ESML0001: French written & spoken language 1A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX20 CW80 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To stimulate and monitor the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide a grounding in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to develop skills in translation from French into English. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate a basic grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; - practise simple, accurate (written and spoken) receptive and communicative skills; - demonstrate awareness of simple variations of style and register. Content: (a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, introduction to essay writing. (b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to résumé, systematic practical grammar course, introduction to CALL multimedia, development of lexis. (c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions. Key texts: R. Hawkins & R. Towell, French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996; R. Hawkins & R. Towell, Practising French Grammar, A workbook Arnold, 1997. |
ESML0002: French written & spoken language 1B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX20 CW80 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To stimulate and monitor the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide a grounding in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to develop skills in translation from French into English. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate a basic grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; - practise simple, accurate (written and spoken) receptive and communicative skills; - demonstrate awareness of simple variations of style and register. Key texts: R. Hawkins & R. Towell, French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996; R. Hawkins & R. Towell, Practising French Grammar, A workbook Arnold, 1997. Content: (a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, introduction to essay writing. (b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to résuméé, systematic practical grammar course, introduction to CALL multimedia. development of lexis. (c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions. Key texts: R. Hawkins & R. Towell, French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996; R. Hawkins & R. Towell, Practising French Grammar, A workbook Arnold, 1997. |
ESML0003: French cultural studies 1A: Style & genre in French culture Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an introduction to modern French literature, film and art; to analyse a range of poetic, narrative and dramatic structures; to explore a variety of critical approaches. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - analyse written and visual texts using a variety of different critical approaches; - compare and contrast different genres; - recognise a range of narrative and visual strategies. Content: The language of poetry: metaphor, music and image as meaning; the nature of representation; the relationship between form and content; the language of film: the language of theatre. Texts to be studied include: Lainé P. (1974), La Dentellière, Paris: Folio, in conjunction with the film version: Goretta, C. (1977), La Dentellière; Ionesco, E. (1954), La Cantatrice chauve, Paris: Folio. |
ESML0004: French cultural studies 1B: Changing viewpoints and narrative strategies Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To identify and explore the changing viewpoints and narrative strategies of modern literature, film and art; to explore and apply a range of critical approaches, and to appreciate their significance; to understand fundamental theories of autobiography and écriture féminine. Objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - describe and account for changing narrative strategies and viewpoints in modern literature - discuss issues of narration and point of view in relation to gender and voice - structure individual critical responses using appropriate vocabulary and register. Content: Prose narrative and the novel: reading strategies and the role of the reader/spectator; questions of the narrator and point of view; realism and self-relexivity in fiction; women's voices. Texts to be studied include: Duras, M. (1958), Moderato Cantabile, Paris: Minuit; Ernaux, A. (1983), La Place, Paris: Folio. |
ESML0005: French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the study of French politics and society from the 1930s to 1945. Content: A chronological survey of France since the 1930s which examines issues including: the decline of rural France; politics in the inter-war period; the Popular Front; the Second World War, Occupation and Resistance. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of lectures as well as providing study skills session for note taking and writing historical commentaries. |
ESML0006: French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0005 Aims & Learning Objectives: By the end of this semester students should have a solid background in 20th Century France, understand some of the key aspects of French politics and society, and have acquired essential analytical and writing skills in French. Content: Post-war expansion; decolonization; changes in French society since 1945; the coming of the Fifth Republic; May 1968; and the victory of the Left in 1981 together with contemporary French politics and society. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing. |
ESML0007: French written & spoken language 2A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To continue the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide further work in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to develop skills in translation from French into English. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate a broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; - practise simple, accurate (written and spoken) receptive and communicative skills; - extend awareness of style and linguistic register. Content: (a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, extempore translation, cloze tests. (b) Grammar/creative writing: introduction to guided essay, systematic practical grammar course, use of CALL multimedia, development of lexis. (c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions. Key texts: R. Hawkins & R. Towell, French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996; R. Hawkins & R. Towell, Practising French Grammar, A workbook Arnold, 1997. |
ESML0008: French written & spoken language 2B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To continue the production of authentic and accurate written and spoken French; to provide further work in French grammatical and syntactic structures; to develop further skills in translation from French into English. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate a broaden and consolidate grasp of lexis and grammatical structures; - practise simple, accurate (written and spoken) receptive and communicative skills; - extend awareness of style and linguistic register. Content: (a) Translation: varieties of register, written translation from French into English, extempore translation, cloze tests. (b) Grammar/creative writing: guided essay, systematic practical grammar course, use of CALL multimedia, development of lexis. (c) Spoken Language: comprehension, text recreation, controlled oral production, course-related conversation sessions. Key texts: R. Hawkins & R. Towell, French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996; R. Hawkins & R. Towell, Practising French Grammar, A workbook Arnold, 1997. |
ESML0009: French cultural studies 2A: Violence & disintegration Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an introduction to major artistic and literary movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, whose theories are fundamental to contemporary cultural thought; to develop further the comparative study of genres; to explore the nature of the visual images, (including art and photography), in relation to literary images. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - describe the evolution of the visual image in the modern period - analyse the shifting relationship between visual and literary images - compare and contrast the narrative and visual strategies of a range of different texts. Content: A comparative analysis of the work of selected writers and artists within the modern period. Movements to be studied include: Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism. Writers to be studied include: Proust, M. (1954), Combray, in Du Coté de chez Swann, Paris: Folio; Butor, M. (1957), La Modification, Paris: 10/18. |
ESML0010: French cultural studies 2B, option 1: Conflicting realities: film in France in the 1920s & 1930s Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to Conflicting Realities: Film in France in the Twenties and Thirties Content: Through comparing and contrasting surrealist and poetic-realist films, this option will provide an understanding of the development and language of film, its history and critical theory. Films to be studied will include Un chien andalou (Buñuel, 1929), La Règle du jeu (Renoir, 1939) and Le Jour se lève (Carné, 1939). |
ESML0011: French politics & society 2A: De Mitterand a Chirac, Ruptures et Continuites Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To build on and develop understanding of key structures and institutions of French political life; to evaluate elements of change and continuity in the 1980s and 1990s using the framework of both presidencies, Mitterrand and Chirac; to develop note-taking and summarising skills in French; to develop listening and discussion skills in French; to encourage students to extract information and ideas from French source material; Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to : - demonstrate familiarity with key political terminology and different interpretations of political events since 1981; - demonstrate a broaden and consolidate knowledge of contemporary French Politics and Society; - discuss topical, social, political and economic issues in French. Content: a) Lectures: Introduction- la culture politique en France: etat, nation, famille; le systeme des partis politiques, la competition electorale; l'equilibre des pouvoirs: le president, le premier ministre, le gouvernement; cohabitations, alternances et gouvernements; une socieéte fragmentee a la recherche d'une identite; politique culturelle et identite nationale; la France et l'Europe, de Mitterrand a Chirac: ruptures et continuites. b) Seminars : L'etat Francais, Les elections legislatives de 1997, le chomage et l'exclusion, L'immigration. Key texts: A. Cole, French Politics and Society, 1998; A. Daley(ed), The Mitterrand era. Policy alternative and political mobilization in France, 1996; M. Cook & G. Davie (eds), Modern France, 1999; P Hall, J Hayward & H Machin (eds), Developments in French Politics, 1994. |
ESML0012: French cultural studies 2B, option 2: First person camera: French cinema & the auteur tradition Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to First Person Camera: French Cinema and the Auteur Tradition Content: This option will explore the nature of first person viewpoint in film, in relation to the auteur theory and will focus upon the depiction of personal childhood memory in films such as Zèro de conduite (Carnéé, 1933), Les 400 coups (Truffaut, 1959) and Au Revoir les enfants (Malle, 1987). |
ESML0013: French written & spoken language 4A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop advanced language skills in the comprehension and production of written French; To provide a structured but informal context for the development of a variety of advanced oral skills. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate comprehension of a variety of registers and styles of written and oral French; - develop strategies for the analysis of of language usage; - express themselves in written and oral French with fluency and accuracy, with sensitivity to the needs of the reader or interlocutor. Content: Written Language: translation from French into English; summarization and re-writing in French; language commentary in French; analysis of style and register (contemporary literary, political, social). Spoken Language: explication and debate, through lector-led group discussion and individual presentation using material covering a wide range of cultural, political, social subjects. |
ESML0014: French written & spoken language 4B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX38 CW17 OR27 OT18 Requisites: Pre ESML0013 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop advanced language skills in the comprehension and production of written French. To provide a structured but informal context for the development of a variety of advanced oral skills. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - demonstrate comprehension of a variety of registers and styles of written and oral French; - analyse varieties of language usage (including cultural, political, social contexts); - express themselves in written and oral French with fluency and accuracy, with sensitivit to the needs of reader or interlocutor (whether in social, professional and other formal contexts). Content: Written Language: translation from French into English; summarization and re-writing in French; language commentary in French; analysis of style and register (contemporary literary, political, social). Spoken Language: explication and debate, through lector-led group discussion and individual presentation, using material covering a wide range of cultural, political, social subjects. |
ESML0015: French national option F1: La France et l'Europe Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the relations between France and the wider European area (including the former USSR) in the post-war world, with specific emphasis on developments since the late 1980s. The general focus will be the broad field of international relations which will be narrowed down to three specific and inter-related areas: economic and commercial interests; foreign policy and diplomacy; military policy and security. The unit will examine the tensions which have always existed in French policy towards Europe between a nationalist and an internationalist impulsion. In the three areas noted above, protectionism, individualism and national independence have constantly vied with liberalism, international cooperation and alliance solidarity. These dichotomies go beyond the traditional right/left divide in French politics and have always run as a deep fissure within both the broad left and the broad right. At the same time, since the end of the 1980s, France has been faced with a new dichotomy; whether to prioritise the deepening of the Community of 12 (the Maastricht process) or, on the contrary, to pursue the old Gaullist vision of a broader Europe "from the Atlantic to the Urals". Particular emphasis will be placed throughout the course on the complex but crucial role played by Franco-German relations. Content: Four hours will be devoted to each of the following: 1. The historical background to France's relations with Europe. 2. France and the EEC (1958-85). 3. French foreign and defence policy (1958-89). 4. France, the Single Market and Maastricht. 5. French European security policy since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Taught in French. |
ESML0016: French national option F2: La France urbaine Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To study the importance of urban life in contemporary debate on social issues and French national identity, using authentic French material (including film and video); to use a variety of disciplinary sources to explore urban life in France, especially urban sociology, anthropology, political sociology and policy studies; to examine cultural representations of French urban life. The unit aims to give students a deeper understanding of social issues in France today; to develop reading, listening and discussion skills in the French language. Content: Approaches to urban studies; urban policy; "la banlieue'"; politics and towns; the "new towns" policy; violence and urban life; media representations of urban life; case studies. Taught in French. |
ESML0016: French national option F2: La France urbaine Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To study the importance of urban life in contemporary debate on social issues and French national identity, using authentic French material (including film and video); to use a variety of disciplinary sources to explore urban life in France, especially urban sociology, anthropology, political sociology and policy studies; to examine cultural representations of French urban life. The unit aims to give students a deeper understanding of social issues in France today; to develop reading, listening and discussion skills in the French language. Content: Approaches to urban studies; urban policy; "la banlieue'"; politics and towns; the "new towns" policy; violence and urban life; media representations of urban life; case studies. Taught in French. |
ESML0018: French national option F4: Films of the nouvelle vague Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To study the history, achievements and significance of the Nouvelle Vague; to develop an understand of the works of key directors within the movement, from a variety of theoretical and critical perspectives; to situate the films within the context of modernism and contemporary French culture. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: - explain the aims and achievements of the Nouvelle Vague, and demonstrate sound understanding of the films studied; - analyse films critically, using appropriate vocabulary and idiom; - demonstrate familiarity with relevant theories, and the ability to apply these to filmic texts; - compare and contrast the works of the directors being studied, and account for similarities and differences discovered; - situate these films in relation to modernist art and literature in France; - trace the influence of the movement upon contemporary French cinema. Content: Topics for study include: the historical, cultural and social context of the Nouvelle Vague; ways in which the Nouvelle Vague altered the language and nature of film, with particular reference to Astruc, the Cahiers group, and the auteur theory; the fragmentation of narrative in relation to editing, mis-en-scene, and sound; the Nouvelle Vague and modernism; the legacy of the Nouvelle Vague. Films to be studied will include: Jean-Luc Godard, A Bout de souffle (1960), Vivre sa vie (1962); Louis Malle, Le Feu follet (1963), Le Souffle au coeur (1971); Alain Resnais, Hiroshima mon amour (1959) (to be studied in conjunction with the script by Marguerite Duras, Hiroshima mon amour, Gallimard 1960), L'Année dernière à Marienbad (1961); François Truffaut, Les 400 coups (1959), Jules et Jim (1961). |
ESML0019: French national option F5: French comedies from Molière to Beaumarchais Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit is for those who wish to familiarize themselves with some of the classic comedies which have become central to French cultural consciousness and are still guaranteed to evoke an appropriate response in theatres today. Whilst the texts carry messages of social and political significance, it is essential for participants in the unit to be able to appreciate them as examples of French humour first and foremost. The social, political and historical background is seen within and through the context of the aesthetic and dramaturgical imperatives that informed the period under review. The learning objective is to read the set texts critically, analytically, and profitably, and to demonstrate the acquisition of appropriate mechanisms of response by means of the assessments that will be undertaken. Content: MOLIERE: L'Avare, Le Malade imaginaire; MARIVAUX: Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard, Les Fausses Confidences; BEAUMARCHAIS: Le Barbier de Séville, Le Mariage de Figaro. These plays are all in prose. Anyone curious to look at a verse play could choose Molière's Les Femmes Savantes or Regnard's Le Légataire universel which are not, however, formally on the syllabus. First-time readers may find it helpful to read the two Beaumarchais plays in the order stated. |
ESML0020: French national option F6: French autobiography Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To promote an awareness of the motives of autobiography; to trace the evolution of autobiographical writing in France throughout the modern period and to examine ways in which writers have explored the themes of personal identity, memory, reality and imagination and the polarity between public and private history. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: - describe the historical development of autobiographical writing in France; - explain the significance of evolving concepts of selfhood and the influence of such concepts on the role of the autobiographer; - demonstrate an awareness of the complex relationship between fictional and factual reality in autobiographical writing; - analyse the significance of memory in the creation of autobiographical truth; - analyse and differentiate the variety of strategies employed by autobiographical writers for the purposes of persuasion, justification, self-analysis. Content: History of autobiography and theories of autobiography; theories of selfhood and identity; the powers of memory, nature and culture in the development of personality, with reference to a range of texts reflecting the development of autobiographical writing in French, including but not limited to: J-P. Sartre, Les Mots, S. de Beauvoir, Memoires d'une jeune fille rangee, N. Sarraute, Enfance, G. Perec, W ou le souvenir d'enfance. |
ESML0022: French national option F8: Specialist language - translation A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0008, Co ESML0023 Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the techniques of documentary translation from French to English in a number of specialized registers. Content: Introduction to professional translating, glossaries, house style, translation critique. |
ESML0023: French national option F8: Specialist language - translation B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX50 CW50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the techniques of documentary translation from French to English in a number of specialized registers. Content: Introduction to professional translating, glossaries, house style, translation critique. |
ESML0024: French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OR100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the techniques of interpreting. Content: Introduction to professional interpreting: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous. |
