in the aldol reaction. Zimmerman Traxler transition states. Conjugate addition reactions, Diels Alder reactions, and methods for controlling the selectivity of these reactions.An introduction to medicinal chemistry. The discovery and mode of action of sulfonamide drugs. Penicllins and the semi-synthesis of new antibiotics. The principles of combinatorial chemistry. The advantages of solid phase organic synthesis using resins.
CHEY0027: Chemistry topics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0013, Pre CHEY0017
Aims & learning objectives:
This core course will comprise a detailed discussion of three distinct topics.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate an understanding of how polymer structure can be influenced by the methods of synthesis and how this affects material properties.
* Describe some experimental tools for investigating reaction mechanisms and the use of some theoretical models for their correlation and interpretation
* Describe the physical basis, limitations and information available from a range of structural methods such as X-Ray crystallography, NMR, NQR and Mossbaurer Spectroscopics.
* Solve a range of problems involving numerical and spectroscopic information
Polymer chemistry:Polymer chemistry: Classification and types of polymers. Synthesis of polymers with examples taken from several different classes (addition, step-growth, ring opening, organometallic) with the emphasis on how physicochemical considerations influence the polymer structure. Characterisation of polymers (molecular weight and chain length, spectroscopy, thermal methods). Structure and morphology of polymers and how this influences properties. Polymer solutions and thermodynamics of polymer mixtures. A survey of recent applications taken from current research and industrial topics.
Physical Organic Chemistry: Energy changes in equilibria and reactivity. Transition states and saddle points. Activation parameters. Analysis of reaction coordinates. Principle of Least Nuclear Motion. Hammond Postulate. More O'Ferrall - Jencks diagrams. Rate - equilibrium correlations. Hammett equation as an example of a linear free-energy relatiionship. Signficance of s and r for reactivity and mechanism. Complex Hammett plots : change in mechanism vs. change in rate-determining step. Equilibrium and kinetic isotope effects. Primary and secondary effects and their significance. Heavy-atom effects.
Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry: Brief introduction to crystallography. Crystal classes and lattices. Unit cells. Periodicity in lattices. Space group diagrams. Data collection procedures and solving crystal structures. Low temperature data. Neutron and electron diffraction. Revision of basic principles of NMR spectroscopy. Spectra of molecules with dilute spin nuclei. Variable temperature NMR. Solid state NMR spectroscopy. Quadrupolar nuclei, relaxation and linewidths. Origin of NQR spectra. Mossbauer spectroscopy - origins and problems. Isomer shift and quadupole splitting.
CHEY0028: Inorganic chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To revise the basic principles of inorganic chemistry taught in previous units and to consider two areas of advanced inorganic chemistry in detail: Inorganic reaction mechanisms and Chemistry of p-block elements.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Explain the mechanism of selected reactions at at main group and transition metal centres
* describe the use of inorganic compounds in electronic industrial applications such as CVD
* Interpret spectroscopic data on a range of inorganic compounds
Synthetic and structural trends in the organometallic compounds of the common oxidation states; low oxidation state chemistry; multiple bonding, aromoticity in main group chemistry; MOCVD and the microelectronics industry. Mechanistic detail on examples of substitution reactions, electron transfer and
ligand-based reactions.
CHEY0029: Physical chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0016, Pre CHEY0017
Aims & learning objectives:
To revise the basic principles of physical chemistry taught in previous units and to consider two areas of advanced physical chemistry in detail: Statistical Thermodynamics and Spectroscopy/photochemistry.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Use basic statistical thermodynamic techniques to derive bulk properties of compunds from theoretical or spectroscopic data
* Assess the reliability of statistical approaches under different conditions
* Account for the formation and decay of electronically excited states in molecules
* Describe modern instrumental methods for photochemical investigation
* Solve a range of quantitative problems in these topics.
Description of energy partition, the Boltzmann Distribution Law. and quantum statistics. Derivation of partition functions, their use to calculate properties and comparison with experimental techniques. Evaluation of equilibrium and rate constants. Statistical thermodynamics of solids. Introduction to lattice dynamics, definitions of phonons and phonon dispersion curves. Comparison of real materials with Debye and Einstein models. Absorption and emission of light. Jablonskii scheme. Excited state kinetics and quenching. Experimental methods. Properties and reactions of excited states. Examples of photochemical processes including photosynthesis, photography, solar energy conversion and atmospheric photochemistry.
CHEY0030: Chemistry of d- and f- block elements
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to more advanced aspects of and recent developments in coordination chemistry.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate an understanding of how and why the coordination chemistry of the second and third row elements differs from that of the first row transition and f-block elements.
* Account for the considerable current research attention attracted by the heavier transition metals.
* Account for the bonding features relating to structural and reactivity patterns.
Coordination compounds in medicine. Ligand design - steric and electronic effects and extremes of coordination. Functionalised ligands and hemilability. Relativistic effects in chemistry. Supramolecular coordination chemistry. Metal-metal bonds and cluster compounds. Bonding/reactivity patterns in selected d- and f-block examples.
CHEY0031: Inorganic materials chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of two areas of modern organometallic chemistry.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* describe the chemistry of transition metal alkylidene complexes.
* account for the inter-relationship of higher boron hydride and transition metal clusters.
Synthesis and structure of Schrock and Tebbe's alkylidene transition metal complexes. Their raction with alkenes and the discovery of ROMP and metathesis catalysts. Grubb's ruthenium alkylidene complex as a catalyst for ring-closing metathesis. The 3c-2e bond and Wade's Rules in the study of the boron hydrides. The synthesis and reactivity of carbaboranes and the discovery of metalla-boranes and -carbaboranes. The Isolobal Principle and its importance in cluster chemistry.
CHEY0032: Complex fluids
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0016
Aims & learning objectives:
To summarise the main factos which determine the physical properties of liquid crystals, surfactants and microemulsions.
After studying this Unit, the students should be able to:
* Classify the main type of liquid crystalline mesophases.
* Describe the structures formed by amphiliphilic molecules in soluction and acount for their stablity.
* Draw and interpret the X-ray scattering from liquid crystalline structures.
* Account for the formation of microemulsions.
* Deduce basic structural information from small angle neutron scattering measurements.
Definitions of Complex fluids. Liquid crystal structures - nematic, columnar and smectic phaes. Scattering techniques. Optical properties of LC phases. Theories of LC phase formation. Self assembly. Spheres, rods and lamellar structures. Probing structure by neutron scattering, NMR, Microemulsions. Phase behaviour in colloidal suspension.
CHEY0033: Electrochemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0016
Aims & learning objectives:
This course provides an introduction to kinetic electrochemistry. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how electrode kinetics and mass transport phenomenon influence experimental electrochemical measurements. The course will provide a general overview of the applications of electrochemistry in the `real' world.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Define the relationship between mass transport and electron transfer processes in electrochemical measurements.
* Analyse current-voltage behaviourfor potential step and cyclic voltammetry measurements.
* Identify the structure of the electrical double layer at charged metal solution-interfaces.
Introduction to electrode kinetics. Models of electron transfer. Theory. How voltage influences the rate constant for electronics reactions. Mass transport; convertion, diffusion and migration. Experimental techniques: voltammetry-cyclic and potential s tep measurements. Hydrodynamic systems - the rotating disc and dropping mercury electrodes. Microelectrodies. Devices for the investigation of rapid chemical reactions. The structure of the electrode/solution interface: the electrical double layer. Spectroelectrochemistry, infra red, UV/VIS and ESR.
CHEY0035: Recent developments in organic chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce some topics of current research interest to students with a specialised interest in organic chemistryand to explain the importance and history of new developments and their significance.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Quote examples of organic reactions in current use for synthesising industrially important compounds
* Account for the synthetic methods used and the reaction mechanisms of the selected reactions
Introduction to and examples of asymmetric catalysis. Catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation. Asymmetric oxidations - epoxidation and dehydroxylation. Enantiopure Lewis acids. Biotransformations. The use of enzymes in organic synthesis. Kinetic resolution with hydrolytic enzymes, and the preparation of enantiomerically enriched alcohols and acids. Enzymes in oxidation, reduction and C-C bond forming reactions.
CHEY0036: Biopolymers
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an overview of biopolymer structures (protein, carbohydrate, nucleic acids) and biopolymer biosynthesis. To understand the relationship between proteins and DNA, how proteins are made, how DNA may be sequences and why this should be important.
Peptide chemistry and peptide sequencing and synthesis; monosaccharide and oligosaccharide chemistry, including stereochemistry; synthesis of disaccharides; brief resume of DNA and genes; the genetic code and gene malfunction; chemical synthesis of DNA; why it is important; definition of an oligonucleotide; chemical synthesis of oligonucleotides using solid phase techniques; DNA sequencing: definition; importance; two methods for sequencing DNA.
CHEY0037: Synthesis of medicinal compounds
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce and illustrate how advanced synthetic organic chemistry is used in the preparation of medicinally valuable compounds.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Use reterosynthetic analysis to plan synthetic routes to a range of complex target molecules.
* Define reagents and strategies for the assembly of defined stereochemical arrays.
* Design rational analogues, or modified compounds from given medicinal agents.
The unit will illustrate the complex relationship between organic chemistry and medicine. Several disease areas will be selected and compounds used to treat them considered. The focus of the unit will be the methods used to synthesise those compounds. Areas covered will include:- Prostaglandens, b-Lactams, ionophoro antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs.ms,ionophoro antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs.
CHEY0038: Neutron scattering for chemists
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0016
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the theory and practice of modern neutron scattering as applied to chemical systems
After studying this units, students should be able to:
* Define and describe scattering parameters for neutrons
* Describe typical neutron scattering experimental set-up
* Discuss the use of isotopic substitution and contrast variation
* Analyse small angle scattering data
* Discuss in detail neutron scattering from interfaces
Introduction:Why neutrons. Scattering theory. Properties of the neutron and production of high fluxes. Experimental detail - neutron spectrometers. Detection of neutrons. Coherent and Incohernet scattering. Elastic and inelastic scattering. Small Angle scattering. Neutron reflection.
CHEY0039: Computational chemistry of inorganic materials
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0019
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to computational chemistry describing the range of chemical problems relating to inorganic materials that are accessible to these techniques.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* demonstrate the relationship between interatomic forces and chemical properties and identify where computer simulation techniques can beused
* describe the usefulness and limitations of selected methods in a variety of chemical situations
Definitions of terms such as ensembles and periodic boundaries. Description of energy minimisation methods. Introduction to zeolite catalysts and the role of energy minimisation in understanding their properties. Introduction to molecular dynamics and its use in caluclating thermodynamic and diffusion properties. The role of molecular dynamics in modelling ionic difficusion and relevance to Fast Ionic Conductors. Introduction to Monte Carlo techniques, including applications e.g. crystal growth. Calculation of energy using either electronic or atomistic approaches (i.e. quantum or classical mechanics). Development of potential models for covalent and ionic systems. Extensions of these techniques to pharmaceutical problems.
CHEY0040: Chemistry research project one
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: DS55 OR30 OT15
Requisites: Co CHEY0049
Only available to students on MChem Sandwich programmes Year 4.
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of formats and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0041: Introduction to chemical research 1
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: DS60 OR40
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0042: Advances in inorganic chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to advanced aspects of a topic of current interest in Inorganic Chemistry.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Lucidly and clearly outline the main features and give examples of the topic
To be confirmed. A topic of current interest will be selected and treated in detail.
CHEY0043: Group work in practical chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Only available to students in the Department of Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to an extended piece of practical chemistry involving planning and executing experimental work and reporting the results in a number of formats. Other factors such as communication skills and teamwork will be emphasised.
After completing this Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate skills in planning and executing practical problems in Chemistry
* Work in a team - allocation and correlation of tasks and collection of data
* Present the results of an investigation in written report and poster formats
* Demonstrate experimental skills appropriate to the chosen project
Students will work in small groups on problems of an investigative nature selected from a list of available projects. A problem will be set and appropriate experimental protocols will need to be researched and designed. After completion of the work, a variety of reporting formats will be used (poster, report) to emphasise students' communication skills.
CHEY0043: Group work in practical chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Co CHEY0063
Only available to students in the Department of Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to an extended piece of practical chemistry involving planning and executing experimental work and reporting the results in a number of formats. Other factors such as communication skills and teamwork will be emphasised.
After completing this Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate skills in planning and executing practical problems in Chemistry
* Work in a team - allocation and correlation of tasks and collection of data
* Present the results of an investigation in written report and poster formats
* Demonstrate experimental skills appropriate to the chosen project
Students will work in small groups on problems of an investigative nature selected from a list of available projects. A problem will be set and appropriate experimental protocols will need to be researched and designed. After completion of the work, a variety of reporting formats will be used (poster, report) to emphasise students' communication skills.
CHEY0045: Introduction to chemical research
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT60 OR40
Only available to students on programmes in the Department of Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to briefly experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Report accurately the results of an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a short program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate aspects of planning, safety and report writing skills will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0045: Introduction to chemical research
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT60 OR40
Only available to students on programmes in the Department of Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to briefly experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Report accurately the results of an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a short program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate aspects of planning, safety and report writing skills will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0046: Group work in practical chemistry two
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Only available to students in the Department of Chemistry
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to an extended piece of practical chemistry involving planning and executing experimental work and reporting the results in a number of formats. Other factors such as communication skills and teamwork will be emphasised.
After completing this Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate skills in planning and executing practical problems in Chemistry
* Work in a team - allocation and correlation of tasks and collection of data
* Present the results of an investigation in written report and poster formats
* Demonstrate experimental skills appropriate to the chosen project
Students will work in small groups on problems of an investigative nature selected from a list of available projects. A problem will be set and appropriate experimental protocols will need to be researched and designed. After completion of the work, a variety of reporting formats will be used (poster, report) to emphasise students' communication skills.
CHEY0047: Advanced chemistry research project one
Semester 1
Credits: 24
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OR30 OT70
Requisites: Co CHEY0048
Only available to students on MChem (non-Sandwich) programmes Year 4.
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of formats and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0048: Advanced chemistry research project two
Semester 2
Credits: 24
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OR30 OT70
Requisites: Co CHEY0047
Only available to students on MChem (non-Sandwich) programmes Year 4.
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of formats and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0049: Chemistry research project two
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: DS55 OR30 OT15
Requisites: Co CHEY0040
Only available to students on MChem Sandwich programmes Year 4.
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of formats and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0050: The chemical literature
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT60 OR40
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the skills necessary in retrieving information from a variety of Chemical Literature sources and preparation of an in-depth report on a topic.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Recognise and use appropriate text and electronic sources of chemical information
* Assemble information from a number of sources into a coherent report
* Prepare and deliver an oral presentation using appropriate visual aids
In conjunction with a supervisor, a topic of recent research or other chemical significance will be selected. Several key references will be identified and the student will use these as a basis to prepare a detailed, critical survey of the area. In addition to `paper' sources, computer based data retrieval systems will be used. Students will prepare a written report and also a short oral presentation on the selected topic.
CHEY0050: The chemical literature
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT60 OR40
Requisites: Co CHEY0063
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the skills necessary in retrieving information from a variety of Chemical Literature sources and preparation of an in-depth report on a topic.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Recognise and use appropriate text and electronic sources of chemical information
* Assemble information from a number of sources into a coherent report
* Prepare and deliver an oral presentation using appropriate visual aids
In conjunction with a supervisor, a topic of recent research or other chemical significance will be selected. Several key references will be identified and the student will use these as a basis to prepare a detailed, critical survey of the area. In addition to `paper' sources, computer based data retrieval systems will be used. Students will prepare a written report and also a short oral presentation on the selected topic.
CHEY0053: Professional studies in chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Ex CHEY0055, Ex CHEY0062
Only available to students on M.Chem programmes not involving industrial placement
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a number of factors affecting the professional practice of Chemistry in the academic world.
After studying the unit, students should be able to:
* DescribeUniversity policies on training and intellectual property rights
* Describe the environmental aspects of the work of the University
* Cost a research project and prepare a case for its support
* Describe some of the legislative, Governmental and economic factors affecting the University's performance
Students will be expected to research a range of the following factors within the University and complete a report describing policies in. Structural and economic factors of the modern academic structure in the UK; Industrial liason, Safety; Environmental impact of scientific activities; Intellectual property rights; costs of chemical research; personal and management skills.
CHEY0053: Professional studies in chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Ex CHEY0055, Ex CHEY0062
Only available to students on M.Chem programmes not involving industrial placement
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a number of factors affecting the professional practice of Chemistry in the academic world.
After studying the unit, students should be able to:
* DescribeUniversity policies on training and intellectual property rights
* Describe the environmental aspects of the work of the University
* Cost a research project and prepare a case for its support
* Describe some of the legislative, Governmental and economic factors affecting the University's performance
Students will be expected to research a range of the following factors within the University and complete a report describing policies in. Structural and economic factors of the modern academic structure in the UK; Industrial liason, Safety; Environmental impact of scientific activities; Intellectual property rights; costs of chemical research; personal and management skills.
CHEY0054: Industrial placement (Bsc hons)
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT100
Requisites: Ex CHEY0055, Ex CHEY0058, Ex CHEY0060
Available for students on BSc sandwich courses in the Department of Chemistry. May also be available to Natural Science students depending on individual circumstances.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an opportunity to gain a years experience of working in a chemical company or related organisation.
The placement will allow students to:
* Apply knowledge and skills gained at University to real applications of Chemistry and related areas
* Demonstrate a range of "key skills" such as team work, time and project management, oral and written communication
* Participate in an extended programme of experimental work and develop practical skills appropriate to the area of work.
A research project and/or training programme will be conducted in a company or organisation approved by the Department of Chemistry. The content will depend on the precise requirements of the placement company.
CHEY0055: Industrial placement (MChem)
Academic Year
Credits: 48
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Co CHEY0061, Co CHEY0062, Ex CHEY0054, Ex CHEY0058, Ex CHEY0060
Available only for students on M.Chem. with Industrial Training degree scheme.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an opportunity to gain a years experience of working in a chemical company or related organisation.
During the placement, students will be expected to:
* Apply knowledge and skills gained at University to real applications of Chemistry and related areas
* Demonstrate a range of "key skills" such as team work, time and project management, oral and written communication
* Participate in an extended programme of experimental work and develop practical skills appropriate to the area of work.
* Participate in discussions concerning their work and contribute ideas as appropriate
* Prepare an oral presentation, a poster and an extended written report at appropriate times during the placement
A research project will be conducted in a company or organisation approved by the Department of Chemistry. The content will depend on the precise requirements of the placement
CHEY0056: Introduction to chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co MATE0004
Aims & learning objectives:
This course is designed for students without A-level chemistry who need to have some appreciation of chemical ideas to use in their major degree subject(s). It will provide a broad introduction to the principles governing chemical reactivity and to illustrate these with a range of examples.
Introduction to atomic structure and chemical bonding e.g. valency. Trends in structure and reactivity across the Periodic Table. The mole, chemical equations and chemical reactions. The emphasis will be on taking examples from the real world and explaining the chemical principles which underlie them.
CHEY0057: Introduction to practical chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR80 CW20
Requisites: Co CHEY0056
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce a range of practical chemistry techniques to students and to demonstrate how experimental work can be used to consolidate material presented in lectures.
A series of experiments to introduce basic analytical methods such as titrations, gravimetry and spectrophotometry, manipulation of glassware, straightforward synthetic procedures. Some supplementary material will be presented in workshops to reinforce ideas met in the previous lecture based unit.
CHEY0058: Study year abroad (Bsc hons)
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Ex CHEY0054, Ex CHEY0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for detailed information about the Study Year Abroad.
12 months assessed study in an overseas University approved by the Department of Chemistry and including a major project involving chemical research.
CHEY0060: Study year abroad (MChem)
Academic Year
Credits: 54
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Ex CHEY0054, Ex CHEY0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for detailed information about the Study Year Abroad.
12 months assessed study in an overseas University approved by the Department of Chemistry and including a major project involving chemical research.
CHEY0061: Distance learning units
Academic Year
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Requisites: Co CHEY0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for more information about the topics to be studied.
Two 3 credit units will be selected from those available and will be studied by a variety of distance learning methods.
CHEY0062: Professional studies in chemistry (distance learning)
Academic Year
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT100
Requisites: Co CHEY0055, Ex CHEY0053
Only available to students on M.Chem programmes with industrial placement
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a number of factors affecting the professional practice of Chemistry in the workplace. Consideration will be given to a range of situations encountered in modern chemical practice at the company on which they are on placement.
After studying the unit, students should be able to:
* Describe the company policies on training and intellectual property rights
* Describe the environmental aspects of the work of their company.
* Cost a research project and prepare a case for its support
* Describe the market strategies and economic factors affecting the company's performance
* Describe the development of one of the company's major products
Students will be expected to research a range of the following factors within the placement company and complete a report describing company position and policies in.
Structural and economic factors of the modern chemical industry; Safety; Environmental impact of the chemical industry; Intellectual property rights; costs of chemical research; personal and management skills.
CHEY0063: Chemistry research project
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR40 OT60
Requisites: Co CHEY0043, Co CHEY0050
Only available to students on Chemistry programmes Year 3/4
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of forms and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0063: Chemistry research project
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR40 OT60
Requisites: Co CHEY0043, Co CHEY0050
Only available to students on Chemistry programmes Year 3/4
Aims & learning objectives:
To allow students to experience a practical research project typical of research in an academic environment. To further develop and reinforce the skills necessary for research work.
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Demonstrate advanced experimental techniques appropriate to the chosen project
* Record experimental observations and data in an efficient manner
* Present results in a variety of forms and place them into context of other researchers' work
* Demonstrate the ability to plan and conduct an experimental programme
A research topic will be selected in conjunction with a supervising member of staff and a program of experimental work planned. In addition to the experimental aspects, appropriate library work will be conducted. Aspects of project planning, safety, report writing skills and oral presentations will be introduced as appropriate.
CHEY0064: Supramolecular chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To look at chemistry 'beyond the molecule', and to introduce the concept of molecular recognition through tailored inter-molecular interactions.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe some important examples of host-guest systems
* Relate the self-organisation of simple molecules to the wider aspects of chemistry
* Highlight the future applications of supramolecular chemistry.
Introduction and terminology. Non-covalent interactions. Molecular recognition, complementarity and self-organisation. Host-guest chemistry with cations and anions. Biomimetic systems. Photoresponsive systems. Supramolecular catalysis. Molecular machines.
CHEY0065: Advances in organic chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre CHEY0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to advanced aspects of a topic of current interest in Organic Chemistry.
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Lucidly and clearly outline the main features and give examples of the topic.
To be confirmed. A topic of current interest will be selected and treated in detail.
ECOI0003: Core skills for economists: introduction to computing
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW25 OR25 EX50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the course unit is to familiarise students with University computing facilities and to explore the application of these facilities to economics and to empirical political data. Students should develop the spreadsheet skills to simulate the theoretical models they are learning about in economics and politics. They should also learn how to use the CAL resource WinEcon and how to use computers for accessing information.
The Unit reviews University facilities. The main part of the Unit uses an Excel spreadsheet package to develop skills in building small numerical models and in summarising and describing economic and political data.
Basic skills: word processing, networking (Word, email, internet); presentation software (Powerpoint); spreadsheets (Excel); relational databases (Access).
Applications: Microeconomic, Macroeconomic and political analysis using Excel; Data management and analysis.
ECOI0004: Core skills for economists: introductory data analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 PR25 EX25
Requisites: Pre ECOI0003
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to provide students with experience in the use of real statistical data in economics and to further develop their computing skills, including the use of Excel spreadsheets, and graphic representation of data.
The learning objectives are that students should understand:
(i) the meaning and reliability of data
(ii) data sources
(iii) the ways of summarising data
The course will look at different sources of data, including national and international, published in e.g. The Blue Book, Economic Trends and by the International Monetary Fund, electronic data sources on (i) CD Rom, (ii) data sources such as the Family Expenditure Survey and the British Social Attitudes Data. Definition and reliability of trade and national income and expenditure data. Difference between real and nominal data. Index numbers, calculation of and the inclusion of quality. Graphic representation of data (i) pie charts, histograms, time series plots and scattergraphs. Tabular representation of data.
ECOI0005: Core skills for economists: Elementary mathematics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to provide students without A-level Mathematics with the knowledge of elementary mathematics that is relevant to economics and to prepare them for taking further courses of Core Skills for Economists. Students should be able to: (i) understand elementary mathematical concepts; (ii) solve simple mathematical problems; (iii) apply mathematics to simple economic problems.
The course unit begins with a review of GCSE algebra, and students should read the book by P. Abbott, Algebra (Teach Yourself Books).
Topics will include: variables and functions; coordinates and graphs; powers and indices, exponential and logarithmic functions; linear equations; quadratic equations; simultaneous equations; sequences and series; differentiation, maxima and minima; integration.
Key texts: Ian Jacques, Mathematics for Economics and Business
Knut Sydsaeter and Peter Hammond, Mathematics for Economic Analysis
T. Bradley and P. Patton, Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business
Chris Birchenhall and Paul Grout Mathematics for Modern Economics
ECOI0006: Introductory microeconomics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES40 EX40 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
The Unit is designed to provide an introduction to the methods of microeconomic analysis, including the use of simple economic models and their application. Students should gain an ability to derive conclusions from simple economic models and evaluate their realism and usefulness.
Additional provision is made for those students without A Level Economics.
The Unit is supported by the CAL package WinEcon
An introduction to economic methodology; the concept of market equilibrium; the use of demand and supply curves, and the concept of elasticity; elementary consumer theory, indifference curves and their relationship to market demands; elementary theory of production, production possibilities and their relationship to cost curves; the supply behaviour of competitive firms and its relationship to supply curves; the idea of general competitive equilibrium; the efficiency properties of competitive markets; examples of market failure. Key texts: Richard G. Lipsey and K. Alec Chrystal, An Introduction to Positive Economics
Jean Soper and Phil Hobbs (eds), The WinEcon Workbook
M. L. Katz and H.S. Rosen, Microeconomics
Alan Griffiths and Stuart Wall, Applied Economics: An Introductory Course
ECOI0007: Introductory macroeconomics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES40 EX40 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
The Unit is designed to provide an introduction to the methods of macroeconomic analysis, including the use of simple macroeconomic models and their application in a UK policy context.
Additional provision is made for those students without A Level Economics.
The Unit is supported by the CAL package WinEcon
The circular flow of income and expenditure; national income accounting; aggregate demand and supply; the components and determinants of private and public sector aggregate expenditure in closed and open economies; output and the price level in the short- and long-run; monetary institutions and policy; inflation and unemployment; the balance of payments and exchange rates; economic growth.
Key texts: Richard G. Lipsey and K. Alec Chrystal, An Introduction to Positive Economics
Jean Soper and Phil Hobbs (eds), The WinEcon Workbook
M.J. Artis (ed), The UK Economy: a Manual of Applied Economics
Alan Griffiths and Stuart Wall, Applied Economics: An Introductory Course
ECOI0008: The modern world economy 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 OT30
Aims & Objectives: The aim of this Unit is to equip students with an historical, institutional and descriptive understanding of economic issues and institutions in a global context.
The Unit is appropriate for specialist students of economics and will support and provide a context for first year units in introductory micro and macroeconomics.
The Unit is also appropriate for non-specialist students, who may wish to take only one or two course units in economics, and will introduce them to some of the central principles of economics via the policy questions and institutional arrangements which confront modern economies.
Growth and development in the world economy since the Second World War; patterns of international trade and investment; the role of multi national corporations; employment and income distribution in the world economy; limitations on national policy effectiveness; international economic institutions and the regulation of international trade, investment and finance.
Key text: Peter Dicken, Global Shift
ECOI0009: The modern world economy 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES30 EX70
Requisites: Pre ECOI0008
Aims & Objectives: This Unit is a continuation from ECOI0008 The Modern World Economy 1. Its aim is to provide students with an understanding of the economic issues which have affected various regions of the world in the post second world war period.
It is designed to be accessible to both specialist and non-specialist students of economics.
The course unit comprises three regional studies: the European Union, Transitional Economies of East and Central Europe, East Asia.
European Union: The development of economic integration in Europe; static and dynamic effects of economic integration; trade creation and diversion and the economics of customs unions; factor mobility and the common market; fiscal and monetary harmonisation; optimum currency areas and the European Monetary System; the role of the European Central Bank and the problem of Europe-wide macroeconomic policy.
Transitional Economies: Central planning, operation and failure; the state of transition today; expanding the European Union to embrace Central and Eastern Europe
East Asia: Interpretations of the East Asian "miracle" (pre-1997); causes and consequences of the current crisis; longer term prospects for sustainable development.
Key texts: D. Swann, The Economics of the Common Market
James Forder, Both Sides of the Coin: The Arguments Against the Euro and EMU
F. McDonald, European Economic Integration
D. Dyker (ed), The European Economy
D. Gros and A. Steinherr, Winds of Change
Grahame Thompson (ed), Economic Dynamism in the Asia- Pacific
K.S. Jomo (ed), Tigers in Trouble: Financial Governance, Liberalisation and Crises in East Asia
ECOI0010: Intermediate microeconomics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 OT50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006
Aims & learning objectives:
This course unit covers the core concepts and methods of microeconomic analysis, using some mathematics in modelling and explication, in conformity with modern intermediate micro texts. It is supported by a course unit in Mathematical Economics, where single honours Economics students will acquire a more rigorous mathematical approach.
The aim is to build on first year microeconomics and provide students specialising in economics with the analytical foundations for the study of resource allocation within the household, firm, government, or other institutions in a modern economy. It is essential for anyone wishing to undertake further study of the economics of industry, labour, environment and other sectoral economic issues.
The course will cover the theory of consumer behaviour, the theory of the firm in a competitive situation, industrial organisation and imperfect competition, the theory of factor markets, the economics of information, welfare economics and general equilibrium theory.
Key texts: H. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics
D. Laidler and S. Estrin, Introduction to Microeconomics
ECOI0011: Intermediate macroeconomics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 OT50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0007
Aims & learning objectives:
This course unit covers the core concepts and methods of macroeconomic analysis, with some use of mathematics where appropriate. Exposition in lectures will be mainly verbal and diagrammatic; single honours Economics students will acquire a more rigorous mathematical treatment of some topics in the unit in Mathematical Economics.
The aim is to build on first year macroeconomics and provide students specialising in economics with the analytical foundations for the study of the UK macro economy within the context of the European Union. A knowledge of intermediate level macroeconomics is essential for the further study of monetary, international, and other areas of applied macroeconomics.
Topics include intertemporal budget constraints; money and the demand for money; monetary policy, aggregate demand and output; inflation and business cycles; fiscal policy; labour markets; exchange rates and financial markets; the international monetary system.
Key texts: M. Burda and C. Wyplosz, Macroeconomics: a European Text
R.J. Barro and V. Grilli, European Macroeconomics
ECOI0012: Economic thought & policy 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Aims & Objectives:
*To familiarise students with a range of primary source texts written by major economists from the late eighteenth to late nineteenth century.
*To stimulate an interest and knowledge base in the historical development of economics in Britain.
*To convey the relevance of the economics of earlier writers to an understanding of present day economic thought and debate.
The historical development of economic thought and policy from the beginning of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth century to the emergence of neoclassical economics.
The main economists considered are Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, J.S. Mill and Jevons.
Key texts: Primary sources
Ekelund and Hebert, A History of Economic Theory and Method
R. Heilbroner, The Worldly Philosophers.
ECOI0013: Economic thought & policy 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0012
Aims & Objectives: This Unit extends the aims and objectives of Economic Thought and Policy 1 by considering the influence of late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century economists on the development of economic ideas and policy.
The main economists considered are Marshall, Edgeworth, Pareto, Pigou, Keynes, Myrdal and Hayek. We will focus on the development of macroeconomic theories of unemployment, the business cycle, and inflation, and microeconomic theories of imperfect competition and welfare. These theories are discussed in the context of methodological debates (Robbins, etc) about the role of economists in making policy recommendations.
Key texts: G.L.S. Shackle, The Years of High Theory
Ekelund and Hebert, A History of Economic Theory and Method
Primary sources
ECOI0014: Money & finance
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Aims & learning objectives:
The Unit is designed to provide an introduction to the analysis of financial behaviour, and to use this analysis to explain and evaluate recent trends in UK financial markets, institutions, and policy within the context of European monetary and financial integration.
Risk and return: financial instruments and their pricing; financial intermediation; money and capital markets; the foreign exchange market; deposit- and non-deposit-taking financial institutions; government borrowing, the regulatory regime, and the role of the central bank.
Key texts: P.G.A. Howells and K. Bain, The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance: a European Text
C.A.E. Goodhart, Money, Information and Uncertainty
M. Artis and M. Lewis, Money in Britain
ECOI0015: Economics of industry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to examine industry and the policy context within which it operates, with particular reference to the UK. The emphasis is in part on providing a descriptive account of the key features of industrial structure and in part on providing an account of theoretical models which can be used to explain the behaviour of firms and industries. Students will develop an understanding of the industrial environment which will serve as a basis for understanding business strategy and industrial policy.
The Unit provides a descriptive review of contemporary industrial structure and of the relationship between industry in the UK, Europe and beyond. It reviews the two main paradigms for analysing industry, namely the Structure-Conduct-Performance model and the New Industrial Economics. It applies microeconomic theory to explain why firms exist and how they select price, output and marketing strategies. It examines the role played by government policy in the operation and regulation of industry.
Key texts: Stead, Curwen and Lawler, Industrial Economics
Jacobson and Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Industrial Economics and Organisation: A European Perspective
George, Joll and Lynk, Industrial Organisation
ECOI0016: Economics of social policy
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to build on the student's knowledge of microeconomic principles and apply and extend them within the context of social policy. Students will acquire an understanding of what economics has to say about some of the major areas of social policy. Efficiency and equity issues within this important area will be stressed.
The course unit introduces some of the main issues which economists highlight when they discuss social policy. The lectures are divided into two groups. In the first we look at some of the basic ideas which economists have used to analyse social policies. We discuss politico-social theories and the role of the state; the concepts of equity and efficiency; the economic justifications for intervention; the economics of insurance, and the measurement of economic welfare and poverty. In the second group we look at some of the main economic issues in six different areas of social policy: financing the welfare state; education; health; housing; poverty, and pensions.
Key texts: N. Barr, The Economics of the Welfare State
Le Grand, Propper and Robinson, The Economics of Social Problems
ECOI0017: Labour economics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Aims & learning objectives:
This Unit is a sustained application and extension of predominantly intermediate microeconomic theory to the labour market. Students should gain a critical appreciation of the impact of market forces, institutions and regulations within labour markets. The general desirability of government intervention of various types into this area of the economy is a key question students should be able to tackle by the end of the course unit.
Labour is the most important single factor of production and the analytical and empirical study of the labour market constitute the content of this course. Topics covered will include: "New" household economics; labour supply and demand and the effects of taxation on labour supply; human capital investment; the distribution of earnings; discrimination and segmentation; economic models of trade unions; search, vacancy and unemployment analysis; minimum wage legislation.
Key texts: Bosworth, Dawkins and Stromback, The Economics of the Labour Market
J.P. Jacobsen The Economics of Gender
ECOI0018: Mathematical economics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW30 EX70
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Pre A Level mathematics or equivalent
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to equip students with an understanding of, and an ability to use, mathematical methods in economics. This is achieved by practice in the use of calculus and matrix algebra. The unit supports and extends the course units in intermediate micro and macroeconomics.
The course unit covers constrained optimisation for the household and the firm using the Lagrangian method, including duality; linear programming; matrix algebra as applied to input-output analysis and macro-models; the use of first and second order difference and differential equations in economic dynamics; simple non-linear dynamics.
Key text: A.C. Chiang, Fundamentals of Mathematical Economics
ECOI0019: Introduction to econometrics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0004, Pre UNIV0037
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide a simple introduction to econometric methods for students who have some knowledge of statistical hypothesis testing and regression. Students will undertake econometric work of their own using Excel and Microfit and will be able to perform simple econometric analyses of data.
Topics covered include: the nature of econometrics, multiple regression, dummy variables; muticollinearity; heteroskedasticity; autocorrelation, simultaneous equation models and stationarity.
Key texts: D. Gujarati, Essentials of Econometrics
D. Gugarati, Basic Econometrics
ECOI0020: Econometrics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 OT30
Requisites: Pre ECOI0019
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit, and the follow-on second semester unit Econometrics 2, is to build on the second year work in ECOI0019 and present a rigorous account of econometrics. By the end of the semester students will be more confident in their use of matrix algebra, the language of econometrics, and will have undertaken empirical work using computer packages such as RATS and LIMDEP. The emphasis is on both theory and applications in equal measure. Knowledge of econometrics is an essential part of the toolkit of any economist and econometric techniques are used in a wide range of disciplines, including management, statistics and biological sciences.
The Unit follows Johnston's classic text to a large extent. Specific topics include: ordinary least squares; measures of goodness of fit; two stage least squares; serial correlation; heteroscedasticity; lag structures; errors in variables; measurement errors; nonlinear least squares, ARIMA forecasting; evaluating forecasts; stationarity; cointegration.
Key texts: Jack Johnston and John Dinardo, Econometrics
A. Koutsoyiannis, Econometrics
Pindyck and Rubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts
Cuthbertson, Hall and Taylor, Applied Econometric Techniques
ECOI0021: Econometrics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 OT30
Requisites: Pre ECOI0020
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit, which continues from ECOI0020 Econometrics 1, is to present a rigorous account of econometrics. By the end of the semester students will be more confident in their use of matrix algebra, the language of econometrics, and will have undertaken further empirical work using RATS and/or LIMDEP, both widely used computer packages. The emphasis is on both theory and applications in equal measure. Knowledge of econometrics is an essential part of the toolkit of any economist and econometric techniques are used in a wide range of disciplines, including management, statistics and biological sciences.
The Unit follows Johnston's classic text to a large extent. Specific topics include: Monte Carlo simulation; stochastic regressors and errors in variables; maximum likelihood; nonlinear least squares; Box Jenkins and ARIMA forecasting; stationarity and cointegration; error correction models; evaluating forecasts; limited dependent variable analysis - binomial, probit, and logit.
Key texts: Jack Johnston and John Dinardo, Econometrics
Koutsoyiannis, Econometrics
Pindyck and Rubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts
Cuthbertson, Hall and Taylor, Applied Econometric Techniques
ECOI0023: Social change and development
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0077
Aims & learning objectives:
Aim: To provide students with conceptual frameworks for understanding processes of social change (in a broad sense) in developing countries and to explore the role of "development" in that.
Learning objectives: That students should understand the contributions of sociology and social anthropology to the understanding of processes of societal change in different developing regions.
This Unit complements other units in the economics and politics of development and will broaden and extend the student's understanding of developing countries and the problems and challenges they face.
Structure and agency; conceptualising actors at the micro, meso and macro levels; globalisation and livelihood strategies; agrarian change: Africa, South Asia and Latin America; urban development and social capital.
Key texts: D. Booth (ed), Rethinking Social Development
N. Long and A. Long, Battlefields of Knowledge
M. Hobart, An Anthropological Critique of Development
ECOI0024: Economics of development 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES40 OR10 EX50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Plus any two second year economics units.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to relate economic theory to debates over the determinants of global poverty, and over the prospects for economic development and poverty reduction in low and middle income countries (LMICs).
The learning objectives of the course unit are that students should acquire an improved understanding of:
* the economic performance and prospects of LMICs;
* how the economies of LMICs interact with those of high income countries (HICs);
* the nature and determinants of global poverty, and the prospects for poverty reduction;
* the relevance of theory to the analysis of the economic problems and prospects of LMICs;
* the relationship between economics and other social science disciplines relevant to the analysis of the economic problems and prospects of LMICs - particularly sociology, anthropology and political science.
Students who are interested in issues of economic development are advised to take the second semester course unit in Economics of Development 2 (ECOI0025) and/or Economics of Transition (ECOI0026).
The following topics will be covered: the status of development economics as a sub-discipline; open and closed dual economy models of industrialisation; industrialisation and trade strategies; economic development and poverty; economic development and moral economy; economic development and institutions; development and population; development and the environment.
Key texts: G.M. Meier (ed), Leading Issues in Economic Development
A.P Thirlwall, Growth and Development
B. Ingham, Economics and Development
D. Colman and F. Nixson, Economics of Change in Less Developed Countries
Y. Hayami Development Economics: From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations
ECOI0025: Economics of development 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES40 OR10 EX50
Requisites: Pre ECOI0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to apply theories of economic development considered in ECOI0024 Economics of Development 1 to contemporary issues in selected low and middle income countries, and to understand the relationship between economics and other social science disciplines relevant to the analysis of these issues. From this more in-depth study of a narrower range of countries, students should appreciate the complexity and diversity of LMIC economies and the pitfalls of giving simplistic explanations of causality of economic success and failure.
The first half of the course unit is based on lectures which are organised into three parts each lasting two weeks. Part 1 is concerned with the economic difficulties faced by newly independent states in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa up to 1980. Part 2 examines the effect on overall economic performance of stabilisation and structural adjustment programmes during the 1980s and 1990s. Part 3 then critically reviews the impact of these and succeeding economic strategies on poverty.
Diversity of economic experience will be reflected in the lectures by focusing particularly on the post-independence experience of Zambia and India; two countries with strongly contrasting domestic market size and degrees of integration within the world economy.
The second half of the course unit is organised around seminars in which students will make presentations on assigned topics, extending to the entire region of Sub Saharan Africa and South Asia.
Key texts: Wuyts, Mackintosh and Hewitt, Development Policy and Public Action
P. Bardhan, The Political Economy of Development in India
J. Bhagwati, India in Transition: Freeing the Economy
B. Turok, Development in Zambia: A Reader
F. Tarp, Stabilization and Structural Adjustment: Macroeconomic Frameworks For analysing the Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa
ECOI0026: Economics of transition
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 EX80
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to use economic analysis to understand the changes which are taking place in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, relating them to the creation of market economies.
Topics covered will include the planned economy and legacy of planning under communism; the speed and sequencing of adjustment to market economy; institutional change; privatisation; financial markets; the labour market; foreign trade; growth and inflation; public finance issues.
Key texts: D. Gros and A. Steinherr, Winds of Change
M. Lavigne, The Economics of Transition: from Socialist Economy to Market
Mark Knell (ed), The Economics of Transition: Structural Adjustments and Growth Prospects in Eastern Europe
ECOI0027: International monetary economics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 EX80
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to present a fairly rigorous account of the material that relates to monetary aspects of an open economy. The course is theoretical and analytical rather than descriptive. Students will gain a critical appreciation of the theoretical tools used in this important area of economics and an understanding of the different "economic" worlds they can be used to create.
The course unit tries to emphasise debate by generally constrasting a Keynesian real side approach with a more classically inspired monetary approach. Specific topics include: the nature and significance of the balance of payments; parity concepts; the efficient markets hypothesis; devaluation; open economy macroeconomics; flexible versus fixed exchange rates; the foreign trade sector, Europe and international policy co-ordination.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in International Economics, with ECOI0034 International Trade.
Key texts: L.S. Copeland, Exchange Rates and International Finance
P. Hallwood and R. MacDonald, International Money and Finance
K. Pilbeam, International Finance
ECOI0028: Economic growth & natural resources
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 EX80
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide a fairly sophisticated account of theories of economic growth and of natural resource use, leading on to a discussion of the concept of sustainable development. Though the course draws on some techniques of dynamic optimisation, the emphasis is on economic intuition and empirical relevance rather than rigorous mathematical proof.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in the Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, with ECOI0029 Environmental Economics.
The course unit covers the following topics: The neo-classical model of growth and the empirical record; savings and optimal growth; endogenous growth; depletion of exhaustible resources; management of renewable resources; intergenerational equity; sustainable development.
Key texts: Perman, Ma and McGilvray, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Hanley, Shogren and White, Environmental Economics
Charles I. Jones, Introduction to Economic Growth
ECOI0029: Environmental economics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide an economic perspective on environmental regulation and on the management of natural resources. Students will acquire a knowledge of the use of economic tools to value environmental impacts and the use of natural resources, the design of cost effective methods of controlling pollution and misuse of the natural environment.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in the Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment, with ECOI0028 Economic Growth and Natural Resources.
The course unit will discuss the welfare economic basis of environmental economics and why market systems do not provide adequate environmental protection. It will go on to study different methods of valuing the environment and on regulating it in a national context. Finally it will deal with the theme of environment and development, and the idea of sustainable development.
Key texts: Perman, Ma and McGilvray, Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Hanley, Shogren and White, Environmental Economics
ECOI0030: Advanced microeconomics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0018
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to build on second year microeconomics and introduce topics that are the subject of recent academic research. This will provide students with: (i) an understanding of the scope of modern microeconomics and its applications, (ii) an ability to read and understand current literature in microeconomics and (iii) an ability to use advanced microeconomic concepts in analysing specific issues.
The course unit covers topics that deal with three inter-related issues: the passage of time, uncertainty about the future, and the use of information.
The order of the topics will be:
The principles of decision-making under uncertainty; static applications to insurance, stock-markets and firm supply behaviour; investment decisions of firms under certainty and uncertainty; the gathering of information; asymmetric information; strategic behaviour; screening and signalling.
Key text: J. Hirshleifer and J.G. Riley, The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information
ECOI0031: Advanced macroeconomics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to build on second year macroeconomics and introduce topics that are the subject of recent academic research. This will help students to achieve (i) an understanding of the scope of modern macroeconomics and its applications, (ii) an ability to read and understand current macroeconomic literature and (iii) an ability to use advanced macroeconomic concepts in analysing specific issues.
The course unit covers topics that deal with two inter-related issues: business cycles and unemployment.
The order of the topics will be:
Business cycles and unemployment in the main "schools" of macroeconomics; New Classical Theory, unemployment and the equilibrium business cycle; the real business cycle and critiques and modifications of it; multiplier-accelerator and the treatment of upper and lower turning points; welfare losses due to the business cycle, empirical evidence; the Layard-Nickell model of unemployment; nominal wage and price rigidity and unemployment; job search, benefits and unemployment duration; efficiency wages and unemployment; insiders, outsider, hysteresis, and the natural rate.
Key texts: Hartley, Hoover and Salyer, Real Business Cycles: A Reader
Layard, Nickell and Jackman, The Unemployment Crisis
D. Leslie, Advanced Macroeconomics: Beyond IS-LM
ECOI0032: Final year research project 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics & Politics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
The objective is for students to learn how to design and carry out research on a specific economic question. Students on the degree Programme in Economics and Politics may select a topic which relates to political science, but will be encouraged to demonstrate skills of economic and political analysis. Students should gain insights into the development of sustained analysis, hypothesis formation and 'testing'. Students choosing ECOI0032 must also complete ECOI0033 in Semester 2; it is not possible to do one without the other. In the first Semester the work will involve independent study supported by workshops in which students will make presentations of their research, developing transferable skills valuable in the labour market. In the second Semester students will work under the guidance of a supervisor. The marks achieved for the assessment of ECOI0032 and ECOI0033 will be combined to form a mark for the Final Year Research Project; the weighting will be 20% for ECOI0032 and 80% for ECOI0033.
The topic will be chosen by the student. Students will be required to make a 15 minute presentation of their work, towards the end of November/ early December, which should cover the rationale for the topic chosen and a critical appraisal of the literature relating to it. Thereafter, students will work under the guidance of their supervisor, progressing the work which will contribute to the assessment of ECOI0033.
ECOI0033: Final year research project 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics & Politics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre ECOI0032
Aims & learning objectives:
The objective is for students to learn how to design and carry out research on a specific economic question. Students on the degree Programme in Economics and Politics may select a topic which relates to political science, but will be encouraged to demonstrate skills of economic and political analysis. Students should gain insights into the development of sustained analysis, hypothesis formation and 'testing'. Students must complete ECOI0032 in semester 1 before commencing ECOI0033 in semester 2; it is not possible to do one without the other. In the first Semester the work will involve independent study supported by workshops in which students will make presentations of their research, developing transferable skills valuable in the labour market. In the second Semester students will work under the guidance of a supervisor. The marks achieved for the assessment of ECOI0032 and ECOI0033 will be combined to form a mark for the Final Year Research Project; the weighting will be 20% for ECOI0032 and 80% for ECOI0033.
The topic will be chosen by the student. Students will be required to make a 15 minute presentation of their work, towards the end of November/ early December, which should cover the rationale for the topic chosen and a critical appraisal of the literature relating to it. Thereafter, students will work under the guidance of their supervisor, submitting the finished project by the first day of the Summer term.
ECOI0034: International trade
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 EX80
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide an understanding of the way in which economic theory can be applied to issues such as why countries engage in international trade and why they adopt trade restraints. The emphasis of the course is on theory and analysis rather than description. Students will become more skilled in understanding and applying economic analysis and more aware of economic debates concerning current issues in international trade.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in International Economics, with ECOI0027 International Monetary Economics.
After an introduction to basic concepts, the topics discussed will include: comparative advantage; the gains from trade; adjustment costs; the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model; the Specific Factors Model; theories of intra-industry trade; the costs of protection, smuggling, trade taxes as a revenue source; the optimum tariff; export subsidies; international cartels, quotas and voluntary export restraint; international integration; multinational enterprises and the welfare effects of the international movement of factors of production.
Key texts: Brenton, Scott and Sinclair, International Trade: A European Text
N. Vousden, The Economics of Trade Protection
Markusen, Melvin, Kaempfer and Maskus, International Trade: Theory and
B. Sodersten and G. Reed, International Economics
ECOI0035: Public expenditure & public choice
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to examine alternative ways by which the allocation of resources within the public sector can be evaluated. Criteria for evaluation of public expenditure are discussed and techniques, such as cost benefit analysis, are appraised. An important learning objective is to develop an understanding of how different perspectives can be applied. In particular, the standard 'public finance' approach is contrasted with the more recent 'public choice' approach. The course is theoretical and analytical rather than descriptive.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in Public Finance, with ECOI0036 The Economics of Taxation.
The course unit begins with a review of welfare economics (public expenditure analysis is applied welfare economics). Market failure and the rationale for government intervention is assessed. The impact of alleged 'failings' in the political process is also assessed. The behaviour of voters, political parties, bureaucrats and pressure groups is analysed using microeconomic theory. The growth of the public sector is considered in terms of both market and government failure. Techniques for public sector appraisal are discussed.
Key texts:
J. Cullis and P. Jones Public Finance and Public Choice
D. Mueller Public Choice II
ECOI0036: Economics of taxation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0010, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide criteria which can be used to assess different taxes. The student will learn how to appraise tax reform against a set of criteria which include efficiency, equity, etc. The learning objective is to develop skills associated with the application of economic theory. The course unit is theoretical and analytical rather than descriptive.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in Public Finance, with ECOI0035 Public Expenditure and Public Choice.
The course unit begins with an analysis of the welfare costs of taxation. Tax incidence is discussed. The effect of tax on work effort, saving and risk taking is explored (and, in particular, the claims of 'supply-side economists' are assessed). Tax expenditures (e.g. tax relief for charitable giving) are appraised. Tax evasion and policy to deter tax evasion is discussed. International taxation is considered. The choice between taxation and government borrowing is examined.
Key texts:
J. Cullis and P. Jones Public Finance and Public Choice
C.V. Brown and P.M. Jackson Public Sector Economics
G. Myles Public Economics
R. Jha Modern Public Economics
ECOI0037: Macroeconomic modelling
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0019, Pre ECOI0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide a thorough grounding in the practice, techniques and limitations of macroeconomic modelling. By the end of the course unit students will have an understanding of modelling and forecasting which will allow them to critically evaluate such material within a commercial environment.
The first part of the Unit will teach the student the principles of model building, in the following stages: model specification; model simulation; model testing; forecasting; industry models. The second part of the Unit looks at optimal policy making using macroeconomic models. The third part of the Unit looks at specific macroeconomic models, particularly of the UK economy, together with the problems model builders face and the direction in which they have been moving in recent years. Finally we will deal with the types of models theoretical economists build when attempting to model the real world.
Key texts:
J. Hudson and Dymiotou-Jensen Modelling a Developing Country: A Case Study of Cyprus
K. Wallis (ed) Models of the UK Economy
Pindyck and Rubinfeld Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts
ECOI0038: Advanced econometrics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ECOI0020, Pre ECOI0021
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit, and the follow-on second semester unit Advanced Econometrics 2, is to extend the student's knowledge of econometrics to a very high and rigorous level. The language is a combination of matrix algebra and maximum likelihood. The emphasis is on both theory and applications in equal measure. The course unit concentrates on both time series analysis and cross section analysis.
Students will be expected to use RATS, LIMDEP and SPSSX in their empirical work.
Topics covered include: maximum likelihood; limited dependent variable analysis; three stage least squares; full information maximum likelihood; recently developed tests for time series analyses; stationarity; cointegration; splines; seemingly unrelated regressions; spectral analysis; switching regimes models.
Key texts:
Jack Johnston and John Dinardo Econometrics
Fomby, Hill and Johnson Advanced Econometrics
G. Chow Econometrics
G. Maddala Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics
ECOI0039: Advanced econometrics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ECOI0038
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit, which continues from ECOI0038 Advanced Econometrics 1, is to extend the student's knowledge of econometrics to a very high and rigorous level. The language is a combination of matrix algebra and maximum likelihood. The emphasis is on both theory and applications in equal measure. The course unit concentrates on both time series analysis and cross section analysis.
Students will be expected to use RATS, LIMDEP and SPSSX in their empirical work.
Topics covered include: VAR models; switching regimes models; limited dependent variables; ARCH and GARCH models; specification tests; Hendry's general to specific modelling approach; Box-Cox models; spectral density analysis; generalised method of moments; eigenvalues, multicollinearity and principal components; Johansen's technique for estimating cointegrating vectors.
Key texts:
Jack Johnston and John Dinardo Econometrics
Fomby, Hill and Johnson Advanced Econometrics
G. Chow Econometrics
G. Maddala Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics
ECOI0040: International relations 1: A history of international relations theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES40 OR10
Requisites: Pre ECOI0078
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit, and the follow-on second semester unit International Relations 2, is to provide students with the necessary background to the main concepts, theories and methods used in the study of international relations, and to introduce them to the historical development of those aspects of international relations theory that have relevance today.
An historical survey of the main theories of international relations and the main historical state-systems in which they arose: the Greek-state system, the middle ages, the Renaissance and the emergence of the modern state system.
The course unit examines a series of important, enduring questions in international relations theory about international systems: (1) what were the origins of different international systems; (2) what factors contributed to order and stability; and (3) what factors promoted not only disorder and instability, but also system-wide change, the change to an entirely different type of international system. By examining how different types of historical international systems have existed in the past, what caused wars to occur and what helped to maintain peace, students will have a better idea of the causes of conflict and cooperation today.
Key texts:
Michael Doyle Ways of War and Peace: Realism, Liberalism, and Socialism
Torbjorn Knutsen A History of International Relations Theory
Joseph Nye Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory And History
ECOI0041: International relations 2: contemporary international relations
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES40 OR10
Requisites: Pre ECOI0040
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to apply the main concepts, theories and methods, introduced in ECOI0040 International Relations 1, to issues in international politics since the end of the Cold War. By the end of the course unit students should be able to:
* critically evaluate the main perspectives in international relations;
* understand how diplomacy has changed in the Twentieth Century
* understand the changing nature of international conflict
* understand the development and role of the United Nations
Topics include how International Relations has changed since the end of the Cold War, the State, and non-state actors, the balance of power, problems of diplomacy, international organisation, war and international conflict, nationalism, religion and international stability and international political economy.
A set of themes emerge from these topics that are ethical in nature: the relationship between order and justice, state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention, the nature and meaning of international obligation in a society of sovereign states, the idea of universal human rights and cultural relativism, and ways of maintaining international order: the balance of power, international regimes, and new approaches to global governance.
Key texts:
J. Goldstein International Relations
C. Kegley and E. Wittkopf World Politics: Trend and Transformation
Gordon Graham Ethics and International Relations
ECOI0042: Politics of developing countries: ethnicity, religion and nationalism
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES40 OR10
Requisites: Pre ECOI0078
Aims & learning objectives:
Aim:Two of the most important developments at the end of the Twentieth Century are the global spread of democracy and the resurgence of religion, ethnicity and nationalism in politics.
Therefore the aim of the Unit is to provide students with an understanding of the ongoing saliency of ethnicity, religion and nationalism to the politics of selected post-communist and developing countries.
By the end of the course unit students should be able to:
* critically evaluate the role of ethnicity, religion and nationalism in the main perspectives of development
* understand the role of religion and revolution in South Africa, Poland and Latin America
* understand the role of Islam in different types of Muslim countries
* understand how religion challenges the secular state in India, Turkey, Algeria and Egypt
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in the Policy Process and Politics of Development with ECOI0043 Governance and the Policy Process in Developing Countries and ECOI0080 Policy and Politics.
Introduction to the politics of developing countries; the concepts of ethnicity, religion and nationalism; the transition to democracy; the consolidation of democracy.
Case studies of: Poland, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Turkey, India, Algeria, Egypt and Latin America.
Key texts:
J. Esposito and J. Voll Islam and Democracy
Jeff Haynes Religion and Politics in the Third World
Jeff Haynes Religion in Global Politics
David Westerlund (ed) Questioning the Secular State
ECOI0043: Governance and the policy process in developing countries
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES40 OR10
BOLD_ON~Aims & learning objectives:
Aim:The Unit aims to provide an explanation of the dynamics of governance and the workings of the policy process in developing countries.
The learning objectives are that students should understand key concepts of the state, civil society, political legitimacy and authority in the developing country context, and the implications of these for our understanding of the policy process.
Although the unit can be studied as a self-contained module, it forms part of a specialist stream in the Policy Process and Politics of Development with ECOI0042 The Politics of Developing Countries: Religion, Ethnicity and Nationalism and ECOI0080 Policy and Politics.
State and society in the Third World; legitimacy and authority; political culture and civil society; the military and politics; policy formulation and implementation in developing countries; policy networks; the roles of external donors; corruption.
Key texts:
Grindle and Thomas Public Choices and Policy Change: The Political Economy of Reform in Developing Countries
Turner and Hulme Governance, Administration and Development
R. Rhodes Understanding Governance
ECOI0044: Prices & markets
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the theory of price determination in different market structures, and the influence of the macro economy on the business environment. The unit aims to develop students understanding of the forces determining supply and demand for the individual firm in both product and factor markets. The effects of taxes and the role of government in markets will be discussed.
The subject matter of economics. The macro economic environment: circular flow of income including role of government and foreign trade. Specialisation and exchange. Markets, prices and allocation. Non-market allocation; role of government. Household behaviour. Business behaviour; production and costs; market structure - perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition. Demand for factors ; wage determination; investment.
ECOI0045: Placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
The placement period enables the student to gain valuable practical experience.
Please see the Director or Studies or course tutor for details about individual placements.
ECOI0046: Research & presentation skills for economists
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES40 OR30 RT30
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007
Aims & Objectives: To develop skills of individual and collaborative research, report preparation, and group presentation of an economic topic using Powerpoint.
Topics will be assigned to students; they will be policy focused topics, related to one or more of the other units being studied, for example, in monetary, fiscal, industrial, or environmental economics.
ECOI0077: Introduction to international development
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aim:The aim of the Unit is to give students an understanding of developing countries in the international order.
By the end of the course unit students will have some knowledge of the main development paradigms and critical evaluation of them and a firm grasp of key issues in contemporary international development.
Introducing the main paradigms: Modernisation, Dependency, Globalisation and Sustainable Development; Defining development; Conceptualising and measuring poverty in developing societies; Development, Knowledge and Intervention; Development and the Environment.
Key texts:
S. Corbridge (ed) Development Studies: A Reader
P. Preston Development Theory
Diana Hunt Economic Theories of Development
T. Allen et al Poverty and Development in the 1990s
ECOI0078: Developing countries in world politics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aim: to give students an introduction to the main personalities and events in the international arena which have contributed to the present position of developing countries in the current global order.
Learning objectives: to ensure that students have an awareness of the differences and similarities of experience of developing countries in different regions of the world.
.The emergence of the League of Nations and the United Nations system; Bretton-Woods; Developing Countries in the Cold War; India and South Asia: Independence and Partition; Southeast Asia and Peasant Revolutions; African independence and the South African liberation struggle; the Middle-East: Arab nationalism and oil wealth; Latin America: revolution and dictatorship.
Key texts:
Peter Calvocoressi World Politics Since 1945
Michael Howard (ed) The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century
Hedley Bull and Adam Watson (eds) The Expansion of International Society
ECOI0079: Economics of politics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ECOI0006
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to apply introductory microeconomic theory to analyse political behaviour. Students will investigate the extent to which a rational choice model sheds insight on political behaviour and political institutions.
Learning objective: To provide students with an integrative link between their understanding of economic theory and political science.
The course unit begins with a review of microeconomic welfare theory. This is applied to explain and predict the behaviour of politicians, bureaucrats, voters and pressure groups. The implications of adopting different collective decision making rules are investigated. Case studies are used to illustrate theory. Assessment is offered of the public choice school's assertion that government failure leads to an excessively large public sector.
Key texts:
K.A. Shepsle and M.S. Bonchek Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior and Institutions
J. Cullis and P. Jones Public Finance and Public Choice
ECOI0080: Policy & Politics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES50 EX50
Requisites: Ex SOCP0005
~ITAL ON~Pre Introductory course units in economics and politics.~ITAL OFF~
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to provide an understanding of the concepts and methods which can be employed in the analysis of economic and international development policy.
Learning objective: To provide students with an integrative link between their understanding of economic theory and political science, via a grounding in the principles of policy analysis.
Students may develop a specialist stream in policy analysis by selecting the second semester unit in Governance and the Policy Process in Developing Countries ECOI0043.
Introduction to policy analysis; the analysis of policy in the context of theories of the state; power and policy; ideology and policy: the case of privatisation; models of policy decision-making; techniques in the policy process: the case of cost-benefit analysis; policy and its implementation; analysing policy in an international context; analysing policy in other cultures.
Key texts:
M. Hill The Policy Process in the Modern State
M. Hill (ed) The Policy Process: A Reader
C. Hood Explaining Economic Policy Reversals
B. Hogwood Trends in British Public Policy
ECOI0081: Economic organisation of the European Community
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 ES20
~ITAL ON~Pre ECOI0006 and ECOI0007 or ECOI0008 and ECOI0009
ESML students may take this unit provided they have a minimum of a B grade in A Level Economics.~ITAL OFF~
Aims & learning objectives:
This course unit applies introductory microeconomic and macroeconomic principles to a range of European policy areas. It will develop the student's understanding of European economic issues begun in The Modern World Economy.
The following topics will be covered: EU trade policy and the economics of customs unions; Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policies of the EU; fiscal harmonisation and EU budgetary policy; EU environmental policy; EU industrial and competition policy; European Monetary Union and exchange rate arrangements.
Key texts:
T. Hitiris European Union Economics
M.J. Artis and N. Lee (eds) The Economics of the European Union
A. El-Agraa (ed) The European Union
EDUC0001: Exploring effective learning
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim is to review the student's own learning in order to identify approaches to learning which are effective and to develop a better understanding of the learning process in the context of study in Higher Education.
The objectives are that students should understand better their own learning and be able to identify effective learning strategies; they should be able to debate and discuss critically their own learning
The nature of learning; what is learnt (skills, knowledge, values etc.); learning styles; learning in groups; autonomy in learning; communication as part of the learning process; study skills; presentation skills; time management; assessment and being assessed.
EDUC0001: Exploring effective learning
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is intended for those students who wish to explore their own learning and to develop strategies for improving it. The unit reviews learning in lectures, tutorials, seminars etc and assessment as encountered by students in higher education. Starting from the students own approaches to learning it considers more effective ways based on experience and research.
The nature of learning; what is learnt (skills, knowledge, values etc.); learning styles; learning in groups; autonomy in learning; communication as part of the learning process; study skills; presentation skills; time management; assessment and being assessed.
This is the recommended unit for those wishing to do one education unit in the year, outside their degree programme.
EDUC0002: Learning: Theory & context
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will consider more theoretical aspects of learning. It will consider theories of learning and their application in particular situations including schools, colleges, universities and lifelong learning. It will also explore the implications of new technologies for learning and the impact of visual literacy on learning.
Learning theories; information processing; experiential learning; metacognition; reflection; language and learning; memory. Contexts for learning: schools, further education, higher education, distance and open learning, the workplace, lifelong learning.
It is advisable to have done EDUC0001 before this unit, but it is not a requirement. However, Natural Science students must have taken EDUC0001 in order to undertake this unit.
EDUC0003: Education in society
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will consider the role of education in society. It will be based on an assessment of the purposes of education and of educational organisations such as schools, colleges and universities. It will consider government policies towards education; how these policies are formed and what they mean in practice. Examples will be drawn from the UK and wider.
Aims and purposes of education in different societies and through time; the politics of education; the role of state in education policy and practice: national curricula, national development plans, centralised and decentralised systems, the relationship between education and culture; the hidden curriculum; vocationalism; educational alternatives; Europeanisation and globalisation.
EDUC0004: Educational institutions as organisations
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers educational institutions as organisations. It will look at how these institutions are organised around their key purposes. It will consider key organisational issues such as curriculum design and implementation, equal opportunities, staff development, measuring and identifying effectiveness, ways of improving the quality of provision; the learning institution.
Schools/colleges/universities as organisations; purposes of the organisations and the practical implications; curriculum purposes and design; equalising opportunities: class, gender, race etc; curriculum strategies: setting, banding, streaming, differentiating, learning support/special needs, pastoral care, assessment, cross-curricular elements; measuring/identifying effectiveness and approaches to improvement; the culture of the teacher: staff development/professional development issues; open learning, lifelong learning, access to learning and accreditation of learning.
EDUC0005: Science education in practice
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers teaching and theories of teaching within the context of science education. The unit includes practical activities within a teaching context which are designed to illustrate the underlying theories. The unit considers issues such as curriculum, assessment, purposes, elements of instructional design and the role of the teacher.
The relationship between teaching and learning; issues related to designing a curriculum for science: why teach science, how do we learn science, elements of science teaching, conceptual nature of science learning; designing a science curriculum; implementing an aspect of a science curriculum and evaluating it; assessing learning in science.
This unit is intended for science, engineering and mathematics students who may be interested in a career in teaching.
EDUC0006: Issues in science education
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers key issues in science education. Examples include: the purposes of science education, public understanding of science, how science is learnt, science learning in relation to practical experience, assessment of science learning, equal opportunities in science education.
The issues will change from time to time, examples include: Theories of learning science, their practical implications and value to the science educator, for example, constructivism and Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE); the nature and role of practical experience in science learning; equal opportunities in science education; the purposes of science education in for example, the public understanding of science; the nature of science in National Curricula.
EDUC0115: Undergraduate certificate in education
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 3
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will complete the study associated with the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
The content is identical to that taught on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
Students must comply with the requirements for entry onto PGCE including a satisfactory interview before they may opt for the UGCE year. Please see the Director of Studies for further information. There is an expectation that students wishing to take the UGCE year would complete, at least, EDUC0005 in their second year.
ELEC0001: Fields & waves
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an understanding of electromagnetism so that they can calculate fields, forces and induced emfs in and around simple geometries of current carrying conductors and appreciate the concept of electromagnetic wave propagation in cables.
Electrostatics: Charge separation and the electrostatic field; definition of electric flux, flux density and field strength; insulating materials; permittivity, dielectric losses, breakdown. Gauss' theorem and the calculation of electric field strength and capacitance.
Magnetism: introduction to the magnetic field; forces between current-
carrying conductors; definition of B, H and permeability; Amperes circuital law, the effect of magnetic materials; the Biot Savart law applied to a circular circuit and cylindrical solenoid. Displacement current. Calculation of field values in simple geometries.
Electromagnetism: Faraday's law and electromagnetic induction. Definitionand calculation of self and mutual inductance. The simple transformer and generator. Energy storage in the e.m. field and forces in electromechanical transducers.
Introduction to waves & wavepropagation
Wave propagation along coaxial cables; characteristic impedance and reflections for loss less lines.
ELEC0003: Software & computing 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic understanding of the use of computers to solve problems, make calculations and display the results in examples relevant to science and engineering. At the end of the course students will be able to create straightforward programs to implement algorithms and display the results graphically.
The MATLAB programming environment. MATLAB as an interactive calculator; constants, variables and arithmetic. Creating simple MATLAB programs; editing and filing. Loops and iteration; summation of series, recurrence and recursion. Other control structures. Functions; local and global scope of variables. Solving ordinary differential equations; Euler's method, built in facilities of MATLAB, modelling simple dynamic systems, displaying results graphically. Representation and manipulation of numeric data; sign and magnitude, twos complement and floating point notation, range and precision, bit manipulation. Arrays and subscripts; sorting and filtering, object based programming with examples. Matrices, matrix arithmetic, masking, vector calculations. Images and colour maps.
Case studies: Fractals, finite differences, calculation of electrical potentials. Advanced graphics; graphical objects, their properties and manipulation.
ELEC0004: Electronic devices & circuits
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the electrical properties of semiconductor materials, based on atomic and crystal structure. To develop the behaviour of electronic components formed from the semiconductor materials. To provide the design techniques for incorporating these devices into electronic circuits. At the end of this module students should be able to: understand and explain the basis of electrical conduction in materials and devices and use this to explain the circuit behaviour of semiconductor devices; to design practical circuits based on these devices, such as rectifier circuits, small signal amplifiers, etc.
Atomic theory: atoms, crystals, energy band structure and diagrams, electrical conduction in solids. Semiconductors: intrinsic, p & n type doping, extrinsic semiconductors, conduction processes (drift and diffusion). Devices: p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors, p-n-p-n devices. Circuits: diode circuits, rectification, clamping and limiting, thyristors and controlled rectification. BJT circuits, biasing, amplifier configurations, FET circuits. General principles of amplification: small signal equivalent circuits, frequency response.
ELEC0005: Digital electronics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the design and operation of logic systems including combinational and sequential logic circuits. To illustrate the applications of these circuits in digital subsystems and systems and to appreciate the advantages of the alternative methods of implementation. At the end of this module students should be able to: manipulate Boolean expression including minimisation by algebraic and graphical techniques; design basic combinational and sequential digital circuits from functional specifications.
Combinational logic: the binary system, Boolean algebra and gates, logic maps, minimisation. Applications: adders, subtractors, comparators, parity circuits, multiplexers, encoder/decoder circuits. Programmable logic implementations: ROM, PLA & PAL structures and implementation of logic circuits. Sequential logic: synchronous and asynchronous circuits, latches and flip-flops, registers and counters. State machines and design methods, internal state reduction, state assignment methods.
ELEC0006: Microprocessors & embedded systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an understanding of modern microprocessors and the use of these devices as embedded sub-systems within engineering applications. To introduce the hardware building blocks used in the construction of microprocessor based systems. To detail the function of common peripheral devices used within embedded microprocessor applications. To introduce the fundamentals of machine code and real-time programming in embedded microprocessor applications. To provide some specific case studies of the use of embedded microprocessors, particularly micro-controllers and intelligent instrumentation.
At the end of this module students will be able to identify and explain the function of all the parts that make up a microprocessor. Design simple transducers to measure electrical and mechanical quantities using embedded microprocessors. Determine which peripherals should be used to support embedded microprocessors used for control and instrumentation applications. Demonstrate an understanding of how high level language programs are encoded into machine-code. Write simple time critical code for embedded microprocessor applications.
Concepts of microprocessor hardware building blocks including; registers, arithmetic and logic units (ALUs), special function units such as floating point units (FPUs), control unit and central processing unit (CPU) bus. Details of how the basic building blocks within a microprocessor communicate and synchronise their activities. Interfacing embedded microprocessors to external peripheral devices using the microprocessor bus. Basic external bus structures and protocols, including synchronous, asynchronous and fully-interlocked asynchronous. External devices, including random access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), timers, parallel and serial ports, mass storage devices, analogue to digital converters (ADCs) and digital to analogue converters (DACs). Real-time programming methodology. The hierarchy between high-level language programs and machine code. Using interrupts, polling and hardware/software hand-shaking in real-time programming environments. Case studies of embedded microprocessor systems, including simple digital controllers (digital heating system and motor speed controllers) and intelligent instrumentation.
ELEC0007: Circuit theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a basic introduction to electrical circuit theory, and provide them with an understanding of how to use circuit element models as a means of analysis and design as required by many other course modules. To further introduce them to transform methods of analysis and to mathematically model a circuit by means of a transfer function.
After completing this module students should be able to solve steady-state problems in both d.c. and a.c. circuits, involving concepts of voltage, current, impedance and power, using a range of circuit theorems and phasor diagrams. Students should also understand frequency dependent concepts such as resonance and magnetic-coupling. Finally students should be able to use Laplace transforms to solve the transient response of simple RL, RC, and RLC circuits, together with the frequency response of corresponding transfer functions.
D.C. circuits, independent and dependent voltage and current sources, Ohms Law, Kirchoffs Law, series and parallel circuits, power. Nodal and Mesh analysis, node and loop equations for circuits containing independent voltage and current sources. Circuit Theorems, linearity, superpostion, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer. A.C. circuits, capacitors and inductors, series and parallel combinations, sinusoids and phasor diagrams, the 'j' operator, impedance and admittance, instantaneous and average power, effective and R.M.S. values.
Circuit Theorems, application of previous circuit theorems. Resonance, series and parallel, Q factor, bandwidth, universal resonance curve. Magnetically Coupled Circuits, self and mutual inductance, the simple transformer, power balance. Laplace Transforms, basic introduction to, and application of, Laplace transforms to the transient analysis of RLC circuits, transfer functions, pole-zero diagrams.
ELEC0008: Linear systems & signals
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the principles and importance of signal processing and systems and to illustrate these principles with typical applications. At the end of this module students should be able to: distinguish between continuous and discrete-time signals; construct and use mathematical models of simple signals; explain the interaction between time and frequency domains; describe the importance of, and general limitations of, digital signals; calculate the time and frequency responses of a simple digital filter; apply the Z-transform to a digital filter; describe the role of poles and zeros in determining a filter response; demonstrate the connection between measured system signals and system performance; analyse graphically system performance through Laplace domain pole/zero diagrams, Nyquist plots and Bode diagrams; use the concept of feedback on system performance; identify system performance criteria such as stability, response speed, damping and steady-state error.
Performance of simple first and second order dynamic systems: Natural frequency of oscillation, damping and bandwidth for performance measures, system performance representation on Laplace domain pole/zero diagrams, polar plots and Bode diagrams.
Close loop control for system performance modification: Root locus diagrams for analysing effects of close loop controllers, design of simple closed loop control systems.
Electrical and mechanical equivalence: Laplace domain transfer function for electromechanical systems via electrical equivalent circuits, time scaling factors for equivalent circuits.
Signal models: complex phasor, multi-frequency signals, Fourier series: continuous and discrete-time signals, properties of power, energy; analogue-digital conversion, sampling theorem, quantisation noise.
Signal processes, introductory treatment of: linear systems, frequency response, impulse response, convolution; frequency description of sampled signals; filters, their use, lowpass/highpass/bandpass bandstop, digital and analogue filter characteristics; implementing digital filters, convolution, difference equation, Z-transform, poles and zeros, frequency response.
ELEC0012: Quality & design
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co ELEC0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the concept of quality and its importance in professional engineering.
After completing the course, the students will be able to explain the relevance of fitness for purpose, undertake a basic needs analysis, comment on the importance of accepted standards and define the role of a professional engineer.
Quality, BS 4887, BS 5750, ISO 9000. Techniques to develop the understanding of Quality. Quality control and assurance. Needs analysis, target specification, design specification and performance specification. Standards management. Quality in design, quality in production. Production organisations. The design, construction and evaluation of a practical electrical/electronic system.
ELEC0013: Energy distribution & utilisation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a thorough understanding of the operation of the principal types of a.c. machines and to provide models for the calculation of machine performance. To give an understanding of the design of electrical machines. To develop the fundamental concepts of power system operation. To introduce power conversion techniques by examining power semi-conductor switching circuits and analysing problems associated with their practical implementation. On completion of the unit students will be able to: calculate the performance of 3-phase transformers, induction machines and synchronous machines; carry out analyses of symmetrical and asymmetrical fault conditions in power systems, explain the principles of protection; explain the basic operating principles and perform simple analyses of common power-electronic systems including line-frequency rectifiers, d.c. to d.c. convertors and d.c. to a.c. invertors.
The per-unit notation. Single and 3-phase transformers: construction, operation, connections, relevant calculations, harmonics. Three-phase induction machines: construction, operation, equivalent circuits, characteristics, starting methods, transients.
Three-phase synchronous machines: construction operation and action of round rotor, salient pole and reluctance types; equivalent circuits, phasor diagrams; elementary treatment of transients.
Two port network representation of transmission lines, per unit system, fault analysis: symmetrical components and phase-frame analysis; introduction to power system protection.
Power semiconductor devices; introduction to the conduction, switching characteristics and drive requirements of diodes, thyristors and power transistors.
Line frequency power convertors; introduction to single and three-phase rectifier circuits operating with resistive and inductive loads. d.c. to d.c. power convertors; introduction to switched-mode power supplies and the principles of operation of step-down and step-up convertors.
ELEC0014: Electronic design
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the design process by taking a requirement through to a prototype device.
After completing the unit, students should be able to: write a design specification for a product; carry out a top-down systematic design; identify and specify interface requirements for sub-systems; and generate working circuits from conceptual circuit diagrams. The use of CAD systems for the analysis of circuits will be an important feature of this work.
Product Design: Preparation of specifications; definition of systems and sub-systems.
Design Management: introduction to project management techniques; design and documentation control.
Realiability methods: FMEA, FTA, reliability estimating.
Design exercise: working in groups to produce a working prototype of a small system using electronics for monitoring, control, measurement or signal processing.
ELEC0016: Mechanical science
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To model and analyse some relevant mechanical problems that occur in various fields of electrical engineering.
After completing this unit it should be possible to: set up and solve equations that represent static and dynamic systems; perform calculations on vibrating systems and rotating systems with unbalance.
Review of first year material: force systems and solution of problems in two and three dimensional, statics, friction and dynamics using force-mass-acceleration, work-energy or impulse-momentum. Examples of translational and rotational motion of rigid bodies; dynamometer measurements, motion of self-propelled vehicles, drives incorporating gears, flywheels. Vibrating systems; free and forced vibrations, damping. Control of vibration; balancing of rotating machinery, whirling of flexible shafts, isolation of vibrating bodies.
ELEC0017: Communication principles
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the basic principles of communications and to provide a good understanding of the techniques used in modern electronic communication systems. At the end of this module students should be able to explain and analyse the basic methods of generation and detection of modulated signals; calculate the available power of a modulated signal; analyse the operation of first and second order phase locked loops; understand the function of source, channel and line coders in digital transmission systems and the limitations imposed by restricted bandwidth and signal to noise ratio; describe the characteristics and relative performance of the various digital modulation schemes.
Communication systems and channels, media characteristics. Attenuation and distortion. Physical sources and statistical properties of electrical noise. Evaluation of noise: signal-to-noise ratio, noise figure, noise temperature. Classification of communication services and systems. Modulation systems: methods of generating and detecting modulated signals, quadrature modulation, FDM. Phase lock loops. Radio transmitter and receiver architecture. Functional elements of a digital communications system. Source entropy and coding. Bandwidth, signalling rate and multi-level signals. SNR/bandwidth trade-off. Spectrum shaping and intersymbol interference. BER and error control. Digital signal formats, spectral properties, clock encoding and recovery. Digital modulation generation and detection of ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK and QPSK.
ELEC0018: Control system design
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a basic understanding of a wide range of control system design techniques, both approximate graphical methods and exact numerical solution techniques. The methods taught will include ways to deal with all commonly met situations in controlling electro-mechanical systems (time variant systems, systems with badly known parameters, systems with non-linearities and time delays).
At the end of this module, students should be able to design forward path and feedback path compensation networks for multiple input, single output systems. They should appreciate how assumptions about the plant model and its order can affect the accuracy of the solutions obtained using graphical design techniques in the frequency domain. They should be able to understand how feedback leads to a reduction in the sensitivity to plant parameter values. They should be able to determine the equivalent small signal linear model for a system that includes more than one non-linearity. They should be able to analyse the effects of a single non-linearity at any point within an otherwise linear multiple loop control system.
Design in the time and frequency domain: the use of graphical analysis and design methods that are used in control including root locus, Nyquist and bode design techniques. State-space representation: concepts including the matrix form of state equations, leading to state and output feedback using state equation methods. Design for sensitivity, robust control: basic concepts of sensitivity, analysis and design of control systems to take account of sensitivity of the controller to parameter plant variations. Design of systems with non-linearities: small signal linearisation, quasi-linearisation, the phase-plane and the describing function method used to analyse systems with time delay, dead-zone, clip limits, relay action and hysteresis.
ELEC0019: Digital signal processing 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the basic techniques of DSP and to illustrate these techniques with practical applications. At the end of this module students should be able to: use the DFT and FFT operations; understand the causes of spectral leakage and its alleviation; appreciate the difficulties of obtaining the spectrum of a time-varying signal; understand the filter design problem and the classical approximations; understand the properties of linear phase and phase shift FIR filters; design such filters using standard procedures; understand the structure and properties of IIR filters; design such filters using impulse invariance and bilinear techniques; use the amplitude descriptors of random signals; appreciate the benefits of averaging random signals; apply the foregoing to practical situations.
Digital spectral analysis: applications and targets; principles of the DFT and FFT; effect of finite window, spectral leakage and its estimation; leakage reduction with shaped time windows; analysis of time-varying signals, uncertainty; performance of some typical spectral analysers. Digital filter design: approximation functions, Butterworth/ Chebyshev/ Bessel/ Elliptic; FIR, properties, linear phase, phase shift, differentiator; design techniques, Fourier series, frequency sampling; use of Kaiser, Parks-McClellan methods; IIR, properties; design techniques, impulse invariance, bilinear transformation; implementation issues. Random signal amplitude properties; ensemble and random variable; cdf, pdf; moments, variance; averaging with independent samples. Applications: spectral analysis of noise-free waveforms, including modulated signals; use of filters in communications and in measurement; detection of baseband digital data signals in noise; radar detection probabilities; quantisation noise in analogue-digital conversion.
ELEC0020: Electronic circuits & systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to design a wide range of linear and non-linear feedback circuits based on operational amplifiers, filters, waveform generators and comparator circuits. To extend the concept of feedback to oscillator circuits. To examine the design of integrated operational amplifiers and the impact of practical of devices on circuit performance. To introduce different types of power amplifier. To study stabilised voltage and current supplies.
After completing this module the student should be able to: design linear and non-linear feedback amplifier circuits using operational amplifiers and understand the impact of the limitations of the amplifiers on circuit performance; design LC,RC and crystal oscillator circuits; design simple class A, B, AB, C and D amplifiers and understand how to use commercial series regulators and switched mode regulators.
Linear system design: ideal operational amplifier feedback circuits, summing junctions, buffers, integrators, differentiators, logrithmic amplifiers; non-ideal operational amplifier characteristics, finite gain and input impedance, bandwidth and slew rate, frequency stability, stability of cascaded op-amp circuits with overall feedback; active filter design, Salen Key circuit, Butterworth, Bessel and Chebyshev filters. Quasi-linear circuits: ideal diodes, comparators, Schmitt triggers, monostables and waveform generators, analogue switches (A/D and D/A converters). Discrete component implementation of IC operational amplifier circuits: bipolar transistor and FET small-signal equivalent circuits of differential amplifiers and direct-coupled amplifiers, active loads, level shifting circuits, op-amp output amplifiers. Oscillators: basic principles, Wein bridge, Hartley, Colpitts and RC oscillators, crystal equivalent circuit, crystal oscillators. Power amplifiers: basic circuits and conversion efficiency of class A, B, AB, C and D amplifiers, complementary-symmetry and quasi-complementary-symmetry amplifiers. Power supplies: Zener diode shunt voltage regulator, band-gap references, series regulator circuits, 78XX and op-amp based series regulator, swtiched-mode regulators.
ELEC0021: Digital electronics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The course provides a foundation for the design of asynchronous sequential logic circuits using formal design methods and the implementation of these circuits using the different families of logic IC is introduced. The implementation of sequential logic is extended to microprocessors and the aim is to enable students understand the architecture of microprocessors and to design and implement simple real-time microprocessor systems. Students should be able to design a wide range of asynchronous logic circuits using finite state-machine methods and to implement them with the most appropriate family of SSI and MSI logic gates. They should be able to describe the operation of a microprocessor in terms of its general architecture and understand how microprocessors can be programmed and used in a variety of real-time applications.
Asynchronous sequential circuits: finite state machine description; primitive flow tables; internal state reduction, merging and row assignment problems; essential hazards and races. Logic IC families: TTL, CMOS, ECL and I2L, etc.; input conditions, signal levels, noise margins, switching times, power dissipation and gate loading. Computer architecture: the Von Neuman architecture, CPU, volatile and non-volatile memory (ROM, SRAM, DRAM, EPROM etc.), peripheral devices. General purpose microprocessors: architecture, arithmetic and logic units, program control sequences, microcode, register organization. Control: exception processing, interupts, resets and CPU initialisation, software traps. Bus control: synchronous/asynchronous bus timing diagrams, multiplexed bus. Real-time microprocessor systems: machine code programming; address decode-read/write operations, etc.; analogue and digital input/output; interupt driven I/O vs polled I/O; case studies of various 8/16 bit microprocessors.
ELEC0022: Applied electromagnetics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an understanding of how electromagnetic field solutions are determined in a number of engineering problems. To introduce the basic concepts behind the description of electromagnetic waves. After completion of this module students should be able to determine the stored energy and power flow and power loss in an electromagnetic field problem. Calculate voltage, current, and input impedance of simple transmission line circuits, and determine components for matching circuits, either using a Smith chart or by algebraic manipulation. Determine the basic reflection and transmission properties of plane waves at electromagneitc boundaries. Describe the radiation and circuit properties of simple antennas. Calculate the power budget for simple radiating transmission and radar systems. Determine characteristic impedance and phase constant and power flow in rectangular waveguide.
Electromagnetic fields: field definitions and the Maxwell equations; general solution to the Maxwell equations; energy in fields and circuits, power flow and the Poynting Vector; boundary conditions. Transmission lines: basic concepts; propagation constant and characteristic impedance; phase velocity, group velocity and signal distortion; line voltage, current, impedance and power flow; reflection and transmission; Smith Chart calculations; load matching and circuit examples. Plane waves: the plane wave solution; polarisations; propagation in dielectrics, lossy dielectrics and conductors, and the skin depth; reflection and transmission at a boundary (normal and oblique incidence); propagation examples. Antennas: antenna parameters and system characterisation by the Friis and radar equations; small dipole and loop antennas; phased array and radiating aperture antennas. Waveguides: waveguides modes of propagation; power flow and power loss, comparison with coaxial cables; waveguide passive devices.
ELEC0023: Software & computing 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop skills in writing good quality software using the ANSI C programming language. To provide an understanding of the principles of structured programming. To provide an appreciation of the importance of good software structure and documentation. After completing the course, the student should be able to (i) to design and implement C language functions and programs according to a given specification, (ii) to locate and correct sematic and syntactic errors in a given C language program, (iii) to produce well structured software having good layout and documented with appropriate comments, and (iv) to explain various aspects of the C language such as scope or type conversion rules.
Fundamentals: character set, identifiers, keywords, fundamental data types, constants, variables, arrays, declarations, statements, #defines, operators and expressions. Compiling and running a C program. Data input and output: use of the C library of standard functions, interactive programming. Control statements: conditional execution and looping statements in C. Correct usage of these statements in structured programming. Functions: defining, accessing and passing arguments to functions. Prototypes. Modular programming. Arrays: defining, processing and passing arrays to functions. Multidimensional arrays. Strings and string processing. Pointers: declaring pointers. Passing pointers to functions. Relationship between pointers and arrays. Operations on pointers. Dynamic memory allocation. Advanced use of pointers. Structures and Unions: defining and accessing structures. User-defined data types. Pointers to structures. Self-referential structures: linked lists, trees. Unions. Low-level programming: description of support offered by C, such as register variables, bitwise operations, use of bit fields. Standards: differences between ANSI and K & R standards for the C language. The C++ programming language.
ELEC0027: Digital signal processing 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to use the techniques for measurement and analysis of random signals. To introduce the concepts of adaptive signal processing. To review some issues of signal processing architecture. After completing this unit, the student should be able to: use the autocorelation function and spectral density measures of random signals, in typical instrumentation applications; appreciate some of the difficulties in obtaining the spectrum of a random signal; describe the basis of adaptive filtering, with applications; appreciate some of the issues involved with choosing a DSP configuration.
Random Signal Descriptors: Autocorrelation function and power spectral density, cross-correlation function. Application to averaging and spectrum analyser. Spectral Estimation: Averaged periodograms, Welch's method, parameter estimation. Application to voice processing (LPC), detection of signal in noise. Adaptive Processing: Wiener filter, LMS principle. Application to removal of interference, adaptive equalisation, echo cancellation. DSP Architectures: DSP devices, their structure and performance. Multi-rate processing, decimation, interpolation, spectral zoom.
ELEC0028: Software & computing 3
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an understanding of the most important concepts and principles of the development of large software systems (programming 'in the large'). To enable students to modularise problems using the object-oriented approach, and to write formal software specifications. To enable students to write object-oriented software modules in C++. After completing this course, the student should be able to: Explain the stages in the software development cycle. Determine procedures for testing a given specification or implementation of software. Given a description of a problem, modularise the problem and identify the data abstractions that would be required to solve this problem. Given a suitable problem description, generate the corresponding formal specification. Explain the concepts and principles underlying the design of software for real-time (reactive) systems. Explain the concept and importance of safety-critical software. Explain the concepts underlying the object-oriented programming paradigm. Use object-oriented methods to develop C++ language programs.
The software life cycle. Formal specification. Modularisation. Real-time systems.
Safety-critical systems. Software testing. Object-oriented programming in C++.
ELEC0029: Digital networks & protocols
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give users an understanding of the principles and current practice employed in digital information networks. To indicate the directions of future development in network technology. To enable a network user to estimate performance.
Students should be able to: understand the broad principles of the ISO 7-layer model of a network and be able to apply it: compare the different forms of network topology and means of multiple access; compare the characteristics and application areas of WANs, LANs, and MANs; describe the broad operation of V24, X25, TCP/IP, ISDN, ATM network protocols; appreciate the complex demands of internet working and some current solutions; discuss the need for network management structures and signalling networks (CSS7) and describe some simple ones; describe the operation and evaluate broad performance measures of contention and token-passing LAN protocols, over ring and bus topologies; calculate the performance of various ARQ data link control strategies; calculate the performance of simple queuing structures as applied to digital network nodes.
Overview: Applications and services, sources of information, transmission media. The ISO 7-layer model. Switching (circuit, message, packet), network structures (WAN, MAN, LAN). WANs: The PSTN, access networks, trunks & multiplexing, V24 modem access, X25 packet network, ISDN developments, BISDN and ATM. Network supervision and management, CSS7 control network. LANs: Characteristics, topologies, Ethernet, token-passing, performance calculations. Interworking: Hubs, bridges, switches, routers and gateways. MANs: Characteristics, FDDI, DQDB. Data Link Control: Synchronism, error detection, frame protocols, ARQ operation, performance comparisons of stop-and-wait, go-back-N, selective repeat. Traffic Analysis: Poisson arrival statistics, the Erlang. Simple queuing models, M/M/1,M/D/1, M/G/1. Application to packet switch and simple network.
ELEC0031: Digital communications
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to more advanced topics in digital communication systems. On completion of the course, the student should be able to understand the main operating features of digital communication systems, including the relative performance of the various modulation methods, the efficiency of error detection and correction methods and the security of encryption systems.
Digital modulation techniques: review of binary modulation and demodulation; QPSK, OQPSK, MSK; QAM and trellis coded modulation. Channel coding: linear block codes for error detection and correction; cyclic codes and shift register generation and detection; Hamming, BCH, RS and Golay codes. Convolution coding: definition, generation and distance properties of convolution codes; Viterbi decoding with hard and soft decisions; sequential and feedback decoding; interleaving. Spread spectrum techniques: overview and pseudonoise sequencies; direct sequence and frequency hopping systems; synchronisation. Encryption and decryption: cipher systems and secrecy; practical security; stream encryption; public key cryptosystems.
ELEC0032: Microwave engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course introduces students to the engineering techniques and approaches required at microwave and millimetre wave frequencies (1-100 GHz). This includes circuit design concepts using matrix formulations and in particular the scattering matrix representation. The different transmission line technologies which are available at these frequencies are examined and the advantages/disadvantages and applications of each are discussed. Passive and active components are introduced and the use of each in microwave sub-system design is outlined. Examples of such sub-systems are amplifiers, phase shifters, detectors, mixers, filters, etc., suitable for use in MICs and MMICs.
After completing this unit the student should be able to appreciate the various technologies available for high frequency design and circuit realisation and be able to select the appropriate technology for a particular application. In addition the student should be able to design a variety of circuit elements and sub-systems, analyse the performance of these and be able to meet the engineering specifications for particular sub-system and system design.