ESML0025: French national option F9: Specialist language - interpreting B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OR100 Requisites: Co ESML0024 Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the techniques of interpreting. Content: Introduction to professional interpreting: liaison, consecutive and simultaneous. |
ESML0026: French national option F10: Surrealism Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop an understanding of surrealism in relation to French art, culture and society; to explore the concept of surrealism as a revolutionary movement; to study the aims and achievements of this movement, through a wide variety of 'texts', including films, photographs, paintings and writings; to stimulate individual, creative responses. Learning Objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - demonstrate familiarity with the aims, history, and achievements of the surrealist movement - situate the movement within a theoretical framework - analyse a wide range of surrealist 'texts' - trace the continuing influence of surrealism in contemporary culture - develop and justify individual critical responses - describe the relationship between form and content Content: Topics for study include: surrealist literature, art, and film; Freud, dreams and the subconscious; theories and practice of play; Marx, communism and the surrealist revolution; the surrealist concept of metaphor; the relationship between language and image. Works to be studied include: Aragon, L. (1972), Le Paysan de Paris, Paris: Gallimard; Breton, A.(1975), Manifestes du surreálisme, Paris: Gallimard; Breton, A. and P. Soupault (1967), Les Champs magnetiques, Paris: Gallimard; Bunuel, L. (1929), Un Chien andalou; Bunuel, L. (1930), L'Age d'or; Paintings by: Ernst; Magritte; Dali. |
ESML0027: French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the respective roles of persuasion and propaganda in French society today, parallels being drawn also with other countries. Where does persuasion end and propaganda begin? How do today's politicians market themselves to the electorate? Have the techniques changed over the years? Content: After initial work on the definitions of the evolution of persuasion and propaganda, students pass onto investigations of particular areas of debate, events or political parties in a contemporary context. Their findings are presented as seminar contributions. Taught in French. |
ESML0028: French national option F12: Environnement, société, développement Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: Environmental issues regularly appear in the news and increasing numbers of people currently attach great importance to them. However, the issues themselves are rarely clear-cut; they are subject to competing interpretations and to conflicts of interest, indicating a need for critical distance in the treatment of the subject. Within a context of open-ended evaluation, the aim of this course is to explore environmental issues in terms of their political, social and economic dimensions and to assess their importance. Most of the work will concentrate on discussing developments in France today, but as by their very nature environmental questions go beyond national boundaries, the course will take the international dimension into account. Content: The major themes to be surveyed are: (1) the ideas behind environmentalism and political ecology; (2) green politics in France today; (3) environmental policy-making in France and the EU; (4) the environment, business behaviour and green consumerism; (5) the impact of environmentalism on French society today. Students have the opportunity to focus on a suitable mix of themes which particularly interest them. Taught in French. |
ESML0029: French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To examine the relationship between identity and culture at times of social and political change, to explore the way in which the identities of different social groups are expressed within the economic, political and cultural contexts of contemporary France, to examine elements of the French identity taking into account students' own experience of France and its diversity. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students will be able to: - be familiar with key sociological terminology and different interpretations of social and cultural processes; - demonstrate a broaden and consolidate knowledge of contemporary French society and Culture; - discuss topical, social and cultural issues in French. Content: a)Lectures: Introduction; Identitie et culture, nation et nationalisme, Immigration et Ethnicite, une France fragmentee. b) Seminars: Students will examine the social and cultural frameworks for thinking about the question of what it means to be French today. Themes such as heritage, memory, migrations, urban identities, language and culture will be explored. Taught in French. Key Text: David Abbott, Culture and Identity, Hodder & Stoughton, 1998. |
ESML0030: German written & spoken language 1A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX20 CW80 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit comprises two components, firstly the practice of Written Language, and secondly, classes devoted to oral communication. The aims of this unit are: - to refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of the most important and fundamental grammatical structures; - to enable them to apply the acquired skills to the production of short but fluently written German texts; - to enhance stuents' communicative and listening skills in a limited variety of contexts; - to expand their vocabulary and improve their presentation skills. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - sound knowledge of the most essential parts of German grammar; - familiarity with translation techniques and strategies for the production of short German texts; - the ability to communicate fluently in a limited variety of contexts. Content: Written Language: With regard to the consolidation of grammar, the course focuses on: - the various classes of words, including their declension - their function within the phrase or sentence. As regards the production of texts, the course concentrates on: - translation into and from German - developing essay writing skills. Spoken language: Students will be discussing a limited variety of topics related to culture and society in the German speaking countries. This includes: - reading short Austrian and German newspaper articles; - doing simple role plays, interactive exercises, small-group discussions etc. Course book: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt: A Practice Grammar of German. New Edition, Hueber Verlag: Ismaning 2001. |
ESML0031: German written & spoken language 1B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX20 CW80 Requisites: Pre ESML0030 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit builds on ESML0030. It comprises two components, first, practice of Written Language, and second, classes devoted to oral communication. The aims of this unit are: - to further consolidate and deepen students' knowledge and understanding of the most important and fundamental grammatical structures; - to enable them to apply the acquired skills to the production of short, but coherent and fluently written German texts; - to enhance students' communicative and listening skills in a variety of different contexts; - to further expand their vocabulary, improve their presentation skills, and train them in leading a discussion. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - sound knowledge of the most essential aspects of German grammar; - familiarity with translation techniques and strategies for the production of short German texts; - the ability to communicate fluently and interact effectively in a variety of different contexts. Content: With regard to the consolidation of grammar, the course concentrates on: - more complex verbal structures - the varieties of German syntax. As regards the production of texts, the course places particular emphasis on: - translation into and from German - becoming more familiar with essay writing techniques. In spoken language classes, students will be discussing topics related to culture and society in German speaking countries. This includes: - reading Austrian and German newspaper articles; - doing role plays, interactive exercises, small-group discussions etc. Course book: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt: A Practice Grammar of German. New Edition, Hueber Verlag: Ismaning 2001. |
ESML0032: German cultural studies 1A: Kultur der Weimarer Republik Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to introduce students to the culture of the Weimar Republic in its socio-political context, in particular through close study of representative texts and films; to make students aware of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of forms of cultural production such as autobiography, film and short story; to develop their analytical capacities and self-confidence in the evaluation of works of culture; to improve their fluency in reading German. Learning objectives: By the end of this unit students should be able to: - read and understand texts and film from the period, - identify key themes and explain their socio-cultural significance in an oral presentation, - describe their basic structure, style and symbolism, - formulate and illustrate an argument about them in an essay. Content: Will include the study of a) Texts: Ernst Toller, Eine Jugend in Deutschland; Franz Kafka Erzahlungen; b) Film: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari. |
ESML0033: German cultural studies 1B: Drittes Reich und Nachkriegsjahre (1933-61) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0032 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to introduce students to significant aspects of German culture in the period 1933-61 through a close study of representative texts and films seen in their socio-political context; to make students aware of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of forms of cultural production such as the short story, the novel, autobiography, drama, poetry and the film; to enable students to develop their critical capacities and their ability to reach well-reasoned conclusions in their evaluation of works of culture. Learning objectives: by the end of this unit students should be able to critically evaluate cultural products of the Fascist and early post-war periods; and to explain the particular significance of selected cultural practitioners both today and within the framework of their own times. Content: Lectures will introduce students to the principal features of German cultural life during the Third Reich and in the immediate post-war years. Seminars will be devoted to critical analysis of selected texts and films which are representative of the period. Key sources: Heinrich Boll, Wanderer, kommst du nach Spa...; Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph des Willens |
ESML0034: German politics & society 1A: Deutschland und Österreich 1918-1939 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to trace the most important political, social and economic developments in inter-war Germany and Austria; practice in German comprehension, speaking and writing. Learning objectives: students who complete this unit successfully will be able to follow straightforward lectures in German and take notes from them; understand vocabulary and concepts relevant to the history of the period; make short oral presentations in German and facilitate seminar discussion as part of a panel. Content: i) Weimarer Republik (1918-1933) a. Deutschland zwischen Krieg and Diktatur b. Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der Weimarer Republik c. Der Aufstieg der NSDAP ii) Das Drittes Reich (1933-1945) a. Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Entwicklungen zwischen 1933 und 1945 b. Umgestaltung von Staat und Gesellschaft im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland iii) Die Erste Republik Österreich a. Gründung und Festigung der Republic (1918 - 1926) b. Der Weg in die Krise c. Bürgerkrieg und autoritärer Städndestaat. Taught in German. |
ESML0035: German politics & society 1B: Von der doppelten Staatsgründung bis zum Mauerbau Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0034 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To convey in German political and social developments from 1945 to 1963; to give students practice in understanding lectures in German and taking notes, to introduce relevant vocabulary and concepts, and to assist students in discussing and writing on the above issues in German. Learning objectives: students who complete this unit successfully will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the most significant political and social developments of the period in written and spoken German. Content: i) Westdeutschland: Adenauer-Ara (1945-1963) a. Die Politik des Alliierten (1945-1949) b. Das Grundgesetz c. Konrad Adenauer und 'Kanzlerdemokratie' d. Die Entwicklung der westdeutschen Gesellschaft in den 50er jahren ii) Ostdeutschland: vom Kreigsende zum Mauerbau (1945-1961) a. Vorgeschichte and Gründung der DDR b. Der Volksaufstand vom 17 Juni 1953 c. Entwicklungen in der DDR 1953-1961. Taught in German. |
ESML0036: German written & spoken language 2A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0031 Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit builds on and further develops the skills students have acquired in Year 1 (ESML0030 and 0031). The aims of this unit are: - to increase student's knowledge of more complex grammatical structures; - to enable them to apply the acquired skills to the production of different types of German texts; - to further enhance students' communicative and listening skills in a broader variety of contents; - to widen their vocabulary and knowledge of idiomatic phrases, improve their presentation skills, and train them in leading a discussion. Students who complete this unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - a deeper insight into more complex structures of German grammar; - command of translation techniques and of strategies for the production of different types of German texts; - familiarity with techniques and strategies for giving a presentation and leading a discussion; - the ability to communicate fluently in a broader variety of different contexts. Content: With regard to German grammar, the course places particular emphasis on: - a number of specially selected and more complex grammar points (e.g. conditional, participal constructions). As regards the production of texts, the course focuses on: - translation into English; - essay-writing techniques; - summary of English texts into German. In spoken language classes, students will be discussing a variety of topics related to culture and society in the German speaking countries. This includes: - reading more detailed Austrian and German newspaper articles; - watching topical Austrian and German video material; - doing more demanding role plays, interactive exercises, small group discussions etc. Course book: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt: A Practice Grammar of German., Verlag fur Deutsch: Ismaning 1998. |
ESML0037: German written & spoken language 2B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26 Requisites: Pre ESML0031 Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit continues the Written and Spoken language work done in semester 1 (ESML0036). The aims of this unit are: - to increase and complement student's knowledge of a wider range of more complex grammatical structures; - to enable students to apply the acquired skills to the production of a variety of German texts; - to further enhance students' communicative and listening skills in a broader variety of contents; - to widen their vocabulary and improve their presentation skills. Students who complete this unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - a deeper insight into a wider range of more complex structures of German grammar; - command of translation techniques and of strategies for the production of German texts; - familiarity with techniques and strategies for giving a presentation; - the ability to communicate fluently in a wide range of contexts. Content: With regard to German grammar, the course places particular emphasis on: - a number of specially selected and more complex grammar points (e.g. subordinate clauses, verbs plus prepositions). As regards the production of texts, the course focuses on: - translation into English; - essay-writing techniques; - summary of English texts into German. In spoken language classes, students will be discussing a wide range of topics related to culture and society in the German speaking countries. This includes: - reading comprehensive Austrian and German newspaper articles; - watching topical Austrian and German video material; - doing more demanding role plays, interactive exercises, small group discussions etc. Course book: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt: A Practice Grammar of German., Verlag fur Deutsch: Ismaning 1998. |
ESML0038: German cultural studies 2A: Kultur in der Bundesrepublik von 1961 bis zur Gegenwart Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0033 Aims & Learning Objectives: To study the development of cultural life in the German Federal Republic over the years when the two German states were separated by the Berlin Wall. To refer in detail both to proseworks and films produced during this period and to more recent works taking stock of divided Germany from a post-unification perspective. To focus on a number of key cultural phenomena of these years: (i) personal experiences of life in the West, and especially in West Berlin, after the building of the Wall; (ii) the challenge to the self-confidence of the Federal Republic represented by the events of 1968 and their aftermath; and (iii) the struggle for gender equality in the context of the 1970s and 1980s. Students who complete this unit successfully will have gained a broad overview of post-1961 culture; they will understand the important socio-political role that authors and film-makers have played over this period; they will appreciate the creative difficulties involved in portraying the psychological/ emotional effects of the division of Germany. The seminar will enable students to develop their presentation skills and their ability to work effectively as part of a team. Content: A framework of lectures will provide an overview of this era from the West German perspective and an introduction to the work of the authors and film-makers to be studied. The seminars will focus on the analysis of representative works of the period and the changing post-unification view of its significance. Works to be studied are likely to include Heinrich Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum, Peter Schneider, Der Mauerspringer, Margarethe von Trotta, Die bleierne Zeit and Schneider/von Trotta, Das Versprechen. |
ESML0039: German cultural studies 2B, option 1: Max Frisch und die Schweiz Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038 Aims & Learning Objectives: To enable students i) to acquire a critical awareness of cultural and political developments in Switzerland in the twentieth century with particular reference to the period 1933-1974, and ii) to reach firmly based conclusions about the nature and validity of Max Frisch's critique of Swiss society in this period. Content: Lectures will introduce students to the work of a major writer, Max Frisch, and place it within the context of major political and cultural developments in 20th Century Switzerland. Seminars will be devoted to critical analysis of representative texts by Frisch. Taught in German. |
ESML0041: German cultural studies 2B, option 3: Ideologie und Kultur im Dritten Reich Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the principal elements of Nazi ideology and their transmission by means of the Gleichschaltung (coordination) of the media, literature, film and art. Also to assess the role played by the intelligentsia with reference to a liberal conservative (Ernst Wiechert) and members of the resistance (Jan Petersen, Hans und Sophie Scholl). Content: Will include the study of a) Texts: extracts from the prose writing of Hitler and Arthur Dinter, examples of Nazi song, Ernst Wiechert, Der weisse Buffel, and resistance fiction and poems. b) Films: Das blaue Licht, Hitler: eine Karriere, Die Weisse Rose. Taught in German. |
ESML0042: German politics & society 2A: Geteiltes Deutschland 1961-1989 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0035 Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit is designed to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in the first year German Politics and Society units. It covers historical, political and social developments in both Germanies from the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 to its fall in 1988. Its aims are: - to study relations between the two German states from the Hallstein Doctrine through the Ostpolitik of the Brandt government to the collapse of the GDR and German unification; - to analyse the main features of the political, economic and social system of each of the two German states; - to examine why and how GDR socialism collapsed at the end of the 1980s; - to raise awareness of the short as well as long term issues and consequences of unification for German society at the beginning of the 21st century; - to build on the vocabulary and concepts previously acquired and to assist students in discussing and writing on the above issues in German at an advanced level. Students who complete this unit successfully will be able to: - demonstrate a sound understanding of the political, social and economic systems of the two German states in the period 1961-1989; - explain the relationship between the two German states in this period as well as the role of Germany in the Cold War; - demonstrate a sound understanding of the key factors which contributed to the collapse of GDR socialism; - identify key political, social and economic issues Germany has been confronted with since unification in 1990; - discuss the above issues in an informed manner in both spoken and written German. Content: i) DDR: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutschen Einigung a) Aspekte der DDR-Identitat (Politische Kultur, Alltag und Stasi) b) BRD und DDR: ein kritischer Systemvergleich c) Frauen und Soziale Sicherheit d) Das Jahr der Wende ii) BRD: vom Mauerbau bis zur deutschen Einigung a) Deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen b) 1968 und die Folgen c) Kohl-Ara (1982-1989) |
ESML0043: German pols & soc 2B opt 1: Lebensumbruche und Integrationsprozesse in Deutschland seit der Wende Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explore how German society, state, politics and economy have evolved since the collapse of the GDR and German unification, with emphasis on the new Bundeslander. The learning objectives are to develop an awareness and understanding amongst students of the key issues relating to the process of German Unification and to enable them to articulate this in both spoken and written German. Content: Subjects for close study include the formal process of unification; social, political and economic change in the new Bundeslander, the different experiences and mentalities in eastern and western Germany and the persistence of die Mauer im Kopf, GDR nostalgia; the lasting effects of the activities of the GDR's state security (Stasi and Vergangenheitsbewaltigung); the transformations experienced by various social categories (e.g. youth, women, the elderly, foreigners) in the wake of unification. Taught in German. |
ESML0044: German politics & society 2B, option 2: Berlin von der geteilten stadt zur neun haupstadt Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the social and political experience of life in both halves of Berlin between 1945 and 1989, as a microcosm of the effects of the division of Germany on its population. To take full account of the changes which have taken place in the city since the collapse of the GDR and which have brought about its reinstatement as the capital of Germany. Content: Subjects for close study include: everyday life in both halves of the city during the Cold War; propagandist portrayals of life in the 'other' half of the city; the changes brought about by détente in the 1970s and 1980s; the unification process and resistance to it in East Berlin; the physical reconstruction of Berlin since 1989; problematic aspects of Berlin's transition to capital city; the 'Mauer im Kopf' as a continuing phenomenon of the 1990s. Taught in German. |
ESML0045: German politics & society 2B, option 3: Popmusik und jugenkultur Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explore how German popular music reflects and responded to political and social developments in Germany over the last four decades. Popular music and popular culture are introduced as the object of academic analysis and a mirror of contemporary German (youth) culture. Content: The study of German politics and history from the perspective of the manifold protest movements provides the basis for the analysis of the lyrics of popular music from Heintje to Die Prinzen and Pur. We will conclude with the analysis of the Berlin-centred Techno-Movement as a phenomenon expressing the Zeitgeist of the 1990s. |
ESML0046: German politics & society 2B, option 4: Die Frau in der deutschen Gesellschaft Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: The course aims at encouraging awareness of gender as a social variable which must be taken into account just as we take account of class, race, geography and generation when examining the social and political life of Germany. It will examine how gender differences and attitudes towards gender roles affect the roles and representations of women in German society today. The purpose of this unit is to enable students to express themselves both in written and spoken German on issues relating to gender in the political and social structures of German society, to acquire relevant concepts and to demonstrate a basic understanding of the academic treatment in Germany of the issues involved. Content: The course will examine the changes which 'Frauenbilder' and the 'Frauenrolle' have undergone and highlight certain aspects of woman's role in society today. In this context, it will look at the specific experience of women in contemporary Germany, focusing on questions of rights, legislation, equal opportunities on the one hand, and on the representation of women in economic, social, cultural and political structures on the other. Taught in German. |
ESML0047: German politics & society 2B, option 5: Der Deutsche Sozialstaat Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to explore the social impact of processes of economic globalisation on unified Germany. Students are made familiar with the historical evolution of the 'Modell Deutschland' and its transformation in the 1990s. Content: In its first half the unit covers the evolution of the German welfare system and the emergence of the so-called 'nivellierte Mittelstandsgesellschaft'. In the second half we will concentrate on the management of new phenomena like mass-unemployment, 'neue Armut', economic competition from newly industrialising countries, drastic cuts in the social welfare provision etc. |
ESML0048: German written & spoken language 4A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0037 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to refine and develop students' command of written and spoken German, translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers, produce a précis in sophisticated German of an English text on a subject of broad contemporary interest, write coherent, well-argued and grammatically correct essays in German in response to issues raised in German texts, converse fluently in German on contemporary issues and deliver oral presentations on topics of their choice. Content: Written language: (a) Translation from German into English is the focus of one of the two weekly hours. The selection of texts will reflect colloquial as well as formal registers. (b) The second weekly hour is devoted to the production of German in summarisation and essay-writing exercises. Spoken language: The emphasis is on project work carried out both on a group and an individual basis, with the chosen topics of an appropriately complex and controversial nature. |
ESML0049: German written & spoken language 4B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX38 CW17 OR27 OT18 Requisites: Pre ESML0048 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to further and develop students' command of written and spoken German, translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers, produce a précis in sophisticated German of a complex English text on a subject of broad contemporary interest, write coherent, well-argued and grammatically correct essays in German in response to issues raised in complext German texts, converse fluently in German on contemporary issues and deliver sophisticated oral presentations on topics of their choice. Content: Written language: (a) Translation from German into English is the focus of one of the two weekly hours. Texts will be selected from colloquial as well as formal registers. (b) The second weekly hour is devoted to the production of German in summarisation and essay-writing exercises. Spoken language: As before, project work will be carried out both on a group and an individual basis. Additional emphasis will now be placed on developing students' presentational skills in preparation for their oral examination. |
ESML0051: German national option G2: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to consider the effects of exile on the life and work of selected German writers who emigrated during the period of fascist rule in Germany; to analyse the reception of those writers in their countries of exile and in the divided Germany of the 1950s and 1960s, to enable students to evaluate the contribution of émigré writers to twentieth-century German culture. Learning objectives: by the end of the unit students should be able to evaluate critically the significance of the literature of exile within the context of twentieth-century German culture; and to present a sophisticated critique in German, both orally and writing, of major examples of exile culture. Content: The unit will offer, through lectures and linked seminars, an overview of the development of exile culture, focusing on themes such as uprootedness (e.g. the loss of a German readership), the problem of translation into a foreign idiom, the difficulty of adapting to the expectations of an unfamiliar culture (e.g. in Hollywood), attitudes towards those cultural practitioners who had chosen not to leave Germany ("ineer emigration"), and planning for post-war German culture. Key sources: Stefan Heym, Der Fall Glasenapp; Anna Seghers, Der Ausflug der Toten Mädchen; Lion Feuchtwanger, Moskau 1937; Hangmen also Die (dir. Fritz Lang); The Seventh Cross (dir. Fred Zinnemann). Taught in German. |
ESML0052: German national option G3: Umbau 21: Bundesrepublik Deutschland am anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX50 CW25 ES25 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are: - to explore the challenges unifed Germany has to confront after the Kohl era and at the beginning of the twenty-first century; - to compare Germany's project of societal modernisation to similar projects in other European countries, particularly in Britain; - to enhance the skill of critically following and actively contributing to ongoing debates of social and political reform; - to develop presentation and debating skills as well as the skill of chairing debates. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - an awareness of the specifically German conditions of societal reform; - the ability to compare the German modernisation project with that of Britain and other European countries; - some familiarity with theoretical approaches to the analysis of late modern societies and the debates around the issue of reflexive modernisation. Content: The unit begins with a set of introductory lectures on contemporary German politics and the challenges it has to confront. The focus of attention will then be on: - the project of political modernisation; - issues of economic restructuring; - the modernisation of the social system; - the rethinking of Germany's role in Europe and international politics. Key texts: Glatzer, W./Ostner, I. (Hrsg.) Deutschland im Wandel. Sozial-strukturelle Analysen, Opladen: Leske und Budrich 1999; Glatzer, W. (Hrsg.) Ansichten der Gesellschaft, Opladen: Leske und Budrich 1999; Wewer, Gottrik (Hrsg.) Bilanz der Ara Kohl, Opladen: Leske und Budrich, 1998. |
ESML0053: German national option G4: Kultur und Politik in der ehemaligen DDR Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038, Pre ESML0042 Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042. Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit will provide an overview of the development of literature and film in the political context of the GDR and assess the distinctive qualities of GDR culture. It will take full account of the way in which perspectives on GDR culture have changed since German unification. Through the close study of a number of key texts and films it will identify some major thematic concerns of the period following the rejection of socialist realism as a cultural doctrine. Students who complete the unit successfully will have grasped the role of culture as the focus of pre-1989 criticism of the GDR from within; they will appreciate the challenges faced by authors and film-makers in adapting to the unified German context; they will have gained a detailed understanding of the significance of the chosen works; they will have developed their analytical and comparative skills in studying these works. Content: Lectures will provide an overview of the key events in the GDR's cultural history and highlight problems involved in dealing with GDR culture from today's perspective. Seminars will focus on representative literary texts and films of the period between the mid-1960s and the present day. These will include Volker Braun, Unvollendete Geschichte; Christa Wolf, Was bleibt; Thomas Brussig, onnenallee and the films pur der Steine, Solo Sunnyand ikolaikirche Taught in German. |
ESML0056: German national option G6: Mensch - Natur - Technik Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038 Students must have taken either ESML0038, or ESML0042. Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to introduce students to the critique of technology and social modernisation in 20th century German culture and to explore the role of literature and film in posing practical and ethical questions about our relationship with the natural environment; to extend students' awareness of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of the novel, poetry, shorter prosa and film; and to develop their analytical capacities and self-confidence in the evaluation of works of culture; to improve their fluency in reading, listening to, speaking and writing German. Learning objectives: By the end of the unit students should be able to: - identify conceptions of nature implicit in the texts and films examined, - explain their socio-cultural significance in an oral presentaion in German, - analyse their structure, style and symbolism, - formulate written arguments in German about the potential of cultural works to contribute to shifts in norms and values, and illustrate them with reference to a range of different works. Content: Texts: will include the study of a) Max Frisch, Homo Faber; Carl Amery, Der Untergang der Stadt Passau; Hans Magnus Enzenberger, Der Untergang der Titanic. b) Films: Leni Riefenstahl, Das blaue Licht; Werner Herzog, Aguirre; Tom Tykwer, Winterschläfer. |
ESML0058: German national option G8: Gender und transformatsionzprozesse in Deutschland Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit aims to study of processes of significant social change in contemporary German society from the perspective of gender; to examine in particular the impact of processes of social transition and transformation on the identity, social position and opportunities of women both as citizens affected by institutional and structural reform and as agents of change. More specifically, the unit aims: - to familiarize students with feminism as a critical framework of references for the study of German politics and society; - to compare and contrast the position of women in East and in West Germany during three periods of significant social change and transformation; the immediate post-war period, the late 1960s, and the late 1980s; - to examine issues such as the withdrawal of the welfare state, economic and political reform, changing patterns of employment, technological advance, mobility of labour and patterns of migration through the prism of gender. Learning objectives: students who complete this unit successfully will be able to: - demonstrate good understanding of feminism as a critical framework of reference for the study of processes of social change in Germany; - demonstrate good understanding of the interrelationships between gender, identity, and society on the basis of three 'case studies' in the history of German society; - explain the interrelationships between ideology, social and institutional framework, and economic system in the former two Germanies and the position of women within these two states; - identify the potential and the limitations of social movements such as the women's movement as agents of significant and lasting social change; - conduct an investigation into major processes of transition and transformation in Germany since unification from a gender-based perspective that is historically precise and differentiated; - draw firm conclusions about the extent to which significant social changes such as the division of Germany and German unification may be said to have disadvantaged women in particular. Content: A comparative analysis of the goals, achievements and limitations of the women's movement as a social movement in the old Federal Republic with women's position in the former GDR will provide the background against which current debates about reform and redefinition within the women's movement in Germany will be examined. In the light of this historical perspective and of more recent developments in the new Federal states opportunities and perspectives for women's political participation and the development of strategies for social and institutional reform will be examined. The unit will cover topics such as: The first German women's movement, its goals, achievements and objectives; women in Nazi Germany and in the post war period of reconstruction and consolidation; impact, opportunities and perspectives of the new women's movement in the 1960's; a comparative analysis with women's position in the former GDR; the 'Wende' and Germany's unification process; the period of transition and transformation since 1990; counting the cost and identifying perspectives and strategies for the future. Taught in German. |
ESML0059: German national option G9: Die Massenmedien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop an understanding of the principles of mass communication and an awareness of the common features of European mass media in a democracy; to develop critical awareness of the potential of new technologies as well as the threat posed by increasing commercialisation. On completion of this unit, students will be able to analyse journalistic and televised texts and situate these within wider discussions on the role of the mass media in contemporary Germany. Content: Theories of the function of the mass media in a democracy; historical developments in the German media (FRG/GDR); problems of increasing commercialisation and cross-ownership patterns of media in Germany: the impact of German unification on the media; potential of new media particularly the internet: analysis of news reporting in newspapers and on television. Taught in German. |
ESML0060: Italian written & spoken language 1A (ab initio) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX25 CW50 OR25 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are to give students a systematic grounding in the basic structures of Italian grammar and syntax; to enable them to employ those structures correctly in short written texts within a communicative context and orally in a variety of practical and everyday situations; thus bringing students to an intermediate level of knowledge of Italian. By the end of the unit students should be able to: - use and understand the basic structures of the Italian langugage - employ those structures correctly in short written texts - conduct an elementary conversation in Italian. Content: Written Language: The study of the basic morphological aspects of Italian grammar will be based on a textbook, with additional use of specially prepared material. Students complete a graded series of exercises in grammar and are introduced to brief translation passages. Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, paired activities, supervised audio-visual activities, also leading to written practice in communicative contexts. |
ESML0061: Italian written & spoken language 1B (ab initio) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX25 CW50 OR25 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are to consolidate the knowledge acquired in Semester 1, complete the study of Italian grammar and syntax, and extend the vocabulary, thus bringing students to 'A' level standard by the end of the semester. Students will deal with more complex written texts, will extend their aural comprehension/oral skills to a larger number of situations and contexts, and will develop the specific skill of inferring meaning from unknown or unfamiliar language. Learning objectives. By the end of the unit students should be able to: - use and understand more complex structures of the Italian language - employ those structures correctly in longer written texts such as reports, summaries, letters, etc., and using specific vocabulary - read the press and contemporary writing - converse on practical and everyday situations as well as discuss issues, with native and non-native speakers of Italian. Content: Written Language: More advanced morphological and syntactic aspects of the Italian language will be covered: past tenses, conditional, and imperative of regular and irregular verbs, personal pronouns, irregular plurals, relatives, comparatives etc. The lessons will continue to be based upon the textbook used in Semester 1, which will be integrated with handouts and grammar exercises and short prose/ translation passages drawn from contemporary sources. Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, paired activities, supervised audio-visual activities leading to more creative and contextualised written assignments. Contact with native speakers and use of authentic audio-visual material continue in this semester. |
ESML0062: Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX25 CW50 OR25 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this course is to consolidate and build upon knowledge of Italian grammar and syntax acquired at A Level as well as to develop oral abilities and comprehension skills. On completion of the unit students should be able toL - use and understand the basic structures of Italian - employ and understand these structures in written exercises and translations - interact orally in situations requiring an intermediate level command of spoken Italian. Content: Written Language: a grammar text is studied in order to revise the fundamentals of the language and as a basis for regular exercises. Translation texts are used to familiarise students with contemporary written Italian, in particular the language of the press and modern narrative. Spoken Language: conversation groups, role-playing, supervised audio-visual classes provide practice in the spoken language and are used as a stimulus for creative written work. |
ESML0063: Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX25 CW50 OR25 Requisites: Pre ESML0062 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this course is to expand students' knowledge of Italian grammar and syntax and to enable them to deploy these structures fluently and effectively in the production of written texts and exercises. To further expand aural comprehension and oral communication skills through the use of advanced audio-visual material and class contact with lectors. At the end of this unit students will be able to: - understand more complexsyntactic structures and produce accurate translation to and from Italian - to read and understand selected passages from the press and contemporary narrative - to express themselves clearly and comprehensibly in spoken Italian using more complex vocabulary and structures. Content: Written Language: more complex grammatical problems are studied with the aid of specially prepared handouts and explored through regular exercises. Excerpts from the Italian press and other authentic sources are used to expand writing skills in more formal contexts. Spoken Language: the oral activities from Semester 1, such as supervised audio-visual practice and role-playing, will continue and equip students with more sophisticated communicative skills for more formal contexts. |