Matrix description of microwave circuits: ABCD or chain matrix, Z and Y matrix, scattering matrix; circuit conditions of reciprocity, symmetry and losslessness. Transmission line technologies: waveguides and discontinuities; planar transmission lines (microstrip, coplanar line, slotline, etc.) and discontinuities; dielectric lines; applications of different types of line. Couplers and hybrids: waveguide couplers (2-hole and multi-hole); parallel microstrip line couplers; branch line, rat-race and power divider structures. Passive devices: lumped impedance elements; microwave filters-transmission line and quasi-lumped element types; bias networks. Diodes: device equivalent circuits; detector diode current sensitivity, tangential signal sensitivity; mixer circuits - single diode, balanced and image rejection. Control circuits: limiters, attenuators, switches, phase shifters - reflective diode and switched path, switched filter. Amplifiers: reflection amplifier, transistor amplifier; gain, stability and matching networks.
ELEC0033: Power electronics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: to analyse examples of high-frequency switched-mode power electronic systems and introduce control methods and applications. Objectives: after completing this unit, students should be able to explain the operation of a range of power-converter circuits and discuss typical applications; model and analyse power converters to characterise steady-state and dynamic performance; compare attributes of different converter operating modes and control methods; and identify salient limitations imposed on converter operation by practical component imperfections.
Power semiconductor devices: salient device imperfections, application at high switching-frequency. Unisolated DC-to-DC switched -mode converters: common circuits their characteristics and applications, continuous and discontinuous modes of operation. Isolated DC-to-DC switched-mode converters: common circuits their characteristics and applications, transformer model and reset requirement. DC-to-DC converter dynamic modelling and control: small signal modelling, closed-loop controller design. Active power-factor correction systems: limitations of passive methods, examples of active correction circuits.
ELEC0034: Electrical machines & drives
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the operation of stepping motor and switched-reluctance drives and the design of windings used in induction motor drives. To appreciate the essential features of electrical machine design. To understand the way in which electrical machines and power supplies interact in variable-speed industrial and traction drives and to appreciate the constraints imposed by each of the components. To be able to perform calculations to assess the design and performance of typical industrial and traction drive systems.
Stepping motors: types, construction and action, static and dynamic characteristics and development of models. Switched reluctance motors: construction and action, torque calculation, rotor position sensing and power supplies. Three-phase induction machines: types of windings and design aspects. Rating of machines for industrial drives: heating effects, duty cycles. Outline the design of electrical machines: output equation, specific loadings and other constraints. Vehicle motion and traction duty cycles: description of electrical traction, dynamics of vehicle motion and vehicle movements. Traction motors: d.c., induction and synchronous machines; requirements peculiar to traction and comparison of types. D.C. drives: description, d.c. to d.c. and a.c. to d.c. drives. A.C. drives: description, induction and synchronous machine drives using voltage-source and current-source invertors, d.c. fed invertor traction drives.
ELEC0035: Design exercise
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an opportunity to use the latest CAD facilities in areas of their interest and to engage in design using these facilities. On completion of the unit, students should be able to use the particular CAD suite with ease to carry out design and analysis exercises.
The detailed programme will vary to suit the needs of the different programmes of study and the interests of the particular students. Each student will be given one or more designs to evaluate and improve using in-house CAD facilities and either in-house or commercial software as appropriate.
ELEC0036: Project - 3rd year (Sem 1)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an opportunity to develop further their ability to define, plan and execute a technical project under limited supervision, but with individual responsibility for the outcome.
On completion of the unit students should be able to accept responsibility for delegated tasks within a project area, plan a scheme of work and complete it to a standard expected of a young professional engineer. The student should be able to develop innovative solutions to problems and produce designs which meet the requirements of the project.
Students will choose a title from a list of topics offered by the department. The project solution may be implemented in hardware or software or a combination of both. Students will be expected to follow through the accepted problem solving route beginning with the identification and specification of the problem and proceeding to proposals for solution, analysis of alternatives, implementation of chosen solution and final proving and acceptance testing. The production of a planned timetable of goals and milestones will be expected and the final report should contain evidence that the plan has been adhered to, or modified, as necessary.
An early viva will be conducted by the internal examiner, who is not the project supervisor, and an end-of-project viva will be conducted by two other members of academic staff. A written report on the background to the project, together with a project plan and literature review, will be submitted part way through the project and then incorporated into the main project report which will be submitted on completion of the project.
ELEC0037: Computer graphics including multimedia applications
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a theoretical and practical knowledge of 2D and 3D computer graphics. To enable them to apply such knowledge in computer aided design, multimedia environments and scientific visualisation. After completing this module, students should be able to: Describe algorithms for constructing 2D and 3D graphics primitives on a raster device and also explain the underlying principles; use matrices to transform objects in 2D and 3D space; explain and describe ways of projecting 3D objects onto a 2D screen; compare and contrast 3D rendering and shading techniques; describe and compare various standard graphic file formats used in multimedia environments.
Two-dimensional graphics: Low level line-drawing, polygon-filling, circle-drawing, curve-drawing algorithms. Clipping. 2D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling, reflection. Three-dimensional graphics: 3D object representation. Homogeneous coordinate system. 3D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling, reflection. Parallel and perspective projections. 3D clipping. Rendering three-dimensional objects: Hidden surface algorithms. Lighting models, shading algorithms. Anti-aliasing. Graphics in multimedia environments: Study of various graphics file formats used in multimedia applications.
ELEC0038: Principles of optoelectronics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To present and explain: the physical principles of a range of optical materials and devices; the concepts and analysis of optical waveguides and some guided wave passive and active optical devices such as modulators, couplers, switches, LEDs and lasers, leading to the elements of integrated optical circuits. To prepare students to cope readily with the complexities and details of ''real'' and advanced devices.
After completing the unit the student should have: a clear understanding of modal propagation of optical signals in cylindrical (fibre) and dielectric slab optical waveguides relating to passive and active semiconductor optical devices; a good knowledge of the ideas and rules of stimulated and spontaneous; emission/absorption (with emphasis on semiconductor media) that form the basis for lasers and optical detectors; a working knowledge of typical semiconductor lasers and LEDs and a familiarity with the operation of recent, advanced device structures.
Overview of optical communication systems. Review of the laws of reflection and refraction. Representation of optical gain/loss as a medium with complex refractive index. Waveguide couplers and optical spatial switches; mirrors and modal reflectivity; high and antireflection coatings. Analysis of the Fabry-Perot resonator in the context of passive and active optical devices. Review of semiconductor theory: energy band diagrams; carrier transport; recombination processess; p-n junctions, Fermi and quasi-Fermi levels. Principles of laser action: emission and absorption of radiation; inversion population in discrete atomic systems and in semiconductors; concepts relating to quantum well material. Semiconductor lasers and LEDs; heterojunction material and device structure; operational principles and typical characteristics. Schemes for direct and indirect modulation. Optical detectors: photon absorption and photoconductivity; diode photodetectors and improved structures - PIN and avalanche photodiode; quantum efficiency and responsivity; introduction to noise in detectors. Description of advanced devices introduction to integrated optical circuits.
ELEC0039: Power system analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an insight into, and a basic understanding of, analytic methods applied to power system analysis.
After completing this unit, students should be able to: perform a multi-node load flow analysis and exercise an informed choice over the solution technique; explain the techniques of dc power transmission including its benefits compared to ac transmission and demonstrate an understanding of the use of dc transmission worldwide; conduct a simple stability study and explain the influence of AVR and governor types on system stability; analyse transients on power systems caused by switching operations or faults for both single and multi-phase situations, and hence be able to specify insulation requirements.
Load flow analysis: network matrix representation, Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson solution techniques. AC/DC conversion: converter types, dc transmission, advantages compared to AC transmission. Basic stability considerations: machine inertia, equal area criterion, effect of AVRs and governors. Overvoltages: switching and fault overvoltages, Bewley Lattice diagrams, switchgear principles, current chopping, insulation coordination. Modal component theory: wave propagation in multiphase networks.
ELEC0040: Power system protection
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an insight into, and a basic understanding of, power system protection applications and modern digital relaying techniques.
After completing this module, students should be able to: divide a power system network into manageable units suitable for protection; design a non-unit protection scheme for distribution feeders and determine appropriate relay settings; explain the characteristics and limitations of protection primary transducers; design a distance protection scheme for transmission line circuits; explain the design and operation of digital transmission line protection.
The protection overlay: Protection and metering transducers. Fuses. Overcurrent protection: relay types, operating characteristics and equations, grading, applications. Differential protection: voltage balance and circulating current schemes, biased characteristics and high impedance schemes. Applications to the protection of transformers, feeders and busbars. Distance protection: basic principle, block average comparator, zones of protection, residual compensation, power swing blocking. Digital Protection: Relay hardware. Digital signal processing in protection relays. Digital distance protection. Digital differential protection.
ELEC0041: Control engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the design of closed loop controllers in the time domain and their practical implementation. To introduce students to the practical issues involved in the design and implementation of discrete time controllers using microprocessors and z-domain design techniques.
After completing this module, students should be able to: calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of any linear continuous time plant, use the above to determine the observability and controllability of plant dynamic modes and design controllers to change the modal frequencies. describe any linear continuous time system that is to be controlled using a discrete time controller in the z-domain. design unity feedback discrete time controllers to meet a range of performance specifications for step and ramp input functions.
Design of linear systems in the time domain, observability and controllability. Simple modal synthesis. Digital control methods, micro controllers and their application. Real time computational methods in control.
ELEC0042: Project engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an understanding of project management and to define the projects objectives, plan the enterprise, execute it and bring it to a successful conclusion for all parties involved.
After completing this module, students should be able to: define the projects objectives and the roles of the key participants; produce a project plan; design and control management procedures; and explain the procedures required to bring that project to a successful conclusion.
Project definition: Principal types of project. Project outline. Roles of key participants. Defining objectives. Project planning: Defining sub-projects. Time scheduling. Costings. Defining resource requirements. Standard planning techniques. Computer planning techniques. Risk assessment and analysis. Project control: Quality standards. Setting milestones. Progress monitoring. Management information systems. Variance analysis. Communications handling. Changes to specification. Corrective action. Project completion: Customer acceptance. Project audits. Final reports.
ELEC0043: Fundamentals of electromagnetic compatibility
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the fundamentals of EMC.
After completing this module students should be able to: demonstrate and understand the terminology used in EMC; explain the cause of interference in terms of the interaction of charges, currents and fields; identify interference problems and suggest solutions; demonstrate the use of EMC principles for interference free design.
Revision of electromagnetic field theory. EMC terminology, electromagnetic emissions (EME), electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS), electromagnetic interference (EMI). Sources of disturbances, man made sources, natural sources. Levels of EMC, component, circuit, device, system. Coupling paths, common impedance, capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, radiation, electric dipole (small), magnetic dipole (small), radiation through an aperture. Common mode and differential mode signals, filtering. Properties of conductors, DC and AC current flow, skin depth, AC resistance, inductance (internal and external). Shielding. Inductive crosstalk, capacitive crosstalk, near end crosstalk. Effect of nearby conducting plane. Parasitic effects in components, resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers. Protective earth and signal reference, earth loops. Effect of ESD. Choice of signal reference and cabling. Testing, regulations. Measuring the electromagnetic environment.
ELEC0044: An introduction to intelligent systems engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an understanding of the fundamental principles of major intelligent system techniques. To show how to apply intelligent system techniques to solve engineering problems. After completing this module, the student should be able to: construct a simple rule based expert system; explain the major components of a fuzzy logic system and conduct fuzzy inference; describe the major type of neural networks and their learning algorithms; construct multilayer neural networks for pattern classification; apply a simple genetic algorithm to solve optimization problems.
Expert Systems (ES): major characteristics of expert systems; techniques; rule-based expert systems; knowledge acquisition; applications. Fuzzy Logic (FL): fuzzy set theory; fuzzy inference; fuzzy logic expert system; fuzzy control. Neural Networks (NS): artificial neurons and neural networks. Learning process: error-correction learning; Hebbian learning; Boltzmann learning; competitive learning; supervised/unsupervised learning. Perception and multilayer perception; self-organising Kohonen networks; Hopfield neural networks; practical implementation and applications. Genetic Algorithms (GA): adaptation and evolution; a simple genetic algorithm; genetic algorithms in optimization; genetic algorithms in control.
ELEC0045: Advanced logic design
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop design methodologies for 'realistic' sequential logic controllers and data path systems based on programmable logic components and microcontrollers and to examine the architecture of microcontrollers.
Students should be able to use a number of design techniques including ASM, MDS and RTL to design complex sequential logic circuits and to be able to implement the design using a variety of programmable devices, including: PALs, PLAs and PLDs etc. Students should be able to understand the relationship between the architecture of a sequential logic circuit and that of a microcontroller and how microcontrollers can be used to implement sequential logic problems.
Overview of traditional design methods for synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Design methods for state machine controllers: VEM diagram method for combinational logic problems. Mnemonic documented state machine method (MDS) of sequential logic design. Algorithmic state machine method (ASM) of sequential logic design. Linked state machines. Implementation of state machine controllers: ROM, PLA, PAL, PLD methods of implementation. Use of PAL tables and PALASM. Data Path Systems: Architecture of data path systems. Use of ASMs in data path systems. Register transfer language method of designing data path systems. Implementation of data path systems: (a) data path, (b) data path controller. Microcontrollers: Counter and shift register based programmable controllers. Concepts and architecture of programmable controllers. Program controllers with fixed instruction sets. Programmable sequence controllers with sub-routine facility. Use of commercial microcontrollers in the implementation of state machine controller problems.
ELEC0046: Neural network applications in engineering systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The students are expected to gain a practical understanding of the application of neural networks to engineering system problems. The students will be expected to understand every stage of the development of a neural network solution from choosing an architecture to determining appropriate feature extraction and implementation technology.
After completing this module, students should be able to: identify different neural network architectures including Kohonen, multi layer perception and auto associative types; choose an appropriate architecture for particular engineering tasks; identify hardware and software implementations of artificial neural networks; understand training rules used for neural networks and carry out calculations associated with the generalised back propagation delta training rule.
Sensor layer neural networks, cognitive layers in neural systems, general neural network system architecture. Speech recognition, Kohonen feature maps, language and vision systems, multi-layer image recognition: the neocognition. Security systems, applications in power systems. Alternative hardware implementations, future applications, limitations on current neural network technology.
ELEC0047: Design & realisation of integrated circuits
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course covers all aspects of the realisation of integrated circuits, including both digital, analogue and mixed-signal implementations. Consideration is given to the original specification for the circuit which dictates the optimum technology to be used also taking account of the financial implications. The various technologies available are described and the various applications, advantages and disadvantages of each are indicated. The design of the circuit building blocks for both digital and analogue circuits are covered. Computer aided design tools are described and illustrated and the important aspects of testing and design for testability are also covered.
After completing this module the student should be able to take the specification for an IC and, based on all the circuit, technology and financial constraints, be able to determine the optimum design approach. The student should have a good knowledge of the circuit design approaches and to be able to make use of the computer aided design tools available and to understand their purposes and limitations. The student should also have an appreciation of the purposes of IC testing and the techniques for including testability into the overall circuit design.
Design of ICs: the design cycle, trade-offs, floorplanning, power considerations, economics. IC technologies: Bipolar, nMOS, CMOS, BiCMOS, analogue, high frequency. Transistor level design: digital gates, analogue components, sub-circuit design. IC realisation: ASICs, PLDs, gate arrays, standard cell, full custom. CAD: schematic capture, hardware description languages, device and circuit modelling, simulation, layout, circuit extraction. Testing: types of testing, fault modelling, design for testability, built in self test, scan-paths.
ELEC0049: Optical communication systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0038
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a background to current practices in the design and specification of optical (fibre) based communication systems, sub-systems and key components. The student should gain an understanding of the main types of optical communication system and the decisions that must be taken by the engineer for the most appropriate selection of components in the development of (i) a very high capacity trunk network, (ii) a metropolitan area network and (iii) an optical fibre local area network.
Overview of optical communication systems. Basic components and modulation methods. LEDs vs lasers, attenuation and dispersion, detector responsivity.
Optical Sources: LEDs and lasers, review of the development of laser structures. Structures for single wavelength operation. Modulation response of lasers.
Optical Fibres: Types of fibre. Simple ray model, numerical aperture, number of modes, intermodal dispersion and fibre bandwidth. Chromatic and waveguide dispersion - causes and effect on fibre bandwidth. Fibre manufacturing methods; attenuation and dispersion characteristics of modern fibre - impact on the choice of optical source and detector. Fibre jointing and interconnections.
Optical Detector Principles: Structure and operation of: p-n junction photodetectors, p-i-n detectors, avalanche photo-detectors, detectors for operation at 1.3mm and 1.55mm wavelengths, heterostructure detectors. Quantum limit. Responsivity and noise of p-i-n and APD detectors. Optical receiver structures, noise figures and bandwidths. Non-coherent detector systems. Noise performance of heterodyne and homodyne receivers - effect of modulation method.
System Design: Point-to-point link analysis. Bit-error-rate calculations due to receiver noise, power budget analysis. Real-time budget analysis. Simple passively coupled optical fibre LANS - effect of coupling losses on power budget.
Optical Network Standards: SDH and SONET standards for trunklinks, FDDI local area network standard and DQDB metropolitan area network standard - optical standards and network protocols.
ELEC0050: Radio communication and radar systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an understanding of the key parameters and trade-offs needed to set up a wireless link in a variety of applications (e.g. Fixed wireless links, mobile links and radar systems). To introduce the basic concepts of the antenna as a system element and the inclusion of propagation factors.
After completion, students should be able to:
understand the main factors influencing the propagaion of radio waves in terrestrial and space systems;
understand the operation and use of antennas;
calculate power and noise budgets for radio and radar links in various environments;
appreciate the various types of signal fading and appropriate methods for reducing the effects of fading;
calculate the basic operating parameters of pulse and CW radar systems, and appreciate the methods to improve radar resolution.
Introductory concepts, plane and spherical waves, the isotropic radiator. Antenna properties; gain, beam-pattern or gain-function, polarisation. Transmitting and receiving definitions of antenna gain; solid angle, effective aperture, aperture efficiency. Gain-beamwidth approximation for focused systems. Free-space path loss or spreading loss, link power budgets. Antenna temperature and noise power budgets. Calculation of system noise termperature including antenna noise. Example signal and noise power budgets in radiocommunications. Brief review of the properties of the radio spectrum from ELF to EHF. Summary of environmental influences from the Earth's surface and atmosphere. Characterisation of the Earth's surface in terms of dielectric properties and roughness. Characterisation of the Earth's atmosphere in terms of temperature, ionisation and composition.
Radiowave propagation: propogation in the earth's atmosphere, tropospheric refraction, reflection and scintillation, gaseous absorption, scattering and absorption from hydrometers. Effects of ionosphere. Propagation over the Earth's surface, reflection and diffraction, the Fresnel equations. Clearance criteria, Fresnel zones. Fading channels, representation of fading channels, the Rayleigh phasor, Ricean and log-normal fading, physical origins. Systems availability and outage. Use of diversity.
Introduction to radar systems: The radar equation for point and volume targets. Radar cross section. Operation of pulse, doppler, CW and FMCW systems. Introduction to radar signal processing. Ambiguity functions and false alarm rates.
ELEC0051: Satellite and mobile communications systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0030
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an overview of the evolution and current status of satellite and terrestrial links in the provision of integrated communications services in the digital era. To illustrate with examples drawn from satellite and terrestrial networks, techniques for network access and network management.
On completion the student should be able to understand the main operating features of digital satellite and digital terrestrial cellular radio systems; be able to carry out simple capacity calculations and appreciate the key differences between TDMA and CDMA multiple access methodologies. The student should also have an insight into emerging technologies for the provision of a range of integrated digital services via radio networks.
Overview of developments in digital radio networks for fixed and mobile services. Convergence between broadcast systems and other fixed services. Integrated service provision, generic service classes. Introduction to satellite systems for fixed and mobile services. Orbits and converage, satellite and payload design, Earth and satellite geometry, propagation factors, interference, antennas, modulation, coding and multiple-access techniques, including FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Link budgets, including use of on-board processing. Frequencey re-use in multiple-spot-beams. Introduction to terrestrial systems, including cellular mobile systems and wireless LANs. Developments in the use of high altitude platforms for multi-media services. Frequency re-use in cellular mobile systems, modulation, multiplexing and multiple-access schemes. Cellular Radio Interfaces: AMPS, GSM and IS54 TDMA systems, IS95 CDMA spread-spectrum systems. Message formats and network access protocols.
ELEC0052: Project - 4th year (Sem 1)
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop further the skills of practical project engineering and where possible to give students experience of working on realistic engineering problems in small groups.
On completion of the unit students should be able to accept responsibility for delegated tasks within a project area, plan a scheme of work and complete it to a standard expected of a young professional engineer. The student should be able to develop innovative solutions to problems and produce designs which meet the requirements of the project.
Students will choose a title from a list of topics offered by the department. The project solution may be implemented in hardware or software or a combination of both. Students will be expected to follow through the accepted problem solving route beginning with the identification and specification of the problem and proceeding to proposals for solution, analysis of alternatives, implementation of chosen solution and final proving and acceptance testing. The production of a planned timetable of goals and milestones will be expected and the final report should contain evidence that the plan has been adhered to, or modified, as necessary.
An early viva will be conducted by the internal examiner, who is not the project supervisor, and an end-of-project viva will be conducted by two other members of academic staff. A written report on the background to the project, together with a project plan and literature review, will be submitted part way through the project and then incorporated into the main project report which will be submitted on completion of the project.
ELEC0053: Digital video & audio
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre ELEC0031
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the theory and practice of digital video and audio in Information Processing Networks. After completion of the unit students should be able to: understand the representation of digital video signals, and the compression and communications techniques for digital video in networks; write software for the processing of digital video in Multimedia Applications; understand the effects of system performance on the Quality of Service of a digital video system; understand the basic principles of human auditory perception, and its influence on digital audio processing; understand current technologies for sampling, representation and reconstruction of audio information; understand and apply methods for digital audio compression.
Digital Video: Concepts and standards, broadcast requirements and standards. Compression techniques for multimedia: Motion JPEG and other intraframe techniques, H32X, MPEG, motion prediction, interpolation and other interframe techniques. Emerging technologies: Object based coding, motion analysis, multiresolution techniques, video description languages, software codecs, MPEG-IV. Quality of Service issues: Redundancy, intra/inter coding, data loss and error correction. Human Auditory Perception: Bandwidth and dynamic range, temporal and frequency masking, critical bands. Speech and audio signals. Current digital audio technologies: companding, sampling, error correction and interpolation. Audio Compression methods and standards. Audio with video in Information Processing Networks - synchronization, delay and Quality of Service.
ELEC0054: Digital image processing
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre ELEC0031
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the theory and practice of digital image processing, with particular emphasis upon standards for image coding and transmission. After completing this unit, students should be able to: explain the elements of human visual perception, image processing, quantization and of colour images; explain the use of the two dimensional discrete Fourier and Cosine transforms in image processing; solve problems concerning the enhancement of digital images by spatial or frequency domain techniques; solve problems concerning the restoration of degraded images by various standard techniques including inverse filtering and Wiener filtering; explain the elements of lossless and lossy data and image compression, and image compression standards. Compress and decompress simple data streams using basic techniques.
Images and image sensors: Monochrome and colour vision. Sampling, reconstruction and quantization. Filtering: Moving average filtering. Edge enhancement. Fourier domain filtering. Segmentation: Segmentation by shade or hue. Segmentation by texture. Feature extraction. Enhancement and Restoration: Inverse filtering. Wiener filtering. Registration and estimation. Colour: HSV processing. Enhancement and restoration. Segmentation. Image coding: Lossless coding. Transformations. Quantization. Entrophy coding. Progressive coding. Standards for coding and transmission of images.
ELEC0055: Power system planning
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0039
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the main techniques for load forecasting and planning in power systems.
After completing this module, students should be able to: Carry out short & long term forecasts for power systems. Conduct reliability and load flow studies. Understand and apply techniques for stability and contingency studies.
Short and long term forecasting. Reliability and unit commitments. Loadflow and short circuit studies for system planning. Voltage regulation of distribution systems. System outages and contingency analyses. Probabilistic load flow studies. Transient stability of large systems. Load dynamics and simulation for power system severe emergencies. Short and long term stability studies. System contingency analysis. Loss of generation and load shedding techniques. Criteria of voltage stability.
ELEC0056: Power system control
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0039
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the main methods used in power system control and the issues involved in the control of extended power systems. To introduce some modern control techniques. After completing this module, students should be able to: apply modern control methods in power systems.
Application of modern control methods in power systems; digital and fuzzy control techniques. hierarchical and decentralised methods. The concept of automatic generation control in large systems, economical dispatch and load/frequency control.
ELEC0057: Power electronics & drives
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0034
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the operation of the types of power-electronic supplies which are currently used in d.c. and a.c. drive systems. To study the use of permanent-magnet and induction machines in industrial and traction drives. To gain an appreciation of the remote electromagnetic effects that are caused by switching converters. To be able to perform calculations to assess the overall performance of typical drive systems and to estimate their electromagnetic effects on the environment.
Converter power supplies: rectification and inversion, effect of transformer impedance, regulation and overlap. PWM power supplies: variable frequency converter types, analysis of waveforms and spectra. Practical aspects of inverter implementation, managing sources of distortion, control circuits, power stage design. Small-scale machine and drive systems: brushless d.c. machines and their use for computer peripheral drives and vehicle drives. Steady state and transient analysis of machines and power converters. Field oriented control schemes. Review of electromagnetic interference from power electronic converter fed drives. Power converter modulation and analysis of supply current harmonics in converter-fed drives.
ELEC0058: Numerical methods in cad
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0102
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to numerical methods used to simulate engineering problems. After completing this unit, students should be able to: use the numerical methods covered in the unit to solve example applications; design programs to implement numerical algorithms.
Solution of linear equations: Gauss-Jordan elimination. Pivoting. Gaussian elimination. Back-substitution. LU decomposition. Sparse linear systems. Skyline solvers. Iterative methods. Steepest descent. Conjugate gradient method. Pre-conditioned conjugate gradients. Non-linear systems of equations: root finding; one dimensional functions; bisection; secant method; Newton-Raphson; multidimensional Newton-Raphson. Time dependent problems: single step time marching schemes; forward difference, backward difference, midpoint difference, general theta scheme. Stiff systems. Stability. Application of time stepping schemes to circuit modelling. Optimisation (minimization or maximization of functions): one dimensional search. Downhill simplex method in multi-dimensions. Simulated annealing. Evolutionary models.
ELEC0059: Finite element analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ELEC0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an understanding of some of the finite element methods for solving common partial differential equations, with particular regard to electromagnetics.
To enable them to use finite element computer packages with some understanding and to develop their own methods when necessary.
The trial solution method and its relationship with finite element methods. The collocation, subdomain collocation, least squares and Galerkin methods of optimisation. One and two dimensional shape functions. One and two dimensional finite element methods. Deriving and using magnetic scalar and magnetic vector potentials in representing magnetic field problems. How symmetry may be exploited in 2D electromagnetic field problems. How quantities of engineering interest such as force and inductance can be derived from the potential solution. How a simple 2D finite element package works.
ELEC0060: Project - 3rd year (Sem 2)
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
A continuation of ELEC0036.
ELEC0061: Project - 4th year (Sem 2)
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
A continuation of ELEC0052.
ELEC0062: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide practical experience in the application and usefulness of knowledge and skills gained at the University, by working in a relevant industrial environment.
The content varies from placement to placement. In choosing the placement, the University will try to ensure that the project offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in a least six of the eleven assessed categories: application of academic knowledge; practical ability; computational skill; analytical and problem solving skill; innovation and originality; time management; writing skills; oral expression; interpersonal skills; reliability; and development potential.
ELEC0063: MEng year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To assist the student develop personal and interpersonal communication skills and to develop the ability to work and interact effectively in a group environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar.
To develop an understanding of the stresses that occur in working in a different culture from the UK, and to learn to cope with those stresses and work efficiently. To develop the self-confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background.
To develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned; this would include oral communication and comprehension as well as reading and writing.
It is assumed that the student abroad will accomplish work equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits (10 units). Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation with individual University, students and the Bath Director of Studies. A project should be completed either abroad or during the Summer semester/term at Bath.
ELEC0072: Communications & electrical systems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a basic understanding of three important modern engineering systems: communications systems, electrical power systems and machines and drives systems.
At the end of the unit, students will be able to explain the components of a communications system, describe the range and classification of communications services, perform bandwidth, time and power calculations for an end-to-end communications links; describe the structure of a modern power system and its major components, perform simple three phase calculations, explain the need for, and provision of, control in a power system; describe the construction, action and characteristics of d, induction and other machine types and their method of utilisation in drive systems, perform simple calculations on machines and convertors.
Introduction to modern telecommunications, telecommunications services, telecommunications networks, telecommunications signals, properties of communications channels, measures of information, an end-to-end transmission example, communications resources; bandwidth, time and power. Simple power system economics, the need for transmission and distribution systems, energy conversion, energy consumption, introduction to three phase theory, power engineering conductors and insulators, power system control, faults and protection systems. Overview of electrical machines. Power electronic converters: choppers, controlled rectifiers, inverters, switching devices. Dc motors: characteristics, base speed, 4-quadrant operation and regenerative braking; thyristor and chopper-fed drives; servo drives. Induction motors: characteristics; inverter-fed drives and control techniques.
ENGR0001: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX85 CW15
Requisites: Co MATE0027
Aims & learning objectives:
Through a study of the science and technology of some renewable energy sources, students are encouraged to consider the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to start to develop defensible positions on these issues.
The thermodynamics of power generation - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics considerations.
Combustion of fossil fuels - effects on the environment: greenhouse effect, acid rain.
The need to conserve fossil fuels: nuclear and alternative forms of energy.
The possible future contribution and cost of some of the following energy alternatives.
(i) Solar energy: various forms of solar collector, power generation from the concentration of solar energy; direct generation of energy.
(ii) Wind energy: types of generator, horizontal and vertical axis, survey of existing machines and their performance, future developments.
(iii) Wave energy: survey types of wave machine including those under development; methods of converting motion of wave machines into electricity;; the current funding situation; effects on the environment.
(iv) Tidal energy: review of schemes, existing (e.g. La Rance) and proposed (e.g. Severn and Mersey): technical and environmental problems.
(v) Geothermal energy: power generation from hyper-thermal fields, exploration, geological conditions necessary; review of current production (e.g. New Zealand, Japan), problems associated with high mineral content. Lower temperature sources: district heating schemes. Hot dry rock schemes: current state of the art, future possibilities.
(vi) Biomass: current contributions, particularly in Third World countries; conversion of sugar into alcohol as petrol replacement (Brazil).
Seminar programme combined with a student exercise such as a case study to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate the science and technology of environmental relevance to a wider social and economic context.
Students must have Chemistry A-level or undertaken CHEY0056 & CHEY0057.
ENGR0002: Environmental studies: The earth as an ecosystem A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX68 CW32
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the role that process design and development play in pollution prevention and clean technology
Hierarchies of good environmental practices.
Waste minimisation methodology.
Waste elimination, minimisation, and recycling.
Engineering aspects of waste reduction at source.
Benefits and challenges of advanced treatments.
Technological change in new and existing processes.
Implications arising from changes in products and raw materials.
Recycling methods (on-site and off-site), Re-use and reclamation.
Waste to energy processes.
Quantification of wastes and effluents.
Process waste diagrams and environmental mass balances.
Design simulation and optimisation methods.
Thermodynamic and kinetic limitations.
Quantification of progress, Normalisation of data and indexing.
Seminar programme
Seminars are intended to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate it to a wider social and economic context.
Students must have undertaken ENGR0001 or CHEY0008 & CHEY0008.
ENGR0003: Process design 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OR10 OT90
Aims & learning objectives:
The second year project is carried out in collaboration with an industrial partner and is intended as an introduction to a systematic approach to chemical engineering design.
To give the student a practical grounding in the mechanical design of plant and in particular of pressure vessels according to BS5500.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* Compare alternative routes by technical/economic reasoning
* Prepare a specification sheet for the design of an individual unit
* Prepare a process and instrumentation diagram (P&I) for a single unit
* Plan and organise the use of group time
* perform an outline mechanical design of a pressure vessel and know, in principle, how to use a commercial software package for this purpose.
* write a specification and communicate with the specialist who would do the detailed design.
Introduction, stress and strain, temperature and pressure effects
* Selection of material, corrosion allowances and wall thickness.
* Safety factors, cracks, plastic region.
* Flanges and gaskets; types of welds.
* Stress concentrations, openings and branches.
* Bending and supports, thin wall theory.
* Vessel ends e.g. flat, hemispherical, torispherical.
* Weight loads, wind loads, vessel supports.
* How to use a commercial software design package.
* Laboratory class: use of strain gauges and measurements on a container.
* Use of a CAD package for mass & energy balances and accessing the physical property data bank,
* Use of a CAD packages to predict thermodynamic data,
* Working as a team,
* Project planning,
* Use of short-cut techniques in unit design,
* Making process decisions,
* Exploring the consequences of alternatives with and without the use of CAD,
* Consideration of energy integration and optimisation, cost estimates and preliminary hazard analysis.
ENGR0004: Design project 3
Semester 2
Credits: 15
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce legislation governing the environment and the use of genetically modified organisms and how this affects engineers in managerial, operational and design roles.
To provide information on the properties and uses of materials.
To prepare a preliminary group report for the design project.
To enable students to demonstrate that:
* they are capable of developing an integral systems approach to chemical engineering and of applying the principles of chemical and/or biochemical engineering to the design of a process,
* they have creative and critical skills, and are able to make choices and decisions in areas of uncertainty,
* they can work together in a team, and also alone,
* they can communicate effectively the results of their work in the form of written reports that include drawings.
introduction to environmental legislation and factors that have an influence
* control of liquid discharges and air emissions
* integrated pollution control (IPC)
* environmental assessments and statements
* introduction to regulations governing the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
* biosafety and containment of GMOs
* introduction to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) with respect to bioprocess plant
* materials of construction for chemical and bioprocess plant
* preparation of a preliminary technical and economic appraisal of a process where safety and
* environmental issues form an integral part of process screening
* preparation of an outline process flowsheet
* Market survey, Review of alternatives
* Physical and chemical property data
* Creation and synthesis of flowsheet
* Safety and operability
* Environmental issues
* Capital and operating costs
* Unit specification sheets, Flowsheets, Engineering drawings and sketches
* Executive summary
* Demonstration of viability
* Individual unit design
* Application of rigorous methods
* Mechanical design
* Outline of control and P & I diagrams
ESML0001: French written & spoken language 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To stimulate the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide a grounding in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to revise, broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; to extend awareness of style and linguistic register; to develop skills in translation from French into English; to practise receptive and communicative skills.
(a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, introduction to essay writing.
(b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to résumé, systematic practical grammar course, introduction to CALL multimedia, development of lexis.
(c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions.
ESML0002: French written & spoken language 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To stimulate the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide a grounding in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to revise, broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; to develop awareness of style and linguistic register; to develop skills in translation from French into English; to practise receptive and communicative skills.
(a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, introduction to essay writing, dictée.
(b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to résuméé, systematic practical grammar course, development of lexis, prose translation, text comparison.
(c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions.
ESML0003: French cultural studies 1A: Styles & genres in French culture
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a wide range of modern French literature, film and art, as a basis for the detailed study of poetic, narrative and dramatic technique, and to explore a variety of critical approaches. To encourage students to study texts in a number of different ways, and to help them to develop the confidence to reach and express their own critical responses.
The language of poetry: metaphor, music and image as meaning. The language of art: form, meaning and the nature of representation. The language of film: basic techniques and critical theories, questions of point of view, the relationship of literature and film. The language of theatre: the role of the interpreter, questions of performance.
ESML0004: French cultural studies 1B: Changing viewpoints in the novel
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0003
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to a wide range of modern French literature, film and art, as a basis for the detailed study of poetic, narrative and dramatic technique, and to explore a variety of critical approaches. To encourage students to study texts in a number of different ways, and to help them to develop the confidence to reach and express their own critical responses.
Prose narrative and the novel: reading strategies and the role of the reader; questions of the narrator and point of view; the nineteenth-century novel as an introduction to French culture and society after 1850; self-reflexive fiction in the twentieth century.
ESML0005: French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the study of French politics and society from the 1930s to1945.
A chronological survey of France since the 1930s which examines issues including: the decline of rural France; politics in the inter-war period; the Popular Front; the Second World War, Occupation and Resistance. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of lectures as well as providing study skills session for note taking and writing historical commentaries.
ESML0006: French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0005
Aims & learning objectives:
By the end of this semester students should have a solid background in 20th Century France, understand some of the key aspects of French politics and society, and have acquired essential analytical and writing skills in French.
Post-war expansion; decolonization; changes in French society since 1945; the coming of the Fifth Republic; May 1968; and the victory of the Left in 1981 together with contemporary French politics and society. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing.
ESML0007: French written & spoken language 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide further work in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to revise, broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; to extend awareness of style and linguistic register; to develop skills in translation from French into English; to practise receptive and communicative skills.
(a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, extempore translation, cloze tests.
(b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to guided essay, systematic practical grammar course, development of lexis.
(c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions.
ESML0008: French written & spoken language 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26
Requisites: Pre ESML0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide further work in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to revise, broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; to extend awareness of style and linguistic register; to develop skills in translation from French into English; to practise receptive and communicative skills.
(a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, extempore translation, cloze tests, dictée.
(b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to guided essay, systematic practical grammar course, development of lexis, text comparison.
(c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions.
ESML0009: French cultural studies 2A: Violence & disintegration
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0004
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to major artistic and literary movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whose theories are fundamental to contemporary cultural thought; to develop further the comparative study of genres begun in the First Year; to increase the awareness of the language of painting, and develop students' confidence in forming and expressing critical responses.
A comparative analysis of the work of selected poets and artists within the following movements: Symbolism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Surrealism.
ESML0010: French cultural studies 2B, option 1: Conflicting realities: film in France in the 1920s & 1930s
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to Conflicting Realities: Film in France in the Twenties and Thirties
Through comparing and contrasting surrealist and poetic-realist films, this option will provide an understanding of the development and language of film, its history and critical theory. Films to be studied will include Un chien andalou (Buñuel, 1929), La Règle du jeu (Renoir, 1939) and Le Jour se lève (Carné, 1939).
ESML0011: French politics & society 2A: Les années Mitterrand
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0006
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on and develop understanding of key structures and institutions of French political life, introduced in Year 1. To evaluate elements of change and continuity in the 1980s and 1990s using the framework of the Mitterrand presidency. To encourage students to take notes and extract relevant information from written and audio-visual material in French; to discuss topical political, social and economic issues in French in seminars; to build up a student 'log' over the course of the term, comprising lecture and seminar notes, and notes from preparatory and background reading, which will be of use in revision for the examination.
(a) Lectures: Introduction - les grands evenements; film François Mitterrand, une vie a l'epreuve du pouvoir; Approches de la culture politique en France; la construction de la Nation a travers la culture - les grands travaux; Pouvoir Presidentiel et elections legislatives 1981-1995; l'evolution des themes politiques pendant les deux septennats; l'immigration; la France et l'Europe; Mitterrand et l'economie. (b) Seminars: François Mitterrand, l'homme et son image; l'apres-Mitterrand; les elections presidentielles de 1995; le chomage et l'exclusion; la position; la position de la France a la fin des annees Mitterrand.
ESML0012: French cultural studies 2B, option 2: First person camera: French cinema & the auteur tradition
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to First Person Camera: French Cinema and the Auteur Tradition
This option will explore the nature of first person viewpoint in film, in relation to the auteur theory and will focus upon the depiction of personal childhood memory in films such as Zèro de conduite (Carnéé, 1933), Les 400 coups (Truffaut, 1959) and Au Revoir les enfants (Malle, 1987).
ESML0013: French written & spoken language 4A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop advanced skills in the comprehension and production of written French; To provide a structured but informal context for the development of a variety of advanced oral skills. To exploit competence in written and oral French developed during the first two years of the course and, where appropriate, during the third year placement in France (or equivalent).
Written Language: translation from French into English; summarization and re-writing (in French); language commentary (in French); analysis of style and register (contemporary social, political, literary).
Spoken Language: explication and debate, through lector-led group discussion and individual presentation. Material covers a wide range of political, social, cultural subjects, within the context of current French concern.
ESML0014: French written & spoken language 4B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX38 CW17 OR27 OT18
Requisites: Pre ESML0013
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop advanced skills in the comprehension and production of written French. To provide a structured but informal context for the development of a variety of advanced oral skills. To exploit competence in written and oral French developed during the first two years of the course and, where, appropriate, during the third year placement in France (or equivalent). By the end of the unit, students should be able to communicate effectively and sensitively with native speakers of French on social, political and cultural topics, orally and in writing in a broad range of appropriate registers and in both professional and social contexts.
Written Language: translation from French into English; summarization and re-writing (in French); language commentary (in French); analysis of style and register (contemporary social, political, literary).
Spoken Language: explication and debate, through lector-led group discussion and individual presentation, focusing on and in preparation for the requirements of the final oral examination. Material covers a wide range of political, social, cultural subjects, within the context of current French concern.
ESML0016: French national option F2: La France urbaine
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the importance of urban life in contemporary debate on social issues and French national identity, using authentic French material (including film and video); to use a variety of disciplinary sources to explore urban life in France, especially urban sociology, anthropology, political sociology and policy studies; to examine cultural representations of French urban life. The unit aims to give students a deeper understanding of social issues in France today; to develop reading, listening and discussion skills in the French language.
Approaches to urban studies; urban policy; "la banlieue'"; politics and towns; the "new towns" policy; violence and urban life; media representations of urban life; case studies. Taught in French.
ESML0016: French national option F2: La France urbaine
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the importance of urban life in contemporary debate on social issues and French national identity, using authentic French material (including film and video); to use a variety of disciplinary sources to explore urban life in France, especially urban sociology, anthropology, political sociology and policy studies; to examine cultural representations of French urban life. The unit aims to give students a deeper understanding of social issues in France today; to develop reading, listening and discussion skills in the French language.
Approaches to urban studies; urban policy; "la banlieue'"; politics and towns; the "new towns" policy; violence and urban life; media representations of urban life; case studies. Taught in French.
ESML0017: French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to various aspects of feminist thought and to situate some of the main debates within feminism. Through a series of theme-based seminars, to analyse women's involvement in events of the 20th century in France, notably the two World Wars and the suffragist and feminist movements. The 20th Century has brought significant social change and this course will seek to evaluate the extent to which these changes were gendered . By the end of the course students should have gained a better understanding of gender issues within contemporary French society. (Note: the second year option on Women in France is not a pre-requisite, although students who attended that option will find that this is an opportunity to pursue their interests).
The first couple of weeks will be devoted to exploring a range of feminist ideas. Then we will move into discussions based on student presentations around a series of themes related to women's lives. These might include: women and war; suffragism, feminism and women's activism; women and violence; politics and power; representations of women; women in ethnic minorities. Taught in French.
ESML0017: French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to various aspects of feminist thought and to situate some of the main debates within feminism. Through a series of theme-based seminars, to analyse women's involvement in events of the 20th century in France, notably the two World Wars and the suffragist and feminist movements. The 20th Century has brought significant social change and this course will seek to evaluate the extent to which these changes were gendered . By the end of the course students should have gained a better understanding of gender issues within contemporary French society. (Note: the second year option on Women in France is not a pre-requisite, although students who attended that option will find that this is an opportunity to pursue their interests).
The first couple of weeks will be devoted to exploring a range of feminist ideas. Then we will move into discussions based on student presentations around a series of themes related to women's lives. These might include: women and war; suffragism, feminism and women's activism; women and violence; politics and power; representations of women; women in ethnic minorities. Taught in French.
ESML0018: French national option F4: Films of the nouvelle vague
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the achievements and significance of the Nouvelle Vague, with particular reference to the works of four of its main directors and to place these within the broader context of film theory, history and criticism,
Films to be studied will include: Jean-Luc Godard, A Bout de souffle (1960), Vivre sa vie (1962); Louis Malle, Le Feu follet (1963), Le Souffle au coeur (1971); Alain Resnais, Hiroshima mon amour (1959) - to be studied in conjunction with the script by Marguerite Duras, Hiroshima mon amour, Gallimard 1960, L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961); François Truffaut, Les 400 coups (1959), Jules et Jim (1961).
ESML0019: French national option F5: French comedies from Molière to Beaumarchais
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit is for those who wish to familiarize themselves with and enjoy some of the classic comedies which have become central to French cultural consciousness and can still be guaranteed to fill a theatre even today. It is also intended to appeal to those whose principal motivation is that they find these texts funny. Most important, it requires absolutely no prior knowledge of the literary background or the historical context. The aims of the course are to introduce the social, political and historical background of the texts and to examine those aesthetic and dramaturgical considerations which are so often inextricably linked with the background. In particular, to explore through these texts the development away from a rigid and hierarchized social structure towards the struggle for individuality and liberty which is often identified with the Revolution. Students will also notice faint glimmerings of a shift towards female emancipation.
MOLIERE: L'Avare, Le Malade imaginaire; MARIVAUX: Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard, Les Fausses Confidences; BEAUMARCHAIS: Le Barbier de Séville, Le Mariage de Figaro. These plays are all in prose. Anyone curious to look at a verse play could choose Molière's Les Femmes Savantes or Regnard's Le Légataire universel which are not, however, formally on the syllabus. First-time readers may find it helpful to read the two Beaumarchais plays in the order stated.
ESML0020: French national option F6: French autobiography
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit will be to trace the evolution of autobiographical writing in France throughout the modern period and to examine the ways in which writers have explored the themes of personal identity, memory, reality and imagination and the polarity between public and private history.
History of autobiography and autobiographical theory; theories of selfhood and identity; the powers of memory, nature and culture in the development of personality, with reference to a range of texts reflecting the development of autobiographical writing in French. Students will be expected to prepare seminar papers on writers or topics of their choice.
ESML0022: French national option F8: Specialist language - translation A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0008, Co ESML0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the techniques of documentary translation from French to English in a number of specialized registers.
Introduction to professional translating, glossaries, house style, translation critique.
ESML0023: French national option F8: Specialist language - translation B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the techniques of documentary translation from French to English in a number of specialized registers.
Introduction to professional translating, glossaries, house style, translation critique.
ESML0024: French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the techniques of interpreting.
Introduction to professional interpreting: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous.
ESML0025: French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Requisites: Co ESML0024
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the techniques of interpreting.
Introduction to professional interpreting: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous.
ESML0026: French national option F10: Surrealism
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore the idea of Surrealism as a revolutionary movement; to examine the aims and achievements of the Surrealists; to encourage individual involvement and response through an analysis of a wide variety of 'texts'.
An analysis of the theories and practice of surrealism and their expression through literature, art, and film. Set 'texts' will include L Aragon, Le Paysan de Paris; A Breton, Manifestes du Surréalisme; Nadja; A Breton & P Soupault, Les Champs magnétiques; L Buñuel; Un chien andalou; L'Age d'or; P Eluard, Mourir de ne pas mourir; S Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams.
ESML0027: French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the respective roles of persuasion and propaganda in French society today, parallels being drawn also with other countries. Where does persuasion end and propaganda begin? How do today's politicians market themselves to the electorate? Have the techniques changed over the years?
After initial work on the definitions of the evolution of persuasion and propaganda, students pass onto investigations of particular areas of debate, events or political parties in a contemporary context. Their findings are presented as seminar contributions. Taught in French.
ESML0028: French national option F12: Environnement, société, développement
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
Environmental issues regularly appear in the news and increasing numbers of people currently attach great importance to them. However, the issues themselves are rarely clear-cut; they are subject to competing interpretations and to conflicts of interest, indicating a need for critical distance in the treatment of the subject. Within a context of open-ended evaluation, the aim of this course is to explore environmental issues in terms of their political, social and economic dimensions and to assess their importance. Most of the work will concentrate on discussing developments in France today, but as by their very nature environmental questions go beyond national boundaries, the course will take the international dimension into account.
The major themes to be surveyed are: (1) the ideas behind environmentalism and political ecology; (2) green politics in France today; (3) environmental policy-making in France and the EU; (4) the environment, business behaviour and green consumerism; (5) the impact of environmentalism on French society today. Students have the opportunity to focus on a suitable mix of themes which particularly interest them. Taught in French.
ESML0029: French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will examine the relationship between identity and culture at times of social and political change. It will explore the way in which the identities of different social groups are expressed within the economic, political and cultural contexts of contemporary France. The aim is to examine elements of the French identity taking into account students' own experience of France and its diversity. The unit will pay particular attention to the construction of identities through cultural forms such as museums, language, literature, music, film and the media.
Introductory lectures will familiarize students with various theoretical approaches to the study of both culture and identity (nationalism, multiculturalism, ethnicity).
Students will then examine the social and cultural frameworks for thinking about the question of what it means to be French. Seminars and case studies will examine themes such as heritage, memory, migrations, nation, tradition and popular culture. Taught in French.
ESML0029: French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will examine the relationship between identity and culture at times of social and political change. It will explore the way in which the identities of different social groups are expressed within the economic, political and cultural contexts of contemporary France. The aim is to examine elements of the French identity taking into account students' own experience of France and its diversity. The unit will pay particular attention to the construction of identities through cultural forms such as museums, language, literature, music, film and the media.
Introductory lectures will familiarize students with various theoretical approaches to the study of both culture and identity. Students will then examine the social and cultural frameworks for thinking about the question of what it means to be French. Seminars and case studies will examine themes such as heritage, memory, migrations, nation, tradition and popular culture. Taught in French.
ESML0030: German written & spoken language 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim. (1) To refresh and consolidate students knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures; to enable them to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce them to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues. (2) To improve students communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in academic contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register.
(1) In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures: this unit focuses on the various classes of words, their declension and their function within the phrase/ sentence; ii. written communication: a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and essay writing in German (2) Spoken language classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Austrian and German video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and assessment, whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world.
ESML0031: German written & spoken language 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0030
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit builds on ESML0030, pursuing the same dual aim. (1) To refresh and consolidate students knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures; enable them to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce them to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues. (2) To improve students communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in academic contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register.
(1) In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures: this unit focuses on complex grammar points and German syntax; ii. written communication: a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and essay writing in German. (2) Spoken language classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Austrian and German video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and assessment, whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world.
ESML0032: German cultural studies 1A: Kultur der Weimarer Republik
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the culture of the Weimar Republic in its socio-political context, in particular through close study of representative texts and films. To make students aware of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of forms of cultural production such as autobiography, film and short story. To develop their analytical capacities and self-confidence in the evaluation of works of culture.
Will include the study of a) Texts: Ernst Toller, Eine Jugend in Deutschland, Franz Kafka, Erzahlungen; b) Film: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari.
ESML0033: German cultural studies 1B: Drittes Reich und Nachkriegsjahre (1933-61)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0032
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to significant aspects of German culture in the period 1933-61 through a close study of representative texts and films seen in their socio-political context. To make students aware of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of forms of cultural production such as the short story, the novel, autobiography, drama, poetry and the film. To enable students to develop their critical capacities and their ability to reach well-reasoned conclusions in their evaluation of works of culture.
Lectures will introduce students to the principal features of German cultural life during the Third Reich and in the immediate post-war years. Seminars will be devoted to critical analysis of selected texts and films which are representative of the period.
ESML0034: German politics & society 1A: Deutschland und Österreich 1918-1939
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To trace the most important political, social and economic developments in inter-war Germany and Austria. At the same time to provide practice in German comprehension, speaking and writing. Students should learn to follow lectures in straightforward German and take notes from them; understand vocabulary and concepts relevant to the history of the period; make short oral presentations in German and facilitate seminar discussion as part of a panel; write short essays in German on topics arising out of their seminar presentation.
i) Weimar (1918-1933)
a. Revolution, Friedensvertrag und Weimarer Verfassung
b. Bruning und das Ende von Weimar
ii) Drittes Reich (1933-1945)
a. Propaganda
b. Holocaust
a. Entstehung der Republik
b. Burgerkrieg
Taught in German
ESML0035: German politics & society 1B: Von der doppelten Staatsgründung bis zum Mauerbau
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0034
Aims & learning objectives:
To convey in German the most significant political and social developments from 1945 to 1963; to give students practice in understanding lectures in German and taking notes, to introduce relevant vocabulary and concepts, and to assist students in discussing and writing on the above issues in German.
i) Westdeutschland: Adenauer-Ara (1945-1963)
a. Besatzung und Entnazifizierung
b. Das Grundgesetz
c. Kanzlerdemokratie und Westintegration
d. Das Parteiensystem
ii) Ostdeutschland: vom Aufbau zum Mauerbau (1945-1961)
a. Allgemeine politische Entwicklungen im ersten Nachkriegsjahrzehnt
b. Wirtschaftliche Startbedingungen und Aufbau des Sozialismus
c. Die SED und der staatliche Aufbau der DDR
d. Der Bau der Berliner Mauer.
Taught in German.
ESML0036: German written & spoken language 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0031
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on knowledge (grammatical accuracy and range of vocabulary) and writing skills acquired in Year 1. Having successfully completed this unit, students should be able, at the appropriate level, to: translate texts (German to English); summarize English texts into German and write short essays expressing a personal opinion on a given topic.
German to English translation, English to German summarisation, German essay-writing in response to text-based questions.
ESML0037: German written & spoken language 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26
Requisites: Pre ESML0036
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on knowledge (grammatical accuracy and range of vocabulary) and writing skills acquired in Year 2 semester 1. Having successfully completed this unit, students should be able, at the appropriate level, to: translate texts (German to English) with an increased awareness of nuance of meaning; summarize English texts (as wide-ranging in topic and style as time and circumstances permit) into German and write short essays with good grammatical awareness and fluency of style, and to translate a dictated English text into German.
German to English translation, English to German summarisation, German essay-writing in response to text-based questions; extempore German-to-English translation.
ESML0038: German cultural studies 2A: Kultur in der Bundesrepublik von 1961 bis zur Gegenwart
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0033
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the development of cultural life in the German Federal Republic over the years when the two German states were separated by the Berlin Wall. To refer in detail both to proseworks and films produced during this period and to more recent works taking stock of divided Germany from a post-unification perspective. To focus on a number of key cultural phenomena of these years: (i) personal experiences of life in the West, and especially in West Berlin, after the building of the Wall; (ii) the challenge to the self-confidence of the Federal Republic represented by the events of 1968 and their aftermath; and (iii) the struggle for gender equality in the context of the 1970s and 1980s.
A framework of lectures will provide an overview of this era from the West German perspective and an introduction to the work of the authors and film-makers to be studied. The seminars will focus on the analysis of representative works of the period and the changing post-unification view of its significance. Works to be studied are likely to include Heinrich Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum, Peter Schneider, Der Mauerspringer, Margarethe von Trotta, Die bleierne Zeit and Schneider/von Trotta, Das Versprechen.
ESML0040: German cultural studies 2B, option 2: Berlin als Kulturmetropole 1918-1933
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0038
Aims & learning objectives:
To assess the importance of Berlin as a cultural metropolis during the Weimar Republic. To examine the significance of theatre and cinema as centres of creative innovation and political debate, and to identify new methods being used by prose writers to describe the often overwhelming experience of city life. To examine the cliché of Berlin as a 'decadent' city in the light of subsequent literary and cinematic evidence.
A framework of lectures will provide the cultural and political context within which Berlin's importance during this period is to be assessed, and give an overview of the work of the writers and film-makers to be studied more closely in seminars. The seminars themselves will allow students the opportunity to analyse key fictional, theatrical and cinematic works of the period (e.g. Brecht/Weill, Die Dreigroschenoper, Kästner, Fabian, Lang Metropolis and Ruttmann Sinfonie einer Großstadt) and to take a critical look at the image of Berlin provided by works such as Fosse's Cabaret. Taught in German.
ESML0041: German cultural studies 2B, option 3: Ideologie und Kultur im Dritten Reich
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0038
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the principal elements of Nazi ideology and their transmission by means of the Gleichschaltung (coordination) of the media, literature, film and art. Also to assess the role played by the intelligentsia with reference to a liberal conservative (Ernst Wiechert) and members of the resistance (Jan Petersen, Hans und Sophie Scholl).
Will include the study of a) Texts: extracts from the prose writing of Hitler and Arthur Dinter, examples of Nazi song, Ernst Wiechert, Der weisse Buffel, and resistance fiction and poems. b) Films: Triumph des Willens, Hitler: eine Karriere, Die Weisse Rose. Taught in German.
ESML0042: German politics & society 2A: Geteiltes Deutschland 1961-1989
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0035
Aims & learning objectives:
To study relations between the two German states from the Hallstein-Doktrin, through Brandt's Ostpolitik to the collapse of the GDR and unification; to analyse the main features of the economic and social system of each of the two German states; to build on the vocabulary and concepts previously acquired and to assist students in discussing and writing on the above issues at an advanced level of German.
i) DDR: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutschen Einigung
a) Aspekte der DDR-Identitat (Politische Kultur, Alltag und Stasi)
b) BRD und DDR: ein kritischer Systemvergleich
c) Frauen und Soziale Sicherheit
d) Das Jahr der Wende
ii) BRD: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutschen Einigung
a) Deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen
b) 1968 und die Folgen
c) Kohl-Ara (1982-1989)
ESML0043: German pols & soc 2B opt 1: Lebensumbruche und Integrationsprozesse in Deutschland seit der Wende
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore how German society, state, politics and economy have evolved since the collapse of the GDR and German unification, with emphasis on the new Bundeslander. The learning objectives are to develop an awareness and understanding amongst students of the key issues relating to the process of German Unification and to enable them to articulate this in both spoken and written German.
Subjects for close study include the formal process of unification; social, political and economic change in the new Bundeslander, the different experiences and mentalities in eastern and western Germany and the persistence of die Mauer im Kopf, GDR nostalgia; the lasting effects of the activities of the GDR's state security (Stasi and Vergangenheitsbewaltigung); the transformations experienced by various social categories (e.g. youth, women, the elderly, foreigners) in the wake of unification. Taught in German.
ESML0044: German politics & society 2B, option 2: Berlin seit dem Kriegsende
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the social and political experience of life in both halves of Berlin between 1945 and 1989, as a microcosm of the effects of the division of Germany on its population. To take full account of the changes which have taken place in the city since the collapse of the GDR and which have brought about its reinstatement as the capital of Germany.
Subjects for close study include: everyday life in both halves of the city during the Cold War; propagandist portrayals of life in the 'other' half of the city; the impact of the crises of 1953 and 1961 on both parts of the city; the changes brought about by détente in the 1970s and 1980s; the unification process and resistance to it in East Berlin; the physical reconstruction of Berlin since 1989; problematic aspects of Berlin's transition to capital city; the 'Mauer im Kopf' as a continuing phenomenon of the 1990s. Taught in German.
ESML0045: German politics & society 2B, option 3: Popmusik und Protest-kultur
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore how German popular music reflects and responded to political and social developments in Germany over the last four decades. Popular music and popular culture are introduced as the object of academic analysis and a mirror of contemporary German (youth) culture.
The study of German politics and history from the perspective of the manifold protest movements provides the basis for the analysis of the lyrics of popular music from Heintje to Die Prinzen and Pur. We will conclude with the analysis of the Berlin-centred Techno-Movement as a phenomenon expressing the Zeitgeist of the 1990s.
ESML0046: German politics & society 2B, option 4: Die Frau in der deutschen Gesellschaft
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims at encouraging awareness of gender as a social variable which must be taken into account just as we take account of class, race, geography and generation when examining the social and political life of Germany. It will examine how gender differences and attitudes towards gender roles affect the roles and representations of women in German society today.
The purpose of this unit is to enable students to express themselves both in written and spoken German on issues relating to gender in the political and social structures of German society, to acquire relevant concepts and to demonstrate a basic understanding of the academic treatment in Germany of the issues involved.
The course will examine the changes which 'Frauenbilder' and the 'Frauenrolle' have undergone and highlight certain aspects of woman's role in society today. In this context, it will look at the specific experience of women in contemporary Germany, focusing on questions of rights, legislation, equal opportunities on the one hand, and on the representation of women in economic, social, cultural and political structures on the other. Taught in German.
ESML0047: German politics & society 2B, option 5: Der Deutsche Sozialstaat
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore the social impact of processes of economic globalisation on unified Germany. Students are made familiar with the historical evolution of the 'Modell Deutschland' and its transformation in the 1990s.
In its first half the unit covers the evolution of the German welfare system and the emergence of the so-called 'nivellierte Mittelstandsgesellschaft'. In the second half we will concentrate on the management of new phenomena like mass-unemployment, 'neue Armut', economic competition from newly industrialising countries, drastic cuts in the social welfare provision etc.
ESML0048: German written & spoken language 4A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0037
Aims & learning objectives:
To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers. To develop their summarisation skills so that they are able to produce a précis in sophisticated German of a complex English text on a subject of broad contemporary interest. To enable students to write coherent, well-argued and grammatically correct essays in German in response to issues raised in complex German texts. To enhance students' knowledge of the spoken language acquired during their year abroad so that they are able to converse fluently on contemporary issues and deliver sophisticated oral presentations on topics of their choice.
Written language: (a) Translation from German into English is the focus of one of the two weekly hours. The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on dealing with texts written in more colloquial registers. (b) The second weekly hour is devoted to the production of German in summarisation and essay-writing exercises. In this semester particular attention will be devoted to developing essay-writing skills.
Spoken language: The emphasis is on project work carried out both on a group and an individual basis, with the chosen topics of an appropriately complex and controversial nature.
ESML0049: German written & spoken language 4B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX38 CW17 OR27 OT18
Requisites: Pre ESML0048
Aims & learning objectives:
To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers. To develop their summarisation skills so that they are able to produce a précis in sophisticated German of a complex English text on a subject of broad contemporary interest. To enable students to write coherent, well-argued and grammatically correct essays in German in response to issues raised in complex German texts. To enhance students' knowledge of the spoken language acquired during their year abroad so that they are able to converse fluently on contemporary issues and deliver sophisticated oral presentations on topics of their choice.
Written language: (a) Translation from German into English is the focus of one of the two weekly hours. The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on translating texts written in more formal registers. (b) The second weekly hour is devoted to the production of German in summarisation and essay-writing exercises. In this semester particular attention will be paid to developing summarisation skills.
Spoken language: As before, project work will be carried out both on a group and an individual basis. Additional emphasis will now be placed on developing students' presentational skills in preparation for their oral examination.
ESML0051: German national option G2: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0038
Aims & learning objectives:
To consider the effects of exile on the life and work of selected German writers who emigrated during the period of fascist rule in Germany; to analyse the reception of those writers in their countries of exile and in the divided Germany of the 1950s and 1960s,to enable students to evaluate the contribution of émigré writers to twentieth-century German culture.
Students are asked to purchase the following texts (available in paperback): Stefan Heym, Der Fall Glasenapp; Anna Seghers, Der Ausflug der Toten Mädchen; Lion Feuchtwanger, Moskau 1937. Students are also asked to view the following films, copies of which will be made available on video: Hangmen also Die (dir. Fritz Lang); The Seventh Cross (dir. Fred Zinnemann). Taught in German.
ESML0051: German national option G2: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0038
Aims & learning objectives:
To consider the effects of exile on the life and work of selected German writers who emigrated during the period of fascist rule in Germany; to analyse the reception of those writers in their countries of exile and in the divided Germany of the 1950s and 1960s,to enable students to evaluate the contribution of émigré writers to twentieth-century German culture.
Students are asked to purchase the following texts (available in paperback): Stefan Heym, Der Fall Glasenapp; Anna Seghers, Der Ausflug der Toten Mädchen; Lion Feuchtwanger, Moskau 1937. Students are also asked to view the following films, copies of which will be made available on video: Hangmen also Die (dir. Fritz Lang); The Seventh Cross (dir. Fred Zinnemann). Taught in German.
ESML0052: German national option G3: Umbau 2000: Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OT25
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to explore the challenges unifed Germany has to confront after the Kohl era and at the transition to the twenty-first century. Processes like the collapse of communism, German unification, economic globalisation, etc., necessitate a fundamental rethinking of Germany's established political practices and institutions.
The option will analyse the major challenges to (a) Germany's political system, (b) Germany's economic system, (c) Germany's social system, and (d) Germany's role in Europe and international politics. We will discuss possible paths of societal modernisation and the strategies used by the political leadership. Taught in German.
ESML0052: German national option G3: Umbau 2000: Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf dem Weg ins 21. Jahrhundert
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OT25
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to explore the challenges unifed Germany has to confront after the Kohl era and at the transition to the twenty-first century. Processes like the collapse of communism, German unification, economic globalisation, etc., necessitate a fundamental rethinking of Germany's established political practices and institutions.
The option will analyse the major challenges to (a) Germany's political system, (b) Germany's economic system, (c) Germany's social system, and (d) Germany's role in Europe and international politics. We will discuss possible paths of societal modernisation and the strategies used by the political leadership. Taught in German.
ESML0053: German national option G4: Kultur und Politik in der ehemaligen DDR
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042.
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will examine the development of literature and film in the political context of the GDR to provide an overview of the development of literature and film in the political context of the GDR and to assess the distinctive qualities of the GDR culture. It will take full account of the way in which perspectives on GDR culture have changed since German unification. Through the close study of a number of key texts and films it will identify some major thematic concerns of the period following the rejection of socialist realism as a cultural doctrine.
Lectures will provide an overview of the key events in the GDR's cultural history and highlight problems involved in dealing with GDR culture from today's perspective. Seminars will focus on representative literary texts and films of the period between 1961 and 1989, including works by Christa Wolf, Günter de Bruyn, Volker Braun, Frank Beyer and Konrad Wolf.
ESML0056: German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042.
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the debate on technology and social modernisation in contemporary German culture and to explore the role of literature and film in posing practical and ethical questions about man's relationship with the natural environment. The main part of the course will consist of seminar presentations and discussion of texts and films.
Texts: Max Frisch, Homo Faber; Jurij Koch, Der Kirschbaum; Carl Amery, Der Untergang der Stadt Passau; Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Der Untergang der Titanic; Christa Wolf, Stöörfall. Films: Werner Herzog, Fitzcarraldo;; Veit Harlan, Die goldene Stadt. Taught in German.
ESML0056: German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042.
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the debate on technology and social modernisation in contemporary German culture and to explore the role of literature and film in posing practical and ethical questions about man's relationship with the natural environment. The main part of the course will consist of seminar presentations and discussion of texts and films.
Texts: Max Frisch, Homo Faber; Jurij Koch, Der Kirschbaum; Carl Amery, Der Untergang der Stadt Passau; Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Der Untergang der Titanic; Christa Wolf, Stöörfall. Films: Werner Herzog, Fitzcarraldo;; Veit Harlan, Die goldene Stadt. Taught in German.
ESML0058: German national option G8: Gender und transformatsionzprozesse in Deutschland
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
To permit a systematic study of significant processes of social change in contemporary Germany which have become intensified by Germany's unification process, European integration and the pressures of the global market. The unit will examine primarily the impact of processes of social transition and transformation on the identity, social position and opportunities of women both as citizens affected by institutional and structural reform and as agents of change. Selected areas will be analysed chiefly through the prism of gender, but other dimensions will also be explored. An examination of both old and new challenges to traditional gender role attributions and a study of gender as a social variable and a social determinant provides the chief analytical framework in which issues such as the withdrawal of the welfare state, economic and political reform, changing patterns of employment, technological advance, mobility of labour and patterns of migration will be discussed.
A comparative analysis of the goals, achievements and limitations of the women's movement as a social movement in the old Federal Republic with women's position in the former GDR will provide the background against which current debates about reform and redefinition within the women's movement in Germany will be examined. In the light of this historical perspective and of more recent developments in the new Federal states opportunities and perspectives for women's political participation and the development of strategies for social and institutional reform will be examined. The unit will cover topics such as: The first German women's movement, its goals, achievements and objectives; women in Nazi Germany and in the post war period of reconstruction and consolidation; impact, opportunities and perspectives of the new women's movement in the 1960's; a comparision with the position of women in the GDR; the 'Wende' and Germany's unification process; the period of transition and transformation since 1990; counting the cost and identifying perspectives and strategies for the future. Taught in German.
ESML0058: German national option G8: Gender und transformatsionzprozesse in Deutschland
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
To permit a systematic study of significant processes of social change in contemporary Germany which have become intensified by Germanys unification process, European integration and the pressures of the global market. The unit will examine primarily the impact of processes of social transition and transformation on the identity, social position and opportunities of women both as citizens affected by institutional and structural reform and as agents of change. Selected areas will be analysed chiefly through the prism of gender, but other dimensions will also be explored. An examination of both old and new challenges to traditional gender role attributions and a study of gender as a social variable and a social determinant provides the chief analytical framework in which issues such as the withdrawal of the welfare state, economic and political reform, changing patterns of employment, technological advance, mobility of labour and patterns of migration will be discussed.
A comparative analysis of the goals, achievements and limitations of the women's movement as a social movement in the old Federal Republic with women's position in the former GDR will provide the background against which current debates about reform and redefinition within the women's movement in Germany will be examined. In the light of this historical perspective and of more recent developments in the new Federal states opportunities and perspectives for women's political participation and the development of strategies for social and institutional reform will be examined. The unit will cover topics such as: The first German women's movement, its goals, achievements and objectives; women in Nazi Germany and in the post war period of reconstruction and consolidation; impact, opportunities and perspectives of the new women's movement in the 1960's; a comparision with the position of women in the GDR; the 'Wende' and Germany's unification process; the period of transition and transformation since 1990; counting the cost and identifying perspectives and strategies for the future. Taught in German.
ESML0059: German national option G9: Die Massenmedien in Deutschland
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop an understanding of the principles of mass communication and an awareness of the common features of European mass media and peculiarities to the German system; to develop an appreciation of the implications of technological advances in this field, particularly vis-Ã -vis the perspective of global communications.
theory of communication and mass communication; structure and character of the media; historical developments in the German media (pre-1945; FRG; GDR); legal aspects of the media environment; media ethics; funding and inter-media competition; new media - from Btx to the Internet in one generation; media as a political tool; the impact of German unification on the media of both former German states. Taught in German.
ESML0060: Italian written & spoken language 1A (ab initio)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a systematic grounding in the fundamental structures of Italian grammar, and to enable them to employ those structures correctly in short written texts within a communicative context, and orally in a variety of practical and everyday situations. Aural comprehension and oral communication skills are developed thanks to the use of audio-visual material and constant contact with native speakers. The objective is to bring students to an intermediate level of knowledge of Italian.
Written Language: The study of the basic morphological aspects of Italian grammar will be based on a textbook, with additional use of specially prepared material. Students complete a graded series of exercises in grammar and are introduced to brief translation passages.
Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, paired activities, supervised audio-visual activities, also leading to written practice in communicative contexts.
ESML0061: Italian written & spoken language 1B (ab initio)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0060
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the knowledge acquired in Semester 1, to complete the study of Italian grammar and syntax, to widen students' general vocabulary, to introduce them to the vocabulary of the press and contemporary writing, and to extend their aural comprehension/oral skills to a larger number of situations and contexts through contact with native speakers and the use of audio-visual material. The objective is to bring students to 'A' level standard by the end of the semester.
Written Language: The study of Italian grammar will be completed through the textbook already used in the Semester 1 module and will be integrated with handouts covering the more complex topics in Italian grammar and syntax such as the subjunctive, the gerund, and the sequence of tenses. Students work on grammar exercises and prose/translation passages drawn from contemporary sources.
Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, paired activities, supervised audio-visual activities leading to more creative and contextualised written assignments, continue in this module.
ESML0062: Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate students' existing knowledge of Italian grammar and syntax, and to enable them to deploy these structures correctly in written texts and exercises. Aural comprehension and oral communication skills in practical contexts are developed through the use of authentic audio-visual material and class contact with native speakers.
Written Language: a grammar text is used to revise the fundamentals of the language and as a basis for regular exercises. Translation texts are used to familiarise students with contemporary written Italian, in particular the language of the press and modern narrative.
Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, supervised audio-visual classes provide practice in the spoken language and are used as a stimulus for creative written work.
ESML0063: Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0062
Aims & learning objectives:
To expand students' knowledge of Italian grammar and syntax and to enable them to deploy these structures fluently and effectively in the production of written texts and exercises. Aural comprehension and oral communication skills are further extended through the use of advanced audio-visual material and class contact with lectors.
Written Language: more complex grammatical problems are studied with the aid of specially prepared handouts and explored through regular exercises. Excerpts from the Italian press and other authentic sources are used to expand writing skills in more formal contexts.
Spoken Language: the oral activities from Semester 1, such as supervised audio-visual practice and role-playing, will continue and equip students with more sophisticated communicative skills for more formal contexts.
ESML0064: Italian cultural studies 1A: Introduction to Italian cultural history
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to some of the key periods in Italian cultural history. To study the emergence of the Neorealist movement in Italian cinema and narrative and to analyse its political and social significance. To familiarise students with the basic concepts of narrative in film and literature.
The artistic and intellectual development of Italy since the Renaissance and its importance for contemporary Italian society. The Neorealist cinema, the key films of this movement, their narrative techniques and their critical reception.
ESML0065: Italian politics & society 1A: Italian foundation history (1860-1914)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach Italian economic, social and political history from Unification to the First World War in the context of European and international developments. To enable students to develop critical and analytical skills for an understanding of the study of history with particular reference to Italian history. To make students familiar with essential political terminology in Italian.
The Unification of Italy. The difficult construction of a sense of nationhood. Political liberalism and the emergence of the transformist variant of parliamentary politics. The division between 'legal Italy' and 'real Italy' in the nineteenth century. Industrialisation and the emergence of organised labour. Political Catholicism, anarchism and socialism. Economic liberalism and protectionism. The rise of nationalism. Italy between neutrality and intervention.
ESML0066: Italian cultural studies 1B: Italian writing of the 19th and 20th centuries
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Requisites: Pre ESML0064
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the main developments in Italian prose and poetry in the 19th Century and to analyse a number of short contemporary texts. To teach students to develop their critical and analytical skills.
Lectures will cover selected prose and poetry by the major 19th Century writers and will introduce students to issues in women's writing. The seminars will concentrate on contemporary short stories by men and women writers.
ESML0067: Italian politics & society 1B: Italian fascism
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0065
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach Italian history from the origins to the collapse of fascism in the context of European and international developments. To further develop skills in historical analysis and to introduce students to theories of democracy and totalitarianism. To make students familiar with cultural, sociological, political and economic interpretations of fascism.
Italy in the First World War. The 'biennio rosso' and the origins of fascism. Mussolini's rise to power. The creation of a fascist dictatorship. Fascism and national identity. Church and State under fascism. Economic crisis and fascist economic policies. Foreign policy. The alliance with Hitler. Italy in the Second World War. The fall of Mussolini, the armistice and the Resistance movement. Interpretations of fascism.
ESML0068: Italian written & spoken language 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Students must have taken either ESML0061, or ESML0063.
Aims & learning objectives:
To broaden students' command of contemporary written Italian with greater emphasis on resolving complex grammatical points; to build on the communication skills acquired in the Year 1, and to improve oral proficiency and aural comprehension.
Written Language: prose and translation exercises from a variety of literary and non-literary texts; general essays.
Spoken Language: role-playing, paired and group activities, dictation, summarisation of audio-visual texts in Italian, reading, conversation classes.
ESML0069: Italian written & spoken language 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX54 OR26 CW20
Requisites: Pre ESML0068
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on students' linguistic competence as acquired in Semester 1. To expand students' vocabulary in social and cultural areas and to develop sensitivity to style and register.
Written Language: prose and translation exercises from a variety of literary and non-literary texts; general essays.
Spoken Language: role-playing, paired and group activities, dictation, summarisation of audio-visual texts in Italian, reading, conversation classes.
ESML0070: Italian cultural studies 2A: Italian writers of the early 20th Century
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0066
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the textual and cultural awareness acquired in Year 1 and to provide an overview of Italian cultural production from the beginning of the 20th Century. To develop students' critical awareness of the main intellectual debates of the century.
This core module will be based upon key examples of Italian 20th Century novel, poetry, and short story, from the primo Novecento to the Fascist period. Lectures and seminars will address literary as well as social/political developments, such as the Southern question, Fascism, and women's issues.
ESML0071: Italian politics & society 2A: Italy since 1945
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0067
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a historical overview of the main political and social events of the post-war period in Italy. To equip students with the appropriate analytical skills to permit a critical evaluation of the period.
The course will pay attention to the following areas: the period of reconstruction; the effects of the Cold War on Italy's domestic affairs; collective movements of the l960s and l970s; the political system; the major political parties.
ESML0074: Italian written & spoken language 4A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0069
Aims & learning objectives:
To refine students' competence in written and spoken Italian; to extend the range of terminology and linguistic registers, including the political and economic. To perfect students' skills in translating texts from and into Italian in a variety of registers. To develop their summarisation skills and enable them to express complex ideas and arguments in writing. To draw upon students' periods of residence in Italy in order to strengthen oral fluency and conversational skills.
Written Language: prose, translation, summarisation (in Italian); analysis of style and register (contemporary social, political and literary).
Spoken Language: précis-writing, presentations, lector-organised discussion and debate on issues linked to Year 4 Options and Italian current affairs.
ESML0075: Italian written & spoken language 4B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX56 CW17 OR27
Requisites: Pre ESML0074
Aims & learning objectives:
To further develop and consolidate students' skills in translating complex texts from and into Italian, and in developing a sophisticated argument in the form of a long essay in Italian. To enable students to converse competently and fluently and to deliver sophisticated oral presentations in Italian on social, political and cultural topics.
Written Language: prose, translation, and essay writing classes based on excerpts from the press, contemporary writers and specialised journals.
Spoken Language: Oral presentations, lector-organised discussion and debate on political, social and cultural topics.
ESML0076: Italian national option IT1: Territorial identities & socio-political cultures in Italy
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
This option examines the persistence of territorial divisions in Italy. It addresses the differences in economic development and social relationships between different parts of Italy. Most important, it explores the ways in which these differences have been shaped as sub-national identities and territorial political subcultures, while the construction of an "imagined community" has rarely coincided with the nation-state. Recent tensions between territorial ad national identity and politics will be discussed and analysed.
Theoretical approaches to concepts of identity, subculture, modernisation and trust. The persistence of local and regional identities in Italy. Uneven development and the emergence of "three Italies". The Catholic and communist territorial political subcultures. Social and civic cultures. Old and new perspectives on the "Southern problem". The Northern League: ethno-regionalism? Territorial identities and national politics. Taught partly in Italian.
ESML0077: Italian national option IT2: The novel, the cinema & Italian society
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine how cinema and narrative have cross-fertilized to produce an artistically satisfying critique of Italian society. The unit will focus on three literary texts and their reworking by leading directors. Attention will be given to the narrative techniques appropriate to each medium, to novel and film theory, to the problems of adaptation and to the recurring theme of the relationship between the individual and the political system in Italy.
Tomasi di Lampedusa Il Gattopardo, Alberto Moravia Il conformista and Leonardo Sciascia Il contesto. Adaptations by Luchino Visconti, Bernardo Bertolucci and Francesco Rosi. Taught partly in Italian.
ESML0078: Italian national option IT3: Scrittrici Italiane del ventesimo secolo
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a general overview of 20th century Italian women's writing, an in-depth knowledge of four texts by major Italian women writers, an awareness of gender issues, and an understanding of the way in which the narrative text functions. The unit will look at the place of women in Italian literature both as objects of representation and producers, through an analysis of texts which illustrate the changes in the material and cultural situation of women which have occurred in Italy during this century. Students will be encouraged to make use of different modes of textual analysis, including feminist theory.
Grazia Deledda, Cosima (1937), Mondadori (1986); Dacia Maraini, Donna in guerra (1975), Einaudi, (1984); Fabrizia Ramondino, Althénopis, (1981) Einaudi, (1996); Elsa Morante, Aracoeli, Einaudi, (1982). Taught partly in Italian.
ESML0079: Italian national option IT4: Women in Italian society
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
The role and position of women in post-war Italy has undergone rapid change. These changes have explicitly and implicitly challenged a number of core Italian institutions and practices - the Family, the Church and the hegemony of the political parties to define the political agenda and to establish modes of political organization. This unit aims to examine transformation in women's lives during the post-war period. It will discuss the extent to which cultural, political and social factors affect women's changing aspirations.
The course will focus on the following areas: women and the family, women and the family, women and work, the women's movement, women in the political sphere and ethnic minority women. Taught partly in Italian.
ESML0080: French cultural studies 2B, option 6: The study of a major 19th century French novelist
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to the study of a major 19th Century French novelist.
An introduction to the work of Gustave Flaubert through the detailed examination of one of his novels.
ESML0081: Russian written & spoken language 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate knowledge of basic grammar, broaden vocabulary and improve aural comprehension. To develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation.
Prose and essay composition; translation into English; grammar revision; conversation.
Students must be qualified in Russian to approximately A-level standard.
ESML0082: Russian written & spoken language 1A (ab initio)
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a systematic grounding in the Russian language. To introduce students to the main structures of Russian grammar and basic vocabulary. To develop good pronunciation and intonation.
The Colloquial Russian course with extensive use of specially prepared explanatory material along with exercises and drills from a variety of sources; pronunciation, intonation and conversation practice; language laboratory work.
ESML0083: Russian cultural studies 1A: Introduction to Russian culture (post A level)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with some key texts of 19th century Russian literature and improve translation skills.
Set texts will normally include A S Pushkin, The Queen of Spades and selected lyric poetry; I S Turgenev, Asya; A P Chekhov, The Seagull.
Students must be qualified in Russian to approximately A-level standard.
ESML0084: Russian written & spoken language 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0081
Aims & learning objectives:
To further consolidate knowledge of basic grammar, broaden vocabulary and improve aural comprehension. To further develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation.
Prose and essay composition; translation into English; grammar revision; conversation.
ESML0085: Russian written & spoken language 1B (ab initio)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0082
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue a systematic grounding in the Russian language up to approximately
A-level standard. To ensure that students acquire a firm grasp of the main structures of Russian grammar and of basic vocabulary, and are able to express themselves in a variety of contexts. To develop the ability to take part in simple everyday conversation. To develop reading ability to the point at which less complex works of literature can be read with the aid of a dictionary.
The Colloquial Russian course with extensive use of specially prepared explanatory material along with exercises and drills from a variety of sources; pronunciation, intonation and conversation practice; language laboratory work.
ESML0086: Russian cultural studies 1B: Introduction to Russian culture (ab initio)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre ESML0082
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise students with literary Russian and introduce them to classical pre-Revolutionary literature. To read (in Russian) and discuss a well-known literary text.
Lectures on the history of Russian literature; reading and discussion of Chekhov's Lady with a Little Dog.
ESML0087: Russian politics & society 1A: Russia before 1917 - Directed study
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Students must take ESML0088 at the same time as this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
To permit post A-level students of Russian (and others requiring a six-credit unit) to make a more detailed study of topics covered in Russian Politics and Society 1B (ESML0088).
As for Russian Politics and Society 1B (ESML0088).
ESML0088: Russian politics & society 1B: Russia before 1917
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To offer an outline history of Russia focusing on the geopolitical, social and cultural factors which shaped its development and to examine in detail the problems posed by industrial development and social change in the late 19th and early 20th centuries culminating in the revolution of 1917. To introduce some classic literary texts to illuminate the moral and political dilemmas of the 19th century. To develop skills in historical analysis.
The first Russian states and the rise of Moscow; modernization and westernization in 1680-1855. Reform and reaction under Alexander II (1855-1881); Russian society in the mid-19th century as reflected in Turgenev's Fathers and Children; industrialization and its impact on society; the emergence of a revolutionary movement; dilemmas of Russian revolutionaries as reflected in Lenin's What is to be Done?; Dostoevsky's critique of 19th century Russian social values in Crime and Punishment; ethnic minorities and national movements in the Russian Empire before 1917; women and the women's movement before 1917; Chekhov's depiction of peasant life at the end of the 19th century; the revolution of 1905 and the granting of a constitution by Nicholas II; the successes and failures of constitutional rule 1906-1914; the First World War and the collapse of the imperial regime.
ESML0089: Russian written & spoken language 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0084, Pre ESML0085
Students must have taken either ESML0084, or ESML0085.
Aims & learning objectives:
To deepen knowledge of Russian grammar, expand lexis and develop translation skills in several registers. To give students practice in expressing themselves in writing. To improve aural comprehension and to begin to develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation.
Written Language: systematic review of Russian grammar with exercises and drills drawn from a variety of sources; translations into Russian and English with discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Essay writing in Russian with discussion of stylistic points and vocabulary. Spoken Language: small group conversation on a range of themes; role-playing; task-based use of audio-visual material. To assist vocabulary acquisition, work in written and spoken language will be organised around themes of geography & peoples and culture & recreation.
ESML0090: Russian cultural studies 2A: Russian literature from Chekhov to Zoshchenko
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0083, Pre ESML0086
Students must have taken either ESML0083, or ESML0086.
Aims & learning objectives:
To present an overview of Russian literary development in these years; to encourage the development of skills in literary analysis and criticism.
Three writers (studied in key works): Chekhov, Blok, Zoshchenko
ESML0091: Russian politics & society 2A: Soviet Russia 1917-1985
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the character and evolution of the communist political and social order from 1917 to 1985. To develop skills in historical and political analysis and essay and seminar techniques.
The establishment of Bolshevik power under Lenin 1917-1921; the New Economic Policy and the struggle for power in the Communist Party in the 1920s; Stalin's drive for industrialization and rule by terror in the 1930s-40s; the USSR in the Second World War; reform and its limits under Khrushchev and Brezhnev in the 1950s-70s; the structure and problems of the Soviet political system in the early 1980s.
ESML0092: Russian written & spoken language 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26
Requisites: Pre ESML0089
Aims & learning objectives:
To deepen knowledge of Russian grammar, expand lexis and develop translation skills in several registers. To give students practice in expressing themselves in writing. To improve aural comprehension to the point at which the gist of a TV news item can be understood and to develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation.
Written Language: systematic review of Russian grammar with exercises and drills drawn from a variety of sources; translations into Russian and English with discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Essay writing in Russian with discussion of stylistic points and vocabulary. Spoken Language: small group conversation on a range of themes; role-playing; task-based use of audio-visual material. To assist vocabulary acquisition, work in written and spoken language will be organised around themes of social issues, history and politics.
ESML0093: Russian cultural studies 2B: Soviet Russian literature & cinema in the 1920s & 1930s
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0090
Aims & learning objectives:
To present an overview of Russian literary development in these years; to encourage the development of skills in literary analysis and criticism.
Two writers (studied in key works): Olesha, Akhmatova. Films by Eisenstein.
ESML0094: Russian politics & society 2B: Reform & reconstruction in Russia since 1985
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0091
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the reform and collapse of the communist order between 1985 and 1991 and the ensuing problem of economic and political reconstruction. To develop skills in historical and political analysis, and essay and seminar techniques.
The origins, development and failure of Gorbachev's reform programme 1985-91; ethnic and social developments in the post-Stalin USSR and their bearing on the collapse of communism; the Russian Federation and its neighbours after the disintegration of the USSR; Yeltsin's attempt to build democracy and a market economy in Russia; the role and position of women in the late Soviet and post-Soviet eras.
ESML0095: Russian written & spoken language 4A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0092
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar, further expand lexis and further develop translation skills. To enable students to translate modern literary Russian and non-technical academic and journalistic Russian, into English. To enable students to translate selected English passages into Russian, and to express ideas and arguments in writing. To improve fluency in spoken Russian.
Written Language: translation into and from Russian and discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Conversation and audio-visual classes. Spoken Language: discussion of selected topics on a range of themes (ecology, social issues, feminism etc).
ESML0096: Russian written & spoken language 4B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX56 CW17 OR27
Requisites: Pre ESML0095
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar, further expand lexis and further develop translation skills. To enable students to translate modern literary Russian and non-technical academic and journalistic Russian, into English with minimal use of a dictionary. To enable students to translate selected English passages into idiomatic Russian, and to express complex ideas and arguments in writing. To develop fluency in spoken Russian.
Written Language: translation into and from Russian and discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Conversation and audio-visual classes. Spoken Language: discussion of selected topics on a range of themes (culture, politics in Russia etc).
ESML0099: Russian national option R2: The twentieth century Russian novel
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 ES33
Requisites: Pre ESML0093
Aims & learning objectives:
The novel is arguably Russia's greatest contribution to West European culture in the 19th and 20th centuries. This unit concentrates on some of the greatest works of the 20th century, exploring the human effects of the cataclysms and conflicts that comprise most of Russia's history of the last seventy years.
Among the works to be studied are the following (subject to availability); M Bulgakov, Master i Margarita
*; E Zamiatin, My; A Solzhenitsyn, Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha; B Pasternak, Doktor Zhivago
*; I Babel', Konarmiia; N Ostrovskii, Kak Zakalialas' stal'.
* As these novels are fairly long, you are advised to read them before the start of the academic year.
ESML0101: Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0094, Pre HASS0005
Students must have taken either ESML0094, or HASS0005.
Aims & learning objectives:
To investigate political and social developments in the years 1985-1991 in greater depth than in ESML0094.
Origins of perestroika; glasnost and democratization; nationalities issues and conflicts; the collapse of communism.
ESML0102: Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0094, Pre HASS0005
Students must have taken either ESML0094, or HASS0005.
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the dilemmas of economic and political reconstruction and of external relations posed by the collapse of the communist political order in Russia, and efforts to resolve these problems since August 1991.
To develop skills in political analysis and seminar techniques.
Political institutions and actors in Russia in August 1991; dimensions of the crisis surrounding the collapse of Soviet communism; theoretical approaches to transition; first steps of the political leadership; reform and political conflict; dilemmas of foreign policy; political elites; civil society; political culture; 1993 Constitution; elections and party formation; legal order and corruption; local government; federalism and ethnic politics; gender politics; prospects.
ESML0103: Europe 1A: Introduction to European studies
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To begin an exploration of the historical and cultural identity of Europe; to introduce basic political concepts (nationalism, imperialism, communism and fascism) in a European historical context; to introduce cultural studies as a discipline in the context of European culture in the first half of the twentieth century.
Defining Europe - history, languages and culture; nations and empires in 19th Century Europe; the First World War; communism and fascism in interwar Europe; the Second World War; studying European culture; images of war in 20th Century Europe.
ESML0104: Europe 1B: Europe since 1945
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To compare the experience of Eastern and Western Europe since 1945; to introduce students, in this context, to analysis of the political structure and culture of liberal democracies and to analysis of the structures and problems of modern economies; to examine the interaction of culture and politics in post-war Europe.
Europe in the Cold War era; politics and culture in post-war Europe; economic and social change in Western Europe; liberal democratic politics in Europe - elections and party systems; political culture; the rise and fall of European communist states and command economies; economic and political problems in the age of globalisation; postmodernism in European culture.
ESML0105: Europe 2A: Politics of the European Union
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to key theories of European integration; to trace the development of the E.C. from the 1950s to the present; to examine issues of contemporary relevance to European integration. Students will develop an awareness and understanding of European integration issues and be able to discuss them on the basis of background knowledge attained during lectures and readings.
Theories of European integration; the origins of the E.C.; the Rome Treaty and the Single Act; Britain and the E.C; the road to Maastricht; the institutions of the E.C. and E.U.; the democratic deficit; the 1996 Inter Governmental Conference; the E.U. as a world actor; monetary union; citizenship and "the people's Europe"; the E.U., Eastern Europe and enlargement; the future of the E.U.
ESML0107: European option E1: Intellectuals & identity in contemporary Europe
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an overview of nationalism in various twentieth-century European contexts and of the role of intellectuals (both literary authors and social/political commentators) in influencing debates on issues such as national identity. The changes in post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe will provide a focus for the latter part of the unit.
The work of intellectuals such as Barzini, Konwicki, Grass, Schneider, Habermas and Foucault.
ESML0108: European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era?
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an historical understanding of the development of politically committed culture (literature and film) in the post-1945 era in both Eastern and Western Europe. To take account of the factors which led to the growing disillusionment on the part of creative intellectuals regarding the value of their efforts to bring about socialism with a human face: the dominance of Stalinism during the Cold War, the crushing of reform movements in Eastern Europe (especially the Prague Spring in 1968), general scepticism in Western Europe since the 1960's regarding the value of committed culture. To study some examples of the post-engagement culture in Eastern Europe and Russia since the collapse of communism. The close study of works by leading authors of the post-1945 period will provide the focus for the seminars which form the core of the unit.
A dossier of Camus's writing, Wolf: The Quest for Christa T., Solzhenitsyn: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Kundera: The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Perec: Things, KlÃma: Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light, Makanin: Baize Table with Decanter.
ESML0109: French cultural studies 2B, option 7: Camus & the Algerian question
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Camus and the Algerian question, 1948-1960.