ESML0064: Italian cultural studies 1A: Introduction to Italian cultural history Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to some of the key periods in Italian cultural history. To study the emergence of the Neorealist movement in Italian cinema and narrative and to analyse its political and social significance. To familiarise students with the basic concepts of narrative in film and literature. Content: The artistic and intellectual development of Italy since the Renaissance and its importance for contemporary Italian society. The Neorealist cinema, the key films of this movement, their narrative techniques and their critical reception. |
ESML0065: Italian politics & society 1A: Italian foundation history (1860-1914) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To teach Italian economic, social and political history from Unification to the First World War in the context of European and international developments. To enable students to develop critical and analytical skills for an understanding of the study of history with particular reference to Italian history. To make students familiar with essential political terminology in Italian. Content: The Unification of Italy. The difficult construction of a sense of nationhood. Political liberalism and the emergence of the transformist variant of parliamentary politics. The division between 'legal Italy' and 'real Italy' in the nineteenth century. Industrialisation and the emergence of organised labour. Political Catholicism, anarchism and socialism. Economic liberalism and protectionism. The rise of nationalism. Italy between neutrality and intervention. |
ESML0066: Italian cultural studies 1B: Italian writing of the 19th and 20th centuries Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0064 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the main developments in Italian prose and poetry in the 19th Century and to develop their critical skills through the analyses of passages from literary texts and two short stories. Learning objectives. By the end of the unit students should be able to: - make links between Italian 19th century literary movements and contemporary European culture - connect the development of Italian literature to Italian history and geography, the creation of the Italian nation, and the social changes brought about by Unification - identify styles and themes associated with different writers - understand how a prose text works, identify its 'ingredients' (point of view, time, character etc.) and how meaning is produced. Content: Lectures will cover Romanticism and verismo, the emergence of women writers, and a number of authors (Leoardi, Manzoni, Verga, Serao, Vivanti). Seminars will concentrate on comparing a short story by a 19th century author (Verga's 'Rosso Malpelo') with a short story by a contemporary author (Ginzburg's 'La Madre'). |
ESML0067: Italian politics & society 1B: Italian fascism Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0065 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are to provide students with an understanding of the origins, success and collapse of fascism in the context of European and international developments; to show how a crisis of the Italian state developed after the First World War; to consider and compare different interpretations of the fascist dictatorship. Learning objectives: students should be able to demonstrate skills in historical analysis, and specifically: 1. to evaluate critically theories of dictatorship and totalitarianism 2. to explain how fascism emerged out of and contributed to the crisis of the Italian state 3. to explain the main characteristicsof Italian fascism with a view to comparing it to similar European and international phenomena. Content: Italy in the First World War. The 'biennio rosso' and the origins of fascism. Mussolini's rise to power. The creation of a fascist dictatorship. Fascism and national identity. Church and State under fascism. Economic crisis and fascist economic policies. Foreign policy. The alliance with Hitler. Italy in the Second World War. The fall of Mussolini, the armistice and the Resistance movement. Interpretations of fascism. |
ESML0068: Italian written & spoken language 2A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students must have taken either ESML0061, or ESML0063. Aims & Learning Objectives: To broaden students' command of contemporary written Italian with greater emphasis on resolving complex grammatical points; to build on the communication skills acquired in the Year 1, and to improve oral proficiency and aural comprehension. Content: Written Language: prose and translation exercises from a variety of literary and non-literary texts; general essays. Spoken Language: role-playing, paired and group activities, dictation, summarisation of audio-visual texts in Italian, reading, conversation classes. |
ESML0069: Italian written & spoken language 2B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX54 OR26 CW20 Requisites: Pre ESML0068 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on students' linguistic competence as acquired in Semester 1. To expand students' vocabulary in social and cultural areas and to develop sensitivity to style and register. Content: Written Language: prose and translation exercises from a variety of literary and non-literary texts; general essays. Spoken Language: role-playing, paired and group activities, dictation, summarisation of audio-visual texts in Italian, reading, conversation classes. |
ESML0070: Italian cultural studies 2A: Italian writers of the early 20th Century Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0066 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the textual and cultural awareness acquired in Year 1 and to provide an overview of Italian cultural production in the early 20th Century. To develop students' skills in analysing and interpreting literary texts. Learning objectives: at the end of the unit students will be able to: - produce a critical analysis of two major novels - give an account of the major intellectual debates of the period. Content: This core module will be based upon key examples of Italian 20th Century novel, poetry, and short story, from the primo Novecento to the Fascist period. Lectures and seminars will address literary as well as social/political developments, such as the Southern question, Fascism, and women's issues. Texts: Sibilla Aleramo, Una donna; Ignazio Silone, Fontamara. |
ESML0071: Italian politics & society 2A: Italy since 1945 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0067 Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a historical overview of the main political and social events of the post-war period in Italy. To equip students with the appropriate analytical skills to permit a critical evaluation of the period. Content: The course will pay attention to the following areas: the period of reconstruction; the effects of the Cold War on Italy's domestic affairs; collective movements of the l960s and l970s; the political system; the major political parties. |
ESML0074: Italian written & spoken language 4A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0069 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are: to refine students' competences in written and spoken Italian; to extend the range of vocabulary and linguistic registers, including the political and economic; to train students in translating complex passages from and into Italian in a variety of registers and with challenging grammar and syntax; to enable students to express complex ideas and arguments in writing; to draw upon the students' period of residence in Italy in order to strengthen oral fluency. Learning objectives: students should be able to demonstrate the following skills: 1. ability to translate complex passages from and into Italian without the use of a dictionary; 2. understanding of different registers and ability to replicate them in the target language; 3. conversational skills appropriate to different situations; 4. summarisations skills; 5. knowledge of a wide vocabulary in the target language. Content: Written Language: prose, translation, summarisation (in Italian); analysis of style and register (contemporary social, political and literary). Spoken Language: précis-writing, presentations, lector-organised discussion and debate on issues linked to Year 4 Options and Italian current affairs. |
ESML0075: Italian written & spoken language 4B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX56 CW17 OR27 Requisites: Pre ESML0074 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims are to train students further in translating complex texts from and into Italian in a variety of registers; to train them in writing long and fairly sophisticated essays in Italian; to provide them a wider vocabulary in the target language; to strengthen further their oral fluency. Learning objectives: students should be able to: 1. translate complex texts from and into Italian without the use of a dictionary; 2. expose their ideas/ present their arguments in writing in clear, correct, sophisticated Italian; 3. converse fluently on a variety of topics; 4. deliver competent, well structured oral presentations in Italian on social, political and cultural topics. Content: Written Language: prose, translation, and essay writing classes based on excerpts from the press, contemporary writers and specialised journals. Spoken Language: Oral presentations, lector-organised discussion and debate on political, social and cultural topics. |
ESML0076: Italian national option IT1: Territorial identities & socio-political cultures in Italy Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to examine the persistence of territorial divisions in Italy, addressing differences in economic development and social structures between different parts of Italy; to explore the ways in which these differences have been shaped as sub-national identities and territorial political subcultures, while the construction of an "imagined community" has rarely coincided with the nation-state; to analyse recent tensions between the national and sub-national dimensions. Learning objectives: students should be able to: 1. understand persisting structural divisions in Italy; 2. explain what is meant by 'territorial political sub-cultures' as well as their role in Italian society and politics; 3. account for the emergence of political regionalism in the 1990s; 4. evaluate critically theories relating to social capital, globalisation, and the construction of collective identities. Content: Theoretical approaches to concepts of identity, subculture, modernisation and trust. The persistence of local and regional identities in Italy. Uneven development and the emergence of "three Italies". The Catholic and communist territorial political subcultures. Social and civic cultures. Old and new perspectives on the "Southern problem". The Northern League: ethno-regionalism? Territorial identities and national politics. |
ESML0077: Italian national option IT2: The novel, the cinema & Italian society Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0070 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine how cinema and narrative have cross-fertilized to produce an artistically satisfying critique of Italian society. Attention will focus on the narrative techniques appropriate to each medium, to narrative theory in novel and film, and to the question of fidelity in adaption. Learning objectives: by the end of the unit students will be able to: - explain the importance of the links between literature and film in Italy - critically assess a variety of film adaptations from literature - explain how each director handles the theme of the individual and the state. Content: Tomasi di Lampedusa Il Gattopardo, Alberto Moravia Il conformista and Leonardo Sciascia Il contesto. Adaptations by Luchino Visconti, Bernardo Bertolucci and Francesco Rosi. Taught partly in Italian. |
ESML0078: Italian national option IT3: Scrittrici Italiane del ventesimo secolo Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0070 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide students with: an overview of 20th century Italian women's writing in relation to the situation of women in Italian literature, culture and society; an in-depth knowledge of four texts by major Italian women writers; and a set of critical and theoretical tools necessary for a gendered reading of the texts which can be transferred to the analysis of other discourse. Learning objectives: By the end of the unit students should be able to: - evaluate the position of women in Italy as producers of literature over the 20th century; - understand the role of 1970s feminism in changing Italian women's position vis-a-vis the institution of literature; - produce a gendered reading of a literary text by making use of different modes of textual analysis, including feminist theory - evaluate the extent to which and how women writers have changed traditional genres - identify themes in Italian women's writing as represented in the set texts. Content: There are four set texts: Grazia Deledda, Cosima (1937); Dacia Maraini, Donna in guerra (1975); Francesca Sanvitale, Madre e Figlia (1980); Elsa Morante, Aracoeli (1982). Lectures and seminars will focus on the texts in relation to the following topics: artistic vocation and femininity, sex and gender, equality and difference, sexuality, patriarchal relations, relationships between women, mother-son/ mother-daughter relationship, gender and genre (autobiography, romance etc.), writing and sexual difference. New editions of all four texts are currently available. Taught partly in Italian. |
ESML0079: Italian national option IT4: Women in Italian society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: The role and position of women in post-war Italy has undergone substantial change. These changes have explicitly and implicitly challenged a number of core Italian institutions and practices - the Family, the Church and the hegemony of the political parties to define the political agenda and to establish modes of political organization. This unit aims to examine transformation in women's lives during the post-war period. It will discuss the extent to which cultural, political and social factors affect women's changing aspirations. Content: The course will focus on the following areas: women and the family, women and the family, women and work, the women's movement, women in the political sphere and ethnic minority women. Taught partly in Italian. |
ESML0081: Russian written & spoken language 1A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX50 CW50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of basic grammar, broaden vocabulary and improve aural comprehension. To develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation. Content: Prose and essay composition; translation into English; grammar revision; conversation. Students must be qualified in Russian to approximately A-level standard. |
ESML0082: Russian written & spoken language 1A (ab initio) Semester 1 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX50 CW20 OR30 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a systematic grounding in the Russian language. To introduce students to the main structures of Russian grammar and basic vocabulary. To develop good pronunciation and intonation. Content: The Colloquial Russian course with extensive use of specially prepared explanatory material along with exercises and drills from a variety of sources; pronunciation, intonation and conversation practice; language laboratory work. |
ESML0083: Russian cultural studies 1A: Introduction to Russian culture (post A level) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce advanced Year 1 students to some key texts of 19th century Russian literature. Students who complete the unit successfully will: - be familiar with the poetry and prose of a classic Russian writer - have improved their Russian vocabulary and grammar - have improved their skills in translating from Russian into English - have learnt how to write an essay of literary criticism. Content: Set texts will normally be chosen from A S Pushkin, The Queen of Spades and selected lyric poetry; I S Turgenev, First Love; A P Chekhov, The Seagull. The choice will depend upon which works students have studied previously. Students must be qualified in Russian to approximately A-level standard. |
ESML0084: Russian written & spoken language 1B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX50 CW50 Requisites: Pre ESML0081 Aims & Learning Objectives: To further consolidate knowledge of basic grammar, broaden vocabulary and improve aural comprehension. To further develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation. Content: Prose and essay composition; translation into English; grammar revision; conversation. |
ESML0085: Russian written & spoken language 1B (ab initio) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX40 CW30 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0082 Aims & Learning Objectives: To continue a systematic grounding in the Russian language up to approximately A-level standard. To ensure that students acquire a firm grasp of the main structures of Russian grammar and of basic vocabulary, and are able to express themselves in a variety of contexts. To develop the ability to take part in simple everyday conversation. To develop reading ability to the point at which less complex works of literature can be read with the aid of a dictionary. Content: The Colloquial Russian course with extensive use of specially prepared explanatory material along with exercises and drills from a variety of sources; pronunciation, intonation and conversation practice; language laboratory work. |
ESML0086: Russian cultural studies 1B: Introduction to Russian culture (ab initio) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Pre ESML0082 Aims & Learning Objectives: To familiarise students with literary Russian and introduce them to classical pre-Revolutionary literature. To read (in Russian) and discuss a well-known literary text. Content: Lectures on the history of Russian literature; reading and discussion of Chekhov's Lady with a Little Dog. |
ESML0087: Russian politics & society 1A: Russia before 1917 - Directed study Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Students must take ESML0088 at the same time as this unit. Aims & Learning Objectives: To permit post A-level students of Russian (and others requiring a six-credit unit) to make a more detailed study of topics covered in Russian Politics and Society 1B (ESML0088). Content: As for Russian Politics and Society 1B (ESML0088). |
ESML0088: Russian politics & society 1B: Russia before 1917 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To offer an outline history of Russia focusing on the geopolitical, social and cultural factors which shaped its development and to examine in detail the problems posed by industrial development and social change in the late 19th and early 20th centuries culminating in the revolution of 1917. To introduce some classic literary texts to illuminate the moral and political dilemmas of the 19th century. To develop skills in historical analysis. Content: The first Russian states and the rise of Moscow; modernization and westernization in 1680-1855. Reform and reaction under Alexander II (1855-1881); Russian society in the mid-19th century as reflected in Turgenev's Fathers and Children; industrialization and its impact on society; the emergence of a revolutionary movement; dilemmas of Russian revolutionaries as reflected in Lenin's What is to be Done?; Dostoevsky's critique of 19th century Russian social values in Crime and Punishment; ethnic minorities and national movements in the Russian Empire before 1917; women and the women's movement before 1917; Chekhov's depiction of peasant life at the end of the 19th century; the revolution of 1905 and the granting of a constitution by Nicholas II; the successes and failures of constitutional rule 1906-1914; the First World War and the collapse of the imperial regime. |
ESML0089: Russian written & spoken language 2A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0084, Pre ESML0085 Students must have taken either ESML0084, or ESML0085. Aims & Learning Objectives: To deepen knowledge of Russian grammar, expand lexis and develop translation skills in several registers. To give students practice in expressing themselves in writing. To improve aural comprehension and to begin to develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation. Content: Written Language: systematic review of Russian grammar with exercises and drills drawn from a variety of sources; translations into Russian and English with discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Essay writing in Russian with discussion of stylistic points and vocabulary. Spoken Language: small group conversation on a range of themes; role-playing; task-based use of audio-visual material. To assist vocabulary acquisition, work in written and spoken language will be organised around themes of geography & peoples and culture & recreation. |
ESML0090: Russian cultural studies 2A: Russian literature from Chekhov to Zoshchenko Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0083, Pre ESML0086 Students must have taken either ESML0083, or ESML0086. Aims & Learning Objectives: To present an overview of Russian literary development in these years; to encourage the development of skills in literary analysis and criticism. Content: Three writers (studied in key works): Chekhov, Blok, Zoshchenko |
ESML0091: Russian politics & society 2A: Soviet Russia 1917-1985 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the character and evolution of the communist political and social order from 1917 to 1985. To develop skills in historical and political analysis and essay and seminar techniques. Content: The establishment of Bolshevik power under Lenin 1917-1921; the New Economic Policy and the struggle for power in the Communist Party in the 1920s; Stalin's drive for industrialization and rule by terror in the 1930s-40s; the USSR in the Second World War; reform and its limits under Khrushchev and Brezhnev in the 1950s-70s; the structure and problems of the Soviet political system in the early 1980s. |
ESML0092: Russian written & spoken language 2B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX54 CW20 OR26 Requisites: Pre ESML0089 Aims & Learning Objectives: To deepen knowledge of Russian grammar, expand lexis and develop translation skills in several registers. To give students practice in expressing themselves in writing. To improve aural comprehension to the point at which the gist of a TV news item can be understood and to develop fluency in spoken Russian at the level of everyday conversation. Content: Written Language: systematic review of Russian grammar with exercises and drills drawn from a variety of sources; translations into Russian and English with discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Essay writing in Russian with discussion of stylistic points and vocabulary. Spoken Language: small group conversation on a range of themes; role-playing; task-based use of audio-visual material. To assist vocabulary acquisition, work in written and spoken language will be organised around themes of social issues, history and politics. |