This option will examine the social and moral dilemmas posed by the French colonization of Algeria, as exemplified in the life and work of Camus. Analysis of texts such as L'Exil et le royaume, La Chute and Le Premier homme will be used to explore Camus's ambivalent relationship with his native country, and the conflicting demands of political evolution and personal authenticity.
ESML0110: European option E3: European film 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Co ESML0111
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the nature and role of cinema in contemporary Europe, through the study of concepts of personal, national and European identity, and the detailed analysis of a wide range of European films
This course will focus upon film as personal statement, and will analyse selected works of directors in West and East Europe with specific reference to questions of identity, memory, autobiographical narrative and point of view.
ESML0111: European option E4: European film 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Co ESML0110
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop further the understanding of the nature and role of contemporary European film by tracing the relationship between personal memory and identity, and history and ideology; to examine the concept of myth and identity.
In this course the personal visions of directors in West and East Europe will be analysed within the broader context of history, ideology and myth. Areas for investigation include the comparative and shared histories of European film; the legacy of the Third Reich; women and history; marginal identities; ideology; film and contemporary European society.
ESML0112: French cultural studies 2B, option 8: Images of conflict: the French at war
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Images of Conflict: the French at War.
This option will examine the French experience of warfare in the twentieth century, as expressed in literature and film. The principal focus will be on the period from 1940 to the early 1960s, and will include the themes of armed conflict, occupation, exile, war crimes, and colonial war. Examples for analysis will include novel, drama, poetry and film.
ESML0113: Dissertation in Russian 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To permit BA Russian and Politics students to make a detailed study over two semesters of an area of contemporary Russian history or politics. To provide training in research techniques and practice in sustained academic writing in the Russian language.
A topic to be agreed between student and the Director of Studies, probably linked to the Special Study written during the Year Abroad.
ESML0114: Dissertation in Russian 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Aims & learning objectives:
See Dissertation in Russian 1.
See Dissertation in Russian 1.
ESML0115: French economic & industrial environment
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 ES50
Requisites: Co ESML0120
Aims & learning objectives:
to introduce students to the economic contexts in which firms in France operate, to analyse the causes of economic growth and industrial development in the post-war period and to introduce students to the language of the French business environment.
economic growth and development in the post-war period (1945-1973); recession and structural changes in the 1970s; economic performance and public policies in the 1980s and 1990s; industrial policy: concentration, nationalisation, privatisation, small firms; foreign trade in goods and services.
Classes are conducted in French.
ESML0116: French written communication A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20
Requisites: Co ESML0117
Aims & learning objectives:
To heighten student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication; to promote proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subject covered in the core and interface units; to introduce students to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: points and pitfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; elements of grammar.
ESML0117: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX25 PR50 CW25
Requisites: Co ESML0116, Co ESML0125
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context.
Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a variety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other members of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by developing student skills in oral communication in French.
ESML0118: German business environment 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit aims to introduce students to key concepts of the German economic environment. In the second half it will focus on aspects of the integration of the former East into the economy of the West.
The unit first concentrates on the period of post-war economic reconstruction, in particular on aspects of the 'economic miracle' and the social market economy. Then the emphasis will shift towards the reconstruction of the economy in East Germany following unification. Special emphasis will be on the role of the 'Treuhand', the question of private property, ecological 'Altlasten'. Finally we will discuss the impact of processes of economic globalisation on the German economy.
ESML0119: German written & spoken communication 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR40 CW40 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. Increasingly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues.
1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures this unit focuses on the various classes of words, their declension and their function within the phrase/sentence, ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German.
ESML0120: French legal environment
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES80 OT20
Requisites: Co ESML0115
Aims & learning objectives:
to introduce students to the underlying principles of French law, to outline the legal framework within which firms in France operate in specific domains and to introduce students to French legal terminology
introduction to the French legal system;
company law; droit des obligations (contracts and tort); consumer protection legislation; labour law; competition law.
Classes are conducted in French.
ESML0121: French written communication B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20
Requisites: Co ESML0122
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue and advance student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication in unit Written Communication A, promoting further proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subjects covered in the core and interface units; to introduce students to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: further points and pitfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; further elements of grammar
ESML0122: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX25 PR50 CW25
Requisites: Pre ESML0117, Co ESML0121
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context.
Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a variety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other members of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by developing student skills in oral communication in French.
ESML0123: German business environment 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0118
Aims & learning objectives:
to provide students with an introduction to the structure of the German economy and the organisation of major economic interest groups; to introduce students to the legal system in the Federal Republic of Germany which governs the relationship between the state and its citizens with particular emphasis on the implications of the constitutional framework on the organisation of business; to familiarise students with relevant language and concepts, to assist students in writing in German about the relevant areas.
i. The German economy
a) the structure of the German economy
b) interest groups within the German economy
ii. The German legal environment
a) the constitutional framework of business
b) aspects of change in the legal environment of German business
ESML0124: German written & spoken communication 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX30 CW20 PR20 OR30
Requisites: Pre ESML0119
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit builds on German Written Communication 1, pursuing the same dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. Increasingly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues.
1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Austrian and German video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures, this unit focuses on complex grammar points and German syntax; ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German.
ESML0125: French written communication in the business context A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Co ESML0117
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a French company during their year abroad.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc. Students are instructed in the drafting of commercial correspondence in addition to work on CVs and accompanying documentation. Specific exercises include: Commercial correspondence: terminology and its application; language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems.
ESML0126: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR50 CW50
Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Pre ESML0122
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts.
Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular.
Oral and interpersonal communication skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises.
Classes are conducted in French.
ESML0127: German language in the business context A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre ESML0124
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. To enable them to converse accurately, fluently and in an appropriate register. 2. To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with specific reference to material used in the core and interface courses; to focus on the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a German company during their third year abroad. The unit will familiarise students with written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management in Germany.
1. Classes may consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering of questions and discussion of the topics presented to them. Also office skills simulations, such as answering the telephone, form a part of these classes. There are also free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at familiarising students with specific issues from the German business context. Specific exercises include: comparative/text analysis, acquisition of business terminology, business communication: correspondence, reports, CVs, surveys, statistics, summarisations.
ESML0128: French written communication in the business context B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW40 EX60
Requisites: Pre ESML0125, Co ESML0129
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis and with reference to the subjects covered in the core and interface courses whilst maintaining a focus on the business dimension of written communication.
Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: Terminology and its application; summarisation; textual analysis: language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems.
ESML0129: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX40 OR40 PR10 CW10
Requisites: Pre ESML0126, Co ESML0128
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts.
Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular.
Oral and interpersonal communication skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises.
Classes are conducted in French.
ESML0130: German comparative employee relations B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre UNIV0003
Aims & learning objectives:
To convey in German the most significant developments in relations between management and institutions representing worker interests (trade unions and works councils) and to give students practice in preparing and giving seminar presentations in German and to improve their writing skills in German.
Industrielle Beziehungen in Deutschland
a) Die Entwicklung der Gewerkschaften
b) Gewerkschaften und Betriebsr?te
c) Die Zukunft der Tarifautonomie
d) Betriebliche Interessenvertretung im vereinigten Deutschland
ESML0131: German language in the business context B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX CW
Requisites: Pre ESML0127
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit pursues a dual aim: 1. To build on the oral and aural German skills acquired in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is to enable students to improve their communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. The unit will improve accurate conversation skills at a more advanced level of German and improve both fluency and awareness of appropriate language registers for the business context.
2. To build on the skills and written language proficiency achieved in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is for students to develop more advanced skills in contemporary German written communication with specific reference to both the national and the European business environment. Students will be familiarised with more complex written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management. The unit will introduce students to more academic texts on business issues in the German context.
1. Classes will consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering questions and discussion of topics presented to them. Students will practice office and negotiating skills as well as free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at aiding students' understanding of German national and European perspectives of issues in the business world as well as the acquisition of relevant terminology and language registers. Specific exercises include: writing reports, summarisations and essays on a business or economic topic; consolidation and expansion of business terminology, problem-solving in the business environment.
ESML0132: French international marketing communications A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication.
The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides for an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc). The second (in French) examines marketing as part of the communications process.
i. The International Marketing Environment:
Economic, social, political and legal constraints
Regional markets
Globalisation versus internationalisation
ii. Marketing Communications:
The communications process; persuasion and propaganda
Cultural influences, universals and their effects
ESML0133: French written & oral communication in the international business context A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0128, Pre ESML0129
Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context.
All classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e.g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with reference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from their placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increasing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stimulate the development of oral communication skills.
Exercises in written communication classes include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of the linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific grammatical problems.
Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersonal skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems.
ESML0135: German written & oral communication in the international business context 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ESML0131
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad. Special attention is paid to oral presentation and discussion skills, to methods of comparative text analysis, techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation, commentary, specialised translation etc. Students are encouraged to follow economic trends in Germany through regular reading of relevant newspapers.
Classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. The emphasis will be on issues of European economic integration and problems related to the globalisation of economic processes. Certain linguistic excercises will also make use of English texts as a further source of information.
ESML0136: French international marketing communications B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre UNIV0028
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication.
The unit builds on unit French International Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products & campaigns in case study, in addition to theory & practice in other applications of the Marketing Communications mix.
ESML0137: French written & oral communication in the international business context B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Requisites: Pre ESML0133
Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context.
Building on unit Written Communication in the International Business Context A, all classes continue to focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e.g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with reference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from their placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increasing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stimulate the development of oral communication skills.
Exercises in written communication classes include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of the linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific grammatical problems.
Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersonal skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems.
ESML0138: Le management interculturel
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
to develop insights into the cultural specificity of management practices through comparisons between the case of France and other leading industrial nations;
to enhance awareness of the cultural dimensions of managing in the international workplace;
to provide an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of corporate, nation-specific and international management practices by drawing on prior study within the degree as well as on their work experience abroad;
to develop research skills, oral presentation skills and report writing skills in French;
to develop their teamwork skills, by working in groups.
The focus will be on business practices in France, whose distinctiveness (or otherwise) will be explored by cross-national comparisons.
Introductory lectures review issues to do with national business cultures, particularly the question of whether particular management styles or practices are nation-specific. They also review corporate culture issues in relation to national culture, with reference to core management disciplines such as business policy, organisational behaviour and human resources management within major companies.
The second phase of the course is student-led, with group exposés leading to seminar discussions. The subject of group exposés and groups dissertations is decided jointly by the students and course lecturers in line with the major themes of the course. Guidance is given on the development and presentation of both exposés and written projects, as well as feedback on exposées.
ESML0139: German international marketing communications B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre UNIV0027
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication.
The unit builds on Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products and campaigns in case study in addition to theory and practice in other applications of the marketing communications mix.
ESML0140: German written & oral communication in the international business context 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX30 OR30 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0135
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad and to further develop the writing and oral skills practised in the post-abroad language workshop.
As in the preceding unit, classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context.
ESML0141: Business French option 1A
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Students must have have a minimum of a GCSE Grade C and/or have taken Single Language Option units during year 1 or the equivalent in order to undertake this unit. Students must also take ESML0142 in year 3 if they take this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management
Semester 1: Intensive language work with emphasis on aural comprehension and oral communication. Teaching methods integrate a variety of forms of language learning through the exploitation of foreign language television broadcasts, audio-visual materials and a business language course text. This part of the course concentrates mainly on the practical language necessary for doing business, but also includes work on more theoretical themes such as the various types of company job application and interview practice. Overall fluency and grammatical accuracy are practised throughout the course.
ESML0142: Business French option 1B
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0141
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management
Semester 2: Further development of linguistic proficiency using the same methods as in Semester 1. The second part of the course is concerned with more real world material such as economics magazines and TV news items, on which the study of many aspects of the foreign business environment will be based. Continued emphasis on overall fluency and grammatical accuracy.
ESML0143: Business French option 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0142
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to upgrade, review and refine language skills already acquired during Years 2 and 3 in order that students may operate confidently and effectively in the sphere of foreign business and management.
Target language is used throughout the course, emphasising fluency and grammatical accuracy. Topics reviewed include communications, marketing, sales and finance, as well as other relevant and/or topical aspects of the foreign business environment.
ESML0144: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0145
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context.
Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required.
ESML0145: Chinese stage 1B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0144
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A
ESML0146: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading,
speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
ESML0147: Chinese stage 2B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A
ESML0148: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spoken.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
ESML0149: Chinese stage 3B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
ESML0150: French stage 7A (advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0151
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
GCE Advanced Level French or equivalent required.
ESML0151: French stage 7B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0150
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 7A
A continuation of French Stage 7A
ESML0152: French stage 8A (post advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating
to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry.
There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0153: French stage 8B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 8A
A continuation of French Stage 8A
ESML0154: French stage 9A (further advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0155: French stage 9B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 9A
A continuation of French Stage 9A
ESML0156: French stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0157
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
GCSE Grade C in French or equivalent required.
ESML0157: French stage 4B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0156
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 4A
A continuation of French Stage 4A
ESML0158: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0159: French stage 5B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 5A
A continuation of course French Stage 5A
ESML0160: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0161: French stage 6B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
ESML0162: German stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0163
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required.
ESML0163: German stage 1B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0162
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 1A
A continuation of German Stage 1A
ESML0164: German stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0165: German stage 2B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 2A
A continuation of German Stage 2A
ESML0166: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0167: German stage 3B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 3A
A continuation of German Stage 3A
ESML0168: German stage 7A (advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0169
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
GCE Advanced Level German or equivalent required.
ESML0169: German stage 7B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0168
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 7A
A continuation of German Stage 7A
ESML0170: German stage 8A (post advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating
to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry.
There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0171: German stage 8B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 8A
A continuation of German Stage 8A
ESML0172: German stage 9A (further advanced) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in German Stage 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to German speaking countries. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0174: German stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0175
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
GCSE Grade C in German or equivalent required.
ESML0175: German stage 4B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0174
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German 4A
A continuation of German 4A
ESML0176: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0177: German stage 5B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 5A
A continuation of German Stage 5A
ESML0178: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0179: German stage 6B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 6A
A continuation of German Stage 6A
ESML0180: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0181
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required.
ESML0181: Italian stage 1B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0180
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A
ESML0182: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in an Italian-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0183: Italian stage 2B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A
ESML0184: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.
ESML0185: Italian stage 3B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A
ESML0186: Japanese 1A (beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0187
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters)
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required.
ESML0187: Japanese 1B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0186
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A
ESML0188: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Japanese-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0189: Japanese 2B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A
ESML0190: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.
ESML0191: Japanese 3B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
ESML0192: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0193
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required.
ESML0193: Spanish stage 1B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0192
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A
ESML0194: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0195: Spanish stage 2B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A
ESML0196: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0197: Spanish stage 3B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
ESML0198: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0199
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.
GCSE Grade C in Spanish or equivalent required.
ESML0199: Spanish stage 4B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0198
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A
ESML0200: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0201: Spanish stage 5B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A
ESML0202: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0203: Spanish stage 6B (3 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
ESML0204: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0205
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context.
Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones.
ESML0205: Chinese stage 1B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0204
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A
ESML0206: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0207
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading,
speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese.
ESML0207: Chinese stage 2B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0206
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A
ESML0208: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0209
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spoken.
ESML0209: Chinese stage 3B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Chinese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0208
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
ESML0210: French stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0211
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0211: French stage 7B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0210
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 7A
A continuation of French Stage 7A
ESML0212: French stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0213
Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating
to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry.
There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0213: French stage 8B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0212
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 8A
A continuation of French Stage 8A
ESML0214: French stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0215
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0215: French stage 9B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0214
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 9A
A continuation of French Stage 9A
ESML0216: French stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0217
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0217: French stage 4B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0216
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 4A
A continuation of French Stage 4A
ESML0218: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0219
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0219: French stage 5B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0218
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 5A
A continuation of course French Stage 5A
ESML0220: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0221
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0221: French stage 6B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0220
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
ESML0222: German stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0223
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
ESML0223: German stage 1B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0222
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 1A
A continuation of German Stage 1A
ESML0224: German stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0225
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0225: German stage 2B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0224
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 2A
A continuation of German Stage 2A
ESML0226: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0227
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0227: German stage 3B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0226
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 3A
A continuation of German Stage 3A
ESML0228: German stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0229
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0229: German stage 7B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0228
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 7A
A continuation of German Stage 7A
ESML0230: German stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0231
Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating
to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry.
There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles.
Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0231: German stage 8B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0230
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 8A
A continuation of German Stage 8A
ESML0234: German stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0235
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0235: German stage 4B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0234
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German 4A
A continuation of German 4A
ESML0236: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0237
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0237: German stage 5B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0236
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 5A
A continuation of German Stage 5A
ESML0238: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0239
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0239: German stage 6B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0238
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 6A
A continuation of German Stage 6A
ESML0240: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0241
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
ESML0241: Italian stage 1B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0240
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A
ESML0242: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0243
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in an Italian-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0243: Italian stage 2B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0242
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A
ESML0244: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0245
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the students abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork
ESML0245: Italian stage 3B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0244
Amis & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A.
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A.
ESML0246: Japanese 1A (beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0247
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters)
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
ESML0247: Japanese 1B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0246
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A
ESML0248: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0249
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Japanese-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0249: Japanese 2B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0248
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A
ESML0250: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0251
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.
ESML0251: Japanese 3B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Japanese
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0250
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
ESML0252: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0253
Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work
ESML0253: Spanish stage 1B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0252
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A
ESML0254: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0255
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0255: Spanish stage 2B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0254
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A
ESML0256: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0257
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0257: Spanish stage 3B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0256
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
ESML0258: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0259
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing
and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary.
Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material.
Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0259: Spanish stage 4B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co ESML0258
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A
ESML0260: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0261
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature.
There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material.
Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken.
Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.
ESML0261: Spanish stage 5B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0260
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A
ESML0262: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0263
Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B
ESML0263: Spanish stage 6B (6 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15
Requisites: Co ESML0262
Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
ESML0264: EFL Academic Writing A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to improve students' academic writing skills in English, thereby enabling them to raise the standard of their degree course work.
Essay and report writing, to include overall structure, orthography, grammar, punctuation and appropriateness of writing style.
ESML0265: EFL Academic writing B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Continuation of EFL Academic Writing A.
Continuation of EFL Academic Writing A.
ESML0266: EFL Cambridge English examination classes A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To prepare students for Cambridge First Certificate, Advanced English and Proficiency in English examinations
An integrated course, covering the four language skills and including the following:
Reading authentic texts
Focus on register recognition
Vocabulary development
Listening practice
Oral discussion
Writing compositions, letters and other texts
Examination practice
ESML0267: EFL Cambridge English examination classes B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Continuation of EFL Cambridge English Examination Classes A
Continuation of EFL Cambridge English Examination Classes A
ESML0268: EFL English for business A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop business students' spoken and written English using appropriate business materials
Spoken English:
Seminar skills
Giving a presentation
Listening skills
Negotiating skills
Written English:
Reading business texts
Essay writing
Case studies
ESML0269: EFL English for business B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Continuation of EFL English for Business A
Continuation of EFL English for Business A
ESML0270: Effective writing for native speakers of English
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Students should not have taken this unit in a previous semester.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop native speaker students' essay writing skills by teaching study skills for academic writing and developing accuracy.
Surveying a book or article
Note-taking and summarising skills
Avoiding plagiarism
Incorporating source material
Referring to sources
Essay structure
Paragraph structure
Planning an essay
Writing introductions and conclusions
Synthesing from different sources
Cohesive devices
Academic style - showing and avoiding personal commitment
Grammatical accuracy
Writing in examinations
ESML0270: Effective writing for native speakers of English
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Students should not have taken this unit in a previous semester.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop native speaker students' essay writing skills by teaching study skills for academic writing and developing accuracy.
Surveying a book or article
Note-taking and summarising skills
Avoiding plagiarism
Incorporating source material
Referring to sources
Essay structure
Paragraph structure
Planning an essay
Writing introductions and conclusions
Synthesing from different sources
Cohesive devices
Academic style - showing and avoiding personal commitment
Grammatical accuracy
Writing in examinations
ESML0271: French politics & society 2B, option 1: Regional policy in the Fifth Republic
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Regional Policy in the Fifth Republic.
This option will examine the progress towards decentralisation brought about during the Fifth Republic, and specifically since 1981, against a background of historic centralisation of both government and administration in France. It will also explore the potential for a French contribution to the regional debate at a European level. Taught in French.
ESML0272: French politics & society 2B, option 2: 'Capitale et province'
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of 'Capitale et province'.
This option will examine the French experience of regional and provincial identities, and of 'Paris et le désert français' from social, political, cultural and linguistic perspectives. The emphasis will be on ways in which difference is asserted in the face of modern tendencies towards sameness and globalization, with analysis of a wide range of historical and modern texts and visual material. Taught in French.
ESML0273: French politics & society 2B, option 3: The role & position of women in French society
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the role and position of women in French society.
This unit will examine the role and position of women in French society. The course will analyse women's rights in terms of legislation (divorce, abortion, the notion of equality) and explore women's involvement in the labour market, politics and government. Taught in French.
ESML0274: French politics & society 2B, option 4: French local politics
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to French local politics.
The focus of the course will be the analysis of political behaviour in the local/regional context. Particular attention will be paid to the sociological and cultural factors that shape patterns of electoral behaviour. Taught in French.
ESML0275: French politics & society 2B, option 5: Rural society in contemporary France
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to Rural society in contemporary France.
The focus of the course will be the development of French rural society. It will examine the recent history of the countryside and how rural communities have adapted to the pressures of social and economic change. Taught in French.
ESML0276: French politics & society 2B, option 6: The experience of women during the Second World War
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the experience of women during the Second World War.
This unit will explore the experience of women during the Second World War, the Occupation and Liberation. It will examine the ways in which French women developed strategies for survival and how some were drawn towards collaboration or resistance. It will analyse the importance of the Liberation and its impact on women's lives. Taught in French.
ESML0277: French politics & society 2B, option 7: La France: une société au pluriel
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to La France: une societé au pluriel.
Changing social structures in France; social reproduction and mobility; the nature and effects of the French educational system; the social backgrounds of political, administrative and business elites; case-studies of persisting social disadvantage in France. Taught in French.
ESML0278: French politics & society 2B, option 8: Political communication from party & individual
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of political communication from party and individual.
This option will examine the increasing use of political communication in the Fifth Republic, tracing how the development of mass communication has led to the increasing 'sophistication' of presentation of the political message. It will also provide students with the tools to analyse political communication within the French context. Taught in French.
ESML0279: French politics & society 2B, option 9: France coming to terms with the German occupation of 1940-44
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of France coming to terms with the German Occupation of 1940-1944 some fifty years on.
This option will examine the ways in which France has come to terms with the Occupation of 1940-1944, by taking post-war events and individuals connected with the Occupation (e.g. Paul Touvier, Renéé Bousque, François Mitterrand, Maurice Papon) and investigating reactions to those events and individuals. Taught in French.
ESML0280: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 1: Decadentismo: Luigi Pirandello & Italo Svevo
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore in depth: Decadentismo: Luigi Pirandello and Italo Svevo
This option will look at the central role of Pirandello and Svevo in creating Italian modernism (Decadentismo), taking account of developments in both narrative and theatre and will place them in the wider context of European modernism.
ESML0281: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 2: Post-war Italian cinema
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore in depth: Post-War Italian Cinema
This option will examine the works of three directors (such as Visconti, Fellini, or Antonioni) whose films set the tone and created the international reputation of Italian cinema in the 1960s.
ESML0282: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 3: Post-war Italian narrative
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore in depth: Post-War Italian narrative.
This option will consider a range of writers from the end of the Neorealist period (Pavese) to three younger writers of the eighties and nineties, including a number of women novelists.
ESML0283: Italian politics & society 2B, option 1: Migratory movements & migrants in post-war Italy
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore aspects of post-war Italian Politics and Society and to build on the development of skills in political and social analysis: Migratory movements and migrants in post-war Italy.
This option explores a variety of migratory processes to and from Italy since 1945. It considers both internal and external migratory trends and studies in some detail some communities of Italians abroad and recent migrants who have settled in Italy.
ESML0284: Italian politics & society 2B, option 2: Political scandals in Italy since 1945
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore aspects of post-war Italian Politics and Society and to build on the development of skills in political and social analysis: Political scandals in Italy since 1945.
This option examines some of the most alarming threats Italian democracy has had to contend with, including attempted coups d'etat, secret masonic lodges, the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, as well as the Mafia.
ESML0286: French Language for Engineers 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of French language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language, Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0287: German Language for Engineers 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of German language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0288: French Language for Engineers 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0289: French Language for Engineers 4
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from written material including material of a simple scientific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0290: French Language for Engineers 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of French through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and dislikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0291: German Language for Engineers 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0292: German Language for Engineers 4
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from written material including material of a simple scientific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0293: German Language for Engineers 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of German through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and dislikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0294: European option E5: In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore the concept of Europe 1945-1989. To discuss the implications for both Western and Eastern Europe of Soviet-American rivalries during the Cold War.
The Cold War; strengths and weaknesses of the Soviet bloc before 1989; Cold War and détente in Western Europe (1960s-1980s); 1989 and the collapse of Cold War era political systems.
ESML0295: European option E6: In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification?
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: European Studies
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore the concept of Europe since 1989, examining the nature of European, national and regional identities.
Immediate consequences of 1989; the resurgence of particularism; forces for integration.
ESML0297: French cultural studies 2B: option 10: French drama 1920-1950
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to French Drama 1920-1950 (the plays as allegories of events in the real world).
The unit examines a series of important French plays of the pre-war, Occupation and immediate post-war periods and seeks to establish the extent to which these works were allegorical as distinct from purely theatrical dramas.
ESML0298: French politics & society 2B: option 10: La France dans le monde
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the students' knowledge of French politics by analysing the main features of French foreign policy in the principal areas of the world where significant French influence still prevails.
This option will examine two main issues. First, the foreign policy-making process in Fifth Republic France. Second, the evolution of French diplomacy with regard to the key issues and regions of the post-war world: NATO and the Atlantic system, European integration, Africa, the Arab world, the Pacific. The student group will have the chance of broad coverage or of concentration on a restricted number of regions.
ESML0299: French comparative employee relations B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop knowledge of the legislative and contractual framework for employment relations in these countries; to familiarise students with key concepts in employment relations and key vocabulary in French; to use authentic French-language documents produced by public agencies, employers and trade unions. After successfully completing the course, students should be able to write in French on an aspect of employmeent relations in France and to discuss in French contemporary issues of employment relations.
Trade unions, employers' associations in France; the role of the State; representative institutions in the workplace; trends in collective bargaining; training, qualifications and work organization.
ESML0300: Year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To promote the development of high-level language skills in an appropriate foreign environment; to acquire personal experience and understanding of the appropriate foreign culture(s).
To carry out an agreed programme or programmes of work and/or study in a foreign environment appropriate to the student's language combination. The nature, scope and assessment is determined by the choice of language(s), placement(s) and country/countries, in consultation with Year Abroad Coordinators, Course Tutors, Personal Tutors and Director of Studies.
ESML0371: Italian politics and society 2B, option 3: The representation of Italy
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Italian
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
The courses objective is to use the work of eminent Italian novelists, sociologists, essayists and film directors to "bring to life" students textbook knowledge of certain key moments in Italian post-war history.
Subjects covered include: the partisan struggle against the Germans; the Mafia; the DC and the PCI; terrorism; political corruption and the tangentopoli scandal. Works by major figures such as Sciascia, Rossellini, Amelio and Arlacchi will be studied. Students will be expected to read very widely in Italian.
ESML0373: French politics & society 2B, option 11: Political scandals in France
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on the experience of Politics and Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Political Scandals in France.
This option will focus on the numerous scandals that are one of the most prominent features of French politics, how they emerge, how they develop and how they are resolved. Scandals offer a unique means of looking at the inner workings of an entire political system. The course will concentrate on specific case studies, such as the "affair" of the Rainbow Warrior, the "scandal" of the avions renifleurs, le carrefour du développement, and the Bernard Tapie affair.
ESML0374: French Language for Engineers 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing.
To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts.
To provide practice in oral presentation.
To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary.
To give the student some detail of the organisation of French industry and prepare for industrial project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in French in their own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in French.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass media; theatre/film.
ESML0375: French language for Engineers 6
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To maintain and develop further the students' general language skills, particularly oral skills. To refine skills in relation to report writing. To provide practice in oral presentation and to introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with French engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a French engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in French in their own field and provide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in French.
Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation.
ESML0376: German language for Engineers 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW25 EX50 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing.
To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts.
To provide practice in oral presentation.
To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary.
To give the student some detail of the organisation of German industry and prepare for industrial project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in German in their own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in German.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass media; theatre/film.
ESML0377: German language for Engineers 6
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To maintain and develop further the students general language skills, particularly oral skills.
To refine skills in relation to report writing.
To provide practice in oral presentation and to introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with German engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a German engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in German in their own field and provide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in German.
Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation.
ESML0378: Business Japanese
Semester 1
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
For the MA in Interpreting & Translating
ESML0379: MA/Dip: Translation & Linguistics: English - Italian Translation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0380: MA/Dip: Intepreting & Translation: English - Italian Translation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0381: Business Japanese
Semester 2
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
For the MA in Interpreting & translating
ESML0382: EFL Spoken English A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to improve students' spoken English, thereby facilitating their social and academic interactions while in Britain, and enabling them to raise the standard of their degree course work.
Presentation and seminar skills; listening to lectures; pronunciation and fluency; colloquial English.
ESML0383: EFL Spoken English B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: English Language Centre
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Continuation of EFL Spoken English A.
Continuation of EFL Spoken English A.
ESML0384: Russian national option R3: Modern Russian Cinema
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with recent developments in Russian cinema, from the late Soviet period (early 1980s) through to the mid-1990s. To provide an overview of the cultural and political background; to analyse film as text; to examine some key films of the period.
Brief history of Soviet film 1917-85; some critical tendencies in the late stagnation years; Gorbachev's policy of 'glasnost' in the arts; the 'unshelving' of previously banned films in the late 1980s; the end of Soviet film and the emergence of the new Russian cinema post-1991.
ESML0384: Russian national option R3: Modern Russian Cinema
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Russian
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0093
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with recent developments in Russian cinema, from the late Soviet period (early 1980s) through to the mid-1990s. To provide an overview of the cultural and political background; to analyse film as text; to examine some key films of the period.
Brief history of Soviet film 1917-85; some critical tendencies in the late stagnation years; Gorbachev's policy of 'glasnost' in the arts; the 'unshelving' of previously banned films in the late 1980s; the end of Soviet film and the emergence of the new Russian cinema post-1991.
ESML0385: European political thought
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
Students should acquire a solid understanding of the history and development of political theory in Europe.
The course provides a survey of the major European politcal thinkers from Niccolo Machiavelli to Antonio Gramsci.
ESML0386: Business German option 1A
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Students must have have a minimum of a GCSE Grade C and/or have taken Single Language Option units during year 1 or the equivalent in order to undertake this unit. Students must also take ESML0387 in year 3 if they take this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management.
Semester 1: Intensive language work with emphasis on aural comprehension and oral communication. Teaching methods integrate a variety of forms of language learning through the exploitation of foreign language television broadcasts, audio-visual materials and a business language course text. This part of the course concentrates mainly on the practical language necessary for doing business, but also includes work on more theoretical themes such as the various types of company job application and interview practice. Overall fluency and grammatical accuracy are practised throughout the course.
ESML0387: Business German option 1B
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre ESML0386
Aims & learning objectives:
A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management.
Semester 2: Further development of linguistic proficiency using the same methods as in Semester 1. The second part of the course is concerned with more real world material such as economics magazines and TV news items, on which the study of many aspects of the foreign business environment will be based. Continued emphasis on overall fluency and grammatical accuracy.
ESML0388: French national option F7: Les partis politiques en France
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the role played by political parties within the democratic process in France, their history, development, organisation, strategies and programmes since the turn of the century, and to examine what role they play today in French politics in the light of the Fifth Republic's avowed goal of putting an end to partisan divisions. To offer students the opportunity to develop their research skills and to gain a better understanding of the way the French political system works as a whole.
The major topics surveyed will be the following: the partisan system before 1958, the bipolarisation after 1958, the organisation of parties, the funding of political parties, and the emergence of new political forces.
ESML0390: English-Chinese Translation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0391: Chinese-English Translation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0392: Simultaneous Interpreting Chinese 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0393: Consecutive Interpreting Chinese 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0394: Business Chinese 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0395: Business English 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0396: English-Chinese Translation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0397: Chinese-English Translation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0398: Simultaneous Interpreting Chinese 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0399: Consecutive Interpreting Chinese 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0400: Business English 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0401: Business Chinese 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0402: Interpreting liaison chinese 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0403: Multiple perspectives on Europe
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
ESML0404: Interpreting liaison Chinese 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0405: Perspectives on Europe - France
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre MANG0082
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaining agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs).
The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both France AND Germany, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communitites) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europeanisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda.
ESML0406: Perspectives on Europe - Germany
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre MANG0082
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaiing agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g. Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs).
The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both Germany AND France, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communities) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europeanisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda.
ESML0407: Border crossings: memory and identity in contemporary Europe
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims and Learning Objectives: To challenge assumptions about European and national identities: to enable students to appreciate the complexity, diversity and interrelated nature of European cultures.
An exploration of shifting identities in contemporary Europe, through a variety of written and visual media, with particular reference to geographical and linguistic boundaries, and the themes of exile, migration, memory and forgetting.
ESML0408: German-English translation for SOCRATES students A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW100
This unit is for visiting students only.
Aims and learning objectives: To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers.
The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on dealing with texts written in more colloquial registers.
ESML0409: German-English translation for SOCRATES students B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW60 EX40
This unit is for visiting students only. Aims and learning objectives: To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers.
The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on translating with texts written in more formal registers.
ESML0410: Political ideologies
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES50 EX50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a grounding in the study of political ideologies, namely the thought which has been central to modern political debate, and to show the importance of ideas to the study of politics. By the end of the unit students should be able to demonstrate i) an understanding of the notion of ideology, and of the key political ideologies discussed, and ii) an ability to engage with and analyse the main debates and arguments discussed in the course.
The lectures will focus on the main ideologies which have helped shape the modern world, together with more methodological debates surrounding the study of ideology.
Lectures will include: what is 'ideology'?; liberalism; conservatism; Marxism; social democracy; nationalism; feminism; ecologism; and the 'end of ideology' debate.
ESML0411: Politics Dissertation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
This unit is for BSc Politics with Economics students only.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is for students to design and conduct a research project on an approved politics topic (NB politics is understood broadly to include related political aspects of related subjects such as social policy). The objective is for students to attain research skills, the ability and confidence to work and conduct primary research independently, and a critical awareness of the importance of methodology and analysis in political research and writing. (Further details of the Politics Dissertation are given in the Student Handbook for Politics with Economics students.)
Students will choose a specific research topic, in consultation with a suitable supervisor, and design a research project.
ESML0412: Politics dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
This unit is for BSc Politics with Economics students only.
Aims & learning objectives:
To complete work undertaken in Politics Dissertation 1 unit (ESML0411).
Discussion, further reading and writing up of a 10,000 word research project.
ESML0412: Politics dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
This unit is for BSc Politics with Economics students only.
Aims & learning objectives:
To complete work undertaken in Politics Dissertation 1 unit (ESML0411).
Discussion, further reading and writing up of a 10,000 word research project.
ESML0413: Placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 3
Aims & learning objectives:
The placement enables students to gain valuable practical experience relating to one or both of their academic studies and career choice. Placements are arranged both in the public and private sectors The former typically allow students to work on practical areas related to their degree, especially when working in central government departments. In the case of placements which are not directly related to the core politics/economics academic content of the degree, these are chosen to help students further their transferable skills, such as IT, written and presentational ones. This type of placement can also provide important additional information and skills relevant to career choice.
Further information about the type of placements which students have undertaken in the recent past can be obtained from the Director of Studies.
ESML0414: American politics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim is to provide
students with a knowledge and understanding of central arguments and
debates relating to the American political system, and to equip them to
contribute to these debates, citing relevant evidence.
The course applies the concepts and theories
of political science to the United states of America, assessing the role
played by formal and informal political entities. Notions of liberal
democracy are assessed by reference to debates on the role of political
parties, interest groups, elites and political culture on political
outcomes in America. A number of case studies consider the political
significance from a European perspective of questions of race and
poverty, judicial review, and the American foreign policy process.
ESML0415: Media politics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim is to provide
students with a grounding in the theory and practice relating to the
political significance of the mass media, with reference to a number of
case studies.
The course examines alternative theories of
the political role of the mass media, and applies these to case studies.
Topics include the Frankfurt School and mass culture, Marxist and
pluralist notions of the media, the 'propaganda model', notions of public
broadcasting, cinema and politics, the global role of the media, and the
media and war.
ESML0416: Totalitarian politics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The course is to provide
students with an understanding of the debates and literature relating to
totalitarianism, a controversial twentieth century political idea, and
form of government.
The main historical focus of the course will
be on Soviet communism and Nazism, although other forms of communism and
fascism will be considered. Cases to be examined include the Origins of
Fascist ideology, theories of Fascist support, the Fascist state, Soviet
Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism, the Gorbachev Revolution and the collapse of
the USSR, and the Neo-Fascist Revival.
ESML0417: British politics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a grounding in
the study of the British political system, including wider aspects of
Britain's relations with the EU.
The lectures will focus on a wide range of
specific topics central to beginning to study politics (parties,
institutions, etc.). Lectures will include: conservatism; social
democracy; voting behaviour; the media; electoral systems; parliament;
executive; pressure groups; Britain and the European Union.
ESML0421: IT7: The changing nature of left-wing politics-Power, oppression and resistance in Italy since 1960s
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0071
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the changes in the Italian Left in relation to questions of power, oppression and resistance. The examination of these changes will be conducted from a perspective of social justice, and will make considerable use of anthropological-ethnographic as well as oral historical sources.
Introduction to the concepts of power, resistance, oppression, social justice, identity and class politics. Traditional Left-wing politics: strengths and problems of old-style class politics. 1968 and the emergence of the New Left. The 1970s: the years of political protest. 1977 and the end of the era of collective action. The 1980s and the Left on the retreat. The 1990s and the new political parties of the Left. The Left in power. Beyond party politics: alternative forms of political action. Students are expected to read widely in Italian. The readings will include some fiction.
ESML0421: IT7: The changing nature of left-wing politics-Power,
oppression and resistance in Italy since 1960
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the changes in the Italian Left in relation to questions of power, oppression and resistance. The examination of these changes will be conducted from a perspective of social justice, and will make considerable use of anthropological-ethnographic as well as oral historical sources.
Introduction to the concepts of power, resistance, oppression, social justice, identity and class politics. Traditional Left-wing politics: strengths and problems of old-style class politics. 1968 and the emergence of the New Left. The 1970s: the years of political protest. 1977 and the end of the era of collective action. The 1980s and the Left on the retreat. The 1990s and the new political parties of the Left. The Left in power. Beyond party politics: alternative forms of political action. Students are expected to read
widely in Italian. The readings will include some fiction.
ESML0422: French national option F14: Marguerite Duras - Femme du siècle
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Requisites: Pre ESML0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the work of Marguerite Duras and to examine her contribution to some of the major literary and intellectual debates of mid- to late-twentieth century France. To explore the stylistic and thematic evolution of Duras's oevre, through discussion of such issues as family relations, oppression, personal identity, gender and sexuality.
The unit will focus primarily on the following novels: Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1955); Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964); the very short text, 'L'Homme asses dans le couloir' (1981); L'Amant (1984); La Douleur (1985) and L'Amant de la Chine du nord (1991). Some reference will also be made to Duras's use of visual media.
ESML0423: German national option G10: Territorium und Nation. Die 'deutsche Frage' seit 1945
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX67 CW33
Requisites: Pre ESML0042
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the origins, development, and future of the 'German Question'. Building on students' knowledge of post-war German history, this will be done by systematically analysing the links between the two concepts of territory and nation and how they are affected, or were affected by, German domestic and foreign policy and the relationship between the two German states and their neighbours in the context of the Cold War, the collapse of the East Bloc, and the democratisation of the former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe.
Topics of lectures and seminars will include the relationship between East and West German, Ostpolitik, German minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, the integration of refugess, expellees, and Aussiedler in the Federal Republic, and the political influence of expellee organisations on German foreign policy. The unit is taught in German.
ESML0424: Introduction to the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW33 ES67
Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance language awareness and introduce the basics of lingistuics as a discipline; to provide a self-contained introduction to TEFL, of practical use to students preparing to spend a year abroad, with the possibility of conversion to a recognised qualification (CELTA) via a subsequent add-on course (at student's own expense); to develop transferable skills, useful for a career in foreign language teaching.
An introduction to linguistics with a practical focus on the skills and systems of English language teaching; teaching methodology (the context for learning and teaching English at adult level, planning effective teaching, classroom skills); resources and materials (selection and evaluation).
ESML0425: English-Spanish translation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0426: Information technology in the hands of linguists
Semester 1
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0427: Approaches to professional work 1
Semester 1
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0430: French cultural studies 2B, option 11: Ecrire les langues
francaises: recent francophone literature
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES67 CW33
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the work of several contemporary francophone writers, and to the historical, cultural and theoretical context of post-colonialism. To examine how such works challenge the certainties of traditional 'French' literature. To explore the stylistic and thematic complexities of francophone novels, poetry and films through discussion of such issues as hybridity, exile, authenticity, voice, place and gender.
The unit will focus primarily on the following literary works Azouz Begag, Le Gone de Chaâba (1986): Aimé Césaire, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal (1939); Medhi Charef, Le thé au harem d'Archi Ahmed (1983); Andrée Chedid, La Maison sans racines (1985); Tahar Ben Jelloun, La Nuit sacrée (1987) - and the films, La Haine, Le Gone de Chaâba and Le thé au harem d'Archi Ahmed. We shall also refer to a number of historical and theoretical works.
ESML0433: English-Spanish translation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
ESML0434: Approaches to professional work 2
Semester 2
Credits: 0
Level: Postgraduate
HASS0001: Alcohol & drug dependency
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To ensure students have a basic understanding of drug and alcohol dependency; its implications for social work practice; treatment methods.
Topics include: alcohol; prescribed drugs; illicit drugs; eating disorders. A theme throughout the course will be contrasting a social and psychological approach with a medical one. A case study approach will be used throughout.
HASS0006: Core skills for social scientists: information technology methods
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR50 CW50
Requisites: Co SOCP0059, Co SOCP0060
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to basic computing skills needed to support methods modules in Years 1 and 2.
Through practical experience students will acquire basic skills in word-processing, spreadsheets, simple databases, file management, use of networked PCs and accessing remote sources (WWWeb); competence will be assessed through practicals and through successful use of skills in later methods modules.
HASS0012: British Literary Culture
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX50 CW25 ES25
Aims and learning objectives: The aim of this unit is to develop the student's knowledge and critical awareness of literary culture in the British Isles.
After completion of the course the student should demonstrate an understanding of the general development of British literature in historical, social, political and artistic contexts. The student should be able to identify common and recurring themes and concerns in literature. By studying various genres, including Film, the student should be able to show critical awareness of the technical possibilities open to (and prohibited to) different genres. Some awareness of trends and perspectives in critical theory will be expected.
Above all, an interest in literature should be fostered and deepened.
HASS0012: British Literary Culture
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX50 CW25 ES25
Aims and learning objectives: The aim of this unit is to develop the student's knowledge and critical awareness of literary culture in the British Isles.
After completion of the course the student should demonstrate an understanding of the general development of British literature in historical, social, political and artistic contexts. The student should be able to identify common and recurring themes and concerns in literature. By studying various genres, including Film, the student should be able to show critical awareness of the technical possibilities open to (and prohibited to) different genres. Some awareness of trends and perspectives in critical theory will be expected.
Above all, an interest in literature should be fostered and deepened.
HASS0013: British History and Society
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW25 ES75
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students.
The aim of this unit is to give a broad understanding of the way in which contemporary Britain has been shaped and influenced by its history. Having completed the course, students should have some insight into the incremental nature of the development of British society and will have gained a good knowledge of selected areas of British life and history.
The unit will cover aspects of British history and society in a thematic rather than a purely chronological way. Starting with consideration of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom and how they came together, the unit will go on to discuss topics including the Black Death, the end of feudalism and different definitions of the beginning of modern Britain; the evolution of the modern English language; the Industrial Revolution, urbanisation and demographic change; a general history of social policy from the monasteries to the welfare state; and monarchy, parliament and the development of constitutional government.
HASS0013: British History and Society
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW25 ES75
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students.
The aim of this unit is to give a broad understanding of the way in which contemporary Britain has been shaped and influenced by its history. Having completed the course, students should have some insight into the incremental nature of the development of British society and will have gained a good knowledge of selected areas of British life and history.
The unit will cover aspects of British history and society in a thematic rather than a purely chronological way. Starting with consideration of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom and how they came together, the unit will go on to discuss topics including the Black Death, the end of feudalism and different definitions of the beginning of modern Britain; the evolution of the modern English language; the Industrial Revolution, urbanisation and demographic change; a general history of social policy from the monasteries to the welfare state; and monarchy, parliament and the development of constitutional government.
HASS0014: Britain's International History: from the Romans to the Treaty of Rome
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW25 ES75
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students.
The aim of this unit is to give students a good understanding of the historical events and forces which have influenced the development of key aspects of Britain and its foreign relations. After completing the unit students will have learned to look at contemporary British society from an informed historical perspective and will have gained a good knowledge of the specific topics studied. This unit is especially suitable for students with no previous knowledge of European history.
The units will offer an overview of selected issues in British history with a particular focus on Britain's relations with the rest of the world. Starting from the arrival of the Romans the course will review the other invaders and later immigrants who contributed to the making of the English and later the British people. The Norman conquest and subsequent conflict with France will be studied: the reformation will be examined in the context of the consequent hostility to Catholic Europe and the developing concept of Englishness. The unit will go on to study the founding of the early colonies in North America, trade and the American war of independence; the shifts in focus eastwards; the slave trade and the scramble for Africa. The unit will conclude with study of the two world wards, the league of nations and the U.N. and the founding of the European Union.
HASS0014: Britain's International History: from the Romans to the Treaty of Rome
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW25 ES75
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students.
The aim of this unit is to give students a good understanding of the historical events and forces which have influenced the development of key aspects of Britain and its foreign relations. After completing the unit students will have learned to look at contemporary British society from an informed historical perspective and will have gained a good knowledge of the specific topics studied. This unit is especially suitable for students with no previous knowledge of European history.
The units will offer an overview of selected issues in British history with a particular focus on Britain's relations with the rest of the world. Starting from the arrival of the Romans the course will review the other invaders and later immigrants who contributed to the making of the English and later the British people. The Norman conquest and subsequent conflict with France will be studied: the reformation will be examined in the context of the consequent hostility to Catholic Europe and the developing concept of Englishness. The unit will go on to study the founding of the early colonies in North America, trade and the American war of independence; the shifts in focus eastwards; the slave trade and the scramble for Africa. The unit will conclude with study of the two world wards, the league of nations and the U.N. and the founding of the European Union.
HASS0015: Shakespeare - English literature
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: A clearer understanding of the plays of Shakespeare, in a) an historical, and b) a literary context.
OBJECTIVES: To introduce the student to a selection of Shakespeare's plays; to enable the student a) to interpret the text and b) to appreciate the notion of versions of production.
Three Shakespeare plays will be studied. There will be: one comedy, one tragedy, one history play. (If time permits, a 'problem' play will be included). Final choice will depend on current productions and film versions, which students will be encouraged to see.
HASS0016: From Lansdown to Land's End - Writers of Bath and the West Country
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To acquaint students with the West Country writers, from Sheridan to today; to consider the relevance of Place, Class and Humour in local literature.
OBJECTIVES: To study particular writers who have lived and worked in the South-West of England, from Bath to Cornwall. Variety of genres and styles to be studied; some film adaptations on video will be used.
1) Richard Brinsley Sheridan (plays, 18th century)
2) Jane Austen (novels; late 18th - early 19th century)
3) Thomas Hardy (poetry and novels; late 19th - early 20th century)
4) A variety of poetry (from 18th, 19th and 20th centuries)
Video adaptations of some of the texts.
HASS0017: English literature - 19th century literature
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To introduce students to the main literary developments, movements and themes of the 19th Century.
OBJECTIVES: To study, in depth, some major literary texts from different decades of the 19th century.
1) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (novel)
2) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (novel)
3) The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde (play)
4) A variety of poetry from throughout the century. Poets to include Wordsworth, Keats, C Rossetti
HASS0018: Contemporary literature & film of the British Isles
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 0
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To gain an overview of the kind of literature and films emerging in recent years from various regions of the British Isles.
OBJECTIVES: To study in depth a selection of texts and films; to consider them in the contexts of history, geography and literary/film culture. Common themes and differing treatments of them will be analysed.
1) Talking Heads 2 by Alan Bennett (monologues)
2) The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter (short stories)
3) The Commitments by Roddy Doyle (novel and film)
4) A selection of poetry from various parts of the British Isles
5) Additional films will be selected from the following list:
Shirley Valentine
Four Weddings and a Funeral
The Full Monty
The Blue Boy
Shakespeare in Love
The Wrong Trousers
The themes of Place, Class and Humour will be discussed in relation to texts and films on this unit.
MANG0001: Behaviour in organisations 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students taking this unit must also take MANG0005.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the conceptual and theoretical tools for enhancing the students' understanding of behaviour in organizations. Students will acquire the skills of analysing their own experiences in organizations and learning from these experiences. The course will promote an inquiring and critical attitude towards the human side of organizations and management.
Learning theories and organizational learning. Organizing and chaos. Formal and informal organizational structures. Bureaucracy. Technology and automation, information technology. Organizational culture and symbolism, socialization, meaning-creation. Leadership and management in organizations, leadership styles. Management functions. Group processes and group behaviour. Organizational environments and wider cultural influences on organizations.
MANG0002: Firm & the environment 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES50 CW50
Only available to students taking BSc (Hons) Business Administration.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a framework within which students can appreciate the inter-relationships and interdependencies of core management disciplines. To explore the relationships between corporate decision making and the economic, political and legal environment. To introduce students to the fundamental legal concepts which affect businesses and the ways in which they function.. To investigate aspects of the European political and economic environment within which companies operate.
International competitiveness and industrial structure. Competitiveness, firm size and structure. the transport infrastructure and logistics management. Firm strategy and public and environmental policy. The European Single market and European firms. eastern Europe and the European firm. market penetration strategies and Europe.
The legal aspects of the course will introduce concepts of different areas of law and the different types of action which may be brought. In the area of property and contracts, the formation of contracts, their validity, contents and enforceability will be examined. Performance of a contract and ways of resolving disputes are considered.
MANG0003: Introduction to research & investigation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Co MATH0095
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the methods and practice of research (broadly defined).
Collection and presentation of data; descriptive statistics; designing judgmental strategies; multiattribute assessment; analysis of qualitative data; analysing and presenting data in a spreadsheet.
MANG0004: Personal computing
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 OT50
Requisites: Co MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
In the past few years, personal computers have diffused rapidly and have had significant impact upon both teaching and learning in higher education. This module aims to acquaint students with the opportunities offered by personal computing as a support tool for their learning and development in relation to their academic studies and work placements.
The course is essentially practical in orientation and is based around a series of practical classes and workshops. The case studies and exercises used will develop competencies in:
preparing reports,
retrieving and analysing data,
making presentations
and communicating electronically.
MANG0005: Behaviour in organisations 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide further conceptual and theoretical tools for enhancing the students' understanding of behaviour in organizations. Students will develop further the skills of analysing their own experiences in organizations and learning from these experiences.
Conflict and organizational politics. Emotion and emotional work. Sexuality and sexual harassment at the workplace. Stress at work. Problem construction and solving. An introduction to business ethics. Women at the workplace. Work and leisure; careers and life stages. Identity. Theories of mental personality. Psychoanalytic and other approaches to personality and personality development.
MANG0006: Business economics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0103
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to provide an understanding of how the competitive context within which firms operate can be analysed and some of the ways in which firms may respond to and attempt to influence the intensity of competition in theory and practise. The objective is to develop students' ability to apply the tools of microeconomics and use actual data to investigate determinants of the competitive environment and selected aspects of firms' strategy with particular emphasis on oligopolistic conditions.
The five forces affecting industry profitability. Buyers and demand estimation. The intensity of rivalry between firms and measurement of monopoly power. Strategic groups. Entry conditions and the estimation of costs. Exit decisions. Oligopoly price and non price behaviour under conditions of competition and cooperation. Entry deterrence. Small and medium sized firms in the competitive environment. The impact of government competition policy on strategic options.
MANG0007: Firm & the environment 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity to apply a framework within which students can appreciate the inter-relationships and interdependencies of core management disciplines. To explore the relationships between corporate decision making and the economic, political and legal environment. To extend students' knowledge of the fundamental legal concepts which affect businesses and the ways in which they function.. To continue the investigation of aspects of the European political and economic environment within which companies operate.
Eastern Europe and the European firm. Market penetration strategies and Europe.
The study of the legal aspects of the course will continue with the examination of the area of tort law, with the main area of importance in this course is the tort of negligence and allied torts, but other relevant torts in the commercial field will be explained.
MANG0008: Introduction to the financial management of the organisation
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co MANG0004
Students should already have taken MANG0004 or MANG0077.
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will understand how accounting and financial management serves the purpose of developing and operating a business. They will acquire a broad knowledge of the different dimensions of financial management and accounting which they may study in depth in later years of the course and an introductory working knowledge of basic tools of financial analysis and practice.
(a) Financial planning and control; The financial dimension of businesses and other organisations; Investing in assets to yield a return - including the use of spreadsheets to calculate investment value and conduct sensitivity tests; Financing asset acquisition and an introduction to the cost of capital; Estimating costs for planned activities - fixed and variable costs; direct and indirect costs; basic elements of product cost; Preparation of cash budgets - including spreadsheet modelling and sensitivity tests; Annual budgeting, profit planning, liquidity control and longer term financial projections; Preparation of budgets and projected Profit and Loss Accounts and Balance Sheets; Controlling operations and cost control.
(b) Reporting results in financial terms; Reporting performance and financial results to higher levels in the organisation - cost centre reports, profit centre reports, investment centre reports; Reporting the results to shareholders and other outside parties - preparation of final accounts, structure and interpretation of final accounts, underlying concepts (going concern, prudence, materiality, etc.); Measures of performance in the financial press - share prices, earnings per share, p/e ratios, assessing the quality of earnings announcements, etc.; Outline of the role of company law, the accounting profession and Accounting Standards in controlling the content of published information;
Outline of complications created by going international/ global for investment analysis, financing the business, financial control and financial reporting.
MANG0009: Company finance
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will develop a knowledge of the different forms of finance that a company may use, how to compare their costs, and consider issues such a desirable capital structure, dividend policy, working capital management and approaches to acquisitions and mergers.
General principles of valuation for businesses and securities
Source of finance and their costs
Managing working capital and liquidity
The corporate group cost of capital (WACC and the dividend growth, CAPM, and Arbitrage pricing models)
The required rates of return for non-quoted companies, corporate divisions and individual projects
The theory of capital structure and its relation to the cost of capital
Dividend policy
Short, intermediate and long term financing
Mergers, acquisitions and corporate growth
MANG0010: Company law
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students should have already taken MANG0007 or MANG0078
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip students with a fundamental knowledge of the ways in which business enterprises function both internally and the impact on outsiders. Students will be able to consider the relevant factors in forming and operating different types of business. They will be able to read and understand company documents and identify their implications for directors, officers, shareholders and creditors..
The concept of agency in the context of commercial enterprises. Formation and functioning of businesses (partnerships and companies); liability of the business, directors or partners, and officers, internally and towards outsiders as well as the rights of owners of a business in different circumstances. Different regimes and rules governing operation; winding-up and insolvency, and the principles involved in controls on mergers and take-overs. The non-statutory controls imposed by the Stock Exchange and other bodies in a number of areas including in the area of insider dealing.
MANG0011: Cultures, work & society
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Students should already have taken MANG005 or MANG0080
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the social nature and contexts of behaviour in organisations. Drawing on personal experience and historical and comparative material, students will develop a knowledge and understanding of key areas of debate in human behaviour (eg nature-nurture; global-local; consensus-compliance; structure-agency)
Different overlapping and changing levels of culture are examined. Topics from: socialisation; work values; occupational choice; gender; occupation; corporate culture; national culture; globalisation; late-modernity.
MANG0012: Economics of strategy 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0006, Pre MANG0086
Aims & learning objectives:
This course continues the economic analysis of the firm and its environment begun in Business Economics . It focuses on the goals of the firm and the achievement of these through the creation of competitive advantage. In particular, it develops realistic and operationally significant theories of the firm and examines the determinants and effects of different aspects of price and non-price competition on firm performance. This course should enable the student to analyse interrelationships between these aspects of firms' tactical and strategic decisions, the characteristics of the competitive environment and firm performance with reference to empirical evidence, including particular cases.
Firm motivation, an analysis of corporate objectives and the market for corporate control. The process of decision making, goal formation, consensus and coalition. Dealing with organizational bureaucracy: the economist's perspective. Pricing decisions and entry deterrence. Non-price competition, the segmentation of markets and competitive positioning. Advertising, product differentiation, product proliferation, industry standards and non-price entry deterrence.
MANG0013: Employee relations 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students should already have taken MANG0005 or MANG0080
Aims & learning objectives:
The course has three aims: to give a broad overview of the major features of industrial relations in the UK; to explore the practical aspects of managing relations with employees in unionised and non-unionised organisations and to place industrial relations in its wider legal, economic, and political environments. Particular attention is paid employee relations in the workplace.
Employment Relationship: some concepts; perspectives on employee relations; changes in the management of the employment relationship; introduction to methods of resolving conflict; formal and informal bargaining in the workplace; employee participation and involvement; managers, supervisors and team leaders; employee representatives.
MANG0014: IT & its business context
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15
Students should already have taken MANG0004 or MANG0077
Aims & learning objectives:
In the last few years, the role of computers in business has changed radically:
1. Computers must now be seen in the context of Information Technology (IT) which, as well as computers, includes software, telecommunications, robotics and smart products.
2. IT is a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage. IT can transform industries and products; it can be a key element in determining the success of an organisation.
3. As a strategic resource, IT is no longer solely the concern of specialist computer departments. Managing IT well is a core competence and an important part of the task of general managers.
4. Organisations have created new roles for managers to be interfaces between IT and the business. They combine a general technical competence with knowledge of the business.
This course addresses these issues and aims to provide students with the IT-related knowledge needed for careers as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
Following from the aims and learning objectives, the course is divided into two components:
Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion and case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend across functions, levels and locations, be implemented?
Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate.
MANG0015: Market analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 PR40
Students taking this unit should also have taken MANG0007 or MANG0016 or MANG0081.
Aims & learning objectives:
To show how quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses help marketers to understand the nature and scope of their target markets. Students will be able plan and conduct their own market research programmes after this course.
This course is concerned with all aspects of obtaining sound data for the purposes of market analysis. The course starts by examining what support the marketing decision maker needs in market analysis. This is followed by how effective research can be planned and from this point a framework for forthcoming techniques is set. Secondary data location and analysis is covered as is qualitative research, but the main emphasis in techniques is towards quantitative means to measure and analyse markets.
MANG0016: Marketing 1
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0006, Ex MANG0073, Ex MANG0081
Aims & learning objectives:
This module aims to:
Provide an introduction to the concepts, analyses and activities that comprise marketing management.
To develop an understanding of the role and practice of marketing as a management function and organisational philosophy.
To provide practice in assessing and solving marketing problems - reflecting the belief that the most effective learning comes from making marketing decisions.
To lay the foundations for students wishing to take more specialised courses in marketing.
People often define marketing as advertising - a highly visible activity by which organisations try to "persuade" customers to purchase their products and services. Marketing is more than simply promotion. It involves identifying customer needs and wants and satisfying these needs with the right product, at the right price, available through the right distribution channels and promoted in ways that motivate and maximise purchases. These activities, together with an understanding of the firms external environment compose the principle activities of marketing management, and hence the subject of this module.
MANG0017: Operations management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Students should also have taken MATH0095 or MANG0077.
Aims & learning objectives:
This course focuses on the processes involved in efficiently and effectively transforming inputs (i.e. labour, capital, materials, etc.) into useful outputs (i.e. goods and services) and how superior operations performance can be a contributor to corporate success. The course places approximately equal emphasis on service and manufacturing operations. Using material from a variety of industries and situations, the operational and strategic issues in managing the transformation process are explored. Topics covered include: an understanding of transformation processes and the inherent tradeoffs involved in process choice; capacity and aggregate planning; job design and workforce management; inventory management; quality management and control; supply chain management; world-class
manufacturing; the inter-relationships between operations and other functional business areas as a means of achieving competitive advantage.
At the conclusion of the course, the student will have a general appreciation of the operational function and the critical decisions in the area that can contribute to corporate success.
Process analysis; capacity planning; inventory management; production planning and control; quality management; supply management.
MANG0018: Processing, reporting & auditing financial information
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will gain a thorough grounding in processing financial data and preparing final accounts and a general understanding of what is involved in the audit of those accounts. This is an essential course for those contemplating a possible career in some dimension of accountancy.
The nature of financial data, purposes of financial information systems - manual and computerised systems
Single and double entry recording systems and basic ledgers kept by businesses
The accruals principle applied to the treatment of various types of costs, revenues, assets and liabilities
The depreciation concept
Trial balancing
Preparation of Manufacturing Accounts, Profit and Loss Accounts, Balance Sheets, Funds and Cash Flow Statements
Direct experience of using an established financial accounting package including inputting data, types of outputs available and the production of accounting statements
Basic distinctions between the accounts of sole traders, partnerships and companies
Preparation of final accounts from incomplete records
Introduction to published accounts
The purpose and basis of the audit process; the audit trail and types of audit evidence
Developing audit evidence; consideration of the concepts of materiality and audit risk
Evaluation of internal controls
MANG0019: Product costing & cost analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will gain a thorough understanding and practical experience in constructing cost accounting statements and interpreting them. This is a fundamental course for anyone wishing to understand how costs are constructed for decision purposes
Review of the nature of product costs and process costs
Costing terminology and identifying cost behaviour
Historical based cost accounting systems for Job and Process costing (FIFO, LIFO and weighted average)
Job and process costing - establishing standard cost systems
Absorption and variable costing systems (including differential income effects)
Overhead allocation including activity based allocations
Costing for joint products, by-products, wastage, rework and scrap
Cost-volume-profit analysis and relevant costs for decision purposes
Relevant costs where resources are constrained: single and multiple constraints and mathematical programming solutions by graph and computer package
Stock control models and the influence of JIT in supply and manufacturing
Costing for JIT systems
Costing for service industries
Costing for major projects and project financial control
MANG0021: Action project
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW80 OR20
Requisites: Pre MANG0003, Co MANG0022
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Action Project is to create the opportunity for students to tackle a practical problem in a business or organisation and to begin to apply some of the concepts, techniques and skills acquired during the taught programme.
Briefing on the Action Project aims; group formation; identification of suitable project; conduct of project; writing up findings and reporting back to peer group and group co-ordinator.
MANG0021: Action project
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW80 OR20
Requisites: Pre MANG0003, Co MANG0022
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Action Project is to create the opportunity for students to tackle a practical problem in a business or organisation and to begin to apply some of the concepts, techniques and skills acquired during the taught programme.
Briefing on the Action Project aims; group formation; identification of suitable project; conduct of project; writing up findings and reporting back to peer group and group co-ordinator.
MANG0022: Portfolio project
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW80 OR20
Requisites: Pre MANG0003, Co MANG0021
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Portfolio Project is to create the opportunity for students to research a management of business issue which is of interest to them. In particular it provides an extended opportunity to apply the concepts, techniques and skills dealt with during the unit Introduction to Research and Investigation.
Briefing on the Portfolio Project aims; group formation; identification of suitable project; conduct of project; writing up findings and reporting back to peer group and group co-ordinator.
MANG0022: Portfolio project
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW80 OR20
Requisites: Pre MANG0003, Co MANG0021
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Portfolio Project is to create the opportunity for students to research a management of business issue which is of interest to them. In particular it provides an extended opportunity to apply the concepts, techniques and skills dealt with during the unit Introduction to Research and Investigation.
Briefing on the Portfolio Project aims; group formation; identification of suitable project; conduct of project; writing up findings and reporting back to peer group and group co-ordinator.
MANG0024: Commercial contracts
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0007
Aims & learning objectives:
This course sets out to equip students to understand the realities of commercial contracts, and to be aware of the consequences of their terms. Students will be able to see, from genuine commercial standard contracts used, what the parties have undertaken to do, where there are any weaknesses in the agreement, how performance will be monitored, and what the implications will be on other ancillary contractual relationships. Other areas involve competition law, arbitration and intellectual property rules and practice.
Standard commercial contracts are examined to identify common standard terms and their relevance within each contracting party's business and outside it.
The network of connecting contracts: associated contracts; independent contractors; banking, insurance, carriage; agency. Outside factors: competition law; intellectual property; arbitration and mediation.
MANG0025: Company accounts & reports
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0018
Aims & learning objectives:
This course will build upon financial accounting elements of previous courses to provide a knowledge of the special requirements for financial accounting for companies. The course will have a heavy emphasis on legal aspects of company reporting.
Forms of business organisation and types of companies
Liabilities and responsibilities of directors, company secretaries, auditors and rules about insolvent trading
The influence of law and standards on accounts. The concept of a true and fair view.
The financial and legal distinction between loan and share capital
The issue and redemption of shares and debentures
Share capital and reserves: Capital and revenue reserves including the share premium account, capital redemption reserve, retained profits and payment of dividends.
The form and content of published Profit and Loss Accounts , Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements
Introduction to Group Accounts
Treatment of taxation in published accounts: corporation tax, taxation of dividends, overseas tax and VAT accounts.
Statute law, case law and their impact upon auditing
MANG0026: Economic analysis of financial decisions
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to demonstrate the close links between economic analysis on the one hand and management accounting and financial management on the other. It explores the use of optimisation approaches and considers , in depth, problems faced in investment decision-making. The course will include some computer based analysis of cost functions and investment modelling
The relationship of accounting cost concepts to those in economics (e.g. by-product analysis and marginal costs)
Short-run and long-run cost functions and their relevance to choice of accounting models
Cost behaviour analysis and the analysis of cost functions through regression analysis
using appropriate software to generate scatter diagrams and graphical presentations
Learning curves - theory and practice
Optimisation, Opportunity costs and constraints
Costs, prices, profits and different rates of return
Productivity concepts and measurement
The concept of economic value
Financial appraisal of investments, including analysis of different appraisal techniques,
risk analysis, expected values, decision-trees and simulations
Different types of investment decisions
Making investment decisions where benefits are difficult to quantify ( e.g intangibles,
strategic investments, investments to retain options, investments associated with
mergers and acquisitions)
Errors often made in investment appraisal
MANG0027: Economics of strategy 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0012
Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on Economics of Strategy 1 to develop a fuller understanding of the economic aspects of strategic decisions. Particular attention is given to the analysis of strategic choices concerning the boundaries of the firm - in terms of processes carried out, product scope and the geographical area of operations. The introduction of new products and processes through technical advance is examined as is the network of relationships with other firms.
Vertical integration and other types of relationships with buyers and suppliers. Diversification and conglomerate firms. Internal growth, acquisitions and mergers. Divestment and corporate refocusing. New product and process introduction. Joint ventures and strategic alliances. The internationalisation of business.
MANG0029: Employee relations 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0005
Aims & learning objectives:
The course examines developments in the management of the Employment Relationship in the UK and makes comparisons with changes in other countries. Particular attention is given to changes in the institutions of Employee Relations.
Key changes in the Management of the Employment Relationship; Employers and Managers; Trade Unions; Industrial Conflict; Role of the State in Employee Relations; Legal intervention.
MANG0030: Financial control & performance evaluation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will acquire a understanding of how organisations use financial information to evaluate managers, operatives and business segments
Different types of budgets and their purposes - feedback and feed-forward controls, flexible budgets,
engineered, committed and discretionary costs
Short-term and long-term budget construction - with computer simulations
Analysis of variances from budgets, variance analysis in standard costing systems
Essential concepts in responsibility accounting (controllable and non-controllable costs, etc. ) and performance evaluation of managers and operational units
Behavioural issues in budgeting and control by variance analysis
Centralised and decentralised organisations and financial control implications
Strengths and weaknesses of aggregated financial measures of performance such as ROI and Residual Income and their impact on investment decision- making
Shareholder Value Analysis for SBU / divisional performance goal setting and appraisal.
Behavioural implications of divisional control and the internal control function in large divisionalised organisations
Transfer pricing
Operative and manager bonus / incentive schemes
Development of balanced scorecards
MANG0031: Human resource management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0005
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to give a broad overview of major features of human resource management. It examines issues from the contrasting perspectives of management, employees and public policy.
Perspectives on managing human resources.
Human resource planning, recruitment and selection.
Performance, pay and rewards.
Control, discipline and dismissal.
MANG0032: IT & management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 PR25 OT15
Requisites: Pre MANG0014
Aims & learning objectives:
In the last few years, the role of computers in business has changed radically:
1. Computers must now be seen in the context of Information Technology (IT) which, as well as computers, includes software, telecommunications, robotics and smart products.
2. IT is a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage. IT can transform industries and products; it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organization.
3. IT is no longer solely the concern of specialist computer departments. Managing IT well is a core competence and an important part of the task of general and functional managers.
4. Organisations have created new roles for managers to be interfaces between IT and the business. They combine a general technical competence with knowledge of the business.
This course addresses these issues and aims to equip students with the IT-related management skills needed for careers as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
The course will develop skills and provide techniques relating to the role of general and functional managers in the management of IT. A business-oriented project will be used to develop management skills such as: managing IT-induced transformation, developing and aligning IT strategy, writing a business case, managing a project, managing benefits, developing an implementation plan and monitoring and auditing IT. The course will be based on cases, lectures, videos, guest speakers and a site visit.
MANG0033: Management ideas & dilemmas
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Requisites: Pre MANG0005
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the emergence, popularity, application and dilemmas of central management ideas in shaping employee behaviour. Using control as a central theme of management, students will develop an understanding of the nature, context and behavioural consequences of management practices and be able to assess new ideas as they emerge.
Subjects from: dimensions & dilemmas of control; cooperation & conflict; technology; organisational structure & 'fit'; culture; human nature and motivation; contexts of adopting new ideas; management consultants.
MANG0034: Marketing 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0016
Aims & learning objectives:
1.To provide an understanding of the practice of marketing management
2.To introduce students to a variety of contemporary issues facing marketing today
3.To introduce students to the fundamentals of marketing strategy
Marketing involves identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants. It is concerned with providing appropriate products, services, and sometimes ideas, at the right place and price, and promoted in ways which are motivating to current and future customers. Marketing takes place in the context of the market, and under competitive pressures. Issues of marketing planning and strategy development will be discussed and explored via the use of a computer based simulation, entitled the Marketing Game. The Game will form a central and integral component of this module.
MANG0035: Aspects of Japanese business
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to critically examine and to provide an understanding of the nature of Japanese business organization. After completing the unit the student should be able to: identify the political, economic and social forces underpinning the emergence of Japanese business forms; understand the relationships between business, the state and trade unions in contemporary Japan; describe the human resource management practices characteristic of Japanese business; explain the internationalization of Japanese business; assess the transferability of Japanese business practice to alien environments.
The political economy of Japan; Japan's institutional environment; Japanese production systems; Organization and power in Japanese organizations; Cross-national transfer of Japanese production and management practices; Industrial relations in Japan and Japanese subsidiaries in the West.
MANG0035: Aspects of Japanese business
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to critically examine and to provide an understanding of the nature of Japanese business organization. After completing the unit the student should be able to: identify the political, economic and social forces underpinning the emergence of Japanese business forms; understand the relationships between business, the state and trade unions in contemporary Japan; describe the human resource management practices characteristic of Japanese business; explain the internationalization of Japanese business; assess the transferability of Japanese business practice to alien environments.
The political economy of Japan; Japan's institutional environment; Japanese production systems; Organization and power in Japanese organizations; Cross-national transfer of Japanese production and management practices; Industrial relations in Japan and Japanese subsidiaries in the West.
MANG0036: Consumer research
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students must have taken a unit in Marketing: MANG0016, MANG0073 or MANG0081.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a critical evaluation of the range of consumer research techniques. The student should be able appreciate the value of consumer research in marketing decision making, to be able to judge other person's research efforts, and be able to plan their own research programmes.
There is a strong emphasis on the rationales for conducting consumer research, for qualitative and quantitative methods and for particular techniques. There are no statistics on this course though an appreciation of statistical methods would be necessary to fully appreciate many of the themes developed.
There are set readings for each lecture session. Students are expected to have prepared for each lecture by reading the set article, preparing notes and developing issues to debate in class. Each student will be expected to make a presentation and lead a debate in class at least once throughout the course.
MANG0037: Cost management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Students should already have taken MANG0008 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with topical issues in cost management and cost reduction and provide practical insights. The course will be heavily based upon analyses of case studies which address these issues and develop students' abilities to critique the practical design of cost management and management accounting systems. This course links cost management directly to central strategic issues in managing the organisation.
Issues will be selected each year depending upon current issues of concern, but the following selection illustrates the nature of the material addressed: A review of activity based costing - where it has and has not strategic significance; The role accounting can play in quality control and removing waste; Implications of changing technology (e.g. flexible manufacturing) and changing organisational forms (e.g. inter-organisational supply chain relationships and other organisational networking) for cost accounting and management; Target costing and kaizen costing and its relationship to strategic analysis; The theory of constraints and continual improvement - implications for accounting; The nature of strategic management accounting; Whether there is a given best cost management system or whether there are appropriate contexts for the different recent developments; Implementation problems in introducing new cost management systems.
MANG0038: Depth psychology of organisations
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0070, Pre MANG0083
Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concepts and theories of depth psychology and develop the students' understanding of organizational processes by using these concepts and theories.
Core concepts and theories of depth psychology: desire, repression and the unconscious, narcissism, symbolism and sublimation. Mental personality. Interpretation and the use of psychoanalytic interpretations on cultural phenomena. The analysis of jokes, stories and myths. Leaders and followers, the personality of leaders and transference. Organizational and individual pathologies, authoritarianism and organizational decay. Gender construction in organizations.
MANG0039: Employment law
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 OT40
Students should already have taken MANG0007 or MANG0078
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is designed to give students a comprehensive and realistic insight into the legal framework of the employer/employee relationship and its impact on the parties directly involved in the wider social context.
Legal framework; principles of contract law; implied terms and duties in the contract of employment; safety at work; discrimination; duties of ex-employees; termination of contract of employment; redundancy; unfair dismissal.
MANG0040: European integration studies 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070
IMML students must take MANG0059 in the next semester if they take this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic grounding in the theory, politics and economics of European integration. Students will complete the course with a sound knowledge of European Union institutions and key economic policies.
Subjects covered will be: integration theory; EU political institutions, their legitimacy and their accountability; the EU decision-making process; EC finances and funds; the single market and Europe's lost competitiveness; competition policy; the EU, world trade and developing countries; regional policy; economic and monetary union; the enlargement of the EU, the EEA and Central and Eastern Europe.
Lectures will be supplemented by case study discussions, tutorial sessions and a revision workshop.
MANG0044: Organisational change & design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a critical appreciation of the ideas of management gurus and how these set and guide the practice of change. This popular view is contrasted with more academic approaches and developed through a consideration of the (re)design of organisational forms suitable for an age that increasingly requires organizations to be global and innovative.
Topics will be drawn from the following:
Fashions and fads - the history of ideas in change management; The role of business gurus in defining the practice of change; Orders and types of change - 1st, 2nd and reframing; The politics of organizational change; Organizational design and contingency theory; Organizational forms for the future - innovative and global.
MANG0045: Pay & rewards
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0083
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable the student to provide informed advice on the major aspects of pay, rewards and performance management, based on a sound understanding of the relevant theories and research evidence.
The role of reward strategy in an organisation.
Economic, sociological and psychological theories which have influenced pay policies and practices.
Concepts of reward structure, reward system and reward levels.
Different perceptions of fairness which influence employees' satisfaction with their rewards.
Government pay policies. Top people's pay.
Objectives and limitations of job evaluation.
Performance-related pay in principle and in practice.
Knowledge-based, skill-based and competence-based rewards.
Pay discrimination and equal pay.
Employee benefits.
MANG0045: Pay & rewards
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0083.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable the student to provide informed advice on the major aspects of pay, rewards and performance management, based on a sound understanding of the relevant theories and research evidence.
The role of reward strategy in an organisation.
Economic, sociological and psychological theories which have influenced pay policies and practices.
Concepts of reward structure, reward system and reward levels.
Different perceptions of fairness which influence employees' satisfaction with their rewards.
Government pay policies. Top people's pay.
Objectives and limitations of job evaluation.
Performance-related pay in principle and in practice.
Knowledge-based, skill-based and competence-based rewards.
Pay discrimination and equal pay.
Employee benefits.
MANG0046: Product policy
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0034, Pre MANG0081, Pre MANG0070
Students must have taken one of the above units in order to study this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Decisions about the product offering are central to a firm's marketing activities and ultimately its long term survival and economic prosperity. This course is concerned with theories, concepts and statistical techniques which can be used to analyse product policies. It starts by exploring subjects which relate to the various stages in the new product development (NPD) process and those which represent important issues that have emerged from research on NPD. The unit also recognising that NPD is an important managerial activity which interfaces with organisational, and brand and portfolio management activities. Case studies will explore and develop issues, including the application of various analytical models and techniques. In addition, coursework of a market research nature will involve the collection and analysis of quantitative data for the purposes of new product development decision-making. Themes include: the new product development process, exploring the what constitutes a successful new product development process, idea generating and screening decisions, concept testing and conjoint modelling and pre-test and test market models; issues in brand management including brand extensions as a launch strategy, the challenges posed by the rise of retailers' own-label products to manufacturers, portfolio management and the product deletion decision.
Students should be able to:
1. Understand the importance and risks associated with the new product development process.
2. Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses associated with various empirical techniques used in the development of new products.
3. Develop a critical understanding of the theory, concepts and techniques of product policy.
MANG0048: Strategic analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students must have taken MANG0034, MANG0070 or MANG0081 in order to study this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
An understanding of how strategists proactively shape the mission, objectives and strategies of their organisations within prevailing environmental and organisational constraints. Exposure to the theoretical insights and methodological approaches available to interpret and develop the competitive strategic position of the enterprise under complexity and uncertainty. Students are expected to contribute actively to class discussions and through careful preparation to become proficient at analysing specific situations using appropriate conceptual models allied to pragmatic, well-reasoned judgements with respect to the content of strategies and feasibility of implementation.
Topics include: the nature of corporate objectives and mission statements; analysing operating performance; the competitive market/industry environment; sources of rivalry; the value chain; assessing opportunities and threats; the development and application of core competencies; strategies in growth, maturity and in declining sectors; managing ambiguity and complexity in the multi-firm (global) corporate environment. Case studies are used to explore and interpret issues.
MANG0050: Supply management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student a broad understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations.
To differentiate between operational and strategic approaches to management of supply
To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of supply management.
Introduction to supply management and the concepts of purchasing, procurement, supply, value flow and inter-firm relationships. Sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Information systems in supply management. The concept of inter-organisational relationships. Supply chain management. Negotiation as a technique and management challenge. Lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of associated relationships
Government procurement: regulated markets. Logistics.
MANG0050: Supply management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student a broad understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations.
To differentiate between operational and strategic approaches to management of supply
To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of supply management.
Introduction to supply management and the concepts of purchasing, procurement, supply, value flow and inter-firm relationships. Sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Information systems in supply management. The concept of inter-organisational relationships. Supply chain management. Negotiation as a technique and management challenge. Lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of associated relationships. Government procurement: regulated markets. Logistics.
MANG0051: Technology management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is concerned with the management of technology and technological innovation from the firm's perspective. The aim is to introduce students to some of the managerial issues raised by the creation, adoption and diffusion of technology over time. The objectives are firstly, to provide an appreciation of the need to manage technology beyond any R & D department and secondly, to develop an understanding of alternative approaches to the acquisition, organisation and exploitation of technology and the factors influencing the relative success of these in different environments.
The course examines patterns of technological change, how technology affects competition, the impact of technology on individual firms' competitive advantage and the development of strategies and managerial methods to meet the challenges of the increasingly technology-driven environment.
Topics include patterns of R & D, technical trajectories, sources of product and process innovation and the innovation environment. Developing a strategic approach to technology. Technology as a company asset and technical auditing. Technology forecasting and foresight. The relationship between technological change, industry structure and competitive advantage. Factors influencing success in technological innovation.. Different technology strategies and decisions concerning R&D, innovation and the commercialisation of new products/ processes. The protection of industrial and intellectual property. The diffusion of technology by contract, acquisition, imitation and manpower flows.
MANG0052: Group project 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Requisites: Pre MANG0003, Co MANG0068
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Group Project is to create an opportunity to apply the concepts, techniques and skills acquired during the taught programme in solving a practical business problem. Specific objectives are to: develop the skills of planning and executing an original investigation into a business problem in a team; allow an evaluation of the practical worth of management theories and the ability to further develop existing theories; integrate the various components of the degree programme and its specialisms; give the opportunity to practice and develop personal skills, especially those of analysis and synthesis; develop experience in handling group co-ordination and conflict; create the opportunity for business sponsors to challenge student ideas.
Briefing on academic and practical project aims; group formation; assignment of the projects; problem; definition; initial proposal; attendance at two Project Workshops; collection of empirical data; presentation of preliminary findings.
MANG0053: Advanced supply management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0050
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student an advanced understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations.
To develop strategic and innovative approaches to management of supply
To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of strategic supply management.
Recap on previous study in Supply Management. Further exploration of sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Strategies based upon information systems in supply management. The concept of inter-organisational relationships: trust, power and dependencies. Inter-organisational networking. Further depth on lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of relational competence. Government procurement: regulated markets. Logistics.
MANG0054: Business strategies & human resource management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0080.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable to the student to study Human Resource Management at an advanced level especially by critically examining contemporary theory and practice on the link between HRM and business strategies. The student will appreciate the effect of different types of HRM strategies on firm performance and locate these within the context of the role of the state and trade union organisation, membership and strategy. The student will be able to evaluate the strategies and policies of a wide variety of organisations in the public and private sectors and be equipped to debate these issues with senior HR and Personnel executives. The key topics covered include HRM: Rhetoric and Reality; Strategy, structure and devolution/decentralisation; the pursuit of flexibility in its various forms; the resource view of strategy; the distinction between high commitment management and the matching models of HRM; cost leadership models and the fragmentation of the firm; management style in the context of trade union behaviour and the role of the state in the UK and Europe. Examples will be taken from numerous countries.
MANG0055: Corporate governance & regulation
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Students should have taken MANG0008 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will acquaint students with a range of issues which come under the broad heading of governance and regulation of corporate practices. This will include the nature of the company and responsibilities of its principal officers, concerns about the state of corporate governance and the special regulatory issues associated with public control over utilities. The latter part of the course will recognise the growing phenomenon of globalisation and the need for regulation by international accounting standards
Issues selected each year from:
The nature of the corporation and the position of shareholders, chairmen, CEOs, executive directors and non-executive directors; The nature of corporate governance and development of a conceptual framework for
governance - including the relationship between governance and management; Examples of crises in governance; Governance as exercised in different countries; Whistle-blowing as a means of governance; The place of top executive compensation schemes in corporate governance considerations; Regulation of MNCs and cross-border transfer pricing; The regulation of public utilities; International standard setting in accounting and relationship to national standards; Financial reporting in the European Union; Comparative accounting practices in selected countries.
Financial statement analysis using accounts of different countries
MANG0056: Corporate strategy in the European Union
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW75 OT25
Requisites: Pre MANG0027
Aims & learning objectives:
To explore corporate strategies in the context of the Single European Market.
To develop an understanding of the European business environment.
The European business environment. European Union competition and industrial policy. The Single Market Act. Non-tariff barriers in the 'Single Market'. The competitive threat from the US, Japan and the Pacific Rim. Competitive pressures in global, mature and declining industries.
Corporate strategies in the European Market. Industrialisation and integration; merger and acquisitions, joint ventures, alliance strategies. Market entry in the European Union; national and continental strategies. Foreign Direct Investment in the European Union. Corporate integration; rationalisation and centralisation, managing across borders.
MANG0057: Depth psychology of the consumer
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0080.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students' understanding of contemporary consumerism and of the behaviour of different groups of consumers organizational by using the concepts and theories from depth psychology.
A summary of core concepts and theories of depth psychology. Material culture and interpretation. Classical social theories of consumption, status, fashion and display. The concept of consumer choice. Gifts and communicative qualities of material objects. Adolescence and life-style consumption. The Diderot effect. Hedonism and aesthetic orientation to consumption. The influences of social class. Postmodern theories of consumption and mass media. Advertising, images and simulacra.
MANG0058: Ecological thinking & action in management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW60 ES40
Students should have taken MANG0005 or MANG0070 or MANG0080.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explore global trends in social, political, environmental and ethical thinking and explore their implications for the role of business and the practice of management.
A series of focused explorations looking at: the changing context of business; globalisation, sustainable development; management of natural resources; system dynamics; ecological thinking and practices in management; developments in economic and social indicators; and other associated issues.
MANG0059: European integration studies 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre MANG0040
IMML students must take this unit if they have taken MANG0040 in the previous semester.
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an advanced knowledge of the impact of European policies on individuals, managements and work organisations in the European Union. Students will complete the course unit with a detailed knowledge of social, environmental and sectoral impacts of integration and how business interests can influence the EU decision-making process.
Subjects covered will be: Social and employment policy issues and the firm; EU environment policy and its impact upon business and communities; the harmonisation of company law; sectoral impacts of the single market and business strategies; lobbying the EU; transport policy and trans-European networks; implementation of EC law; the future direction of the EU.
Lectures will be supplemented by case study discussions, a decision-making game, and tutorial sessions.
MANG0060: Europe & international business management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES30 OT10
Requisites: Ex UNIV0007, Ex UNIV0008
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to introduce and assess the forms, motivations and processes of establishing and developing a multinational both in manufacturing and service industries. The students should be able: to understand and assess the options available to companies undergoing the internationalisation process; to analyse the different issues that arise and problems that need to be addressed when establishing and operating subsidiaries and affiliates across national boundaries; the impact of technology on the configuration and co-ordination of operations; the impact on host countries and the companies themselves; to identify and explain actual examples using theories introduced in the course.
The theories of international business, including internalisation, the eclectic theory and other theories of the multinational enterprise. The motivations for multinational operation - economic globalisation, competitive rivalry, resource or market seeking. The different forms of multinational operation, including contractual forms, joint ventures, etc. but with a particular focus on foreign direct investment. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The strategic options for establishing a global network of subsidiaries. The course will require students to present industry/company-based case studies of foreign direct investment - from both inside and outside the European Union to illustrate and explain the theories of international business.
MANG0062: International business law
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0010, Pre MANG0024, Pre MANG0078
Students must have taken one of the above units in order to study this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
To put international trade contracts in their proper framework - in terms of the contracts and their enforcement and enforceability, and in the wider context of how businesses function in the international commercial field. Students will consider the different regimes which are relevant to making agreements in an international context, the problems which can arise and how to deal with them. Common contract terms and business relationships are examined so that students understand the principles which can facilitate or hinder international contracts.
Legal 'families' and their characteristics. Codified commercial law. Treaties and conventions. ICC and other private regimes. Principles of international trade and common principles of law on commercial agents; business forms; business liability. Commercial contracts; insurance; international banking; carriage; patents, arbitration, dispute resolution and enforcement. European Union law - competition, free movement.
MANG0063: International marketing
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Pre MANG0034 or MANG0070, Ex Marketing Communications (IMML year 4 Interface course)
Aims & learning objectives:
1. To develop an understanding of the concepts of international marketing, and of the international environment in which companies operate.
2. To develop an understanding of international marketing management and the process of strategy development
International marketing is usually defined as marketing goods or services across international boundaries, but it usually also includes elements of comparative marketing, and of co-ordination of marketing activities in several markets simultaneously, i.e. multi-domestic marketing.
The course includes aspects of the international marketing environment, market selection, market entry methods and channels, international product policy decisions, promotion decisions, and a special focus on exporting.
MANG0066: Strategic management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0048
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of how strategy is developed and implemented within organisations, of the processes involved, and of the structure and control systems exercised by organisations in its implementation. To examine how the concepts of strategy formulation, implementation and organisation development interplay.
Students are expected to contribute actively to class discussion through the preparation of case studies in order to develop their understanding of complex situations.
Processes of company diagnosis and strategic decision making/evaluation; formulation of value systems, mission statements and objectives; corporate strategy; business planning processes; linking strategic priorities and organisational change in differing competitive contexts.
MANG0067: Treasury management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Pre MANG0008 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To show how a large company manages sources of capital, relations with financial markets and shareholders and balances needs for finance with internationally spread organisations.
Issues selected from:
Reviewing sources of finance and their costs
International and domestic aspects of cash management
Sources of Return and risk
Value at Risk Analysis
Portfolio risk management
Foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rate risks
Exposure management:hedging, swaps, options, interest rate risk, etc.
Complications in investment appraisal in undertaking direct investment abroad
International financing
Foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rate risks
Exposure management: hedging, swaps, options, interest rate risk, etc.
Complications in investment appraisal in undertaking direct investment abroad
International financing
MANG0068: Group project 2
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT70 OR30
Requisites: Co MANG0052
Aims & learning objectives:
The overall aim of the Group Project is to create an opportunity to apply the concepts, techniques and skills acquired during the taught programme in solving a practical business problem. Specific objectives are to: develop the skills of planning and executing an original investigation into a business problem in a team; allow an evaluation of the practical worth of management theories and the ability to further develop existing theories; integrate the various components of the degree programme and its specialisms; give the opportunity to practice and develop personal skills, especially those of analysis and synthesis; develop experience in handling group co-ordination and conflict; create the opportunity for business sponsors to challenge student ideas.
Evaluation of progress; further data collection; further examination of literature and relevant theory; presentation of interim findings at Project Workshop; further analysis of collected data; production of final written report and oral presentation of findings.
MANG0069: Introduction to accounting & finance
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students undertaking any type of degree study with an introductory knowledge of accounting and finance
The role of the accountant, corporate treasurer and financial controller
Sources and uses of capital funds
Understanding the construction and nature of the balance sheet and profit and loss account
Principles underlying the requirements for the publication of company accounts
Interpretation of accounts - published and internal, including financial ratio analysis
Planning for profits, cash flow. Liquidity, capital expenditure and capital finance
Developing the business plan and annual budgeting
Estimating the cost of products, services and activities and their relationship to price.
Analysis of costs and cost behaviour
MANG0069: Introduction to accounting & finance
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students undertaking any type of degree study with an introductory knowledge of accounting and finance
The role of the accountant, corporate treasurer and financial controller
Sources and uses of capital funds
Understanding the construction and nature of the balance sheet and profit and loss account
Principles underlying the requirements for the publication of company accounts
Interpretation of accounts - published and internal, including financial ratio analysis
Planning for profits, cash flow. Liquidity, capital expenditure and capital finance
Developing the business plan and annual budgeting
Estimating the cost of products, services and activities and their relationship to price.
Analysis of costs and cost behaviour
MANG0070: Business economics
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims and Learning Objectives: To use the basic tools of economics to introduce students to the nature of the variety of competitive environments within which business firms have to operate. At the end of the unit students should be able to identify the cost and revenue curves of the firm, understand how the concept of elasticity is useful and identify the fundamental characteristics of the various forms of market structure. They should be able to apply their knowledge to the real world and make predictions about the likely outcome of various market interactions.
MANG0070: Business economics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims and Learning Objectives: To use the basic tools of economics to introduce students to the nature of the variety of competitive environments within which business firms have to operate. At the end of the unit students should be able to identify the cost and revenue curves of the firm, understand how the concept of elasticity is useful and identify the fundamental characteristics of the various forms of market structure. They should be able to apply their knowledge to the real world and make predictions about the likely outcome of various market interactions.
MANG0071: Organisational behaviour
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of people's behaviour within work organizations
Topics of study will be drawn from the following:
The meaning of organising and organisation
Socialisation, organisational norms and organisational culture
Bureaucracy, organisational design and new organisational forms
Managing organisational change
Power and politics
Business ethics
Leadership and team work
Decision -making
The future of work
MANG0072: Managing human resources
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to give a broad overview of major features of human resource management. It examines issues from the contrasting perspectives of management, employees and public policy.
Perspectives on managing human resources.
Human resource planning, recruitment and selection.
Performance, pay and rewards.
Control, discipline and dismissal.
MANG0073: Marketing
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Ex MANG0016
Aims & learning objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to the concepts of Marketing.