ESML0093: Russian cultural studies 2B: Soviet Russian literature & cinema in the 1920s & 1930s Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0090 Aims & Learning Objectives: To present an overview of Russian literary development in these years; to encourage the development of skills in literary analysis and criticism. Content: Two writers (studied in key works): Olesha, Akhmatova. Films by Eisenstein. |
ESML0094: Russian politics & society 2B: Reform & reconstruction in Russia since 1985 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0091 Aims & Learning Objectives: To examine the reform and collapse of the communist order between 1985 and 1991 and the ensuing problem of economic and political reconstruction. To develop skills in historical and political analysis, and essay and seminar techniques. Content: The origins, development and failure of Gorbachev's reform programme 1985-91; ethnic and social developments in the post-Stalin USSR and their bearing on the collapse of communism; the Russian Federation and its neighbours after the disintegration of the USSR; Yeltsin's attempt to build democracy and a market economy in Russia; the role and position of women in the late Soviet and post-Soviet eras. |
ESML0095: Russian written & spoken language 4A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0092 Aims & Learning Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar, further expand lexis and further develop translation skills. To enable students to translate modern literary Russian and non-technical academic and journalistic Russian, into English. To enable students to translate selected English passages into Russian, and to express ideas and arguments in writing. To improve fluency in spoken Russian. Content: Written Language: translation into and from Russian and discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Conversation and audio-visual classes. Spoken Language: discussion of selected topics on a range of themes (ecology, social issues, feminism etc). |
ESML0096: Russian written & spoken language 4B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX56 CW17 OR27 Requisites: Pre ESML0095 Aims & Learning Objectives: To consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar, further expand lexis and further develop translation skills. To enable students to translate modern literary Russian and non-technical academic and journalistic Russian, into English with minimal use of a dictionary. To enable students to translate selected English passages into idiomatic Russian, and to express complex ideas and arguments in writing. To develop fluency in spoken Russian. Content: Written Language: translation into and from Russian and discussion of grammatical points, lexis etc. Conversation and audio-visual classes. Spoken Language: discussion of selected topics on a range of themes (culture, politics in Russia etc). |
ESML0099: Russian national option R2: The twentieth century Russian novel Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES33 Requisites: Pre ESML0093 Aims & Learning Objectives: The novel is arguably Russia's greatest contribution to European culture in the 19th and 20th centuries. This unit concentrates on some of the greatest prose works of the 20th century examining them in their socio-political context and exploring the human effects of the cataclysms and conflicts of the last 70 years of Russian history. Content: Among the works to be studied are the following (subject to availability in print): M Bulgakov, Master i Margarita*; E Zamiatin, My; A Solzhenitsyn, Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha; B Pasternak, Doktor Zhivago*; Iu. Olesha, Zavist'; N Ostrovskii, Kak zakalialas' stal'. *As these novels are fairly long, you are advised to read them before the start of the academic year. |
ESML0101: Russian national option R4: Gorbachev & Perestroika Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0094, Pre ESML0416 Students must have taken either ESML0094, or HASS0005. Aims & Learning Objectives: The option aims to provide the opportunity for detailed study of political and social change in the USSR during the years 1985-1991. By the end of the unit students should be able to demonstrate understanding of: * the origins of perestroika and the evolution of Gorbachev's thinking during the years 1985 -91; * the strengths and weaknesses of civil and political society in the USSR 1985-91; * the demise of the USSR and communist party power in 1991. Content: Origins of perestroika; glasnost and democratization; nationalities issues and conflicts; the collapse of communism. Key text : A. Brown, The Gorbachev Factor (1997). |
ESML0102: Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist Russia Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0094, Pre ESML0416 Students must have taken either ESML0094, or HASS0005. Aims & Learning Objectives: The main aim of the unit is to develop a knowledge and understanding of change in government and society in Russia since the end of communist rule in 1991, drawing on theoretical perspectives from literature on democratisation as well as from literature that holds Russia to be unique. A second aim is to encourage use of current printed and electronic media sources, in view of the rapid pace of change in Russia, and to develop skills in seminar techniques. A third aim, applying only to students of Russian, is to encourage the location and use of Russian-language materials. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse key issues in Russian politics in a manner which shows that they: * can identify the fundamental features and problems of the evolving political order * are familiar with the main academic debates and controversies of interpretation in Russian politics * have acquired a detailed knowledge of the issue concerned by research in academic and current media sources * are able to communicate their analysis effectively to an intelligent reader in both brief and extended formats. Content: Political institutions and actors in Russia in August 1991; dimensions of the crisis surrounding the collapse of Soviet communism; theoretical approaches to transition; reform and political conflict; dilemmas of foreign and economic policy; the social impact of economic reform; 1993 Constitution, the presidency and parliament; political elites; local power; elections and party formation; civil society; political culture; legal order and corruption; federalism and ethnic politics; prospects. Key texts: S. White Russia's New Politics. The Management of a Postcommunist Society (2000); M. Bowker & C. Ross (eds) Russia after the Cold War (2000) |
ESML0103: Europe 1A: Introduction to European studies Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The first aim of the unit is to begin an exploration of the historical and cultural identity of Europe and of the socio-economic, political and cultural factors which have shaped it since ancient time and more specifically in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. The second aim is to help first-year students develop university-level skills in active learning and communication, including note-taking, seminar participation, oral presentations, team work and essay writing. A student who completes the unit successfully will: - have begun to think about the question of European identity and the issues which unite and divide Europeans; - be familiar with the main contours of European history since the French Revolution and the social, cultural geopolitical and ideological divisions which characterised the continent in the first half of the 20th century; - have been introduced to some basic concepts and techniques of political and cultural analysis and applied them in a European historical and cultural context; - have developed important basic skills in oral and written communication. Content: Defining Europe - history, languages and culture; industry, nations and empires in 19th Century Europe; the First World War; communism and fascism in interwar Europe; the Second World War; studying European culture; images of war in 20th Century Europe. |
ESML0104: Europe 1B: Europe since 1945 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The first aim of the unit is to explore the experience of Eastern and Western Europe since the Second World War and to analyse the features and problems of post-1945 European states. This will include discussion of political structures and culture, economic structures and performance, and the interaction of culture and politics. The second aim of the unit is to help first year students refine University-level communication skills, including seminar participation, oral presentations, teamwork and essay-writing. The student who completes this unit successfully will: - be familiar with the main contours of European history since the Second World War including the experience of European states on either side of the Iron Curtain and developments since its collapse in 1989; - have been introduced to some further concepts and techniques of political, economic and cultural analysis and applied them in a contemporary European context; - have been invited to reflect upon the characteristics and issues which have united and divided Europe in the contemporary era; - be able to research chosen issues in European history since 1945 and discuss them effectively in oral presentations and in writing. Content: Europe in the Cold War era; politics and culture in post-war Europe; economic and social change in Western Europe; liberal democratic politics in Europe - elections and party systems; political culture; the rise and fall of European communist states and command economies; economic and political problems in the age of globalisation; postmodernism in European culture. |
ESML0105: Europe 2A: Politics of the European Union Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to key theories of European integration; to trace the development of the E.C. from the 1950s to the present; to examine issues of contemporary relevance to European integration. Students will develop an awareness and understanding of European integration issues and be able to discuss them on the basis of background knowledge attained during lectures and readings. Content: Theories of European integration; the origins of the E.C.; the Rome Treaty and the Single Act; Britain and the E.C; the road to Maastricht; the institutions of the E.C. and E.U.; the democratic deficit; the 1996 Inter Governmental Conference; the E.U. as a world actor; monetary union; citizenship and "the people's Europe"; the E.U., Eastern Europe and enlargement; the future of the E.U. |
ESML0107: European option E1: Intellectuals & identity in contemporary Europe Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to provide an overview of nationalism in various twentieth-century European contexts and of the role of intellectuals (both literary authors and social/political commentators) in influencing debates on issues such as national identity; to provide a particular focus on the changes in post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe. Learning objectives: by the end of the unit students should be able to evaluate the significance of nationalism as a shaping force in European history; to explain the particular role of intellectuals in the forging of national identity in a variety of territorial contexts, particularly since 1989; to analyse the significance of particular cultural products in the light of the critique of nationalism and the role of intellectuals in the development of national identity. Content: Key texts: Anthony D. Smith, National Identity; Bernard Gibson, Intellectuals and the Nation; Edward Said, Representations of the Intellectual; the work of intellectuals such as Barzini, Konwicki, Grass, Arendt and Foucault. |
ESML0108: European option E2: Politically committed European culture: the end of an era? Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Students who complete this unit successfully will have gained an awareness of why 'political commitment' remained an issue for writer and filmmakers in Eastern and Western Europe in the post-1945 era; they will understand the factors which have gradually led writers and filmmakers to reject any restrictions on their creative independence; they will have developed their analytical and comparative skills through their in-depth study of the chosen works. Content: Introductory lectures on the issue of commitment and French, German, Italian, Czech and Russian attitudes to it. A selection from the following range of works: A dossier of Camus's writing; De Sanctis: Bitter Rice; Wolf: The Quest for Christa T.; Solzhenitsyn: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich; Kundera: The Unbearable Lightness of Being; Perec: Things; Sciascia: Candido; Klíma: Waiting for the Dark, Waiting for the Light; Makanin: Baize-covered Table with Decanter. |
ESML0109: French cultural studies 2B, option 7: Camus & the Algerian question Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Camus and the Algerian question, 1948-1960. Content: This option will examine the social and moral dilemmas posed by the French colonization of Algeria, as exemplified in the life and work of Camus. Analysis of texts such as L'Exil et le royaume, La Chute and Le Premier homme will be used to explore Camus's ambivalent relationship with his native country, and the conflicting demands of political evolution and personal authenticity. |
ESML0110: European option E3: European film 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop an understanding of the nature and role of cinema in contemporary Europe, with particular reference to the formation and articulation of identity. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - evaluate the role of cinema in contemporary European culture and society - explain the role played by film in articulating and creating identities - discuss and understand broad theoretical concepts in relation to contemporary film - demonstrate familiarity with contemporary European film production - analyse filmic texts within a suitable critical framework - prepare edited clips for seminar presentation. Content: Topics for study include: Film and identity (European, national, subjective); film and memory; the nature of filmic autobiography; film and history. Films to be studied will include: Boorman, J. Hope and Glory (England, 1987); Davies, T. The Long Day Closes (England, 1992); Kury, D. Peppermint Soda (France, 1975); Malle, L. Au revoir les enfants (France 1987); Mikhalkov, N. Burnt by the Sun (Russia, 1994); Moretti, N. Dear Diary (Italy, 1993); Sanders-Brahms, H. Germany, Pale Mother (Germany, 1980); Tornatore, G. Cinema Paradiso (Italy, 1988). |
ESML0111: European option E4: European film 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0110 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To further develop an understanding of the nature and role of cinema in contemporary European, in relation to social, linguistic, political and economic questions, and to evaluate concepts of identity with particular reference to issues of marginalisation and exclusion. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: - demonstrate familiarity with a wide range of European films and be able to evaluate their significance in relation to contemporary European culture and identity - compare the works of a variety of contemporary directors, and account for the similarities/ differences which are revealed - describe dominant concerns of contemporary European cinema - analyse filmic texts critically, and discuss findings using a range of critical and theoretical concepts. Content: Topics for study include: Film and society; film and politics; class, ethnicity, and sexuality within contemporary European films; film and the environment; history, myth, and memory in European film. Films to be studied will include: Atkin, F. Short Sharp Shock (Germany, 1998); Boyle, D. Trainspotting (Scotland, 1996); Chukrai, P. The Thief (Russia 1997); Frears, S. My Beautiful Laundrette (England, 1985); Kassovitz, M. Hate (France, 1995); Loach, K. Raining Stones (England, 1993); Simon, S. The Tit and the Moon (Spain, 1994). |
ESML0112: French cultural studies 2B, option 8: Images of conflict: the French at war Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Images of Conflict: the French at War. Content: This option will examine the French experience of warfare in the twentieth century, as expressed in literature and film. The principal focus will be on the period from 1940 to the early 1960s, and will include the themes of armed conflict, occupation, exile, war crimes, and colonial war. Examples for analysis will include novel, drama, poetry and film. |
ESML0115: French economic & industrial environment Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW50 ES50 Requisites: Co ESML0120 Aims & Learning Objectives: to introduce students to the economic contexts in which firms in France operate, to analyse the causes of economic growth and industrial development in the post-war period and to introduce students to the language of the French business environment. Content: economic growth and development in the post-war period (1945-1973); recession and structural changes in the 1970s; economic performance and public policies in the 1980s and 1990s; industrial policy: concentration, nationalisation, privatisation, small firms; foreign trade in goods and services. Classes are conducted in French. |
ESML0116: French written communication A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20 Requisites: Co ESML0117 Aims & Learning Objectives: To heighten student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication; to promote proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subject covered in the core and interface units; to introduce students to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis. Content: Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: points and pitfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; elements of grammar. |
ESML0117: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: PR50 CW25 Requisites: Co ESML0116, Co ESML0125 Aims & Learning Objectives: to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context. Content: Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a variety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other members of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by developing student skills in oral communication in French. |
ESML0118: German business environment 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit aims to introduce students to key concepts of the German economic environment. In the second half it will focus on aspects of the integration of the former East into the economy of the West. Content: The unit first concentrates on the period of post-war economic reconstruction, in particular on aspects of the 'economic miracle' and the social market economy. Then the emphasis will shift towards the reconstruction of the economy in East Germany following unification. Special emphasis will be on the role of the 'Treuhand', the question of private property, ecological 'Altlasten'. Finally we will discuss the impact of processes of economic globalisation on the German economy. |
ESML0119: German written & spoken communication 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: PR40 CW40 OT20 EX Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. Increasingly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues. Content: 1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures this unit focuses on the various classes of words, their declension and their function within the phrase/sentence, ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German. |
ESML0120: French legal environment Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES80 OT20 Requisites: Co ESML0115 Aims & Learning Objectives: to introduce students to the underlying principles of French law, to outline the legal framework within which firms in France operate in specific domains and to introduce students to French legal terminology Content: introduction to the French legal system; company law; droit des obligations (contracts and tort); consumer protection legislation; labour law; competition law. Classes are conducted in French. |
ESML0121: French written communication B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW40 PR40 EX20 Requisites: Co ESML0122 Aims & Learning Objectives: To continue and advance student awareness of linguistic difficulties encountered in written communication in unit Written Communication A, promoting further proficiency in the comprehension and production of texts in French with reference to subjects covered in the core and interface units; to introduce students to the techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis. Content: Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and from other sources. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: summarisation; translation: further points and pitfalls; comparative text analysis: language, style, presentation; elaboration of argumentation; further elements of grammar |
ESML0122: French aural comprehension/oral communication 1B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: PR50 CW25 Requisites: Pre ESML0117, Co ESML0121 Aims & Learning Objectives: to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in the French language so that by the beginning of the second year these skills can be applied to a business context. Content: Audio-visual exercises are used to exploit topical news items of a social, economic, political and cultural nature recorded from satellite television broadcasts. Exercises are designed initially to give students maximum exposure to spoken French in a variety of registers with a view to improving both comprehension skills and the ability to select and organise key points from the AV material used. Subsequently, exercises are aimed at improving student ability to present ideas orally in French to other members of the student group. A variety of exercises are employed: summarisation and role-play strategies, speed tests and fictional reconstructions from television images without sound. Classes with a French native speaker supplement these exercises by developing student skills in oral communication in French. |