2. To understand the principles and practice of marketing management.
3. To introduce students to a variety of environmental and other issues facing marketing today.
Marketing involves identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants. It is concerned with providing appropriate products, services, and sometimes ideas, at the right place and price, and promoted in ways which are motivating to current and future customers. Marketing activities take place in the context of the market, and of competition.
The course is concerned with the above activities, and includes:
consumer and buyer behaviour
market segmentation, targetting and positioning
market research
product policy and new product development
advertising and promotion
marketing channels and pricing
MANG0074: Business information systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15
Aims & learning objectives:
Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Within this changing environment, several key trends have defined a new role for computers:
a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation.
b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers desks, not in the IT Department. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an important part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new roles for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with a knowledge of business.
This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT management skills for the workplace. By this, we refer to those attributes that they will need to make appropriate use of IT as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
Following on from the learning aims and objectives, the course is divided into two main parts:
Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend across functions, levels and locations, be implemented?
Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate.
In summary, the aim of the course is to provide the knowledge from which students should be able to make appropriate use of computing and information technology in forthcoming careers. This necessitates some technical understanding of computing, but not at an advanced level. This is a management course: not a technical computing course.
MANG0076: Business policy
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of how organisations develop from their entrepreneurial beginnings through maturity and decline .
To examine the interrelationship between concepts of policy and strategy formulation with the behavioural aspects of business
To enable students to explore the theoretical notions behind corporate strategy
Students are expected to develop skills of analysis and the ability to interpret complex business situations.
Business objectives , values and mission; industry and market analysis ; competitive strategy and advantage ; corporate life cycle; organisational structures and controls .
MANG0077: Quantitative methods & personal computing
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW30 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to quantitative methods used in business situations.
Using a spreadsheet; collection and presentation of data; descriptive statistics; correlation and regression; index numbers; time series; elementary probability; decision trees.
MANG0078: National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a framework within which students can appreciate the interrelationships and interdependencies of core management disciplines. To introduce students to the fundamental legal concepts which affect businesses and the ways in which they function.
The course will examine different areas of the law and the different types of action which may be brought. In the area of property and contracts, the formulation of contracts, their validity, contents and enforceability will be examined. Performance of a contract and ways of resolving disputes are considered.
MANG0079: National business environment of UK 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES30 OT20
Requisites: Pre MANG0078
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to develop students understanding of the economic and industrial environment of the UK since World War II. Students will apply what they learn as they analyse current events.
Topics will include: the UK economy as a whole, including GDP, demand management and development; monetary, credit and fiscal policies; foreign trade and the balance of payments; labour and unemployment.
MANG0080: Organizations & individuals
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX40 ES40
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Co MANG0083
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of behaviour in organizations through the introduction of key concepts, embedded in the relationship between individual and organization.
Introduction to organization theory and organization behaviour, including: history of organization theorising and perspectives on management, assumptions about human nature, individuals and perception, attitudes and values, learning, motivation and psychological contracts, organizational citizenship, ethics and social responsibility.
MANG0081: Principles of marketing
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Ex MANG0016
Aims & learning objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to the concepts of marketing.
2. To understand the principles and practice of marketing management.
3. To introduce students to a variety of issues facing marketing today.
Marketing involves identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants. It is concerned with providing appropriate products, services and sometimes, ideas, at the right place and price, promoted in ways which are motivating to current and future customers. Marketing activities take place in the context of the market and of competition. The course is concerned with the above activities and includes: consumer and buyer behaviour; market segmentation, targetting and positioning; market research; product policy and new product development; advertising and promotion; marketing channels and pricing.
MANG0082: European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0079
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the structure, objectives and policy of the European Union and its legal foundations with respect to business
The content will cover: European integration and unity in the 1940s and 50s; The Treaty Base and legal structure; Business organisations; Business contracts; Impact of EU legislation on contracts; EU institutions and decision-making; Trade and competition - Customs union and CAP; Single European Market and future developments; EU social and regional policies; Policy on widening and deepening the Union.
MANG0083: Organizations & people
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079, Co MANG0080
Aims & learning objectives:
To further develop students' understand of behaviour in organizatoins, through the introduction of key concepts underpinning the relationship between individual-group-organization in the context of international business.
Introduction to group process, 12 Angry Men/group decision making, evaluating group performance and diagnosing group problems, developing effective groups, leadership and followership , power and politics, organizational culture, national culture, international management and organization.
MANG0084: Financial management & IT & management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW30 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
This course combines two areas of study. The first aims to give students an idea of the major decision variables which the financial managers of a company need to consider in attaining the overall objective of the firm which is to maximise shareholders' wealth. The second aims to equip students with IT management skills for the workplace and to deal with management issues associated with IT, including an appreciation of the business value and opportunities stemming from new technology.
The first six weeks will examine: firms' objectives and wealth maximisation; the investment decision as generator of future wealth; the treatment of risk, the management of working capital and methods of financing. The second six weeks will examine: IT and corporate strategy; IT-induced transformation; evaluation of IT investments; project development and management; and the implementation of technology.
MANG0085: The internationalisation of business 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW35 OT10
Requisites: Pre UNIV0009, Pre UNIV0010, Pre UNIV0011, Pre UNIV0012, Pre UNIV0013, Pre UNIV0014
Students must have undertaken one of the above units i.e. IMML placement year in order to study this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to introduce and assess the forms, motivations and processes of establishing and developing a multinational enterprise. It will explain the magnitude and significance of international business, both in manufacturing and service industries and discuss the terminology used. The students should be able: to understand and assess the options available to companies undergoing the internationalisation process; to analyse the different issues that arise and problems that need to be addressed when establishing and operating subsidiaries and affiliates across national boundaries; to identify and explain actual examples using theories introduced in the course.
The theories of international business, including internalisation, the eclectic theory and other theories of the multinational enterprise. The motivations for multinational operation - economic globalisation, competitive rivalry, resource or market seeking. The different forms of multinational operation, including contractual forms, equity arrangements, joint ventures, etc. but with a particular focus on foreign direct investment. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The strategic options for establishing a global network of subsidiaries. The risks of international operations - political, economic and financial risk. The course will use case studies (industry and company-based) and students' class presentations to illustrate and explain the theories of international business.
The motivations for multinational operation - economic globalisation, competitive rivalry, resource or market seeking. The different forms of multinational operation, including contractual forms, equity arrangements, joint ventures, etc. An assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each. The financing of international operations - international trade finance, international equity markets, capital markets, foreign exchange issues. The risks of international operations - political, economic and financial risk. The methods of mitigating risks. The course will draw heavily on examples and will use the case studies (industry and company-based) and students' class presentations to illustrate and explain the theories of international business.
MANG0086: Industrial placement 1
Semester 1
Credits: 30
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MANG0005, Co MANG0087
Aims & learning objectives:
Introduction to the operations and management of organisations; performance of practical tasks within a managerial setting; develop relevant skills and knowledge; reflect on the personal learning objectives set and a critical evaluation of their achievement
Pre-placement preparation; minimum 22 weeks industrial placement adhering to the Code of Practice provided by the Placements Office; Placement Project I, Post-placement debriefing.
MANG0087: Industrial placement 2
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co MANG0086
Aims & learning objectives:
Performance of specialist tasks within a managerial setting; develop and extend relevant skills and knowledge; relate management theory to experience gained and evaluate its value in a practical context; analyse a practical management problem
Pre-placement preparation; minimum 22 weeks industrial placement adhering to the Code of Practice provided by the Placements Office; Placement Project II, Post-placement debriefing.
MANG0090: Elements of law 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
For the MA/Dipl in Interpreting & Translating
MANG0091: Elements of law 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
For MA/Dipl in Interpreting & Translating
MANG0092: Operations strategy
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0017
Aims & learning objectives:
This course follows on from the foundation in Operations Management (MANG0017). It will focus on Operations Strategy for both service and manufacturing organisations. The course will give the student an in-depth understanding of how operations can be used as a competitive weapon for the firm.
The course will concentrate on manufacturing strategy, supply strategy, total quality management, lean production, world-class manufacturing, service quality models and the linkage of operations as part of the value adding process of the organisation. This option will build on the foundation course illustrating how the basic concepts can be formulated into an operations strategy focus.
The course will be taught using a variety of approaches, including case studies, guest speakers and company visits (time permitting).
At the conclusion of the course, the student will have an understanding of the major strategic decision making processes associated with the operations process.
Lean Production and Supply, World Class Manufacturing, Operations Strategy Profiling, Formulation and Implementation.
MANG0093: IT & its business context
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: ES70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
In the last few years, the role of computers in business has changed radically:
1. Computers must now be seen in the context of Information Technology (IT) which, as well as computers, includes software, telecommunications, robotics and smart products.
2. IT is a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage. IT can transform industries and products; it can be a key element in determining the success of an organisation.
3. As a strategic resource, IT is no longer solely the concern of specialist computer departments. Managing IT well is a core competence and an important part of the task of general managers.
4. Organisations have created new roles for managers to be interfaces between IT and the business. They combine a general technical competence with knowledge of the business.
This course addresses these issues and aims to provide students with the IT-related knowledge needed for careers as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
Following from the aims and learning objectives, the course is divided into two components:
Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion and case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend across functions, levels and locations, be implemented?
Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate.
MANG0094: Economics of incentives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES30 OT20
This course is intended for those who have MANG0012 or ECOI0010 and ECOI0045. Others with ECOI0044, MANG0006 and placement experience should undertake preparatory reading.
Aims & learning objectives:
This course uses economics to investigate the incentives generated by a range of contractual relationships. Students will link economic ideas to their own experiences in the workplace, and they will develop their written and oral communication skills.
Incentives are an integral part of many areas in economics, and so the topics examined in the course come from a range of economic disciplines. The course examines the application of principal-agent models to labour markets, capital markets, insurance markets, and corporate governance issues. Some of the topics addressed in the course will be: The use of pay systems to influence the behaviour of managerial and non-managerial employees; transaction costs as the reason for the existence of contracts; the importance of institutional structures as a response to transaction costs; and moral hazard and adverse selection.
MANG0096: Environmental management in organizations
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0005, Pre MANG0083, Pre MANG0070
Students should have taken one of the above units. The pre-requisite units represent the minimum level of experience a student should have to undertake this unit. It is very desirable that you should have also undertaken more advanced units in the study of organizational behaviour, for example, MANG0011 or MANG0033.
Aims & learning objectives:
Industry has been blamed for massive degradation to the natural environment. Is this fair? What are appropriate organizational responses? What are the realities behind the green rhetoric? This course will critically examine these, and related questions.
üThe risk society and industry. Ethics the new, green, ethical manager? Listening to stakeholders. Self-regulation and forcing compliance. Corporate exemplars. Resistance and backlash. Some futures.
MANG0097: Data analysis for marketing decisions
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW60 PR40
You must have taken one module from each of the following two groups:
1. Marketing, MANG0034 or MANG0081
2. Quantitative methods, MATH0095 or MANG0077
Aims and learning objectives To provide and introduction to some advanced techniques of quantitative data analysis which have a direct application to marketing and management research.
To develop an understanding of such techniques, enabling students to appraise the quality of research findings as presented, for instance, by a marketing research agency.
To provide practice in solving marketing and managerial problems.
Content Managers typically find themselves in the position of information overload. It is no longer a case of needing to undertake a market research survey, more a case of how to analyse the data at hand. In view of the widespread availability of statistical packages and computers, we address two questions: 1. How to decide which statistical procedures are suitable for which purposes and, 2. How to interpret the subsequent results. We are not primarily concerned with the complex formulae that underlie the statistical methods, those calculations are left up to the computer. The applications will be based on data sets compiled from previous final year DBA4 projects and include the use of cluster analysis for purposes of market segmentation, principal components analysis for purposes of positioning etc.
MANG0098: Business information systems
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW30 OT10
Requisites: Pre MANG0070
Aims and Learning Objectives: Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Within this changing environment, several key trends have defined a new role for computers:
a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation.
b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers' desks, not in the IT Department. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing and using IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an important part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new roles for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with knowledge of business.
This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT skills for the workplace.
The first part of the course considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, and case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways can IS be strategic? What business benefits can IS bring? How does IS transform management processes and organizational relationships? How can organizations evaluate IS? The second part of the course introduces students to the Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) and gives them practical experience with Web-site development.
MANG0099: Finance & Reporting
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
MANG0100: Services Marketing
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX40 ES60
Requisites: Pre MANG0016, Pre MANG0034
Aims and Learning Objectives:
1. To create an understanding of the concepts employed in the marketing of services.
2. To show how material in other marketing courses applies in a distinctive way to services.
Contact: After services are defined, tools for developing strategies are developed. These include a classification system, the seven P's, molecular modeling, flow charts, dramaturgy, bundling, and use of guarantees.
MANG0101: Managing in complex business networks
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
MANG0102: Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ESML0130
Aims and Learning Objectives: The purpose is to build on first year accounting and finance knowledge and skills to achieve a balanced understanding of financial management in a European context.
The investment decision, including European comparisons.
Risk and cost of capital.
Capital structure decision and dividend policy, including European comparisons.
Working capital management.
Corporate governance and internal control, including European comparisons.
Reporting results and performance.
Accounting principles, standards and harmonisation issues - European and global.
MANG0103: Business economics I
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to provide an understanding of the operation of the macroeconomic and microeconomic environments in which business operates. The unit focuses on economic frameworks and analytical tools which are important for an understanding of the business world. The objective of the macro economic component is to develop students ability to understand the influence of changes in the economic environment on business using the IS-LM-BP framework and to apply this framework to investigate the effects of changes in policy on macroeconomic variables. The objective of the microeconomic component is to develop an understanding of decision making by households and firms in both product and factor markets with particular emphasis on the theory of the firm. This part of the course serves as a basis for Business Economics II.
Introduction to business economics. The macroeconomic environment: circular flow of income; consumption and investment; money markets and foreign exchange; relationships between markets in the closed and open economy and the impact of government policies on the macroeconomic context in which business operates. The microeconomic environment: consumer behaviour; prices and markets, production and costs; structure of product markets, operation of factor markets.
MANG0104: Modern portfolio management
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES50 EX50
Pre MANG0008 or MATH0096 or MATH0097
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach the principles and key tools of modern portfolio management and to show how they are applied.
Issues selected from:
Utility theory and investor behaviour
The Capital Asset Pricing Model from an investment perspective
Arbitrage pricing theory and the "beta is dead" debate
Portfolio selection methods
Methods and models for the estimation of expected returns
Methods and models for the estimation of volatilities and covariances
Case studies in portfolio selection: domestic portfolios, international portfolios with and without currency hedging
Bond portfolios: duration and convexity matching
Portfolio performance measurement and attribution
MANG0105: consumers and communication
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW40 EX60
Pre: MANG0016 or MANG0081
Aims & learning objectives:
* understand current theories of consumer behaviour
* be aware of the impact of consumer behaviour on marketing communications
The course will look at the current paradigm shift in consumer research from one based on positivism to one based on relativism. It will look specifically at current debate around concepts such as perception, learning and memory, motivation, attitudes, values and persuasion. The course will also take a comparative look at different communication modes from mass advertising to newer methods such as direct marketing and internet marketing.
MANG0106: Marketing in Information Intensive Contexts
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW30 EX70
Aims & learning objectives:
The objective of this course is to provide students with the conceptual and practical skills necessary for the understanding and practice of marketing in information intensive contexts.
This course expores how the rise of information networks and the increasingly incorporeal nature of information is changing the conceptualisation and practice of marketing. Specifically the course aims to: Give students a broad understanding of information intensive contexts; allow students to explore and develop models of how the new media will not only impact on, but change marketing; give students a toolbox that will allow them to identify opportunities and threats that face existing firms, and to enable them to recognise the scope for the development of new business forms.
Pre: MANG0016 & MANG0034 OR MANG0081
MANG0107: International Academic Exchange - out-going
Semester 1
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre MANG0021, Pre MANG0022
Aims & learning objectives:
An opportunity to gain the experience of studying and living in a different country at an approved partner institution.
The student will study an approved programme of units at a partner educational institution and complete the first semester work on the Final Year Project.
MANG0108: Business Architecture (including accounting and systems models)
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To bring together the past four years experience of organisations in a business model applicable to most commercial sectors. The student will develop the means of creating a logical and physical model of the organisation that will prove a life-long mind-map on the road to becoming the CEO in years ahead and may be a foretaste of an MBA.
The role of the corporate executive
Setting a mission
Designing the organisation
The place of systems, processes, knowledge, accounting, finance, image, marketing, law and other facets of the business
Delivering to customers
Mind maps and concepts of design. The corporate jigsaw.
Change management and checking the physical matches logical design.
Exploration of business architecture of various types of company
System architecture models.
Data, process and technologies.
Accounting and finance models
MANG0109: Business-to-business marketing
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should either have taken Markerting 1 and 2 (MANG0016 and MANG0034), or PG unit Organisational Behaviour, or Principles of Marketing (MANG0081).
Aims & learning objectives:
This module aims to build on the earlier Marketing 1 and Marketing 2 courses, and is designed for those with an interest in business-to-business rather than consumer marketing. It aims to develop an understanding of how business markets differ from consumer markets, to illustrate the importance of relationships within such markets, and seeks to put the role of the business-to-business marketing manager into the broader context of overall business strategy.
The course will be structured around the IMP approach to business-to-business marketing, an approach that has a long association with the University of Bath. The course will move beyond the traditional transactional view of marketing and will focus on relationships. Understanding the building blocks of inter-firm relationships, how firms interact, and the resultant business networks will form the cornerstone of the course, as will an understanding of how firms sell "value."
MATE0001: Introduction to materials science & engineering 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Pre GCSE level ot above: Chemistry & Physics or combined science; and A level: Chemistry or Physics
Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the first part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scope and philosophy.
(i) What are materials? How are they used? An introduction to the various categories of materials - polymers, metals, ceramics and natural materials. A comparative overview of their price, availability and mechanical properties followed by an introduction to the manufacturing processes that can be applied to them.
(ii) Materials for Microelectronics Outline of the history of electronic device development from the thermionic valve to the silicon chip. Semiconducting materials properties and relationship to basic electronic structure. The transistor. Integrated circuits. The manufacture of modern integrated circuits. The importance of materials quality and purity to the semiconductor industry.
MATE0002: Crystal structure and determination
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the techniques for concise representation of atomic arrangements in crystalline materials. To present the basic rules governing the crystal structures adopted by both elements and simple compounds. To introduce X-ray diffraction and its role in determining crystal structure. On completion, the student should be able to: describe simple crystal structures using standard crystallographic notation and terminology; represent crystal planes and directions using standard notation and perform simple calculations; identify the key features of a given material which are responsible for its observed crystal structure; explain X-ray diffraction from a crystal lattice and the information that can be obtained from powder and back reflection patterns.
Crystallography: Lattices, unit cells and cell centring, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, symmetry. Lattice planes and directions, notation and calculation of interplanar spacing and angles.
Crystal Chemistry: Structures of metals, CCP, HCP and BCC, interstitial sites in metal structures. Factors governing ionic structures, coordination numbers and polyhedra, radius ratio rules, polarisation effects, Pauling's rules. Factors governing covalent structures. Examples of structures, AX and AX2 compounds, carbon, Perovskite, SiO2 structures and phase transitions.
Crystallinity in polymers: Evidence for crystallinity, structures of polymers, single crystals, spherulites, factors influencing crystallinity.
X-ray techniques: generation of X-rays, characteristic and continuous radiation. X-ray scattering and absorption. X-ray diffraction, powder patterns, determination of lattice parameters, structure factor and diffraction intensities. Single crystal diffraction, Laue back reflection technique.
Crystal Chemistry: Structures of metals, CCP, HCP and BCC, interstitial sites in metal structures. Factors governing ionic structures, coordination numbers and polyhedra, radius ratio rules, polarisation effects, Pauling's rules. Factors governing covalent structures. Examples of structures, AX and AX2 compounds, carbon, Perovskite, SiO2 structures and phase transitions, silicates.
Crystallinity in polymers: Evidence for crystallinity, structures of polymers, single crystals, spherulites, factors influencing crystallinity.
Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.
MATE0004: Materials chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co CHEY0056
Pre A-level Chemistry or equivalent, or if not see co-requisites
Aims & learning objectives:
To revise and extend knowledge of the principles of physical chemistry, as applied to materials. On completion, the student should have sound understanding of the following key concepts: enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy and their inter-relationships, phase equilibria, electrochemistry, surface and solution physical chemistry, diffusion and chemical kinetics.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations):
1. Thermodynamics (10 lectures)
2. Phase equilibria (4 lectures)
3. Electrochemistry (2 lectures)
4. Surface physical chemistry (2 lectures)
5. Chemical kinetics (2 lectures)
6. Diffusion (2 lectures)
MATE0005: Introduction to materials science & engineering 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MATE0001
Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the second part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scope and philosophy.
(i) Can strength and stiffness of materials be explained in terms of atomic structure? Concepts of strength and elastic modulus; the atomic and molecular constitution of different types of material. Primary and secondary bonding; potential energy curves for ionic, covalent and van der Waals bonds. Structure and 'bond density'; relation between potential energy curves and modulus; Hooke's law;. Relation between P.E. curves and strength; brittle strength; surface cracks; toughening; fibres & whiskers.
(ii) Short contributions giving a broader flavour of Materials Science.
(a) Timber Wood is a natural, cellular, renewable material which in the form of sawn lumber, engineered timber composites or panel products is used world wide in numerous structural applications to the same extent as steel by weight. The microstructure and mechanical properties of timber are examined and case studies are presented on the manufacture of glue-laminated (glulam) structures and the environmental credentials of timber compared with steel.
(b) Renewable energy resources in the UK In the UK we benefit from renewable resources for the supply of energy in the form of wind, solar and wave power, biomass, landfill gas, hydroelectric power and more inaccessible resources such as hot rocks.
(c)Degradation of materials Most materials interact physically or chemically with their environment, resulting in changes in structure and composition. These changes often result in the reduction (or degradation) of important properties, such as strength, which may limit the effectiveness of a material in its application, for example as a load-bearing component. Key topics in the degradation of materials are introduced, including aqueous and high-temperature corrosion of metals, dissolution of ceramics and radiation damage in polymers. A case study of the oxidation of nuclear reactor graphites will be presented.
(d) Composite materials -An introduction to the concepts of making and using composites materials, present an indication of how their properties may be determined, some typical applications for these materials
(e) Ceramics - Inorganic solids, mainly consisting of oxides, which are produced by heating the source materials at high temperature below their melting points in order to densify the compact. The product is usually chemically and thermally stable ; it exhibits desirable properties such as strength, hardness and abrasion resistance.
MATE0006: Crystal imperfections
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW20 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concept of crystal imperfections, in particular point defects and dislocations. To describe the principal characteristics of such defects and illustrate their behaviour. On completion the student should be able to: describe the principal types of point and line defects; understand how they move and interact; relate aspects of macroscopic materials properties to microscopic defect behaviour.
Imperfections in crystals: Point defects in elements and compounds, thermodynamics of point defects, diffusion mechanisms, origin of non-equilibrium point defect concentrations. Influences of point defects on materials properties. Theoretical shear stress. Geometry of dislocations, the Burgers vector and Burgers circuit, edge, screw and mixed dislocations. Dislocation glide, force acting on a dislocation, Peierls-Nabarro stress. Dislocation climb. Techniques for the observation of dislocations. Elastic properties of dislocations, strain energy, line tension. Dislocation intersections and jogs. Dislocations in FCC crystals, perfect and imperfect dislocations, Shockley and Frank partials, Thompson's tetrahedron, dislocation reactions. Origin of dislocations, point defect condensation, Frank-Read source, multiple cross-slip, misfit dislocations and growth-induced dislocations. Barriers to dislocation motion.
MATE0007: Mechanics of materials
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the mathematical techniques used to describe the response of materials to applied loads. On completion, the student should be able to: perform calculations relating deformations and states of stress in solid materials to the loads applied, for a number of simple cases.
Forces on a structure and their distribution and measurement. Tension and compression stress and strain, Hooke's law, strain energy in a deformed solid. Two-dimensional stress and Mohr's circle of stress. Two- and three-dimensional stress/strain relationships, hydrostatic stress and bulk modulus. Plane stress and plane strain. Plastic yielding of isotropic solids: the von Mises and Tresca failure criteria. Stress distributions around a hole of circular or elliptical shape and qualitative treatment of the stress concentration at a sharp notch.
Stress distribution in simple components, compatibility of strains and equilibrium of stress. Tension of elastic homogeneous and non-homogeneous rods. Tension of circular shafts. Symmetric bending of homogeneous and composite elastic beams. Thin-walled and thick-walled cylinders under pressure. Deflection curves of elastic beams. Twisting of shafts. Inelastic bending and residual stress. Elastic failure: the Euler theory of buckling.
MATE0008: Materials processing 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW20 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with the physical principles involved in common manufacturing processes, to establish the link between processing route and internal structure of materials. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the main features of common manufacturing processes for metals; explain the variations in macro- and microstructure produced by the different processes; discuss the advantages and limitations of competing processes.
Processing from the Liquid State: structure and properties of castings, effect of process variables on casting quality. Residual stresses. Processing from the Solid State: Rolling, extrusion, drawing, pressing and forging. Deformation characteristics, the effect of temperature and deformation rate on micro and macrostructures. Superplasticity. Quality control during processing. Effect of processing on material properties and structure. Machining: brief survey of conventional and specialised methods. Quality of machined surfaces, 'machinability', advantages and disadvantages. Joining Processes: solidification in weld metal, residual stresses, chemical reactions, contaminants; fusion and solid state processes, brazing and soldering, adhesive bonding. Non-Destructive Testing: dye penetrant, x-ray, magnetic particles, ultrasonic, optical holography, acoustic emission.
MATE0009: Metals & alloys
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion, the student should be able to: identify common types of alloy phase, their characteristics and their interactions; interpret simple binary phase diagrams; describe and explain the effects of commercial heat treatments on steels and light alloys.
Microstructure of metals, grain refinement, influence of grain size on mechanical properties, the Petch equation; microstructural and mechanical effects of cold-working and annealing; applications and limitations of pure metals.
Alloys: Solid solutions, factors determining solubility, effect of composition on properties, intermediate phases and phase structure. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions, precipitation from solution. Equilibrium microstructures in simple systems of commercial interest; Al-Si, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Al, Fe-C, cast irons.
Departures from equilibrium, coring and undercooling. Normalised and annealed steels. Non-equilibrium structures; age-hardening systems, steels, quenching and hardenability, tempering, selected alloy steels.
MATE0010: Electronic structure & materials properties
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Pre [Mat. Sci. 1st Yr.] or[ Maths A level and(Chemistry A level or Physics A level)]
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids.
To introduce the concepts of: wave-particle duality; quantum mechanical uncertainty and wave functions.
To provide a quantum mechanical description of bonding and electrical conduction in solids.
Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schroedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Properties of free electron metals.
Qualitative solution of the Schroedinger equation for hydrogen, wave functions and quantum numbers; atomic orbitals. Bonding between atoms; linear combination of atomic orbitals; hybridisation; s and p bonds; delocalisation; structure of molecules.
Students must have A-level Mathematics and A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.
MATE0011: Mechanical properties of materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0007
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic anisotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement, loss tangent.
Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for creep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties.
Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic parameters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy.
Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.
MATE0012: Materials processing 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW20 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the student's knowledge of processing / structure / property relationships in materials, in particular to include polymer and ceramic processing. On completion, the student should be able to: assess materials processing routes using objective criteria such as production rate, dimensional accuracy, flexibility; be aware of techniques for the surface modification of materials.
Polymer Processing; Newtonian and power flow, Poiseuille equation, rheometry. Injection moulding and extrusion of thermoplastics, die design and quality control, blow moulding, calendering and pressure forming of polymer sheet. Transfer and pressure moulding of filled and unfilled thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. Ceramic processing: production of powders: purity control, cold and hot compacting, sintering. Relative merits of powder methods for metals and ceramics.
MATE0013: Ceramics & glasses
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the application of constitutional and kinetic principles to the manufacture and exploitation of ceramics and inorganic glasses. On completion, the student should be able to: understand the nature of ceramics and glasses on the basis of their structures and properties; describe the relationship between various classes of ceramics and their applications.
Classification of Ceramics. What is a ceramic? Revision of crystal structures and forces with specific reference to the scientifically and technologically important ceramic materials. Source of ceramic materials and production methods. General properties of ceramics, mechanical, chemical, thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical. The nature of brittle ceramics and the use of statistics for mechanical design. Classification of ceramics, traditional, refractories, advanced ceramics, both structural and functional to include examples of technological importance. Strengthening and toughening of ceramics. Precursor materials, powder manufacture and powder processing. Ceramic forming methods, wet and dry. Drying of ceramic powder compacts. Densification and sintering, both solid and liquid phase. Hot pressing. Reaction bonding. Pyrolytic deposition. Use of phase diagrams.
Structural chemistry of the common glasses. Networks and network modifiers. The glass transition temperature, viscosity, thermal optical and electrical properties. Special glasses, their technology and use. Electrical properties, ionic and electronic conduction, Switching glasses. Lenses, fibre optics, thermal and mechanical properties, glass to metal seals. Stress relief, toughened glass, surface effects, ion exchange and implantation. Composite applications. Glass ceramics.
MATE0014: Polymers
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0002
Pre Mathematics AS Level or MATH0103 and MATH0104; and Chemistry AS Level or CHEY0056 and CHEY0057
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers,linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight.
The versatility of polymers
the length of chains: molecular weight
Molecular weight definitions, determination
molecular motion & the glass transition
Glass transition temperature effect of structure.
Molecular motion: nature of vitrification
Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure -
Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure
Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation
Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation
Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation.
The dramatic properties of rubber
Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation
Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity
The environmental dimension
Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents.
Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers
MATE0015: Physical methods of analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0010
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the physical principles employed in a variety of instrumental techniques for materials analysis, particularly those based on diffraction and on spectroscopy. On completion, the student should be able to: describe methods of forming an image by electromagnetic waves; recognise the scope and limitations of optical and electron microscopy in their various forms; discuss the interactions which take place when a material is exposed to electromagnetic radiation or high energy electrons how these can be used to establish the chemical composition or structure of the material .
Electromagnetic waves: e-m spectrum, generation of e-m waves. Lasers. Polarization. Superposition of waves, interference. Huygens' wave construction, diffraction from a single aperture, diffraction grating. Optical Microscopy: resolving power, depth of field, lens aberrations. Spectroscopy: emission and absorption spectra. Optical, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy. X-ray fluorescence analysis.
Electron Microscopy and Analysis: Electron waves, interaction of electrons with matter. Transmission electron microscope.. Electron diffraction, analysis of diffraction patterns. Methods of specimen preparation, applications.
Scanning electron microscope, resolving power, image contrast. Applications. Electron probe microanalysis, Detection of X-rays, X-ray spectrometers and solid state detectors, qualitative analysis, applications.
Surface analysis techniques: Auger analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
MATE0016: Dissertation 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES80 OR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a self-instruction exercise in the seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended critical discussion of a given subject area; make an oral presentation of the relevant material.
An introduction to an essential research technique - the retrieval and assessment of information from the scientific literature. Each student is assigned a specific subject area and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extended essay based on a critical review of the literature. An oral presentation is to be made at a conference within the School.
MATE0017: Physical properties of materials
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW20 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the methods of statistical mechanics.
To provide a coherent explanation of the thermal properties of crystalline electrically insulating solids.
To explain the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials and their optimization for particular engineering applications.
Thermal Properties: Elements of statistical mechanics, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: introduction to lattice vibrations, quantisation. Debye temperature, specific heat, thermal conductivity, phonons, thermal expansion.
Magnetic Properties: Dipole moment of atomic orbitals, quantisation, dipole moment of atoms in solids, spin-orbit coupling, orbital quenching, crystalline field anisotropy, exchange, spontaneous magnetisation, ferromagnetism. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetisation energy, domains, Bloch walls, magnetisation process, hysteresis, domain wall pinning, soft and hard materials. Permanent magnets and transformer cores. Ferrimagnetism, ferrites magnetic recording.
Dielectrics: Dielectric constant, dielectric breakdown. Capacitors, Ferroelectricity, properties of perovskite dielectrics, piezoelectricity, applications and materials. Pyro-electricity, infrared detection.
MATE0018: Deformation & fracture of materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To present a detailed treatment of the micromechanisms of deformation in the main categories of materials, encompassing effects of temperature, load pattern and environment. On completion, the student should be able to: discuss theoretical "strengthening mechanisms" in metals and alloys, and their ability to account for mechanical behaviour over a wide range of conditions; describe mechanisms of large-scale deformation in amorphous and semicrystalline polymers; use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
Plastic deformation of metals: revision of dislocation theory. High temperature deformation, creep mechanisms, structural changes. Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth.
Plastic deformation of polymers: large scale deformation and flow in amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers, cold drawing and molecular orientation, effect of temperature and strain rate.
Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of thermodynamics of fracture, Orowan's extension to non-ideally-brittle solids. Work of fracture, stress distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc.
Statistical analysis of failure, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth in glasses and polymers, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking.
MATE0019: Electrical and magnetic properties of materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To explain the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials and their optimization for particular engineering applications. To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids. To provide the theoretical background for the treatment of electrons in semiconductors that is employed in MATE0037, Semiconductor microtechnology.
Magnetic Properties: Dipole moment of atomic orbitals, quantisation, dipole moment of atoms in solids, spin-orbit coupling, orbital quenching, crystalline field anisotropy, exchange, spontaneous magnetisation, ferromagnetism. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetisation energy, domains, Bloch walls, magnetisation process, hysteresis, domain wall pinning, soft and hard materials. Permanent magnets and transformer cores. Ferrimagnetism, ferrites magnetic recording. Dielectrics: Dielectric constant, dielectric breakdown. Capacitors, Ferroelectricity, properties of perovskite dielectrics, piezoelectricity, applications and materials. Pyro-electricity, infrared detection. Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schroedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Electrical conduction in a free-electron metal, electron scattering, resistivity of pure and impure metals. Nearly free electron model, Bragg reflections, energy gaps, zone boundaries, Brillouin zones, band overlap, semi-conductors and insulators.
MATE0020: Engineering materials chemistry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0004, Pre MATE0004
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit, which builds on principles established in MATE0004 (Materials Chemistry), aims to introduce the thermodynamic and kinetic basis for the understanding of structural changes in materials, and of material / environment interactions. On completion, the student should have detailed knowledge and understanding of: the thermodynamics of oxidation-reduction reactions, equilibria between binary phases, binary phase diagrams, stability of phases in thermodynamic terms.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations):
1. Advanced thermodynamics including(5 lectures)
solution thermodynamics
2. Derivation and interpretation
of Gibbs' phase rule(5 lectures)
3. Ellingham diagrams for oxides(4 lectures)
4. Surface physical chemistry (3 lectures)
5. Diffusion (3 lectures)
6. Phase transformations, including
nucleation and kinetics(4 lectures)
MATE0021: Project dissertation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES80 OR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a thorough preparation for the final year experimental project. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended literature review in the field of his project, and define its objectives; present a detailed experimental programme to achieve these objectives; make an oral presentation based on the above.
An introduction to the planning of a research programme. Each student is assigned a specific project, and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extended critical review of the literature, and plans an experimental programme in the relevant area.
MATE0022: Materials selection in engineering design
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the selection of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for strength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites.
The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damage accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.
MATE0022: Materials selection in engineering design
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the selection of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for strength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites.
The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damage accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.
MATE0023: Surfaces & interfaces
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will be introduced to techniques for the observation, manipulation and control of solid surfaces on the nanometre scale and to some fundamental aspects of the science of adhesion. After participating in the course, students should be familiar with the physical principles and instrumentation associated with scanning probe microscopy, and be aware of a range of its application in science and nanotechnology. They should also understand the importance, and underlying scientific principles of crystal engineering through the control of crystallisation behaviour. They will be encouraged to integrate their knowledge and understanding of other units throughout the Materials Science and Engineering course, and will have had experience of reading original literature and of presenting their own views of it orally to their peers.
The structure and nature of crystalline surfaces. Basic surface crystallography, reconstruction and relaxation, overview of surface characterisation techniques.Nanoscale observation and manipulation of solid surfaces. Scanning probe microscopy, principles and methods, scanning tunnelling microscopy, force microscopy and variants. Applications: characterisation, atomic and molecular manipulation, nanoscale surface modification for data storage, nanoscale electronic devices.
Crystal engineering through control of surface processes. Technological importance of crystallite properties, crystalline imperfections, impurity effects, tailor-made additives.Practical surfaces of engineering materials. Adhesion: strength of an adhesive bond, mechanical properties and interfacial forces. Study of some original literature in the area of interfaces, polymers and adhesion.
MATE0024: Degradation of engineering materials
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0004, Pre MATE0020, Pre MATE0004
Aims & learning objectives:
Building on MATE0024 (Materials Chemistry), and developing ideas covered in MATE0020 (Engineerimg Materials Chemistry), the aim of this unit is to cover key aspects of the degradation of engineering materials, mainly metals and alloys but also ceramics and polymers. The main degradation processes considered are thermal, physico-chemical and particle / wave irradiation. The effects of these degradation processes on materials properties are considered. Method of protection are also described. On completion students should have detailed understanding and knowledge of the degradation of engineering materials, and how degradation impacts on the processing and use of materials in engineering applications.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations):
1. Degradation of metals and alloys:
Cool aqueous corrosion(12 lectures)
Hot corrosion(4 lectures)
2. Degradation of ceramics:(4 lectures)
3. Degradation of polymers:(4 lectures)
4. Case study:(2 lectures incorporated into one of the above sections)
MATE0025: Materials engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To make the student aware of issues of current scientific and professional interest across the field of materials engineering. On completion, the student should be able to: discuss critically, topics of current interest, identifying their underlying principles and commenting upon their significance, both technical and social.
Research Colloquia. This part of the course consists of talks by experts in their fields on advanced aspects of the science and engineering of materials which complement and extend the more formal curriculum of the lecture courses.
MATE0026: Project
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR80 OR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide experience in the performance of an extended research programme, involving assimilation of the relevant literature, planning and execution of experimental work, analysis of results, and the drawing and reporting of conclusions. On completion, the student should be able to: exploit information sources to familiarise himself with a new subject area; identify critical parameters in an experiment, measure and analyse them; recognise and account for factors limiting the precision of experimental measurements; write an extended report in acceptable style describing his findings; make a clear oral presentation of the project.
The student will carry out an experimental research project which is timetabled for one full day per week. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff. In many cases the project will be part of a wider programme involving graduate students and research staff, so that the student will gain experience of research team work.
MATE0027: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Co ENGR0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To achieve an understanding of environmental aspects of the science and technology of engineering materials, to use this knowledge to illuminate the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to develop defensible positions on these issues.
Engineering materials feature strongly in many environmental conflicts and debates. The development of civilization and wealth creation depend on the availability of raw materials resources. The global distribution of these resources is uneven and historically it has led to territorial and financial disputes. The extraction of materials by mining and quarrying leaves physical scars on a monumental scale and there are often additional problems of environmental contamination and subsidence which result from these activities. The purification of raw materials and manufacturing processes cause a wide spectrum of environmental problems including atmospheric pollution and poisoning of water courses. At the end of the useful life of manufactured objects the potential for recycling must be considered to minimise environmental impact.
Topics will be examined within the framework of:
* The environmental issue or concern
* Materials considerations
* Environmental outcome
Examples of topics: materials resources, materials properties, glass, cement, asbestos, metals, environmental degradation, polymers
Seminar programme combined with a student extended essay to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to develop their own views on the relation between environmental science and the wider social and economic context.
MATE0028: Biomedical & natural materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to give an appreciation of a range of topics that relate to the structure and properties of natural materials and the way in which natural and synthetic materials are linked at the interface between medicine and engineering.
1. Biological materials
The importance of the structure/properties relationship in 'engineering' materials.
Mechanical properties - units and definitions. Stress, strain, Young's modulus, density, specific mechanical properties, toughness, elastic and viscoelastic deformation, damping.
The principal hard and soft tissues in the body and their main anatomical functions: bone, teeth, cartilage, tendons & ligaments, skin, arterial wall, cervical tissue.
Chemical and physical compositions: main chemical constituents - hydroxyapatite, dentine and enamel, aminoacids and mucopolysaccharides, proteoglycans (proteins), collagen, elastin. Crystalline and amorphous structures, polymers and composites.
Performance of natural materials under stress: brittleness and toughness, yielding (plastic behaviour), fatigue, creep (viscoelasticity), rubbery behaviour, damping. Efficiency of bone structures. Mechanical response of hard and soft tissues in terms of their structures.
2. Prosthetics
Use of biomaterials for replacement and repair of hard and soft tissues.
Functional considerations - forces on joints, cyclic loading, wear and tear, body environment
Materials used for implant purposes - metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites
Applications in the fields of orthopaedics, cardiovascular, dental, ocular, drug delivery and wound healing
Evaluation of biomaterials - biocompatibility testing, corrosion, wear, deterioration.
Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.
Natural science students must take MATE0030 in conjunction with this unit.
MATE0030: Introduction to materials for sports science
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX40 CW20 ES20 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the science underlying the use of materials in applications used in sport. To appreciate the nature of the physical stresses imposed on materials, both natural and artificial, and how the materials react to stresses. To explore the use of high technology advanced materials in sports applications.
An introduction to mechanical properties: the nature of elastic stress and elastic strain. The elastic limit. Types of stress and strain. Elastic compliance. Plastic deformation and fracture. Energy absorption during loading and fracture, energy release. Specific stress and specific strain. Compare and contrast metals, ceramics and polymers as sporting materials. The limitations of homogeneous materials. Composite materials and why they are used in sport. The law of mixtures for composite materials. Natural and artificial composites; several examples of each, outlining the structure and properties. Comparison of natural composites ( wood, bone, skin etc) with artificial composites.
Case studies of sports equipment , e.g. sport shoes, football studs, racquets, vaulting pole, sports bicycle; the method of construction and the performance advantages that ensue.
MATE0031: Study year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see Director of Studies for further information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Study year abroad.
MATE0032: Industrial training
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & Learning Objective: Please see the Director of Studies for more detailed information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Industrial training year.
MATE0033: Project dissertation (MEng)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES80 OR20
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for further information about this unit which is designed for MEng students and enables them to undertake an extended research project.
MATE0037: Semiconductor microtechnology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide detailed coverage of the science and technology exploited in semiconductor electronic devices. On completion, the student should be able to: treat quantitatively the electrical characteristics of semiconducting materials and simple devices; describe the manufacture and characteristics of semiconductor devices and have a quantitative appreciation of the limitations imposed and effects caused by impurities and materials imperfections.
Revision of nearly-free electron model, electron effective mass, electrons and holes, contact potentials. Intrinsic semiconductors; Fermi level, carrier concentration, mobility, conductivity, temperature dependence, recombination and trapping, carrier diffusion. Extrinsic semiconductors; P type and N type impurities, Fermi level, carrier concentration, conductivity, temperature dependence. The P-N junction; 'built-in potential', carrier diffusion, depletion layer, forward and reverse bias. The junction transistor, field effect transistor, semiconductor surface potentials, surface effect devices, other simple semiconductor devices. Crystal purification and growth, epitaxy. Doping and dopant profiles. Oxidation and photolithography. Metallization and packaging. Very large scale integration (VLSI), MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) and bipolar technologies. Photoemissive materials and devices. Light emitting diodes, photoconductivity and devices. Semi-conductor lasers.
MATE0038: Engineering materials & properties
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by a detailed consideration of composite materials and afterwards by examining the selection of materials for real engineering applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe the various types of fibre composite materials, their manufacture and characteristics. Discuss theoretical models for strength and stiffness of composites. Describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of material selection. Deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design. Analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to composites and their applications in engineering. NATURE OF FIBRE COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Manufacturing processes. Elastic behaviour. Elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness. The use of commercial software for designing with composites. THE DESIGN PROCESS: the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics. Extrapolation methods. FATIGUE: master diagrams for design purposes, damage accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.
MATE0039: Technology of the modern world
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give non science/engineering students an appreciation and understanding of some of the key technologies that underpin modern society.The learning objectives will include:
* An appreciation of the contribution of Science and Engineering to quality of life in modern society
* An understanding of key areas of technology which enable advanced economies to function.
* The importance of power generation, its production and transmission in sustaining core services.
* ·Understanding large engineering structures, and concepts.
* Short history of technology
* Role of technology in modern society
* Provision of major services, electricity, water, gas, communications
* Electricity generation (Coal/Oil, Nuclear, Hydro, Solar and alternative), transmission and storage, use of electricity, power applications, chemical, electronic
* Transport, land, sea, and air
* Automobile engines, reciprocating petrol and diesel, "environmentally friendly systems"
* Aircraft engines and turbines
* Communications, speech, paper and writing. Coded communication - flags and semaphore, telegraph. Electronic communication - telephone, radio, TV; coded electronic communication - FAX machines, digital systems
* Transistors and integrated circuits - what are they?
* Large engineering structures, bridges, tunnels, buildings - from pyramids to skyscrapers!
* Role of engineering materials
* Manufacturing processes, examples such as oil and gas, minerals, steel production, cement.
MATE0040: Materials science 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a lively interest in the available range of building materials, founded on an understanding of their microstructure and properties and their practical advantages and limits.
Building materials. Resources, usage and cost.. Mechanical properties; stress, strain, strength stiffness, strain energy, toughness.
Bonding and Packing of Atoms
The periodic table. Primary (ionic, covalent, and metallic) and secondary (dipolar) bonding.
Packing of equal and unequal size atoms.
Imperfections in crystals. Point and line defects, grain boundaries.
Metals and Alloys
Iron and steel; phase diagram for Fe-C system, Heat treatment of steels. Alloy steels. Other metals.
Glass, Ceramics and Concrete
Glass structure, composition. and properties. Volume-temperature relationships. Traditional and engineering ceramics. Sheet silicates. Clay bodies. Manufacture of cement. Special cements. Setting and strength of concrete. Stone as a building material.
Polymeric Material and Wood
Polymerisation. Amorphous and crystalline polymers. Thermosets and thermoplastics. Structure and deformation of the wood cell. Properties of timber and its products.
MATE0041: Materials science 2
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course develops from the introductory ideas of structure of materials presented in the first year and uses those ideas to show how the basic mechanics and physical properties of constructional materials are determined by their molecular and crystaline nature. The course forms a basis for the further development of an understanding of design aspects of materials at the macroscopic rather than the atomic level.
The course identifies a number of aspects of the behaviour of building materials of specific importance to the engineer, with emphasis being on problems of design and selection of materials for given service conditions.
1. Classification of engineering materials according to type and properties.
2. Elastic behaviour, linear and non-linear. The elastic moduli, anisotropy; elastic properties of crystals and poly-crystals; composite materials, rubber elasticity.
3. Viscoelastic behaviour and time dependent effects.
4. Strength of engineering materials. Theoretical and actual strengths of solids; improving the strength of real materials. Problems of designing with brittle materials.
5. Longer term effects. Fatigue and creep (introductory).
6. Durability of metals and plastics. Corrosion and environmental attack (introductory).
Engineering design
The process of engineering design in relation to materials evaluation and selection; relevance of measured properties to service conditions.
Short-term mechanical effects
Time-dependent behaviour of metals , plastics, concrete, timber; creep and fatigue; combined effects of fatigue and corrosion.
Long term chemical behaviour
Durability and ageing; changes in material properties in service conditions. Corrosion and protection of metals and alloys; environmental degredation of plastics; chemical degredation of concrete - sulphate attack, conversion of HAC etc.; biodeterioration of timber and protection methods; flammability and fire damage to building materials. Long term stability of adhesives and adhesive bonds.
MATE0042: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to materials types, microstructures and properties. To show the influence of materials selection on the design and manufacture of components or structures. To provide an understanding of the properties of magnetic, dielectric and insulating materials.
Atomic structure and interatomic bonding; structure of crystalline solids; metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses; microstructure, control of microstructure, outline of manufacturing methods; mechanical properties of materials, ductility, dislocations, brittle fracture; selection of materials, design.Origins of magnetism, ferromagnetism, domain formation, magnetisation, hysteresis, hard and soft magnets, permanent magnet materials, transformer core, eddy current loss; ferrimagnetism, ferrites, ferrite applications; electrical insulation, insulator materials, breakdown phenomena; capacitor types, dielectric properties, ferroelectrics, capacitor selection; piezoelectric materials, piezoelectric ceramics, PZT, applications, quartz, crystal resonators.
MATE0043: Introduction to materials science and engineering (NS), 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW80 PR20
Pre GCSE level or above: Chemistry & Physics or Combined Science; and A-level Chemistry or Physics
Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the first part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scope and philosophy.
(i) What are materials? How are they used?
An introduction to the various categories of materials - polymers, metals, ceramics and natural materials. A comparative overview of their price, availability and mechanical properties followed by an introduction to the manufacturing processes that can be applied to them.
(ii) Materials for microelectronics.
Outline of the history of electronic device development from the thermionic value to the silicon chip. Semiconducting materials properties and relationship to basic electronic structure. The transistor. The importance of materials quality and purity to the semiconductor industry.
MATE0044: Introduction to materials science and engineering (NS), 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW80 PR20
Requisites: Pre MATE0043
Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the second part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scope and philosophy.
(i) Can strength and stiffness of materials be explained in terms of atomic structure? Concepts of strength and elastic modulus; the atomic and molecular constitution of different types of material. Primary and secondary bonding; potential energy curves for ionic, covalent and van der Waals bonds. Structure and 'bond density'; relation between potential energy curves and modulus; Hooke's law. Relation between P.E. curves and strength; brittle strength; surface cracks; toughening; fibres & whiskers.
(ii) Short contributions giving a broader flavour of Materials Science.
(a) Timber wood is a natural, cellular, renewable material which in the form of sawn lumber, engineered timber composites or panel products is used world wide in numerous structural applications to the same extent as steel by weight. The microstructure and mechanical properties of timber are examined and case studies are presented on the manufacture of glue-laminated (glulam) structures and the environmental credentials of timber compared with steel.
(b) Renewable energy resources in the UK. In the UK we benefit from renewable resources for the supply of energy in the form of wind, solar and wave power, biomass, landfill gas, hydroelectric power and more inaccessible resources such as hot rocks.
(c) Degredation of materials. Most materials interact physically or chemically with their environment, resulting in changes in structure and composition. These changes often result in the reduction (or degredation) of important properties, such as strength, which may limit the effectiveness of a material in its application, for example as a load-bearing component. Key topics in the degredation of materials are introduced, including aqueous and high-temperature corrosion of metals, dissolution of ceramics and radiation damage in polymers. A case study of the oxidation of nuclear reactor graphites will be presented.
(d) Composite materials. An introduction to the concepts of making and using composites materials, present an indication of how their properties may be determined, some typical applications for these materials.
(e) Ceramics. Inorganic solids, mainly consisting of oxides, which are produced by heating the source materials at high temperature below their melting points in order to densify the compact. The product is usually chemically and thermally stable; it exhibits desirable properties such as strength, hardness and abrasion resistance.
MATE0046: Metals and Alloys (NS)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Requisites: Pre MATE0052, Pre MATE0050
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion, the student should be able to: identify common types of alloy phase, their characteristics and their interactions; interpret simple binary phase diagrams; describe and explain the effects of commercial heat treatments on steels and light alloys.
Microstructure of metals, grain refinement, influence of grain size on mechanical properties, the Petch equation; microstructural and mechanical effects of cold-working and annealing; applications and limitations of pure metals.
Alloys: Solid solutions, factors determining solubility, effect of composition on properties, intermediate phases and phase structure. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions, precipitation from solution. Equilibrium microstructures in simple systems of commercial interest; Al-Si, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Al, Fe-C, cast irons.
Departures from equilibrium, coring and undercooling. Normalised and annealed steels. Non-equilibrium structures; age-hardening systems, steels, quenching and hardenability, tempering, selected alloy steels.
MATE0047: Mechanical properties of materials (NS)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Pre Maths (A-level or M1a) and Physics or Chemistry A-level
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic anisotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement, loss tangent.
Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for creep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties.
Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic parameters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy.
Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.
MATE0049: Ceramics & glasses (NS)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Requisites: Pre MATE0046
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the application of constitutional and kinetic principles to the manufacture and exploitation of ceramics and inorganic glasses. On completion, the student should be able to understand the nature of ceramics and glasses on the basis of their structures and properties; describe the relationship between various classes of ceramics and their applications.
Classification of Ceramics. What is a ceramic? Revision of crystal structures and forces with specific reference to the scientifically and technologically important ceramic materials. Source of ceramic materials and production methods. General properties of ceramics, mechanical, chemical, thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical. The nature of brittle ceramics and the use of statistics for mechanical design. Classification of ceramics, traditional, refractories, advanced ceramics, both structural and functional to include examples of technological importance. Strengthening and toughening of ceramics. Precursor materials, powder manufacture and powder processing. Ceramic forming methods, wet and dry. Drying of ceramic powder compacts. Densification and sintering, both solid and liquid phase. Hot pressing. Reaction bonding. Pyrolytic deposition. Use of phase diagrams.
Definitions for glass, volume-temperature relationship, glass transition temperature, types and composition of oxide and other glasses. Structural chemistry of the common glasses, network formers and modifiers, intermediates, Zachariasen's rules, radial distribution functions. Nucleation and growth, phase separation, Pyrex, Vycor, glass ceramics. Optical properties, refractive index, transparency, coloured glass, special optical glasses, lenses, fibre optics case study. Electrical properties, ionic and electronic conduction, industrial applications. Mechanical properties, glass to metal seals, stress relief, toughened glass, ion exchange annealing. Manufacture of glass, recycling glass, slow-release glasses, nuclear waste encapsulation.
MATE0050: Polymers (NS)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Pre MATE0052 (Mt2.2/A); Maths AS or M1a; Chemistry AS or C1a
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers, linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight.
The versatility of polymers
the length of chains: molecular weight
Molecular weight definitions, determination
molecular motion & the glass transition
Glass transition temperature effect of structure.
Molecular motion: nature of vitrification
Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure -
Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure
Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation
Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation
Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation.
The dramatic properties of rubber
Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation
Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity
The environmental dimension
Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents.
Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers
MATE0052: Crystal structure and determination (NS)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Pre Maths (AS or M1a) and Chemistry (AS or C1a)
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the techniques for concise representation of atomic arrangements in crystalline materials. To present the basic rules governing the crystal structures adopted by both elements and simple compounds. To introduce X-ray diffraction and its role in determining crystal structure. On completion, the student should be able to: describe simple crystal structures using standard crystallographic notation and terminology; represent crystal planes and directions using standard notation and perform simple calculations; identify the key features of a given material which are responsible for its observed crystal structure; explain X-ray diffraction from a crystal lattice and the information that can be obtained from powder and back reflection patterns.
Crystallography: Lattices, unit cells and cell centring, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, symmetry. Lattice planes and directions, notation and calculation of interplanar spacing and angles.
Crystal Chemistry: Structures of metals, CCP, HCP and BCC, interstitial sites in metal structures. Factors governing ionic structures, coordination numbers and polyhedra, radius ratio rules, polarisation effects, Pauling's rules. Factors governing covalent structures. Examples of structures, AX and AX2 compounds, carbon, Perovskite, SiO2 structures and phase transitions.
Crystallinity in polymers: Evidence for crystallinity, structures of polymers, single crystals, spherulites, factors influencing crystallinity.
X-ray techniques: generation of X-rays, characteristic and continuous radiation. X-ray scattering and absorption. X-ray diffraction, powder patterns, determination of lattice parameters, structure factor and diffraction intensities. Single crystal diffraction, Laue back reflection technique.
MATE0053: Composites/fracture of materials
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MATE0011
Aims & learning objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods.
(b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software.
(b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth.
Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction.
Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps
MATE0054: Composites/fracture of materials (NS)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Requisites: Pre MATE0047
Aims & learning objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods.
(b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software.
(b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth.
Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction.
Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps.
MATE0055: Properties of materials- laboratory unit 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop practical and organisational skills for research. To introduce the principles of report writing and materials properties. On completion, the student should be able to produce structured laboratory reports on engineering properties, microstrucutre, corrosion and fracture behaviour of materials in hand-written or computer format.
Introduction to writing laboratory reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results. Demonstration of workshop practice.
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the following aspects of materials properties:
* Engineering Properties
* Microscopy
* Corrosion
* Fracture
MATE0056: Processing of materials- laboratory unit 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the principles of processing of materials, report writing, analysis of experimental results and develop practical and organisational skills for research.
On completion, the student should be able to interpret experimental results and produce structured laboratory reports on the processing of materials in hand-written or computer format.
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the manufacture and processing of materials namely:
* Metal Shaping & Plastic Flow of Metals
* Ceramic Fabrication
* Interfacial Morphology
* Behaviour of Glass Near Tg
MATE0057: Characterisation of materials- laboratory unit 3
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the principles of characterisation of materials, analysis of results, report writing using computer packages and develop practical and organisational skills for research.
On completion the student should be able to interpret materials characterisation data and produce structured laboratory reports using standard computer packages (e.g. Excel and Word).
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the concepts of characterisation of materials namely:
* Metallography
* Characterisation of Polymers
* Electrical Properties of Materials
* Spectroscopy
MATE0061: Aerospace Materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX 100
This unit is only for students registered on engineering or science degrees.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give engineering students an understanding of the nature of aerospace materials and how this determines their successful application in aerospace structures and machines.
The learning objectives will include:-
*An appreciation of the properties of engineering materials and how they arise.
*An understanding of key areas of manufacturing technology which allow fabrication of the critical engineering component.
*The importance of the correct choice of material and the factors limiting the service life of the component.
*The significance of the manufacturing route in determining the economics and engineering viability of the component.
*Methods for fault detection and life prediction.
Introduction, history and classification of aerospace materials.
Materials for airframes-Aluminium Alloys; manufacturing route, heat treatments, properties, joining techniques. Titanium Alloys. Super-plastic forming. Diffusion bonding. Production, properties and applications
Stainless and Maraging steels. Properties, fabrication and applications.
Alloys and components for aeroengines. Manufacturing processes, properties, applications and failure modes. Steel, Titanium alloys, Honeycombs, High temperature alloys. Polycrystalline, directionally solidified and single crystal blades. Future technology.
Thermal barrier coatings. Principles, processing and performance.
Long Fibre Composites. Critical Fibre length. Aerospace manufacturing processes. Types of fibre and matrix. Composite honeycombs.
Composites and design. Comparison of carbon fibre composites and aluminium alloys. Laminate analysis/ design. Material coupling. Failure criteria (strength and stiffness). Repair Systems.
Metal matrix Composites.
Degradation processes and control.
NDT, its role in quality control and in in-service inspection of aircraft.
Review of types of defect found in aircraft and their hazards.
X-ray inspection, sources, recording, sensitivity, radiation safety. Dye penetrant crack detection. Ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic wave propagation and reflection. Transducers, coupling. A-scan, b-scan, c-scan, shear wave and surface wave inspection techniques.
Electrical methods, eddy current, potential drop, magnetic methods.
Special inspection problems posed by composite materials. "The ageing aircraft programme".
MATH0001: Numbers
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Students must have A-level Mathematics, normally Grade B or better, or equivalent, in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This course is designed to cater for first year students with widely different backgrounds in school and college mathematics. It will treat elementary matters of advanced arithmetic, such as summation formulae for progressions and will deal matters at a certain level of abstraction. This will include the principle of mathematical induction and some of its applications. Complex numbers will be introduced from first principles and developed to a level where special functions of a complex variable can be discussed at an elementary level.
Objectives: Students will become proficient in the use of mathematical induction. Also they will have practice in real and complex arithmetic and be familiar with abstract ideas of primes, rationals, integers etc, and their algebraic properties. Calculations using classical circular and hyperbolic trigonometric functions and the complex roots of unity, and their uses, will also become familiar with practice.
Natural numbers, integers, rationals and reals. Highest common factor. Lowest common multiple. Prime numbers, statement of prime decomposition theorem, Euclid's Algorithm. Proofs by induction. Elementary formulae. Polynomials and their manipulation. Finite and infinite APs, GPs. Binomial polynomials for positive integer powers and binomial expansions for non-integer powers of a+b. Finite sums over multiple indices and changing the order of summation. Algebraic and geometric treatment of complex numbers, Argand diagrams, complex roots of unity. Trigonometric, log, exponential and hyperbolic functions of real and complex arguments. Gaussian integers. Trigonometric identities. Polynomial and transcendental equations.
MATH0002: Functions, differentiation & analytic geometry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Students must have A-level Mathematics, normally Grade B or better, or equivalent, in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach the basic notions of analytic geometry and the analysis of functions of a real variable at a level accessible to students with a good 'A' Level in Mathematics. At the end of the course the students should be ready to receive a first rigorous analysis course on these topics.
Objectives: The students should be able to manipulate inequalities, classify conic sections, analyse and sketch functions defined by formulae, understand and formally manipulate the notions of limit, continuity and differentiability and compute derivatives and Taylor polynomials of functions.
Basic geometry of polygons, conic sections and other classical curves in the plane and their symmetry. Parametric representation of curves and surfaces.
Review of differentiation: product, quotient, function-of-a-function rules and Leibniz rule.
Maxima, minima, points of inflection, radius of curvature. Graphs as geometrical interpretation of functions. Monotone functions. Injectivity, surjectivity, bijectivity.
Curve Sketching.
Inequalities. Arithmetic manipulation and geometric representation of inequalities.
Functions as formulae, natural domain, codomain, etc. Real valued functions and graphs.
Introduction to MAPLE.
Orders of magnitude. Taylor's Series and Taylor polynomials - the error term. Differentiation of Taylor series.
Taylor Series for exp, log, sin etc. Orders of growth.
Orthogonal and tangential curves.
MATH0003: Integration & differential equations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Students must have A-level Mathematics, normally Grade B or better, or equivalent, in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This module is designed to cover standard methods of differentiation and integration, and the methods of solving particular classes of differential equations, to guarantee a solid foundation for the applications of calculus to follow in later courses.
Objective: The objective is to ensure familiarity with methods of differentiation and integration and their applications in problems involving differential equations. In particular, students will learn to recognise the classical functions whose derivatives and integrals must be committed to memory. In independent private study, students should be capable of identifying, and executing the detailed calculations specific to, particular classes of problems by the end of the course.
Review of basic formulae from trigonometry and algebra: polynomials, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, exponentials and logs. Integration by substitution. Integration of rational functions by partial fractions. Integration of parameter dependent functions. Interchange of differentiation and integration for parameter dependent functions. Definite integrals as area and the fundamental theorem of calculus in practice. Particular definite integrals by ad hoc methods. Definite integrals by substitution and by parts. Volumes and surfaces of revolution. Definition of the order of a differential equation. Notion of linear independence of solutions. Statement of theorem on number of linear independent solutions. General Solutions. CF+PI. First order linear differential equations by integrating factors; general solution. Second order linear equations, characteristic equations; real and complex roots, general real solutions. Simple harmonic motion. Variation of constants for inhomogeneous equations. Reduction of order for higher order equations. Separable equations, homogeneous equations, exact equations. First and second order difference equations.
MATH0004: Sets & sequences
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Pre MATH0115 or MATH0001
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the concepts of logic that underlie all mathematical reasoning and the notions of set theory that provide a rigorous foundation for mathematics. A real life example of all this machinery at work will be given in the form of an introduction to the analysis of sequences of real numbers.
Objectives: By the end of this course, the students will be able to: understand and work with a formal definition; determine whether straight-forward definitions of particular mappings etc. are correct; determine whether straight-forward operations are, or are not, commutative; read and understand fairly complicated statements expressing, with the use of quantifiers, convergence properties of sequences.
Logic: Definitions and Axioms. Predicates and relations. The meaning of the logical operators Ù, Ú, ˜, (r), «, ", $. Logical equivalence and logical consequence. Direct and indirect methods of proof. Proof by contradiction. Counter-examples. Analysis of statements using Semantic Tableaux. Definitions of proof and deduction.
Sets and Functions: Sets. Cardinality of finite sets. Countability and uncountability. Maxima and minima of finite sets, max (A) = - min (-A) etc. Unions, intersections, and/or statements and de Morgan's laws. Functions as rules, domain, co-domain, image. Injective (1-1), surjective (onto), bijective (1-1, onto) functions. Permutations as bijections. Functions and de Morgan's laws. Inverse functions and inverse images of sets. Relations and equivalence relations. Arithmetic mod p.
Sequences: Definition and numerous examples. Convergent sequences and their manipulation. Arithmetic of limits.
MATH0005: Matrices & multivariate calculus
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0002
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The course will provide students with an introduction to elementary matrix theory and an introduction to the calculus of functions from IRn (r) IRm and to multivariate integrals.
Objectives: At the end of the course the students will have a sound grasp of elementary matrix theory and multivariate calculus and will be proficient in performing such tasks as addition and multiplication of matrices, finding the determinant and inverse of a matrix, and finding the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of a matrix. The students will be familiar with calculation of partial derivatives, the chain rule and its applications and the definition of differentiability for vector valued functions and will be able to calculate the Jacobian matrix and determinant of such functions. The students will have a knowledge of the integration of real-valued functions from IR² (r) IR and will be proficient in calculating multivariate integrals.
Lines and planes in two and three dimension. Linear dependence and independence. Simultaneous linear equations. Elementary row operations. Gaussian elimination. Gauss-Jordan form. Rank. Matrix transformations. Addition and multiplication. Inverse of a matrix. Determinants. Cramer's Rule. Similarity of matrices. Special matrices in geometry, orthogonal and symmetric matrices. Real and complex eigenvalues, eigenvectors. Relation between algebraic and geometric operators. Geometric effect of matrices and the geometric interpretation of determinants. Areas of triangles, volumes etc. Real valued functions on IR³. Partial derivatives and gradients; geometric interpretation. Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables. Saddle points. Discriminant. Change of coordinates. Chain rule. Vector valued functions and their derivatives. The Jacobian matrix and determinant, geometrical significance. Chain rule. Multivariate integrals. Change of order of integration. Change of variables formula.
MATH0006: Vectors & applications
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0001, Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the theory of three-dimensional vectors, their algebraic and geometrical properties and their use in mathematical modelling. To introduce Newtonian Mechanics by considering a selection of problems involving the dynamics of particles.
Objectives: The student should be familiar with the laws of vector algebra and vector calculus and should be able to use them in the solution of 3D algebraic and geometrical problems. The student should also be able to use vectors to describe and model physical problems involving kinematics. The student should be able to apply Newton's second law of motion to derive governing equations of motion for problems of particle dynamics, and should also be able to analyse or solve such equations.
Vectors: Vector equations of lines and planes. Differentiation of vectors with respect to a scalar variable. Curvature. Cartesian, polar and spherical co-ordinates. Vector identities. Dot and cross product, vector and scalar triple product and determinants from geometric viewpoint. Basic concepts of mass, length and time, particles, force. Basic forces of nature: structure of matter, microscopic and macroscopic forces. Units and dimensions: dimensional analysis and scaling. Kinematics: the description of particle motion in terms of vectors, velocity and acceleration in polar coordinates, angular velocity, relative velocity. Newton's Laws: Kepler's laws, momentum, Newton's laws of motion, Newton's law of gravitation. Newtonian Mechanics of Particles: projectiles in a resisting medium, constrained particle motion; solution of the governing differential equations for a variety of problems. Central Forces: motion under a central force.
MATH0007: Analysis: Real numbers, real sequences & series
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0006, Pre MATH0004, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To reinforce and extend the ideas and methodology (begun in the first year unit MATH0004) of the analysis of the elementary theory of sequences and series of real numbers and to extend these ideas to sequences of functions.
Objectives: By the end of the module, students should be able to read and understand statements expressing, with the use of quantifiers, convergence properties of sequences and series. They should also be capable of investigating particular examples to which the theorems can be applied and of understanding, and constructing for themselves, rigorous proofs within this context.
Suprema and Infima, Maxima and Minima. The Completeness Axiom.
Sequences. Limits of sequences in epsilon-N notation. Bounded sequences and monotone sequences. Cauchy sequences. Algebra-of-limits theorems.
Subsequences. Limit Superior and Limit Inferior. Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem.
Sequences of partial sums of series. Convergence of series. Conditional and absolute convergence. Tests for convergence of series; ratio, comparison, alternating and nth root tests.
Power series and radius of convergence.
Functions, Limits and Continuity. Continuity in terms of convergence of sequences. Algebra of limits. Convergence of sequences of functions, point-wise and uniform. Interchanging limits.
MATH0008: Algebra 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0006, Pre MATH0004, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach the definitions and basic theory of abstract linear algebra and, through exercises, to show its applicability.
Objectives: Students should know, by heart, the main results in linear algebra and should be capable of independent detailed calculations with matrices which are involved in applications. Students should know how to execute the Gram-Schmidt process.
Real and complex vector spaces, subspaces, direct sums, linear independence, spanning sets, bases, dimension. The technical lemmas concerning linearly independent sequences.
Dimension. Complementary subspaces. Projections.
Linear transformations. Rank and nullity. The Dimension Theorem.
Matrix representation, transition matrices, similar matrices. Examples.
Inner products, induced norm, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, triangle inequality, parallelogram law, orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt process.
MATH0009: Ordinary differential equations & control
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0001, Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This course will provide standard results and techniques for solving systems of linear autonomous differential equations. Based on this material an accessible introduction to the ideas of mathematical control theory is given. The emphasis here will be on stability and stabilization by feedback. Foundations will be laid for more advanced studies in nonlinear differential equations and control theory. Phase plane techniques will be introduced.
Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be conversant with the basic ideas in the theory of linear autonomous differential equations and, in particular, will be able to employ Laplace transform and matrix methods for their solution. Moreover, they will be familiar with a number of elementary concepts from control theory (such as stability, stabilization by feedback, controllability) and will be able to solve simple control problems. The student will be able to carry out simple phase plane analysis.
Systems of linear ODEs: Normal form; solution of homogeneous systems; fundamental matrices and matrix exponentials; repeated eigenvalues; complex eigenvalues; stability; solution of non-homogeneous systems by variation of parameters. Laplace transforms: Definition; statement of conditions for existence; properties including transforms of the first and higher derivatives, damping, delay; inversion by partial fractions; solution of ODEs; convolution theorem; solution of integral equations. Linear control systems: Systems: state-space; impulse response and delta functions; transfer function; frequency-response. Stability: exponential stability; input-output stability; Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Feedback: state and output feedback; servomechanisms. Introduction to controllability and observability: definitions, rank conditions (without full proof) and examples. Nonlinear ODEs: Phase plane techniques, stability of equilibria.
MATH0010: Vector calculus & partial differential equations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005, Pre MATH0006
Co MATH0009
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The first part of the course provides an introduction to vector calculus, an essential toolkit in most branches of applied mathematics. The second part introduces methods for the solution of linear partial differential equations.
Objectives: At the end of this course students will be familiar with the fundamental results of vector calculus (Gauss' theorem, Stokes' theorem) and will be able to carry out line, surface and volume integrals in general curvilinear coordinates. They should be able to solve Laplace's equation, the wave equation and the diffusion equation in simple domains, using the techniques of separation of variables, Laplace transforms and, in the case of the wave equation, D'Alembert's solution.
Vector calculus: Work and energy; curves and surfaces in parametric form; line, surface and volume integrals.
Grad, div and curl; divergence and Stokes' theorems; curvilinear coordinates; scalar potential.
Fourier series: Formal introduction to Fourier series, statement of Fourier convergence theorem; Fourier cosine and sine series.
Partial differential equations: classification of linear second order PDEs; Laplace's equation in 2-D, including solution by separation of variables in rectangular and circular domains; wave equation in one space dimension, including D'Alembert's solution; the diffusion equation in one space dimension, including solution by Laplace transform.
MATH0011: Analysis: Real-valued functions of a real variable
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give a thorough grounding, through rigorous theory and exercises, in the method and theory of modern calculus. To define the definite integral of certain bounded functions, and to explain why some functions do not have integrals.
Objectives: Students should be able to quote, verbatim, and prove, without recourse to notes, the main theorems in the syllabus. They should also be capable, on their own initiative, of applying the analytical methodology to problems in other disciplines, as they arise. They should have a thorough understanding of the abstract notion of an integral, and a facility in the manipulation of integrals.
Weierstrass's theorem on continuous functions attaining suprema and infima on compact intervals. Intermediate Value Theorem.
Functions and Derivatives. Algebra of derivatives. Leibniz Rule and compositions. Derivatives of inverse functions. Rolle's Theorem and Mean Value Theorem. Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem. L'Hôpital's Rule. Monotonic functions. Maxima/Minima.
Uniform Convergence. Cauchy's Criterion for Uniform Convergence. Weierstrass M-test for series. Power series. Differentiation of power series.
Reimann integration up to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the integral of a Riemann-integrable derivative of a function. Integration of power series. Interchanging integrals and limits. Improper integrals.
MATH0012: Algebra 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: In linear algebra the aim is to take the abstract theory to a new level, different from the elementary treatment in MATH0008. Groups will be introduced and the most basic consequences of the axioms derived.
Objectives: Students should be capable of finding eigenvalues and minimum polynomials of matrices and of deciding the correct Jordan Normal Form. Students should know how to diagonalise matrices, while supplying supporting theoretical justification of the method. In group theory they should be able to write down the group axioms and the main theorems which are consequences of the axioms.
Linear Algebra: Properties of determinants. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Geometric and algebraic multiplicity. Diagonalisability. Characteristic polynomials. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem. Minimum polynomial and primary decomposition theorem. Statement of and motivation for the Jordan Canonical Form. Examples.
Orthogonal and unitary transformations. Symmetric and Hermitian linear transformations and their diagonalisability. Quadratic forms. Norm of a linear transformation. Examples.
Group Theory: Group axioms and examples. Deductions from the axioms (e.g. uniqueness of identity, cancellation). Subgroups. Cyclic groups and their properties. Homomorphisms, isomorphisms, automorphisms. Cosets and Lagrange's Theorem. Normal subgroups and Quotient groups. Fundamental Homomorphism Theorem.
MATH0013: Mathematical modelling & fluids
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0010
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To study, by example, how mathematical models are hypothesised, modified and elaborated. To study a classic example of mathematical modelling, that of fluid mechanics.
Objectives: At the end of the course the student should be able to· construct an initial mathematical model for a real world process and assess this model critically· suggest alterations or elaborations of proposed model in light of discrepancies between model predictions and observed data or failures of the model to exhibit correct qualitative behaviour. The student will also be familiar with the equations of motion of an ideal inviscid fluid (Eulers equations, Bernoullis equation) and how to solve these in certain idealised flow situations.
Modelling and the scientific method: Objectives of mathematical modelling; the iterative nature of modelling; falsifiability and predictive accuracy; Occam's razor, paradigms and model components; self-consistency and structural stability. The three stages of modelling: (1) Model formulation, including the use of empirical information, (2) model fitting, and (3) model validation. Possible case studies and projects include: The dynamics of measles epidemics; population growth in the USA; prey-predator and competition models; modelling water pollution; assessment of heat loss prevention by double glazing; forest management. Fluids: Lagrangian and Eulerian specifications, material time derivative, acceleration, angular velocity. Mass conservation, incompressible flow, simple examples of potential flow.
MATH0014: Numerical analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach elementary MATLAB programming. To teach those aspects of Numerical Analysis which are most relevant to a general mathematical training, and to lay the foundations for the more advanced courses in later years.
Objectives: Students should have some facility with MATLAB programming. They should know simple methods for the approximation of functions and integrals, solution of initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations and the solution of linear systems. They should also know basic methods for the analysis of the errors made by these methods, and be aware of some of the relevant practical issues involved in their implementation.
MATLAB Programming: handling matrices; M-files; graphics.
Concepts of Convergence and Accuracy: Order of convergence, extrapolation and error estimation.
Approximation of Functions: Polynomial Interpolation, error term.
Quadrature and Numerical Differentiation: Newton-Cotes formulae. Gauss quadrature and numerical differentiation by method of undetermined coefficients. Composite formulae. Error terms.
Numerical Solution of ODEs: Euler, Backward Euler, Trapezoidal and explicit Runge-Kutta methods. Stability. Consistency and convergence for one step methods. Error estimation and control. Shooting technique.
Linear Algebraic Equations: Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition, pivoting, Matrix norms, conditioning, backward error analysis, iterative refinement. Direct methods for 2 point Boundary Value Problems.
MATH0015: Programming
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce functional programming while drawing out the similarities with abstract mathematics. To show that the mathematical thought process is a natural one for programming. To provide a gentle introduction to practical functional programming.
Objectives: Students should be able to write simple functions, to understand the nature of types and to use data types appropriately. They should also appreciate the value and use of recursion.
Expressions, choice, scope and extent, functions, recursion, recursive datatypes, higher-order objects.
MATH0016: Information management 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Ex MATH0126
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the use of a workstation, to word-processing, spreadsheets and relational data bases, and to the basic ideas of computing, and to the range of applications and misapplications of computers in science. To give students some experience of working in small groups.
Objectives: Students should have a practical ability to use contemporary information management facilities. They should be able to write a good report, and they should have the confidence and the language to enable criticism of the use of computers in science.
Introduction: hardware, software, networking. Use of the workstation. Social issues. The relationship between computing and science. Computers as calculators, as simulating engines, and as new realities. Mathematical and computational models. The difficulty of validating or criticising computational models. Example of fluid flow, and the numerical wind tunnel. Experiment and decision making using computational models. Artificial intelligence, expert systems, neural nets, artificial evolution. The use and abuse of computers in science. Word processing, HTML, Scientific journalism and scientific reports. The goals of succinctness and clarity. Spreadsheets, organizing, exploring and presenting numerical data. Introduction to Statistics. Mean, standard deviation, histograms, the idea of probability density functions.
MATH0017: Principles of computer operation & architecture
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the structure, basic design, operation and programming of conventional, von Neumann computers at the machine level. Alternative approaches to machine design will also be examined so that some recent machine architectures can be introduced. In particular the course will develop to explore the relationships between what actually happens at the machine level and important ideas about, for example, aspects of high-level programming and data structures, that students encounter on parallel courses.
Objectives: Familiarity with the von Neumann model, the nature and function of each of the main components and general principles of operation of the machines, including input and output transfers and basic numeric manipulations.
Understanding of the characteristics of logic elements; the ability to manipulate/simplify Boolean functions; practical experience of simple combinatorial and sequential systems of logic gates; and a perception of the links between logic systems and elements of computer processors and store.
Understanding of the role and function of an assembler and practical experience of reading and making simple changes to small, low-level programmes. Understanding of the test running and debugging of programmes.
Basic principles of computer operation: Brief historical introduction to computing machines. Binary basis of computer operation and binary numeration systems. Von Neumann computers and the structure, nature and relationship of their major elements. Principles of operation of digital computers; use of registers and the instruction cycle; simple addressing concepts; programming. Integers and floating point numbers. Input and output; basic principles and mechanisms of data transfer; programmed and data channel transfers; device status; interrupt programming; buffering; devices.
Introduction to digital logic and low-level programming: Boolean algebra and behaviour of combinatorial and sequential logic circuits (supported by practical work). Logic circuits as building blocks for computer hardware.
The nature and general characteristics of assemblers; a gentle introduction to simple assembler programmes to illustrate the major features and structures of low-level programmes. Running assembler programmes (supported by practical work).
MATH0019: Foundations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0004, Pre MATH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give the student an appreciation of the foundations of programming by considering functions as units of computation l-calculus and combinatory logic. To raise the issue of correctness and to develop a critical attitude toward computing in general and logic programming in particular. To illustrate how the various mathematical principles discussed in this Unit are translated in practical programming languages.
Objectives: Students should be able to perform reductions in two reduction systems, and to prove elementary theorms in and about these calculi. To understand enough logic so that correct logic programming is possible. To be able to apply the theories of mathematical logic to the development of programming languages, to contrast pure rewriting with environment based interpretation operating over different domains (eg. values and types). To be able to read, understand and write programs in EuLisp.
String rewriting systems, Church-Rosser ideas, Zermelo Fraenkel set theory, types and sets, operations on types, examples in C and ML, functions as graphs, and functions as rules or processes; pure lambda calculus, reduction, Church Rosser again, ordered pairs, numerals in lambda calculus, Lisp; Scott domain theory; Logic, Logical validity, logical consequence, Conjunctive normal form, clausal form, semantic tableau methods, Prolog, resolution and unification.
MATH0020: Computability & decidability
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0004, Pre MATH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To extend previous coverage of finite-state machines and Turing machines. To explore the limitations of Turing computability.
Objectives: Students should appreciate the limitations of finite-state machines, and the availability of different possible standard formalisations of Turing machines. Students should understand what can and cannot be computed using Turing machines, and the rudiments of computational complexity theory.
Finite-State Machines: Revision of the basic properties of finite-state machines. Nondeterministic finite-state machines. What can and cannot be computed using finite-state machines. Turing Machines: Revision of Turing Machines. Connecting standard Turing Machines together. Introduction to Church's Thesis. Church's Thesis: Church's Thesis and the equivalence of different models of Turing machine. Church's Thesis (cont): Church's thesis and the equivalence of different models of computation - recursive functions, primitive and general recursion.Universal Turing Machines: Universal Turing Machines and limitations of Turing computability. Undecidability, the Halting Problem, reduction of one unsolvable problem to another. Computational Complexity: Philosophy of computational complexity, upper and lower time-bounded computations, complexity classes P and NP, NP-completeness.
MATH0022: Formal program development
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To convey to students the idea that programming can be presented as a systematic process of calculation with mathematically secure foundations.
Objectives: Students should be able to develop modest programs systematically with a complete understanding of the mathematical foundations of the method advocated, and should understand the relationship between formal and informal methods for practical use.
Programs, specifications, code, refinement. Types, invariants and feasibility. Assignment and sequencing. Control structures: alternatives and iteration. Introduction to data refinement. Dijkstra's weakest precondition and language semantics in terms of it. Basic Theorems for the Alternative and Iterative Constructs and their relevance to program development. Use of the weakest precondition as a basis for the refinement calculus. Proving refinement laws from first principles; deriving one refinement law from another.
MATH0023: C Programming
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0015, Pre MATH0126
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To ensure students appreciate the concept of an algorithm as an effective procedure. To introduce criteria by which algorithms may be chosen, and to demonstrate non-obvious algorithms. To provide practical skills at reading and writing programs in ISO Standard C.
Objectives: Students should be able to determine the time and space complexity of short algorithms, and know 3 sorting algorithms and 2 searching algorithms. Students should be able to design, construct and test short programs in C, using standard libraries as appropriate. They should be able to read and comprehend the behaviour of programs written by others.
Algorithms: Introduction: Definition of an algorithm and characteristics of them. Basic Complexity: The efficiency of different algorithmic solutions. Best, average and worst case complexity in time and space. Fundamental Algorithms: Sorting. Searching. Space-time trade-offs. Graphs. Dijkstra's shortest path.
C Programming: Introduction: C as a simplified programming language; ISO Standards.
Basic Concepts: Functions, variables, weak typing. Statements and expressions.
Data Structuring: Enumeration, struct and arrays. Pointers and construction of complex structures. The preprocessor: #include, #if and #define Programming: Input-output. Use of standard libraries. Multiple file programs. User interfaces. Professionalism: Coding standards, defensive programming, documentation, testing. Ethics.
MATH0024: Information management 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OT25
Pre MATH0016 or MATH0126
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the use of a workstation, to wordprocessing, spreadsheets and relational databases, and to the basic ideas of computing, and to the range of applications and misapplications of computers in science. To give students some experience of working in small groups.
Objectives: Students should have a practical ability to use contemporary information management facilities. They should be able to write a good report, and they should have the confidence and the language to enable criticism of the use of computers in science.
Normal and Poisson distributions. A simple introduction to confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Elementary tools for dealing with non-normal data. An introduction to correlation. Computational experiments. Databases. Notations of set theory. Data types and structures. Hierarchical, network, and relational databases. Some natural operations on relations: union, projection, selection, Cartesian product, set difference. Design of relational databases. Access as an example of a database system. The integrated use of word processing, spreadsheets and relational databases.
MATH0025: Machine architectures, assemblers & low-level programming
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0017
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the structure, basic design, operation and programming of conventional, von Neumann computers at the machine level. Alternative approaches to machine design will also be examined so that some recent machine architectures can be introduced. In particular the course will develop to explore the relationships between what actually happens at the machine level and important ideas about, for example, aspects of high-level programming and data structures, that students encounter on parallel courses.
Objectives: Development of a critical awareness that what happens at machine level is strongly related to the forms and conventions developed at higher levels of programming. Reinforcement of structured programming by practical development of low-level programming skills that can be related to high-level practice.
Awareness of the potential advantages and disadvantages of different architectures; appreciation of the importance of the synergistic relationship between hardware and system software, e.g. in operating systems. A launch point for more advanced architecture studies.
Low-level programming and structures: A more detailed examination of machine architecture and facilities, exemplified by the 68000 series. Further exploration of different modes of operand addressing; the implementation of program control mechanisms; and subroutines. The relationship between the low-level and aspects of high-level, structured programming such as decisions, loops and modules; nested and recursive routines and conventions for parameter transmission at high and low levels will be examined (supported by practical programming work which may continue throughout the semester).
Aspects of modern computer architectures: Non von Neumann architectures and modern approaches to machine design, including , for example, RISC (vs. CISC) architectures. Topics in contemporary machine design, such as pipelining; parallel processing and multiprocessors. The interaction between hardware and software.
MATH0026: Projects & their management
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To gain experience of working with other people and, on a small-scale, some of the problems that arise in the commercial development of software. To appreciate the personal, corporate and public interest ethical problems arising from all aspects of computer systems. To distinguish between scientific and pseudo-scientific modes of presentation, and to encourage competence in the scientific mode.
Objectives: To carry out the full cycle of the first phase of development of a software package, namely; requirements analysis, design, implementation, documentation and delivery. To know the main terms of the Data Protection Act and be able to explain its application in a variety of contexts. To be able to design a presentation for a given audience. To be able to assess a presentation critically.
Project Management: Software engineering techniques, Controlling software development, Project planning/ Management, Documentation, Design, Quality Assurance, Testing.
Professional Issues: Ethical and legal matters in the context of information technology. Personal responsibilities: to employer, society, self. Professional responsibilities: codes of professional practice, Chartered Engineers. Legal responsibilities: Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act, Consumer Protection Act. Intellectual property rights. Whistle-blowing. Libel and slander. Confidentiality. Contracts.
Presentation Skills: How to construct a good explanation. How to construct a good presentation. Sales and manipulative techniques, theatre, and scientific clarity. Active listening and reading. Some items in the charlatan's toolkit: jargon, pseudo-mathematics, ambiguity.
MATH0027: Object-oriented mechanisms
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0019
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a grounding in the principles behind object oriented languages and how they are realised, in order to enable the student both to use any object oriented language and to use any language in an object oriented way.
Objectives: To be able to classify a given object oriented language into the categories identified above, to describe the differences between those categories and to know the principles involved in implementing a language belonging to any one of those categories. Given a problem description, to be able to design suitable class hierarchies. To be able to read, understand and write programs in C++ and EuLisp.
Introduction: definition of inheritance and identification of the subclasses of the family of OO languages. Simple (single) inheritance. Extending arithmetic: Complex number arithmetic in C++ (overloading, message-passing) and EuLisp (generics). Sequence and iterators: For classical data structures (list, vector) in C++ and EuLisp. Polymorphism. Integration of user-defined sequence classes. Modelling OO mechanisms: Modelling message passing and class hierarchies. A method determination algorithm for generic functions. Advanced topics: Multiple inheritance and the superclass linearization problem. Meta-object protocols
MATH0028: Algorithms
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0020
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present a detailed account of some fundamentally important and widely used algorithms. To induce an appreciation of the design and implementation of a selection of algorithms.
Objectives: To lean the general principles of effective algorithms design and analysis on some famous examples, which are used as fundamental subroutines in major computational procedures. To be able to apply these principles in the development of algorithms and make an informed choice between basic subroutines and data structures.
Algorithms and complexity. Main principles of effective algorithms design: recursion, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming. Sorting and order statistics. Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication and solving systems of linear equations. Arithmetic operations over integers and polynomials (including Karatsuba's algorithm), Fast Fourier Transform method. Greedy algorithms. Basic graph algorithms: minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, network flows. Number-theoretic algorithms: integer factorization, primality testing, the RSA public key cryptosystem.
MATH0029: Compilers
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0023, Pre MATH0020, Pre MATH0129
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: to give an introduction to the processes involved in compilation and the use of C-based compiler generation tools and compiler support.
Objectives: to know the phases of the compilation process and how to implement them. To be able to choose between different techniques and different representations, depending on the problem to be solved.
Formal grammars, lexical analysis using lex, parsing by recursive descent and by yacc, error handling in the parsing process, intermediate code representations, type checking, simple code generation. The interface to the operating system. Design of run-time systems and issues in storage management, including garbage collection.
MATH0030: History of computing and its industry 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 ES20 OT5
Requisites: Pre MATH0131
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The aims remain the same as those in MATH0131 with the additional aim of giving students experience of a formal presentation of their work.
Objectives: Explain the evolution of the computing industry; extrapolate current trends in the industry, while realising the weakness of extrapolation. Students should be able to demonstrate reasoned arguments for and against the use of computer technology. They should be able to compare machine and human intelligence. They should understand the dangers of compulsive use of computers; and the hazards that a computer solution may introduce.
The growth of on-line access. The rise of the mini-computer: workstations and Unix; growth of networking. "Professionalism". The PC Market; Intel and Microsoft. Where we are now. What computers do; what programmers do. Machines: engineering a computer system. Humans: language, understanding and reason. Human and machine problem solving: Eliza-like systems, artificial intelligence. Programming as a compulsion.
MATH0031: Statistics & probability 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Students must have A-level Mathematics, Grade B or better in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce some basic concepts in probability and statistics.
Objectives: Ability to perform an exploratory analysis of a data set, apply the axioms and laws of probability, and compute quantities relating to discrete probability distributions
Descriptive statistics: Histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, box plots. Measures of location and dispersion. Scatter plots.
Probability: Sample space, events as sets, unions and intersections. Axioms and laws of probability. Probability defined through symmetry, relative frequency and degree of belief. Conditional probability, independence. Bayes' Theorem. Combinations and permutations.
Discrete random variables: Bernoulli and Binomial distributions. Mean and variance of a discrete random variable. Poisson distribution, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution, introduction to the Poisson process. Geometric distribution. Hypergeometric distribution. Negative binomial distribution. Bivariate discrete distributions including marginal and conditional distributions.
Expectation and variance of discrete random variables. General properties including expectation of a sum, variance of a sum of independent variables. Covariance. Probability generating function.
Introduction to the random walk.
MATH0032: Statistics & probability 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0031
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce further concepts in probability and statistics.
Objectives: Ability to compute quantities relating to continuous probability distributions, fit certain types of statistical model to data, and be able to use the MINITAB package.
Continuous random variables: Density functions and cumulative distribution functions. Mean and variance of a continuous random variable. Uniform, exponential and normal distributions. Normal approximation to binomial and continuity correction. Fact that the sum of independent normals is normal. Distribution of a monotone transformation of a random variable.
Fitting statistical models: Sampling distributions, particularly of sample mean. Standard error. Point and interval estimates. Properties of point estimators including bias and variance. Confidence intervals: for the mean of a normal distribution, for a proportion. Opinion polls. The t-distribution; confidence intervals for a normal mean with unknown variance.
Regression and correlation: Scatter plot. Fitting a straight line by least squares. The linear regression model. Correlation.
MATH0033: Statistical inference 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0032
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Introduce classical estimation and hypothesis-testing principles.
Objectives: Ability to perform standard estimation procedures and tests on normal data. Ability to carry out goodness-of-fit tests, analyse contingency tables, and carry out non-parametric tests.
Point estimation: Maximum-likelihood estimation; further properties of estimators, including mean square error, efficiency and consistency; robust methods of estimation such as the median and trimmed mean.
Interval estimation: Revision of confidence intervals.
Hypothesis testing: Size and power of tests; one-sided and two-sided tests. Examples. Neyman-Pearson lemma.
Distributions related to the normal: t, chi-square and F distributions.
Inference for normal data: Tests and confidence intervals for normal means and variances, one-sample problems, paired and unpaired two-sample problems. Contingency tables and goodness-of-fit tests.
Non-parametric methods: Sign test, signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U-test.
MATH0034: Probability & random processes
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0032
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Knowledge and understanding of the statements of the three classical limit theorems of probability. Familiarity with the main results of discrete-time branching processes. Knowledge of the main properties of random walks on the integers. Knowledge of the various equivalent characterisations of the Poisson process.
Objectives: Ability to perform computations concerning branching processes, random walks, and Poisson processes. Ability to use generating function techniques for effective calculations.
Revision of properties of expectation. Chebyshev's inequality. The Weak Law. Martingales. Statement of the Strong Law of Large Numbers. Random variables on the positive integers. Branching processes. Random walks expected first passage times.
Poisson processes: inter-arrival times, the gamma distribution.
Moment generating functions. Outline of the Central Limit Theorem.