ESML0123: German business environment 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0118 Aims & Learning Objectives: to provide students with an introduction to the structure of the German economy and the organisation of major economic interest groups; to introduce students to the legal system in the Federal Republic of Germany which governs the relationship between the state and its citizens with particular emphasis on the implications of the constitutional framework on the organisation of business; to familiarise students with relevant language and concepts, to assist students in writing in German about the relevant areas. Content: i. The German economy a) the structure of the German economy b) interest groups within the German economy ii. The German legal environment a) the constitutional framework of business b) aspects of change in the legal environment of German business |
ESML0124: German written & spoken communication 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX30 CW20 PR20 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0119 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit builds on German Written Communication 1, pursuing the same dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in German and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. Increasingly students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition; to introduce students to a variety of German texts dealing with appropriate contemporary issues. Content: 1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Austrian and German video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the German-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of German language structures, this unit focuses on complex grammar points and German syntax; ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from German and guided composition in German. |
ESML0125: French written communication in the business context A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Co ESML0117 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a French company during their year abroad. Content: Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc. Students are instructed in the drafting of commercial correspondence in addition to work on CVs and accompanying documentation. Specific exercises include: Commercial correspondence: terminology and its application; language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems. |
ESML0126: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: PR50 CW50 Requisites: Pre ESML0121, Pre ESML0122 Aims & Learning Objectives: to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts. Content: Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular. Oral and interpersonal communication skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises. Classes are conducted in French. |
ESML0127: German language in the business context A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: Requisites: Pre ESML0124 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. To enable them to converse accurately, fluently and in an appropriate register. 2. To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with specific reference to material used in the core and interface courses; to focus on the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a German company during their third year abroad. The unit will familiarise students with written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management in Germany. Content: 1. Classes may consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering of questions and discussion of the topics presented to them. Also office skills simulations, such as answering the telephone, form a part of these classes. There are also free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at familiarising students with specific issues from the German business context. Specific exercises include: comparative/text analysis, acquisition of business terminology, business communication: correspondence, reports, CVs, surveys, statistics, summarisations. |
ESML0128: French written communication in the business context B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW40 EX60 Requisites: Pre ESML0125, Co ESML0129 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with regard to techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation and comparative text analysis and with reference to the subjects covered in the core and interface courses whilst maintaining a focus on the business dimension of written communication. Content: Materials used in the course are drawn from across a range of socio-economic and legal texts drawn from the French press, with reference also to English press material, and European Community and other documents. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at increasing student awareness of presentational differences of the same material, soundness and elaboration of arguments etc., and the application of these lessons to written communication in general. Specific exercises include: Terminology and its application; summarisation; textual analysis: language, style, development/elaboration of argumentation; specific grammatical problems. |
ESML0129: French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OR40 PR10 CW10 Requisites: Pre ESML0126, Co ESML0128 Aims & Learning Objectives: to develop receptive (aural) and communicative (oral) skills in business contexts. Content: Students are given specific assignments aimed at improving aural comprehension of spoken language, based on video and audio material relevant to the world of business and to the European business environment in particular. Oral and interpersonal communication skills are practised in various situations commonly experienced in the world of business, especially telephone skills, job interview techniques and presentation exercises. Classes are conducted in French. |
ESML0130: German comparative employee relations B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre UNIV0003 Aims & Learning Objectives: To convey in German the most significant developments in relations between management and institutions representing worker interests (trade unions and works councils) and to give students practice in preparing and giving seminar presentations in German and to improve their writing skills in German. Content: Industrielle Beziehungen in Deutschland a) Die Entwicklung der Gewerkschaften b) Gewerkschaften und Betriebsr?te c) Die Zukunft der Tarifautonomie d) Betriebliche Interessenvertretung im vereinigten Deutschland |
ESML0131: German language in the business context B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX CW Requisites: Pre ESML0127 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim: 1. To build on the oral and aural German skills acquired in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is to enable students to improve their communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. The unit will improve accurate conversation skills at a more advanced level of German and improve both fluency and awareness of appropriate language registers for the business context. 2. To build on the skills and written language proficiency achieved in German Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is for students to develop more advanced skills in contemporary German written communication with specific reference to both the national and the European business environment. Students will be familiarised with more complex written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management. The unit will introduce students to more academic texts on business issues in the German context. Content: 1. Classes will consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from German/Austrian television. This may include summarisation, answering questions and discussion of topics presented to them. Students will practice office and negotiating skills as well as free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at aiding students' understanding of German national and European perspectives of issues in the business world as well as the acquisition of relevant terminology and language registers. Specific exercises include: writing reports, summarisations and essays on a business or economic topic; consolidation and expansion of business terminology, problem-solving in the business environment. |
ESML0132: French international marketing communications A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication. Content: The unit is in two parts. The first (in English over six weeks) provides for an introduction to the general principles of international marketing (structural, legal etc). The second (in French) examines marketing as part of the communications process. i. The International Marketing Environment: Economic, social, political and legal constraints Regional markets Globalisation versus internationalisation ii. Marketing Communications: The communications process; persuasion and propaganda Cultural influences, universals and their effects |
ESML0133: French written & oral communication in the international business context A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0128, Pre ESML0129 Aims & Learning Objectives: To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context. Content: All classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e.g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with reference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from their placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increasing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stimulate the development of oral communication skills. Exercises in written communication classes include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of the linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific grammatical problems. Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersonal skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems. |
ESML0135: German written & oral communication in the international business context 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0131 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad. Special attention is paid to oral presentation and discussion skills, to methods of comparative text analysis, techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation, commentary, specialised translation etc. Students are encouraged to follow economic trends in Germany through regular reading of relevant newspapers. Content: Classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. The emphasis will be on issues of European economic integration and problems related to the globalisation of economic processes. Certain linguistic excercises will also make use of English texts as a further source of information. |
ESML0136: French international marketing communications B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre UNIV0028, Ex MANG0063 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop students' understanding of the applications of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication. Content: The unit builds on unit French International Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products & campaigns in case study, in addition to theory & practice in other applications of the Marketing Communications mix. |
ESML0137: French written & oral communication in the international business context B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0133 Aims & Learning Objectives: To enhance French written and oral skills within the international business context. Content: Building on unit Written Communication in the International Business Context A, all classes continue to focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. Materials used in the unit are drawn from across a variety of registers (e.g. business, political, advertising etc.) found in French-language publications, but with reference also to English material, as well as European Union material and corporate communications. Students are encouraged to use materials and experience from their placement year in business. Exploitation of these texts and materials is aimed at increasing presentational skills within a framework of sound and well-elaborated argumentation. In addition to written communication skills, classes with the lector stimulate the development of oral communication skills. Exercises in written communication classes include: transposition of English texts into appropriate registers for a given context, e.g. report writing, professional advice etc.; commentary in French of the linguistic and situational features of texts; elaboration of arguments etc.; specific grammatical problems. Exercises in oral communication (language) classes include: presentations (individual and group) on prepared topics; development of interpersonal skills required in meetings and negotiations; reports in French on business and political items from French audio-visual material; specific grammatical, phonetic or other linguistic problems. |
ESML0138: Le management interculturel Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: to develop insights into the cultural specificity of management practices through comparisons between the case of France and other leading industrial nations; to enhance awareness of the cultural dimensions of managing in the international workplace; to provide an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of corporate, nation-specific and international management practices by drawing on prior study within the degree as well as on their work experience abroad; to develop research skills, oral presentation skills and report writing skills in French; to develop their teamwork skills, by working in groups. Content: The focus will be on business practices in France, whose distinctiveness (or otherwise) will be explored by cross-national comparisons. Introductory lectures review issues to do with national business cultures, particularly the question of whether particular management styles or practices are nation-specific. They also review corporate culture issues in relation to national culture, with reference to core management disciplines such as business policy, organisational behaviour and human resources management within major companies. The second phase of the course is student-led, with group exposés leading to seminar discussions. The subject of group exposés and groups dissertations is decided jointly by the students and course lecturers in line with the major themes of the course. Guidance is given on the development and presentation of both exposés and written projects, as well as feedback on exposées. |
ESML0139: German international marketing communications B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre UNIV0027, Ex MANG0063 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication. Content: The unit builds on Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products and campaigns in case study in addition to theory and practice in other applications of the marketing communications mix. |
ESML0140: German written & oral communication in the international business context 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX30 OR30 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0135 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad and to further develop the writing and oral skills practised in the post-abroad language workshop. Content: As in the preceding unit, classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. |
ESML0141: Business French option 1A Semester 2 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students must have have a minimum of a GCSE Grade C and/or have taken Single Language Option units during year 1 or the equivalent in order to undertake this unit. Students must also take ESML0142 in year 3 if they take this unit. Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management Content: Semester 1: Intensive language work with emphasis on aural comprehension and oral communication. Teaching methods integrate a variety of forms of language learning through the exploitation of foreign language television broadcasts, audio-visual materials and a business language course text. This part of the course concentrates mainly on the practical language necessary for doing business, but also includes work on more theoretical themes such as the various types of company job application and interview practice. Overall fluency and grammatical accuracy are practised throughout the course. |
ESML0142: Business French option 1B Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0141 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management Content: Semester 2: Further development of linguistic proficiency using the same methods as in Semester 1. The second part of the course is concerned with more real world material such as economics magazines and TV news items, on which the study of many aspects of the foreign business environment will be based. Continued emphasis on overall fluency and grammatical accuracy. |
ESML0143: Business French option 2 Semester 2 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0142 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to upgrade, review and refine language skills already acquired during Years 2 and 3 in order that students may operate confidently and effectively in the sphere of foreign business and management. Content: Target language is used throughout the course, emphasising fluency and grammatical accuracy. Topics reviewed include communications, marketing, sales and finance, as well as other relevant and/or topical aspects of the foreign business environment. |
ESML0144: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0145 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context. Content: Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required. |
ESML0145: Chinese stage 1B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0144 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A |
ESML0146: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. |
ESML0147: Chinese stage 2B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A |
ESML0148: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spoken. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. |
ESML0149: Chinese stage 3B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A |
ESML0150: French stage 7A (advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0151 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. GCE Advanced Level French or equivalent required. |
ESML0151: French stage 7B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0150 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 7A Content: A continuation of French Stage 7A |
ESML0152: French stage 8A (post advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0153: French stage 8B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 8A Content: A continuation of French Stage 8A |
ESML0154: French stage 9A (further advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0155: French stage 9B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 9A Content: A continuation of French Stage 9A |
ESML0156: French stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0157 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. GCSE Grade C in French or equivalent required. |
ESML0157: French stage 4B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0156 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 4A Content: A continuation of French Stage 4A |
ESML0158: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0159: French stage 5B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of course French Stage 5A Content: A continuation of course French Stage 5A |
ESML0160: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0161: French stage 6B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of course French Stage 6A Content: A continuation of course French Stage 6A |
ESML0162: German stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0163 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required. |
ESML0163: German stage 1B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0162 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 1A Content: A continuation of German Stage 1A |
ESML0164: German stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0165: German stage 2B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 2A Content: A continuation of German Stage 2A |
ESML0166: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0167: German stage 3B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 3A Content: A continuation of German Stage 3A |
ESML0168: German stage 7A (advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0169 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. GCE Advanced Level German or equivalent required. |
ESML0169: German stage 7B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0168 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 7A Content: A continuation of German Stage 7A |
ESML0170: German stage 8A (post advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0171: German stage 8B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 8A Content: A continuation of German Stage 8A |
ESML0172: German stage 9A (further advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of the work outlined in German Stage 8A and 8B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to German speaking countries. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0173: German stage 9B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 9A Content: A continuation of German Stage 9A |
ESML0174: German stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0175 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. GCSE Grade C in German or equivalent required. |
ESML0175: German stage 4B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0174 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German 4A Content: A continuation of German 4A |
ESML0176: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0177: German stage 5B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 5A Content: A continuation of German Stage 5A |
ESML0178: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0179: German stage 6B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 6A Content: A continuation of German Stage 6A |
ESML0180: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0181 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required. |
ESML0181: Italian stage 1B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0180 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 1A |
ESML0182: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in an Italian-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0183: Italian stage 2B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 2A |
ESML0184: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork. |
ESML0185: Italian stage 3B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A |