MATH0035: Statistical inference 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Introduce the principles of building and analysing linear models.
Objectives: Ability to carry out analyses using linear Gaussian models, including regression and ANOVA. Understand the principles of statistical modelling.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): One-way classification model, F-test, comparison of group means. Regression: Estimation of model parameters, tests and confidence intervals, prediction intervals, polynomial and multiple regression. Two-way ANOVA: Two-way classification model. Main effects and interaction, parameter estimation, F- and t-tests. Discussion of experimental design.
Principles of modelling: Role of the statistical model. Critical appraisal of model selection methods. Use of residuals to check model assumptions: probability plots, identification and treatment of outliers.
Multivariate distributions: Joint, marginal and conditional distributions; expectation and variance-covariance matrix of a random vector; statement of properties of the bivariate and multivariate normal distribution. The general linear model: Vector and matrix notation, examples of the design matrix for regression and ANOVA, least squares estimation, internally and externally Studentized residuals.
MATH0036: Stochastic processes
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0034, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present a formal description of Markov chains and Markov processes, their qualitative properties and ergodic theory. To apply results in modelling real life phenomena, such as biological processes, queueing systems, renewal problems and machine repair problems.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to
* classify the states of a Markov chain, find hitting probabilities and ergodic distributions
* calculate waiting time distributions, transition probabilities and limiting behaviour of various Markov processes
Markov chains with discrete states in discrete time: Examples, including random walks. The Markov 'memorylessness' property, P-matrices, n-step transition probabilities, hitting probabilities, classification of states, symmetrizabilty, invariant distributions and ergodic theorems.
Markov processes with discrete states in continuous time: Examples, including the Poisson process, birth and death processes, branching processes and various types of Markovian queues. Q-matrices, resolvents waiting time distributions, equilibrium distributions and ergodicity.
MATH0037: Galois theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims This course develops the basic theory of rings and fields and expounds the fundamental theory of Galois on solvability of polynomials.
Objectives At the end of the course, students will be conversant with the algebraic structures associated to rings and fields. Moreover, they will be able to state and prove the main theorems of Galois Theory as well as compute the Galois group of simple polynomials.
Rings, integral domains and fields.
Field of quotients of an integral domain. Ideals and quotient rings. Rings of polynomials. Division algorithm and unique factorisation of polynomials over a field.
Extension fields. Algebraic closure. Splitting fields. Normal field extensions. Galois groups. The Galois correspondence.
MATH0038: Advanced group theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims This course provides a solid introduction to modern group theory covering both the basic tools of the subject and more recent developments.
Objectives At the end of the course, students should be able to state and prove the main theorems of classical group theory and know how to apply these. In addition, they will have some appreciation of the relations between group theory and other areas of mathematics.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Review of elementary group theory: homomorphisms, isomorphisms and Lagrange's theorem. Normalisers, centralisers and conjugacy classes. Group actions. p-groups and the Sylow theorems. Cayley graphs and geometric group theory. Free groups. Presentations of groups. Von Dyck's theorem. Tietze transformations.
MATH0039: Differential geometry of curves & surfaces
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims This will be a self-contained course which uses little more than elementary vector calculus to develop the local differential geometry of curves and surfaces in IR³. In this way, an accessible introduction is given to an area of mathematics which has been the subject of active research for over 200 years.
Objectives At the end of the course, the students will be able to apply the methods of calculus with confidence to geometrical problems. They will be able to compute the curvatures of curves and surfaces and understand the geometric significance of these quantities.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Tangent spaces and tangent maps. Curvature and torsion of curves: Frenet-Serret formulae. The Euclidean group and congruences. Curvature and torsion determine a curve up to congruence.
Global geometry of curves: isoperimetric inequality; four-vertex theorem.
Local geometry of surfaces: parametrisations of surfaces; normals, shape operator, mean and Gauss curvature. Geodesics, integration and the local Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
MATH0040: Algebraic topology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0055
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims The course will provide a solid introduction to one of the Big Machines of modern mathematics which is also a major topic of current research. In particular, this course provides the necessary prerequisites for post-graduate study of Algebraic Topology.
Objectives At the end of the course, the students will be conversant with the basic ideas of homotopy theory and, in particular, will be able to compute the fundamental group of several topological spaces.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Paths, homotopy and the fundamental group. Homotopy of maps; homotopy equivalence and deformation retracts. Computation of the fundamental group and applications: Fundamental Theorem of Algebra; Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem.
Covering spaces. Path-lifting and homotopy lifting properties. Deck translations and the fundamental group. Universal covers.
Loop spaces and their topology. Inductive definition of higher homotopy groups. Long exact sequence in homotopy for fibrations.
MATH0041: Metric spaces
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0011
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims This core course is intended to be an elementary and accessible introduction to the theory of metric spaces and the topology of IRn for students with both "pure" and "applied" interests.
Objectives While the foundations will be laid for further studies in Analysis and Topology, topics useful in applied areas such as the Contraction Mapping Principle will also be covered. Students will know the fundamental results listed in the syllabus and have an instinct for their utility in analysis and numerical analysis.
Definition and examples of metric spaces. Convergence of sequences. Continuous maps and isometries. Sequential definition of continuity. Subspaces and product spaces. Complete metric spaces and the Contraction Mapping Principle. Sequential compactness, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and applications. Open and closed sets (with emphasis on IRn). Closure and interior of sets. Topological approach to continuity and compactness (with statement of Heine-Borel theorem). Connectedness and path-connectedness. Metric spaces of functions: C[0,1] is a complete metric space.
MATH0042: Measure theory & integration
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims The purpose of this course is to lay the basic technical foundations and establish the main principles which underpin the classical notions of area, volume and the related idea of an integral.
Objectives The objective is to familiarise students with measure as a tool in analysis, functional analysis and probability theory. Students will be able to quote and apply the main inequalities in the subject, and to understand their significance in a wide range of contexts. Students will obtain a full understanding of the Lebesgue Integral.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Measurability for sets: algebras, s-algebras, p-systems, d-systems; Dynkin's Lemma; Borel s-algebras. Measure in the abstract: additive and s-additive set functions; monotone-convergence properties; Uniqueness Lemma; statement of Caratheodory's Theorem and discussion of the l-set concept used in its proof; full proof on handout. Lebesgue measure on IRn: existence; inner and outer regularity. Measurable functions. Sums, products, composition, lim sups, etc; The Monotone-Class Theorem. Probability. Sample space, events, random variables. Independence; rigorous statement of the Strong Law for coin tossing. Integration. Integral of a non-negative functions as sup of the integrals of simple non-negative functions dominated by it. Monotone-Convergence Theorem; 'Additivity'; Fatou's Lemma; integral of 'signed' function; definition of Lp and of Lp; linearity; Dominated-Convergence Theorem - with mention that it is not the `right' result. Product measures: definition; uniqueness; existence; Fubini's Theorem. Absolutely continuous measures: the idea; effect on integrals. Statement of the Radon-Nikodým Theorem. Inequalities: Jensen, Hölder, Minkowski. Completeness of Lp.
MATH0043: Real & abstract analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce and study abstract spaces and general ideas in analysis, to apply them to examples, to lay the foundations for the Year 4 unit in Functional analysis and to motivate the Lebesgue integral.
Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to state and prove the principal theorems relating to uniform continuity and uniform convergence for real functions on metric spaces, compactness in spaces of continuous functions, and elementary Hilbert space theory, and to apply these notions and the theorems to simple examples.
Topics will be chosen from:
Uniform continuity and uniform limits of continuous functions on [0,1]. Abstract Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. Uniform approximation of continuous functions. Polynomial and trigonometric polynomial approximation, separability of C[0,1]. Total Boundedness. Diagonalisation. Ascoli-Arzelà Theorem. Complete metric spaces. Baire Category Theorem. Nowhere differentiable function. Picard's theorem for c = f(c). Metric completion M of a metric space M. Real inner-product spaces. Hilbert spaces. Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, parallelogram identity. Examples: l², L²[0,1] := C[0,1]. Separability of L² . Orthogonality, Gram-Schmidt process. Bessel's inquality, Pythagoras' Theorem. Projections and subspaces. Orthogonal complements. Riesz Representation Theorem. Complete orthonormal sets in separable Hilbert spaces. Completeness of trigonometric polynomials in L² [0,1]. Fourier Series.
MATH0044: Mathematical methods 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To furnish the student with a range of analytic techniques for the solution of ODEs and PDEs.
Objectives: Students should be able to obtain the solution of certain ODEs and PDEs. They should also be aware of certain analytic properties associated with the solution e.g. uniqueness.
Sturm-Liouville theory: Reality of eigenvalues. Orthogonality of eigenfunctions. Expansion in eigenfunctions. Approximation in mean square. Statement of completeness.
Fourier Transform: As a limit of Fourier series. Properties and applications to solution of differential equations. Frequency response of linear systems. Characteristic functions.
Linear and quasi-linear first-order PDEs in two and three independent variables: Characteristics. Integral surfaces. Uniqueness (without proof).
Linear and quasi-linear second-order PDEs in two independent variables: Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem (without proof). Characteristic data. Lack of continuous dependence on initial data for Cauchy problem. Classification as elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic. Different standard forms. Constant and nonconstant coefficients.
One-dimensional wave equation: d'Alembert's solution. Uniqueness theorem for corresponding Cauchy problem (with data on a spacelike curve).
MATH0045: Dynamical systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0041, Pre MATH0062
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: A treatment of the qualitative/geometric theory of dynamical systems to a level that will make accessible an area of mathematics (and allied disciplines) that is highly active and rapidly expanding.
Objectives: Conversance with concepts, results and techniques fundamental to the study of qualitative behaviour of dynamical systems. An ability to investigate stability of equilibria and periodic orbits. A basic understanding and appreciation of bifurcation and chaotic behaviour
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Stability of equilibria. Lyapunov functions. Invariance principle. Periodic orbits. Poincaré maps. Hyperbolic equilibria and orbits. Stable and unstable manifolds. Nonhyperbolic equilibria and orbits. Centre manifolds. Bifurcation from a simple eigenvalue. Introductory treatment of chaotic behaviour. Horseshoe maps. Symbolic dynamics.
MATH0046: Linear control theory
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The course is intended to provide an elementary and assessible introduction to the state-space theory of linear control systems. Main emphasis is on continuous-time autonomous systems, although discrete-time systems will receive some attention through sampling of continuous-time systems. Contact with classical (Laplace-transform based) control theory is made in the context of realization theory.
Objectives: To instill basic concepts and results from control theory in a rigorous manner making use of elementary linear algebra and linear ordinary differential equations. Conversance with controllability, observability, stabilizabilty and realization theory in a linear, finite-dimensional context.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Controlled and observed dynamical systems: definitions and classifications. Controllability and observability: Gramians, rank conditions, Hautus criteria, controllable and unobservable subspaces. Input-output maps. Transfer functions and state-space realizations. State feedback: stabilizability and pole placement. Observers and output feedback: detectability, asymptotic state estimation, stabilization by dynamic feedback. Discrete-time systems: z-transform, deadbeat control and observation. Sampling of continuous-time systems: controllability and observability under sampling.
MATH0047: Mathematical biology 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0013
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The purpose of this course is to introduce students to problems which arise in biology which can be tackled using applied mathematics. Emphasis will be laid upon deriving the equations describing the biological problem and at all times the interplay between the mathematics and the underlying biology will be brought to the fore.
Objectives: Students should be able to derive a mathematical model of a given problem in biology using ODEs and give a qualitative account of the type of solution expected. They should be able to interpret the results in terms of the original biological problem.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Difference equations: Steady states and fixed points. Stability. Period doubling bifurcations. Chaos. Application to population growth.
Systems of difference equations: Host-parasitoid systems.
Systems of ODEs: Stability of solutions. Critical points. Phase plane analysis. Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. Bendixson and Dulac negative criteria. Conservative systems. Structural stability and instability. Lyapunov functions.
Prey-predator models
Epidemic models
Travelling wave fronts: Waves of advance of an advantageous gene. Waves of excitation in nerves. Waves of advance of an epidemic.
MATH0048: Analytical & geometric theory of differential equations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0013, Pre MATH0062
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give a unified presention of systems of ordinary differential equations that have a Hamiltonian or Lagrangian structure. Geomtrical and analytical insights will be used to prove qualitative properties of solutions. These ideas have generated many developments in modern pure mathematics, such as sympletic geometry and ergodic theory, besides being applicable to the equations of classical mechanics, and motivating much of modern physics.
Objectives: Students will be able to state and prove general theorems for Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems. Based on these theoretical results and key motivating examples they will identify general qualitative properties of solutions of these systems.
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems, phase space, phase flow, variational principles and Euler-Lagrange equations, Hamilton's Principle of least action, Legendre transform, Liouville's Theorem, Poincaré recurrence theorem, Noether's Theorem.
MATH0049: Linear elasticity
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0065
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction to the mathematical modelling of the behaviour of solid elastic materials.
Objectives: Students should be able to derive the governing equations of the theory of linear elasticity and be able to solve simple problems.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Revision: Kinematics of deformation, stress analysis, global balance laws, boundary conditions.
Constitutive law: Properties of real materials; constitutive law for linear isotropic elasticity, Lame moduli; field equations of linear elasticity; Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio.
Some simple problems of elastostatics: Expansion of a spherical shell, bulk modulus; deformation of a block under gravity; elementary bending solution.
Linear elastostatics: Strain energy function; uniqueness theorem; Betti's reciprocal theorem, mean value theorems; variational principles, application to composite materials; torsion of cylinders, Prandtl's stress function.
Linear elastodynamics: Basic equations and general solutions; plane waves in unbounded media, simple reflection problems; surface waves.
MATH0050: Nonlinear equations & bifurcations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0051, Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To extend the real analysis of implicitly defined functions into the numerical analysis of iterative methods for computing such functions and to teach an awareness of practical issues involved in applying such methods.
Objectives: The students should be able to solve a variety of nonlinear equations in many variables and should be able to assess the performance of their solution methods using appropriate mathematical analysis.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Solution methods for nonlinear equations: Review of Newton's method for systems. Quasi-Newton Methods.
Theoretical Tools: Local Convergence of Newton's Method. Implicit Function Theorem. Bifurcation from the trivial solution.
Applications: Exothermic reaction and buckling problems. Continuous and discrete models.
Analysis of parameter-dependent two-point boundary value problems using the shooting method. Practial use of the shooting method.
The Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction. Application to analysis of discretised boundary value problems.
Computation of solution paths for systems of nonlinear algebraic equations. Pseudo-arclength continuation. Homotopy methods. Computation of turning points. Bordered systems and their solution. Exploitation of symmetry. Hopf bifurcation.
MATH0051: Numerical linear algebra
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach an understanding of iterative methods for standard problems of linear algebra.
Objectives: Students should know a range of modern iterative methods for solving linear systems and for solving the algebraic eigenvalue problem. They should be able to analyse their algorithms and should have an understanding of relevant practical issues.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
The algebraic eigenvalue problem: Gerschgorin's theorems. The power method and its extensions. Backward Error Analysis (Bauer-Fike). The (Givens) QR factorization and the QR method for symmetric tridiagonal matrices. (Statement of convergence only). The Lanczos Procedure for reduction of a real symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form. Orthogonality properties of Lanczos iterates.
Iterative Methods for Linear Systems: Convergence of stationary iteration methods. Special cases of symmetric positive definite and diagonally dominant matrices. Variational principles for linear systems with real symmetric matrices. The conjugate gradient method. Krylov subspaces. Convergence. Connection with the Lanczos method.
Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Systems: Newton's Method. Convergence in 1D. Statement of algorithm for systems.
MATH0052: Algebra & combinatorics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This course provides an accessible introduction to various ideas in discrete mathematics based around the idea of counting arguments. As such, it will give an overview of the methods of modern algebra and their application for students who do not intend to become specialists in this area.
Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be proficient in applying a variety of algebraic techniques to solve combinatorial problems arising in Mathematics and related disciplines.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Graphs, Trees and Forests. Philip Hall's marriage theorem. Möbius inversion and multiplicative functions in number theory. Finite fields and cyclotomic polynomials. Quadratic Reciprocity. Linear recurrences over finite fields and applications of quadratic reciprocity. Random functions and factoring methods.
MATH0053: Algebraic number theory
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0037
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This course will provide a solid introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, both as a subject in its own right and as a source of applications to Computer Science.
Objectives: Students completing the course should understand algebraic numbers, how unique factorization fails, and how it can be restored by using "ideal numbers".
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Quadratic reciprocity. Noetherian rings, Dedekind domains, algebraic number fields and rings of algebraic integers. Primes and irreducibles. Ramification of primes. Norms and traces. Integral bases.
Class groups and the class number formula. Dirichlet's units theorem.
Applications of Galois Theory. The method of Minkowski.
MATH0054: Representation theory of finite groups
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0038
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The course explains some fundamental applications of linear algebra to the study of finite groups. In so doing, it will show by example how one area of mathematics can enhance and enrich the study of another.
Objectives: At the end of the course, the students will be able to state and prove the main theorems of Maschke and Schur and be conversant with their many applications in representation theory and character theory. Moreover, they will be able to apply these results to problems in group theory.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Group algebras, their modules and associated representations. Maschke's theorem and complete reducibility. Irreducible representations and Schur's lemma. Decomposition of the regular representation. Character theory and orthogonality theorems. Burnside's pa qb theorem.
MATH0055: Introduction to topology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction to the ideas of point-set topology culminating with a sketch of the classification of compact surfaces. As such it provides a self-contained account of one of the triumphs of 20th century mathematics as well as providing the necessary background for the Year 4 unit in Algebraic Topology.
Objectives: To acquaint students with the important notion of a topology and to familiarise them with the basic theorems of analysis in their most general setting. Students will be able to distinguish between metric and topological space theory and to understand refinements, such as Hausdorff or compact spaces, and their applications.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Topologies and topological spaces. Subspaces. Bases and sub-bases: product spaces; compact-open topology. Continuous maps and homeomorphisms. Separation axioms. Connectedness. Compactness and its equivalent characterisations in a metric space. Axiom of Choice and Zorn's Lemma. Tychonoff's theorem. Quotient spaces. Compact surfaces and their representation as quotient spaces. Sketch of the classification of compact surfaces.
MATH0056: Complex analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0011
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The aim of this course is to cover the standard introductory material in the theory of functions of a complex variable and to cover complex function theory up to Cauchy's Residue Theorem and its applications.
Objectives: Students should end up familiar with the theory of functions of a complex variable and be capable of calculating and justifying power series, Laurent series, contour integrals and applying them.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Functions of a complex variable. Continuity. Complex series and power series. Circle of convergence. The complex plane. Regions, paths, simple and closed paths. Path-connectedness. Analyticity and the Cauchy-Riemann equations. Harmonic functions. Cauchy's theorem. Cauchy's Integral Formulae and its application to power series. Isolated zeros. Differentiability of an analytic function. Liouville's Theorem. Zeros, poles and essential singularities. Laurent expansions. Cauchy's Residue Theorem and contour integration. Applications to real definite integrals.
MATH0057: Functional analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0041, Pre MATH0043
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the theory of infinite-dimensional normed vector spaces, the linear mappings between them, and spectral theory.
Objectives: By the end of the block, the students should be able to state and prove the principal theorems relating to Banach spaces, bounded linear operators, compact linear operators, and spectral theory of compact self-adjoint linear operators, and apply these notions and theorems to simple examples.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Normed vector spaces and their metric structure. Banach spaces. Young, Minkowski and Hölder inequalities. Examples - IRn, C[0,1], l, Hilbert spaces. Riesz Lemma and finite-dimensional subspaces. The space B(X,Y) of bounded linear operators is a Banach space when Y is complete. Dual spaces and second duals. Uniform Boundedness Theorem. Open Mapping Theorem. Closed Graph Theorem. Projections onto closed subspaces. Invertible operators form an open set. Power series expansion for (I-T)-1. Compact operators on Banach spaces. Spectrum of an operator - compactness of spectrum. Operators on Hilbert space and their adjoints. Spectral theory of self-adjoint compact operators. Zorn's Lemma. Hahn-Banach Theorem. Canonical embedding of X in X
* is isometric, reflexivity. Simple applications to weak topologies.
MATH0058: Martingale theory
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0041, Pre MATH0042, Pre MATH0031, Pre MATH0032
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To stimulate through theory and especially examples, an interest and appreciation of the power of this elegant method in analysis and probability. Applications of the theory are at the heart of this course.
Objectives: By the end of the course, students should be familiar with the main results and techniques of discrete time martingale theory. They will have seen applications of martingales in proving some important results from classical probability theory, and they should be able to recognise and apply martingales in solving a variety of more elementary problems.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Review of fundamental concepts. Conditional expectation. Martingales, stopping times, Optional-Stopping Theorem. The Convergence Theorem. L²-bounded martingales, the random-signs problem. Angle-brackets process, Lévy's Borel-Cantelli Lemma. Uniform integrability. UI martingales, the "Downward" Theorem, the Strong Law, the Submartingale Inequality. Likelihood ratio, Kakutani's theorem.
MATH0059: Mathematical methods 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0044
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the applications of advanced analysis to the solution of PDEs.
Objectives: Students should be able to obtain solutions to certain important PDEs using a variety of techniques e.g. Green's functions, separation of variables. They should also be familiar with important analytic properties of the solution.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Elliptic equations in two independent variables: Harmonic functions. Mean value property. Maximum principle (several proofs). Dirichlet and Neumann problems. Representation of solutions in terms of Green's functions. Continuous dependence of data for Dirichlet problem. Uniqueness.
Parabolic equations in two independent variables: Representation theorems. Green's functions.
Self-adjoint second-order operators: Eigenvalue problems (mainly by example). Separation of variables for inhomogeneous systems.
Green's function methods in general: Method of images. Use of integral transforms. Conformal mapping.
Calculus of variations: Maxima and minima. Lagrange multipliers. Extrema for integral functions. Euler's equation and its special first integrals. Integral and non-integral constraints.
MATH0060: Nonlinear systems & chaos
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0012, Pre MATH0013, Pre MATH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The course is intended to be an elementary and accessible introduction to dynamical systems. Main emphasis will be on discrete-time systems which permits the concepts and results to be presented in a rigorous manner, within the framework of the second year core material. Discrete-time systems will be followed by an introductory treatment of continuous-time systems and differential equations. Numerical approximation of differential equations will link with the earlier material on discrete-time systems.
Objectives: An appreciation of the behaviour, and its potential complexity, of general dynamical systems through a study of discrete-time systems (which require relatively modest analytical prerequisites) and computer experimentation.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Discrete-time systems. Maps from IRn to IRn . Fixed points. Periodic orbits. a and w limit sets. Local bifurcations and stability. The logistic map and chaos. Global properties.
Continuous-time systems. Periodic orbits and Poincaré maps. Numerical approximation of differential equations. Newton iteration as a dynamical system.
MATH0061: Nonlinear & optimal control theory
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Pre (MATH0046 or MATH0062), Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Four concepts underpin control theory: controllability, observability, stabilizability and optimality. Of these, the first two essentially form the focus of the Year 3/4 course on linear control theory. In this course, the latter notions of stabilizability and optimality are developed. Together, the courses on linear control theory and nonlinear & optimal control provide a firm foundation for participating in theoretical and practical developments in an active and expanding discipline.
Objectives: To present concepts and results pertaining to robustness, stabilization and optimization of (nonlinear) finite-dimensional control systems in a rigorous manner. Emphasis is placed on optimization, leading to conversance with both the Bellman-Hamilton-Jacobi approach and the maximum principle of Pontryagin, together with their application.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Controlled dynamical systems: nonlinear systems and linearization. Stability and robustness. Stabilization by feedback. Lyapunov-based design methods. Stability radii. Small-gain theorem. Optimal control. Value function. The Bellman-Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Verification theorem. Quadratic-cost control problem for linear systems. Riccati equations. The Pontryagin maximum principle and transversality conditions (a dynamic programming derivation of a restricted version and statement of the general result with applications). Proof of the maximum principle for the linear time-optimal control problem.
MATH0062: Ordinary differential equations
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0008, Pre MATH0013, Pre MATH0009, Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an accessible but rigorous treatment of initial-value problems for nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations. Foundations will be laid for advanced studies in dynamical systems and control. The material is also useful in mathematical biology and numerical analysis.
Objectives: Conversance with existence theory for the initial-value problem, locally Lipschitz righthand sides and uniqueness, flow, continuous dependence on initial conditions and parameters, limit sets.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Motivating examples from diverse areas. Existence of solutions for the initial-value problem. Uniqueness. Maximal intervals of existence. Dependence on initial conditions and parameters. Flow. Global existence and dynamical systems. Limit sets and attractors.
MATH0063: Mathematical biology 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The aim of the course is to introduce students to applications of partial differential equations to model problems arising in biology. The course will complement Mathematical Biology I where the emphasis was on ODEs and Difference Equations.
Objectives: Students should be able to derive and interpret mathematical models of problems arising in biology using PDEs. They should be able to perform a linearised stability analysis of a reaction-diffusion system and determine criteria for diffusion-driven instability. They should be able to interpret the results in terms of the original biological problem.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Partial Differential Equation Models: Simple random walk derivation of the diffusion equation. Solutions of the diffusion equation. Density-dependent diffusion. Conservation equation. Reaction-diffusion equations. Chemotaxis. Examples for insect dispersal and cell aggregation.
Spatial Pattern Formation: Turing mechanisms. Linear stability analysis. Conditions for diffusion-driven instability. Dispersion relation and Turing space. Scale and geometry effects. Mode selection and dispersion relation.
Applications: Animal coat markings. "How the leopard got its spots". Butterfly wing patterns.
MATH0065: Viscous fluid mechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0013
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the general theory of continuum mechanics and, through this, the study of viscous fluid flow.
Objectives: Students should be able to explain the basic concepts of continuum mechanics such as stress, deformation and constitutive relations, be able to formulate balance laws and be able to apply these to the solution of simple problems involving the flow of a viscous fluid.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Vectors: Linear transformation of vectors. Proper orthogonal transformations. Rotation of axes. Transformation of components under rotation.
Cartesian Tensors: Transformations of components, symmetry and skew symmetry. Isotropic tensors.
Kinematics: Transformation of line elements, deformation gradient, Green strain. Linear strain measure. Displacement, velocity, strain-rate.
Stress: Cauchy stress; relation between traction vector and stress tensor.
Global Balance Laws: Equations of motion, boundary conditions.
Newtonian Fluids: The constitutive law, uniform flow, Poiseuille flow, flow between rotating cylinders.
MATH0066: Numerical solution of partial differential equations
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0014
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach a broad understanding of discretisation methods for elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic PDEs.
Objectives: Students should be able to apply a range of standard methods for the most important PDEs arising in applications and should be able to perform an analysis of these methods applied to model problems.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Introduction: examples of physically relevant PDEs and their associated boundary conditions. Well-posed problems.
Finite difference methods for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs. Consistency, stability and convergence. Discrete maximum principles.
Finite element method: variational formulation of Poisson's equation. Basis functions in one and two space dimensions. Assembly of the stiffness matrix. Best approximation property. Convergence properties.
MATH0067: Numerical solution of boundary-value problems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0007, Pre MATH0011, Pre MATH0051
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach the basic notions behind the formulation and implementation of approximation techniques for elliptic PDEs based on variational principles.
Objectives: An ability to implement and analyse the finite element method for a range of elliptic boundary value-problems.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Variational principles and weak forms of elliptic equations. Linear and quadratic finite element approximation on triangles and quadrilaterals.
Stiffness matrix assembly. Isoparametric mapping. Quadrature.
Preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
Convergence theory for symmetric elliptic problems. Mixed boundary conditions. Connection with the finite difference method. Discrete maximum principles.
Extensions to be chosen from: Monotone semilinear problems, Convection-diffusion problems, Obstacle problems.
MATH0068: Finite difference methods for evolutionary problems
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0010, Pre MATH0014, Pre MATH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach an understanding of linear stability theory and its application to ODEs and evolutionary PDEs.
Objectives: The students should be able to analyse the stability and convergence of a range of numerical methods and assess the practical performance of these methods through computer experiments.
Topics will be chosen from the following:
Solution of initial value problems for ODEs by Linear Multistep methods: local accuracy, order conditions; formulation as a one-step method; stability and convergence.
Introduction to physically relevant PDEs. Well-posed problems.
Truncation error; consistency, stability, convergence and the Lax Equivalence Theorem; techniques for finding the stability properties of particular numerical methods.
Numerical methods for parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs.
MATH0069: Programming language implementation techniques
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0029
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To acquire an appreciation of the suitability of different techniques for the analysis and representations for programming languages, followed by the various means to interpret them.
Objectives: To be able to choose suitable techniques for lexing, parsing, type analysis, intermediate representation, transformation and interpretation given the properties of the language to be implemented.
Construction of lexical analysers, recursive descent parsing, construction of LR parser tables, type checking, polymorphic type synthesis, continuation passing style, combinators, lambda lifting, super-combinators, abstract interpretation, storage management, byte-code interpreters, code-threaded interpreters, partial evaluation, staging transformations.
MATH0070: Computer algebra
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Students must have A-level Mathematics, normally Grade B or better, or equivalent, in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To show how computer algebra can be used to solve some interesting mathematical problems
Objectives: To understand the practical possibilities and limitations of symbolic computation, and to see how it is related to numerical computation.
Introduction to Reduce. Data representation questions. Normal and canonical forms. Polynomials, algebraic numbers, elementary numbers. Polynomial algebra: GCD and factorization algorithms, modular methods. LLL algorithm. Numerical and symbolic methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations: Newton, Wu's method, Gröbner bases. Introduction to integration.
MATH0071: Application of logic
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0019, Pre MATH0027
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explore the world of knowledge representation and knowledge manipulation. To gain an overview of ways of approaching problems that may be incompletely or inaccurately defined. To gain experience of different kinds of logics.
Objectives: Students completing this course will have written some rograms that represent and manipulate knowledge. They will appreciate the problems that are unique to this subject, and will have an overview of the techniques that are available to tackle them.
LISP Programming. Knowledge Representation: Predicates, semantic networks, slots and frames, objects. The Problems of Natural Language: Grammars and syntax parsing, top down, bottom up parsing,augmented transition networks. Searching: Breadth and depth first, back-tracing,goal searching, alpha-beta pruning and games, GPS. Deduction: Predicate
calculus, forward chaining and unification, backward chaining, monotonic reasoning, resolution. Expert Systems: Abduction, causality and evidence, problem solving, binary and Bayesian deduction. Production Systems and Toolkits.
MATH0072: Safety-critical computer systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give an appreciation of the current state of safe systems development. To develop an understanding of risk in systems. To give a foundation in hazard analysis models and techniques. To show how safety principles may be built into all stages of the software development process.
Objectives: At the end of this course a student should be able to demonstrate the following skills: An understanding of the nature of risk in developing computer-based systems. The ability to choose and apply appropriate hazard analysis models for simple safety-related problems. An understanding of how to approach the design of safety-critical software systems.
The nature of risk: computers and risk; how accidents happen; human error. System safety: historical approaches to system safety; basic concepts and terminology. Managing the development of safety-critical systems. Modelling human error and the accident process. Hazard analysis: basic principles; models and techniques. Safety principles in the software lifecycle: hazard analysis as part of requirements analysis; designing for safety; designing the human-machine interface; verification of safety in computer systems.
MATH0073: Advanced algorithms & complexity
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0028
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present a detailed introduction to one of the central concepts of combinatorial algorithmics: NP-completeness; to extend this concept to real numbers computations; to study foundations of a more general problem of proving lower complexity bounds.
Objectives: to be able to recognise NP-hard problems and prove the appropriate reductions. To cope with NP-complete problems. To know some fundamental methods of proving lower complexity bounds.
NP-completeness: Deterministic and Nondeterministic Turing Machines; class NP; versions of reducibility; NP-hard and NP-complete problems. Proof of NP-completeness of satisfiability problem for Boolean formulae. Other NP-complete problems: clique, vertex cover, travelling salesman, subgraph isomorphism, etc. Polynomial-time approximation algorithms for travelling salesman and some other NP-complete graph problems. Real Numbers Turing machines: Definitions; completeness of real roots existence problem for 4-degree polynomials. Lower complexity bounds: Straight-line programs and their complexities; complexity of matrix-vector multiplication; complexity of polynomial evaluation.
MATH0074: Concurrent computation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0019, Pre MATH0027
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To gain first-hand experience of the problems that are unique to parallel systems and parallel programs. To see that the von Neumann single processor model only describes a tiny fraction of the world of computing, and that an entirely different way of thinking is required to write effective parallel programs.
Objectives: Students on this course will have written some parallel programs. This will have given them an appreciation of the fact that parallel programming is really very different from sequential programming. They will have an overview of the many and varied approaches that are currently beingt aken in this still developing field.
Philosophy/Motivation: limitations of von Neumann, some large problems must be done concurrently. Architectures/Networks: shared and pseudo-shared memory, distributed, SIMD, MIMD, vector processing, pipelining. Process as data abstractions: from UNIX fork on up, resource allocation. Semaphores: basic, counting, critical regions. Implementing semaphores (Dijkstra/Lamport). Abstract synchronisation: CSP, futures, Linda,Time Warp. Parallel paradigms: divide and conquer, master/slave,producer/consumer. Load balancing: static and dynamic (process migration). Case study: parallelism in EuLisp. Deadlock, parallel debugging. Applications in computer algebra, expert systems, and discrete event simulation.
MATH0075: Advanced computer graphics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: The primary aims are to understand the ways of representing, rendering and displaying pictures of three-dimensional objects (in particular). In order to achieve this it will be necessary to understand the underlying mathematics and computer techniques.
Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish modelling from rendering. They will be able to describe the relevant components of Euclidean and projective geometry and their relationships to matrix algebra formulations. Students will know the difference between solid- and surface-modelling and be able to describe typical computer representations of each. Rendering for raster displays will be explainable in detail, including lighting models and a variety of visual effects and defects. Students will be expected to describe the sampling problem and solutions for both static and moving pictures.
Euclidean and projective geometry transformations. Modelling: Mesh models and their representation. Constructive solid geometry and its representation. Specialised models.
Rendering: Raster images; illumination models; meshes and hidden surface removal; scan-line rendering. CSG: ray-casting; visual effects and defects. Rendering for animation.
Ordered dither; resolution; aliasing; colour.
MATH0076: Project preparation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop skills in writing and criticquing technical proposals. To develop abilities in requirements extraction.
Objectives: To demonstrate skills in the above aims by examination of case-studies and the writing of the proposal for the project to be undertaken in the following semester.
Effective and ineffective written communication. When to use graphs, diagrams and pictures. GANTT charts. Proposal structure. Styles of written English. Developing your own style. Interviewing. Selecting your project and preparing your proposal.
MATH0078: Networking
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To understand the Internet, and associated background and theory, to a level sufficient for a competent domain manager.
Objectives: Students should be able to explain the acronyms and concepts of the Internet and how they relate. Students should be able to state the steps required to connect a domain to the Internet, and be able to explain the issues involved to both technical and non-technical audiences. Students should be able to discuss the ethical issues involved, and have an "intelligent layman's" grasp of the legal issues and uncertainties. Students should be aware of the fundamental security issues, and should be able to advise on the configuration issues surrounding a firewall.
The ISO 7-layer model. The Internet: its history and evolution - predictions for the future.
The TCP/IP stack: IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, DNS, XDR, NFS and SMTP. Berkeley Introduction to packet layout: source routing etc. The CONS/CLNS debate: theory versus practice.
Various link levels: SLIP, 802.5 and Ethernet, satellites, the "fat pipe", ATM. Performance issues: bandwidth, MSS and RTT; caching at various layers. Who 'owns' the Internet and who 'manages' it: RFCs, service providers, domain managers, IANA, UKERNA, commercial British activities. Routing protocols and default routers. HTML and electronic publishing. Legal and ethical issues: slander/libel, copyright, pornography, publishing versus carrying. Security and firewalls: Kerberos.
MATH0079: Computer speech processing
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the essential concepts and techniques of automatic speech processing and to use speech processing as an illustration of an area of active research and development in computer technology that is both novel and lies near the limits of present capability.
Objectives: Students will be able to i) outline the essential processes of human speech production and read and write simple phonetic transcriptions, ii) to demonstrate an understanding of signal processing, iii) to describe, compare and contrast digital schemes for sampling, coding and analysing speech, iv) to comprehend the theoretical and practical issues in automatic speech processing and v) to explain, and assess major speech synthesis and recognition techniques.
Speech production: the articulatory system; acoustic-phonetics and prosody; phonetic transcription and co-articulation; phonemes, phones, phonology and allophones. Speech signals: their nature, characterisation and representation in different domains; theory of elementary signal processing. Speech coding and analysis: simple PCM; sampling and quantisation errors; other coding schemes for data compression and feature extraction. Speech synthesis: articulatory, formant and other types of synthesis; synthesis by rule and text-to-speech synthesis. Speech recognition: matching complex and variable patterns; segmentation of connected and continuous speech; speaker dependence; time variations and warping; statistically-oriented techniques for recognition and some current methods; recognition versus understanding.
MATH0080: Computer vision
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0021
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present a broad account of computer vision, with the emphasis on the image processing required for its low level stages.
Objectives: To induce an appreciation of the processes involved in robotic vision and how this differs from human vision.
Image formation. Colour versus monochrome. Preprocessing of the image. Edge finding: elementary methods and their shortcomings; sophisticated methods such as those of Marr-Hildreth, Canny, and Prager. Optical flow. Hough transform. Global and local region segmentation techniques: histogram techniques, region growing. Representation of the results of low level processing. Some image interpretation methods employing probability arguments and fuzzy logic. Hardware. Practical problems based on an image processing package.
MATH0081: Hardware architecture & compilation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0029
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To demonstrate the impact that computer architecture is having on compiler design. To explore trends in hardware development, and examine techniques for efficient use of machine resources,
Objectives: Students should be able to describe the philosophy of RISC and CISC architectures. They should know at least one technique for register allocation, and one technique for instruction scheduling. They should be able to write a simple code generator.
Description of several state-of-the-art chip designs. The implications for compilers of RISC architectures. Register allocation algorithms (colouring, DAGS, scheduling). Global data-flow analysis. Pipelines and instruction scheduling; delayed branches and loads. Multiple instruction issue. VLIW and the Bulldog compiler. Harvard architecture and Caches. Benchmarking.
MATH0082: Double module project
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre MATH0076, Pre MATH0076
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To satisfy as many of the objectives as possible as set out in the individual project proposal.
Objectives: To produce the deliverables identified in the individual project proposal.
Defined in the individual project proposal.
MATH0084: Linear models
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0035, Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005, Pre MATH0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present the theory and application of normal linear models and generalised linear models, including estimation, hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. To describe methods of model choice and the use of residuals in diagnostic checking.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to (a) choose an appropriate generalised linear model for a given set of data; (b) fit this model using the GLIM program, select terms for inclusion in the model and assess the adequacy of a selected model; (c) make inferences on the basis of a fitted model and recognise the assumptions underlying these inferences and possible limitations to their accuracy.
Normal linear model: Vector and matrix representation, constraints on parameters, least squares estimation, distributions of parameter and variance estimates, t-tests and confidence intervals, the Analysis of Variance, F-tests for unbalanced designs.
Model building: Criteria for use in model selection including Mallows Cp statistic, the PRESS criterion, Akaike's information criterion. Subset selection and stepwise regression methods with applications in polynomial regression and multiple regression. Effects of collinearity in regression variables. Implications of model choice on subsequent inferential statements.
Uses of residuals: Probability plots, added variable plots, plotting residuals against fitted values to detect a mean-variance relationship, standardised residuals for outlier detection, masking.
Generalised linear models: Exponential families, standard form, statement of asymptotic theory for i.i.d. samples, Fisher information. Linear predictors and link functions, statement of asymptotic theory for the generalised linear model, applications to z-tests and confidence intervals, c²- tests and the analysis of deviance. Residuals from generalised linear models and their uses. Applications to bioassay, dose response relationships, logistic regression, contingency tables.
MATH0085: Time series
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0035
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce a variety of statistical models for time series and cover the main methods for analysing these models.
Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to
* compute and interpret a correlogram and a sample spectrum
* derive the properties of ARIMA and state-space models
* choose an appropriate ARIMA model for a given set of data and fit the model using the MINITAB package
* compute forecasts for a variety of linear methods and models.
Introduction: Examples, simple descriptive techniques, trend, seasonality, the correlogram.
Probability models for time series: Stationarity; moving average (MA), autoregressive (AR), ARMA and ARIMA models.
Estimating the autocorrelation function and fitting ARIMA models.
Forecasting: Exponential smoothing, Box-Jenkins method.
Stationary processes in the frequency domain: The spectral density function, the periodogram, spectral analysis.
Bivariate processes: Cross-correlation function, cross spectrum.
Linear systems: Impulse response, step response and frequency response functions.
State-space models: Dynamic linear models and the Kalman filter.
MATH0086: Medical statistics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0035, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the statistical needs of medical research and describe commonly used methods in the design and analysis of clinical trials.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to (a) recognise the statistically important features of a medical research problem and, where appropriate, suggest a suitable clinical trial design; (b)· analyse data collected from a comparative clinical trial, ncluding crossover and case-control studies, binary response data and survival data.
Drug development: Phases I to IV of drug development and testing. Ethical considerations.
Design of clinical trials: Defining the patient population, the trial protocol, possible sources of bias, randomisation, blinding, use of placebo treatment, stratification, balancing prognostic variables across treatments by "minimisation". Formulation of clinical trials as hypothesis testing and decision problems. Sample size calculations,
use of pilot studies, adaptive methods.
Analysis of clinical trials: Patient withdrawals, "intent to treat" criterion for inclusion of patients in analysis, inclusion of stratification variables in the analysis.
Interim analyses: Repeated significance tests, O'Brien and Fleming's stopping rule, sample size calculations. Statistical analysis following a group sequential trial, contrast between frequentist and Bayesian analyses.
Crossover trials: Two treatment, two period design. Discussion of more complex designs.
Case-control studies.
Binary data: Comparison of treatments with binary outcomes, inclusion of prognostic variables in logit and probit models.
Survival data: Life tables, censoring. Parametric models for censored survival data. Kaplan-Meier estimate, Greenwood's formula, the proportional hazards model, logrank test, Cox's proportional hazards regression model.
MATH0087: Optimisation methods of operational research
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0005
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To present methods of optimisation commonly used in OR, to explain their theoretical basis and give an appreciation of the variety of areas in which they are applicable.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to
* recognise practical problems where optimisation methods can be used effectively
* implement the simplex and dual simplex algorithms, Dantzig's method for the transportation problem and the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
* explain the underlying theory of linear programming problems, including duality.
The Nature of OR: Brief introduction.
Linear Programming: Basic solutions and the fundamental theorem. The simplex algorithm, two phase method for an initial solution. Interpretation of the optimal tableau. Duality. Sensitivity analysis and the dual simplex algorithm. Brief discussion of Karmarkar's method. Applications of LP. The transportation problem and its applications, solution by Dantzig's method. Network flow problems, the Ford-Fulkerson theorem.
Non-linear Programming: Revision of classical Lagrangian methods. Kuhn-Tucker conditions, necessity and sufficiency. Illustration by application to quadratic programming.
MATH0088: Data collection
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0035
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To illustrate the principles of experimental design in randomised and factorial designs and a variety of sample survey methods. To present components of variance estimation in random effects models and discuss its application in industrial quality improvement.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to
* identify the features of a proposed study that affect the choice of experimental design
* choose a suitable, efficient design for a study and explain how the data collected under this design should ultimately be analysed
* design and analyse a components of variance experiment
* design and analyse a sample survey.
Principles of experimental design: Randomisation and the avoidance of bias. Advantages of orthogonal parameter estimates. Efficiency and optimal designs. Practical considerations.
Observational studies: Confounding factors, reduction of bias by matching and regression modelling. The scope of inference from observational data.
Randomised designs: Completely randomised and randomised block designs.
Factorial designs: Complete factorial designs, confounding and fractional factorials, applications to modern quality improvement.
Random effects: Split plot designs, statistical models and analyses.
Sample surveys: Simple random sampling, stratified sampling, two-stage sampling, cluster sampling, quota sampling. Inference about the mean of a finite population. Randomised response methods for sensitive questions.
MATH0089: Applied probability & finance
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0034, Pre MATH0036
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop and apply the theory of probability and stochastic processes to examples from finance and economics.
Objectives: At the end of the course, students should be able to
* formulate mathematically, and then solve, dynamic programming problems
* describe the Capital Asset Pricing Model and its conclusions
* price an option on a stock modelled by a single step of a random walk
* perform simple calculations involving properties of Brownian motion.
Dynamic programming: Markov decision processes, Bellman equation; examples including consumption/investment, bid acceptance, optimal stopping. Infinite horizon problems; discounted programming, the Howard Improvement Lemma, negative and positive programming, simple examples and counter-examples.
Utility theory: Risk aversion, the Capital Asset Pricing Model.
Option pricing for random walks: Arbitrage pricing theory, prices and discounted prices as Martingales, hedging.
Brownian motion: Introduction to Brownian motion, definition and simple properties.
Exponential Brownian motion as the model for a stock price, the Black-Scholes formula.
MATH0090: Multivariate analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0035, Pre MATH0008
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop facility in the analysis and interpretation of multivariate data.
Objectives: At the end of the course, students should be able to
*· use graphical methods to identify possible structure in high-dimensional data
*· select appropriately among a variety of techniques for dimensionality reduction
*· combine classical inferential methods with more recent computationally-intensive techniques to produce more in-depth analyses than were possible before the computer era.
Introduction: Graphical exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data. Revision of matrix techniques, eigenvalue and singular value decompositions.
Principal components analysis: Derivation and interpretation, approximate reduction of dimensionality, scaling problems.
Factor analysis.
Multidimensional distributions: The multivariate normal distribution, its properties and estimation of parameters. One and two sample tests on means, the Wishart distribution, Hotelling's T-squared.
The multivariate linear model.
Canonical correlations and canonical variables: Discriminant analysis, classification problems and cluster analysis.
Topics selected from: Metrics and similarity coefficients; multi-dimensional scaling;
clustering algorithms; correspondence analysis, the biplot, Procrustes analysis and projection pursuit; Classification and Regression Trees.
MATH0091: Applied statistics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MATH0084
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To give students experience in tackling a variety of "real-life" statistical problems.
Objectives: During the course, students should become proficient in
* formulating a problem and carrying out an exploratory data analysis
* tackling non-standard, "messy" data
* presenting the results of an analysis in a clear report.
Formulating statistical problems: Objectives, the importance of the initial examination of data, processing large-scale data sets.
Analysis: Choosing an appropriate method of analysis, verification of assumptions.
Presentation of results: Report writing, communication with non-statisticians.
Using resources: The computer, the library.
Project topics may include: Exploratory data analysis. Practical aspects of sample surveys. Fitting general and generalised linear models. The analysis of standard and non-standard data arising from theoretical work in other blocks.
MATH0092: Statistical inference
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop a formal basis for methods of statistical inference and decision making, including criteria for the comparison of procedures. To give an in depth description of Bayesian methods and the asymptotic theory of maximum likelihood methods.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to
* identify and compute admissible, minimax and Bayes decision rules
* calculate properties of estimates and hypothesis tests
* derive efficient estimates and tests for a broad range of problems, including applications to a variety of standard distributions.
Revision of standard distributions: Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, exponential, gamma and normal, and their interrelationships.
Sufficiency and Exponential families.
Decision theory: Admissibility and minimax decision rules; Bayes risk and Bayes rules. Bayesian inference; prior and posterior distributions, conjugate priors.
Point estimation: Bias and variance considerations, mean squared error. Cramer-Rao lower bound and efficiency. Unbiased minimum variance estimators and a direct appreciation of efficiency through some examples. Bias reduction. Asymptotic theory for maximum likelihood estimators.
Hypothesis testing: Hypothesis testing, review of the Neyman-Pearson lemma and maximisation of power. Maximum likelihood ratio tests, asymptotic theory. Compound alternative hypotheses, uniformly most powerful tests, locally most powerful tests and score statistics. Compound null hypotheses, monotone likelihood ratio property, uniformly most powerful unbiased tests. Nuisance parameters, generalised likelihood ratio tests.
MATH0094: Probability theory
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0034, Pre MATH0042
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach Probability (and Statistics) in a rigorous mathematical context.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to
* describe with precision distributional and sample path aspects of long-term behaviour
* deduce the consequences of this theory in the wide range of real-world problems to which it applies.
Foundations: First and second Borel-Cantelli lemmas, 0-1 law, Weak Law of Large Numbers, Strong Law of Large Numbers when X has finite fourth moment, Weierstrass's Theorem.
Distributions: Characteristic functions and inversion formula. Weak convergence, Skorokhod representation. The Central Limit Theorem and analogues. Convergence of distributions on [0,1], [0,¥] and S¹. Weyl's Theorem.
Ergodic theory: Measure preserving transformations, ergodicity. Riesz proof of the Ergodic Theorem. Applications to Markov chains, Strong Law of Large Numbers and continued fractions.
MATH0095: Quantitative methods
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Co MANG0003
DBA students taking this unit should taken MANG0003.
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach the basic ideas of probability, data variability, hypothesis testing and of relationships between variables and the application of these ideas in management.
Students should be able to formulate and solve simple problems in probability including the use of Bayes' Theorem and Decision Trees. They should recognise real-life situations where variability is likely to follow a binomial, Poisson or normal distribution and be able to carry out simple related calculations. They should be able to carry out a simple decomposition of a time series, apply correlation and regression analysis and understand the basic idea of statistical significance.
The laws of Probability, Bayes' Theorem, Decision Trees.
Binomial, Poisson and normal distributions and their applications; the relationship between these distributions.
Time series decomposition into trend and season al components; multiplicative and additive seasonal factors.
Correlation and regression; calculation and interpretation in terms of variability explained. Idea of the sampling distribution of the sample mean; the Z test and the concept of significance level.
MATH0096: Statistics 1 (service unit)
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MATH0095
DBA students taking this unit should have taken MANG0077
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach the fundamental ideas of sampling and its use in estimation and hypothesis testing. These will be related as far as possible to management applications.
Students should be able to obtain interval estimates for population means, standard deviations and proportions and be able to carry out standard one and two sample tests. They should be able to handle real data sets using the minitab package and show appreciation of the uses and limitations of the methods learned.
Different types of sample; sampling distributions of means, standard deviations and proportions. The use and meaning of confidence limits.
Hypothesis testing; types of error, significance levels and P values. One and two sample tests for means and proportions including the use of Student's t. Simple non-parametric tests and chi-squared tests. The probability of a type 2 error in the Z test and the concept of power.
Quality control: Acceptance sampling, Shewhart charts and the relationship to hypothesis testing.
The use of the minitab package and practical points in data analysis.
Students must achieve 65% pass mark in Quantitative Methods (MATH0095) in order to undertake this unit.
MATH0097: Statistics 2 (service unit)
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MATH0096
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach the methods of analysis appropriate to simple and multiple regression models and to common types of survey and experimental design. The course will concentrate on applications in the management area.
Students should be able to set up and analyse regression models and assess the resulting model critically. They should understand the principles involved in experimental design and be able to apply the methods of analysis of variance.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): comparisons of group means.
Simple and multiple regression: estimation of model parameters, tests, confidence and prediction intervals, residual and diagnostic plots.
Two-way ANOVA: Two-way classification model, main effects and interactions.
Experimental Design: Randomisation, blocking, factorial designs.
Analysis using the minitab package.
Students must pass Statistics 1 (MATH0096) in order to undertake this unit.
MATH0098: Mathematics 2A (service unit)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend further the student's familiarity with relevant analytical and statistical techniques. On completion, the student should be able to: use statistical tests of significance; analyse experimental data using linear regression; solve simple and partial differential equations
Differential Equations: Formulation of equations of motion (Newton's second law, pendulum,
mass-spring systems); free and forced linear oscillations (undamped motion, damped motion, resonance); Fourier series (periodic functions, Euler formulas, half-range expansions); wave and diffusion equations (separation of variables, use of Fourier series).
Statistics: Elementary probability theory: conditioning, independence, distribution functions, hazard functions for failure times. Means, standard deviations. Sums of independent random variables. The Central Limit Theorem. Confidence intervals, t-distribution, regression. First thoughts on model validation. All topics will be illustrated via the use of a user-friendly computer package, full instructions for the use of which will be provided. A complete understanding of what the computer is doing in simple situations should equip the student to make judicious use of packages in more sophisticated contexts.
MATH0099: Mathematics for electrical engineers 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
This is the first of two 1st-year units intended to lead to confident and error free manipulation and use of standard mathematical functions and relationships in the context of engineering mathematics. Proofs, where introduced, are to be of a constructive kind, i.e. they are examples of useful and standard methods of wide applicability in the technical problems of communication, control, electronics and power systems. The unit will consolidate and extend topics met at A-level so that students may improve their fluency and understanding of applicable mathematics. Tutorial sessions will be conducted to enable students to develop problem solving skills.
Calculus: revision - 'by parts' and substitution methods of integration; integral as a sum; derivative and integral as functions.
Algebra: exponential/log functions, time constants; partial fractions; inverse circular functions (sin-1 and tan-1); mean and rms as an integral; curve sketching, sinusoids.
Complex numbers: rotation vector approach; geometrical interpretation; Argand diagram; Cartesian and polar forms ejq = cosq + jsinq ; powers and roots (de Moivre's theorem).
Differential equations: first and second order constant coefficient; variables separable; transient and steady state methods.
Laplace transforms: notation, operational form; unit impulse and unit step functions; transforms; initial condition criteria; decay and shift theorems; initial and final value theorems; impulse and step response.
Determinants and Matrices: revision of determinants; Cramer's rule.
MATH0100: Mathematics for electrical engineers 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This is the second of two 1st year units intended to develop the confident use of engineering mathematics. It is intended to introduce students of electronic & electrical engineering to the use of mathematical modelling and analysis in the solution of problems in electronic and electrical engineering. On completion of the unit students should be able to: understand the principles of matrix inversion; use Fourier series for the harmonic representation of periodic and non-periodic waveforms; apply statistics to deal with uncertainty in engineering problems.
Determinants and matrices (cont.): matrices to include transpose and inverse.
Vectors: revision; scalar vector product with applications. Triple products.
Series: AP, GP and Binomial series, summation of elementary series. The method of differences. Taylor series, with discussion of errors due to truncation etc. Limits. L'hôpital's rule. Standard series (tables of formulae). Elementary convergence tests.
Fourier series: derivation of coefficients; odd and even functions, odd harmonics; line spectra, reciprocal format (so-called D.F.T.); half-range series for harmonic representation of non-periodic functions.
Statistics: mean, variance, probability and probability distributions (Binomial, Poisson, normal, Rayleigh); standard error; reliability.
MATH0101: Mathematics for electrical engineers 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This is the first of two second year units. It introduces important applicable transform methods. The principle objectives of this study are to provide physical insights into these important transforms and to provide students with the facility to apply the methods in engineering situations. The mathematical derivation of Maxwell's equations is introduced and again a physical insight into these equations is sought through the solution of the wave equation.
Z-transforms, definitions, theorems, sequences. Discrete systems. Sampled-data system and interface theorem. Inter-sample (output) behaviour. Fourier transforms; discrete to continuous frequency distributions; amplitude and phase spectra; Laplace transform relationships (left- and right-hand half s-plane poles); theorems; convolution; unit impulse and unit step functions; 'comb' of impulses; signum function; frequency axis poles; sampling theorems (both time and frequency domain); energy theorems; auto- and cross-correlation; spectral density and relations. Vector algebra: vector and scalar integrals; gradient, divergence and curl; Maxwell's equations; derivation of the wave equation.
MATH0102: Mathematics for electrical engineers 4
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to methods for problems with more than one variable. To enable students to apply numerical methods in the solution of typical engineering problems.
Partial differentiation: Taylor series in 2 variables; max/min problems with least-squares as an example; constrained max/min problems. Change of variables (and co-ordinates). Numerical methods: predictor-corrector and Runge-Kutta methods of solution of differential equations; isoclines; finite differences; Chebychev polynomials - errors and approximations; numerical convolution; series solution of differential equations. Partial differential equations: variables separable with Fourier half-range series solutions; change of variable with Bessel equation as an example. Bessel functions; J0(x), Jn(x) (integer n only); BFs and Fourier series - FM as an example.
MATH0103: Foundation mathematics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co MATH0104
Aims & learning objectives:
Core 'A' level maths. The course follows closely the essential set book: L Bostock & S Chandler, Core Maths for A-Level, Stanley Thornes ISBN 0 7487 1779 X
Numbers: Integers, Rationals, Reals. Algebra: Straight lines, Quadratics, Functions, Binomial, Exponential Function. Trigonometry: Ratios for general angles, Sine and Cosine Rules, Compound angles. Calculus: Differentiation: Tangents, Normals, Rates of Change, Max/Min.
MATH0104: Foundation mathematics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co MATH0103
Aims & learning objectives:
Core 'A' level maths. The course follows closely the essential set book: L Bostock & S Chandler, Core Maths for A-Level, Stanley Thornes ISBN 0 7487 1779 X
Integration: Areas, Volumes. Simple Standard Integrals. Statistics: Collecting data, Mean, Median, Modes, Standard Deviation.
MATH0105: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
MATH0106: Study year abroad (BSc)
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
MATH0107: Study year abroad (MMath)
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Undergraduate Masters
MATH0108: Statistics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre BIOL0001, Pre BIOL0002, Ex MATH0127
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the principles of statistics as applied to Biological problems. After the course students should be able to: Give quantitative interpretation of Biological data.
Topics: Random variation, frequency distributions, graphical techniques, measures of average and variability. Discrete probability models - binomial, poisson. Continuous probability model - normal distribution. Poisson and normal approximations to binomial sampling theory. Estimation, confidence intervals. Chi-squared tests for goodness of fit and contingency tables. One sample and two sample tests. Paired comparisons. Confidence interval and tests for proportions. Least squares straight line. Prediction. Correlation
MATH0109: Formal methods & programming
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: CW100
MATH0110: Human-computer interaction
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX CW
MATH0112: Introduction to C & Unix
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
MATH0113: Algorithms & datastructures
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
MATH0114: Multmedia
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX75 CW25
MATH0115: Mathematical structures
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
A-level Mathematics, normally Grade C or better, or equivalent, is recommended but not essential in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a thorough grounding in the elements of mathematics necessary for an understanding and analysis of computational concepts and processes and to lay the foundations for MATH0004.
Objectives: To be able to perform accurately algorithms for combinatorial and arithmetical problems and to construct simple proofs.
Numbers: Natural numbers, integers, prime numbers, statement of prime decomposition theorem, complex numbers.
Algebra: Permutations and combinations, proof by induction, Binomial Theorem.
Graphs and Trees: Node/ edge representation of graphs, adjacency matrices, directed graphs, binary relations, decision trees, Huffman codes, graph alogrithms, Euler and Hamilton circuits.
Matrix Algebra.
MATH0116: Mathematical techniques 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a basic introduction in the mathematical skills necessary to tackle process engineering design and applications.
* Differentiation and integration: Revision of differentiation of logarithmic, exponential and inverse trigonometrical functions; Revision of applications of integration including polar and parametric co-ordinates
* Further calculus: Hyperbolic functions, Inverse functions, McLaurin's and Taylor's theorem, Limits, Approximate methods, including solution of equations by Newton's method and integration by Simpson's rule
* Partial differentials: functions of several variables, Small errors, Total differential
* Differential equations: Solution of first order equations using separation of variables and integrating factor; Linear equations with constant coefficients using trial method for particular integral; Simultaneous linear differential equations.
MATH0117: Project (MMath)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To satisfy as many of the objectives as possible as set out in the individual project proposal.
Objectives: To produce the deliverables identified in the individual project proposal.
Defined in the individual project proposal.
MATH0118: Management statistics
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Pre MATH0097 or MATH0035
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is designed primarily for DBA Final Year students who have taken the First and Second Year management statistics units but is also available for Final Year Statistics students from the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Well qualified students from the IMML course would also be considered.
It introduces three statistical topics which are particularly relevant to Management Science, namely quality control, forecasting and decision theory.
Aims: To introduce some statistical topics which are particularly relevant to Management Science.
Objectives: On completing the unit, students should be able to implement some quality control procedures, and some univariate forecasting procedures. They should also understand the ideas of decision theory.
Quality Control: Acceptance sampling, single and double schemes, SPRT applied to sequential scheme. Process control, Shewhart charts for mean and range, operating characteristics, ideas of cusum charts.
Practical forecasting. Time plot. Trend-and-seasonal models. Exponential smoothing. Holt's linear trend model and Holt-Winters seasonal forecasting. Autoregressive models. Box-Jenkins ARIMA forecasting.
Introduction to decision analysis for discrete events: Revision of Bayes' Theorem, admissability, Bayes' decisions, minimax. Decision trees, expected value of perfect information. Utility, subjective probability and its measurement.
MATH0119: Introduction to computer architecture
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX100
Shares the first 6 weeks of MATH0017 - different assessment.
MATH0120: Databases
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
Shares the first 6 weeks of MATH0018 - different assessment
MATH0121: Safety critical systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Shares teaching with MATH0072 - different assessment.
MATH0122: Projects and their management
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Shares teaching with MATH0026 - different assessment.
MATH0123: Networking
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Shares teaching with MATH0078 - different assessment.
MATH0124: Introduction to information technology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Postgraduate
Unit for MA in Interpreting and Translating.
MATH0125: Markov processes & applications
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Statistics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MATH0036
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To study further Markov processes in both discrete and continuous time. To apply results to random walks, networks of queues, communication networks, electrical networks, biological processes and elsewhere.
Objectives: On completing the course, students should be able to:
* formulate an appropriate Markovian model for a given real life problem and apply suitable theoretical results to obtain a solution;
* calculate basic probabilities of a simple random walk using the excursion process;
* classify a birth process as explosive or non-explosive.
Topics from: Discrete-time chains; random walks, the Strong Markov Property, reflecting random walks as queueing models in one or more dimensions, electrical networks. Models of interference in communication networks, the ALOHA model. Branching processes. Continuous-time chains: Explosion. Open and closed migration processes, networks of queues, partial balance. The Wright-Fisher and Moran models, the coalescent. The Poisson process in time and space.
MATH0126: Introduction to contemporary computing
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Computing
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Ex MATH0016
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To survey the diversity of contemporary computing practice, to give the students confidence in the use of systems, and to foster a critical attitude towards computing.
Objectives: To develop competence in the use of a wide variety of computing systems, and a basis for intelligent criticism of them. To supply a conceptual framework for programming.
A brief history of computing: from automated calculation to systems of interacting processes. Modern systems and packages, e.g. for word processing and spreadsheets. Scientific report writing, and bibliographic search. Using the internet to access information. Operating systems (like UNIX and MSDOS) and utilities to support programming (e.g. editors like Emacs); programming languages; compilers and interpreters. Programming in Matlab. Numerical and symbolic computing. Software design. Judging software: reliability; efficiency; complexity. What can go wrong: numerical errors, programming errors. Divide and conquer approach to understanding and solving problems. Programming concepts: modularity, abstraction, functions, data structures, pointers, recursion.
MATH0127: Statistics [For MBiochemistry students]
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre BIOL0001, Pre BIOL0002, Ex MATH0108
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the catalogue entry for MATH0108.
Please see the catalogue entry for MATH0108. This unit covers the content of MATH0108 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement.
MATH0128: Project
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Mathematics
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To satisfy as many of the objectives as possible as set out in the individual project proposal.
Objectives: To produce the deliverables identified in the individual project proposal.
Defined in the individual project proposal.
MATH0129: Programming laboratory A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Pre MATH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This unit aims to give the student confidence and competence in C programming, shell programming and problem solving using tools. It does this through a combination of laboratory sessions, project work and supporting lectures.
Objectives: To have students demonstrate a mastery of C at a level above single file simple I/O programs, experience interfacing to programs whose inner workings are not known, learn to adapt or combine existing tools to build solutions and practice in a professional approach to programming and presentation.
Further C: Multiple file programs. User interfaces. The C library. Storage allocation mechanisms (malloc, calloc, realloc, alloca). Using standards. Make. Installing packages. String processing: grep, egrep, fgrep, sesd, awk, prl. Shell variables and programs. Unix utilities such as tr, tar, In, find, sort, uniq sargs, etc. General utilities such as gnuplot, Tcl/tk, LaTeX, HTML etc.
MATH0130: Programming laboratory B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR80 OT20
Requisites: Pre MATH0129
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This unit aims to build on the programming skills developed in MATH0129, extending the scope of the demonstrations and project work. The aims remain the same as in MATH0129.
Continuation of the topics listed for MATH0129. Project: an independent or small group project, to simulate the processes of researching, planning, performing, analysing and reporting a small-scale experimental investigation. This is to be reported in writing and in the form of a Poster Presentation, in the style of conference posters. This will be viewed by staff and students on an open evening.
MATH0131: History of computing and its industry 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims.: To inform students of the rapid change in computing via an analysis of the history and development of the computing industry and subject. The course aims to do two things. First, to remove the almost mystical belief that computers can do anything. Secondly, to encourage students to question the appropriateness of computer systems as a solution to any given problem.
Objectives: Describe the major trends and changes in hardware, programming languages and software; explain the evolution of the computing industry; extrapolate current trends in the industry, while realising the weakness of extrapolation.
The pre-history (Pascal, Babbage, Turing etc.) 1940s and 1950s: the birth of an industry and a subject. Semiconductor technology and its evolution. 1960s and 1970s: the "range" concept; IBM and the Seven Dwarfs. Economic factors driving computing: high-level languages: operating systems.
MATH0132: Databases / graphics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Pre MATH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: a) Databases: To present an introductory account of the theory and practice of databases. b) Graphics: To provide an introduction to the techniques of representing, rendering, and displaying computer graphics, with assessed coursework.
Objectives: a) Databases: To demonstrate understanding of the basic structure of relational database systems and to be able to construct small databases. b) Graphics: Students will be able to distinguish modelling from rendering. They will be able to describe the relevant components of Euclidean geometry and their relationships to matrix algebra formulations. Students will know the difference between solid and surface modelling and be able to describe typical computer representations of each. Rendering for raster displays will be explainable in detail, including lighting models and a variety visual effects and defects.
Databases: Network and relational models. Completeness of relational models, Codd's classification of canonical forms: first, second, third and fourth normal forms. Keys, join, SQL query language.
Graphics: background Basic mechanisms, concepts and techniques for raster graphics. Output and input devices. Packages. Co-ordinate systems, Euclidean geometry and transformations.
Modelling: Mesh models and their representation. Constructive solid geometry and its representation. Specialised models.
Rendering: Raster images; illumination models; meshes and hidden-surface removal; scan-line rendering; ray-casting; visual effects and defects. Resolution; aliasing; colour.
MATH0133: Introductory mathematics for science
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To revise or introduce some key mathematical concepts including basic calculus. Objectives: By the end of the course, a science student should be confident in manipulating agebraic equations and drawing simple graphs (including the use of logarithmic scales) and be able to cope with basic operations in differentiation and integration.
Addition, multiplicaiton and factorization of algebraic expressions. Solving linear, simultaneous and quadratic equations. Basic rules of indices. Logarithms to base 10 and base e. Changing the base of a logarithm. Simple graph plotting. The equation of a straight line; gradient, intercept. Semi-log and log-log graphs. Basic calculus. Simple functions. Basic rules of differentiation including product, quotient and function of a function rules; gradient as a rate of change; second derivatives; stationary points; maxima, minima, points of inflection. Basic rules of integration; area under the curve; integration by parts. Solving simple first-order differential equations by separation of variables.
This unit is for students with good GCSE/AS or weak A-level Mathematics.
MECH0001: Experimental & engineering skills 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential observed uncertainty in engineering problems.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems.
MECH0002: Mathematics & computing 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To reinforce algebra and calculus skills. To introduce basic concepts with which the students may not be familiar. To provide a mathematical underpinning for subsequent work. To teach basic keyboard skills, use of wordprocessors (including typesetting mathematics), spreadsheets, databases (including those for library), and the world wide web.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Handle circular and hyperbolic functions. Differentiate and integrate elementary functions. Use partial differentiation and complex numbers, vectors & matrices. Be able to sketch curves and use information from the calculus to analyse critical points. Use polar as well as cartesian co-ordinate systems. Produce a typeset document including charts and graphics; Use a spreadsheet including what-if calculations, formulae, graphs, charts and statistics. Search for information in online databases and the web.
Algebraic manipulation and roots of polynomials. Standard functions (sine, cosine, exponential, logarithm, trigonometric identities). Differentiation (derivative of a sum, product, quotient, function of a function, implicit, tangent, and normal to a curve, maxima, minima, points of inflexion). Partial fractions. Integration (use of partial fractions and substitution, integration by parts, areas and volumes of revolution). Curve sketching. Taylor and binomial expansions. Arithmetical and geometrical progressions. Polar co-ordinates. complex numbers. Introduction to vectors and matrices. Further methods of differentiation and integration; partial differentiation. Microsoft windows environment, touch typing tutor, Word 6, Excell, BIDS, Netscape 3 with Java.
MECH0003: Thermofluids 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the concepts and basic equations of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to :
Understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics; apply the First Law of Thermodynamics to engineering problems; derive and apply the continuity equation and Bernoulli's equation to engineering problems.
Introduction and definitions of thermodynamics; properties; work and heat transfer; First Law of Thermodynamics; perfect gas; properties of a pure substance; use of tables and charts for properties. Fluid statics; pressure, forces and moments; fluid kinematics; continuity equation; Bernoulli's equation.
MECH0004: Solid mechanics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the fundamental principles of statics, kinematics and dynamics as applied in an engineering context. To develop judgement in system description and modelling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the nature of statical determinacy and free body diagrams; analyse pin-jointed frames; formulate and solve equations of motion; apply Newton's laws to problems of nonconstant acceleration; calculate work done by forces and torques; understand power, efficiency, kinetic and potential energy of a mechanical system; find stresses and strains for simple cases of loading and displacement; analyse problems of rotational and combined motion; draw simple shear force and bending moment diagrams
.Statical determinacy; free body diagrams; pin-jointed frames; tension coefficients. Free body systems in dynamics; friction; Newton's laws; non-constant acceleration; energy and momentum. Stress and strain; statical indeterminacy; torsion. Rotational motion; moments of inertia; combined motion; geared systems. Shear forces and bending moments.
MECH0005: Applied engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To integrate engineering science and applications within the different engineering disciplines.
To offer an insight into challenging and interesting topics within engineering.
To provide students within an insight into the different branches of engineering offered in the MEng programme.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Appreciate the relevance of the engineering science subjects in the context of their application to engineering technologies. Understand the focus of the different branches of engineering and their interrelationships. Make a more informed decision about the branch of engineering in which they chose to specialise.
History of technology. Personalities. The Institutions. The business as a system. Business structures and the influence of size and ownership. Concepts of value added. Concepts of behaviour and management. Aircraft wing design. Automotive engine design. Computer controlled manufacture. Product design. Factory planning. Manufacturing systems concepts.
MECH0006: Design materials & manufacture 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide fundamental knowledge about metals, their structure and properties.
To introduce students to the concept of visual thinking.
To show the link between design and manufacture.
To develop self-instructional learning skills.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce and interpret engineering drawings for manufacture and assembly to BS308. Make freehand engineering sketches. Define the key mechanical properties of metals. Compare and contrast some of the common metals used for engineering manufacture. Explain how the mechanical properties of metals can be related to their microstructure. Identify the features and limitations of the casting process. Use a workbook approach for self-learning.
Study guide. Introduction to manufacturing. Mechanical properties of metals. Selection of materials. Microstructure. Casting. Alloys. British Standards. Sketching. Dimensioning. Tolerancing. Layouts. Orthogonal, Isometric projections.
MECH0007: Experimental & engineering skills 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OT10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techniques.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems.
MECH0008: Mathematics & computing 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
MECH0008 replaced by UNIV0035. MECH0002 remains. UNIV0035 taught by both Mech Eng & Maths
MECH0009: Thermofluids 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to more basic equations of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics and to apply the equations to engineering problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to :
Apply the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to engineering problems; solve simple heat engine cycles; apply the continuity, momentum and Bernoulli's equations to engineering problems; use dimensional analysis; calculate isentropic flow in a nozzle.
Mixtures of gases and vapours; Second Law of Thermodynamics, reversibility and entropy; Carnot cycle; air standard cycles; vapour power cycles; heat pumps and refrigeration. Derivation and application of momentum equation; jet engines, propellers and wind turbines; dimensional analysis and similarity; speed of sound and Mach number; isentropic flow of a perfect gas in a nozzle.
MECH0010: Solid mechanics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To promote further understanding of the fundamental principles of mechanics.
To introduce engineering bending theory.
To apply principles of dynamical modelling to different rotating and reciprocating machines.
To introduce concepts of stress and strain transformation.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate shear forces, bending moments and deflections in beams. Determine the stress and strain states of simple structural forms; manipulate stress and strain transformation equations, and understand Mohr's circle. Analyse the state of balance of a system comprising rotating masses, and determine effects of unbalance. Analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis. Calculate velocities and accelerations in a linkage mechanism.
Simple bending theory. Torque transmission/shear stress: clutches; belt drives. Balancing of rotating masses: flywheels; rotating and reciprocating machines. Slope and deflection of beams. Stress transformations and Mohr's circle. Pressure vessels. Introduction to spatial dynamics and degrees of freedom. Vector methods and theory of gyroscopes. Analysis of linkage mechanisms.
MECH0011: Electronics & electrical drives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the basic techniques of circuit analysis and explain the concept of alternating currents in electrical circuits.
To introduce the method of operation and application of semi-conductor devices.
To give an understanding of the basic principles of electromagnetism.
To provide an overall view of the methods of converting electrical energy to linear or rotary mechanical energy.
To give an understanding of how the characteristics of a drive system can depend upon the combination of the electromagnetic device, the electronic drive circuit and the control technique.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Solve simple electrical circuit problems. Appreciate the essential features of operation of semi-conductor devices, and their use in simple digital and analogue circuits. Understand simple operational amplifier techniques. Select appropriate drives for simple applications. Understand the basic operation of DC motors and three phase induction motors, including speed control and starting methods.
Direct and alternating voltages and currents. Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's laws and Thevenin's theorem. Resistance, capacitance and inductance, concept of impedance, power and reactive power. Balanced three phase systems. Basic characteristics of diodes, zener diodes, light emitting diodes, photosensitive devices and transistors. The application of semi-conductor devices in simple analogue and digital circuits. Introduction to operational amplifiers. Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's and Ampere's laws. Operating characteristics of shunt, series, compound DC motors and three phase induction motors. Calculation of simple speed-torque-power relationships. Starting and speed control of motors, stepper motors and their indexing techniques. Concepts of motor control circuits including the thyristor.
MECH0012: Design materials & manufacture 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX40 CW60
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the component elements of design.
To provide an introduction to the processes of machining, forming and joining and the heat treatment of metals.
To enable the student to become acquainted with the basic principles of design, and the design process in line with BS7000 and internationally agreed standards.
To provide a holistic view of the process and decisions to be taken in real design problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Analyse, select and integrate standard components into detailed designs. Develop a partial requirement specification from a design brief. Analyse a problem and select a solution from a range of alternatives. Produce detailed drawings of components to ensure that they perform the desired function and can be manufactured. Select from an extending range of traditional manufacturing processes.
The design process; principles of design; design controls. Elements: Springs, bearings, seals, fixing and fastening systems, power transmission systems. Electric motors. Design & Make Project, machining, forming, heat treatment, mechanical joints, liquid phase joints.
MECH0013: Systems & control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX85 PR15
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the behaviour of a variety of physical systems commonly used in control applications. To develop an understanding of the operational behaviour of control systems, this to allow the application of classical control theory to system analysis and design.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the behaviour of simple control systems. Determine a control systems frequency response and stability characteristics. Improve steady state and dynamic performance using compensation techniques.
System modelling. Open and closed loop control. Block diagram representation. Block diagram manipulation. Transfer functions and Laplace notation. Transient performance of simple systems. System errors. Frequency response representation of systems. Bode diagrams. System stability assessment using Bode diagrams. Compensation techniques. Use of computer software for system design. Microprocessor practical, Robot Control experiment.
MECH0014: Modelling techniques 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue to develop algorithm design and programming techniques in Fortran77/90.
To acquire a large variety of numerical and mathematical techniques to be used for those engineering problems modelled in terms of ODEs.
To provide a strong mathematical and computational foundation for solving equations arising in the modelling of engineering systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand how the various standard ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise in engineering. Understand and use numerical techniques in the solution of such ODEs. Understand and apply the techniques of Fourier series and transforms to ODEs.
Understand the use of matrices in modelling vibrating systems and apply numerical solutions techniques for solving matrix equations and determining eigensolutions.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential evolution equations using Euler's method and the Runge-Kutta methods, including reduction to first order form and numerical stability analysis. Numerical solution of two-point ordinary differential boundary value problems using a direct method (the tridiagonal matrix algorithm) and an indirect method (the shooting method). Local and Global Truncation Errors: choosing a suitable numerical method and the improvement of accuracy. Gaussian Elimination: algorithm and code development, use a Least Squares fitting of experimental data, and in the determination of matrix eigenvalues. Normal modes of vibration in discrete and continuous systems: analytical and numerical methods. Lagrange's equations: theory, application in complex dynamical systems, and normal modes.
MECH0015: Thermofluids 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students ability to apply the principals of thermodynamics, heat transfer and compressible gas flow to problems of engineering importance.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the thermodynamic principles, characteristics of gas turbines, steam turbines and IC engines, together with related energy conservation and environmental issues. Solve simple heat transfer problems (including steady-state and trained conduction in solids, convection, radiation, and the design of heat exchangers).
THERMODYNAMICS & COMBUSTION : Steam plant: superheating, reheating, CHP and combined cycles. Gas turbines and jet engines: intercooling, reheating and introduction to jet propulsion. Introduction to combustion, heat release, emissions and the environment.
HEAT TRANSFER : Heat conduction: steady-state and transient conduction in solids (including composite slabs and cylinders). Convective heat transfer: dimensional analysis and empirical correlations. Introduction to radiation. Heat exchangers: design using the LMTD method.
MECH0016: Solid mechanics 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitation. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strength and cumulative damage in structural components.
MECH0017: Solid mechanics 3 with French
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
To review the content of first year Solid Mechanics course in the French language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitation. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strength and cumulative damage in structural components. language review topics: Force and moments as vectors; 3D free body diagrams; 3D systems using vector analysis; principal of superpositioning.
MECH0018: Design 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To show how engineering sub-assemblies comprise both standard and components.
To demonstrate the importance of optimisation within an iterative design process in contrast to adequate design in terms of functionality, geometry and material selection.
To show how a successful design can be achieved by integrating analytical skills from the engineering sciences.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Design a sub-assembly in detail using correctly selected components and design ancillary items to meet a requirement. Design an engineering product. Recognise the importance of completing comprehensive design analysis, component drawings and sub-assembly drawings in order to achieve a successful solution.
Embodiment design: To include shafts, coupling, keyway, welded and bolted joint design, bearing, pulley, gear analysis. combined loadings, design factors and optimisation techniques.
MECH0019: Manufacturing 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0006, Pre MECH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
A common thread will run throughout the unit, of linking materials selection and design over a range of mechanical engineering applications; the aims being:
To extend and deepen from MECH0006 & 0012 the understanding of metals
To introduce the processes for surface treatment by heat treatment and the application of coatings
To introduce polymers and wood; their structure and properties together with methods of manufacturing artefacts from these materials.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Explain the structure-property relationships for commonly used alloys of steel and aluminium.
Describe some of the commonly used techniques for surface hardening and coating materials and their applications. Explain in rudimentary terms the relation between polymer molecular structures and their structural and processing properties including elementary polymer composites. Describe a range of commonly used processes for the manufacture of polymer and polymer composite parts and explain the limitations of these processes.
Structure property relations and applications of alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys. Surface treatments and coating for metals. Polymers: structure property relations, manufacturing processes. Uni-directional composites; applications of the rule of mixtures for property calculation; manufacturing processes.
Timber in engineering.
MECH0020: Experimentation & applied engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To illustrate the systems approach to engineering.
To illustrate the integration of engineering science, control, electronics, design, materials, manufacture and business for product-based engineering applications.
To demonstrate the interaction of the different engineering disciplines in the design of products. To develop the student's understanding of laboratory practice and of instrumentation using microcomputers including signal processing and analysis techniques.
To provide an understanding of the design of experiments.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Appreciate the breadth of application of science and technological subjects to engineering product design and development. Understand the interrelationships of different disciplines within engineering. Use common types of analogue and digital transducers, proprietary signal conditioning cards, PC-based interface cards and microprocessor systems in experimentation. Design experiments from a statistical viewpoint.
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN : Microprocessor control. Control of a robot arm. Engine Test. Aerofoil test. Flexible Manufacturing System. Space Frame. SUPPORTING LECTURES ON : Digital and Analogue Transducers and Interfacing. Aliasing and Filtering. Design of Experiments and Significance Testing. Topics as appropriate to support individual experiments. DEMONSTRATIONS OF MEASUREMENT AND SIGNAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES : Laser-Doppler Anemometry. Mechanical Vibrations. PRODUCT AND SYSTEM INVESTIGATIONS ON : Aircraft High Lift Flap system and Undercarriage System. Automobile Active Suspension System. Product Packaging. Flexible Manufacturing System/Guided Vehicle/Robot. Logic-based Autonomous Machine. Hip replacement Prosthesis or Ergonomics & Human/System Interaction.
MECH0021: Modelling techniques 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue to develop algorithm design and programming techniques in Fortran77/90.
To acquire a large variety of numerical and mathematical techniques to be used for those engineering problems modelled in terms of PDEs.
to provide a strong mathematical and computational foundation for solving equations arising in the modelling of engineering systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand how the various standard partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in engineering. Understand and use numerical techniques in the solution of such PDEs. Understand and apply the techniques of Fourier series and transforms to PDEs.
Fourier's equation of heat conduction: derivation, numerical solution and analytical solutions. Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation: derivation, numerical solution, the equations in polar co-ordinates. Wave equation: derivation, D'Alembert's solution, separation of variables solution. Fourier series: application in ODEs and PDEs governing various engineering systems. Fourier Transforms: definition, general results, application in solving ODEs and PDEs.
MECH0022: Thermofluids 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students ability to apply the principles of fluid dynamics to problems of engineering importance at high and low speeds.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate the flow over an arbitrary two-dimensional aerofoil by a variety of techniques with various degrees of approximation. Calculate the skin friction and drag caused by boundary-layer flow over external surfaces. Calculate the pressure losses in duct/pipe networks, estimate the performance of fluid machines, and match the characteristics of a pump to its load.
INVISCID FLOW: Stream functions: flow around simple non-lifting shapes. Free and forced vortices. Rotational/irrotational flows. Vorticity, circulation and lift. Aerofoil characteristics.
VISCOUS FLOWS: Introduction to viscous flows, external and internal. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers in zero pressure gradients. Transition. Effect of pressure gradient, including flow separation.
FLUID SYSTEMS: Pipe flows and networks, including the calculation of losses. Characteristics of positive displacement and rotodynamic machines. Matching of fluid machines and networks. Cavitation. Water hammer and surge.
MECH0023: Solid mechanics 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students knowledge of the vibrations of mechanical systems into the multi-degree of freedom context.
To examine techniques for the reduction of vibrations.
To introduce more advanced concepts of stress analysis and structures, including buckling and finite element analysis.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Determine buckling loads for simple one degree of freedom systems and elastic columns. Formulate equations of motion from simple Lagrangian functions. Formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices. Obtain natural frequencies and mode shapes of multi-degree of freedom systems. Find the response of systems with several degrees of freedom to harmonic excitation. Describe practical ways of reducing vibration. Produce simplified finite element formulations.
Introduction to buckling: one degree of freedom systems; column buckling. Lagrangian methods: virtual work and energy. Vibrations in multi-degree of freedom systems; practical control measures. Introduction to finite element analysis.
MECH0024: Mécanique générale
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To help the students understand the French notation and mathematical methods for problem solving by teaching the subject entirely in the French language and hence contribute to their technical communication ability.
To extend the students knowledge in the field of mechanics and to introduce more sophisticated methods used in design and stress analysis.
To introduce additional methods of analysis in the fields of structures, kinematics, kinetics and analytical mechanics and to develop judgement in selecting the most suitable approach to analysing mechanical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate forces, stresses, strains and deflections in increasingly complex structural forms; calculate the conditions for buckling; describe complex motions of particles and bodies using vector analysis; formulate equations of motion using vector analysis; analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis; calculate work done by forces/torque; determine kinetic and potential energy of a system; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Structures: Stress and strain, tensile load, compression, bending, torsion, buckling, fatigue, energy, introduction to finite element analysis. Kinematics: Cartesian, polar, natural, cylindrical, spherical co-ordinates, motion of particle, motion of body. Lagrange methods. Kinetics: Newtons law, momentum, moment of momentum, moment of inertia, kinetic and potential energy.
MECH0025: Design 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the techniques and constraints of professional design practice, with an emphasis on concurrent design practice.
To make the student aware of standard design methods, key aspects of a specification and systematic methods for problem solving.
To make the student aware of the special features of design embodiment; including the stages in developing a product after the design stage; problems and benefits of working in a team; ergonomics and aesthetics issues.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce a detailed design specification. Apply standard design methods and value engineering techniques. Incorporate and specify new materials and finishing methods. Cost and specify development and quality requirements. Produce complete product or machine design. Work in a small design team to design a product or system for the market place. Produce technical sales literature.
ASPECTS OF CONCURRENT ENGINEERING: Specifications, design methods and value engineering. Design for:- safety, ergonomics, life cycle design, automatic assembly, reliability. REFINEMENT PROCESSES: Material selection and applications and finishes. Costing, quality assurance and design development.
MECH0026: Manufacturing 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain an understanding of the broad context of manufacturing systems in relation to the technology and management issues of manufacturing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the fundamentals of automation and robotics. Understand the technical and managerial processes required to turn a design into an economically viable and marketable product.
Automation including robotic applications. Translating a design into manufacturing system requirements. MANUFACTURING SYSTEM DESIGN - Process planning, time and cost estimating, Make or buy decisions, Factory layouts and work flow. OPERATION AND CONTROL OF MANUFACTURE - Production control, Quality control, Cost control, and Financial reporting, Purchasing, Information systems, Maintenance. THE MANUFACTURING SUPPORT FUNCTIONS AND THEIR ROLE - Human resources, Legal, Finance.
NOTE : It is intended that this module is partially taught on an integrated basis, by following a product that has already been detail designed through a manufacture until it is ready for market.
MECH0027: Digital electronics & signal processing
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a practical understanding of digital electronics, logic and signal processing and introduce related design methods; to introduce the concept of signals and describe methods for their processing and recording.
After this unit the student should be able to:
Use Logic Gates to implement simple designs, appreciate functional similarities and differences between Logic families. Describe the elements of information coding and simple signal conversion. Specify and select suitable instrumentation equipment for a variety of control and data collection purposes.
Logic gates: AND, NOT, OR, XOR, NAND; timing diagrams, function tables, Karnaugh maps; decoders, latches, flip-flops; optoelectronics; registers; programmable logic arrays; buffers and busses; binary, BCD, 2's complement, IEEE floating point representations; Von Neumann and non-standard computer architectures. Operational amplifiers, non-ideal characteristics and circuit applications; noise sources, interference, shielding and grounding techniques, filtering; signal conversion, modulation and multiplexing; examples of transducer families including strain gauges, piezo and digital devices; signal conditioning circuits; transducer and system performance, and selection criteria.
MECH0028: Electrical drives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of various electrical devices and methods for their selection in a variety of engineering applications, and to introduce the concepts of performance of electro-mechanical systems and the use of simulation techniques.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe the principles of various drives and their selection criteria for practical application in product design. Apply drive selection techniques and evaluate performance for particular applications. Make use of appropriate manufacturers' catalogues.
Stepper motors and servo motors:: types, operational characteristics and models; control techniques for stepper and servo motors; motion control, intelligent indexer control; modern drives for stepper and servo motors; determination and characterisation of load cycles; drive selection criteria for various product applications; auxiliary elements of an electro-mechanical drive system; safety, reliability, performance, cost, size/weight and efficiency; simulation tools for the assessment of performance; design of drive systems for classical applications; manufacturers' catalogues and their use in product design; hybrid drive systems (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic); current trends and practices in mechatronic system drives.
MECH0029: Control systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022, Pre MECH0013
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the techniques available for the analysis and design of practical continuous-time control systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce a control system specification. Predict the behaviour of practical continuous-time control systems involving linear and non-linear elements. Describe the behaviour of microprocessor-controlled systems.
Analysis of control system transient response using Laplace transforms. Estimation of continuous-time transient response using the s-plane. Control system design using Root Locus Method. Parameter sensitivity using Root Locus Method. Linearisation of non-linear systems. System design specifications. Control systems design and analysis software. Performance assessment of systems using the Nichols chart. Integrator wind-up and feedback compensation techniques. Introduction to microprocessor control.
MECH0030: Structural mechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the strength and rigidity analysis of some common structural components and joints to allow them to be used safely.
To teach the effect which rotation, temperature gradient, shrink fit, pre-loading, yielding and residual stresses have in stress analysis and how fatigue and fracture affect material strength.
To relate these effects to structures found in automotive and mechanical engineering applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate stresses and deformations in thick cylinders, disc and plated when subjected to a variety of load conditions. Understand the effect of plastic yielding and residual stresses in beams in bending. Calculate the stresses in bolts subjected to bending shear and torque tightening loads.
Stresses and deformation of pressurised thick cylinders, compound tubes, shafts and the autofrettage process. Strength and rigidity of circular and rectangular plates under pressure and lateral loads using plate and membrane theories. Stresses and deformation in thin discs due to rotation, shrink fits and temperature gradients. Fracture strength and crack propagation - their effect on safe life and flaw tolerant design. Collapse loading of structures, limit design and springback. Determining loads in bolted joints under shear and bending loads and the effect of torque tightening. Shell, and semi-monocoque structures and stiffened panels.
MECH0031: Thermofluids 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend student understanding of the thermodynamics of compressible flow in ducts, combustion and power generation and their effects on the environment.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate the effects of compressibility in the flow through ducts with friction and heat transfer; Understand the thermodynamics of compressible flow through an isothermal duct. Calculate the thermodynamic properties of gas-vapour mixtures: perform combustion calculations involving dissociation; carry out second law analysis of power plant; understand the effects of power generation on the environment.
Adiabatic constant area flow with friction; heat addition in steady inviscid one dimensional flow; isothermal compressible flow in ducts; gas-vapour mixtures, air conditioning systems; combustion; second law, irreversibility and availability; combined cycles, CHP; the environment.
MECH0032: Aerodynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' understanding of viscous flow, compressible flow and external aerodynamics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Apply the boundary layer equations to laminar and turbulent flow. Determine the drag contribution from an arbitrary shaped body. Calculate the aerodynamics characteristics of aerofoils in supersonic flow. Predict the load distributions over an arbitrary three-dimensional wing.
INTRODUCTION TO TURBULENCE. Drag of bluff and streamlined bodies. Laminar and turbulent flow over flat places. COMPRESSIBLE FLOW: oblique shocks and expansion waves; shock expansion theory for aerofoils. THREE DIMENSIONAL LIFTING SURFACES: horseshoe vortex model, lifting line models, Vortex Lattice Method.
MECH0033: Mechanical vibrations & noise
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce quantitative aspects of noise control and to give an appreciation of some of the problems involved.
To acquaint the student with more advanced aspects of vibration.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate sound pressure level given relevant power and material data. Estimate the reduction in sound pressure level that could be achieved by the use of a barrier or enclosure. Convert equations of motion into principal coordinates. Describe how to measure normal modes of structures. Apply harmonic balance to solve Rayleighs equation to obtain limit cycle solutions and also to solve Duffings equation and thus to explain jump phenomena.
Response of the ear, noise exposure, code of practice; noise isolation and absorption; barriers and enclosures; modal analysis and testing; nonlinearity.
MECH0034: Mécanique vibratoire
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students' knowledge in the field of vibrations by teaching the subject entirely in the French language and to consolidate the students understanding of the French notation and mathematical methods for problem solving.
To provide a knowledge of mechanical vibrations with one degree of freedom, multi degrees of freedom and continuous systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Derive the equation of motion of vibrating systems by using analytical and Lagrangian methods; calculate or approximate the natural frequency of conservative and dissipative mechanical systems; describe possible mode shapes of mechanical systems by using matrix methods; formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Lagrange methods. Vibrations 1: One degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 2: Multi degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 3: Vibrations of linear elastic continuum, longitudinal-, torsional- and bending vibration, work and energy methods, Rayleigh method, Dunkerley method.
MECH0035: Computer-integrated manufacturing & data management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an appreciation of how manufacturing objectives can be achieved through computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) and engineering data management (EDM).