ESML0186: Japanese 1A (beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0187 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters) Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required. |
ESML0187: Japanese 1B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0186 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A |
ESML0188: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Japanese-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0189: Japanese 2B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A |
ESML0190: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork. |
ESML0191: Japanese 3B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A |
ESML0192: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0193 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. Usually some evidence of competence in another foreign language is required. |
ESML0193: Spanish stage 1B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0192 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A |
ESML0194: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0254 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0195: Spanish stage 2B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A |
ESML0196: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0197: Spanish stage 3B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A |
ESML0198: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0199 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements. GCSE Grade C in Spanish or equivalent required. |
ESML0199: Spanish stage 4B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0198 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A |
ESML0200: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0201: Spanish stage 5B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A |
ESML0202: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0203: Spanish stage 6B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A |
ESML0204: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0205 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context. Content: Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones. |
ESML0205: Chinese stage 1B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0204 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A |
ESML0206: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0207 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese. |
ESML0207: Chinese stage 2B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0206 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A |
ESML0208: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0209 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spoken. |
ESML0209: Chinese stage 3B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0208 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A |
ESML0210: French stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0211 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0211: French stage 7B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0210 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 7A Content: A continuation of French Stage 7A |
ESML0212: French stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0213 Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0213: French stage 8B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0212 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 8A Content: A continuation of French Stage 8A |
ESML0214: French stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0215 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0215: French stage 9B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0214 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 9A Content: A continuation of French Stage 9A |
ESML0216: French stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0217 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0217: French stage 4B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0216 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of French Stage 4A Content: A continuation of French Stage 4A |
ESML0218: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0219 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0219: French stage 5B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0218 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of course French Stage 5A Content: A continuation of course French Stage 5A |
ESML0220: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0221 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0221: French stage 6B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0220 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of course French Stage 6A Content: A continuation of course French Stage 6A |
ESML0222: German stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0223 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work |
ESML0223: German stage 1B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0222 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 1A Content: A continuation of German Stage 1A |
ESML0224: German stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0225 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0225: German stage 2B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0224 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 2A Content: A continuation of German Stage 2A |
ESML0226: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0227 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0227: German stage 3B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0226 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 3A Content: A continuation of German Stage 3A |
ESML0228: German stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0229 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0229: German stage 7B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0228 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 7A Content: A continuation of German Stage 7A |
ESML0230: German stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0231 Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0231: German stage 8B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0230 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 8A Content: A continuation of German Stage 8A |
ESML0232: German stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0233 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of the work outlined in German Stage 8A and 8B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to German speaking countries. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0233: German stage 9B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0232 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 9A Content: A continuation of German Stage 9A |
ESML0234: German stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0235 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0235: German stage 4B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0234 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German 4A Content: A continuation of German 4A |
ESML0236: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0237 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0237: German stage 5B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0236 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 5A Content: A continuation of German Stage 5A |
ESML0238: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0239 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0239: German stage 6B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0238 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of German Stage 6A Content: A continuation of German Stage 6A |
ESML0240: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0241 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work |
ESML0241: Italian stage 1B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0240 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 1A |
ESML0242: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0243 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in an Italian-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0243: Italian stage 2B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0242 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 2A |
ESML0244: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0245 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the students abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork |
ESML0245: Italian stage 3B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0244 Amis & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A. Content: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A. |
ESML0246: Japanese 1A (beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0247 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters) Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work |
ESML0247: Japanese 1B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0246 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A |
ESML0248: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0249 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Japanese-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0249: Japanese 2B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0248 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A |
ESML0250: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0251 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork. |
ESML0251: Japanese 3B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0250 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A |
ESML0252: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0253 Aims & Learning Objectives: An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading. Content: Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work |
ESML0253: Spanish stage 1B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0252 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A |
ESML0254: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0194, Co ESML0255 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0255: Spanish stage 2B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0254 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A |
ESML0256: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0257 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0257: Spanish stage 3B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0256 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A |
ESML0258: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0259 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0259: Spanish stage 4B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Co ESML0258 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A |
ESML0260: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0261 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0261: Spanish stage 5B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0260 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A |
ESML0262: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0263 Aims & Learning Objectives: This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B |
ESML0263: Spanish stage 6B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15 Requisites: Co ESML0262 Aims & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A Content: A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A |
ESML0264: EFL Academic Writing A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this course is to improve students' academic writing skills in English, thereby enabling them to raise the standard of their degree course work. Content: Essay and report writing, to include overall structure, orthography, grammar, punctuation and appropriateness of writing style. |
ESML0265: EFL Academic writing B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continuation of EFL Academic Writing A. Content: Continuation of EFL Academic Writing A. |
ESML0266: EFL Cambridge English examination classes A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To prepare students for Cambridge First Certificate, Advanced English and Proficiency in English examinations Content: An integrated course, covering the four language skills and including the following: Reading authentic texts Focus on register recognition Grammar Vocabulary development Listening practice Oral discussion Writing compositions, letters and other texts Examination practice |
ESML0267: EFL Cambridge English examination classes B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continuation of EFL Cambridge English Examination Classes A Content: Continuation of EFL Cambridge English Examination Classes A |
ESML0268: EFL English for business A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop business students' spoken and written English using appropriate business materials Content: Spoken English: Seminar skills Giving a presentation Listening skills Negotiating skills Written English: Reading business texts Essay writing Case studies |
ESML0269: EFL English for business B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continuation of EFL English for Business A Content: Continuation of EFL English for Business A |
ESML0270: Effective writing for native speakers of English Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students should not have taken this unit in a previous semester. Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop native speaker students' essay writing skills by teaching study skills for academic writing and developing accuracy. Content: Surveying a book or article Note-taking and summarising skills Avoiding plagiarism Incorporating source material Referring to sources Essay structure Paragraph structure Planning an essay Writing introductions and conclusions Synthesing from different sources Cohesive devices Academic style - showing and avoiding personal commitment Grammatical accuracy Writing in examinations |
ESML0270: Effective writing for native speakers of English Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students should not have taken this unit in a previous semester. Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop native speaker students' essay writing skills by teaching study skills for academic writing and developing accuracy. Content: Surveying a book or article Note-taking and summarising skills Avoiding plagiarism Incorporating source material Referring to sources Essay structure Paragraph structure Planning an essay Writing introductions and conclusions Synthesing from different sources Cohesive devices Academic style - showing and avoiding personal commitment Grammatical accuracy Writing in examinations |
ESML0271: French politics & society 2B, option 1: Regional policy in the Fifth Republic Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of Regional Policy in the Fifth Republic. Content: This option will examine the progress towards decentralisation brought about during the Fifth Republic, and specifically since 1981, against a background of historic centralisation of both government and administration in France. It will also explore the potential for a French contribution to the regional debate at a European level. Taught in French. |
ESML0272: French politics & society 2B, option 2: 'Capitale et province' Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of 'Capitale et province'. Content: This option will examine the French experience of regional and provincial identities, and of 'Paris et le désert français' from social, political, cultural and linguistic perspectives. The emphasis will be on ways in which difference is asserted in the face of modern tendencies towards sameness and globalization, with analysis of a wide range of historical and modern texts and visual material. Taught in French. |
ESML0273: French politics & society 2B, option 3: The role & position of women in French society Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the role and position of women in French society. Content: This unit will examine the role and position of women in French society. The course will analyse women's rights in terms of legislation (divorce, abortion, the notion of equality) and explore women's involvement in the labour market, politics and government. Taught in French. |
ESML0274: French politics & society 2B, option 4: French local politics Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to French local politics. Content: The focus of the course will be the analysis of political behaviour in the local/regional context. Particular attention will be paid to the sociological and cultural factors that shape patterns of electoral behaviour. Taught in French. |
ESML0275: French politics & society 2B, option 5: Rural society in contemporary France Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to Rural society in contemporary France. Content: The focus of the course will be the development of French rural society. It will examine the recent history of the countryside and how rural communities have adapted to the pressures of social and economic change. Taught in French. |
ESML0276: French politics & society 2B, option 6: The experience of women during the Second World War Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to the experience of women during the Second World War. Content: This unit will explore the experience of women during the Second World War, the Occupation and Liberation. It will examine the ways in which French women developed strategies for survival and how some were drawn towards collaboration or resistance. It will analyse the importance of the Liberation and its impact on women's lives. Taught in French. |
ESML0277: French politics & society 2B, option 7: La France: une société au pluriel Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to La France: une societé au pluriel. Content: Changing social structures in France; social reproduction and mobility; the nature and effects of the French educational system; the social backgrounds of political, administrative and business elites; case-studies of persisting social disadvantage in France. Taught in French. |
ESML0278: French politics & society 2B, option 8: Political communication from party & individual Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of political communication from party and individual. Content: This option will examine the increasing use of political communication in the Fifth Republic, tracing how the development of mass communication has led to the increasing 'sophistication' of presentation of the political message. It will also provide students with the tools to analyse political communication within the French context. Taught in French. |
ESML0279: French politics & society 2B, option 9: France coming to terms with the German occupation of 1940-44 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Politics & Society by applying the expertise gained so far to an analysis of France coming to terms with the German Occupation of 1940-1944 some fifty years on. Content: This option will examine the ways in which France has come to terms with the Occupation of 1940-1944, by taking post-war events and individuals connected with the Occupation (e.g. Paul Touvier, Renéé Bousque, François Mitterrand, Maurice Papon) and investigating reactions to those events and individuals. Taught in French. |
ESML0280: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 1: Decadentismo: Luigi Pirandello & Italo Svevo Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0070 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore in depth: Decadentismo: Luigi Pirandello and Italo Svevo Content: This option will look at the central role of Pirandello and Svevo in creating Italian modernism (Decadentismo), taking account of developments in both narrative and theatre and will place them in the wider context of European modernism. |
ESML0281: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 2: Post-war Italian cinema Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0070 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore in depth: Post-War Italian Cinema Content: This option will examine the works of three directors (Visconti, Fellini, and Antonioni) whose films set the tone and created the international reputation of Italian cinema in the 1960s. |
ESML0282: Italian cultural studies 2B, option 3: Post-war Italian narrative Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0070 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build upon the knowledge acquired during the core module in Semester 1 and to explore aspects of Post-War Italian narrative in greater depth. Content: This option will consider a range of writers from the end of the Neorealist period (Pavese) to the younger writers of the eighties and nineties, including a number of women novelists. |
ESML0283: Italian politics & society 2B, option 1: Migratory movements & migrants in post-war Italy Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: To explore aspects of post-war Italian Politics and Society and to build on the development of skills in political and social analysis: Migratory movements and migrants in post-war Italy. Content: This option explores a variety of migratory processes to and from Italy since 1945. It considers both internal and external migratory trends and studies in some detail some communities of Italians abroad and recent migrants who have settled in Italy. |
ESML0284: Italian politics & society 2B, option 2: Political scandals in Italy since 1945 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: To explore aspects of post-war Italian Politics and Society and to build on the development of skills in political and social analysis: Political scandals in Italy since 1945. Content: This option examines some of the most alarming threats Italian democracy has had to contend with, including attempted coups d'etat, secret masonic lodges, the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, as well as the Mafia. |