To gain an understanding of the range of CIM processes and life-cycle product/process information within an engineering enterprise.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of business best practices for CIM and EDM; formulate a company's strategy for CIM and EDM. Propose viable CIM system designs to meet business objectives; apply concurrent engineering methodologies; assess the choices for process planning, assembly, production management and quality management. Identify users, sources and drivers for data integration; understand standards and systems for engineering data representation and exchange; assess the suitability of an EDM system for a company.
Business case for CIM and EDM. Design for manufacture. Concurrent engineering. Computer networks, protocols and databases for EDM and CIM. Group technology. Computer Aided process planning. Flexible manufacturing, assembly and cell design. Computer Aided quality control and inspection. Production management, MRP and MRP-II. Product life-cycle process, requirements for EDM. Product data exchange, IGES, STEP(ISO 10303). Integrated modelling of product and process information. Maintenance of legacy data, configuration management. Case study in EDM. Strategy, selection and implementation.
MECH0036: Manufacturing processes & analysis 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a knowledge and understanding of the newer and more advanced forming and fabrication processes, their analysis and modelling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Compare and contrast advanced forming and fabrication processes and inform on their limitations and effective use. Select appropriate machine tool and process equipment. Select manufacturing process routes for economic manufacture.
The precise range of processes covered each year will vary. Typically 3 or 4 external lecturers will also be giving lectures. Typically the range of processes will include:
* Elements of plasticity and metal forming processes
* Welding processes
* Rapid prototyping
* Powder route for manufacture
* Ceramic route for manufacture
MECH0037: Internal combustion engine technology
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the technology, operation and application of IC engines.
To analyse the criteria governing IC engine design, performance, combustion and emissions.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Discuss the parameters that define IC engine performance, identify the distinct operating characteristics of different classifications of IC engines; understand and predict the thermodynamic and mechanical constrains governing design; explain the environment issues concerning future IC engine developments.
Thermodynamic and mechanical principals; combustion and fuels; spark and compression ignition engines; turbocharging; fuelling systems; induction, in-cylinder and exhaust processes; emission formation and reduction/prevention; automotive emission legislation, casestudies; introduction to IC engine simulation techniques.
MECH0038: Power transmissions
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0021, Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an appreciation of the factors which govern the choice of powertrain systems, continuously variable and fixed ratio.
To give an appreciation of tribological requirements for power transmissions.
To appreciate the features of hydrodynamic lubrication.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Select gear ratios for given vehicle performance (hill climb, maximum speed, constant engine speed band, fixed speed between gear changes). Use a fuel map to select a gear for minimum fuel consumption at a given speed or the optimum gear at any speed with a continuously variable transmission. utilise either an external gearset or an epicyclic gearset to achieve a given gear ratio. Select tooth module; calculate bending and contact stress. Appreciate the features of hydrokinetic and hydrostatic transmission to achieve specified performance. Choose a hydrodynamic bearing to bear a specified load.
MECH0039: Gas turbine propulsion
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide knowledge of the development, performance and design of gas-turbine aeroengines. To apply the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the performance and design of aeroengines.
After taking this course the student should be able to:
Appreciate the effect of an aeroengine on aircraft performance. Analyse thermodynamic cycles for turboprop, turboshaft, turbojet and turbofan engines. Understand principles and performance of compressor, turbine, combustor, intake and exhaust nozzle. Calculate performance of engines at design and off-design conditions.
Birth of jet engine; engine classification; operational envelope; thrusts and efficiencies; thermodynamic cycles (turboshaft, turbojet, turbofan); combustors; intakes (subsonic and supersonic), afterburners and nozzles; design and off-design performance.
MECH0040: Aircraft performance & design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022, Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the basic mechanics of flight.
To illustrate the conceptual design process for fixed wing aircraft.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the performance of a fixed wing aircraft in steady or accelerated flight. Calculate a balanced field length. Develop a range of conceptual designs which satisfy a design specification within the Airworthiness regulations.
Characteristics of aircraft propulsion systems. Level flight, climb and field performance. Payload/range. The design process and the role of the Airworthiness regulations. Preliminary weight estimates and constraints analysis for turbofan and turboprop aircraft. Advanced drag polar prediction. Weight breakdown and cg envelopes. Tailplane and fin sizing.
MECH0041: Aircraft stability & control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an understanding of the principles of aircraft stability and the significance of the permitted centre of gravity limits which must be considered when loading an aircraft.
To enable the student to understand and analyse both flight test and wind tunnel results pertaining to aircraft static stability.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Estimate stability margins for any given conventional or tail-less aircraft. Analyse and interpret both wind tunnel and flight test results concerned with aircraft static stability and trim.
Rigid aircraft behaviour. Basic specification of forces and moment on an aircraft. Properties of aerofoils and controls. Static stability criterion. Static and manoeuvre margins, both stick fixed and stick free. Flight test measurements and wind tunnel analysis. Springs and weights in the elevator circuit. Power assistance for the pilot and artificial feel. Dynamic stability: an introduction. Stability derivatives.
MECH0042: Manufacturing systems techniques
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop expertise in the design of manufacturing systems.
To develop expertise in CNC programming and CAD/CAM integration.
To develop skills in synthesising and analysing the elements required in the design of work cells.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Plan the operations required to manufacture and assemble products. Produce NC part programs and robot path programs and use integrated CAD/CAM software. Design suitable work holding arrangements. Design plant layout and materials handling systems. Establish effective working methods. Design integrated workplace environments.
Process planning and time estimating. Assembly planning. Quality planing. The design and choice of jigs, fixtures, tooling and gauges. Historical aspects of NC. Types of NC system. Machine tool controllers. Machine level programming. APT part programming. computer aided part programming. Integrated CAD/CAM systems. Plant layout techniques. To-from analysis. Materials handling and work movement methodologies. Work Study, method study, work measurement, activity sampling, ergonomics. system design and evaluation.
MECH0043: Computer aids for design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0021, Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the use of CAD in the overall design process.
to provide an understanding of the different types of modeller and their applications.
To give experience in the use of CAD techniques.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe the different types of CAD modelling systems, what they offer and their application to the overall design process. Understand the CAD requirements of typical companies. Appreciate how CAD techniques can be applied to different application areas.
Computer aids for design and their relation to design needs. Basic two and three dimensional drafting entities, input techniques, manipulation, storage within system. Transformations, views, co-ordinate systems. Use of free-form curves and surfaces. Use of solid modelling. graphics interface languages, user interface, parametrics. Company requirements and operation. Application of CAD technique in industry. Design support for other CAE systems and data exchange.
MECH0045: Aerospace structures & aeroelasticity
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach appropriate techniques for the stress analysis and failure prediction of aircraft structures.
To gain an understanding of divergence and classical flutter.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Design aircraft structures by accounting for static strength, buckling and fatigue failure. Recognise the importance of divergence and flutter in the analysis and design of aircraft. Use, and have a basic understanding of, computer packages for structural analysis and design.
Shear flow and shear centre of open and close sections. Analysis of bolted joints under shear and bending loads. Fracture strength and crack propogation, including safe-life and damage-tolerant design. Strength and rigidity of plates under pressure and lateral loads. Shear buckling and tension fields - analysis and design of ribs and spars. Compression buckling of stiffened panels - analysis and design of wing and fuselage panels. Analysis and design of composite aircraft structures. Wing divergence and classical flutter. Use of computer packages for structural analysis and design.
MECH0046: Manufacturing automation, modelling & simulation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the use and benefits of modelling and simulation in manufacturing systems design and operation.
To teach the students the building blocks of automation and how to apply these in the design of robotic and automated systems. To examine the advanced and technical aspects of current automation technology.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Model and simulate the operation of a small manufacturing system. Use simulation as a manufacturing system design technique. Justify the use of manufacturing modelling and simulation. Understand the techniques required for the specification of robotic and automated cells. Appreciate the use of sensing (including vision) in advanced robot control. Undertake a cost evaluation for proposed systems and be able to recommend hard or flexible automation. Specify the safety requirements within an automated environment. Examine design for automated assembly.
MODELLING & SIMULATION: Definitions. types of models. Modelling methodologies. Validation and Verification. Justification, benefits and uses of simulation. MODELLING MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Discrete event and continuous approaches to simulation. Discrete event computer languages. Visually interactive simulation. Use of mathematical and statistical models, distributions and random numbers, queuing models and inventory systems. Modelling breakdowns, conveyors, work flow and tool flow. Utilisation statistics. Model verification and validation. Simulation of manufacturing systems. MODELLING PRODUCTS: Geometric models. Product data models. Neutral formats and data exchange. API for manufacturing software libraries. INFORMATION MODELS: Information flows within manufacture. Levels of detail. IDEF models. Automation Peripherals (eg: Vibratory bowl feeders). Sensors (eg: limit switches, proximity switches, photoelectric sensors). Robot Sensing & Machine Vision. Grippers & Tooling. Hard V's Flexible Automation. Robot Control. Safety. Applications (eg: Aerospace, Automotive, Pharmaceutical & Electronics). Mobile Robots. Current Research Advancements.
MECH0047: Powertrain & transport systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MECH0037
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the students to the broader social and economic factors which govern the design and development of vehicles and transportation systems.
To provide a knowledge of alternative automotive powertrain systems and advanced engine developments.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Identify and understand the different alternative automotive propulsion systems and their operating characteristics. Describe the advanced IC engine developments taking place with regard to achieving lower fuel consumption and emissions. Explain the impact of environmental and social issues on transport legislation and vehicle manufacture. Discuss the requirements and implications of life cycle design and costs on vehicle design and development.
Technology implications of developing alternative automotive propulsion systems IC engine emission characteristics and emission reduction developments. Use of alternative fuels, technological and resource implications: Natural gas, Bio-gas, Methane, Hydrogen. Alternative automotive powertrains including regenerative and hybrid systems. Life cycle management: design of vehicles, recycling and cost issues. The industrial base for vehicle manufacturing and the drivers for technological change. The global and legislative perspective on transport issues. Environmental aspects and the use of natural resources.
MECH0048: Global design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To recognise the techniques for surveying and assessing product performance and customer acceptability worldwide.
To introduce the problems and effects of distributed working.
To provide an understanding of the changes in design work practices.
To introduce new computer and communications systems for global working.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the requirements of remote and global working. Develop the skills to allow design activities to be performed. Understand the communications technology in its execution. Recognise the changes in approach necessary to allow this form of working to be successfully adopted. Evaluate the effect of a product upon the customer and the re-evaluation of concepts and details in order to overcome any adverse effects.
CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES IN DESIGN: Changes brought about by global communication. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Procedures for assessing acceptability. Customer surveys. Technical evaluation. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS: Means for vision and voice exchange. Data exchange. Graphical communications. Exchange of geometric modelling data. Design management and design by rules. CASE STUDY WORK: Establishment of communications between remote sites. Determination of appropriate procedures. Creation of design specification and design schemes. Product and data refinement through creation of cells. Problem management and ownership on distributed systems. NOTE: The interactive case study element of this course will be carried out in collaboration with a remote access site.
MECH0049: Innovation and advanced design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX50CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0048
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the processes whereby the effect of a product can be evaluated.
To provide an understanding of innovation in an industrial context.
To introduce a number of innovation techniques, particularly the TRIZ methodology.
To introduce a number of advanced design techniques and methodologies, including design management techniques to enable the innovation process to be executed and managed.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the processes of innovation. Use a number of innovation methods and techniques Apply the processes to the development of new products. Understand the effects of change on the processes and markets. Understand the concept of a product architecture and will be able to apply a number of advanced techniques such as QFD, DFM, and DFA to their work. Understand the economics of product development, and the impact of time and cost overruns
Discipline in innovation, Creative processes, TRIZ, Inventive principles, Predictable evolution, Function analysis, Marketing innovation, Case studies,. The product development process and problem definition for innovation,. Project trade offs. Quality function deployment. Design for manufacture, assembly and life cycles. Product architecture. Incremental design strategies. Managing design information. Product development team studies. Case studies.
MECH0050: Advanced aerodynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0032
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce modern numerical techniques for the prediction of lifting flows.
To introduce the basic concepts of helicopter flight and the fundamentals of rotor aerodynamics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the flow around aerofoils and high lift systems. Predict the flow around simple two-dimensional lifting shapes using CFD techniques. Recognise the differences between fixed and rotary wing aerodynamics.
Singularity methods applied to two-dimensional aerofoils and high lift systems. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients. Computation of simple inviscid, incompressible, lifting lows by CFD techniques. Introduction to rotor aerodynamics. Momentum and blade element theories. Disc loading, parasitic and induced power. Power required in hover, vertical climb and descent. Rotor flow regimes in horizontal flight.
MECH0055: Energy & the environment
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES15 CW15
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the energy balances within the major regions of the world, and their environmental consequences.
To introduce assessment techniques for evaluating projects in terms of energy use and environmental impact.
To understand the relationship between alternative energy technologies and the societies in which they develop and to participate in discussion of energy and environmental options.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Evaluate the life cycle of major energy projects, and present the results in a form that will enable decision makers to fully comprehend their energy and environmental consequences. Develop the key features of appropriate energy strategies for countries from different regions of the world in terms of their economic development, indigenous energy resources, and environmental consequences. Participate in local and national debates over large scale development projects with an understanding of limitations placed on them by economic, physical, and environmental constraints.
ENERGY RESOURCES : Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal); Primary electricity (hydro and nuclear power); Renewable energy sources; Substitutable and non-substitutable resources. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION : Pollutant emissions from fossil fuel combustion; Environmental impact of nuclear power; local, regional and global effects. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES : Cost/benefit analysis; First and second law (energy and exergy) thermodynamic analysis; Life-cycle assessment; Environmental impact assessment.
ENERGY AND SOCIETY : The technology-society relationship; Alternative energy technologies; Energy conservation; Energy and transport. ENERGY STRATEGIES : Major world producers and users; Energy systems modelling; energy and the third world; Case study; comparative energy studies of selected industrialised and developing countries.
MECH0057: Finite element analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0030
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students' appreciation of the mathematical basis of the finite-element method.
To develop the critical use of commercial finite-element software.
To develop finite element methods for the study of vibrations.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the mathematical formulation of the finite element method when applied to linear problems. Use a commercially available finite-element package to analyse linear stress-strain problems in solid bodies. Critically assess the approximate solutions so produced. Use a commercially available element package to model vibration problems.
Introduction to finite elements as applied to a continuum; displacement formulation. shape functions; numerical integration; Hands-on use of a commercially available finite element package to solve problems in linear stress analysis. Pre and post processing. Model definition if 1D, 2D, 3D representations, symmetry, choice of element type, mesh density requirements. Model validation by comparison with exact analytical solution. Examples in modal analysis.
MECH0059: Geometric modelling
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0021
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the ideas used in fully three dimensional CADCAM systems.
To give hands-on experience in writing software for such systems.
To introduce the ideas of constraint and rule based systems.
To illustrate constraint modelling and its applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the fundamental concepts of geometric modelling and the algorithms and data structures used in it. Understand the implications for efficiency and the domain of these algorithms. Write programs for such things as ray tracing to produce three dimensional graphics. Understand the ideas of constraint modelling and resolution. Use a constraint modelling system to simulate, analysis and optimise a mechanism system.
Wire frame and other precursors to geometric models. Boundary representation models. Set theoretic (or CSG) models. Parametric curves and bi-parametric patches, the Bernstein basis. Bezier curves, B-splines and NURBS, implicit solids and surfaces. Non-manifold geometric models. feature recognition. Machining geometric models. Rapid prototyping and geometric modelling. The medial axis transform and FE mesh generatic.. Blends and fillets. Minkowski sums. Kernal modellers, APIs and GUIs. Rendering geometric models, volume visualisation. Numerical accuracy problems in geometric models. Integral properties of geometric models. Procedural shape definition. Types of engineering constraints. Constraint based systems. Techniques for constraint resolution, optimisation methods. Form of a constraint modelling system, its underlying language and structure. Constraint based description of mechanism and their performance. Mechanism selection, storage of catalogues. Case study examples.
MECH0060: Heat transfer
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To reinforce the student's ability to model conduction in solids and radiation between surfaces.
To introduce the student to convective heat transfer and to the solution of engineering heat transfer problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the concepts and equations governing heat transfer by conduction and radiation, and to be able to solve heat transfer problems of engineering importance. Understand the concepts and equations governing convective heat transfer, and to be able to solve heat transfer problems of engineering importance.
HEAT CONDUCTION AND THERMAL RADIATION : Review of conduction, convection and radiation. Derivation of general equation of conduction. Analytical and numerical solution of selected steady-state and transient conduction problems. Blackbody and greybody radiation, solar radiation, view factors, radiant heat exchange between surfaces. Formulation of radiation equations for numerical solution and application to engineering problems. CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER : Review of basic concepts of buoyancy-driven and forced convection. Derivation of the boundary-layer momentum and energy equations for laminar flow. Turbulence and its effects on heat transfer. The Reynolds analogy between shear stress and heat flux. Solution of the laminar and turbulent boundary-layer equations and applications to engineering problems. The conjugate problem: combined conduction, convection and radiation
MECH0061: Biomechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to applications of mechanics in a biological and clinical context.
To provide an insight into the forces and motions in human joints, and the mechanical properties of a variety of hard and soft tissues.
To give an appreciation of the functional requirements of replacement joints and fracture fixation systems.
To impart an awareness of the materials and manufacturing technology associated with the design of replacement joints and fracture fixture systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Relate the principles of mechanics to biological tissues, the major load bearing joints and to the management of fractures, to appreciate the range of technology used in the medical device industry and the problems associated with the performance of artificial joints and fracture fixation systems in the aggressive environment of the human body.
Biomechanics of Biological Tissues; Biomechanics of bone, articular cartilage, ligament and muscle. Kinematics and Dynamics of Natural Joints; Anatomical structure of synovial joints, joint forces, the hip and knee. Biomaterials; General requirements, biocompatibility, lubrication and wear. Artificial Joints; engineering and clinical considerations, methods of fixation, functional adaptation of implant/bone composite structures. Biomechanics of Fracture Fixation; Process of fracture healing, methods of fracture fixation and stabilisation, load sharing aspects of fracture fixation.
MECH0064: Systems modelling & simulation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MECH0029, Pre MECH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the students of procedures for establishing mathematical models of engineering systems.
To introduce commercial software packages for the solution of the mathematical models and to examine the relative merits of different approaches.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Make the realistic judgements necessary to develop mathematical models of complex engineering systems. Undertake a critical appraisal of the simulation results and to have an appreciation of the limitations imposed by the assumptions made and the method of solution adopted. Apply commercial software packages for the prediction of engineering systems performance.
Role of simulation in design. Analysis of dynamic systems in the time domain and frequency domain. Linearisation methods. Modelling of discontinuities and non-linearities. Bathfp modelling. Simulink and Matlab modelling. System identification.
MECH0066: Turbomachinery
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the fundamental thermodynamics and fluid mechanics associated with the design and analysis of compressible flow turbomachines associated with gas turbines and turbochargers, and to develop an appreciation of the design constraints.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Sketch enthalpy-entropy diagrams to describe the thermodynamic and flow process in all components of a turbomachine. Sketch velocity diagrams to show the velocity vectors at critical stations through a turbomachine. Define appropriate efficiencies for each component and appreciate the underlying loss generating processes. Identify the aerodynamic and non-aerodynamic factors which constrain the design of gas turbines and turbochargers. Develop the conceptual design of an axial flow turbine and radial flow compressors and turbines.
(Common section 16 hours)
Fundamental gas dynamics as required for turbomachines. Steady flow energy equation, Euler turbomachinery equation. Definition of efficiencies. Non-dimensional performance and design parameters for gas turbines and turbochargers. Simple radial equilibrium. Slip factors of centrifugal compressors.
Turbochargers (8 hours): Radial turbines. Turbine and compressor matching.
OR Gas Turbines (8 hours): fundamental aspects of axial flow gas turbines. Axial flow compressors. Combustors and turbine cooling.
MECH0067: Vehicle dynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the student an appreciation of factors affecting vehicle ride comfort and handling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe and analyse the operation of a vehicle suspension and predict vehicle ride behaviour and steady state handling performance. Explain the physical principles of road vehicle aerodynamic design.
Disturbance and sensitivity. Basic suspension systems. System frequencies - bounce, pitch and roll. Anti-pitch and anti-squat. Tyre behaviour. Front/rear suspensions - Springs and dampers. Roll centre. Steady state handling characteristics. Airflows. Drag & Lift. Economy & Performance. Aerodynamic Design.
MECH0068: Group business & design project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW90 EX10
Aims & learning objectives:
Overall: To give each student the experience of a real design situation as part of a group. To locate the contribution of the engineer, whether in design, R & D, manufacture, in the context of securing the firms broad commercial goals by means of effective product and market related policies and practices, including promotion and distribution.
This unit has three phases, each with its own aims & learning objectives and content. This are described separately below. However, after taking this unit, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical process that is engineering design.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering.
- Work in a multi-disciplinary team.
Phase 1: To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis used by accountants which are useful to engineers. To introduce the student to the management techniques applicable to the planning and execution of engineering projects.
After completing phase 1 of this unit, the student should have knowledge of business processes, accounting procedures, legal aspects for use in later project activity.
Phase 2: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced by the designer. To give experience of the problems involved in preparing a job specification in conjunction with industry. To enable students to work in a large multi-disciplinary team within a tightly constrained time scale. To enable students to appreciate the business dimension (research, finances, manufacturing etc) of engineering.
After completing phase 2 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Convert customer needs into a job specification.
- Evaluate and analyse a range of solutions for a product, component or system.
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising designers in industry.
- Understand how to organise a design and business team.
- Understand quality and legal aspects of technology management.
- Understand simultaneous or concurrent engineering methodologies.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
- Understand the engineers contribution as technologist and manager to the creation and implementation of product and marketing policies/plans.
- Understand and apply to simple projects the various techniques of project management.
Phase 3: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced by the designer. To give experience of the problems involved in undertaking detailed design in conjunction with industry. To enable students to work in a large multi-disciplinary team within a tightly constrained time scale.
To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis.
After completing phase 3 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Design a product, component or system.
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising designers in industry.
- Appreciate the elements, problems and opportunities inherent in the commercial development, evaluation and exploitation of new (innovative) products and processes.
- Apply a range of analytical concepts and approaches to particular situations.
- Analyse published accounts in order to gain a view as to the health of the business and undertake cost investigations relevant to engineering activities.
- Appreciate the issues and techniques associated with the management of large projects.
- Prepare a brochure, and mount a display.
Phase 1 - Business Processes for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 2 - Commercial/Technical Feasibility Study 33.5%
Phase 3 - Detail Design/Detailed Commercial Study 50%
Content of phase 1: Marketing: Market measurement, forecasting, analysis targeting and positioning; Buyer behaviour. Product policy and business strategey. Business organisation, managing R & D and concurrent engineering. Product development strategies and innovation. Quality issues (ISO 9000) and employee relations. Law of contract (sale of goods) and employee law. Patents, IPR and product liability. Financial accounting and budgetry control. Cost accounting and control and cash flow. Team working and leadership. Project planning and time estimating. Control of project time and costs.
Content of phase 2: A series of business lectures predominantly by industrialists. Project specific specialist lectures and industrial visits. A technical and business feasibility study to meet needs arising in industry or society.
Content of phase 3: A series of lectures by top industrialists. Project specific specialist lectures and industrial visits. A detailed group design to meet needs arising in industry or society.
Students MAY be able to take MECH0128 - Integrated industrial business and design project, instead of MECH0068 - please see the Director of Studies for details.
MECH0069: MEng engineering project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable the student to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding investigation or design project within a specific topic area.
To enable the student to synthesise information from both within the total course and from external sources.
To enable the student to communicate effectively a major piece of project work.
To give the student experience in working in a research environment or on an industry based design project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Plan, organise and conduct an engineering project to meet the requirements of the initial aims; present all stages of the project work via written documentation and oral presentations.
The final year engineering projects will either be defined as "Design" or "Research" in content. Whether classified as design or research, projects may be undertaken on an individual or a linked basis. RESEARCH PROJECTS will contain at least 2 of the 3 following elements - analytical, computational, experimental aspects. DESIGN PROJECTS will contain specification, design, analysis, manufacture and test work.
MECH0070: Solid mechanics 3 with German
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
To review the content of first year Solid Mechanics course in the German language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitation. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strength and cumulative damage in structural components. language review topics: Force and moments as vectors; 3D free body diagrams; 3D systems using vector analysis; principal of superpositioning.
MECH0071: Allgemeine mechanik
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To help the students understand the German notation and mathematical methods for problem solving by teaching the subject entirely in the German language and hence contribute to their technical communication ability.
To extend the students knowledge in the field of mechanics and to introduce more sophisticated methods used in design and stress analysis.
To introduce additional methods of analysis in the fields of structures, kinematics, kinetics and analytical mechanics and to develop judgement in selecting the most suitable approach to analysing mechanical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate forces, stresses, strains and deflections in increasingly complex structural forms; calculate the conditions for buckling; describe complex motions of particles and bodies using vector analysis; formulate equations of motion using vector analysis; analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis; calculate work done by forces/torque; determine kinetic and potential energy of a system; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Structures: Stress and strain, tensile load, compression, bending, torsion, buckling, fatigue, energy, introduction to finite element analysis. Kinematics: Cartesian, polar, natural, cylindrical, spherical co-ordinates, motion of particle, motion of body. Lagrange methods. Kinetics: Newtons law, momentum, moment of momentum, moment of inertia, kinetic and potential energy.
MECH0072: Schwingungslehre
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students knowledge in the field of vibrations by teaching the subject entirely in the German language and to consolidate the students understanding of the German notation and mathematical methods for problem solving.
To provide a knowledge of mechanical vibrations with one degree of freedom, multi degrees of freedom and continuous systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Derive the equation of motion of vibrating systems by using analytical and Lagrangian methods; calculate or approximate the natural frequency of conservative and dissipative mechanical systems; describe possible mode shapes of mechanical systems by using matrix methods; formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Lagrange methods. Vibrations 1: One degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 2: Multi degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 3: Vibrations of linear elastic continuum, longitudinal-, torsional- and bending vibration, work and energy methods, Rayleigh method, Dunkerley method.
MECH0120: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for more information about the industrial placement year.
MECH0127: Numerical analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 4
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: EX CW
MECH0128: Integrated industrial business & design project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW90 EX10
This unit is available to students instead of MECH0068 - Group business and design project, subject to satisfactory project arrangements being made - please see the Director of studies for details.
Aims & learning objectives:
Overall: To give each student the experience of a real engineering environment on placement. To locate the contribution of the engineer, whether in design, R & D, manufacture, in the context of securing the firms broad commercial goals by means of effective product and market related policies and practices, including promotion and distribution.
This unit has three phase each with its own aims & learning objectives and content. These are described separately below. However, after taking this unit, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate experience, knowledge and understanding of real engineering
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical process that is engineering design
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering
-Work in a multi-disciplinary team.
Phase 1: To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis used by accountants which are useful to engineers. To introduce the student to the management techniques applicable to the planning and execution of engineering projects.
After completing phase 1 of this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate knowledge of business processes, accounting procedures, legal aspects for use in later project activity, either by study or by the generation of a detailed project brief.
Phase 2: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced when working in industry or in the engineering environment. To give experience of the problems involved in preparing a job specification in an industrial environment. To enable students to appreciate the business dimension of research, finances, manufacturing, etc. in engineering.
After completing phase 2 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising engineers and commercial personnel in industry.
- Understand quality and legal aspects of technology management.
- Understand simultaneous or concurrent engineering methodologies.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
Understand the engineers contribution as technologist and manager to the creation and implementation of product and marketing policies/plans.
- Understand and apply to simple projects the various techniques of project management.
Phase 3: To give experience of the problems involved in undertaking detailed engineering activity with industry. To enable students to work in a industrial team within a tightly constrained time scale. To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis.
After completing phase 3 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising engineers and commercial personnel in industry.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
- Appreciate the problems and opportunities inherent in the commercial development, evaluation and exploitation of new (innovative) products and processes.
- Be capable of applying a range of analytic concepts and approaches to particular situations.
- Analyse published accounts in order to gain a view as to the health of the business and undertake cost investigations relevant to engineering activities.
- Appreciate the issues and techniques associated with the management of projects.
Phase 1 - Business Processes for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 2 - Commercial/Technical Feasibility Study 33.5%
Phase 3 - Detail Design/Detailed Commercial Study 50%
Content of phase 1: Marketing: Market measurement, forecasting, analysis targeting and positioning; Buyer behaviour.Product policy and business strategy. Business organisation, managing R & D and concurrent engineering. Product development strategies and innovation. Quality issues (ISO 9000) and employee relations. Law of contract (sale of goods) and employee law. Patents, IPR and product liability. Financial accounting and budgetary control. Cost accounting and control and cash flow. Team working and leadership. Project planning and time estimating. Control of project time and costs.
Content of phase 2: Industrial Placement - This may include preparing specifications, financial justifications, dealing with customers and suppliers, developing software, etc. A technical and business feasibility study to meet needs arising in industry or society or Business and Design Case Study.
Content of phase 3: Industrial Placement - A detailed technical and business report to meet needs arising in industry or society, or Business or Design Case Study.
MECH0129: BEng project activity
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW90 EX10
Aims & learning objectives:
To give each student the experience of a real design situation as part of a group. To locate the contribution of the engineer, whether in design, R & D, manufacture, in the context of securing the firms broad commercial goals by means of effective product and market related policies and practices, including promotion and distribution. To enable the student to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding investigation or design project within a specific topic area. To enable the student to synthesise information from both within the total course and from external sources. To enable the student to communicate effectively a major piece of project work. To give the student experience in working in a research environment or on an industry based design project.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical process that is engineering design
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering
- Work in a multi-disciplinary team
- Plan, organise and conduct an engineering project to meet the requirements of the initial aims; present all stages of the project work via written documentation and oral presentations.
Research projects may be undertaken on an individual or a linked basis. They will contain at least 2 of the 3 following elements - analytical, computational, experimental aspects.
Projects may be undertaken with students on other degree schemes
Phase 1a - Business Processes for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 1b - R&D Techniques for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 2a - Commercial/Technical Feasibility Study 33.5%
Phase 2b - Interim Project Activity 33.5%
MECH0130: Experimental & engineering skills 1 with French
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
To introduce students to technical vocabulary in the French language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential with observed uncertainty in engineering problems. Explain simple physical phenomena in French. Read and understand simple technical texts in French.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language
MECH0131: Experimental & engineering skills 2 with French
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
To extend technical vocabulary in French.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techniques. Explain the working of simple engineering machines in French. Read and understand engineering articles of a general nature in French.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language
MECH0132: Experimental & engineering skills 1 with German
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
To introduce students to technical vocabulary in the German language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential with observed uncertainty in engineering problems. Explain simple physical phenomena in German. Read and understand simple technical texts in German.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language.
MECH0133: Experimental & engineering skills 2 with German
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
To extend technical vocabulary in German.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techniques. Explain the working of simple engineering machines in German. Read and understand engineering articles of a general nature in German.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language.
MECH0134: Fluid mechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
Applied hydrostatics - buoyancy, kinematic and specific viscosity, settlement of particles.
Principles of fluid flow: conservation of mass (Laplace), energy and momentum. Classification of flow, Hagen-Pouseuille formula, Darcy's law, local head losses, water hammer and surge, flow in pipes.
Similarity and physical models: Dimensional analysis, Froude number, Mach number, Weber number, hydraulic models. Turbulent flow, Reynold's number, flow in pipes, networks.
Hydraulic machines: Pelton wheel, radial flow turbine, Kaplan turbine, centrifugal pump, axial flow pump, performance curves, pump selection.
MECH0137: Mathematics for Materials 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce basic mathematical techniques and show their use for different applications. To review and extend ideas of geometry, co-ordinate geometry, vectors and complex numbers. To introduce ordinary differential equations and methods for their solution.
Geometry and co-ordinate geometry: geometric proof, review of triangle, circle and polygon theorem; equations of lines, planes and simple curves in cartesian co-ordinates; polar, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems; applications. Vectors: vector algebra, position vectors, scalar and vector products: triple products, geometric applications. Complex numbers: Argand diagram, manipulation of complex numbers; rexp (jq). Differential equations: variable separable; linear second order with constant coefficients; response of first and second order systems to step and sinusoidal input; simultaneous linear differential equations.
MECH0138: Mathematics for Electrical Engineering 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This is the first of two first year units intended to lead to confident and error free manipulation and use of standard mathematical functions and relationships in the context of engineering mathematics. Proofs, where introduced, are to be of a constructive kind, i.e. they are examples of useful and standard methods of wide applicability in the technical problems of communication, control, electronics and power systems. The unit will consolidate and extend topics met at A-level, so that students may improve their fluency and understanding of appicable mathematics. Tutorial sessions will be conducted to enable students to develop solving skills.
Algebra: exponential and log functions, time constonants; partial fractions, inverse circular functions; mean and rms as an integral; curve sketching, sinusoids. Calculus: revision of differntiation and integration integral as a sum "by parts" and substitution methods of integration; derivative and integral as functions. Series: Ap, GP and binomial series: Taylor series, limits: L'Hopital's rule; standard series. Complex numbers: rotation vector approach: geometrial intepretation: Argand diagram: cartesian and polar forms; exp(jq) = cos q + jsinq; powers and roots, de Moivre's theorem. Differential equations: first and second order with constant coefficients: variables separable: transient and steady state methods. Matrices and determinants: matrix algebra transpose, inverse; determinants: Cramer's rule.
MECH0139: Mathematics for Electrical Engineering 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
This is the second of two first year units intended to develop the confident use of engineering mathematics. It is intended to introduce students to the use of mathematical modelling and analysis in the solution of problems in electronic and electrical engineering. On completion of the unit, students should be able to: understand the use of the Laplace transforms; use of Fourier series for the harmonic representation of periodic and no-periodic waveforms; apply statistics to deal with uncertainty in engineering problems.
Laplace transforms: notation, operational form; unit impulse and unit step functions; transforms; initial condition criteria; decay and shift theorems; initial and final value theorems; impulse and step response. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: properties, characteristic polynominal. Fourier series: derivation of coefficients; odd and even functions, odd harmonics, line spectra, reciprocal format (DFT); half range series. Numerical methods: Newton-Raphson method: numerical integration; Euler's method and improved Euler. Vectors: vector algebra, scalar and vector products; triple products; applications. Z-transforms: definitions, theorems, sequences, discrete systems, sampled-data system and interface theorem, inter-sample (output) behaviour.
MECH0140: Machines and Products in Society
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To discuss the safety, legal, environmental, product protection aspects of machines and products. After taking this unit the student should be able to;
Understand the legal issues controlling design of machinery; carry out a detailed hazard analysis and risk assessment; understand the use of design standards to achieve a safe design; appreciate environmental considerations; understand means for product/process protection.
Safety and legal requirements; EC directives, standards, risk assessment, design for safety, employee protection, product liability, contamination. Environmental: noise and vibration, packaging waste, recycling. Product/process protection: patent system, trade marks, copyright legislation.
MECH0141: Packaging Machinery Design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand and design product handling systems to meet packaging and processing requirements. After taking this unit students should be able to:
Design machine systems to meet handling and product requirements. Consider all functions and control aspects of design together with machine/product interactions. Undertake issues of evaluation of user requirements and safety.
Development of complete machine system requirements. Motion generating systems to include cams, mechanisms and actuators. Generation of drive and control systems. Undertake evaluation of process requirements and control of machines. Machine product material and people interaction issues.
MECH0144: Fluid mechanics 1
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre ARCH0059
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the students a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
By the end of the course, the student should be able to:
-determine hydrostatic forces
-relate viscosity to buoyancy in considering the settlementof particles
-describe the principles and practice of pressure measurement
-understand the basic principles of fluid flow and the analysis of different types of flow.
Applied hydrostatics - buoyancy, kinematic and specific viscosity, settlement of particles.
Principles of fluid flow: conservation of mass (Laplace), energy and momentum.
Classification of flow, Hagen-Pouseuille formula, Darcy's law, local head losses, water hammer and surge, flow in pipes.
Similarity and physical models: Dimensional analysis, Froude number, Mach number, Weber number, hydraulic models. Turbulent flow, Reynold's number, flow in pipes, networks.
PHAR0001: Medicinal & biological chemistry 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
1. To familiarise the student with:
a) the fundamental principles of atomic structure molecular and intermolecular bonding and functional group recognition.
b) the principles of reaction mechanisms in organic and biochemical systems and
2. To illustrate the importance of the 3-dimensional structure in medicinal and biological chemistry.
After taking this course the student should be able to
a) Demonstrate an understanding of the factors which affect the 3-dimensional shape of molecules
b) Identify common functional groups and write suitable reaction mechanisms for their interconversion.
c) Recognise structural features responsible for acidity basicity hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic bonding.
d) Assign appropriate stereochemical descriptions to organic and biological molecules
The topics included in this course include atomic structure and hybridisation with its implications for molecular geometry. Intramolecular covalent bonding. Intermolecular weak bonding; origins and relevance to ligand/receptor and substrate/enzyme binding. Structural factors that affect reactivity. Survey of functional groups and their interconversion at a mechanistic level. Stereochemistry in organic and biological molecules. Central role of the carbonyl group in chemistry and biochemistry.
PHAR0002: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1 (Human physiology)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
An outline of human physiology
Physiology of the major systems of the body and control, i.e. physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and gastrointestinal and renal systems to understand how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled.
Students must have A-level Chemistry and another Science A-level, preferably Biology in order to undertake this unit.
PHAR0003: Cell biology 1 (Cells & their organisation)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the organisation of procaryotic and eucaryotic cells, and to introduce the basic theory and practice of microbiology.
After taking this course, the student should be able to (a) demonstrate an understanding of cell structure and function to a level sufficient to enter further cell biology, microbiology and pharmacology units, and (b) carry out basic techniques in microbiology competently and safely.
An outline of cellular organisation, structure and function of major organelles and membranes in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells. Subcellular fractionation. Molecular components of cells: sugars, polysaccharides, glycogen, fatty acids, lipids, phospholipids, aminoacids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids. Introduction to microbiology: basic nomenclature, Gram-positive and -negative envelopes, peptidoglycan, endospores, microbial nutrition. Introduction to bacterial viruses.
PHAR0004: Instrumental analysis 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to instrumental analytical methods used in a pharmaceutical context and their bases in theory. To give the student practical experience of using a variety of analytical instruments in exploring selected pharmaceutical applications.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to: (a) demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical backgrounds to thin layer, gas and high performance liquid chromatography and infrared, ultraviolet and visible, fluorescence, flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy, and of their scope and limitations, (b) demonstrate a familiarity with the forms in which data from the above techniques are presented, the relevant units, constants and parameters, (c) perform necessary calculations and data manipulations for the interpretation of results.
Thin layer, gas and high performance liquid chromatography. General principles of spectroscopy, vibrational and electronic types of spectroscopy.
Material from this unit will be further tested in the assessment for the related semester 2 unit, Instrumental analysis 2 (PHAR0012).
PHAR0005: Physico-chemical properties of drugs 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
In conjunction with Physico-chemical properties of drugs 2, to introduce students to the physico-chemical characteristics of drugs and allied entities. To explain how these are relevant to their in vivo actions, their analytical quantification in medicines and biological fluids and in the design of medicinal products. To provide a practical training in measurement of physico-chemical characteristics.
After taking the unit, the student should be able to: a) correctly derive formulation masses and concentrations, b) demonstrate an understanding of the differences and similarities in real and ideal behaviour of drugs and, when the two can be approximated, c) demonstrate a sound appreciation of the solution properties of drugs and the impact of pH and other vehicle variants on their values, and d) demonstrate an understanding of the processes of passive drug transport and the role of solution thermodynamics in pharmaceutical science.
Ideal and real behaviour of drugs in the gaseous, liquid and solid state. Gas-liquid equilibria. Drug polarity and functional group effects. Crystal structure and polymorphism. Solvents and solute-solvent interactions. Concepts of activity, pH and its determination, pKw. Acid-base equilibria, pH/drug dissociation profiles, buffers.
PHAR0006: Study skills & computer use
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop effective study methods and an awareness of the available library and computer facilities for use throughout the degree programme. After taking this unit, the student should be able to take effective notes, be able to use the library and appropriate computing facilities in the University to research and write essays in scientific style, and be able to understand basic statistical distributions and summarise data.
Effective study and note taking. Introduction to University computer facilities. The PC environment. Use of electronic communications, the library and bibliographic searches. Basic wordprocessing and spreadsheet use. Statistical distributions, calculation of mean, median, variance, regression. Use of statistical software. Directed essay writing.
PHAR0007: Introduction to analysis & measurement
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the role of analysis in the pharmaceutical sciences and to important general concepts in analysis. To make the student aware of safe laboratory conduct and familiar with basic manipulative skills using volumetric analysis as the major vehicle. To familiarise the student with the various types of titrimetric methods and their application to the analysis of pharmaceuticals.
After taking this course the student should be able to: (a) work safely in a chemistry laboratory, (b) weigh out chemicals and prepare solutions of appropriate concentrations and interconvert between different units of concentration, (c) perform a volumetric analysis accurately (d) write a simple report of a titrimetric analysis, and (e) demonstrate an understanding of the application of titrimetric methods to pharmaceutical analysis.
Analytical techniques in Pharmacy. The concept of quantitative analysis based upon a procedure having a response which is linear with respect to concentration. Accuracy, precision, sensitivity and sources of error. Weighing, use of volumetric glassware, burettes, pipettes and Gilson pipettes in the preparation of solutions and dilutions. Chemical bases of volumetric analyses. Use of titrimetric methods for the analysis of pharmaceutical materials.
PHAR0008: Medicinal & biological chemistry 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to introduce the student to: a) the fundamental structure and biological function of amino acids and peptides and relate enzyme catalysed processes to organic reaction mechanisms seen in semester 1; b) the structure and reactions of naturally occurring carbohydrates and polysaccarides; c) the structure and reactivity of lipids and nucleic acid components; d) the concepts of aromaticity in organic molecules and relate this to their chemical behaviour and biological properties.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to: a) outline the role of amino acids as precursors of the biogenic amines; b) demonstrate an understanding of how and why biological macromolecules adopt and maintain their in vivo structures; c) discuss an enzyme's action on its substrate in terms of electrophilic and nucleophilic reaction mechanisms; d) identify important aromatic reactions and show how aromatic nuclei contribute towards drug action.
Topics include the structure classification biosynthetic origins and biochemical roles of amino acids. The nature of the peptide bond and the nature of the forces which maintain primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins. The structure of the monosaccarides. The role of the glycosidic bond in polysaccaride formation and the biological role of these molecules. Aromatic compounds, the nature of aromaticity and the occurrence and role of aromatic nuclei in drug molecules.
PHAR0009: Medicinal & biological chemistry 3 (Spectra & structures)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. To introduce the student to the use of spectroscopic data in organic chemical structure elucidation.
After completing this unit the student should be able to use proton NMR, MS and IR spectra to determine the chemical structure of simple organic compounds.
Introduction to NMR and MS and their co-ordinated use with IR in the elucidation of organic chemical structures. The contribution of heterocycles to drug action.
PHAR0010: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 2 (General pharmacology)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to general aspects of pharmacology and receptor theory.
Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; receptor theory; blood and respiration pharmacology.
PHAR0011: Cell biology 2 (Introduction to biochemistry)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with the biochemistry of protein function, energy metabolism, DNA replication, transcription and translation, and to introduce basic concepts of recombinant DNA technology. To introduce practical techniques related to protein determination and enzyme activity.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of fundamental biochemical processes sufficient to enter further units in cell biology, microbiology and pharmacology.
Protein function, reactive groups, enzymes, allostery, protein fractionation and analysis. Energy metabolism, carbohydrate and fatty acid oxidation. DNA replication, RNA synthesis, protein synthesis. Introduction to recombinant DNA techniques.
PHAR0012: Instrumental analysis 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 PR50
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the student practical experience of using a variety of analytical instruments in exploring selected pharmaceutical applications. To develop the student's ability to draw appropriate conclusions from experimental data.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to: (a) follow written and verbal instructions in using simple analytical instruments; (b) demonstrate a familiarity with the forms in which data are presented, the relevant units, constants and parameters; (c) perform necessary calculations and data manipulations for the interpretation of results; (d) draw appropriate conclusions on the basis of experimental data.
Thin layer, gas and high performance liquid chromatography, vibrational and electronic types of spectroscopy.
PHAR0013: Physico-chemical properties of drugs 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
In conjunction with Physico-chemical properties of drugs 1, to introduce students to the physico-chemical characteristics of drugs and allied entities. To explain how these are relevant to their in vivo actions, their analytical quantification in medicines and biological fluids and in the design of medicinal products. To provide a practical training in measurement of physico-chemical characteristics.
After taking the unit, the student should be able to: a) correctly derive formulation masses and concentrations; b) demonstrate an understanding of the differences and similarities in real and ideal behaviour of drugs and when the two can be approximated; c) demonstrate a sound appreciation of the solution properties of drugs and the impact of pH and other vehicle variants on their values; and d) demonstrate an understanding of the processes of passive drug transport and the role of solution thermodynamics in pharmaceutical science.
Buffer calculations. Drug solubility in aqueous solution, influence of pH, ionic strength and ion pairing. Partitioning, effects of molecular structure and pH. Diffusion and permeation. Introduction to solution thermodynamics.
The 1 hour examination for this unit includes material covered in Physico-chemical properties of drugs 1 (PHAR0005).
PHAR0014: The role of the pharmacist
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to provide an overview of the role of the pharmacist as a member of the health care team. At the completion of the unit the student should be able to demonstrate a knowledge the diverse roles of the pharmacist and the ways in which the professional pharmacist interacts with other health professionals and with patients.
The history of pharmacy and the historical development of the role of the pharmacist. The roles of the present day pharmacist. The interaction between the pharmacist and other health professionals. Communication with patients; patients' expectations of pharmaceutical services.
PHAR0015: Medicinal & biological chemistry 4 (Medicinal chemistry & spectroscopy for structure elucidation)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW50 OT50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of biological chemistry at a molecular level particularly with respect to structure-activity relationships and the scale-up of drug production from natural sources. Certain uses of radioactivity. The use of advance spectroscopic techniques in chemical structure elucidation.
After completing this unit, the student should be able to: a) demonstrate an outline understanding (at the level of chemical structures and mechanism) of major pathways of xenobiotic metabolism; b) examine proton and carbon 13 NMR, MS and IR spectroscopic data in order to elucidate chemical structures; c) carry out simple radiochemical calculations.
Molecular aspects of pathways of xenobiotic metabolism. Advanced and multinuclear NMR techniques. Problem solving workshops using an integrated approach to spectroscopic structure elucidation. Radiochemical calculations.
PHAR0016: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 3 (Cardiovascular & autonomic pharmacology)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the action of drugs on the autonomic and cardiovascular systems.
Understanding the action of drugs in the autonomic nervous system, kidney and cardiovascular systems. Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of these systems.
PHAR0017: Cell biology 3 (Receptors, signal transduction pathways & gene regulation)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with the major families of receptors associated with eucaryotic cells. To introduce the components of intracellular signalling pathways from the recrptor to the cell nucleus, and to illustrate the role of these systems in regulating normal gene expression and the development of cancer. After taking this unit, the student will demonstrate an understanding of the chosen topics.
Membranes and the cytoskeleton. Receptor families, second messenger systems, Ser and Tyr protein kinases and their phosphorylation targets. Impact of signalling pathways on nuclear events, including regulation of gene expression through transcription factors. Proto-oncogenes, oncogenes and the control of cell growth.
PHAR0018: Medicines design 1 (Preformulation & introduction to formulation)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to introduce the principles involved in the formulation of medicinal products, and present the physical and chemical basis for formulation choices. By the end of the unit, students should be able to make initial rational choices about formulation decisions.
Routes and mechanisms of drug absorption, influence of drug physico-chemical processes. Introduction to dosage forms and routes of administration. Surface phenomena. Particle sizing and micromeritics. Bulk properties of particles. Thermal analysis of materials and use of these techniques in preformulation. The chemistry of polymers, their physical properties and their uses in formulation. Rheology of pharmaceutical materials: liquids, solids and semi-solids; their characterisation and properties. The stability of prepared pharmaceuticals.
PHAR0019: Statistics for pharmacists & pharmacologists
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip students with statistical techniques appropriate to the analysis of biomedical data.
Introduction to probability. Use of statistical software. Comparing two groups. Data transformations. Student's t- and non-parametric methods. Analysis of variance, multiple comparisons. Correlation, contingency tables.
PHAR0020: Medical microbiology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the pathogenic mechanisms of infectious disease and the human host response to infection.
This unit introduces the concept of how micro-organisms cause infectious disease. It outlines the general defence mechanisms of the human body against infection and the ways in which micro-organisms defeat these systems. A number of paradigms of infectious diseases will be used to illustrate the critical stages of pathogenesis, namely adhesion, replication, evasion of host defences and damage to the host.
PHAR0021: Applied pharmaceutical analysis 1 (Simple applications & written reports)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of sample preparation for analytical procedures and of advanced chromatographic techniques. The selection and use of analytical techniques for solving analytical problems and the presentation of results as a formal written report. After completing this unit, the student should be able to apply appropriate chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques to simple pharmaceutical problems, report the results in a scientific manner and draw valid conclusions.
Sample preparation for analysis; advanced chromatographic methods. Problem solving workshops in chromatography. Radiochemical calculations. Open-ended problem solving practical mini-project utilising chromatographic, spectroscopic, volumetric or potentiometric methods.
PHAR0022: Medicinal & biological chemistry 5 (Biosynthetic sources of pharmaceutical materials)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of biosynthetic sources of pharmaceutical materials. To introduce students to practical medicinal and natural products chemistry.
After completion of this unit the student should be able to: a) demonstrate an awareness of natural sources of pharmaceutical materials; b) demonstrate an outline understanding (at the level of chemical structures and mechanism) of major pathways of biosynthesis; c) utilise analytical data to monitor a chemical preparation or natural product extraction.
Plant and animal sources of pharmaceutical materials. Molecular aspects of biosynthetic pathways. Practical classes in medicinal and natural products chemistry.
PHAR0023: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 4 (Pharmacology of the central nervous system)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
An understanding of drugs affecting the brain and spinal cord.
Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of the brain and spinal cord.
PHAR0024: Medicines design 2 (Applied pharmaceutical microbiology)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of control of microbial contamination and sterilisation as applied to pharmaceutical products. After taking this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of, a) the microbiological and physico-chemical properties of non-antibiotic antimicrobial agents and their use in pharmaceutical formulation and, b) the principles and the technology of the various methods of sterilising pharmaceutical products and the associated procedures concerned with quality assurance.
Sources of microbial contamination. Kinetics of microbial inactivation and the construction and interpretation of survivor curves. Disinfectants, antiseptics and preservatives; their modes of action, assessment of efficacy and formulation parameters. Introduction to sterilisation methods; comparative advantages and disadvantages of heat, irradiation, gaseous and filtration methods. Validation of all methods. Pyrogens. Sterility testing. Facility Design.
PHAR0025: Pharmacy practice 1
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 PR50
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims. To introduce the student to the following: Pharmaceutical legislation, Codes of Professional Practice and statutory controls relating to the availability of medicinal products. Practical procedures and techniques employed in the Practice of Pharmacy. The principles of behavioural sciences relevant to the Practice of Pharmacy and to develop communications skills appropriate to professional interactions, patient counselling and responding to symptoms. To integrate the student's knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences with the legal and professional responsibilities of the pharmacist.
Objectives. After completing the unit, the student should be able to: Identify the legal classes of medicines. Identify whether or not a prescription is legally valid. Make documentary records legally required in the supply of medicines. Demonstrate an awareness of persons who are entitled to possess and supply Controlled Drugs. Interpret a prescription in the hospital or community situation and monitor it for legality, appropriate therapy, appropriate dosage and potential drug interactions. Extemporaneously prepare simple products for internal or external use. Access and update Patient Medication Records and operate a computer labelling system. Demonstrate the legal and ethical implications of making an emergency supply of a Prescription Only Medicine at the request of a medical practitioner and a patient. Communicate with a medical practitioner to discuss prescription details. Communicate with a patient to convey sufficient information to enable him/ her to comply safely and effectively with a medication regimen. Respond to symptoms presented by a patient. Be familiar with hospital case notes.
Legislation: Introduction to the structure of British legislation. The Medicines Act (1968). The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971). Legislation controlling Health Care Professionals. Labelling of Medicines for Sale. PPCAL workshops on Medicines Act & Misuse of Drugs Act.
Pharmacy Practice: Principles of Good Dispensing Practice. Pharmacist's liabilities and responsibilities. Introduction to the supply of medicines in hospital and community. The Drug Tariff. Patients' Medication Records. Hospital Case Notes. Posology. PPCAL workshop on Prescription Problems.
Behavioural sciences: Introduction to Behavioural Science relating to the Practice of Pharmacy. Interpersonal skills. Patient Compliance. Responding to Symptoms. Workshops on: Communications, Responding to Symptoms and Hospital Case Notes.
PHAR0027: Medicinal & biological chemistry 6 (Recent advances in small molecule ligands)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the student's understanding of fundamental concepts in medicinal chemistry by a detailed study of selected, topical examples.
After completing this unit, the student should be able to recognise the fundamental principles of medicinal chemistry and apply them to unfamiliar agents and in unfamiliar settings.
GABA receptors, Glu receptors, Anticancer agents, Cannabinoid receptors. It is envisaged that the examples chosen will vary from year to year, depending upon topicality.
PHAR0028: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 5 (Pharmacology of autocoids & immunology)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
Understanding release of autocoids and the immune response.
Drugs affecting autocoids, inflammation and immune disorders.
Natural science students MUST take PHAR0029 at the same time as this unit.
PHAR0029: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 6 (Pharmacology of the endocrine system)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The action of drugs on the endocrine system.
Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of the endocrine system.
Natural science students MUST take PHAR0028 at the same time as this unit.
PHAR0032: Pharmacy practice 2 (Developments in pharmacy practice)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims. To build on and extend the range of knowledge and skills acquired in Pharmacy Practice 1 and 2.
Objectives. After taking this unit, the student should be able to: Monitor prescriptions and patients' hospital medication charts relating to more complex therapy. Critically review the legality, appropriateness of therapy and dosage and the risk of potential drug interactions and adverse drug reactions in proposed patient therapy. Build on a structured approach to responding to symptoms presented by a patient. Prepare a wide range of extemporaneous products. Communicate with patients and health care professionals.
Legislation: employment legislation; health & safety legislation; consumer legislation. poisons legislation, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health CHIP Regulations, Spirits Legislation NHS (Pharmaceutical Services) Regs NHS & Community Care Act (1990).
Practice: Developments in pharmacy practice. NHS: history, present structure & future developments. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain: Charter, organisation and pharmacist's duty under statute. The practical course widens the student's experience of clinical pharmacy with more complex patients medical histories and potential drug interactions. Practical skills are further developed using extemporaneous exercises.
Social & behavioural sciences. Workshops cover communications skills and further examples of responding to symptoms.
PHAR0034: Pharmacy practice 3 (case studies in pharmacy practice)
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To study topics relevant to current pharmaceutical practice.
Current developments in pharmaceutical practice case studies.
PHAR0035: Dissertation in pharmacy
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is that the students gain skills in conducting a literature survey on a chosen topic, reviewing their findings and presenting them orally and in a well-organised piece of writing.
When the students have completed the unit, they should be able to:
1) use methods of searching for information on a pharmaceutically related topic in a library or other information source;
2) critically review this information and assess the reliability and importance of individual pieces of information, according to their source and relevance to the topic chosen;
3) construct an organised, well argued and concise oral presentation and written dissertation using this information.
A topic related to the science and practice of pharmacy will be chosen by each student from a list provided. A tutor will be assigned to each student to monitor progress, give advice and assess the dissertation and oral presentation.
One lecture will be given to all the students to introduce the unit and to give general guidance on planning library work, assessing the quality and relevance of data, preparing the oral presentation and writing the dissertation.
Three tutorials will be given by the tutors to assigned groups of students; in these tutorials, the student will be given additional guidance and their progress will be monitored.
PHAR0036: Medicines design 5 (Solid state formulation & pulmonary delivery)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To show how solid dose medications and inhaled systems are formulated and to give a physical and chemical basis for the choice of particular formulated systems.
Processing techniques common to the production of solid dose pharmaceuticals: milling, mixing, granulation and drying. The physics of tablet compaction. Direct compression tablet production. Formulation of tablets for wet and dry granulation. Techniques of capsule production. Coating: sugar coating, polymer film coating and coatings for controlled release. Controlled release: physiological basis and need. Controlled oral release achieved by matrix, film-coated and osmotic systems. Formulation of pMDI, DPI and nebulisable formulations
PHAR0037: Pharmacy practice 4 (Further advances in pharmacy practice)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX30 PR20 OT50
Aims & learning objectives:
Aims. To consider the function and structure of various pharmaceutical organisations and the roles and responsibilities of allied health professions. Further consideration of legislation relating to the profession of pharmacy and the acquisition of further practical experience with scenarios relating to pharmacy practice. To consider current and future developments in pharmacy practice.
Objectives. After taking this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the application of pharmaceutical knowledge, behavioural science and legislation to professional practice, as a prerequisite to commencing pre-registration training and, in due course, application for admission to the Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists in Great Britain. Students must pass this unit in order to be awarded their degree.
Pharmaceutical organisations, the profession of pharmacy. Current and future developments in pharmacy practice. Case studies in pharmaceutical legislation. The practical course continues to address more complex practice scenarios, building on experience gained in previous units. Revision of practice and legislation covered to date.
PHAR0038: Clinical pharmacy 1 (Introduction to clinical pharmacy)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to principles of clinical pharmacy, disease states and to demonstrate the principles of taking a medical history. To enable the student to differentiate between acute, chronic, important and trivial disease states. At the end of the unit the student will have an understanding of specific disease states, an improved understanding of effective interpersonal communication skills and an improved systematic approach to the problems experienced in clinical practice.
Lectures: paediatrics, geriatrics, health of the nation, health promotion, terminal care, intensive care, parenteral therapy, accident and emergency.
Workshops: diabetes, gastro-intestinal tract, cardiovascular therapy, asthma, anaphylaxis and allergy.
Hospital Visits: surgery, gastroenterology, rheumatology, endocrinology.
PHAR0039: Project 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is that the student gains skills in setting up an hypothesis and in devising experiments designed to test that hypothesis.
At the end of the unit, the student should be able to present the background to the chosen research area, the hypothesis to be addressed and the means by which it is to be tested.
A wide range of project topics will be made available from which the student will chose one. It is likely that in many areas, group project work will be encouraged.
PHAR0040: Advanced pharmaceutical studies 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity for the student to study selected areas of pharmaceutical interest in depth; to explore the relationships between specialised subject areas and their wider relevance in the world of pharmaceutical science. At the end of the unit, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the selected topics and an ability to integrate knowledge gained from all aspects of the MPharm degree programme.
Areas of topical or potential interest in the pharmaceutical and related sciences will be chosen for study. The nature of the course dictates that the topics chosen will change from year to year. It is proposed to introduce each topic by means of an invited lecture or structured symposium; the subject will be further explored by directed student-centred learning.
PHAR0041: Clinical pharmacy 2 (Continuation in clinical pharmacy)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue and develop the aims and objectives of Clinical Pharmacy 1.
Lectures: dermatology, oral medicine, family planning, ophthalmology, wound healing, health economics, anaesthetics, diabetes, epilepsy.
Workshops: health promotion, poisons and pain, dermatology, epilepsy and CNS.
Hospital visits: respiratory, cardiovascular, geriatrics, CNS.
PHAR0042: Project 2
Semester 2
Credits: 15
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to allow the student to develop practical research skills. At the end of the unit, the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to generate original data, to analyse the data appropriately and to present conclusions drawn from the data.
Students will be offered a choice of research project from a wide range of topics in the pharmaceutical sciences.
PHAR0043: Advanced pharmaceutical studies 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity for the student to study selected areas of pharmaceutical interest in depth; to explore the relationships between specialised subject areas and their wider relevance in the world of pharmaceutical science. At the end of the unit, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the selected topics and an ability to integrate knowledge gained from all aspects of the MPharm degree programme.
Areas of topical or potential interest in the pharmaceutical and related sciences will be chosen for study. The nature of the course dictates that the topics chosen will change from year to year. It is proposed to introduce each topic by means of an invited lecture or structured symposium; the subject will be further explored by directed student-centred learning.
PHAR0044: Measurement in pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
Understanding of the principles of measurement required in experimental pharmacology. Basic techniques and recording equipment; molarities; dose-response curves using in vitro preparations.
PHAR0045: Experimental pharmacology 1
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 OT50
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is the first of a series of 5 units and is designed to provide the student with an appreciation of, and experience in, the practical techniques which are used in the major areas of pharmacological research.
PHAR0045 is designed to make the student aware of the importance of animal husbandry, to ensure competence in the handling and preparation of experimental animals and to acquaint them with the factors which influence the potency and duration of action of a drug in the body. This will be coupled with a project which will introduce students to techniques of information retrieval, to working as part of a team and to the preparation of data for oral and visual presentation.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to handle with confidence various laboratory animals and be able to dissect and prepare a range of organs for experimental purposes. A grounding in the events which influence a drug's activity will also be gained. Experience in the retrieval of scientific information together with oral and visual presentation of a selected topic will also be gained.
Animal husbandry and handling; anatomy and dissection; routes of drug administration, volumes of distribution; drug metabolism and excretion. Selection of a major theme e.g. cancer which allows a variety of aspects to be researched independently by small groups and then presented either orally or in poster format to obtain an integrated picture of the theme.
PHAR0046: Experimental pharmacology 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the pharmacology of the different divisions of the nervous system, the kidney and cardiovascular system.
Neuromuscular transmission and blocking agents, parasympathetic nerves, cholinergic receptors, ganglion blocking drugs and muscarinic receptor antagonists, sympathetic neurotransmission, adrenoceptors and ion channels in nerves and smooth muscle. Actions of diuretics on urinary ionic composition, inotropic and chronotropic effects of drugs on cardiac preparations, mechanisms involved in control of blood vessel diameter.
PHAR0047: Experimental pharmacology 3
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR75 OT25
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the practical techniques used to study the release, fate and actions of endogenous substances with potent biological activities on isolated cells and tissues, and those used to investigate the mechanism of action of drugs acting on the respiratory and central nervous systems with assessment of the resulting behavioural changes. To introduce the student to working in a small team, and to presenting date in standard scientific formats.
After this unit, the student should be familiar with the techniques (cellular, tissue, systemic) used to study the pharmacology of a range of mediators and drugs, able to design experiments and to allot tasks within a team, and to present experimental data in oral and poster form in line with current practice of the Bristish Pharmacological Society.
Illustration of the pharmacology of histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, eicosanoids, nitric oxide, kinins, endothelins and platelet-activating factor using smooth muscle and platelet aggregometry. Antibody-based assays - cell surface expression, flow cytometry, immunoassays. Drug action on lung function. Neurotransmitter release from brain slices, microdialysis, behavioural changes as assessed by locomotor activity, exploratory behaviour etc. Oral and poster presentations.
PHAR0050: Pharmacokinetics & variability in drug response
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW70 OR30
Aims and Learning Objectives: To introduce the causes of variablility in drug response, with emphasis on pharmacokinetic factors. To introduce the theoretical basis of pharmacokinetics and describe its uses in development of medicines and in clinical applications. After attending the course students will be able to describe the theory underlying the practice of pharmacokinetics, interpret pharmacokinetic data, and perform basic pharmacokinetic analysis of clinical data.
Sources of variablilty in drug response and options for monitoring (and improving) the quality of drug therapy. Mechanisms of drug absorption, distribution and elimination, and the factors with affect each process. Pharmacokinetic modelling: mathematical methods and uses of various strategies. Effect of genetics, age, weight, and disease on pharmacokinetics. Scope of existing knowledge of biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacokinetics in man.
PHAR0051: Medicines design
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to give the student a good understanding of the biological and formulatory factors that may affect the therapeutic efficacy of drugs and an overview of medicines.
Factors affecting the absorption of drugs, formulation of dosage forms, bioavailability of drugs and methods for its modification.
PHAR0052: Antimicrobial chemotherapy
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with the major microbial infections and their treatment.
Overview of bacterial infections. Antibiotic treatment, modes of action and resistance including penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams, b-lactamase inhibitors, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, 4-quinolones, vancomycin and fusidic acid and anti-tuberculosis agents. Viral infections and their treatment including Herpes, Varicella and HIV. Treatment of protozoal infections, including malaria.
PHAR0053: Integrated studies in pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To draw together material from the earlier semesters and to provide a link with the advanced studies in the following semester.
Tutorials and essays covering topics from earlier in the programme.
PHAR0054: Molecular pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop knowledge and understanding of techniques in molecular biology and their applicability to problems in pharmacological research.
After taking this course, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of commonly used techniques in molecular biology, and to appreciate the relevance of this molecular approach to research in pharmacology.
Gene manipulation - the polymerase chain reaction, site-directed mutagenesis, fusion proteins and reporter constructs, expression systems. Transgenic animals as models of disease, knock-outs. Pharmacological applications of molecular biology - antisense reagents, recombinant proteins, gene therapy and targeting.
PHAR0055: Project
Semester 1
Credits: 18
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to allow the student to develop practical research skills. At the end of the unit the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to generate original data, to analyse the data appropriately and to present conclusions drawn from the data.
The student will be offered a choice of research project from a wide range of topics in pharmacology.
PHAR0056: Critical skills
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX95 OR5
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop skills in analysing pharmacological data, producing written and oral presentations.
Analysing pharmacological research papers and writing discussions and conclusions from the data provided. Advice for, and experience in oral examinations. Essay writing.
PHAR0057: Communication skills
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW95 OR5
Aims & learning objectives:
Completion of project report and preparation of oral presentation.
PHAR0058: Advanced pharmacology of the central nervous system
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in the pharmacology of the central nervous system and current areas of research of particular importance and interest. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an understanding of the chosen subject, including critical analysis of a related topic.
In-depth treatment of selected topics including recent advances in understanding the pharmacology of the central nervous system.
PHAR0059: Selected topics in pharmacology - clinical pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
PHAR0060: Selected topics in pharmacology - immunology & inflammation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
PHAR0061: Advanced pharmacology of the cardiovascular system
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology and current areas of research of particular importance and interest. After taking the course the student should demonstrate an understanding of the chosen subject, including critical analysis of a related topic.
An in-depth treatment of selected topics including recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology.
PHAR0122: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for further information about the industrial placement year.
PHAR0126: Placement (MPharmacology)
Academic Year
Credits: 48
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to allow the student to develop practical research skills. At the end of the unit the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to generate original data, to analyse the data appropriately and to present conclusions drawn from the data.
The student will undertake a research project in the laboratories of the placement provider. The results of this project will be presented as a written report and as an oral communication.
PHAR0127: Dissertation
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to allow the student to undertake a structured piece of library-based research, and to present the findings in an extended written form. At the end of the unit the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to acquire information from library sources, to assimilate and collate such information and to present a coherent account of the topic in the form of a dissertation.
The student will undertake this unit using the facilities of the placement provider, and with the advice and support of the placement supervisor. The subject of the dissertation will reflect the research activities of the placement, but may involve technological developments or therapeutic opportunities within a given area of pharmacological interest.
PHAR0128: Landmarks in Pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to allow the student to appreciate the scientific background to specific areas of pharmacology, and to evaluate the significance of particular experimental approaches to the development of current understanding of pharmacology. At the end of the unit the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to analyse seminal findings from early pharmacological literature, and to appreciate the relevance of historical observations to current areas of research in pharmacology.
The student will undertake this unit using the facilities of the placement provider, and with the advice and support of the placement supervisor. The subjects of the essays may in part reflect the research activities of the placement, but will emphasise the historical significance of specific experiments and published reports within given areas of pharmacological interest.
PHAR0129: Molecular pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
PHAR0130: Research project
Semester 1
Credits: 18
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: RT100
PHAR0138: Recombinant DNA technology - pharmaceutical applications
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims and Learning Objectives: The Unit provides a basic understanding of recombinant DNA technology for application in molecular pharmacology, the molecular basis of disease including infectious disease, production of recombinant proteins as pharmaceutical products, gene therapy and as a general tool in biological research. After completion of this unit the student will have a basic understanding of gene cloning and the associated technical procedures and an appreciation of the application of this technology in pharmaceutical and medicinal science.
Lectures will be included on DNA vectors including plasmids and viral vectors, genomic DNA and cDNA libraries. The manipulaiton of DNA including the use of restriction enzymes will be covered and specific lectures on the use of major techniques including agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, hybridisation techniques and polymerase chain reactions (PCR).
PHAR0140: Critical and communicative skills in pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 ES20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to develop cognitive and transferable skills - first through critical analysis and interpretation of research publications in pharmacology, and secondly by the practice of oral and written communication of scientific information. After taking this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to identify the key points and conclusions of research papers, and to interpret research findings in a logical and critical manner. The student will also have undertaken exercises in verbal and written communication.
Exercises in rapid analysis of scientific literature to identify key findings; more measured critical analysis of sample papers, with a written commentary of key conclusions and their validity; essays on selected topics in pharmacology; oral presentation of project results and/or other scientific data.
PHAR0141: Advanced experimental pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre PHAR0046, Pre PHAR0047
Aims & learning objectives:
to introduce the student to more advanced practical techniques used to evaluate 3 areas of current research interest in pharmacology, and to promote team interactions in acquiring and integrating complementary data. After taking this unit, the student will demonstate an understanding of the methods available to study drug effects in the chosen areas, and an ability to work within a small team to generate a pool of related experimental data for further analysis.
Three blocks of linked practical classes, each introduced by a single lecture, and each offering a series of techniques relevant to a current research topic within the pharmaceutical industry.
PHAR0142: Molecular pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop knowledge and understanding of techniques in molecular biology and their applicability to problems in pharmacological research. After taking this course, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of commonly used techniques in molecular biology, and to appreciate the relevance of this molecular approach to research in pharmacology.
Gene manipulation - the polymerase chain reaction, site-directed mutagenesis, fusion proteins and reporter constructs, expression systems. Generation of cellular reagents for high throughput screening of drug candidates. Transgenic animal models, gene targeting and therapy.
PHAR0143: Practical medicinal and biological chemistry
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 PR80
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to fundamental aspects of the practical procedures involved in the synthesis of biologically active small molecules. An emphasis will be upon functional group recognition and interchange, and we will also illustrate the importance of the 3-dimensional structure in medicinal and biological chemistry. The results will be reported in the form of a brief paper write-up and as a scientific poster. After taking this Unit the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the factors involved in simple synthetic transformations of common functional groups and also assess the 3-dimensional shape of molecules with respect to functional groups. Have experience of scientific poster design and preparation.
The topics included in this practical course include a choice from studies of structural factors that affect reactivity, functional groups and their interconversion at practical and mechanistic levels, and stereochemistry in pharmaceutical and biological molecules. Preparations of drugs or their synthetic intermediates will be carried out.
PHAR0144: Experimental pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW30 PR30 OT40
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with the methods used to measure functional pharmacological responses, to develop skills in using these techniques to study the systematic pharmacology of different organs within the body, and to gain experience of presenting scientific data in poster form. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of the pharmacological techniques used to study the actions of drugs in the kidney and in intestinal, bronchial and vascular smooth muscle, and will have presented experiemental data in a poster format.
Methods of measurement in pharmacology; actions of diuretic drugs on urinary levels of sodium, potassium and hydrogen; influence of route of administration of a drug on its onset and duration of action; agonist and antagonist response curves; actions of drugs on vascular, cardiac and respiratory smooth muscle.
PHAR0145: Practical pharmacognosy and the analysis of natural products
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES20 PR80
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the practical procedures involved in the evaluation of crude drugs, the extraction and chemical characterisation of low molecular weight compounds of natural origin. To report the results of a practical investigation in the form of a poster. After taking this Unit the student should be able to carry out a microscopical and chromatographic evaluation of a dried plant material, be familiar with the methods available for the extraction and isolation of low molecular weight compounds from natural sources and be able to elucidate the chemical structure of simple natural products from spectroscopic data. The student should be able to produce a simple and informative scientific poster based upon a short practical investigation of a natural material.
Identification of plant materials using microscopical techniques. Extraction techniques including solvent extractions, steam distillation, acid/base cycles. Separation techniques including thin layer and column chromatography, gas chromatography and GC/MS. Chemical structure elucidation of natural products. Choice of methodology for specific examples. Poster design and preparation.
PHAR0146: Practical pharmaceutics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW60 OT40
Aims & learning objectives:
To challenge students to solve typical problems of pharmecutical formulation, giving them experience of team work, poster presentation, experimental design, analytical methods in formulation, selection of criteria for optimisation, and establishment of specifications for pharmecutical products. After attending the course, students should be able to identify key issues in formulation of typical medicines, design a strategy for pre-formulation research, carry out such research, draw conclusions from the results, present those data in poster format and make recommendations for future work.
Students will work in small groups to study a number of formulation problems during the unit. Each week will involve preparation/tutorial work followed by practical work. Each group of students will study all problems during the course, and will be required to present a poster-style report on one of their projects, at the end of the unit. Formulation exercises will be selected from examples such as the following: dermatological gel formulation (including use of co-solvents, rheological analysis, preservation); cream formulation (inclusion of drugs, volume ratio of oil, rheological analysis, preservation); tablet formulation (wet granulation, compression conditions); opthalmic solutions (drug stability, buffering, isotonicity); parenteral solution formulation (as opthalmic); suspension formulation (wetting, flocculation, physical stability).
PHAR0147: Design of drug synthesis (synthetic design)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW30 EX50 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to fundamental aspects of the design of drug syntheses. An emphasis will be upon functional group recognition and interchange, and planning of synthetic routes. After taking this Unit the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the factors involved in planning synthetic approaches to drugs by simple synthetic transformations of common functional groups, the retrosynthetic method.
The topics in this course include the need for good synthetic planning, retrosynthetic analysis, and disconnections at appropriate functional groups
PHAR0148: Central nervous system pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in the pharmacology of the central nervous system (CNS), and to examine selected topics in greater depth. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses of the major groups of centrally-acting drugs, and an appreciation of the current understanding of disease processes in the brain.
Selected topics covering recent advances in CNS pharmacology, such as: chronobiology and chronopharmacology, the rhythmicity of pathological processes and drug responses, jet lag, shift work, seasonal affective disorder. Neuromodulators and neurotransmitters including tachykinins, pancreatic polypeptides, opioids, cholecystokinin, vasopressin and oxytocin, abnormal peptides in Alzheimers disease.
PHAR0149: Pharmaceutical biotechnology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims & learning objectives:
To build upon introductory material in Year 2 to develop knowledge of current and future applications of molecular biology in relation to the discovery and production of protein pharmaceuticals, nucleic acid pharmaceuticals, gene therapy, and development of vaccine technology. After completing this unit, the student should demonstrate a working knowledge of modern practice of biotechnology, and be able to discuss the future potential of this technology as a source of pharmaceutical products.
Expression of recombinant proteins (ie. E coli, insect, yeast, or mammalian cells as hosts); optimisation of fermentation; scale-up of expression; purification and analysis of recombinant proteins; formulation and relevant regulatory issues of protein pharmaceuticals; oligonucleotides as therapeutic agents; ribozymes; design of vectors for selective gene expression; viral and non-viral gene therapy; production of gene therapy products, strategies for non-viral gene delivery; DNA vaccines; gene therapy case histories, cancer and cystic fibrosis.
PHAR0150: Cardiovascular pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology and current areas of research of particular importance and interest. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of the regulation of vascular smooth muscle and its modulation by drugs, occlusive vascular disease and targets for future drug development.
Selected topics covering recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology, such as: regulation of blood vessel tone, calcium and potassium channels, endothelium-derived vasorelaxant factors. Anti-hypertensive therapy, links between insulin resistance, sex hormones and cardiovascular disease. Occlusive vascular disease, including myocardial infarction and stroke.
PHAR0151: Medicinal uses of natural products
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the student with a broad view of the medicinal uses of natural products in mainstream medicine and in western and oriental herbal medicine. To consider the advantages and disadvantages of natural products and the procedures used for their production and quality evaluation.
Selected topics such as: natural product drugs in the British Pharmacopoeia, natural substances as pharmaceutical excipients, herbal medicines from European and Oriental perspectives and their chemical constituents, pharmaceutically useful agents from the terpenoid and other biosynthetic pathways, insecticidal natural products, large scale production of natural products for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
PHAR0152: Molecular biology and drug design
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims & learning objectives:
To build upon earlier material from Recombinant DNA Technology to demonstrate how the techniques and knowledge base of molecular biology is changing the practice of drug discovery. After completing this unit, the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of molecular cloning and associated methodology, genomics, methods for structural characterisation of macromolecules, development of assays for target molecules, bioinformatics, use of arrays of molecules, and the current practice of drug discovery utilising molecular biological techniques.
Introduction to genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics; strategies and methods for cloning genes (ie within superfamilies); strategies for identification of molecular targets; use of databases for drug design and discovery; uses of arrays of biological molecules (eg gene chips); basic principles of structural biology: typical motifs within proteins; introduction to X-ray crystallography; NMR of proteins and nucleic acids; MS techniques in protein analysis; structural studies of ligand-protein binding, molecular modelling of drug-protein interactions; DNA recognition; transcriptional activation; phage display libraries; evolutionary techniques; population genetics and pharmacogenomics; design of high throughput screening systems; interface with chemical structure-based discovery approaches.
PHAR0153: Respiratory pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims and Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with recent advances in respiratory pharmacology and current areas of research of particular importance and interest. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of lung disease and targets for pharmacological intervention.
Selected topics covering recent developments in the understanding of respiratory diseases and identification of new pharmacological targets, such as: Cystic Fibrosis: molecular biology and regulation of CFTR, relationship between CFTR and disease, pharmacological regulation of CFTR, host defence in cystic fibrosis. Asthma: chemical and cellular mediators, neuronal control of the airways, new and prospective treatments. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: gene transcription and potential for therapy. Pulmonary hypertension and oedema, hypoxia and anoxia: mechanisms and pharmacological targets
PHAR0158: Recent advances in autocoids and peptides
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Aims and Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with recent advances in pharmacology with respect to novel substances which have been identified from endogenous and exogenous sources and which are currently areas of intense investigation, and to practise cognitive skills. Knowledge gained from previous units in pharmacology will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of the pharmacology of substances which control local smooth muscle tone as well as those released from nerve fibres which mediate pain and/or inflammatory effects, and an ability to interpret relevant research data in a logical and critical manner.
An in-depth treatment of selected topics covering recent advances in autocoid pharmacology, such as: endothelium-derived factors: NO, endothelins, EDHF. Eicosanoids, Sensory neuropeptides: CGRP, Substance P, VIP. ATP. Nociceptin, epibatidine and somatostatin.
PHAR0159: Recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology and current areas of research of particular importance and interest, and to practise cognitive skills. Knowledge gained from previous units in pharmacology will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of the regulation of vascular smooth muscle and its modulation by drugs, occlusive vascular disease and targets for future drug development, and an ability to interpret relevant research data in a logical and critical manner.
An in-depth treatment of selected topics covering recent advances in cardiovascular pharmacology, such as: regulation of blood vessel tone, calcium and potassium channels, endothelium-derived vasorelaxant factors. Anti-hypertensive therapy, links between insulin resistance, sex hormones and cardiovascular disease. Occlusive vascular disease, including myocardial infarction and stroke.
PHAR0160: Recent advances in central nervous system pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student with recent advances in the pharmacology of the central nervous system (CNS), to examine selected topics in greater depth and to practise cognitive skills. Knowledge gained from previous units in pharmacology will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses of the major groups of centrally-acting drugs, an appreciation of the current understanding of disease processes in the brain, and an ability to interpret relevant research data in a logical and critical manner.
In-depth treatment of selected topics covering recent advances in CNS pharmacology, such as: chronobiology and chronopharmacology, the rhythmicity of pathological processes and drug responses, jet lag, shift work, seasonal affective disorder. Neuromodulators and neurotransmitters including tachykinins, pancreatic polypeptides, opioids, cholecystokinin, vasopressin and oxytocin, abnormal peptides in Alzheimers disease.
PHAR0161: Recent advances in respiratory pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Aims and Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with recent advances in respiratory pharmacology and current areas of research of particular importance and interest. Knowledge gained from previous units in pharmacology will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of lung disease and targets for pharmacological intervention; and be able to interpret relevant research data in a logical and critical manner.
An in-depth treatment of selected topics covering recent developments in the understanding of respiratory diseases and identification of pharmacological targets, such as: Cystic Fibrosis: molecular biology and regulation of CFTR, relationship between CFTR and disease, pharmacological regulation of CFTR, host defence in cystic fibrosis. Asthma: chemical and cellular mediators, neuronal control of the airways, new and prospective treatments. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: gene transcription and potential for therapy. Pulmonary hypertension and oedema, hypoxia and anoxia: mechanisms and pharmacological targets
PHAR0162: Recent advances in immunopharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Aims and Learning Objectives: To extend the students knowledge of the immune system to include the various target cells and molecules that are being investigated for their potential therapeutic use in diseases characterised either by inadequate or excessive immune reactivity, and to practise cognitive skills. Knowledge gained from previous units in pharmacology will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After completing this unit, the student will have acquired knowledge of therapeutic interventions to modulate the immune response, and of the impact of immunotherapy in treating autoimmunity, cancer and immunodeficiencies, and will show an ability to interpret relevant research data in a logical and critical manner.
Identification of potential drug targets in the immune system - antigen specific/non-specific. Monoclonal antibodies as therapeutics, immunotoxins. Inhibitory cytokines, cytokine inhibitors. Inhibitors of T cell signalling, antioxidants. Th1/Th2 cells, costimulation, anergy, apoptosis. Apoptosis induction in treating cancer. Class II MHC blockade, altered peptide ligands, T cell receptor vaccination. Tolerance induction, oral tolerance. Treatment of autoimmune diseases.
PHAR0163: Recent advances in molecular signalling
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 ES20 EX60
Pre PHAR0142 or Pre BIOL0106
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit will familiarise the student with recent advances in molecular signalling and current areas of research which are of particular interest and importance. Knowledge gained from previous units in cell biology, and in particular molecular pharmacology, will be built upon with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics encompassing cellular signalling events in different model systems. The tutorials are integral to the unit, allowing for open discussion of pertinent current research papers. After taking this unit the student should have an in depth understanding of the complex interactions which occur in cellular signalling events. They should have developed the ability to read and interpret original research papers in this area in a logical and critical manner and recognise the intricacies of cellular signalling mechanisms.
An in-depth treatment of selected topics covering recent advances in molecular signalling. The areas to be covered include signalling events occuring in immune cells in response to cytokines and other mediators; protein interaction modules; kinase cascades; tyrosine kinases; tyrosine phosphatases; lipid signalling; regulation of transcription.
PHAR0164: Cytokines, chemokines and adhesion
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims and Learning Objectives: To develop further key skills in information retrieval, organisation and communication through studying mechanisms of inflammatory cell migration. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an ability to undertake literature searches, to assimilate scientific information and to present a given topic as an oral communication supported by a written abstract. The group will be able to describe the mechanisms of cell adhesion, movement and activation occurring in inflammation.
Adhesion molecules: selectins, integrins; chemotactic cytokines: sources, structure, targets, receptor specificity and signalling; cytokine networks in leukocyte migration.
PHAR0165: Advanced topics in molecular medicine
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an appreciation of how recent advances in our ability to manipulate genes, signalling pathways, cells and whole organisms are providing new opportunities for therapeutic intervention. After taking this unit the student will have acquired an in depth appreciation of current developments in a selected area of molecular medicine. In the process they will have practised and improved their skills in information retrieval, information management and presentation.
Master genes and mesenchymal cell differentiation; Stem Cells-fundamental concepts and potential applications; Modulation of Gene Expression In Vivo-application to the study of disease; Mammalian Cloning-facts and fantasies; Transcriptional Profiling and Database Mining-making sense of the human genome project. Gene Therapy; Manipulation of the Immune System-options for therapy; The use of recombinant proteins as therapeutic agents. Free Radicals in Biology-the notion of "oxidative stress"; Antioxidant Defence Mechanisms-eukaryotes versus prokaryotes; Inducible Antioxidant Defence in Mammalian Cells: UVA/HO-1. Molecular Integration of Signalling Pathways; Small molecule inhibitors of signalling pathways and their therapeutic applications. Angiogenesis; Wound Healing.
PHAR0166: Toxins and ion channels
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop further key skills in information retrieval, organisation and communication through studying mechanisms whereby toxins target specific ion channels. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an ability to undertake literature searches, to assimilate scientific information and to present a given topic as an oral communication supported by a written abstract. The group will be able to describe the use of toxins as tools to investigate structure, function and regulation of specific ion channels.
Structure and function of selected ion channels - nicotinic ACh receptor, potassium channels, calcium channels. Targeting of specific ion channels by toxins from various sources - bacteria (pertussis toxin), plant, fungi, snake venom (Mamba toxins), scorpion (charybdotoxin), spider (agatoxins). How such toxins have informed studies of ion channel structure, function and regulation.
PHAR0167: Autocoids and peptides
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims and Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with recent advances in pharmacology with respect to novel substances which have been identified from endogenous and exogenous sources and which are currently areas of intense investigation. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of the pharmacology of substances which control local smooth muscle tone as well as those released from nerve fibres which mediate pain and/or inflammatory effects.
Selected topics covering recent advances in autocoid pharmacology, such as: endothelium-derived factors: NO, endothelins, EDHF. Eicosanoids, Sensory neuropeptides: CGRP, Substance P, VIP. ATP. Nociceptin, epibatidine and somatostatin.
PHAR0168: Immunopharmacology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Aims and Learning Objectives: To extend the students knowledge of the immune system to include the various target cells and molecules that are being investigated for their potential therapeutic use in diseases characterised either by inadequate or excessive immune reactivity. After completing this unit, the student will have acquired knowledge of the current situation regarding therapeutic intervention to modulate the immune response, the most important target structures and the impact of immunotherapy in treating autoimmunity, cancer and immunodeficiencies.
Identification of potential drug targets in the immune system - antigen specific/non-specific. Monoclonal antibodies as therapeutics, immunotoxins. Inhibitory cytokines, cytokine inhibitors. Inhibitors of T cell signalling, antioxidants. Th1/Th2 cells, costimulation, anergy, apoptosis. Apoptosis induction in treating cancer. Class II MHC blockade, altered peptide ligands, T cell receptor vaccination. Tolerance induction, oral tolerance. Treatment of autoimmune diseases.
PHAR0169: Molecular signalling
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Requisites: Pre PHAR0142
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit will familiarise the student with aspects of molecular signalling and current areas of research which are of particular interest and importance. Knowledge gained from previous units in cell biology, and in particular molecular pharmacology, will be built on with more advanced and specialised treatment of specific topics encompassing cellular signalling events in different model systems. After taking this unit the student should demonstrate an understanding of different cellular signalling mechanisms.
Selected topics covering recent advances in molecular signalling. The areas to be covered include signalling events occuring in immune cells in response to cytokines and other mediators; protein interaction modules; kinase cascades; tyrosine kinases; tyrosine phosphatases; lipid signalling; regulation of transcription.
PHAR0170: Pathology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims and Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with the science of pathology, to introduce students to pathological investigations, and to develop the students' knowledge of drugs and drug action in a clinico-pathological framework. After taking this unit, the student should demonstrate an understanding of common pathological states, should be able to integrate this knowledge with the pharmacology acquired in other units and will have investigated selected topics in greater depth through studies of case histories.
Selected topics covering the pathology of malignancy, chronic infections, renal and cardiovascular disease, liver disease - drugs and poisons, neurodegeneration, arthritis.
PHAR0171: Infections
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES50 PR50
Requisites: Pre PHAR0020
Aims & learning objectives:
To familiarise the student
with the major infections and their treatment with antimicrobial agents.
After completing this unit, the student should be able to describe the clinical presentation of common infectious diseases, suggest rational therapy and understand the pharmacology of anti-microbial agents.
Bacterial infections including those caused by Staphylococcus sp, Streptococcus sp, Clostridium sp, Neisseria sp. Enterobacterial species, Helicobacter pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Mycobacterium sp. Antibiotic treatment, modes of action and resistance including penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams, b-lactamase inhibitors, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides, 4-quinolones, vancomycin and fusidic acid and anti-tuberculosis agents. Viral infections and their treatment including Herpes, Varicella and HIV. Fungal infections including dermatophytes and Candida albicans and treatment with amphotericin and azole agents. Treatment of protozoal infections, including malaria. Helminths and arthoropods. Antimicrobial synergy, antagonism and resistance amongst clinical isolates will be investigated in the practicals and workshops.
PHAR0172: Liquid and semi-solid formulation (Medicines Design 3)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW10 EX90
Requisites: Pre PHAR0018, Pre PHAR0024
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the student with an understanding of the formulation of liquid and semi-solid dosage forms and the underlying physicochemical principles involved in the formulation of these preparations. After taking the course the students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the pharmaceutically important properties of liquid and semi-solid products and how they are formulated.
Liquids overview, water, solubilisation, liposomes, oral solutions, organoleptics, principles of suspension formulation, suspension stability, suspension formulation, viscolysers, osmotic phenomena, principles of parenteral formulations, parenteral solutions, other parenteral formulations, sustained release parenterals, parenteral devices, ophthalmics; eye drops and contact solutions, liquids packaging; principles, materials, product package interactions. Semi-solids overview. Creams formulation. Dermatologicals; skin properties, formulations, drug delivery and transport, packaging.
PHAR0173: Pharmaceutical development and manufacturing
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80
Requisites: Pre PHAR0024, Pre PHAR0172
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop further understanding of the role of pharmaceutical research and development in the manufacture and marketing of medicines. To review the industrial development and optimisation of liquid, semi-solid and parenteral products.
After completing the course the student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role and practice of pharmaceutical R&D in an industrial context, and discuss technical R&D issues in relation to development of liquid, semi-solid and parenteral products.
Review of the drug development process; clinical trials design; interaction of research and development with clinical trials and toxicology programmes; regulation of pharmaceuticals; GMP issues; data and information management; pharmaco-economic issues in drug development; dosage form design; review of excipients for liquid and semi-solid products; controlling the performance of dermatological formulations; parenteral production issues; case studies in liquid and semi-solid formulation.
PHAR0174: Health education
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the concept of health education as a method of achieving a reduction in both patient morbidity and mortality. After undertaking this Unit, the student will have an understanding of (I) basic health education theory and methods, (ii) the pharmacist's role in health education and (iii) the health education needs of particular patient groups.
Health education theory and methods. The pharmacist's role. Drug misuse. Health and travel. HIV / sexual health. Coronary heart disease prevention. Nutrition. Mental health. Health education for special patient groups. Practice research methodology applied to health education.
PHYS0001: Introduction to quantum physics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students must have A-level Physics and Mathematics to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to review the evidence for the existence of atoms and the scientific developments which reveal the breakdown of classical physics at the atomic level, and to introduce the ideas of energy and angular momentum quantisation and the dual wave-particle nature of matter.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- identify the historical evidence for the atomic nature of matter
- describe the Bohr, Thomson and Rutherford models of the atom and the origin of quantisation of energy
- discuss the concepts of wave/particle duality, probability distributions and wavefunctions
- perform simple calculations on atomic line spectra
- explain the origin of the periodic table.
The constituents of the atom: Quantum and classical domains of physics. Existence of atoms. Avogadro's number. Electrons and ions. The mass spectrograph. Atomic mass units. Structure of atoms; scattering of alpha-particles and Rutherford's model.
Photons and energy quantisation: Black-body radiation; the ultraviolet catastrophe and Planck's hypothesis. Photoelectric effect. The electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays. Compton scattering. Sources of photons; the Bohr model of the atom. Deficiencies of Bohr's model.
Wave-particle duality: An introduction to waves. Wave-like properties of photons and other particles; inadequacies of classical models. De Broglie's hypothesis. Electron diffraction. Wave aspects of larger particles; atoms, molecules, neutrons. The uncertainty principle.
Introduction to quantum mechanics: Probability distributions. Introduction to Schrodinger's wave equation. Energy levels for hydrogen. Quantum numbers. Electron spin. The exclusion principle. The periodic table. Optical and X-ray spectra. Shells, valency and chemical bonding.
PHYS0002: Properties of matter
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry and A-level Mathematics to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to gain insight into how the interplay between kinetic and potential energy at the atomic level governs the formation of different phases and to demonstrate how the macroscopic properties of materials can be derived from considerations of the microscopic properties at the atomic level.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- use simple model potentials to describe molecules and solids
- solve simple problems for ideal gases using kinetic theory
- describe the energy changes in adiabatic and isothermal processes
- derive thermodynamic relationships and analyse cycles
- derive and use simple transport expressions in problems concerning viscosity, heat and electrical conduction.
Balance between kinetic and potential energy. The ideal gas - Kinetic Theory; Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution; Equipartition. The real gas - van der Waals model. The ideal solid - model potentials and equilibrium separations of molecules and Madelung crystals. Simple crystal structures, X-ray scattering and Bragg's law. First and second laws of thermodynamics, P-V-T surfaces, phase changes and critical points, thermodynamic temperature and heat capacity of gases. Derivation of mechanical (viscosity, elasticity, strength, defects) and transport properties (heat and electrical conduction) of gases and solids from considerations of atomic behaviour. Qualitative understanding of viscosity (Newtonian and non-Newtonian) in liquids based on cage models.
PHYS0003: Introduction to electronics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to electronics by developing an understanding of basic concepts in dc and ac electric circuits and digital electronics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- use a systematic analysis method (e.g. nodal voltage) to calculate currents and voltages in passive dc circuits
- calculate the amplitude and phase of voltages and currents in ac circuits by means of phasor analysis
- analyse simple operational amplifier circuits from first principles
- analyse simple logic circuits containing gates and flip-flops
- use Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps to simplify logic expressions
- design logic circuits to implement basic tasks.
DC Circuits: Kirchoff's voltage and current laws. Analysis of simple circuits using nodal voltage and mesh current techniques. Ideal voltage and current sources. Equivalent circuits. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Diodes.
Ideal Operational Amplifiers: Theory of ideal operational amplifiers. Simple applications e.g. inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, addition and subtraction.
AC Circuits: AC voltage and current concepts (phase, rms value, amplitude etc.). Capacitors and inductors as circuit elements. Phasors and phasor notation. Complex impedance. LCR circuits (resonance, Q factor etc). Frequency dependence of circuits. Bode plots.
Transients: Techniques for solving for transient waveforms in simple circuits involving inductors, capacitors, resistors and op-amps.
Combinational Logic: Digital and analogue electronics. Combinational logic. Representation of logic levels. AND, OR and NOT gates. Truth tables. XOR, NAND and NOR.
Boolean algebra: Notation, laws, identities and De Morgan's Laws. Standard sum of products. Manipulation between forms. Karnaugh maps: 2,3 and 4 variables. Simplification. PAL.
Logic gates and characteristics: Basic implementation of gates using discrete devices (AND using resistors and diodes). Limitations. Logic family characteristics: Fan out, noise margin and propagation delay.
Combinational functions: Adder, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, ROM structure.
Sequential logic: Latch, SR flip-flop and JK flip-flop. Shift register. Ripple and synchronous counters. Synchronous counter design. Basic RAM structure.
Introduction to microprocessors (68000 based): Binary arithmetic. A simple microprocessor architecture and operation. Concepts of buses, input/output, DMA and interrupts.
PHYS0004: Relativity & astrophysics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students must have A-level Physics and Mathematics to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the concepts and results of special relativity and to provide a broad introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. An additional aim is that the student's appreciation of important physical phenomena such as gravitation and blackbody radiation should be reinforced through their study in astrophysical contexts.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to
- write down the essential results and formulae of special relativity
- describe the important special relativity experiments (real or thought)
- solve simple kinematic and dynamical special relativity problems
- give a qualitative account of how the sun and planets were formed
- describe how stars of differing masses evolve
- give a simple description of the expanding Universe and its large-scale structure
- solve simple problems concerning orbital motion, blackbody radiation, cosmological redshift, stellar luminosity and magnitude.
Special Relativity: Galilean transformation. Speed of light - Michelson-Morley experiment; Einstein's postulates. Simultaneity; time dilation; space contraction; invariant intervals; rest frames; proper time; proper length. Lorentz transformation. Relativistic momentum, force, energy. Doppler effect.
Astrophysical Techniques: Telescopes and detectors. Invisible astronomy : X-rays, gamma-rays, infrared and radio astronomy.
Gravitation: Gravitational force and potential energy. Weight and mass. Circular orbits; Kepler's Laws; planetary motion. Escape velocity.
Solar System: Earth-Moon system. Terrestrial planets; Jovian planets. Planetary atmospheres. Comets and meteoroids. Formation of the solar system. The interstellar medium and star birth. Stellar distances, magnitudes, luminosities; black-body radiation; stellar classification; Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
Stellar Evolution: Star death: white dwarfs, neutron stars.
General Relativity: Gravity and geometry. The principle of equivalence. Deflection of light; curvature of space. Gravitational time dilation. Red shift. Black holes. Large scale structure of the Universe.
Galaxies: Galactic structure; classification of galaxies. Formation and evolution of galaxies. Hubble's Law. The expanding universe. The hot Big Bang. Cosmic background radiation and ripples therein.
PHYS0005: Mechanics & waves
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0007
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to present students with a clear and logical guide to classical mechanics, to strengthen their understanding of mechanics by means of practical problems and to introduce them to the fundamental concepts and mathematical treatment of waves.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- apply Newton's laws to solve simple real world problems and gain insight into microscopic processes at the atomic level
- use vector notation and methods to solve problems in rotational dynamics
- analyse oscillating systems under different driving regimes
- apply the wavefunction for a one-dimensional travelling wave to problems involving mechanical, acoustic, water and electromagnetic waves
- define and derive the impedance of a mechanical wave and apply it to reflection and transmission at interfaces
- analyse interference and diffraction arising from simple one-dimensional structures
- derive and apply the formulae for the non-relativistic Doppler effect.
Dimensions and Units: fundamental SI units, measurement standards, dimensional analysis.
Newton's Laws of Motion: Motion in 1D and 2D with constant and non-constant acceleration. Linear momentum, collisions, rockets.
Work and Energy: potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces.
Circular motion: Rigid body rotation: moments of inertia; torque and angular momentum as vectors; equations of motion of rotating bodies; gyroscopes.
Simple Harmonic Motion: including damped, forced; resonance.
Coupled oscillations and introduction to normal modes.
Travelling waves: strings, sound, water, particle and light waves.
Mathematical representation: sinusoidal waves; amplitude, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, speed, energy, intensity and impedance. General differential equation for 1D wave. Complex exponential notation.
Superposition: Wave interference, reflection and transmission at boundaries. Dispersive and non-dispersive waves, phase and group velocity. Beats. Michelson interferometer.
Doppler effect
PHYS0006: Electricity & magnetism
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0007
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and to develop techniques used in the solution of simple field problems, both vector and scalar.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- state the basic laws of electricity and magnetism
- define scalar and vector fields and represent them graphically
- determine the forces due to electric and magnetic fields acting on charges and currents
- determine electric fields, potentials and energies due to simple, static charge distributions
- determine magnetic fields and energies due to simple, steady current distributions
- determine electric fields, e.m.f.s and induced currents due to varying magnetic fields
Introduction to scalar and vector fields.
Electrostatics: Electric charge, Coulomb's Law, superposition of forces, electric charge distribution, the electric field, electric flux, Gauss's Law, examples of field distributions, electric dipoles. Line integral of the electric field, potential difference, calculation of fields from potential, examples of potential distributions, energy associated with electric field. Electric field around conductors, capacitors and their capacitance, energy stored.
Magnetism: Lorentz force law, force on a current-carrying wire, force between current-carrying wires, torque on a current loop, magnetic dipoles. Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law, magnetic flux, Gauss's Law in magnetism, examples of field distributions.
Electromagnetic Induction: Induced e.m.f. and examples, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, energy stored in a magnetic field, self and mutual inductance, energy stored in an inductor.
PHYS0007: Mathematics for scientists 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students must have A-level Mathematics to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing a reinterpretation of material already covered at A-level in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- sketch graphs of standard functions and their inverses
- represent complex numbers in cartesian, polar and exponential forms, and convert between these forms
- calculate the magnitude of a vector, and the scalar and vector products of two vectors
- solve standard geometrical problems involving vectors
- evaluate the derivative of a function and the partial derivative of a function of two or more variables
- write down the Taylor series approximation to a function.
Functions of a real variable (3 hours): Graphs of standard functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions). Domains and ranges. Composite functions. Inverse functions. Symmetries and transformations (reflections, rotation) of graphs. Polynomial curve fitting.
Complex numbers (4 hours): Definition and algebra of complex numbers in x+iy form. Complex conjugate. Modulus and argument. Argand diagram, reiq form. De Moivre's theorem. Solution of equations involving complex variables.
Vector algebra (7 hours): Introduction to vectors; physical examples of scalar and vector quantities. Magnitude of a vector, unit vector. Cartesian components. Scalar product; projections, components, physical examples. Vector product; determinantal form for Cartesian components, physical examples. Geometrical applications of vectors. Triple product. Introduction to vector spaces.
Differentiation (10 hours): Limits and continuity, differentiability. Review of differentiation. Higher derivatives, meaning of derivatives. Graphical interpretation of derivatives. Logarithmic, parametric and implicit derivatives. Taylor and Maclaurin expansions; remainder terms. Standard series. Convergence of series; ratio test, limits, L'Hopital's rule. Functions of two variables. Partial differentiation. Taylor expansion in two variables. Chain rule. Small changes and differentials, total derivative.
PHYS0008: Mathematics for scientists 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0007
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing a reinterpretation of material already covered at A-level in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- integrate functions using a variety of standard techniques
- find the general solution to first and second order ordinary differential equations and show how a particular solution may be found using boundary conditions
- describe the form of the general solution of partial differential equations
- solve some first and second order partial differential equations by means of separation of variables
- calculate the determinant and inverse of a matrix, and evaluate the product of two matrices
- use matrix methods to solve simple linear systems.
Integration (7 hours): Review of integration. Meaning of integration. Methods of integration. Multiple integral, change of order of integration. Applications of integration (area, volume, etc). Numerical integration methods.
Ordinary differential equations (8 hours): Origin of ODEs. Solution of first order ODEs by integrating factors and separation of variables. Solution of second order ODEs with constant coefficients. Complementary functions and particular integral. Applications in the natural sciences; rate equations, population dynamics, oscillatory systems, etc. Numerical solution of ODEs; Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods.
Introduction to partial differential equations (3 hours): Origin of PDEs. Solution of PDEs by separation of variables. Wave equation in one dimension.
Matrices and determinants (6 hours): Introduction to matrices. Special matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Matrix multiplication. Linear transformations. Introductions to determinants. Inverse of a matrix. Simultaneous linear equations. Solution of simultaneous equations; Gaussian elimination.
PHYS0009: Consolidation mathematics A
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co PHYS0010
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to remedy lacunae in the mathematical abilities of those students entering the first year of the Physics course without a C grade in A level maths or its equivalent, by revisiting parts of the Mathematics A-level syllabus and consolidating the work being carried out in PHYS0007.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to
- demonstrate adept algebraic manipulation of simple equations and solve quadratic equations
- write down the magnitude of a vector and the dot and cross product of two vectors
- convert between cartesian and polar co-ordinates and between the cartesian, polar and exponential notations for complex numbers
- add and multiply complex numbers in cartesian, polar and exponential forms
- calculate binomial coefficients and write down binomial expansions
- solve simple problems involving exponential and logarithm functions
- differentiate simple functions using the product, quotient and function of a function rules, logarithmic differentiation and implicit functions.
Algebraic manipulation
Polar co-ordinates and complex numbers
Binomial Expressions
Exponential and Log functions
Differentiation: products, implicit, logarithmic.
PHYS0010: Consolidation mathematics B
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co PHYS0009
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to remedy lacunae in the mathematical abilities of those students entering the first year of the Physics course without a C grade in A level maths or its equivalent, by revisiting parts of the Mathematics A-level syllabus and consolidating the work being carried out in PHYS0007 and PHYS0008.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to
- write down the partial derivative of a function of several variables
- integrate functions by substitution, by partial fractions and by parts and apply integration techniques to simple physical problems
- solve simple double integral problems
- solve 1st order ordinary differential equations by means of separation of variables and an integrating factor and apply ordinary differential equations to simple physical problems
- evaluate the determinant of a matrix.
1st order Ordinary Differential Equations
Further Vectors
Applied Differential Equations
Double Integration
Miscellaneous problems.
PHYS0011: Laboratory & information skills - 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR90 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
The primary aims of this unit are to give the student confidence and competence in basic laboratory and information processing skills, and to introduce laboratory project work. A further aim is to reinforce other course material through self-paced laboratory demonstrations.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- demonstrate the correct use of common laboratory equipment, such as oscilloscopes, multimeter, digital timer/counters and optical detectors
- correctly follow written instructions for setting up and carrying out experimental demonstrations in various topics relating to level 1, semester 1 physics modules
- use a scientific log book for recording details of experimental procedure, experimental results and data analysis
- plan, design and carry out a physics project consisting of a small-scale experimental investigation in one of various topics relating to major areas of physics
- use computer software packages for word processing, spreadsheet and data analysis to write a formal scientific project report.
Techniques of measurement: Use of multimeters, oscilloscope, protoboard, operational amplifier and digital timer/counter; mechanical measurements, light sources and detectors.
Demonstrations: RC networks, series resonance, statistics of radiation counting. Elastic properties, fluid flow.
Electronics: Characteristics and applications of basic combinatorial and sequential logic elements.
Projects: Two independent projects to simulate the processes of researching, planning, performing, analysing and reporting a small-scale experimental investigation. The topics are chosen from a wide range of physics appropriate to first-year students, and include hypothesis testing, design of apparatus, assessing published proposals and investigating novel phenomena.
Supporting Lectures and PC Laboratory Sessions: The use of logarithmic scales for graphing experimental data, statistical treatment of random error and variation; mean, standard deviation, standard error, confidence limits, linear regression. Intro to PC's, Windows, word processing. The use of spreadsheets, such as EXCEL to perform statistical operations and data analysis. The use of word processors, such as WORD to produce technical reports. The use of information technology and services for scientific purposes, including email, internet resources, library Unicorn system.
PHYS0012: Laboratory & information skills - 1B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR80 OT20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0011
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to build on the basic laboratory skills developed in PHYS0011, extending the scope of the demonstrations and project work. Two additional aims are to introduce the use of computer software to simulate electrical circuits, and to give students experience of presenting their work in the form of a poster.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- build simple electronic circuits involving operational amplifiers
- correctly follow written instructions for setting up and carrying out experimental demonstrations in various topics related to level 1, semester 2 physics modules
- plan, design and carry out a physics project consisting of a small-scale experimental investigation in one of various topics relating to major areas of physics, this project to be of a more challenging nature than that carried out in PHYS0011
- build an electronic circuit using basic logic components to perform a simple task
- design and make a poster based on the physics project, and present this at an open poster presentation
- use a computer software package to simulate the operation of passive networks and compare the results with the measured behaviour.
Techniques: Operational amplifiers.
Demonstrations: Ultrasonic waves in air. The Michelson Interferometer. Vibrations of strings. Diffraction, equipotentials & field lines.
Electronics: Mini-project to design, construct and test a basic digital system.
Project: A second independent project, similar in nature to that in PHYS0011. The students' second project is reported in writing and in the form of a Poster Presentation, in the style of conference posters. This will be judged by all staff and students at an open evening presentation.
PC Laboratory Sessions: Scientific Computer Packages - Circuit simulation.
Standard computer software is used to simulate the behaviour of simple, passive, electrical circuits. The simulation is tested against measured behaviour.
PHYS0013: Quantum & atomic physics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008
Natural science students must have taken PHYS0048 in order to undertake this unit.
PHYS0001 and PHYS0005 are desirable as pre-requisites but not essential.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this module are to introduce the Schröödinger wave equation and its solution in one and three dimensions, and to explore the interactions responsible for the electronic structure of atoms.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- explain the significance of the wavefunction in determining the physical behaviour of electrons
- show how quantisation arises from boundary conditions
- calculate energy levels in simple model systems
- outline the quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom
- discuss the energy levels, angular momenta and spectra of simple atoms, taking into account screening, magnetic interactions and the exchange interaction
- make simple quantitative estimates of magnetic energies in atoms
- use empirical rules to establish the ground state terms and configurations of atoms.
Introduction: The breakdown of classical concepts. Old quantum theory. Basic assumptions of quantum mechanics: wave functions and probability density. Observables; position, momentum and energy.
Schröödinger's equation: time dependence of the wave function. Time-independent Schröödinger equation and stationary states.
Motion in one dimension: the infinite square well; bound state energies and wave functions. Parity of solutions. Motion of free particles. Reflection and transmission at a potential step. Bound states of a finite square well. Tunnelling through a barrier. The harmonic oscillator.
Motion in three dimensions: central potentials. Angular dependence of solutions. Angular momentum quantum numbers; s, p and d states. Spin angular momentum. Vector model of the atom. Orbital and spin magnetic moments and their coupling in a one electron atom. Fine structure in hydrogen. Factors affecting intensity of spectral lines. Effect of the nuclear magnetic moment on atomic spectra: hyperfine structure, nuclear magnetic resonance. Atoms with more than one electron: Pauli exclusion principle and shell structure. Electron-electron interactions: screening and exchange interaction. Nomenclature for labelling atomic configurations and terms. Hund's rules. Fine structure and Zeeman effect in many-electron atoms. Factors affecting width of spectral lines and introduction to high resolution spectroscopy.
PHYS0014: Electromagnetic waves & optics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008
Natural science students must have taken PHYS0051 and PHYS0053 in order to undertake this unit.
PHYS0005 and PHYS0006 are desirable, but not essential, pre-requisites for this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the properties of electromagnetic plane waves, to provide a mathematical framework for the understanding of the wave nature of light and to describe the properties of simple optical devices.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- list the distinguishing features of electromagnetic plane waves and write down a mathematical expression for a linearly or circularly polarised light wave
- construct ray diagrams for use in solving simple geometrical optics problems
- outline the mathematical analysis of multiple-beam interference and hence interpret the output from a Fabry-Pérot interferometer
- discuss the concept of coherence with regard to the physical properties of the source and the effect of partial coherence on fringe visibility
- derive mathematical expressions for simple diffraction patterns and relate the limits imposed by diffraction to the performance of optical instruments
- describe how lasing action is obtained and maintained and outline the main properties of laser light.
Electromagnetic plane waves: The em spectrum; sources and production of light; wave and photon description; the optical region; Revision of 1D waves. 3D plane waves, vector nature of em waves; relationships between E B and k. Polarisation. Methods of obtaining linearly polarised light, Law of Malus. Circular and elliptical polarisation. Energy and the Poynting vector. Impedance. Phase velocity, permittivity, permeability. Refractive index and its microscopic origin. Concept of birefringence. Dispersive waves; group velocity.
Rays and waves: Optical path length. Huygen's and Fermat's principles. Snell's Law and lenses; the focal plane. Geometric optics and principles of the telescope and microscope.
Interference and Coherence: Interference with multiple beams. The interference term and fringe visibility. Young's slits experiment. The Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interfermoters. Anti-reflection coatings. The Fabry-Perot interferometer. Partial coherence and fringe visibility. Coherence time and coherence length. Interference between N equally spaced sources.
Diffraction: Introduction to Fresnel diffraction; Fraunhofer diffraction as far-field case. Derivation of Fraunhofer pattern for single slit, discussion of circular aperture. The diffraction grating. Dispersion. Diffraction limits on optical systems. Definition of resolution, Rayleigh criterion and resolving power. Resolving power of the telescope and grating.
Lasers: Interaction between light and matter. The Einstein relations. Obtaining and maintaining lasing action. The properties of laser light.
PHYS0015: Electronics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
PHYS0007, PHYS0003, PHYS0011 and PHYS0012 are desirable, but not essential pre-requisites for this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to provide an introduction to analogue electronics and device physics and to introduce the fundamental ideas of semiconductor physics in a qualitative manner, leading to descriptions of the action of semiconductor devices, such as the pn junction diode and FET.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- demonstrate the use of load lines in determining circuit operation
- explain the concept of negative feedback in electronic circuits
- design and perform calculations on simple transistor circuits
- outline the principles of digital control and data acquisition
- account for the formation of the depletion region at a pn junction and for FET operation by means of a qualitative description of semiconductor device physics
- sketch the processing steps involved in the fabrication of a bipolar junction and field effect transistor.
Review of DC and AC circuits: Current and voltage sources, potential dividers, load lines, CR filters. Simple (ideal) op-amp circuits: inverting, non-inverting and differential amplifiers, integrator.
Amplifiers and feedback: Blackbox treatment of amplifiers; input, output and transfer characteristics. Negative feedback systems. Advantages of nfb. Non-ideal op-amps, effect of finite gain and bandwidth. Stability of nfb systems. Gain and phase margins. Positive feedback in oscillators and comparators.
Digital-to-Analogue and Analogue-to-Digital Converters: Binary weighted and R-2R DACs. Counting, dual-slope, successive approximation and flash ADCs.
Basic principles of semiconductor physics (using a qualitative approach): Lattice structure, concepts of energy gap and holes. Conduction and valence bands. Extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductors, concept of binding energy - Fermi level and Fermi-Dirac statistics.
The pn junction (using a semi-quantitative approach): Form of depletion region (under unbiased and biased conditions). Voltage and field profile.
I-V characteristic (without derivation). Diode models; one way valve, piece-wise linear and diode equation. Junction capacitance. Applications, including rectifiers, clamps and Zener regulation.
Field effect transistor: The FET - JFET basic operation (including I-V characteristic). Electrical characteristics of n-channel JFET. Small signal analysis and equivalent circuit. Biasing arrangements. Analysis and design of common source amplifier including frequency response. Source follower. Differential amplifier.
Introduction to bipolar junction transistor: Electrical characteristics in common emitter connection and equivalent circuit.
Introduction to IC fabrication: Lithography, oxidation, diffusion and ion implantation. Fabrication of simple devices.
PHYS0016: Building blocks of the universe
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0013
Natural science students must have taken PHYS0049 in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to give an overview of our current picture of elementary particles and the forces between them, to describe properties and reactions of atomic nuclei and to discuss how these enable us to understand the origin of the Universe and the elements, stars and galaxies within it.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- describe the classification of fundamental particles and explain terms used in their description
- describe the characteristics of the fundamental forces, and quote and use conservation laws to determine allowed particle reactions
- apply decay laws to problems in particle and nuclear physics, and define and perform simple calculations on cross section and centre of mass frame
- discuss binding in nuclei and explain the energetics and mechanisms of radioactive decay
- describe the liquid drop and shell models of nuclei and use them to calculate and interpret nuclear properties
- describe the physical processes involved in fission and fusion reactions and in stellar nucleosynthesis
- give a qualitative description of the early stages of the Universe and the condensation of particles, nuclei and atoms from the primeval fireball.
Decays and Interactions: Particle decay laws, half-life and mean lifetime, generation and decay. Particle kinematics and the discovery of the neutrino.
Elementary Particles: Quarks, leptons and mediators. Anti-particles. Hadrons (baryons and mesons) in terms of multiplets. Baryon and lepton number.
Fundamental Interactions: The four forces. The exchange particle model and Feynman diagrams. The discovery of the W and Z. Conservation laws. Unification of forces.
The Nucleus: Nucleon interactions and binding energy. Nuclear size and mass.
Radioactive Decay: Beta-decay. Electron and positron emission; K-capture.
Alpha decay : energetics and simplified tunnelling theory. The liquid drop model and semi-empirical mass formula. The shell model, nuclear spin, excited states.
Nuclear Reactions and Fission: Centre of mass frame. Scattering, spontaneous fission, fission products. Induced fission, chain reactions, delayed neutrons.
Nuclear Fusion Reactions: Principles of fusion reactions.
The Cosmic Connection: Stellar nucleosynthesis The Big Bang re-visited. Separation of unified forces. Inflation theory. Formation of elementary particles. Cosmic nucleosynthesis. Dark matter in the universe. MACHOs, WIMPs and Winos.
PHYS0017: Introduction to solid state physics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008, Pre PHYS0013
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the real space and reciprocal lattice, to develop an elementary understanding of the organisation of electron states in energy bands in metals and semiconductors and to describe the basic properties of metals and semiconductors.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- solve problems relating to the conducting properties of metals and semiconductors
- relate structures in reciprocal space to those in real space
- describe how the properties of electrons in energy bands define the behaviour of conducting and semiconducting solids
- derive an expression for and calculate the effective mass of an electron in terms of its energy-wavevector relation
- define the Fermi-Dirac probability function and solve problems relating to the Fermi-Dirac statistics of electrons in solids.
Free electron theory of metals and semiconductors. The real space lattice, translational symmetry, unit cells, Miller indices and planar spacings. The reciprocal lattice and its use in X-ray crystallography. Introduction to bonding and energy bands in metals. Atomic orbitals leading to sp3 hybridisation in C, Si and Ge. Bonding in covalent solids, energy bands and gaps in semiconductors. Acceptor and donor doping in extrinsic semiconductors, electrons and holes, Hall effect. Introduction to momentum (k) space and propagation of plane waves in solids. Free electron Fermi sphere in metals; density of states. The Brillouin zone and Bragg reflection for simple lattices. Difference between semiconductors and metals. E-k diagram, direct and indirect gaps, band edges and effective mass in semiconductors. Semi-classical dynamics of electrons in solids, carrier mobility, conductivity and scattering mechanisms. Introduction to Fermi-Dirac statistics and electronic specific heat.
PHYS0018: Programming skills
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce and develop structured programming skills in a high-level language as a tool for the numerical solution of physical problems. A further aim is to develop the student's awareness of the sources of error in numerical calculations and the means of reducing them.
After taking the unit the student should be able to
- carry out the structured design of a computer program using flowcharts or pseudocode
- give examples of the introduction of rounding errors due to numerical techniques and methods for minimising such problems
- write computer programs in a high level structured language including arithmetic expressions, loops, branching instructions and arrays
- describe methods for testing and debugging programs and apply these techniques to the student's own computer programs
- outline the advantages of using subprograms and write computer programs in a high level structured language using external subprograms
- use numerical techniques introduced in PHYS0007 and PHYS0008 to solve simple Physics problems.
Introduction to numerical analysis; use of computers in numerical analysis; basic vocabulary of computers; compilation, linking, memory, variable types, generic control structures and loops; conditionals; input and output; arrays; floating point round-off and truncation errors; maximum integer size; syntax of the C language; intrinsic functions of C; operators and precedence; drives, files and directories in UNIX systems; essential UNIX commands and editing; root-finding; function evaluation via series expansion and look-up tables; matrix diagonalisation; normal mode problems; subprograms; modules; libraries; pointers; structures in C; inheritances; complex numbers; transfer matrix and shooting methods for simple finite quantum well problems as an example application.
PHYS0019: Mathematics for scientists 3
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students, and to show how these may be used for different applications. It also aims to continue the development of students' problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- evaluate Fourier series and Fourier and Laplace transforms, and use their properties to solve problems
- use transform methods to solve differential equations
- apply transform methods in image and signal processing
- find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices and apply these to the diagonalisation of quadratic forms
- calculate the normal modes of coupled vibrational systems.
Transform methods (18 hours): Periodic functions. Harmonic synthesis. Representation as Fourier series, and Fourier components. Truncated series. Fourier sine and cosine series. Expansion of finite range functions. Applications of Fourier series. Complex form of Fourier series and coefficients. Discrete amplitude spectra.
Transition to aperiodic functions: the Fourier transform. Integral definition and properties of the Fourier transform. Use of tables in evaluating transforms. Applications to image processing, solution of differential and integral equations, and to physical systems. Convolution.
Causal functions and the Laplace transform. Integral definitions and properties of the Laplace transform. Use of tables in evaluating transforms. Applications.
Discrete Fourier transform. Sampling theorem and applications to signal processing.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (6 hours): Revision of matrix algebra. Homogeneous linear equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices and their properties. Linear transformations. Diagonalisation of quadratic forms. Normal modes of vibration of ball and spring systems.
PHYS0020: Mathematics for scientists 4
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0019
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students, and to show how these may be used for different applications. It also aims to continue the development of students' problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- define and transform between Cartesian, polar, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates, and parameterise and sketch curves, surfaces and volumes within these coordinate systems
- solve equations of motion in Cartesian and polar coordinates
- define scalar, vector and conservative fields
- perform line, surface and volume integrals
- evaluate grad, div, curl and Ѳ in Cartesian, polar, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates, and use and interpret vector integral theorems
- derive and interpret Maxwell's equations and their solution in vacuum
o derive theorems of analytic functions and use them to evaluate integrals.
Vector analysis (16 hours): Differentiation of vectors. Space curves; parameterisation of curves, tangent vector. Polar coordinates; velocity and acceleration. Introduction to scalar and vector fields. Directional derivative; gradient of a scalar field, Ñ as a vector operator in Cartesian coordinates. Introduction to div and curl in Cartesian coordinates; physical interpretation. Identities involving Ñ; definition of Ѳ. Tangential line integrals. Classification of fields; conservative fields, potential functions, path independence of line integrals in conservative fields. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems; Cartesian, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates. Surface and volume integrals. Div and curl; definitions as limits of integrals; explicit forms. Ѳ in spherical and cylindrical polar coordinates. Vector integral theorems; divergence and Stokes theorems, derivation and applications. Green's theorem and applications.
Introduction to Maxwell's equations (8 hours): Derivation of integral and differential forms of Maxwell's equations and continuity equation. The wave equation in source-free vacuum. Plane wave solutions.
Functions of a complex variable (8 hours): Differential functions, analytic functions, singularities, Cauchy-Riemann equations, power series in a complex variable, elementary functions, principal values, branch cuts. Complex integration; Cauchy's theorem and integral, zeroes and poles, Laurent expansion, residue theorem, principal value of an integral, Jordan's lemma, integration of simple functions, summation of series.
PHYS0021: Laboratory & information skills 2A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre PHYS0011, Pre PHYS0012, Co PHYS0022
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to further develop student confidence and competence in experimental laboratory skills, data processing, written presentation skills and the use of scientific computer packages. A further aim is to reinforce elements of units PHYS0013, PHYS0014 and PHYS0015 by providing experimental examples in these areas.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- successfully conduct short experiments, following written guidelines, on various topics relating to physics and analogue electronics
- plan, design and carry out a group project consisting of an experimental investigation
- maintain a scientific log book, recording details of experimental method and results to an appropriate standard
- write detailed scientific reports describing experimental work, displaying an appropriate standard of presentation, style, structure, attention to detail and analysis
- carry out simulations using PSpice of electric circuits incorporating transistors and operational amplifiers
- carry out Fourier analysis of simple aperture functions using Matlab.
Students will be introduced to devices, instrumentation and measurement systems as found in a modern research environment. A combination of short benchmark experiments and longer open ended projects will be employed. Students will routinely work in pairs but larger groups of four or give will be the norm in longer projects. Experiments will be drawn from topics encompassing optical physics, x-rays, electromagnetism, analogue electronics, instrumentation and ultrasonics. These activities will be underpinned by workshops on writing skills and scientific computer packages.
PHYS0022: Laboratory & information skills 2B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Co PHYS0021
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to build on the laboratory and written presentation skills developed in PHYS0021 and to develop the skills required for preparing and delivering oral presentations. An additional aim is to reinforce elements of unit PHYS0017 by providing experimental examples in this area.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- successfully conduct short experiments, following written guidelines, on various topics relating to physics and analogue electronics
- plan, design and carry out a group project consisting of an experimental investigation
- maintain a scientific log book, recording details of experimental method and results to an appropriate standard
- write detailed scientific reports describing experimental work, displaying an appropriate standard of presentation, style, structure, attention to detail and analysis
- plan, design and carry out a small-scale investigation into a subject relating to electronics instrumentation
- prepare and deliver an oral presentation based on the group physics project and answer questions relating to the presentation.
Students will be introduced to devices, instrumentation and measurement systems as found in a modern research environment. A combination of short benchmark experiments and longer open ended projects will be employed. Students will routinely work in pairs but larger groups of four or give will be the norm in longer projects. Experiments will be drawn from topics encompassing optical physics, x-rays, electromagnetism, analogue electronics and ultrasonics. These activities will be underpinned by a workshop on oral presentation skills.
PHYS0023: Electromagnetism
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0020, Pre PHYS0014
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are develop a full formal vectorial description of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in infinite materials and at boundaries between materials, to derive some individual solutions and to make use of them in a few important applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- manipulate full vectorial versions of Maxwell's equations in static and time-varying cases
- analyse in detail the propagation of vectorial plane waves in vacuum and in various materials (e.g. lossy dielectrics, metals and plasmas)
- describe the origins of polarisation and magnetisation in materials
- match electric and magnetic fields at boundaries between materials and explain the origins of Brewster's angle, total internal reflection and tunnelling
- calculate the energy density in static and time-varying fields
- calculate and make use of the electromagnetic Poynting vector
- use static and time-varying scalar and vector potentials to calculate electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields
- outline the basic features of electric and magnetic dipoles
- analyse the modes of rectangular metallic waveguides (cut-off, total number of modes, impedance, power flow)
- describe some simple antennas and analyse their basic characteristics using magnetic vector potentials.
Mathematical review: vector calculus; div, grad, curl; divergence and Stoke's theorem.
Maxwell's equations: Differential form of "static" Maxwell equations from Gauss, Biot-Savart and Ampere Laws. Time variations; Faraday's Law, the continuity equation and vacuum displacement current.
Solutions in infinite vacuum: The wave equation. Plane wave solutions and properties; polarisation, impedance. Electromagnetic energy. Poynting's theorem. Radiation pressure.
Solutions in infinite materials: Concepts of linearity, isotropy and homogeneity. Characterisation of materials in terms of macroscopic parameters. Multipole expansion of electrostatic fields. Dipoles, susceptibility and polarisation / magnetisation. Capacitors. The modified wave equation; solution in conductors, dielectrics, lossy media and plasma.
Boundaries between media: The general electromagnetic boundary conditions. Plane waves at a planar boundary; general angle of incidence (Fresnel equations). Brewster and critical angles. Coefficients of transmission and reflection at normal incidence.
Radiation: Electromagnetic potentials; retarded potentials; near and far fields; radiation from a Hertz dipole; simple antennas and antenna arrays.
Guided waves: The rectangular metal pipe waveguide.
PHYS0024: Contemporary physics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Students should have taken an appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics units in order to undertake this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to enable students to find out about some of the most exciting developments in contemporary Physics research.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- demonstrate good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time for the planning, research and writing of reports
- carry out literature searching methods for academic journals and computer-based resources in order to research the topics studied
- develop the ability to extract and assimilate relevant information from extensive sources of information
- develop structured report writing skills
- write a concise summary of each seminar, at a level understandable by a final year undergraduate unfamiliar with the subject of the seminar
- write a detailed technical report on one of the seminar subjects of the student's choice, displaying an appropriate level of technical content, style and structure.
This unit will be based around 5 or 6 seminars from internal and external speakers who will introduce topics of current interest in Physics. Students will then choose one of these subjects on which to research and write a technical report. Topics are likely to include recent developments in: Astrophysics and Cosmology; Particle Physics; Medical Physics; Laser Physics; Semiconductor Physics; Superconductivity; Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Matter.
PHYS0025: Equations of science
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0020
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce concepts and methods used in solving some of the most important equations, both linear and non-linear, which arise in the natural sciences, and to introduce students to a broad range of examples and applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- distinguish linear and non-linear equations and contrast the different forms of solution which arise
- recognise some of the key equations which arise in the natural sciences
- apply the separation of variables method to linear partial differential equations, and solve the resulting ordinary differential equations by series solution
- use superposition methods for inhomogeneous equations
- determine solutions to some of the key non-linear equations, and analyse non-linear ordinary differential equations
- analyse one-dimensional difference equations.
Linear equations of science (15 hours) Derivation of the diffusion equation as an example of how partial differential equations arise in the natural sciences. Introduction to Laplace's equation, Poisson's equation, wave equation, Schrodinger's equation. Linearity and superposition. Boundary conditions. Solution by separation of variables; examples showing separation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Series solutions of differential equations; examples including Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics and Bessel functions. Theory of orthogonal functions; eigenvalues and eigenvectors, superposition methods, Greens functions. Examples from the natural sciences.
Non-linearity and chaos (9 hours): Examples of non-linearity in the natural sciences; Non-linear wave equations, solitary waves, physical examples. Nonlinear differential equations: phase space, trajectories, fixed points, bifurcation. Examples from the natural sciences. Non-linear difference equations: orbits, cobwebs, fixed points, bifurcations, chaos. Examples from the natural sciences.
PHYS0026: Semiconductor physics & technology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0015, Pre PHYS0017
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to describe the physics controlling the operation of semiconductor devices and to demonstrate how the properties of materials are exploited to provide a complete technology for their production. Further aims are to describe the operation of basic electronic devices, to develop appropriate equations for their characteristics and to consider how real devices differ from the ideal.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- describe quantitatively the physical processes occurring in semiconductors which govern device operation
- carry out simple calculations using the basic equations of semiconductor device operation
- describe in detail the major technological processes involved in the fabrication of semiconductor devices
- explain in detail the operation of standard electronic devices: pn junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors, JFETs and MOSFETs
- derive equations predicting the characteristics of such devices and use these in calculations of device performance
- account for some of the ways in which real devices differ from ideal ones and the limitations to device performance.
Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor statistics and Law of Mass Action.
Carrier transport phenomena: Mobility, scattering mechanisms, resistivity, diffusion and drift. Recombination processes, surface recombination. Optical, thermal and high field properties, decay of photoexcited carriers. Introduction to the basic equations of semiconductor device operation: current density equation and continuity equation.
Semiconductor Technology
Relevant properties of Silicon, GaAs and SiO2. Development of the photolithography, oxide growth, metallisation and ion implantation techniques. Crystal growth and doping, MBE and CVD. Assessment techniques - Hall Mobility, Oxide Tunnelling and Spectroscopy. Relationship between carrier lifetime, resistivity, doping concentration and mobility. Limits to the technology imposed by physics - the consequences to device and circuit performance from ever decreasing dimensions. Complementary attributes of Silicon vs compound semiconductors, engineering of band gaps. Introduction to low dimensional devices.
Semiconductor Devices
PN Junction Diode. Built-in potential; depletion layer width; ideal diode equation; depletion and diffusion capacitance. Deviations from the ideal; generation and recombination; reverse breakdown.
Bipolar Transistor. Semi-quantitative description of operation leading to the ideal transistor characteristics; injection efficiency, base transport and current gain factors. DC characteristics in common base and common emitter modes. Early effect and other deviations from ideal. Hybrid Pi equivalent circuit model.
Junction FET. Current-voltage characteristics; saturation; small signal equivalent circuit.
MOSFET. MOS capacitor; surface charges; inversion, depletion and accumulation; current-voltage characteristic, equivalent circuit.
Introduction to optoelectronic devices. LED, diode lasers and photodiode.
PHYS0027: Signals & measurement systems
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0003, Pre PHYS0019
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce concepts of noise, methods of recovering signals from noise, sampled signals, the artefacts generated by sampling and digital signal processing. A further aim is to show through a detailed study of specific examples how the basic building blocks of feedback measurement and control systems can be chosen and assembled and the static and dynamic performance analysed.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- identify common noise sources and estimate their values in a given experiment
- evaluate the information content of a sampled signal
- design simple digital filters with a desired frequency response
- design and develop mathematical models for feedback systems and explain their advantages for measurement and control
- choose and describe appropriate signal recovery techniques for a particular application and make quantitative estimates of the advantages in certain cases.
Noise and random signals. Noise sources: thermal noise, shot noise and 1/f noise. Noise calculations. Signal to noise ratio. AC measuring techniques and signal recovery methods: filtering, averaging and phase sensitive detection. Lock-in amplifier, box-car integrator and multichannel averager. Correlation techniques.
Sampled signals and the sampling theorem. Discrete Fourier transform. Fundamental interval and aliasing. Resolution. Discontinuities and spectral leakage. Laplace transform and its role in signal processing. Correlation and autocorrelation convolution.
Introduction to digital signal processing, z- transform. Design of digital filters using z- and Fourier transforms.
Introduction to sensor and transducer technologies. Feedback, and its application to measurement and control systems. Static and dynamic theory of feedback.Case studies of instrumentation systems e.g. Frequency and amplitude stabilisation of a laser. Fluxgate magnetometer. Tunnelling microscope.
Introduction to sensor and transducer technologies.
PHYS0028: Solids & surfaces
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0017, Pre PHYS0020
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce some of the main ways in which real materials differ from perfect, infinite crystals at zero temperature, and to relate the imperfections to macroscopic material properties.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- solve simple technological and fundamental problems involving the thermal and acoustic properties of crystals and glasses
- account for the vibrational properties of solids
- solve structural and vibrational problems in the reciprocal lattice and k-space
- relate the electronic, optical and mechanical properties of real crystals to their defects
- explain the basic features of the observed crystal and electronic structure of clean surfaces
- sketch surface unit meshes and reciprocal nets and write down the associated Wood notation
- describe, compare and contrast surface experimental probes.
Lattice vibrations: dynamics of linear, monatomic and diatomic chains, dispersion relations, acoustic and optic vibrations. Extension to three-dimensional crystals. Quantisation and phonons, crystal momentum. Study of phonons by inelastic neutron and light scattering and ultrasonics: elastic constants. Thermal properties of insulating crystals; lattice contribution to specific heat; Debye approximation. Vibrational anharmonicity and thermal conductivity. Dielectric and optical properties. Scattering of electrons by phonons, temperature dependence of electrical conductivity. Phase transitions and lattice dynamics.
Introduction to amorphous solids. Topological disorder. Determination of glass structure by EXAFS. Short range order, vibrational states and thermal conductivity of glasses.
Defects in crystals: point defects and dislocations in crystals. Effect on electronic, optical and mechanical properties. Point defects in thermal equilibrium. Self diffusion. Ionic conductivity. Colour centres. Dislocations: slip, shear strength; edge and screw dislocations. Dislocation loops and networks.
Surface physics: importance of surfaces, eg catalysis, corrosion, epitaxial growth. Clean and real surafaces. Surface energy. Surface crystal structure; relaxation and reconstruction; Wood notation. Surface electronic structure; the work function, 2-band model of surface states; adsorbates. Experimental probes; electron spectroscopies, low energy electron diffraction, scanning tunnelling microsopy.
PHYS0029: Thermodynamics & statistical mechanics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0002, Pre PHYS0008
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to develop an appreciation of the concepts of classical thermodynamics and their application to physical processes and to introduce the concepts of statistical mechanics, showing how one builds from an elementary treatment based on ways of arranging objects to a discussion of Fermi-Dirac and Bose systems, simple phase transitions, and more advanced phenomena.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to
- define terms such as isobaric, isothermal, adiabatic, etc. and state and apply the 1st and 2nd Laws
- calculate work done and heat interchanges as various paths are followed on a PV diagram
- explain the operation of, and carry out calculations for, heat engines and refrigerators
- write down the Clausius -Clapeyron equation and describe its applications
- carry out simple calculations on various Virial equations of state
- solve problems using Maxwell's relations in various contexts
- define entropy, temperature, chemical potential in statistical terms
- derive the Boltzmann, Planck, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution functions and apply them to simple model systems
- outline the mean-field approach to phase transitions in strongly interacting systems, and appreciate its limitations.
Classical thermodynamics; First and second laws of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic processes. Thermodynamic temperature scale, heat engines, refrigerators, the Carnot cycle, efficiency and entropy. Thermodynamic functions, Maxwell's relations and their applications. Specific heat equations, phase changes, latent heat equations and critical points.
Statistical Mechanics; Basic postulates. Systems in thermal contact and thermal equilibrium. Statistical definitions of entropy, temperature and chemical potential. Boltzmann factor and partition function illustrated by harmonic oscillator and two-state system. Planck distribution: photons, radiation, phonons. Fermions and Bosons: Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distribution functions. Properties of Fermi systems: ground state of a Fermi gas, density of states; Fermi gas at non-zero temperature; electrons in solids, models of white dwarf and neutron stars. Properties of Bose systems: Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity and superconductivity.
Applications of Statistical Mechanics to classical and quantum systems such as non-reacting and reacting mixtures of classical gases; equilibrium of two-phase assemblies; models of magnetic crystals, the Ising model; mean-field and other approaches to phase transitions in ferromagnets and binary alloys; elementary kinetic theory of transport processes; transport theory using the relaxation-time approximation: electrical conductivity, viscosity; propagation of heat and sound.
PHYS0030: Quantum mechanics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit and must have undertaken appropriate maths units provided by either the Departments of Physics or Mathematical Sciences.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to show how a mathematical model of considerable elegance may be constructed, from a few basic postulates, to describe the seemingly contradictory behaviour of the physical universe and to provide useful information on a wide range of physical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
- discuss the dual particle-wave nature of matter
- explain the relation between wave functions, operators and experimental observables
- justify the need for probability distributions to describe physical phenomena
- set up the Schröödinger equation for simple model systems
- derive eigenstates of energy, momentum and angular momentum
- apply approximate methods to more complex systems.
Introduction: Breakdown of classical concepts. Old quantum theory.
Quantum mechanical concepts and models: The "state" of a quantum mechanical system. Hilbert space. Observables and operators. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Dirac bra and ket vectors. Basis functions and representations. Probability distributions and expectation values of observables.
Schrodinger's equation: Operators for position, time, momentum and energy. Derivation of time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Correspondence to classical mechanics. Commutation relations and the Uncertainty Principle. Time evolution of states. Stationary states and the time-independent Schrodinger equation.
Motion in one dimension: Free particles. Wave packets and momentum probability density. Time dependence of wave packets. Bound states in square wells. Parity. Reflection and transmission at a step. Tunnelling through a barrier. Linear harmonic oscillator.
Motion in three dimensions: Stationary states of free particles. Central potentials; quantisation of angular momentum. The radial equation. Square well; ground state of the deuteron. Electrons in atoms; the hydrogen atom. Hydrogen-like atoms; the Periodic Table.
Spin angular momentum: Pauli spin matrices. Identical particles. Symmetry relations for bosons and fermions. Pauli's exclusion principle.
Approximate methods for stationary states: Time independent perturbation theory. The variational method. Scattering of particles; the Born approximation.
PHYS0031: Simulation techniques
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0020
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to identify some of the issues involved in constructing mathematical models of physical processes, and to introduce major techniques of computational science used to find approximate solutions to such models.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- dedimensionalise an equation representing a physical system
- discretise a differential equation using grid and basis set methods
- outline the essential features of each of the simulation techniques introduced
- give examples of the use of the techniques in contemporary science
- use the simulation schemes to solve simple examples by hand
- describe and compare algorithms used for key processes common to many computational schemes.
Construction of a mathematical model of a physical system; de-dimensionalisation, order of magnitude estimate of relative sizes of terms.
Importance of boundary conditions. The need for computed solutions.
Discretisation using grids or basis sets. Discretisation errors.
The finite difference method; review of ODE solutions. Construction of difference equations from PDEs. Boundary conditions. Applications.
The finite element method; Illustration of global, variational approach to solution of PDEs. Segmentation. Boundary conditions. Applications.
Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Methods; examples of N-body problems, ensembles and averaging. The basic MD strategy. The basic MC strategy; random number generation and importance sampling. Applications in statistical mechanics. Simulated annealing. Computer experiments. Solving finite difference problems via random walks.
Other major algorithms of computational science; the Fast Fourier Transform, matrix methods, including diagonalisation, optimisation methods, including non-linear least squares fitting.
PHYS0032: Lasers & modern optics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0023, Pre PHYS0013, Pre PHYS0017
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to provide a treatment of the interactions of light with matter, with particular emphasis on the generation and manipulation of laser radiation in modern optical systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- analyse the diffraction of beams, in particular the propagation of Gaussian beams
- design simple resonant cavities and analyse their main features
- apply matrix methods to paraxial rays in multi-element systems of lenses and mirrors
- describe and analyse the interactions between light and matter that lead to spontaneous emission and lasing in 3- and 4-level systems
- treat cw, mode-locked and Q-switched laser operation and describe the resulting temporal, spectral and power characteristics
- use the index ellipsoid to analyse the changing polarisation state of light in birefringent materials and to design simple half- and quarter-wave plates
- describe the basic features of guided modes in planar and fibre waveguides and outline basic fabrication techniques
- describe the origins of second and third order optical nonlinearities and analyse their effects on laser light in simple cases
- treat the effects of group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation on short pulses, and outline briefly how solitons form in optical fibres
- discuss and analyse the operation of simple electooptic modulators.
Diffractive Optics: Bandwidth of a finite pulse, diffraction at apertures, birefringence, matrix methods, Gaussian beams, laser cavities and resonators.
Lasers: Principles of laser operation, temporal and spectral characteristics, types of lasers, line-widths and broadening, Q switching and mode locking.
Manipulation of light: Dielectric waveguides, optical fibres, dispersion of short pulses, second and third order nonlinear optics, electro-optic modulation, solitons.
PHYS0033: Advanced electronic devices
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0023, Pre PHYS0013, Pre PHYS0015, Pre PHYS0017
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to give an introduction to the physics and operation of a range of advanced electronic and optoelectronic devices and to develop an understanding of how fundamental principles affect device performance.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- draw energy band diagrams for metal-semiconductor junctions and explain how Schottky diodes and ohmic contacts are formed
- outline the origin of tunnelling and electron transfer and give examples of the use of these effects in electronic devices
- discuss the properties of semiconductor quantum wells and their uses in electronic and optoelectronic devices
- describe the interactions between electrons and photons such as absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission
- outline the main properties of common optoelectronic devices for emitting and detecting light
- explain with examples the concept of optical amplification.
Electronic Devices
MBE. Contrast between group IV and III-V semiconductors; Schottky diodes; Ohmic contacts; Gunn diodes; Heterojunction bipolar transistors; MESFETs; Modulations doped structures and High Electron Mobility Transistors; Tunnel diodes; Quantum well devices, resonant tunnelling diodes; Hot electron devices; Superconducting devices, Josephson junctions and SQUIDS
Electron photon interaction in semiconductors
Properties of semiconductor diode lasers: basic structure, spectral operation, modulation performance, classes of diode lasers
Advanced optical detectors: PIN photodiodes, avalanche detectors
Optical amplification: physical principles, semiconductor amplifiers, erbium fibre amplifiers
Application of optoelectronic devices: Optical communications, optical storage
Optical properties of quantum well devices: quantum confined effects, quantum well lasers, quantum well modulators
PHYS0034: Complex states of matter
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0017
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to explain the basic properties of materials which undergo phase transitions into coherent states of fundamental physical interest, including magnetic and superconducting materials and their applications and superfluids.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- compare and contrast aspects of the condensed, coherent state in magnetic materials, superconductors and superfluids and how they arise from second order phase transitions
- derive the Curie-Weiss law of paramagnetism and use it to explain the ferromagnetic state
- express the free energy of a simple, ordered magnetic system in terms of the state variables and relevant parameters
- explain the magnetisation process and hysteresis in terms of standard domain models
- apply fundamental knowledge of superconductors to applications of superconductivity in technology and the research laboratory
- design and test superconducting devices, including those made from high Tc superconductors
- describe different methods for the production of low temperatures
- outline the basic properties of superfluidity in Helium-4 and Helium-3
- describe theoretical models for superfluidity in Helium-4.
Introduction to solid state magnetism and models of magnetic crystals; Heisenberg model. Ferromagnetism; the magnetisation process, anisotropy, domain structure, hysteresis loops, magnetisation dynamics and magnetostriction. Hard and soft materials and their applications.
The production of low temperatures; liquid cryogens, the Helium dilution refrigerator, adiabatic demagnetisation and Pomeranchuck cooling. Laser cooling and Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic traps.
The physics of the superfluid and superconducting state.
Superfluidity; properties of liquid Helium-4, superfluidity in Helium-4, London and Landau models. Differences between Helium-4 and Helium-3. Different phases and superfluidity in liquid Helium-3.
Superconductivity; basic phenomena of superconductivity: critical temperature, zero resistance, critical magnetic field, Meissner effect, penetration depth, coherence length. Thermodynamics of superconductivity. Two fluid model. Ginsburg-Landau theory. Microscopic theory, Cooper pairs, electron phonon interaction, isotope effect, BCS model and the energy gap. Type I and type II superconductors, the mixed state. Applications of type II materials. Tunnelling in superconductors, Josephson effect, SQUIDs and applications. High Tc superconductivity.
PHYS0035: Medical physics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PHYS0008, Pre PHYS0014, Pre PHYS0016
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the application of physics to medicine in the specific areas of medical imaging and ionising radiation and to show how core physics from earlier modules can be applied to these medical applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- describe the physical principles underlying specific areas of medical imaging and ionising radiation therapy
- perform basic calculations on medical ultrasound, ionising radiations and magnetic resonance imaging.
Introduction: Introduction to medical physics and imaging. Physical properties of body tissues. Safety aspects.
Ultrasonic Imaging: Generation and structure of ultrasonic fields; Piezoelectric devices. Nearfield and far field of transducers, focused fields and pulsed fields. Arrays. Field measurements. Nonlinear propagation. Attenuation and absorption: Characteristics of typical propagation media and effects on system design.
Plane wave reflection and transmission at interfaces. Scattering from discrete scatterers. Introduction to scattering from random media. Limitations on resolution of systems.
Doppler Ultrasound: The Doppler principle. Continuous wave and pulsed Doppler instruments. Medical ultrasound systems in current use and clinical applications. Exposure measurement and safety.
Ionising radiation: Photon, electron and heavier particle absorption and scattering processes in tissue, including the effects of incident energy and tissue inhomogeneity. Influence of above processes on radiotherapeutic and radiodiagnostic techniques and equipment. Principles of dosimetry.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Production of cross-sectional images of tissue properties, and function, using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Spatial resolution, dynamic range, imaging speed, contrast enhancement and safety.
Computed X-ray tomography and Radioisotopes: Basic principles.
PHYS0036: Final year project - A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Co PHYS0037
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate in depth some aspect or application of physics, to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in formal lecture courses, and to give students first-hand experience of innovation and/or research.
While taking this unit, the student should be able to
- demonstrate enthusiasm, industry and motivation in carrying out the project, as well as good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time to the project
- thoroughly research the background to the project using academic journals, textbooks and computer-based resources
- for an experimental project, demonstrate good practical skills in the construction of apparatus and circuits and in data measurement and analysis
- for a computational project, design, write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study, and interpret the results from these programs
- demonstrate some innovation and initiative, as well as a basic understanding of the theory and background to the project
- make a short oral presentation to the tutor at the end of the unit, describing the background to the project and any results obtained to date.
Final year projects offered cover a wide range of physics and most reflect the research interests of academic staff. Many are related to the Department's externally sponsored research projects (funded by the Research Councils, public companies, and UK government or EU agencies). Each year a few projects are carried over from students' industrial placements. A few projects are concerned with the development of undergraduate experiments.
PHYS0037: Final year project - B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR67 OR33
Requisites: Co PHYS0036
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate in depth some aspect or application of physics, to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in formal lecture courses, and to give students first-hand experience of innovation and/or research.
While taking this unit, the student should be able to
- demonstrate enthusiasm, industry and motivation in carrying out the project, as well as good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time to the project and for the planning, research and writing of the report
- for an experimental project, demonstrate good practical skills in the construction of apparatus and circuits and in data measurement and analysis
- for a computational project, design, write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study, and interpret the results from these programs
- demonstrate some innovation and initiative, as well as a basic understanding of the theory and background to the project
- write a detailed technical report on the project, giving the background and theory behind the work, describing the work carried out and the results obtained and displaying an appropriate level of technical content, style and structure
- demonstrate the ability to answer questions on the work carried out in the project and on the report in a viva examination.
Student continues work of PHYS0036.
PHYS0038: MPhys laboratory A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre PHYS0021, Pre PHYS0022, Co PHYS0039
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to give students experience of working in a scientific research group, managing limited time and resources and tackling open-ended problems.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- carry out a one day attachment in four different research groups, consisting of a short experimental investigation
- demonstrate enthusiasm, industry and motivation in carrying out the assignments and managing the available time
- carry out literature searching methods for academic journals and computer-based resources in order to research the topics studied and write a concise technical report on each attachment
- select and research a topic of interest suitable for a case study; this includes searching academic journals and computer-based resources and developing the ability to extract and assimilate relevant information from extensive resources
- write a detailed technical report on the topic chosen for the case study, displaying an appropriate level of technical content, style and structure
- answer questions about the background and the technical details of the topic chosen for the case study at a viva examination.
Four One Day Attachments to Research Groups taken from:
Optics and Optoelectronics
Quantum Structures and Terahertz Physics
Experimental Solid State Physics
Applied Magnetics
Underwater Acoustics and Medical Ultrasonics
Case Study:
In collaboration with a supervisor, students will choose a subject on which to conduct a case/feasibility study into an aspect of contemporary physics. The student will research the topic and write a technical report in a style appropriate for an industrial context, followed by a viva examination on the report and the field of study.
PHYS0039: MPhys laboratory B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre PHYS0021, Pre PHYS0022, Co PHYS0038
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are (i) to develop the student's computational skills, both in terms of programming and using state-of-the-art simulation software, and (ii) to develop the student's laboratory and project management skills in the context of a short but intensive investigation.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- carry out a one-day attachment in the theory of condensed matter group and write a concise technical report
- develop computer programs, incorporating use of NAG library routines, to extract signals from noisy data, and write a concise technical report
- show initiative in developing the topic and scope of a mini research project
- competently manage time and resources to ensure the timely completion of the mini project.
One day attachment in the theory of condensed matter group: Use of first-principles simulation codes to calculate and analyse the structural and electronic properties of simple materials.
Computational Physics: Use of the NAG library. Project on the extraction of signals from noisy data, including FFT-based filtering methods.
Mini Research Project: The student will select one of the single day attachments to a research group to develop further. He/she will take the initiative in deciding the project scope and management including the construction of a time management Gantt chart including milestones and objectives as appropriate.
PHYS0040: B.Sc. placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are for B.Sc. students to gain practical experience of working on a project in an approved laboratory or other organisation, and to develop the personal and technical skills appropriate for working in such a situation.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- apply the knowledge and skills gained at the university in working on a project in an approved laboratory or other organisation
- demonstrate good personal skills in areas such as oral and written communication, planning and time management, problem solving, decision making and team membership, to the satisfaction of the internal supervisor
- explain the nature of the project and the student's role in it to the tutor during the tutor's visit
- make an oral presentation on the project and the host laboratory at the placement conference
- write a report on the work carried out during the project and the context of this work in terms of the organisation's overall strategy.
The content varies from placement to placement. In choosing the placement, the university will try to ensure that the project offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in at least six of the eleven assessed categories: Application of academic knowledge, Practical ability, Computational skill, Analytical and problem solving skill, Innovation and originality, Time management, Writing skills, Oral expression, Interpersonal skills, Reliability, and Development potential.
PHYS0041: M.Phys. placement
Academic Year
Credits: 48
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are for M.Phys. students to carry out an identifiable and original part of an approved research project or other professional activity in a laboratory or other organisation, and to develop the personal and technical skills needed by a professional physicist working in an advanced technical environment.
While taking this unit the student should be able to
- apply the knowledge and skills gained at the university to carry out an original part in a project
- show sustained intellectual effort and initiative in solving technical problems
- demonstrate good personal skills in areas such as oral and written communication, planning and time management, problem solving, decision making and team membership, to the satisfaction of the internal supervisor
- make an oral presentation on the project and the host laboratory at the placement conference
- write a case study report describing the activities and structure of the employing organisation, and the significance of their project in its overall strategy
- write a technical report describing the work carried out by the student on the placement, highlighting the relevance of their project to the organisation, and the student's particular role in the project
- answer questions about the host organisation and technical details of the project at a viva examination.
The content varies from placement to placement. In choosing the placement, the university will try to ensure that the project offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in at least eight of the eleven assessed categories: Application of academic knowledge, Practical ability, Computational skill, Analytical and problem solving skill, Innovation and originality, Time management, Writing skills, Oral expression, Interpersonal skills, Reliability, and Development potential.
PHYS0042: BSc year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are for students to gain experience of living and studying in a University outside the UK and to develop the appropriate personal and linguistic skills, in addition to developing their knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics.
While taking this unit, the student should
- develop personal and interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work and interact effectively in a group environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar
- develop the self-confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background
- develop an understanding of the stresses that occur in working in a different culture from the UK, and learn to cope with those stresses
- in the case of students attending Universities in countries whose language is not English, improve their knowledge of the host language by attending classes therein
- in the case of students attending lectures in a language other than English, develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned; this would include oral communication and comprehension as well as reading and writing.
It is assumed that the student abroad will accomplish work equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits (10 units). Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation with individual University, students and the Bath Director of Studies but a sample study programme would include work in Physics, Maths and in Science areas outside these. It would also be appropriate to include Management, work in Language if appropriate, and one or two units in areas more related to the culture of the country in which the student is working.
PHYS0043: MPhys year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are for students to gain experience of living and studying in a University outside the UK and to develop the appropriate personal and linguistic skills skills, in addition to developing their knowledge and understanding of physics and mathematics.
While taking this unit, the student should
- develop personal and interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work and interact effectively in a group environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar
- develop the self-confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background
- develop an understanding of the stresses that occur in working in a different culture from the UK, and learn to cope with those stresses
- in the case of students attending Universities in countries whose language is not English, improve their knowledge of the host language by attending classes therein
- in the case of students attending lectures in a language other than English, develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned; this would include oral communication and comprehension as well as reading and writing.
It is assumed that the student abroad will accomplish work equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits (i.e. 10 units). Details of those are necessarily left to negotiation with individual Universities, students and the Bath Director of Studies but a sample study programme might be
* Academic units 36 credits (6 units) 42 credits (7 units)
* Management 6 credits (1 unit) 6 credits (1 unit)
* Research project 12 credits (2 units) 12 credits (2 units)
* Language work 6 credits (1 unit) 0
Among the Academic units there should be units equivalent to those taken by students on the Bath full-time MPhys course
PHYS0045: Advanced topics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to extend the breadth and depth of knowledge of MPhys students by introducing them to a number of more advanced topics on Physics and Mathematics.
As the content of this unit varies from year to year, it is not possible to define specific learning objectives.
The unit will run on a two-yearly basis and will consist of two or three courses in each year. The courses will tend to reflect the research interests of staff members in the School of Physics. Possible courses include: Theory of complex variables; Quantum nanostructure devices; Fluid dynamics; Advanced quantum theory; Acoustic scattering theory; Group theory; Tensor properties of solids; Remote sensing principles.
PHYS0048: Introduction to quantum physics [NS]
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10
Requisites: Co PHYS0049
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to review the evidence for the existence of atoms and the scientific developments which reveal the breakdown of classical physics at the atomic level, and to introduce the ideas of energy and angular momentum quantisation and the dual wave-particle nature of matter.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- identify the historical evidence for the atomic nature of matter
- describe the Bohr, Thomson and Rutherford models of the atom and the origin of quantisation of energy
- discuss the concepts of wave/particle duality, probability distributions and wavefunctions
- perform simple calculations on atomic line spectra
- explain the origin of the periodic table.
The constituents of the atom: Quantum and classical domains of physics. Existence of atoms. Avogadro's number. Electrons and ions. The mass spectrograph. Atomic mass units. Structure of atoms; scattering of alpha-particles and Rutherford's model.
Photons and energy quantisation: Black-body radiation; the ultraviolet catastrophe and Plancks hypothesis. Photoelectric effect. The electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays. Compton scattering. Sources of photons; the Bohr model of the atom. Deficiencies of Bohr's model.
Wave-particle duality: An introduction to waves. Wave-like properties of photons and other particles; inadequacies of classical models. De Broglie's hypothesis. Electron diffraction. Electron microscopy. Wave aspects of larger particles; atoms, molecules, neutrons. The uncertainty principle.
Introduction to quantum mechanics: Probability distributions. Introduction to Schrodinger's wave equation. Energy levels for hydrogen. Quantum numbers. Electron spin. The exclusion principle. The periodic table. Optical and X-ray spectra. Shells, valency and chemical bonding.
Students must have A-level Physics and A-level Mathematics in order to undertake this unit. Those students without A-level Mathematics must take MATH0103.
PHYS0049: Relativity & astrophysics [NS]
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10
Requisites: Co PHYS0048
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the concepts and results of special relativity and to provide a broad introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. An additional aim is that the student's appreciation of important physical phenomena such as gravitation and blackbody radiation should be reinforced through their study in astrophysical contexts.
After taking this unit, the student should be able to
- write down the essential results and formulae of special relativity
- describe the important special relativity experiments (real or thought)
- solve simple kinematic and dynamical special relativity problems
- give a qualitative account of how the sun and planets were formed
- describe how stars of differing masses evolve
- give a simple description of the expanding Universe and its large-scale structure
- solve simple problems concerning orbital motion, blackbody radiation, cosmological redshift, stellar luminosity and magnitude.
Gravitation. Gravitational force and potential energy. Weight and mass. Circular orbits; Kepler's Laws; planetary motion. Escape velocity.
Solar System. Earth-Moon system. Terrestrial planets; Jovian planets. Planetary atmospheres. Comets and meteoroids. Formation of the solar system.
Stellar Evolution. Structure of the sun. Stellar distances, magnitudes, luminosities; black-body radiation; stellar classification; Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The interstellar medium and star birth. Star death: white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes.
Galaxies. Galactic structure; classification of galaxies. Formation and evolution of galaxies. Active galactic nuclei and quasars. Astrophysical jets.
Astrophysical Techniques. Telescopes and detectors. Invisible astronomy: X-rays, gamma-rays, cosmic rays, infrared and radio astronomy.
Special Relativity. Galilean transformation. Speed of light - Michelson-Morley experiment; Einstein's postulates. Simultaneity; time dilation; space contraction; invariant intervals; rest frames; proper time; proper length. Causality. Lorentz transformation. Relativistic momentum, force, energy. Doppler effect.
General Relativity. Gravity and geometry. The principle of equivalence. Deflection of light; curvature of space. Gravitational time dilation. Red shift. Black holes.
The Universe. Large scale structure of the Universe. Hubble's Law. The expanding universe. The hot Big Bang. Cosmic background radiation and ripples therein. History of the universe. The missing mass problem.
PHYS0050: Introduction to electronics [NS]
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10
Requisites: Co PHYS0051
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to electronics by developing an understanding of basic concepts in dc and ac electric circuits and digital electronics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- use a systematic analysis method (e.g. nodal voltage) to calculate currents and voltages in passive dc circuits
- calculate the amplitude and phase of voltages and currents in ac circuits by means of phasor analysis
- analyse simple operational amplifier circuits from first principles
- analyse simple logic circuits containing gates and flip-flops
- use Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps to simplify logic expressions
- design logic circuits to implement basic tasks.
DC Circuits: Kirchoff's voltage and current laws. Analysis of simple circuits using nodal voltage technique. Ideal voltage and current sources. Equivalent circuits. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Diodes.
Ideal Operational Amplifiers: Theory of ideal operational amplifiers. Simple applications e.g. inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, addition and subtraction.
Transients: Techniques for solving for transient waveforms in simple circuits involving inductors and capacitors. Initial conditions.
AC Circuits: AC voltage and current concepts (phase, rms value, amplitude etc.). Capacitors and inductors as circuit elements. Phasors and phasor notation. Complex impedance. LCR circuits (resonance, Q factor etc). Frequency dependence of circuits. Bode plots.
Combinational Logic: Digital and analog electronics. Combinational logic. Representation of logic levels. AND, OR and NOT gates. Truth tables. XOR, NAND and NOR.
Boolean algebra: Notation, laws, identities and De Morgan's Laws. Standard sum of products. Manipulation between forms. Karnaugh maps: 2,3 and 4 variables. Simplification. PAL.
Logic gates and characteristics: Basic implementation of gates using discrete devices (AND using resistors and diodes). Limitations. Logic family characteristics: Fan out, noise margin and propagation delay.
Combinational functions: Adder, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, ROM structure.
Sequential logic: Latch, SR flip-flop and JK flip-flop. Shift register. Ripple and synchronous counters. Synchronous counter design. Basic RAM structure.
Introduction to microprocessors (68000 based): Binary arithmetic. A simple microprocessor architecture and operation. Concepts of buses, input/output, DMA and interrupts.
Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit.
PHYS0051: Electricity & magnetism [NS]
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10
Requisites: Co PHYS0050
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and to develop techniques used in the solution of simple field problems, both vector and scalar.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- state the basic laws of electricity and magnetism
- define scalar and vector fields and represent them graphically
- determine the forces due to electric and magnetic fields acting on charges and currents
- determine electric fields, potentials and energies due to simple, static charge distributions
- determine magnetic fields and energies due to simple, steady current distributions
- determine electric fields, e.m.f.s and induced currents due to varying magnetic fields.
Introduction to scalar and vector fields.
Electrostatics Electric forces and fields. Electric charge, Coulomb's Law, superposition of forces, electric charge distribution, the electric field, electric flux, Gauss's Law, examples of field distributions, dipole moment, energy of a system of charges. Electric potential. Line integral of the electric field, potential difference, calculation of fields from potential, examples of potential distributions, energy associated with electric field. Electric field around conductors, conductors in an electric field, capacitors and their capacitance, energy stored.
Magnetic fields. Magnetic force on a moving charge, definition of magnetic field, Lorentz force, force on a current carrying wire, force between current carrying wires, torque on a current loop. magnetic moment, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law, magnetic flux, Gauss's Law, field in loops and coils.
Electromagnetic Induction. Induced emf and examples, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, energy stored in a magnetic field, self and mutual inductance, energy stored in an inductor.
Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit.
PHYS0052: Properties of matter [NS]
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 PR10 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to gain insight into how the interplay between kinetic and potential energy at the atomic level governs the formation of different phases and to demonstrate how the macroscopic properties of materials can be derived from considerations of the microscopic properties at the atomic level.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- use simple model potentials to describe molecules and solids
- solve simple problems for ideal gases using kinetic theory
- describe the energy changes in adiabatic and isothermal processes
- derive thermodynamic relationships and analyse cycles
- derive and use simple transport expressions in problems concerning viscosity, heat and electrical conduction.
Balance between kinetic and potential energy. The ideal gas - Kinetic Theory; Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution; Equipartition. The real gas - van der Waal's model. The ideal solid - model potentials and equilibrium separations of molecules and Madelung crystals. Simple crystal structures, X-ray scattering and Bragg's law. First and second laws of thermodynamics, P-V-T surfaces, phase changes and critical points, thermodynamic temperature and heat capacity of gases. Derivation of mechanical (viscosity, elasticity, strength, defects) and transport properties (heat and electrical conduction) of gases and solids from considerations of atomic behaviour. Qualitative understanding of viscosity (Newtonian and non-Newtonian) in liquids based on cage models.
PHYS0053: Mechanics & waves [NS]
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 PR10 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to present students with a clear and logical guide to classical mechanics, to strengthen their understanding of mechanics by means of practical problems and to introduce them to the fundamental concepts and mathematical treatment of waves.
After taking this unit the student should be able to
- apply Newton's laws to solve simple real world problems and gain insight into microscopic processes at the atomic level
- use vector notation and methods to solve problems in rotational dynamics
- analyse oscillating systems under different driving regimes
- apply the wavefunction for a one-dimensional travelling wave to problems involving mechanical, acoustic, water and electromagnetic waves
- define and derive the impedance of a mechanical wave and apply it to reflection and transmission at interfaces
- analyse interference and diffraction arising from simple one-dimensional structures
- derive and apply the formulae for the non-relativistic Doppler effect.
Dimensions and Units: fundamental SI units, measurement standards, dimensional analysis.
Newton's Laws of Motion. Motion in 1D and 2D with constant and non-constant acceleration. Linear momentum, collisions, rockets.
Work and Energy, potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces.Circular motion; Rigid body rotation: moments of inertia; torque and angular momentum as vectors; equations of motion of rotating bodies; gyroscopes.
Simple Harmonic Motion including damped, forced; resonance. Coupled oscillations and introduction to normal modes Travelling waves; strings, sound, water, particle and light waves. Mathematical representation; sinusoidal waves; amplitude, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, speed, energy, intensity and impedance. General differential equation for 1D wave. Complex exponential notation.
Superposition; Wave interference, reflection and transmission at boundaries. Dispersive and non-dispersive waves, phase and group velocity. Beats. Michelson interferometer. Doppler effect.
PHYS0054: Quantum mechanics (distance learning)
Academic Year
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to show how a mathematical model of considerable elegance may be constructed, from a few basic postulates, to describe the seemingly contradictory behaviour of the physical universe and to provide useful information on a wide range of physical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
- discuss the dual particle-wave nature of matter
- explain the relation between wave functions, operators and experimental observables
- justify the need for probability distributions to describe physical phenomena
- set up the Schröödinger equation for simple model systems
- derive eigenstates of energy, momentum and angular momentum
- apply approximate methods to more complex systems.
Introduction: Breakdown of classical concepts. Old quantum theory.
Quantum mechanical concepts and models: The "state" of a quantum mechanical system. Hilbert space. Observables and operators. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Dirac bra and ket vectors. Basis functions and representations. Probability distributions and expectation values of observables.
Schrodingers equation: Operators for position, time, momentum and energy. Derivation of time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Correspondence to classical mechanics. Commutation relations and the Uncertainty Principle. Time evolution of states. Stationary states and the time-independent Schrodinger equation.
Motion in one dimension: Free particles. Wave packets and momentum probability density. Time dependence of wave packets. Bound states in square wells. Parity. Reflection and transmission at a step. Tunnelling through a barrier. Linear harmonic oscillator.
Motion in three dimensions: Stationary states of free particles. Central potentials; quantisation of angular momentum. The radial equation. Square well; ground state of the deuteron. Electrons in atoms; the hydrogen atom. Hydrogen-like atoms; the Periodic Table.
Spin angular momentum: Pauli spin matrices. Identical particles. Symmetry relations for bosons and fermions. Paulis exclusion principle.
Approximate methods for stationary states: Time independent perturbation theory. The variational method. Scattering of particles; the Born approximation.
PSYC0001: Psychology 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to introduce students to basic concepts and current themes and debates within psychology.
Lectures will be broadly based on the question - 'WHO AM I'? In order to answer this question, we will consider: drives; hormones and the mind/body question; our animal history and the influence of genetics; learning and socialisation; personality; society and the individual; intelligence and creativity; family relationships; social groups and social interaction attitudes; values, cultural beliefs, gender and social identity; normality and deviance; language and communication. These lectures will provide the student with a grounding in the major domains within psychology, thereby preparing them for a critical understanding of the discipline as a whole.
PSYC0002: Psychology 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001
Aims & learning objectives:
Psychology II builds upon psychology I both conceptually and in terms of course content. This course will focus more heavily, however, on issues in biological psychology, although prior contact with the biological sciences will not be required. The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a more critical understanding of the nature of psychology as a discipline and its relation to neighbouring sciences (i.e., biology & psychiatry).
Lecture topics in this course will include; aggression and violence; altruism and helping; social skills; stress and emotions; fear, anxiety, depression, guilt and happiness; thinking and reasoning; social perceptions; prejudice and attribution; competition and co-operation; the autonomic nervous system; brain specialisation; the eye and brain.
PSYC0003: Psychology laboratory 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Aims & learning objectives:
The laboratory practical classes provide part of the training the student requires to develop skills in the methods of scientific enquiry.
The class will examine basic concepts used in experimental psychology. We will then work through the design of 4 experiments which students will carry out on their own. These experiments will address a range of issues such as social psychology, learning, eyewitness testimony, cognition, gender stereotyping and personality.
PSYC0004: Psychology laboratory 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100
Aims & learning objectives:
This course continues the development of skills the methods of scientific enquiry.
As well as gathering data for three taught experiments, students will be required to design and carry out an experiment of their own, employing many of the scientific research techniques examined on the course. This independent research project provides experience of work in teams.
PSYC0005: Psychology research project 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co PSYC0006
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the opportunity for students to develop their understanding of research methods and the analysis of data through participation in a project.
Students will design and carry out a research project over two semesters. At the end of semester 1, they will be assessed on the research proposal. During the second semester they will conduct and analyse the project, present their findings to the class, and write up the project for assessment.
PSYC0006: Psychology research project 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co PSYC0005
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the opportunity for students to develop their understanding of research methods and the analysis of data through participation in a project.
Students will design and carry out a research project over two semesters. At the end of semester 1, they will be assessed on the research proposal. During the second semester they will conduct and analyse the project, present their findings to the class, and write up the project for assessment.
PSYC0007: Developmental psychology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with the basic principles of Developmental Psychology, including theory, methodology and critiques. The student will have the groundwork for being able to apply an understanding of human development to other fields such as social work, educational
psychology or sociology of the family.
This course concentrates on the progression from infancy to adulthood, but also includes a life-span perspective. How does the 'well-equipped stranger' infant become a competent adult ? The course takes account of major theoretical perspectives in human development, while paying particular attention to cognitive and cultural approaches that reflect recent theoretical developments. Cognitive, moral, social, linguistic and emotional development are addressed. The concepts of 'stage', 'normal life crisis' and life transitions are highlighted.
PSYC0008: Cognitive psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with the basic principles of Cognitive Psychology, including theory, methodology and critiques. The student will be able to undertake more advanced courses relating to Cognitive Psychology, for example on Artificial Intelligence. The student will also be able to appreciate the relationship of Cognitive Psychology to other fields of social and cognitive science.
How do we process information
* How do we organise information
* How do we store, and retrieve, information
* How do we solve problems
We will consider three main approaches to research in this field; experimental methods: model-building based on case studies, and learning from brain damage.
PSYC0009: Social psychology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip students with an understanding of social interaction and social processes in dyads, group and communities.
This course focuses on the individual in interaction with others, in dyads, small groups and large groups. It examines the reciprocal relationship between the individual and their community, the röle of the individual as a group member, decision-making processes in small and large groups, inter-group relations and crowd behaviour. We will also examine how our impressions of others are formed and what it is that distinguishes human sciences from all others.
PSYC0010: Clinical psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the work of clinical psychologists in the main areas of Adult Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and work with older adults. At the end of the course students should be able to set this work within the context of organisational change within the NHS and to contrast a psychological approach with other approaches, such as those of psychiatry. Students will also have more extensive knowledge of a specific psychotherapeutic technique.
The basis of psychiatric diagnosis; introduction to counselling and psychotherapy; depression; loss and bereavement; anxiety; schizophrenia; learning disabilities; older adults; eating disorders; the context of work and evaluating interventions.
PSYC0011: Psychology dissertation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OR100
Aims & learning objectives:
To plan, execute and report a piece of original empirical research in psychology.
PSYC0012: Psychology dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Requisites: Co PSYC0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To plan, execute and report a piece of original empirical research in psychology.
PSYC0013: Models of counselling & psychotherapy
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the main models of counselling and psychotherapy used in clinical practice. At the end of the course students should be able to set this work within the context of the main issues and dilemmas involved in working psychotherapeutically and to be familiar with some of the clinical problems that people present to a therapist. Students will also be able to formulate a clinical case.
The context within which psychotherapists and counsellors work; the main models of psychotherapy (i.e., psychodynamic, behavioural, cognitive, systemic, humanistic and group); evaluating interventions (outcome and process research); a postmodernist approach to counselling and psychotherapy.
PSYC0014: History of psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with an understanding of the History of Psychology, including the development of theory and methodology and critiques. The student will also be able to appreciate the relationship of Psychology to the development of other fields of social and cognitive science, and to the social and historical context.
This course considers the development of ideas over time, and what function a historical perspective plays in how we think about a field. It contextualises some key ideas in psychology, showing what their roots were, and how they waxed and waned, and why. By paying attention to specific people's intellectual lives, we see how the development
of ideas is embedded in context and culture.
Students must have undertaken 2 units from Cognitive (SOCS0089), Clinical (SOCS0091), Developmental (SOCS0088) and Social Psychology (SOCS0090) as well as the other necessary pre-requisites (SOCS0082 & SOCS0083).
PSYC0015: Economic & political psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0009
Aims & learning objectives:
The theoretical basis of this course will be on the psychological organisation of social, political, economic and ethical beliefs, and their development and aetiology. The implicit models of psychological processes that underpin expert and common-sense conceptions of rationality and ethics. The problematic nature of links between beliefs and action. The tensions between 'discourse' and 'ideology' models of explanation.
Topics include: psychological models of ideology in the organisation of beliefs; mainstream and emergent political-social beliefs (feminism, Green politics); lay beliefs, e.g., about unemployment, poverty, ethics; concepts of fairness and equity; moral development; elite beliefs - what constitutes 'legitimation'? Political propaganda and rhetoric. Social movements, social change and intergroup relations.
Students must have undertaken one other unit from Cognitive (SOCS0089), Developmental (SOCS0088) and Clinical Psychology (SOCS0091), as well as the necessary pre-requisite (SOCS0090).
PSYC0016: Health psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0008, Pre PSYC0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to concepts, theory, methods and applications of health psychology. Students will be introduced to health psychology theory and methods using the concepts of social psychology and psychobiology. They will be expected to know about the range of methods appropriate to the measuring process and evaluating outcomes in health psychology. A major theme in the course questions what it means to be healthy or well and to have a good quality of life in relation to health care and investigates how this can be assessed. They will be in a position to appreciate some of the key interventions designed by health psychologists for use in clinical and non-clinical settings with patients suffering from the major chronic disease groups, e.g., cardiovascular, cancer and chronic pain conditions. The reporting of symptoms and the management of acute illness in GP consultations forms a central part of the course. Attention will be paid to the range of settings in which health care is delivered and the impact of hospitalisation and institutionalisation. The seminars provide a range of topics connected with preventing disease e.g., AIDS and on health promotion and education. Students will be expected to be able to set the psychology of health within a broad multidisciplinary context in the health and social sciences. They will be encouraged to understand not only how health care is appraised by patients/clients, but also the reciprocal role of giving care on the part of health care workers. They should be able to appraise the dynamics of organising psychological care within the health care system.
PSYC0017: Controversies in cognition
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0007, Pre PSYC0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with an understanding of current issues and controversies in psychology
The course will address key issues in contemporary psychology relating to cognition, language and models of mind. These will include: problems of consciousness and the interface of neuroscience, cognitive science and philosophy; connectionist theory and its implications; the rise of evolutionary psychology; debates about culture and human development.
PSYC0018: Mind & social being
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre PSYC0008, Pre PSYC0009, Pre PSYC0014
Aims & learning objectives:
Students should have a conceptual understanding of the social construction of knowledge. They should be able to analytically apply this understanding to the central issues of psychological research: consciousness, identity, physical and emotional being.
PSYC0019: Artificial intelligence 1: Minds, machines & persons
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES80 OT20
Requisites: Pre PSYC0025, Pre PSYC0008
Students must have taken one of the above pre-requisites in order to take this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
This course introduces some recent research in the field of computer-based modelling and simulation of human activities which require the intelligent use of knowledge, otherwise known as Artificial Intelligence. We will approach machine intelligence through two complementary questions: could human intelligence be simulated, equalled or even exceeded by machines? Can the machine-metaphor still help us understand human cognitive and social processes?
Machine-metaphors for human thinking and reasoning now compete with evolutionary biology and neurology for influence in both psychological and sociological approaches to human behaviour. The course will provide historical background, will introduce some of the main approaches and research projects in the field, and will set out two main areas of debate: criticisms made by AI researchers about rival approaches, and arguments of philosophers, sociologists and psychologists about the attempt to simulate intelligence. Students will become familiar with key authors and texts, and will learn to evaluate claims about computer programs relating to:
* their power, intelligence or other capabilities
* their influence upon psychological and social theory
* their continuing role in psychological and social research
* their influence on our notions of expertise, intelligence, creativity and humanity.
PSYC0020: Artificial intelligence 2: Microsimulation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES80 CW20
Requisites: Pre PSYC0019
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit allows students to develop their understanding of issues introduced in Artificial Intelligence 1 [PSYC0019] through a more detailed study of recent theoretical developments and of the development and applications of some AI programs. Students will be required to examine the literature relating to two influential developments in AI. No programming or modeling experience is required for this course
This course explores the application of biological models in AI as well as the more traditional approaches. Students will be expected to understand the applications of computer simulation in the social sciences (especially cognitive psychology), the methods of two major research projects, and the implications of computer simulation for social and psychological theory. Students may also undertake practical projects in the form of experiments with computer models and simulation programs, which can be written up as a project report.
PSYC0021: Research design & measurement
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Co SOCP0061
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with an appreciation of measurement and quantitative research methods.
The course will introduce the student to a range of measurement methods used within psychological research, for example questionnaires and surveys. Students will develop their own competencies as well as the ability to evaluate the relative merits and applicability of different approaches.
PSYC0022: Quantitative methods 3
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre PSYC0021, Pre SOCP0061
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with skills and an appreciation of more advanced quantitative research methods and their applications.
The course will build on the statistical methods introduced in Quantitative Methods 2 and extend their application. More advanced methods will be introduced and applied to existing datasets.
PSYC0023: Qualitative research methods in psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with an appreciation of qualitative research methods and their applications
The course will introduce the student to a range of qualitative methods used within psychological research, including interviewing, observation, analysis of discourse and text. Students will develop competence through practical exercises.
PSYC0024: About science 1: history, philosophy & sociology of science
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co PSYC0025
Aims & learning objectives:
About Science 1 introduces the main views of the nature of scientific research and of technological progress. The course aims to familiarise students with changing views of science and its interaction with society and of the nature of scientific method, and also to develop students communication skills.
In addition to views of philosophers, historians and sociologists such as Popper, Lakatos and Kuhn, accounts by working scientists will also be considered. Source materials include video films, WWWeb sites and the book and journal articles. All students write a book review and an essay or project report, and will develop, present and defend their own views on one of a number of seminar topics.
PSYC0025: About science 2: discovery, dissemination & status of scientific knowledge
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Co PSYC0024
Aims & learning objectives:
Continues to develop and evaluate several main views of the nature of scientific method introduced in the precursor unit (PSYC0024), using historical case studies of scientific discoveries and controversies. This unit goes on to deal with the research process, the application of science in technology and medicine, and the problematic status of science in relation to its cultural context.
Students are expected to develop an analytical and critical approach to ideas and opinions about science, and to master the use of documentary sources. All students prepare an essay and also present and defend their own views on in an assessed seminar presentation.
PSYC0026: Public knowledge 3a: history, philosophy & sociology of science
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES75 CW25
Requisites: Pre PSYC0008, Pre PSYC0025, Co PSYC0027
Students must have taken one of the above pre-requisites in order to take this unit.
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to enable students to develop an informed and critical view of the nature of all aspects of scientific activity and the problems arising from the differences between scientific and other approaches to problems.
Scientific, Expert and Lay Knowledge; Science and Public Understanding; Public Acceptance of Science and Technology; Science and Public Policy; Science and other Modes of Knowledge. The course is seminar based with considerable directed reading. All students will read and discuss a number of key authors in the seminars, will be expected to evaluate a number of television programs about science, and will undertake a research project.
PSYC0027: Public knowledge 3b: history, philosophy & sociology of science
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX25 ES50 CW25
Requisites: Co PSYC0026
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to enable students to develop an informed and critical view of the nature of all aspects of scientific activity and the problems arising from the differences between scientific and other approaches to problems.
Scientific, Expert and Lay Knowledge; Science and Public Understanding; Public Acceptance of Science and Technology; Science and Public Policy; Science and other Modes of Knowledge. The course is seminar based with considerable directed reading. All students will read and discuss a number of key authors in the seminars, will be expected to evaluate a number of television programs about science, and will undertake a research project.
PSYC0028: Psychology placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: Psychology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT80 OT20
Aims & learning objectives:
Development of personal skills e.g. planning skills; communication skills; problem solving skills; contributing in team or groups; responding to leadership; analysing and solving problems; making appropriate decisions; and application of psychology learned on degree.
SCNC0026: Project
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR30 RT40 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity to apply knowledge, research skills and personal skills in an extended research project into a chosen topic. This will enable students to produce a research proposal, design an experimental programme, acquire and analyse data and draw conclusions. In addition, write a report and defend the report at a viva-voce examination.
The student will prepare a research proposal for the project in a chosen topic of study. Each student will have an individual project but may be required to produce plans for co-operative work with other students in some areas of data acquisition. A report will be produced describing the choice, planning and performance of the project, together with the analysis of results and the conclusions arising from the results. The report should contain evidence of (a) Application of knowledge and skills acquired during the course and (b) Further study of current research positions in the field of the project. The student will defend the report and it's conclusions at a 'viva-voce' examination.
SCNC0033: Foundation science: Chemistry 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Co SCNC0039
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in basic Chemistry. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of atomic structure, bonding and reaction theory; (ii) perform equilibria calculations; and, (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques.
Atomic structure, isotopes, mass spectroscopy, relative atomic and molecular masses. Using the Periodic Table. The mole concept, molecular and empirical formulae, stoichiometry. States of matter and Gas Laws. Ionisation energies and electronic configurations. Ionic, covalent and dative bonds. Shapes of simple covalent molecules. Enthalpies of formation, combustion and neutralisation. Calorimetry. Hess' law of heat summation. Born Haber Cycles and lattice energy. Reversible reactions and equilibria. Kc and Kp. Haber Process and Contact Process. Further examples of equilibria calculations. Ksp. Acid Base equilibria. Ka, Kw, pH, pOH. Indicators, acid/base titrations, buffers. Rates of reaction, orders of reaction, deducing reaction mechanisms and rate equations. The Boltzmann Distribution, activation energy, catalysis and enzymes. Redox reactions and oxidation numbers. Standard electrochemical potentials, writing cell diagrams, predicting the feasibility of reactions. Electrolysis and Faraday's Laws.
SCNC0034: Foundation Science: Chemistry 2
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre SCNC0033, Co SCNC0040
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Chemistry. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of the structure and chemistry of the major hydrocarbon groups and the physical and chemical properties of Group 1, 2, 4 and 7 elements and the "D" Block elements: and, (ii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work.
Introduction to carbon chemistry, sp2 and sp hybridisation, IUPAC rules of nomenclature. Reactions and physical properties of alkanes. Structure and optical isomers. Reactions of alkenes, including electrophilic addition mechanisms. Geometric isomers. Addition and condensation polymers. Reactions of arenes, focusing on electrophilic substitution mechanisms of nitration and halogenation. Reactions of halogenoalkanes, including SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanisms. Reactions of alcohols and carboxylic acids. Reactions of organo nitrogen compounds. Amino acids. Basic introduction to protein structure and enzyme activity. Basic introduction to carbohydrate chemistry. Basic introduction to the chemistry of lipids and nucleic acids. Periodicity of physical and chemical properties of the first 20 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 1 and 2 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 4 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 7 elements. Basic introduction to the chemistry of "D" Block elements, include formation of complex ions, variable oxidation number and catalytic activity. Qualitative inorganic analysis.
SCNC0035: Foundation science: physics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Co SCNC0039
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Physics. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of DC electricity, structures, balanced forces, dynamics, vibrations and waves; (ii) perform basic applied mathematical calculations; and, (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques.
D.C. circuits with resistance, e.m.f. and p.d.. Electrical conduction, I/V characteristics and temperature effects. Combinations of resistors, circuit analysis. Source resistance and Kirchhoff; power = I²R; potential-divider and null methods. Materials/structures; Hooke's law and elastic behaviour. Elasticity. Scalars, vectors, resolution, moments, torque, couples, centre of mass, equilibrium. Linear motion, v/t and s/t graphs, projectiles. Linear dynamics, force mass, momentum, N's laws, impulse friction, collisions. Work, energy, power efficiency, energy changes, internal energy. Circular motion and rotational dynamics. Moments of inertia. Simple harmonic motion. Capacitors: charge, energy, and exponentials. Oscillating systems: SHM. Free and forced vibrations, resonance and damping. Waves, superposition, coherence, interference. Diffraction, diffraction grating to measure wavelength. Stationary waves and sound, transverse and longitudinal, refraction T.I.R. and optical fibres, electromagnetic spectrum. Radioactivity, particles emitted, absorption, safety. Exponential decay, decay constant and half-life. The nuclear atom, Rutherford scattering: structure and nucleus. Photons and quantum phenomena.
SCNC0036: Foundation science: physics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre SCNC0035, Co SCNC0040
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Physics. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of gravitation, electromagnetism and energy transfer; (ii) perform basic power and energy calculations; and (iii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work.
Gravitation, force, field strength and potential. Electric fields, comparison with gravity. Magnetic field patterns, forces on charges and currents. Electromagnetic induction, inductance, transformer. Alternator, electric motor, rectification and smoothing. Alternating current theory(I): period, frequency, average and rms values. Power and energy calculations - mean power is 0.5 of peak power; power variation with time. Alternating current theory (II): capacitor and inductor in A.C. circuits; reactance and impedance. Current and voltage variation for Cand L, R. LCR resonance (qualitative and practical). Use of CRO. Fluid flow, equation of continuity, Bernouilli, Poiseulle. Electrical and thermal conduction; convection and radiation. Ideal gases, kinetic theory and temperature scales. Laws of thermodynamics, systems and energy changes.
SCNC0037: Foundation science: mathematics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co SCNC0039
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Mathematics. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) solve linear, simultaneous, quadratic and trigonometric equations; (ii) demonstrate algebraic processing skills; and (iii) demonstrate competence in basic concepts of trigonometry, integration and differentiation.
Algebraic Processing skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication and factorisation of polynomials. Functions: concept of a function as a one-to-one or many-to-one mapping. Domain and range. Composition of functions. Inverse functions. Graphical representation of a function and of its inverse to include quadratic functions. Effect of simple transformations on the graph y=(x) as represented by y=af(x), y=f(x)+a, y=f(x+a), y=f(ax). Equations and inequalities: Linear equations in one unknown, simultaneous equations in two unknowns (2 linear and 1 linear with 1 quadratic), quadratic equations (factorisation and formula). Solutions of linear and quadratic inequalities in one variable. Indices: Laws of indices including negative and rational exponents. Series: Arithmetic and Geometric series including infinite GP's. Binomial series (including rational powers). Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular cartesian coordinates in two dimensions including the equation of a straight line, gradient of a line joining two points and distance between two points. Equation of a circle. Trigonometry: Radians, 3 trig ratios for angles greater than 90 degrees, solution of trigonometric equations within given range, graphs of sin, cos and tan, sine and cosine rule and applications. Differentiation: Differentiation of xn, trig functions, logs and exponentials, function of function, products and quotients. Applications to tangents and/normals, max/min, velocity/acceleration, rates of change. Implicit differentiation. Exponential and logarithmic functions Laws of logs, exponential growth and decay, index equations. Integration Integration as the inverse of differentiation including xn, exponentials, logs and trig functions. Definite integration and areas.
SCNC0038: Foundation science: mathematics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Co SCNC0040
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Mathematics. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) undertake basic statistical analyses; (ii) calculate probabilities; and (iii) demonstrate competence in more advanced aspects of trigonometry and integration.
Further algebra: Partial fractions. Factor and Remainder Theorem. Reduction of a given relation to a linear form and graphical determination of constants. Further Coordinate Geometry: Conditions for a pair of lines to be parallel or perpendicular. Cartesian & parametric equations of curves. Further Trigonometry: Sec, cosec, cot. Trignometric identities including compound angles, double angles, pythagoras. Further solution of trig equations including use of trig identities and equations of the form acosx + bsinx. Further Integration: Integration by substitution and parts. Integration using partial fractions. Volumes of revolution. Formation and solution of first order differential equations using integrating factors and separation of variables. Numerical methods Solution of equations and numerical integration. Statistics and probability Collection and display of data. Measures of centre and spread. Probability including simple conditional probability. Vectors Manipulation of vector (including components). Application of vectors to displacements, velocities and accelerations. Scalar product. Methods of proof. Proof by induction, contradiction and counter example. Complex numbers
SCNC0039: Foundation Science: Study Skills and IT 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX60 PR40
Requisites: Co SCNC0033, Co SCNC0035, Co SCNC0037, Co SCNC0041
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills to enable them to write essays and laboratory reports and to study effectively for exams. The essential IT skills of word processing, spreadsheets and databases will be introduced. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) produce assignments using a word-processor; (ii) use spreadsheets and databases for the storage and manipulation of data; and (iii) use the internet for the retrieval of data.
The student will develop essay writing and laboratory report writing skills. Research techniques will be learnt and information searches will be developed. IT skills will cover all of the essential elements that will enable students to produce computer generated reports in their chosen disciplines.
SCNC0040: Foundation science: study skills and IT 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX60 PR40
Requisites: Pre SCNC0039, Co SCNC0034, Co SCNC0036, Co SCNC0038, Co SCNC0042
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to continue the development of students' skills in writing essays, laboratory reports and study for exams. The essential IT skills of graphics and integration will be gained. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) produce computer graphics to illustrate assignments or reports; (ii) use spreadsheets and databases for the manipulation of data; and (iii) use the internet for the retrieval of data.
The student will continue to study essay writing and laboratory report writing skills. Research techniques will be learnt and information searches will be developed. IT skills will cover all of the essential elements that will enable students to produce computer generated reports in their chosen disciplines including graphics and integration.
SCNC0041: Foundation science: biology 1
Semester 1
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Co SCNC0039
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Biology. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of cell structure, plant and animal classification, ecology and evolution; (ii) describe key cellular processes and genetic principles; and (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques.
Cell structure: plant and animal cells. Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells. Ultrastructure: membranes and organelles. Transport: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport. Principles of the electron microscope and cell fractionation. Water relations and water potential. Mitosis. Principles of classification and the hierarchy of taxa. Survey of the main animal and plant groups. Insects as successful terrestrial animals. Ecology: environments, habitats, ecosystems, food chains and webs, productivity and efficiency. Biological chemistry of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Bonds. Secondary and tertiary structures of proteins. Characteristics of enzymes. Inhibitors. Cellular respiration: glycolysis, Krebs' cycle, phosphorylation, homeostatis and temperature control. Chemistry of photosynthesis: light reactions, Calvin cycle, C4 plants. Structure and function of DNA. Genetic engineering. Genetics: monhybrid and dihybrid crosses, F2 and test-cross ratios, Chi square tests, dominance, inheritance, population genetics. Application of Hardy-Weinberg expression. Evolution: theories of Lamarck and Darwin, Neo-darwinism, stabilising, directional, disruptive selection and isolation and speciation.
SCNC0042: Foundation science: biology 2
Semester 2
Credits: 10
Level: Level 0
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre SCNC0041, Co SCNC0040
Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Biology. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of animal and plant physiology; (ii) describe the key transport, co-ordination and control and reproductive processes in both animals and plants; and (iii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work.
Animal Physiology. Nutrition: heterotrophic nutrition, structure of the human alimentary canal, Histology of the ileum. Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Structure of villi. Absorption. Structure and main functions of the liver. Nervous and hormonal control of digestion. Transport: single and double circulations. Histology of the mammalian heart and blood vessels. Role of capillaries. Physiological characteristics of cardiac muscle. Initiation and control of heart beat. Histology of blood. Role of erythorcytes, polymorphs, monocytes, lymphocytes. The immune response. Gas exchange: invertebrate exemplars, insect tracheae, fish gills, human respiratory system. Control of breathing, carriage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Haemoglobin and oxygen dissociation curve. Osmoregulation and excretion. Control and coordination: insect nervous systems, human nervous system, nerve impulses, synapses, functions of the human brain. Sensory system: characteristics of sensory cells. Endocrine system: characteristics of hormones, endocrine glands. Locomotion and support: invertebrate exemplars, human skeleton, histology of bone, cartilage and muscle, muscle contraction. Reproduction: asexual, sexual, meiosis, gametogenesis, hormonal control of ovarian cycle, photoperiodism and oestrus in mammals. Fertilisation. Early development of the embryo. Plant Physiology. Autotophic nutrition: photosynthesis, choloroplasts, environmental factors. Transport: vascular tissues, xylem and phloem, transpiration, mineral and water uptake by roots, cytoplasmic streaming and mass flow hypothesis. Co-ordination: tropisms, auxin, other growth regulators, photoperiodism. Reproduction: alternation of generations, angiosperm generations and life cycle, sporogenesis, pollination, fertilisation, development of seed and fruit.
SOCP0001: Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce basic concepts of social policy; to examine the historical evolution of social policy and the welfare state in Britain; to review and analyse recent developments in major social service areas; to introduce the work of 'classic' writers in social policy.
Services and sectors in Social Policy; 1834 Poor Law; the 1842 'Sanitary Report'; The Liberal Reforms and the Introduction of Pensions; Beveridge and the impact of the 2nd World war; the Post-War Welfare State; Thatcherism and Social Policy; Educational Reform; Housing; Community Care
SOCP0002: Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to social policy as a field of study. To examine the nature and extent of poverty and inequality in Britain today, as a means of developing an understanding of social policies as a field of study.
Introduction to Social Policy; Concepts and Definitions of Poverty; Social Exclusion; Evidence on the Incidence of Poverty and Inequality; Demographic Factors and their relationship to Poverty; Poverty, Gender and 'Race'; Poverty and Policy.
SOCP0003: 'Race' & racism
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of issues of 'race' and ethnicity. To examine the dimensions of discrimination and disadvantage in Britain. To analyse key policy areas to highlight the prevalence and effects of racism. To evaluate attempts to eradicate racism, discrimination and disadvantage.
Concepts of 'Race' and Ethnicity; Racial Inequality in Britain; Racism; Colonialism; Racial Harassment; Immigration; Race Relations Law; Multi-Culturalism, Anti-Racism and Education; Urban Unrest; 'Race', Racism and Policing; 'Race' and Citizenship.
SOCP0004: Family and gender
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine changing patterns of family and working life, the causes of these, and their implications for gender roles and for social policy, in the UK and elsewhere.
Definitions of the family; The politics of the family; The regulation of sexual behaviour, marriage & divorce; Lone parenthood; Feminist theory and the family; Childhood and children's rights; Support for families; Concepts of Family policy; The relationship between family policy and other areas of policy.
SOCP0005: Politics and the policy process
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Ex ECOI0080
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit introduces students to key concepts for analysing the policy-making process. By the end of the unit students should have a basic understanding of problems and issues in the making and implementation of social policy in Britain. This course has a common lecture programme with the Politics and Policy course, however each course has a separate seminar programme.
Each lecture covers one conceptual topic, including: Introduction to Policy Analysis; Theories of the State; Power; Models of Decision-making and Policy Formulation; Implementation; Street-Level Decision-Making; Organisational Constraints; Interest Groups and Policy Communities. The seminars apply these to topical issues in social policy.
SOCP0006: Political values & social policy
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit introduces students to a range of values and principles used to justify the role of the state in social policy. By the end of the module students should be familiar with the broad range of principles and should be able to apply some of them to current debates.
Each lecture will cover one core principle, including: Need, Freedom, Equality, Justice, Citizenship, Community. The seminars will apply each to one issue or problem in contemporary social policy; for example, training schemes and equality of opportunity; citizenship and rights to a basic income.
SOCP0007: Social policy research review & project
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the application of qualitative and / or quantitative research methods through the design, implementation and reporting of a self-contained research project. Students will present their work (as ongoing) during the seminars arranged for this unit.
To research and prepare a critical literature review on a specific topic. To learn and explore internet search facilities.
Specific research methods and quantitative techniques selected at the design stage and applied during the research project. Main focus of project may anticipate work placement or dissertation topic.
Students will choose a specific research topic and conduct a literature review. The topic chosen could be linked to the students final year dissertation research project.
SOCP0008: Social policy dissertation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Requisites: Co SOCP0009
Aims & learning objectives:
To design and conduct a research project on an approved social policy topic. To gain experience of undertaking primary research in social policy. To develop a critical awareness of methodological issues in applied social research.
Students will choose a specific research topic and design a research project. Students will undertake fieldwork research on their chosen topic.
SOCP0009: Social policy dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Requisites: Co SOCP0008
Aims & learning objectives:
To complete fieldwork research undertaken in Semester 1. To analyse fieldwork data. To prepare a research dissertation on the student's chosen topic.
Students will complete their fieldwork research (started in Semester 1) and analyse data collected. Students will write up their research projects in the form of a 10,000 word dissertation.
SOCP0010: Social policy evaluation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0002
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to develop an understanding of the principal approaches to social policy evaluation, and to develop the capacity to apply appropriately these approaches to policy examples.
As a result of this course, students should
* understand the strategic and political dimensions of social policy evaluation
* be able to compare and contrast the strengths of the different approaches and their uses in different settings
* be able to design an evaluation project
* be able to write a project report
1. What is evaluation and why evaluate?
2. Evaluation methodology
3. Effectiveness, efficiency and economy
4. Performance indicators, outcomes and quality assessment
5. Illuminative evaluation
6. The evaluation of innovation
7. The politics and organisation of evaluation
8. Learning through experience
SOCP0011: Health policies & politics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to develop an understanding of how health policy integrates with wider social policy issues, as well as a detailed understanding of the content and dynamism of health policy processes. As a result , students should
* understand the impact of different welfare models on health care systems in Europe and America
* understand the political forces behind health care reform in the British NHS
* understand the pressures exerted on health care systems and the range of responses that have arisen
* be able to compare and contrast the strengths of the different approaches and their uses in different settings
1. Health, health care and health policy
2. Comparing health systems: the UK
3. Comparing health systems: the USA and Europe
4. Pressures on health care systems (1) Demographic and economic changes
5. Pressures on health care systems (2) Science and technology
6. Politics of reform: 50 years of the NHS
7. Rationing and priority setting
8. Medicine and the media: the effect on policy
9. Paying for care and the mixed economy
10. Evaluating health care and health policy
11. Informing health policy: the politics of data gathering
12. The New Public Health
SOCP0012: European social policy: a comparative approach
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001, Pre SOCP0002
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit introduces students to the social policies of several European countries. By the end of the module students should have a basic knowledge of the patterns and development of welfare policies in these countries and be able to situate them in relation to models of different welfare state regimes.
The course adopts two approaches to the material. In the first part, it examines in depth the development of social policies in specific countries which represent different 'welfare regimes': Germany, Sweden, Italy and Russia/ Central Europe. Second, it then compares specific policy areas across these countries, such as pensions and health services. The module concludes by considering the impact of the EU and the prospects for converging social policies in Europe.
SOCP0013: Social security policy and welfare reform
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001, Pre SOCP0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To compare different ways of meeting financial need, including historical and cross-national comparisons. To examine the assumptions and values that structure social security provision. To examine approaches to welfare reform in Australia, the USA and the UK in the 1980s and 1990s.
The scope of structure of social security policy; Models of social security policy; Reviews and reforms; Australia, UK, USA; Social Security expenditure trends; Benefit take-up and adequacy; Fraud and Abuse. Reform in relation to specific policy areas: Unemployment and work incentives; Families and lone parents, Child Support; Housing; Pensions; Disability.
SOCP0014: Advanced social policy analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Policy
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0005, Pre SOCP0006
Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student in a variety of techniques for analysing social policy issues.
The emphasis is on a multi-method approach, including both qualitative and quantitative techniques. Approaches include secondary analysis of household survey data, examination of Government and other official documents and the use of techniques and concepts from other disciplines such as economics. In any given year the methods are illustrated with reference to two social policy issues.
SOCP0015: Introduction of social work
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the personal social services, and implications of these for professional social work.
The unit provides an orientation to later social work units, through examination of the value base of social work, service user perspectives, and contemporary debates within the social services field.
SOCP0016: Communication skills
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to extend and develop the communication skills of students for use in social work practice.
Various styles of communication are addressed with the main focus on interviewing, report writing and non verbal communication. Telephone skills, assertiveness, working with interpreters and use of Makaton signing are considered and students are provided with information about extra-curricular specialist training available locally. There is an introductory session on observation. Students are encouraged to apply their communication skills to future interactions with service users, colleagues and other professionals and to consider issues of power and status. The importance of developing anti-discriminatory practice is emphasised at all levels of communication but particularly in face to face interactions with serve users. Effective non-oppressive ways of communicating with disadvantaged groups such as minority ethnic groups, older people, disabled people, people with mental health problems or learning difficulties and children are explored. The course asks students to think, to plan and to reflect before they take action. They are required to examine themselves closely to develop awareness of what they communicate about themselves and what they carry with them into interactions. They will consider their abilities to empathise, to respect and to understand the positions of others. Small groups, role plays and other exercises are used to practice listening and interviewing skills.
SOCP0017: Groupwork
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an understanding of groupwork theory and practice.
The course covers the purpose of groupwork, group typologies, membership and contracts, planning, co-facilitation, group dynamics, problems and anti-discriminatory practices. Group work theories and methods. Recording and evaluation.
SOCP0018: Community profiling: research in action
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: co SOCP0061 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop understanding of the importance for Social Work of knowing about the context in which users and potential users of services live; to apply this understanding of a particular example of service users to wider social systems; to develop skills in social researching; to test out these skills in collaboration with others; to l earn about team work and workload management; to work with organisations in the community to collect and collate information for a community profile; to produce information collected in useful presentations, both written reports and visual presentations.
Input on the purpose of community profiling; community profiling and service development; community profiling and responsive, user focused, anti-discriminatory practice; skills and tasks of community profiling; opportunity to test out these skills in collaboration with student colleagues in a community profile project negotiated with a local community organisation; presentation day in which reports are presented by groups back to student colleagues, staff members, and invited staff and service users encountered during the project.
SOCP0019: Developing professional competence 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit introduces the style of learning embraced by the social work course to facilitate the transition from university student to qualified practitioner - the development of professional competence.
Models of adult learning; observation techniques for social work practice; exploration of the links between theory and practice in social work; values in practice; methods of obtaining user feedback; core knowledge on welfare rights; the legal framework of social work; statutory, voluntary and private sectors; conflicts and dilemmas in transferring social work values to practice; use of supervision.
SOCP0020: Discrimination & empowerment in social work
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on prior understanding of how some groups in society are marginalised and discriminated against; to understand the way in which social work practice and social work organisations impact on these groups; raising awareness of discrimination to form the development of strategies for practice individually and collectively, personally and professionally, which will reduce service users' experience of discrimination and enable them to take greater control of their lives; to learn how to evaluate practice using skills learnt elsewhere, eg personal reflection, service user feedback, supervision, group discussion, use of theory and recorded experience.
Group rules for discussing challenging issues in a group setting; reflections on childhood and the experience of marginalisation; developing personal action plans; raising personal awareness and developing strategies in relation to racism, sexism and discrimination against children, mental health service users, disabled people, older people, people with learning difficulties and people diagnosed as HIV positive; the social model of disability and the way it informs social work practice; ageism and social work with older people; learning about HIV, AIDS and the implications for social work.
SOCP0021: Social work placement 1
Semester 1
Credits: 18
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to develop and then to demonstrate that they have acquired, integrated and applied the knowledge, skills and values for social work practice.
Development to a foundation level of the six core competencies: communicate and engage; promote and enable; assess and plan; intervene and provide services; work in organisations; develop professional competence. Also demonstration that the value requirements have been met; ie that they identify and question their own values and prejudices and their implications for practice; respect and value uniqueness and diversity and recognise and build on strengths; promote people's rights to choice, privacy confidentiality and protection whilst recognising and addressing the complexities of competing rights and demands; assist people to increase control of and improve the quality of their lives, while recognising that control of behaviour will be required at times in order to protect children and adults from harm; identify, analyse and take action to counter discrimination, racism, disadvantage, inequality and injustice, using strategies appropriate to role and function; and practise in a manner that does not stigmatise or disadvantage either individuals, groups or communities.
SOCP0022: Organisation of personal social services
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to build upon direct or indirect knowledge of Personal Social Services organisations to understand the connections between policy, organisation, practice and service delivery. What effect does organisation have on the development of social work practice in particular although other roles within the Personal Social Services will also be explored - e.g. the role of managment.
Values in the personal Social Services. Supervision: contrasting and comparing styles experienced in practice. Functions of supervision and the effect on learning in organisations.
Priority setting and planning in PSS. Exploring how and why social workers ration services. Is it possible for rationing to improve service delivery? Workload and time management. Recording: relating recording to purpose, evaluating records - open recording and access to records in the Law. Teams in the PSS - what is their purpose and value?
Meetings: issues and problems in conducting and participating in meetings. Their purpose and value in social welfare. Understanding the agency as an organisation. What are aims and objectives? How do competing aims resolve themselves? A critical view of the role and function of management in the PSS.
SOCP0023: Child care research & practice
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this course are: to develop students' skills in child observation; to build their understanding of the links between child care research and practice; to consider the implications of legislation for practice; to build their knowledge of recent child care research findings and to develop their ability to critically evaluate and use this research to inform their practice; and to ensure all students have a grounding in the principles and practice of child protection work.
Topics covered include: the skills of observation for child assessment; Research, policy and practice links. Historical overview of child care developments. Backdrop to the 1989 Children Act; key concepts of the Act and their implications for practice. Child care research of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Children in need, family support and direct work. Children looked after. Child protection: key points of the 1989 Children Act; definitions of child abuse; child abuse in a social context; personal, professional and theoretical perspectives on child abuse; indicators, signs and symptoms of abuse; multi-agency work in child protection; child protection procedures; issues of ethnicity and culture; assessment in child protection; research and its relevance for practice.
SOCP0023: Child care research & practice
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this course are: to develop students' skills in child observation; to build their understanding of the links between child care research and practice; to consider the implications of legislation for practice; to build their knowledge of recent child care research findings and to develop their ability to critically evaluate and use this research to inform their practice; and to ensure all students have a grounding in the principles and practice of child protection work.
Topics covered include: the skills of observation for child assessment; Research, policy and practice links. Historical overview of child care developments. Backdrop to the 1989 Children Act; key concepts of the Act and their implications for practice. Child care research of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Children in need, family support and direct work. Children looked after. Child protection: key points of the 1989 Children Act; definitions of child abuse; child abuse in a social context; personal, professional and theoretical perspectives on child abuse; indicators, signs and symptoms of abuse; multi-agency work in child protection; child protection procedures; issues of ethnicity and culture; assessment in child protection; research and its relevance for practice.
SOCP0024: Legislation for social work practice 1
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to cover the key areas of child care legislation relevant to a local authority social worker. It is based on the belief that all students must have a basic comprehension of the principles and key facts in child care law if they are to be able to help safeguard children and promote their welfare.
Each week focuses on one area of legislation. Topics include: private law; Social Services support to families; child protection; Care and Supervision Orders; family placements; residential placements; regulation and monitoring.
SOCP0025: Theories & methods in social work
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to set social work methods within their theoretical contexts and to clarify the links between theory and practice.
The relationship between theory and practice is examined critically and the question 'what works in social work?' is posed. An overview of theories which impact upon social work is given and distinctions drawn between the broad theoretical perspectives which underpin practice and those theories of social work methods which more closely prescribe action. To meet the learning needs of future practitioners, theories and methods which have most relevance to present day social work are selected as the knowledge base most likely to inform future practice. They include counselling; family therapy; task-centred work; crisis intervention; behavioural and cognitive approaches. Methods of working with alcohol and drug dependency involves contrasting a social and psychological approach with a medical one. Various styles of adult learning are used and students are expected to participate in small groups, role plays and other exercises. Placement experiences provide illustrations of theories and methods in practice and also case examples for analysis.
SOCP0026: Sociology of social work
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To place social work in context, to explore range of relations between sociology and social work. Students to make connections with prior sociology learning, to apply sociological analysis and to be able to analyse the role of sociology in social work. For students to develop critical analysis of social work and own practice.
The course focuses upon the knowledge base of social work, sociological approaches to child abuse, social work as a profession, social work language and discourse analysis, sociology and disability, power and social work, social work and social control, social work and the media.
SOCP0026: Sociology of social work
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To place social work in context, to explore range of relations between sociology and social work. Students to make connections with prior sociology learning, to apply sociological analysis and to be able to analyse the role of sociology in social work. For students to develop critical analysis of social work and own practice.
The course focuses upon the knowledge base of social work, sociological approaches to child abuse, social work as a profession, social work language and discourse analysis, sociology and disability, power and social work, social work and social control, social work and the media.
SOCP0027: Social work dissertation 1
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The dissertation provides an opportunity for students to study and discuss one topic of relevance to social work in depth. Through preparation of the dissertation they develop their capacity for critical analysis, evaluation, application of theory and integration of values in practice
Preparation of an outline of the dissertation plus selected bibliography.
SOCP0028: Social work dissertation 2
Semester 1
Credits: 12
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The dissertation provides an opportunity for students to study and discuss one topic of relevance to social work in depth. Through preparation of the dissertation they develop their capacity for critical analysis, evaluation, application of theory and integration of values in practice
Knowledge and understanding of related concepts and theories from the social sciences must be evident in the analysis, which should also include an evaluation of research and published accounts of practice in the specific area of study. Topics might include a particular social work task, a form of social work intervention, a particular issue of relevance to social work etc. Students will be expected to undertake and to present a review of relevant literature.
SOCP0029: Legislation for social work practice 2
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit complements the child care law module in the previous summer term. The aim is to help future practitioners to develop sufficient understanding of the legal framework and the law specific to social work to appreciate the implications for practice.
The course is taught by specialist practitioners and academics with practice experience to maintain the focus upon social work values and the tensions between them and legal constraints. The unit explains how the law may be used as an effective social work tool as well as how to work within its parameters. Students are directed towards sources rather than offered exhaustive accounts of the detailed law government each area. They are expected to supplement course materials with further reading and research. Specific topics include: youth justice - social work practice in the Courts, - law and mental health, - law and disability, - law and race, - law and older people, - law and homelessness, - law and sex discrimination..
SOCP0030: Developing professional competence 3: principles of practice
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To respond to ethical issues in social work practice raised for students in their prior learning; to develop thinking in identifying and clarifying values and principles for social work generally and students individually; to explore some of the ethical dilemmas and confusions raised in everyday social work practice.
General consideration of ethics and their place in social work; identification of ethical issues and dilemmas from students' experience - eg values and conflicts of interest; authority and accountability in social work; cultural relativism and values; values and the maintenance of purpose and morale.
SOCP0031: Community care
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To focus prior knowledge, skills and understanding of values into the broad area of Community Care; to develop this prior understanding to prepare students for practice in their preferred area for final placement; to understand the development of Community Care both as a range of concepts and as a way of organising and delivering social services to service users; to develop specific understanding of the role and practice of care managers in assessment for, delivery and development of services; to respond to the interests and learning needs of individual students in this broad subject area (eg in relation to service user groups or type of service provision); to provide a service user focus on the delivery of service.
Flexible to accommodate students' own learning aims but will include: the development of Community Care; service user involvement in both care management and service development; care management skills, including user empowerment; community work skills (assessment of community needs, service development, networking, collaboration with formal and informal community groups); multi-disciplinary work; diversity of Community Care provision (the "mixed economy of care"); informal carers; gender, culture and the concept of caring.
SOCP0032: Mental health
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
This programme is designed to prepare students for practice in a range of mental health settings. It aims to develop students' understanding of the interrelationships between the statutory and independent sectors and the importance of developing skills for working at the interface of these sectors; and then offer core knowledge and skills, complimenting clinical psychology and alcohol and drugs dependency modules.
This course begins with a focus on the knowledge and skills required to undertake networking, multi-disciplinary work and inter-agency work. It draws on students' placement experience. It then relates these to work in the mental health field. The course covers a range of mental health perspectives and social work methods. It focuses upon racism and psychiatry, user participation, community care and multi disciplinary practice, mental health and gender, working with carers, mental health social work with older people, statutory mental health procedures and practice, and services for mentally disordered offenders.
SOCP0033: Children & families
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of the course are: to develop students' understanding of the interrelationships between the statutory and independent sectors and the importance of developing skills for working at the interface of these sectors; to enable students to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to work with children and families.
This course begins with a focus on the knowledge and skills required to undertaken networking, multi-disciplinary work and inter-agency work. It draws on students' placement experience. It then relates these to work with children and families, focusing on such topics as: child observation; life-cycles; parent child relationships; family support work; direct work with adults and with children; attachment and loss; children and mental health; children with special needs; child abuse; its impact and long-term effects; assessment of risk; treatment methods; planning work; contracts and written agreements; reviews and evaluations; children and young people looked after; theories of residential care; impact of the child care system.
Adoption and fostering; the role of the Guardian ad Litem; working with families post-divorce/separation; working with stepfamilies; youth justice and young offenders.
Throughout the sessions we ensure the voices of service users are heard; that is, the views of parents and of children and young people who have been in receipt of social work support and/or intervention in their lives.
SOCP0034: Working with offenders
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim is to examine and evaluate methods of working with convicted offenders within the criminal justice system. The context is practice and legislation. The unit is preparation for those who are considering working with offenders in a wide range of agancies and organisations, not just probation and social work. As well as having vocational relevance, this unit is suitable for those with academic and research interests. For non social work students the unit builds upon earlier learning, either from the Sociology of Crime and Deviance unit and the Sociology of Criminal Justice Policy unit, by adding perspectives from practice and the detail of legislation.
The core knowledge base comprises: community sentences;prison work; post-release supervision; National Standards for the supervision of offenders; PSRs; the value base of work with offenders; methods - theory and practice [with emphasis upon cognitive-behavioural programmes]; effectiveness and the "What works?" debate; risk assessment; working with addictions, homelessness and educational needs. Categories of offenders include: children and young offenders; women; mentally disordered offenders; sex offenders; lifers and other serious offenders.
SOCP0035: Social work placement 2
Semester 2
Credits: 24
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to develop and then to demonstrate that they have acquired, integrated and applied the knowledge, skills and values for social work practice.
Development of the six core competencies: communicate and engage; promote and enable; assess and plan; intervene and provide services; work in organisations; develop professional competence. Also demonstration that the value requirements have been met; ie that they identify and question their own values and prejudices and their implications for practice; respect and value uniqueness and diversity and recognise and build on strengths; promote people's rights to choice, privacy confidentiality and protection whilst recognising and addressing the complexities of competing rights and demands; assist people to increase control of and improve the quality of their lives, while recognising that control of behaviour will be required at times in order to protect children and adults from harm; identify, analyse and take action to counter discrimination, racism, disadvantage, inequality and injustice, using strategies appropriate to role and function; and practise in a manner that does not stigmatise or disadvantage either individuals, groups or communities.
SOCP0037: Ideologies
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
Students should develop an understanding of the origins, development and content of the main modern political ideologies, and of the debates relating to the nature of ideology itself.
The course covers socialism, conservatism, liberalism, anarchism, fascism, feminism, ecologism, nationalism and fundamentalism.
SOCP0042: Comparative political economy
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Politics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES40 CW10
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit examines the relationships between political factors and economic development in advanced industrial societies. Historical and comparative in approach it concentrates on the 'golden age' of the post-war boom and the more recent period of economic uncertainty. The aim is both to analyse distinctive national patterns of policy-making and to indicate the ways in which international political and economic relations restrict national options. These issues will be examined through cross-national comparison.
SOCP0043: Sociology of industrial societies 1: classical theories
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Co SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the basic sociological questions, theories and evidence of industrial society
To answer the following questions: 1) How and why is industrial society distinctive? 2) Does industrial society have a logic of social differentiation, based on conflict , control, or social order? Differences in work, authority and decision making, kinship and gender, culture and community. The theories of Marx, Durkheim and Weber.
SOCP0044: Sociology of industrial societies 2: social change & social control
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the changing nature of industrial societies, modern and post-modern theories and evidence of social stratification, organisation and control
To answer the following questions: 1) Do industrial societies display common trends, even superseding industrialism? 2) What are the main modes of social regulation and social control in changing societies? Theories and evidence of post-industrialism, convergence, managerialism, ethnic and gender forms of social stratification in relation to social control and citizenship.
SOCP0047: Sociology of work & industry
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
This course examines sociological approaches to the changing forms of work and work organisations. Key issues include rationalisation and bureaucratisation; the introduction and impact of new technologies; managerial and worker strategies in the control of work; conflict and accommodation at the workplace; corporate structure - ownership, control and managerialism, implications for theories of class and gender relationships. The course investigates these issues in three broad contexts: the period of early industrialisation, the development of mass production and 'Fordism' and the growth and consolidation of modern industrial structures.
SOCP0048: Understanding industrial behaviour
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the course is to give students a Sociological understanding of industrial
behaviour, showing the competing paradigms and theories that describe industrial relationships, institutions and social structures.
The course takes students through the main debates in management and work organisation theory, looking at Taylorism and Fordism. The Hawthorne Studies and the early Human Relations School. This is followed by an analysis of the Socio-Technical School and its prescriptions. Contingency Theory and Labour Process Theory bring the debates up to the 1990s. During the course a number of case study examples are used to illustrate the key points of the differing schools.
SOCP0049: The sociology of crime & deviance
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
Introduction to the main sociological theories of crime and deviance. The course also provides invaluable preparation for the Sociology of Criminal Justice Policy and the necessary undergraduate training for all those who intend to do postgraduate work in the areas of crime and/or social control.
Divided into two parts the lectures and seminars cover, in the first part, the history of the sociology of crime from the late 19th century to the present day; in the second, they deal with THREE major crime-related sociological issues: class and crime, racism and crime; and gender and crime.
SOCP0050: Sociology of criminal justice policy
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0049
Aims & learning objectives:
Current research and policy issues in the criminal justice and penal systems. It will examine trends in criminal policy; the politics of policing and police accountability; the development of penal sanctions and the related issues of alternatives to custodial measures; the efficacy and equity, or lack of them, of the legal processes of the criminal courts; the role of new technologies; the management of prisons including the issues of privatisation and other issues concerning the social context of penal policy.
SOCP0051: Social structure & languages of class
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to demonstrate differences in structural theories of industrial and capitalist societies, and to develop an understanding of the ways in which classical sociological theory has been developed and changed to explain social stratification and inequality.
Parsons' AGIL framework, and the Functionalist Theory of Stratification. Althusser and 'structuralist' Marxism, contributions from the Frankfurt School. Empirical issues and evidence from the sociology of class and stratification.
SOCP0052: Theoretical issues in sociology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0062
Aims & learning objectives:
This module examines key debates in contemporary social theory and their relationship to classical sociology. These will include such issues as: the debate over human agency versus social structure; power and knowledge; language and social interaction; modernity and postmodernity; industrialism and postindustrialism and globalisation.
SOCP0054: Power & commitment in organisations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0044, Pre SOCP0048
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the course is to explore the themes of ideology, power and legitimacy in the context of organisations. To look at different methodological and empirical attempts to study these issues in enterprise and organisational contexts. By the end of the course the student will have familiarity with a number of ways of qualitatively apprehending the operation and construction of legitimate forms of management.
The course begins with the theoretical problem of conceptualising power. Students are introduced to the Marxist and Weberian approaches and to Lukes' philosophical attempt to distinguish three different dimensions. The course then looks at specific themes starting with Decision-making in enterprises and boardroom activity. Other themes are Collective bargaining, the creation of rules and industrial legality. Worker participation and consultation. Managerial strategies to gain commitment, the growth of corporate cultures, Japanisation and Human Resource Management practices.
SOCP0055: Comparative industrial relations
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES40 CW10
Requisites: Pre SOCP0043, Pre SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
This course examines the changing role of trade unions in industrial societies - their relationship to the state and political parties, the significance of ideology and different national traditions; the economic and social causes and consequences of industrial conflict. Comparative cross-national studies will focus on the post-war period, conflict and maturation approaches and union responses to economic, social and political adversity.
SOCP0056: Environmental policy & the countryside
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a clear understanding of the politics of the policy process as it applies to the countryside and the environment
Concern for the environment has become a radical and innovative element in European politics. By focusing on developments between the passage of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and the publication of the 1995 Rural White Paper the Unit explains the factors which have transformed the agenda of rural policy making. Corporatist politics and competitive pluralist politics are contrasted and special attention is given to the changing balance of private and public rights and responsibilities in the countryside.
SOCP0057: Sociology dissertation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co SOCP0058
Aims & learning objectives:
Application of sociological principles and methodology to piece of empirical research. Dissertation modules I & 2 are linked units. These will be jointly assessed at the end of the year by a final mark based on the assessment of the completed dissertation of not more than 10,000 words. By the end of Semester I students will be required to submit a progress report and synopsis in order to progress to Dissertation 2. All students will also by required to make a presentation of their work to the workshops.
SOCP0058: Sociology dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Requisites: Co SOCP0057
Aims & learning objectives:
See Dissertation I (SOCS0133).
SOCP0059: Core skills for social scientists: social research methods
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to classical, influential examples of investigations and research in various social sciences, and to introduce the main methods as well as philosophical and methodological issues raised by each.
Classical and influential case studies in political, sociological and psychological research; different types of methods; classification, quantification and meaning; controversial studies and their implications.
SOCP0060: Introduction to data analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the main assumptions, concepts and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics, and to establish basic competence sufficient for investigative, exploratory data analysis using a spreadsheet and/or dedicated statistical software.
Description, Classification, Quantification; Descriptive Statistics; accessing and exploring a data set; Inferential Statistics; Causation and Correlation; types of statistical test; learning to select appropriate tests; designing an investigative project. The emphasis is on practical competence.
SOCP0061: Quantitative social research methods
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0060
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the application and use of a range of quantitative techniques together with complementary/supporting research methods, and to establish competence in conducting specialised tests, sufficient data analysis using dedicated statistical software. Specific methods and tests will vary according to the degree specialism being followed.
Specific research methods and quantitative techniques, specified according the degree specialism being followed.
SOCP0062: Qualitative social research methods
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Research Methods
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0044
Aims & learning objectives:
The evaluation of data gathered by a range of qualitative research strategies. A critical understanding and ability to assess these different approaches, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as an appreciation of the relationship between different research strategies and wider theoretical and methodological issues. Main approaches considered will include participant observation, ethnography, community studies, experiments and historical and comparative methods. Special attention will be paid to classical sociological studies in each area.
SOCP0064: Applied social studies dissertation 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
To design and conduct a research project on an approved social studies topic. To gain experience of undertaking primary research in social studies. To develop a critical awareness of methodological issues in applied social research.
Students will choose a specific research topic and design a research project. Students will undertake fieldwork research on their chosen topic.
SOCP0065: Applied social studies dissertation 2
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: DS100
Aims & learning objectives:
To complete fieldwork research undertaken in Semester 1. To analyse fieldwork information. To prepare a research dissertation on the student's chosen topic.
Students will complete their fieldwork research (started in Semester 1) and analyse information collected. Students will write up their research projects in the form of a 10,000 word dissertation.
SOCP0066: The human factor
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce engineering students to the role of the human factor in industry, in particular to impart an awareness of classic theories of motivation, social control and communication in relation to work organisation in design and manufacturing processes.
Concepts and evidence of the changing role of motivation, skills, organisational control and technology, the nature and significance of groupwork.
SOCP0067: Placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will be placed with organisations, either in the UK or overseas, which offer an opportunity for them to apply their knowledge, most typically in some sort of research or evaluation setting. The aims of the placement go beyond work experience: it is intended to provide practical experience which can be related to knowledge gained at the University; to allow students to develop personal and transferable skills (in communication, planning, time management, decision making, problem solving). It will enhance the critical appreciation of material presented in taught courses and usually provide a basis for the final year dissertation.
Further information about past placements can be obtained from the Director of Studies for Placements.
SOCP0069: Social theory & social philosophy
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Sociology
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to demonstrate the significance of different theories of scientific methodology for the social sciences and the distinctive contribution of the interpretivist perspective to sociological and related social sciences. Students should learn the problematic relevance of natural science models for social science and the substantive and methodological claims and value of interpretivist social theory.
Positivist models of scientific method and the interpretivist tradition in sociology: Popper, Kuhn, Winch and Weber. 'Actor-based' approaches: Goffman and ethnomethodology.
SOCP0070: Social issues in contemporary Europe
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR100
Aims and Learning Objectives: To develop student understanding of the major social themes affecting Europe today. This unit will adopt a comparative perspective that looks at the changing boundaries social agendas in place in major European countries. The course will attempt to display elements of convergence and divergence within those different and developing social agendas.
The idea of Europe as a social entity; EU developments promoting common social policies; comparative demographics regarding family, gender, employment, labour market, education, welfare and social policies. Comparative analysis of social institutions and modes of approach to common problems.
SOCP0071: Sociology of punishment
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims and Learning Objectives: Sociological analysis of the changing social, cultural and political meanings of formal and informal modes of penality and custodial social regulation.
Justifications for punishment, history of imprisonment, theories of imprisonment, prison populations, current issues in imprisonment, non-custodial sentences, capital punishment, studying prisons.
SOCP0072: The social dialectics of business sovereignty
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Aims and Learning Objectives: To identify the changing boundaries and interactions between business and society in relation to both the evolution and impact of socio-political demands for business accountability and the social foundations of business activiy; so that students understand the main challenges to business sovereignty and the inter-dependence social relationships and business enterprise.
Changes in social and political challenges to capitalist enterprise. Philosophical, historical and social structural sources of these challenges. Socialist, corporatist and environmentalist and communitarian challenges. The social foundations of business commerce and trade: trust, association, community, values, and citizenship.
SOCP0082: Moral philosophy
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims and Learning Objectives: To enable students to participate in current philosophical dbates around the following questions: What is morality and what are the bases of moral thought and practice? Are these moral truths? Is it possible to know what is right and wrong?
To enable students to apply their understanding of the nature of morality to specific moral problems.
Introducing moral philosophy
Moral truth or preference
Prescriptivism and the moral philosophy or Thomas Hobbes
Existentialist ethics
The moral philosophy of David Hume
Dentological ethics
Religious ethics
Applied moral theory 1: Abortion
Applied moral theory 2: Euthenasia
SOCP0083: Political philosophy
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Aims and Learning Objectives: To enable students to participate in current philosophical debates around the following questions: What is justice? What is liberty? Is there a right form of social life? Is there a duty to obey the law? Can punishment be justified?
Hume and Rousseau
The problem of political obligation
Feminism and justice
The concept of liberty
The harm principle
Theories of punishment
SOCP0084: The politics of the welfare state
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001, Pre SOCP0002
Aims and Learning Objectives: To discuss and assess different theories of policy-making in the area of social policy. To apply them to selected current social policy issues.
Socio-economic explanations; political explanations; institutional explanations; theory of welfare retrenchment; public opinion and the welfare state; the middle classes and the welfare state; the think tanks and the welfare state; globalization and the welfare state; population ageing and pension reform; the development of active labour market policies.
SOCP0085: Using existing data: secondary analysis in social research
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co SOCP0061
Aims and Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the range of official and other statistics produced in the UK and EU, and the advantages and disadvantages of these as tools for social research. This will provide essential preparation for the final year dissertation.
Official statistics, production and use; main sources of UK data (the Census, the General Household Survey, the Family Expenditure Survey) analysing specific topics (e.g., unemployment, family trends, crime, gender, poverty); statistics on the Internet; the ESRC Data Archive.
SOCP0086: Social work placement 2 (4 year prog)
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to develop and then to demonstrate that they have acquired, integrated and applied the knowledge, skills and values for social work practice.
Development of the six core competencies: communicate and engage; promote and enable; assess and plan; intervene and provide services; work in organisations; develop professional competence. Also demonstration that the value requirements have been met; ie that they identify and question their own values and prejudices and their implications for practice; respect and value uniqueness and diversity and recognise and build on strengths; promote people's rights to choice, privacy confidentiality and protection whilst recognising and addressing the complexities of competing rights and demands; assist people to increase control of and improve the quality of their lives, while recognising that control of behaviour will be required at times in order to protect children and adults from harm; identify, analyse and take action to counter discrimination, racism, disadvantage, inequality and injustice, using strategies appropriate to role and function; and practise in a manner that does not stigmatise or disadvantage either individuals, groups or communities.
SOCP0087: Child care research & practice (4 year prog)
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this course
are: to develop students' skills in child observation; to build their
understanding of the links between child care research and practice; to
consider the implications of legislation for practice; to build their
knowledge of recent child care research findings and to develop their
ability to critically evaluate and use this research to inform their
practice; and to ensure all students have a grounding in the principles
and practice of child protection work.
Topics covered include: the skills of
observation for child assessment; Research, policy and practice links.
Historical overview of child care developments. Backdrop to the 1989 Children Act; key concepts of the Act and their implications for
practice. Child care research of the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Children in
need, family support and direct work. Children looked after. Child
protection: key points of the 1989 Children Act; definitions of child
abuse; child abuse in a social context; personal, professional and
theoretical perspectives on child abuse; indicators, signs and symptoms of abuse; multi-agency work in child protection; child protection
procedures; issues of ethnicity and culture; assessment in child
protection; research and its relevance for practice.
SOCP0088: Theories & methods in social work (4 year prog)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
This course aims to set social work methods within their theoretical contexts and to clarify the links between theory and practice.
The relationship between theory and practice is examined critically and the question 'what works in social work?' is posed. An overview of theories which impact upon social work is given and distinctions drawn between the broad theoretical perspectives which underpin practice and those theories of social work methods which more closely prescribe action. To meet the learning needs of future practitioners, theories and methods which have most relevance to present day social work are selected as the knowledge base most likely to inform future practice. They include counselling; family therapy; task-centred work; crisis intervention; behavioural and cognitive approaches. Methods of working with alcohol and drug dependency involves contrasting a social and psychological approach with a medical one. Various styles of adult learning are used and students are expected to participate in small groups, role plays and other exercises. Placement experiences provide illustrations of theories and methods in practice and also case examples for analysis.
SOCP0089: Discrimination & empowerment in social work (4 year prog)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
To build on prior understanding of how some groups in society are marginalised and discriminated against; to understand the way in which social work practice and social work organisations impact on these groups; raising awareness of discrimination to form the development of strategies for practice individually and collectively, personally and professionally, which will reduce service users' experience of discrimination and enable them to take greater control of their lives; to learn how to evaluate practice using skills learnt elsewhere, eg personal reflection, service user feedback, supervision, group discussion, use of theory and recorded experience.
Group rules for discussing challenging issues in a group setting; reflections on childhood and the experience of marginalisation; developing personal action plans; raising personal awareness and developing strategies in relation to racism, sexism and discrimination against children, mental health service users, disabled people, older people, people with learning difficulties and people diagnosed as HIV positive; the social model of disability and the way it informs social work practice; ageism and social work with older people; learning about HIV, AIDS and the implications for social work.
SOCP0090: BSc Social Sciences Placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
*Within the context of a local community, to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in University study;
*To acquire generic skills in such areas as communication, planning, problem-solving, group working and decision-making
The placements which are offered for the degree in Social Sciences are concentrated in Swindon and Wiltshire. This degree has been developed as part of the partnership between the University of Bath and the employers and educational institutions of Swindon and Wiltshire: the placement offers students the opportunity to take advantage of this partnership, by conducting a research and work experience project in the Swindon and Wiltshire community, with local as well as University support
SOCP0091: Organisation of personal social services (4 year prog)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to build upon direct or indirect knowledge of Personal Social Services organisations to understand the connections between policy, organisation, practice and service delivery. What effect does organisation have on the development of social work practice in particular although other roles within the Personal Social Services will also be explored - e.g. the role of management.
Values in the personal Social Services. Supervision: contrasting and comparing styles experienced in practice. Functions of supervision and the effect on learning in organisations. Priority setting and planning in PSS. Exploring how and why social workers ration services. Is it possible for rationing to improve service delivery? Workload and time management. Recording: relating recording to purpose, evaluating records - open recording and access to records in the Law. Teams in the PSS - what is their purpose and value?
Meetings: issues and problems in conducting and participating in meetings. Their purpose and value in social welfare. Understanding the agency as an organisation. What are aims and objectives? How do competing aims resolve themselves? A critical view of the role and function of management in the PSS.
SOCP0092: Legislation for social work practice 1 (4 year prog)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is for SWASS students only
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to cover the key areas of child care legislation relevant to a local authority social worker. It is based on the belief that all students must have a basic comprehension of the principles and key facts in child care law if they are to be able to help safeguard children and promote their welfare.
Each week focuses on one area of legislation. Topics include: private law; Social Services support to families; child protection; Care and Supervision Orders; family placements; residential placements; regulation and monitoring.
SOCP0093: Sociology of social work (4 year prog)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Social Work
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: pre SOCP0001, SOCP0002 for non-SWASS students
Aims & learning objectives:
To place social work in context, to explore range of relations between sociology and social work. Students to make connections with prior sociology learning, to apply sociological analysis and to be able to analyse the role of sociology in social work. For students to develop critical analysis of social work and own practice.
The course focuses upon the knowledge base of social work, sociological approaches to child abuse, social work as a profession, social work language and discourse analysis, sociology and disability, power and social work, social work and social control, social work and the media.
SOCS0153: Placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
The placement period enables the student to gain valuable practical experience. Please see the Director of Studies or course tutor for details about individual placements.
SPOR0001: Functional anatomy and kinesiology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
A basic grounding in the structure of the human body. This module will enable students to classify and identify skeletal bones, describe the structure and function of muscle and analyse the co-ordinated movements that these two systems produce within the human body.
Structure and function of bone tissue - structure of bone and connective tissue. Skeletal construction and function - types of bone: long, thin, flat, irregular. Axial and appendicular skeleton. Names of major bones.
Joint types; - immovable, slightly moveable, freely moveable (synovial). Types of movement: flexion, extension, rotation, adduction, abduction, circumduction, plantar-flexion.
Differences between cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle; detailed structure of skeletal muscle; - fibres and fibre types, nerve supply to muscle, sliding theory of muscle contraction. Production of co-ordinated movement.
Relationship of muscular system to skeletal system; - identification of major muscle groups, origins, insertions and actions of main muscles. Practical analysis of limb movement. Types of muscular contraction including, isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, concentric and eccentric muscle action.
SPOR0002: Historical & contemporary studies
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To describe the origins of sport, explore the impact of different cultures and social systems upon sport and debate the role of British society upon the development of sport in the UK.
Develop the student's understanding of the origins of sport and exercise; exploring the development of sport in medieval Britain.
The role of public and private support structures for sports development.
An overview of twentieth century sports initiatives will be undertaken and the beginning of mass participation and recreation will be presented against its social context.
The place of contemporary issues as a social phenomenon. The role of sport in education and the relationship between sport, law and the economy.
Sport and Hegemony will address the main trends in the relationship between sport and power. Analysis of the class conflict which characterised the development of popular sport in the U.K. , analysis of issues such as gender, class and racism.
Sport, Conflict and Social Control will address the issues relating to sport sub-cultures and the rise of spectator hooliganism, violence and cheating. Students will critically assess social control policies and the associated legislation in the U.K.
Identification of a national sports development policy.
SPOR0003: Sports performance 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will focus on personal development of competence in a diverse range of sports. Students will develop cognitive and psychomotor competencies ; improve personal performance through the application of major tactics/techniques and the appropriate employment of key strategies and scientific principles necessary for participation in the key sports; develop an understanding of rules or regulations.
Individual performance assessment and goal setting will take place at the beginning of each sports course. The module will cover 4 sports chosen from the following list: Invasion Games
*, Net/Wall Games
*, Striking/Fielding Games
*, Aesthetic Activities#, Aquatic Activities#, Athletics Activities# and Combat Activities# (it will contain at least one Game
* and at least one Individual Activity#). The rules and regulations associated with each sport will be covered together with their interpretation and application with respect to improved personal performance. Students will also have the opportunity of mastering advanced skills and techniques through skill development sessions. Personal performance willl be enhanced by an understanding of tactics and strategies geared to the need of each individual. Each sports course will include preparation for performance through a study of appropriate training principles and methods.
SPOR0004: Teaching & coaching
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the scientific and educational principles underlying sport performance, participation and teaching and coaching. This module will enable students to apply scientific principles of sports performance to teaching and coaching whilst gaining personal and communication skills and time management skills.
The Teacher and the Coach. Impact of Sports Science and Technology on Teaching and Coaching; Developments in coaching; Developments in teaching. Health Related fitness implications of a modern lifestyle. Structure of Teaching and Coaching in Britain & the European Union. Career entry and development. National Vocational Qualifications. Associated careers and industries - Sports Development, Leisure Management, Youth Service. Communication and Time Management.
SPOR0005: Human physiology
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Requisites: Pre SPOR0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to gain an understanding of human physiology, namely basic cell functions, biological control systems and co-ordinated body functions.
Intercellular communication systems; The nervous system, organisation of the nervous system. The endocrine system, integration between the nervous and endocrine systems.
The cardiovascular system; organisation of the cardiovascular system, blood vessels, constituents of blood, cardiac function, the cardiac cycle, coronary circulation, control of heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output.
The pulmonary system; pulmonary pressures and mechanics, ventilation rate and depth, regulation of arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, exchange of gases between blood, alveoli and tissues, transport of carbon dioxide in the blood, control of ventilation.
The urinary system; regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance.
Digestion and absorption of food.
SPOR0006: Introduction to sports psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand how skill is acquired and the reasons for differences in rates of learning and levels of performance. Students will learn to generate and analyse data and make comparisons of skill levels between groups and within groups.
The nature of skilled performance; Definitions of skill and characteristics of skilled performance: skilled and unskilled; Learning and performance. Classification of skills: Principles and theories of learning; Theories of learning: conditioning (classical and operant) - examples from sport / P.E. Trial and error (instrumental learning). Motor learning: . Phases in skill learning (cognitive, associative, autonomous). Transfer of learning (positive, negative) forms (direct, proactive, retroactive, bilateral, unequal). Theories (insight, stimulus and response generalisation).
Information processing in perceptual-motor performance; Basic models, based on Welford and Whiting. Perception: selective attention, short and long term memory. Decision-making: factors affecting reaction time, Mental rehearsal. Motor output and feedback: motor programming, hierarchies of control, types and uses of feedback.
SPOR0007: Sports performance 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR60 CW40
Requisites: Pre SPOR0003
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will focus on personal development of competence in a diverse range of sports. Students will develop cognitive and psychomotor competencies ; improve personal performance through the application of major tactics/techniques and the appropriste employment of key strategiess and scientific principles necessary for participation in key sports; develop an understanding of rules or regulations.
Individual performance assessment and goal setting will take place at the beginning of each sports course.
The module will cover 4 sports chosen from the following list: Invasion Games
*, Net/Wall Games
*, Striking/Fielding Games
*, Aesthetic Activities#, Aquatic Activities#, Athletics Activities# and Combat Activities# (it will contain at least one Game
* and at least one Individual Activity#). The rules and regulations associated with each sport will be covered together with their interpretation and application with respect to improved personal performance.
Students will also have the opportunity of mastering advanced skills and techniques through skill development sessions.
Personal performance willl be enhanced by an understanding of tactics and strategies geared to the need of each individual.
Each sports course will include preparation for performance through a study of appropriate training principles and methods.
SPOR0008: Sport in the community
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW50 OR10 OT40
Requisites: Pre SPOR0004
Aims & learning objectives:
To give a wider understanding of the role of sport and exercise science across the whole community, by work and observation of special need groups in the community, (e.g. the elderly, children and disabled groups). Students will appreciate the beneficial influence of sport and exercise upon the mental and physical well being of differing community groups.
Students will be expected to spend periods with elderly, young and disabled groups, work and observe the influence and application of sport and exercise science upon the health of particular groups.
Placements should be organised so that students work and observe alongside qualified personnel. Typical placements would be old people's homes or day centres, pre-school or play group centres and community care clubs for the disabled.
SPOR0009: Exercise physiology 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 PR30
Requisites: Pre SPOR0005
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the fundamental responses of the body to exercise, providing an introduction to basic laboratory techniques.
Energy transfer - basal metabolic rate, the concept of the MET, calculation of respiratory exchange ratio and energy expenditure. Standardisation of gas volumes.
Thermoregulation at rest and during exercise.
Regulation of ventilation during exercise and at rest; - steady rate exercise and non-steady state. Onset of blood lactic acid accumulation. The influence of ventilation on aerobic capacity.
SPOR0010: Psychology of sports performance
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR50 ES50
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to concepts and applications of sports psychology. To enable students to explain the fundamentals of psychology, explain how psychological differences relate to performance in sport, and explain the influences of social psychology.
Fundamentals of psychology; operational methods and techniques, testing, measurement and analysis.
Motivation in sport; definitions, characteristics of motivated behaviour and types of motives. Achievement motivation:, learned hopelessness.
Attribution theory; attribution as a factor affecting levels of participation and performance.
Social psychology of sport; the individual and social psychology. Attitudes; nature, formation, change, measurement. Attitude description on sport.
Personality and the athlete.
SPOR0011: Biomechanics of human locomotion and sports performance
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW40 EX60
Requisites: Pre SPOR0001
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the scientific concepts of biomechanics, including basic movement analysis techniques. Students will be able to describe the basic anatomical and mechanical concepts of human locomotion, use video cameras and other simple measurement devices to measure and analyse a particular human movement in directed group situation. Also, students will be able to identify the structure and content of biomechanical scientific report.
Linear kinematics; displacement, velocity, acceleration and projectiles in human walking, running, jumping and throwing.
Angular kinematics; rotation, angular displacement, velocity and acceleration in human locomotion and sport.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis; qualitative feedback methods and further analysis in sport biomechanics.
Basic techniques for the analysis of human movement; velocity and basic motion analysis measurements in practical sport setting.
SPOR0012: Sports performance 3
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR60 CW40
Requisites: Pre SPOR0003, Pre SPOR0007
Aims & learning objectives:
Students will be involved in a practical and theoretical study of the techniques and strategies of a range of sports. Students will focus on personal development of competence in a diverse range of sports through the use of sport-specific training principles.
The module will cover 4 sports chosen from the following list: Invasion Games
*, Net/Wall Games
*, Striking/Fielding Games
*, Aesthetic Activities#, Aquatic Activities#, Athletics Activities# and Combat Activities# (it will contain at least one Game
* and at least one Individual Activity#).
The rules and regulations associated with each sport will be covered together with their interpretation and application with respect to improved personal performance.
Students will also have the opportunity of mastering advanced skills and techniques through skill development sessions.
Personal performance willl be enhanced by an understanding of tactics and strategies geared to the need of each individual.
Each sports course will include preparation for performance through a study of appropriate training principles and methods.
SPOR0013: Coaching 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES25 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to understand the scientific, educational and social principles underlying the coaching of sport. Students will be able to explain the diversity of roles of and demands on the coach, describe in detail how coaching is organised in the UK and plan, execute and evaluate a coaching session.
The Coach; definition of the coach; the wider role of the coach; coaching skills and attributes; philosophy and coaching styles; the professional and amateur coach.
Introduction to Coaching Theory;
Structure and Organisation of Coaching in Britain; the development of coaching in Britain post 1900; career entry and development; National Governing Body Coaching Awards; National Vocational Qualifications; Higher and Further Education Courses; The National Coaching Foundation; The British Institute of Sports Coaches; legislation in Britain.
SPOR0014: Sport & society
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend understanding of the social, political and economic issues which affect contemporary sport. To identify different approaches to the analysis of sport as a social phenomenon. Students will be able to critically analyse British sports policy and compare this with European and American approaches to sport, and debate a variety of contemporary issues which affect the pursuit of sport in an international context.
An introduction to a range of approaches to research and analysis of Sport in Society.
Analysis of contemporary UK. Sports policy and comparative study of European and American approaches.
Internationalism: The International context of Sport since 1896 in relation to political, social and economic issues. The relationship between Sport and International Politics and the role of Multinational Industries and the Media in influencing future Sports Policy.
The "Amateur versus Professional" debate and the pursuit of "excellence versus Sport for All." An analysis of different approaches to the delivery of Sport.
The social role of sport as entertainment. Analysis of the role of National sports and the influence of social class perceptions on the development of sport in the UK. The development of sport as a spectator entertainment; the role of T.V. and the media.
SPOR0015: Physiology of fitness and health
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Requisites: Pre SPOR0003
Aims & learning objectives:
To assess the adaptations that occur as a result of prolonged training. The acquisition of additional laboratory techniques will ensure students are competent in the assessment and interpretation of experimental results.
Factors limiting health and fitness. Work tests to evaluate cardiorepiratory fitness. Training for Health and Fitness. Exercise and the musculoskeletal and Neauromuscular systems. Body composition Nutrition and Health. Exercise for special populations, children, adolescents and the elderly.
SPOR0016: Psycho-social aspects of sport, health and exercise
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES25 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to psychological conception and the application of sports psychology. Students will be able to explain the influences of group and social psychology on sport.
Social psychology of sport; the individual and social psychology. Attitude description on sport; attitude-behaviour links and social factors.
Aggression in sport; defining aggression, measuring aggression, theories of aggression, hypotheses, situational influences; controlling aggression in sport. Causal attribution: theories of achievement attribution; attributions made in sport; antecedents and consequences.
The group and social psychology; group formation and structure; group norms. Group dynamics: motivation, cohesiveness, leadership. Defining team cohesion; consequences and development of team cohesion. Group co-operation and competition. Crowds and spectators: social facilitation research in sport-theory and critique; performance in front of groups and in co-acting situations; group identification in sports spectators, crowd violence and hostility.
SPOR0017: Coaching 2
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES25 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable students to understand the scientific, educational and social principles underlying the coaching of sport. Also be able to apply scientific principles of sports performance to coaching, execution and evaluate a coaching session.
Coaching Theory; coaching different groups: planning and evaluating, goal setting; group and individual coaching,
Impact of Sports Science and Technology on Coaching; developments in coaching; fitness testing; training principles; warm up/down; rehabilitation of injuries; over training; equipment/clothing design and development; psychological preparation and motivation; acclimatisation training; diet; video analysis; performance data analysis; introduction to modern lifestyle management.
Practice of Coaching; observe, assist, plan, deliver and evaluate practical coaching sessions.
SPOR0019: Event management
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX20 CW30 OT50
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the techniques of event management and provide opportunities to practice and develop appropriate communication and management skills.
Individual group management sessions: (i) organisation of small scale local events, drawing on the resources and facilities available, (ii) students will be involved in the planning and management of medium / large event, liasing with appropriate exeternal organisation and senior event managers.
National and International Governing Bodies: visits to and Visiting Lecturers from those governing bodies / associations involved with large scale event management.
Group presentation and analysis of management activities undertaken.
SPOR0020: Analysis of sports performance
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: RT70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the historical, socio-economic, physiological, psychological and biomechanical principles of one sport in depth. This module will enable students to understand the historical background of the sport and how this has shaped the current structure of the sport, to gain knowledge of the physiological, psychological and biomechanical aspects of the sport and ultimately to produce a critical analytical review of a chosen sport.
Lectures, seminars and group discussions will be held on the general approach to critical analysis, using a range of sports as examples.
History, organisation and structure of the sport.
Economic and political issues associated with the sport.
Physiological, psychological and biomechanical aspects of the sport.
Training and the elite performer.
Future trends.
SPOR0021: Experimental design & data analysis
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of experimental design, data collection and analysis, educating students in the use of a variety of evaluative techniques and research methods. In combination with Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods this unit will enable students to prepare a research proposal, selecting a suitable research methodology for the proposed problem. Application of the appropriate statistical techniques for the effective analysis and interpretation of the data collected forms a major part of this unit.
In depth analysis of experimental designs and their limitations.
Reliability, validity (internal and external), possible sources of error.
Descriptive statistics
Statistical analysis, use of both parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques.
Use of various computer packages in data analysis; (SPSS, Minitab etc).
SPOR0022: Advanced exercise physiology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To apply scientific concepts in physiology to the evaluation of performance in the athlete, both in laboratory and field settings. To interpret data from physiological test so that it can be understood by coahes and athletes as well as scientists. To understand of how the body responds to when exercising in extreme environmental conditions.
Temperature Regulation and exercise; Exercise at hyperbaria and hypobaria; circadian rythyms and performance.
Ethical issues in exercise tesiting. Blood sampling procedures. Generic testing procedures: Anthropometry; assessment of aerobic power; assessment of anaerobic performance; assessment of flexibility; strength testing. Sports specific testing: middle and long distance runners; cyclists; multiple sprint sports; testing of young athletes.
SPOR0023: Advanced sports psychology
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre SPOR0010
Aims & learning objectives:
To analyse, apply and critically review the current sport psychology research literature.
To examine and discuss recent theories in key areas of sport psychology.
Advances in stress and performance; recent theory development.
Psychological skills; advanced uses and functional models of psychological skills.
Advances in motor learning and control; recent approaches such as the ecological perspective, dynamic systems model and the perception-action perspective.
Application of recent developments to practice; Current research implications for sport performance and sport coaching.
SPOR0024: Advanced biomechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW60 EX40
Requisites: Pre SPOR0032
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the scientific concepts in biomechanics and to apply these to the analysis of practical sports or exercise situations. To interpret data in a way useful to a teacher, coach or sports scientist. To further develop the scientific concepts in biomechanics and to demonstrate measurement techniques used in practical sports or exercise settings and enable students to undertake analysis and interpretation of data in a way that would be useful to a practice.
Application of biomechanical principles to the understanding and analysis of selected sport or exercise.
Isokinetic analysis and other advanced biomechanical techniques.
Validity, reliability and source of errors in biomechanical measurement.
The use of kinematic and/or kinetic analysis techniques for gaining insight to and understanding of sporting or exercise activities. The interpretation of such analyses in practical meaning.
Future directions in biomechanics.
SPOR0025: Sports medicine
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an understanding of the cause, range and nature of sports injuries and illnesses. Recognition of injury and treatment. To give an overview of the role of therapeutic and "illegal" drugs in sport. This will enable students to prevent and recognise typical injuries and direct athletes on prevention and treatment. Also be able to explain the importance of chemical agents upon sports performance.
The range and nature of sports injuries; recognition of injuries to muscle, tendons, ligaments and bone; prevention of injury; strapping techniques; rehabilitation techniques.
Drugs and therapeutics. The cardiovascular system; respiratory system, the nervous system and the locomotor system; treatment regimes and beneficial effects; undesirable side effects; inter-action with illegal drugs and chemical agents.
"Illegal" performance enhancing drugs; enhancement mechanisms, side effects, toxic reactions to cells and organs; tests for illegal substances; current national and international procedures; techniques to evade detection; mechanisms and procedures; future trends.
SPOR0026: Project
Semester 2
Credits: 18
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR30 RT40 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an opportunity to apply knowledge, research skills and personal skills in an extended research project into a chosen topic. This will enable students to produce a research proposal, design an experimental programme, acquire and analyse data and draw conclusions. In addition, write a report and defend the report at a viva-voce examination.
The student will prepare a research proposal for the project in a chosen topic of study. Each student will have an individual project but may be required to produce plans for co-operative work with other students in some areas of data acquisition. A report will be produced describing the choice, planning and performance of the project, together with the analysis of results and the conclusions arising from the results. The report should contain evidence of (a) Application of knowledge and skills acquired during the course and (b) Further study of current research positions in the field of the project. The student will defend the report and it's conclusions at a 'viva-voce' examination.
SPOR0027: Exercise, nutrition & health
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the relationship between exercise, nutrition and health. To be able to advise on safe effective and appropriate exercise.
Definition of health, nutrition and exercise, basic concepts of nutrition - energy balance within the body. Nutrition for special populations. Psychological, sociological and cultural aspects of health and exercise. Exercise promotion. Exercise Prescription, structure of exercise programmes. Exercise safety and effectiveness for different populations.
SPOR0028: Coaching the elite performer, sports development & physical
Semester 2
Credits: 12
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to coaching techniques for elite performers, the teaching of Physical Education and the Sports Development process in Britain.
The role of the top level coach, athlete support services, lifestyle management, elite athlete services, the sports development continuum, the role of the Sports Development Officer, development plans, organisation of sports development in Britain, sports development skills, physical education in the curriculum, the National Curriculum, teaching skills, teaching styles and professional developments in teaching.
SPOR0029: Study year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
(i) To assist the student to develop communication skills and to develop the ability to work in an environment with an unfamiliar culture.
(ii) To develop the self confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background.
(iii) In the case of students attending courses taught and examined in a foreign language, to develop the appropriate language skills for study in the host language.
(iv) In the case of students attending courses taught and examined in English, to develop general communication skills in the host language.
The student should follow a course equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits. Programmes of work will be decided by negotiation between the Director of Studies at Bath, the host University and the student. Courses should not duplicate courses given in the Bath degree but should complement the Bath programme. Language courses and courses relating to aspects of the host country should be considered in addition to the Sport and Exercise topics.
SPOR0030: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Assessment: OT100
Aims & learning objectives:
(i) To provide practical experience in the application of knowledge and skills gained at University, by working on a significant research project or other professional activity in an approved laboratory or organisation working in Sport and Exercise Science related activities.
(ii) To develop skills in oral and written communication, time management, problem solving, group working and decision making.
The content varies from placement to placement. In choosing the placement, the University will try to ensure that the project offers adequate opportunities for the student to demonstrate competence in a significance number of the following skills. Application of academic knowledge, Practical ability, Computational skill, Analytical and problem solving skill, Innovation and originality, Time management, Writing skills, Oral expression, Interpersonal skills, Responsibility and reliability.
SPOR0031: Study skills and research methods
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW30 OT70
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to the skills required for the study of Sport and Exercise using in scientific techniques.
Word processing; preparation of spreadsheets; use of statistical packages. Retreval of sources of information (library and www). The scope of statistics; data, probability, random population, sample; Inference; statistical hypotheses, null hypotheses. Descriptive Statistics. Numerical Techniques, measures of central tendency, mean, median, mode. Probability. Measures of Dispersion. Frequency & Probability Distributions. Student's t statisitics; Paired Research Designs. Independent t Statistic. Statistical Tests. Non-Parametric / Distribution Free Statistics. Questionnaire Design an Introduction. Literature Review.
SPOR0032: Biomechanics of sports performance, injury & rehabilitation
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Requisites: Pre SPOR0011
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with the knowledge and experience of the scientific concepts of biomechanics and to promote the biomechanical understanding of injury and rehabilitation processes. Students will be able to use different measurement devices to analyse human movement and write and present scientific reports. Also, students will be able to apply these skills and knowledge to a sport situation. Additionally, students will be able to recognise injury mechanisms.
Linear kinetics; force, work, energy, power and inertia in human movement. Angular kinetics; torque, levers, moment of inertia, angular momentum in sport. Injury mechanisms and rehabilitation; biomechanical consideration of injury, injuries to upper extremity, lower extremity and spine, biomechanical consideration of rehabilitation. EMG and Force plate analysis for the analysis of human movement.
SPOR0033: Research project design
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre SPOR0021
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop a research project proposal, suitable for implementation in a 12 week period.
Development of research ideas. Writing a research proposal. Choosing an appropriate experimental design and statistical analysis. Presentation of research project in written and oral format.
UNIV0001: Environmental studies: The earth as an ecosystem B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Requisites: Co ENGR0002
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the global impact of human agricultural and industrial activity and of the relationship between the technical and some social and economic aspects of the topic.
Global human impact: population and consumption levels
Early mankind and the domestication of other species. The agricultural and industrial revolutions. Improvements in healthcare and education. Demographic trends. Sustainable economic development. Equitable distribution of resources. Policies and institutions
Atmospheric and ground level pollution
Structure and dynamics of the atmosphere. Photochemical cycles involving O, N and Cl species. Factors affecting ozone concentrations. The Greenhouse effect.
Photochemical smog and acid rain considered via case studies.
Speciation of anionic and cationic water pollutants.
Biomagnification and heavy metals.
Radioactivity and nuclear reactors; reprocessing and waste storage.
Seminar programme
Seminars combined with a student exercise such as a case study or essay are intended to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate it to a wider social and economic context.
UNIV0002: French comparative employee relations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MANG0079
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce students to comparative frameworks for analysing employment relations in Western European countries: to give students a basic understanding of employment relations in Western European countries, with particular emphasis on France and Britain. After successfully completing this course, students should be able to apply theories of employment relations to specific cases, understand and explain differences between national employment relations systems.
The course will include lectures on managing the employment relationship, trade unions, industrial conflict, the State and the law, theories of employment relations, comparative frameworks; and explaining 'societal' difference.
UNIV0003: German comparative employee relations
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 ES50
Requisites: Pre MANG0079
Aims & learning objectives:
a) To describe and analyse the changing features of employee relations in the UK. This introduction to the subject provides the basis for comparative work later in the course.
b) To introduce students to the specific legal, institutional and cultural dimensions of industrial relations in Germany. Comparisons with the UK will serve to highlight the main characteristics of the German situation and to sensitise students to the reasons behind the complex pattern of relations existing between the "social partners" as represented by state, unions, employers and employees.
Employee relations: an introduction; Trade Unions; Employers and Managers; Industrial Conflict; State and the Law.
UNIV0004: European business environment 2: Financial & national perspective of France
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0082
Aims & learning objectives:
Building on European Business Environment - European Integration and Legal Structure - to understand selected national perspectives of the Member States with respect to their business interests and be aware of comparative financial issues
The content will cover: European Monetary Union; the "Franc fort"; the French banking system; the importance of cross-border trade; Accounting in Europe; global harmonisation of financial reporting; foreign exchange; practical issues in convergence and a common currency; capital markets and universal banking.
UNIV0005: French comparative employee relations B
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES EX
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop knowledge of the legislative and contractual framework for employment relations in these countries; to familiarise students with key concepts in employment relations and key vocabulary in French; to use authentic French-language document produced by public agencies, employers and trade unions. After successfully completing the course, students should be able to write in French on an aspect of employment relations in France and to discuss in French contemporary issues of employment relations.
Trade unions, employers' associations in France;' the role of the State; representative institutions in the workplace; trends in collective bargaining; training, qualifications and work organization.
UNIV0006: European business environment 2: Financial & national perspective of Germany
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MANG0082
Aims & learning objectives:
Building on European Business Environment - European Integration and Legal Structure - to understand selected national perspectives of the Member States with respect to their business interests and be aware of comparative financial issues
The content will cover: European Monetary Union; Federalism in Germany: a model for Europe; new perspectives from German integration; the single currency and the D.Mark; the importance of cross-border trade; Accounting in Europe; global harmonisation of financial reporting; foreign exchange; practical issues in convergence and a common currency; capital markets and universal banking
UNIV0007: The internationalisation of business 2 - French
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 PR15 OT15
Requisites: Pre MANG0085, Ex MANG0060
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will build on the ideas introduced in unit 1 (MANG0085) concerning foreign direct investment (FDI) and the multinational enterprise. It will discuss these in the European and, particularly French, context. Through case studies and simulation, the course will demonstrate and analyse examples of international business. It will analyse inward and outward FDI as it affect France.
Geographic and industry studies illustrating theories of international business, the motivations and different forms of multinational operation and the risks involved. Foreign direct investment in the European Union and countries potentially included in enlargement - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. France and international business; internationalisation of French companies; FDI in France; French FDI abroad; French international business in the wider Europe. International business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry.
b) foreign direct investment in the European Union - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available.
France and International Business; Internationalisation of French companies; FDI in France; French FDI abroad; French international business in the wider Europe
International Business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry.
UNIV0008: The internationalisation of business 2 - German
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 PR15 OT15
Requisites: Pre MANG0085, Ex MANG0060
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will build on the ideas introduced in unit 1 (MANG0085) concerning foreign direct investment and the multinational enterprise. It will discuss these in the European and, particularly German, context. It will analyse inward and outward foreign direct investment as it affects Germany. Through case studies and simulation, the course will demonstrate and analyse examples of international business.
Geographic and industry studies illustrating theories of international business, the motivations and different forms of multinational operation and the risks involved. Foreign direct investment in the European Union and countries potentially included - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. Germany and international business; internationalisation of German companies; FDI in German; German FDI abroad; the evolution of German business within Central and Eastern Europe. International business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry.
b) foreign direct investment in the European Union - intra-EU and from outside the region. Assessments, motivations and the options available. Germany and the internationalisation of business; Internationalisation of German companies
FDI in Germany; German FDI abroad; The evolution of German business with/in Central and Eastern Europe
International Business simulation - an all day role play seminar concerning decisions and developments in a European industry.
UNIV0009: Year abroad in France - work placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in French
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain professional experience
Working in a role in an approved organization which will involve a challenging range of tasks, giving an opportunity to put management studies into practice, while also developing language skills to near fluency.
UNIV0010: Year abroad in Germany - work placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in German
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain professional experience
Working in a role in an approved organization which will involve a challenging range of tasks, giving an opportunity to put management studies into practice, while also developing language skills to near fluency.
UNIV0011: Year abroad in France - academic exchange
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in French
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain academic experience in a French/Quebecois business school
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a French/Quebecois business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.
UNIV0012: Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in German
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain academic experience in a German business school
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a German business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.
UNIV0013: Year abroad in France - academic exchange & work placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: French
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0004
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in France
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the French culture
* to gain professional experience
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a French business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.
UNIV0014: Year abroad in Germany - academic exchange & work placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Topic: German
Level: Level 2
Requisites: Pre UNIV0006
Aims & learning objectives:
* to promote the development of high-level language skills in Germany
* to acquire in-depth personal experience of the German culture
* to gain professional experience
To carry out an agreed programme of work at a German business school. The nature, scope and assessment of this work is to be agreed by the institutions involved in the exchange arrangements.
UNIV0015: Information management 1A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR60 CW30 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance the skills of students in communicating their ideas, orally and in written form. On completion, the student should be able to: produce properly-structured reports and oral presentations; use spreadsheets and word processors to enhance the quality of their output; use the BIDS system in the library; access the WWW for academic purposes; have BASIC programming skills; make clear dimensioned drawings and sketches to convey visual concepts.
An introduction to the information technology tools available to materials scientists and engineers within the university and practical experience of using the appropriate ones.
Use of Microcomputers: Self-taught introduction to computing in BASIC language using the School's microcomputers. Exercises in design and materials selection incorporated into some of the laboratory exercises. Solution of common materials science problems as they arise in the lecture courses. Engineering drawing: Principles of orthographic projections. Isometric sketching. Drawing conventions: BS308 and 7308. Titles, dimensions and scale. General assembly and detail drawings.
UNIV0016: Organic chemistry & chemical thermodynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a good background to the type and structure of organic compounds used and produced on the process industries.
To provide students with a basic understanding of chemical thermodynamics.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to draw and interpret the structures of organic compounds and understand the important points of nomenclature,
* understand the basic ideas of electronic structure and steric effects and be able to relate them to the reactivity of the common organic functional groups,
* appreciate how important organic chemicals are produced industrially from simple, naturally occurring substances.
* be able to calculate the composition of systems in chemical equilibrium,
* be able to interpret thermodynamic diagrams and extract data from thermodynamic tables.
Bonding and structure: atomic and molecular orbitals, hybridisation, shapes of molecules, functional groups.
* Alkanes: general properties, nomenclature, isomerism, natural sources, cycloalkanes, conformation, reactions - chlorination of methane, cracking.
* Alkenes: general properties, cis/ trans isomerism, addition reactions, Markovnikov vs. anti-Markovnikov addition, industrial uses of ethylene.
* Alkynes: basic properties.
* Stereochemistry: enantiomers, absolute configuration, R and S notation, diastereomers.
* Alcohols: nomenclature, industrially important alcohols.
* Aldehydes and ketones: basic properties, keto-enol tautomerism, reactions with nucleophiles and electrophiles, acetals / ketals, carbohydrates (briefly).
* Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: lipids, detergents.
* Introduction to benzene: Kekule's problem, molecular orbital theory of benzene, resonance stabilisation energy of benzene.
* Aromatic vs. alkene reactions, mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution, electrophilic substitution with monosubstitued benzene rings.
* Industrial preparation and uses of benzene, focus on phenol (industrial preparation), aromatic compounds and cancer.
* Polymer Chemistry: types of polymer, addition polymers and condensation polymers, formation of an addition polymer (polystyrene), formation of condensation polymers, nylon and bakelite.
* First Law for closed and open systems and its applications
* Internal energy, enthalpy, and heat capacities
* spontaneous change and conditions of equilibrium for physical and chemical systems
* thermodynamic functions including chemical potential
* chemical equilibrium constant and relationship with Gibb's free energy
* phase equilibria charts for P-v, T-s, and H-s
* thermodynamic tables
* vapour pressure, Clausius-Clapeyron equation
UNIV0017: Further mathematical techniques & engineering drawing
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX45 CW15 OT40
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a basic introduction in the mathematical skills necessary to tackle process engineering design and applications. To introduce the concept of random variation, and to show how to describe and model it.
To teach students how to prepare outline engineering drawings and how to interpret drawings that they may encounter whilst working as a chemical or a bio-process engineer.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* deal with a number of relevant applications in data analysis
* describe equipment using standard drawing conventions (pumping circuit)
* prepare outline engineering drawings and sketches of process flow-sheets and process units,
* interpret mechanical drawings which they may encounter whilst working as chemical or bio-process engineers.
Linear algebra: Determinants, Matrix algebra, Inverse, Partitioning, Systems of linear algebraic equations; Numerical methods, Solution of linear algebraic equation, Solution of non-linear equations by iterative methods
* Complex numbers: Argand diagram: Cartesian, polar and exponential forms, nth roots, Elementary functions of a complex variable.
* Statistics: Descriptive statistics, diagrams; mean, mode, median and standard deviation
* Elementary probability: including binomial, Poisson and normal distributions, Tests of significance, Linear regression
* Introduction to course, standards, orthographic projection, organisation of design office.
* Sectional drawings of process units and isometric views.
* Examples of process units e.g. storage tank, heat exchanger, distillation column.
* Examples of interpreting drawings of mechanical plant e.g. pumps, valves.
* Chemical engineering flow line diagram symbols; piping, instrumentation and control diagrams.
* Plan drawings of process plant showing equipment layout on the site.
UNIV0024: Project (semester 1)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co UNIV0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To obtain substantial experience of project work within the disciplines involved
This will depend on the disciplines involved. Often it will involve laboratory and or field work. Usually a literature search will be involved.
UNIV0025: Project (semester 2)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Co UNIV0024
Aims & learning objectives:
To obtain substantial experience of project work within the disciplines involved
This will depend on the disciplines involved. Often it will involve laboratory and or field work. Usually the writing of a dissertation reporting the work done will be involved
UNIV0026: Industrial placement/ training
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Materials Science, or Management
To obtain substantial experience of working at an intellectual level appropriate to a student who has completed the second year of a degree course.
UNIV0027: German international marketing communications A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: German
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0010, Pre UNIV0012, Pre UNIV0014
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication.
The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc.). The second (in German) examines marketing as part of the communications process.
i. The International Marketing Environment: Economic, social, political and legal constraints
Regional markets
Globalisation versus internationalisation
ii. Marketing Communications: The communications process; persuasion and propaganda
Cultural influences, universals and their effects.
UNIV0028: French international marketing communications A
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: French
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre UNIV0009, Pre UNIV0011, Pre UNIV0013
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication.
The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides for an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc). The second (in French) examines marketing as part of the communications process.
i. The International Marketing Environment: Economic, social, political and legal constraints
Regional markets
Globalisation versus internationalisation
ii. Marketing Communications: The communications process; persuasion and propaganda
Cultural influences, universals and their effects.
UNIV0029: Instrumentation & control 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to essential measurement techniques, chemical analysis, control equipment and basic concepts of control theory to enable students to understand the requirements of successful process control strategies.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to define and identify the typical building blocks of a control loop,
* have an appreciation of the principles of temperature, flow, pressure and level measurement,
* understand the techniques of chemical analysis and chemical measurements,
* be aware of the equipment required to effect the control of flow, temperature, pressure, level, pH and chemical composition,
* be able to suggest ways of implementing simple control solutions.
* Flow measuring devices: description and operating principles; measurement of pressure; the pitot tube; the orifice and nozzle; the venturi meter; rotameter, the notch or weir.
* Introduction to various types of valves, regulators and fittings
* Description and uses of the various types of pumps: centrifugal; piston; diaphragm; gear; mono; peristaltic; ejector; blowers; air-lift; virtual head developed by centrifugal pump; cavitation and net positive suction head.
* Principal backup systems in the case of control valve failure
* Basic terminology: offshoot; overshoot; lag; feed-forward; feed-back; proportional; integral; derivative; hunting; loop; fail-safe
* Major analytic instruments used in control measurements: their advantages and disadvantages
* Single and multistage solvent extraction: Titrimetry: acid-base; redox; complexometric titrations
* Chromatography: liquid-solid; liquid-liquid; paper; thin layer; HPLC; gas-liquid; gas-solid
Electrophoresis, Ion exchange methods, Electrodes and biosensors
* Optical (spectroscopic) methods: atomic (e.g. emission and absorption); molecular (e.g. infrared and ultraviolet) spectra.
UNIV0030: Process dynamics & control 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX90 PR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a basic understanding of process dynamics and simple control systems and their modelling by analytical methods.
After successfully completing this unit the student should be able to:
* use Laplace Transform techniques to solve initial value problems
* describe the dynamic behaviour of first and second order systems to step, impulse and sine disturbances
* derive transfer functions for open-loop processes from transient mass or energy balances
* derive the transfer function for a PID controller
* derive transfer functions for closed-loop processes from the transfer functions of their individual units
* calculate the control parameters necessary to meet performance specifications on a closed-loop process from its transfer function
Introduction to process dynamics and control.
* Laplace transforms to solve initial value problems
* Step and impulse functions
* Transfer functions and frequency response
* State space representation .
* Transfer functions, linearisation, open-loop response
* First order and time-delay processes
* Block diagrams
* Controllers, final control elements, Control loop configuration
* Closed loop control
* Overall transfer function and transient response for servo and regular operation.
UNIV0031: Mathematical modelling 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX55 CW45
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce mathematical modelling techniques. To introduce numerical techniques for the solution of models arising in Chemical Engineering. To provide students with the ability to use a commercial flowsheeting simulation package (ASPEN) in their design projects.
After successfully completing the unit students should be able to:
* develop realistic mathematical models of unit operations using MATLAB and ASPEN,
* understand the numerical methods employed in solving the equations of models and choose the most suitable method for a given application,
* analyse the results from modelling activities and so perform a sensitivity analysis.
Mathematical modelling techniques
* introduction to formulation of models; mass, energy and momentum balances
* application to reactor and distillation modelling
* Numerical Methods
* introduction to initial value problems
* numerical linear algebra
* stability
* boundary value problems
Flowsheet simulation using ASPEN
* choice of thermodynamic, reactor and separator models
* convergence and tear streams
* design specifications and sensitivity analysis
UNIV0032: Mathematical modelling 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with an ability to formulate mathematical models of dynamic systems typical of chemical processing as systems of differential equations and to solve these models numerically.
After successfully completing this unit the student should:
* be able to choose numerical methods suitable for the solution of non-linear second order elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations with given initial and boundary values and systems of non-linear first order ordinary differential equations with suitable initial conditions.
* be able to formulate mathematical models which describe dynamic chemical processes in the time domain and assign boundary and initial conditions.
* be able to solve the problems formulated using MATLAB.
Mathematics of p.d.e.s and numerical solutions
* Mathematics of linear p.d.e.s, the p.d.e., b.c. and i.c. as a system, classification of system into elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic.
* solution by finite difference methods, method of characteristics, stability.
* Non-linear problems and their solution by the above methods.
* The concept of finite elements for the heat conduction problem.
* Examples: solution of a heterogeneous catalysis problem in slab or cylinder geometry with non-linear kinetics, adsorption waves in a column with non-linear isotherm.
Modelling with o.d.e.s, simulation of non-linear problem sets
* Equation formulation, use of constraints. Selection of initial and boundary conditions.
* Conversion of equations into MATLAB programmes. Methods of debugging.
* Examples from reaction engineering and separation: simultaneous reactions in a bath reactor - bioreaction metabolic engineering problem, catalysis in a tubular reactor, adsorption in a column.
UNIV0033: Study year abroad
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
To assist the student to develop personal and interpersonal communication skills and to develop the ability to work and interact effectively in a group environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar.
To develop an understanding of the stresses that may occur in working in a culture different from the UKs, and to learn to cope with those stresses and work efficiently. To develop the self-confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background.
To develop an appreciation of the history and culture of the country concerned.
For students attending classes in a language other than English, to develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned, including oral communication and comprehension as well as reading and writing.
For students attending Universities in countries whose language is not English, oral and written fluency in the host language.
It is assumed that the student abroad will accomplish work equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits (10 units). Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation with individual University, students and the Bath Director of Studies. In addition to scientific study, it might be appropriate to include Management, work in Language, and in areas related to the culture of the country in which the student was working.
UNIV0034: Mathematics & computing 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
MECH0002 re-instated as a MECH unit 7-Sep-97
UNIV0035: Mathematics & computing 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students previous knowledge of mathematics and provide the basic core of mathematical tools required throughout the engineering course.
To introduce the student to statistical techniques used for data analysis.
To give the student a sound basic knowledge of computer programming in C++ upon which they can subsequently build.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Employ elementary numerical methods for the solution of algebraic equations and integration. Set up and solve differential equations of typical engineering problems by analytical and numerical methods. Apply rules of partial differentiation to small increment and change of variable problems for functions of several variables. Solve simultaneous linear equations. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Interpret experimental data, carry out elementary statistical analysis and calculate best least-squares fit to data. Write well structured simple programs in C++.
First and second order differential equations with step and sinusoidal input, including simultaneous differential equations. Linear algebra; vectors, matrices and determinants, Gaussian elimination, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Newton-Raphson method, numerical integration, elementary nonlinear equations. Statistical analysis: normal distribution, probability, linear interpolation, curve fitting using least squares. C++: main variable types, input, output. Procedures, control stuctures.
UNIV0036: Core skills for economists: mathematics
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
~ITAL ON~A Level Mathematics or ECOI0005~ITAL OFF~
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to provide students with the knowledge of the main parts of mathematics that are relevant to undergraduate economics and to prepare them for taking further economics and econometrics courses. Students should be able to: (i) understand mathematical concepts; (ii) solve mathematical problems; (iii) apply mathematics to economic problems.
Topics will include: functions of more than one variable; partial differentiation; maxima and minima of multivariate functions; constrained optimisation; solution of sets of linear equations; manipulation of vectors and matrices; differential and difference equations.
Key texts:
Ian Jacques Mathematics for Economics and Business
T. Bradley and P. Patton Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business
Chris Birchenhall and Paul Grout Mathematics for Modern Economics
UNIV0037: Statistics for economists
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Topic: Economics
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the Unit is to provide students with the knowledge of the main parts of statistics that are relevant to undergraduate economics and to prepare them for taking further economics and econometrics courses. Students should be able to: (i) understand statistical concepts; (ii) solve statistical problems; (iii) apply statistics to economic problems.
Topics will include: Probability theory; Bayes theorem; Discrete and continuous distributions; Binomial and normal distributions; Sampling theory; Point estimation; standard errors and confidence intervals; Hypothesis testing; Type I and Type II errors; skewness and kurtosis; the F distribution; analysis of variance; index numbers.
Key texts:
Anderson, Sweeney and Williams Statistics for Business and Economics
P. Newbold Statistics for Business and Economics
UNIV0038: Mathematics for Materials 1
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce basic mathematical techniques and show their use for different applications. To review common mathematical function, and their graphical representation. To develop differential and integral calculus.
Use of number: number and logarithms, change of base, log-lin graphs, binary numbers, estimation of results, sensitivity; mean, mode, standard deviation; introduction to normal distribution; error, uncertainty. Functions: standard functions, inverse functions, graphs, curve sketching, cartesian and log scales, polar co-ordinates; trigonmetric identities; roots of equations, factorisation of polynominals; partial fractions; binomial series; AP, GP, standard series; idea of linearity. Differentiation: derivative as a limit; tangents, normals, extrema; product, quotient and chain rules; higher derivatives; Taylor series; L'Hopital's rule; partial derivatives, chain, Taylor expansion. Integration area under a curve; standard integrals; substitution, by parts; surfaces and volumes of revolution.
XXXX0001: Any other units approved by the Director of Studies
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0001: Any other units approved by the Director of Studies
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0002: Any other unit(s) up to 6 credits, from around the University, subject to approval
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0002: Any other unit(s) up to 6 credits, from around the University, subject to approval
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0003: Approved unit from another department
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0003: Approved unit from another department
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0004: An approved list of units
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0004: An approved list of units
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0005: An approved unit
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0005: An approved unit
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0006: An approved unit
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s), up to 6 credits, from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0007: Choose a unit from an approved list (minimum of 5 credits)
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s), minimum of 5 credits, from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0007: Choose a unit from an approved list (minimum of 5 credits)
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s), minimum of 5 credits, from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0009: Approved units
Semester 2
Credits: 48
Level: Level 2
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from the choice of social science Year 2 units currently available within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Your choices are subject to any pre-requisites and co-requisites already specified and to the agreement of the Director of Studies.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Unit Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0009: Approved units
Semester 1
Credits: 48
Level: Level 2
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) from the choice of social science Year 2 units currently available within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Your choices are subject to any pre-requisites and co-requisites already specified and to the agreement of the Director of Studies.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Unit Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0010: Approved units
Semester 1
Credits: 48
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) currently available within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Year 3/4. Your choices are subject to any pre-requisites and co-requisites already specified and to the agreement of the Director of Studies.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0010: Approved units
Semester 2
Credits: 42
Level: Level 3
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other unit(s) currently available within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Year 3/4. Your choices are subject to any pre-requisites and co-requisites already specified and to the agreement of the Director of Studies.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.
XXXX0011: New Pharmacy/Pharmacology Units
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This psuedo unit represents a number of new Pharmacy/Pharmacology units which will be available from September 2000.
XXXX0011: New Pharmacy/Pharmacology Units
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
This psuedo unit represents a number of new Pharmacy/Pharmacology units which will be available from September 2000.
XXXX0012: Single Language Option
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose an extra 3 credit Single Language option. See Catalogue of Generally Available Units for details (available on the University's Web Site).
XXXX0012: Single Language Option
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose an extra 3 credit Single Language option. See Catalogue of Generally Available Units for details (available on the University's Web Site).
XXXX0013: Approved unit
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose one unit
from the University's Generally Available Catalogue, subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when
requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's
Home Page.
XXXX0013: Approved unit
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 2
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose one unit
from the University's Generally Available Catalogue, subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when
requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's
Home Page.
XXXX0014: Approved units
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose additional
units from the University's Generally Available Catalogue (accumulating
up to an additional 6 credits in one year). These options are subject
to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling
restrictions,and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when
requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's
Home Page.
XXXX0014: Approved units
Semester 2
Credits: 6
Level: Level 1
This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose additional units from the University's Generally Available Catalogue (accumulating up to an additional 6 credits in one year). These options are subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions,and minimum and maximum group sizes.
You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when
requested to do so.
Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's
Home Page.