ESML0286: French Language for Engineers 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a working knowledge of French language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language, Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0287: German Language for Engineers 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a working knowledge of German language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0288: French Language for Engineers 3 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0289: French Language for Engineers 4 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students' knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing. Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from written material including material of a simple scientific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces. Content: After taking this module the student should be able to: Syllabus Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language, Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0290: French Language for Engineers 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW40 OR30 EX30 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a working knowledge of French through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and dislikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0291: German Language for Engineers 3 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0292: German Language for Engineers 4 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students' knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing. After taking this module the student should be able to: Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from written material including material of a simple scientific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces. Content: Syllabus Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language, Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0293: German Language for Engineers 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW40 OR30 EX30 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a working knowledge of German through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and dislikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of broad engineering or scientific interest. |
ESML0294: European option E5: In search of Europe (1) - Europe divided Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The 'In Search of Europe' course as a whole aims to provide an appropriate theoretical, conceptual and empirical framework of reference to enable students to explore continuities and changes in the concept of Europe since World War II. In Semester 1, the unit focuses on the implications of Soviet-American rivalries during the Cold War for both halves of Europe, and the causes and nature of the Cold War's demise in 1989. By the end of the unit students should be able to: * demonstrate understanding of the different impacts of the Cold War on Western and Eastern Europe, and on different countries within these regions; * explain the eventual collapse of Soviet-type systems in Europe Content: The Cold War; strengths and weaknesses of the Soviet bloc before 1989; Cold War and détente in Western Europe (1960s-1980s); 1989 and the collapse of Cold War era political systems. Key text : R.Eatwell (ed), European Political Cultures : Conflict or Convergence ? (1997). |
ESML0295: European option E6: In search of Europe (2) - Europe in the 1990s: towards unification? Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The 'In Search of Europe' course as a whole aims to provide an appropriate theoretical, conceptual and empirical framework of reference to enable students to explore continuities and changes in the concept of Europe since World War II. In Semester 2, the unit focuses on regional and European identities within Europe since the collapse of communism. By the end of the unit students should be able to: * demonstrate understanding of major developments in European politics since the collapse of communism, with special focus on trends towards greater integration and, simultaneously, fragmentation, regionalism and ethnic conflict; * analyse the components of national and ethnic identity and apply theories about nationalism and about the creation and transmission of identities to developments in contemporary Europe: * attempt an informed definition of ' Europe' in the context of global political developments since the end of the Cold War. Content: Immediate consequences of 1989; the resurgence of particularism; forces for integration. Key texts : A. Smith, Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era (1995); K. Cordell (ed), Ethnicity and Democratisation in the New Europe (1999). |
ESML0296: French cultural studies 2B: option 9: French neo-Greek drama Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the experience of Cultural Studies by applying the expertise gained so far to French neo-Greek drama. Content: The unit examines French neo-Greek plays in the period 1920-1945 and seeks to evaluate the conspicuously theatrical aspects. It will also consider why playwrights chose to return to classical mythology for their subject matter. |
ESML0298: French politics & society 2B: option 10: La France dans le monde Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build on the students' knowledge of French politics by analysing the main features of French foreign policy in the principal areas of the world where significant French influence still prevails. Content: This option will examine two main issues. First, the foreign policy-making process in Fifth Republic France. Second, the evolution of French diplomacy with regard to the key issues and regions of the post-war world: NATO and the Atlantic system, European integration, Africa, the Arab world, the Pacific. The student group will have the chance of broad coverage or of concentration on a restricted number of regions. |
ESML0299: French comparative employee relations B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Pre UNIV0002 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop knowledge of the legislative and contractual framework for employment relations in these countries; to familiarise students with key concepts in employment relations and key vocabulary in French; to use authentic French-language documents produced by public agencies, employers and trade unions. After successfully completing the course, students should be able to write in French on an aspect of employmeent relations in France and to discuss in French contemporary issues of employment relations. Content: Trade unions, employers' associations in France; the role of the State; representative institutions in the workplace; trends in collective bargaining; training, qualifications and work organization. |
ESML0300: Year abroad Academic Year Credits: 60 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To promote the development of high-level language skills in an appropriate foreign environment; to acquire personal experience and understanding of the appropriate foreign culture(s). Content: To carry out an agreed programme or programmes of work and/or study in a foreign environment appropriate to the student's language combination. The nature, scope and assessment is determined by the choice of language(s), placement(s) and country/countries, in consultation with Year Abroad Coordinators, Course Tutors, Personal Tutors and Director of Studies. |
ESML0301: MA methodologies course Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0302: National module - Euromasters Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0303: English - French translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0304: French - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0305: English to French: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0306: Interpreting liaison French 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0307: English to French: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0308: English - Russian translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0309: Russian - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0310: English to Russian: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0311: English to Russian: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0312: Italian - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0313: English to Italian: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0314: Interpreting liaison Italian 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0315: English to Italian: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0316: German - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0317: English to German: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0318: Interpreting liaison German 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0319: English to German: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0320: Japanese - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0321: English - Japanese translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0322: Interpreting liaison Japanese 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0323: English to Japanese: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0324: English to Japanese: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0326: Conferences 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0327: English - French translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0328: French - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0329: English to French: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0330: Interpreting liaison French 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0331: English to French: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0332: English - Russian translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0333: Russian - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0334: English to Russian: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0335: English to Russian: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0336: Italian - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0337: English to Italian: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0338: Interpreting liaison Italian 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0339: English to Italian: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0340: German - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0341: English to German: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0342: Interpreting liaison German 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0343: English to German: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0344: Japanese - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0345: English - Japanses translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0346: Interpreting liaison Japanses 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0347: English to Japanese: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0348: English to Japanese: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0350: Spanish - English translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0351: Conferences 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0352: Institutions of the European Union Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0353: Intercultural communication training Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0354: Basic international law & practical legal translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0355: Law of the European Union 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0357: English to Spanish: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0358: Interpreting liaison Spanish 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0359: English to Spanish: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0360: Spanish - English translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0361: English to Spanish: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0362: Interpreting liaison Spanish 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0363: English to Spanish: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0364: Basic international law & practical legal translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0365: Law of the European Union 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0366: Interpreting liaison Russian 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0368: Interpreting liaison Russian 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0371: Italian politics and society 2B, option 3: The representation of Italy Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: The courses objective is to use the work of eminent Italian novelists, sociologists, essayists and film directors to "bring to life" students textbook knowledge of certain key moments in Italian post-war history. Content: Subjects covered include: the partisan struggle against the Germans; the Mafia; the DC and the PCI; terrorism; political corruption and the tangentopoli scandal. Works by major figures such as Sciascia, Rossellini, Amelio and Arlacchi will be studied. Students will be expected to read very widely in Italian. |
ESML0372: Italian national option IT5: Elites and Power Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of Italian political thought and, in particular, to focus upon some of the most influential political theorists of twentieth-century Italy. Content: Starting with Mozzini, who is a figure of fundamental importance, the course passes to such late nineteenth and twentieth century intellectuals as Gaetano Mosca, Antonio Gramsci, Piero Gobetti, Carlo Rosselli and Noberto Bobbio. All of these individuals were (in the case of Bobbio, are) thinkers of considerable international significance. We will study several topics in detail during the course (including the nature of fascism and the courses of its rise), but the central issue will be élites and the techniques they use to maintain (or obtain) their grip on political power. Most readings will be in Italian, but seminars will be conducted in English. |
ESML0374: French Language for Engineers 5 Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX50 CW25 OR25 Requisites: Ex ESML0376 Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students' general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing. To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts. To provide practice in oral presentation. To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary. To give the student some detail of the organisation of French industry and prepare for industrial project. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in French in their own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in French. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass media; theatre/film. |
ESML0375: French language for Engineers 6 Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: ES70 OR30 Requisites: Ex ESML0377 Aims & Learning Objectives: To maintain and develop further the students' general language skills, particularly oral skills. To refine skills in relation to report writing. To provide practice in oral presentation and to introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with French engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a French engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in French in their own field and provide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in French. Content: Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation. |
ESML0376: German language for Engineers 5 Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW25 EX50 OR25 Requisites: Ex ESML0374 Aims & Learning Objectives: To improve the students general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing. To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts. To provide practice in oral presentation. To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary. To give the student some detail of the organisation of German industry and prepare for industrial project. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in German in their own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in German. Content: Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass media; theatre/film. |
ESML0377: German language for Engineers 6 Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: ES70 OR30 Requisites: Ex ESML0375 Aims & Learning Objectives: To maintain and develop further the students general language skills, particularly oral skills. To refine skills in relation to report writing. To provide practice in oral presentation and to introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with German engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a German engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in German in their own field and provide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in German. Content: Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation. |
ESML0378: Business Japanese 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: For the MA in Interpreting & Translating |
ESML0379: English - Italian Translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0380: English - Italian Translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0381: Business Japanese 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: For the MA in Interpreting & translating |
ESML0382: EFL Spoken English A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this course is to improve students' spoken English, thereby facilitating their social and academic interactions while in Britain, and enabling them to raise the standard of their degree course work. Content: Presentation and seminar skills; listening to lectures; pronunciation and fluency; colloquial English. |
ESML0383: EFL Spoken English B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continuation of EFL Spoken English A. Content: Continuation of EFL Spoken English A. |
ESML0384: Russian national option R3: Modern Russian Cinema Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 EX Requisites: Pre ESML0093 Aims & Learning Objectives: To acquaint students with recent developments in Russian cinema, from the late Soviet period (early 1980s) through to the mid-1990s. To provide an overview of the cultural and political background; to analyse film as text; to examine some key films of the period. Content: Brief history of Soviet film 1917-85; some critical tendencies in the late stagnation years; Gorbachev's policy of 'glasnost' in the arts; the 'unshelving' of previously banned films in the late 1980s; the end of Soviet film and the emergence of the new Russian cinema post-1991. |
ESML0385: European political thought Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & learning objectives: Students should acquire a solid understanding of the history and development of political theory in Europe. Content: The course provides a survey of the major European politcal thinkers from Niccolo Machiavelli to Antonio Gramsci. |
ESML0386: Business German option 1A Semester 2 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students must have have a minimum of a GCSE Grade C and/or have taken Single Language Option units during year 1 or the equivalent in order to undertake this unit. Students must also take ESML0387 in year 3 if they take this unit. Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management. Content: Semester 1: Intensive language work with emphasis on aural comprehension and oral communication. Teaching methods integrate a variety of forms of language learning through the exploitation of foreign language television broadcasts, audio-visual materials and a business language course text. This part of the course concentrates mainly on the practical language necessary for doing business, but also includes work on more theoretical themes such as the various types of company job application and interview practice. Overall fluency and grammatical accuracy are practised throughout the course. |
ESML0387: Business German option 1B Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0386 Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to revive, develop and consolidate foreign language skills in order to enable students to operate effectively in the sphere of business and management. Content: Semester 2: Further development of linguistic proficiency using the same methods as in Semester 1. The second part of the course is concerned with more real world material such as economics magazines and TV news items, on which the study of many aspects of the foreign business environment will be based. Continued emphasis on overall fluency and grammatical accuracy. |
ESML0389: Italian national option IT6: The crisis of the Italian State Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0071 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this course is to discuss and analyse the crisis of the Italian I Republic and the period of political transition that has followed the collapse of the Berlusconi government. Content: Subjects covered include: academic explanations for the crisis of the I Republic; political parties in contemporary Italy; constitutional reform; Italy and the European Union. Students will be expected to read widely in Italian. |
ESML0390: English-Chinese Translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0391: Chinese-English Translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0392: English to Chinese: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0393: English to Chinese: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0394: Business Chinese 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0395: Business English 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0396: English-Chinese Translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0397: Chinese-English Translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0398: English to Chinese: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0399: English to Chinese: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0400: Business English 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: ESML0395 runs in both semester 1 and 2 - this was a duplicate |
ESML0401: Business Chinese 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0402: Interpreting liaison Chinese 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0403: Multiple perspectives on Europe Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0404: Interpreting liaison Chinese 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0405: Perspectives on Europe - France Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre MANG0082 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaining agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs). Content: The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both France AND Germany, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communitites) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europeanisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda. |
ESML0406: Perspectives on Europe - Germany Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre MANG0082 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit builds on European Business Environment, to develop students' understanding of differing national perspectives of EU member states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaiing agenda between states within the EU as well as of those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU (e.g. Central and Eastern European Countries - CEECs). Content: The unit will address issues: EU membership, background and key data, from the point of view of both Germany AND France, perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by nations (and their business communities) such as Germany, Italy and CEECs; the Europeanisation of economic policy making; social policy, political objectives and "bargaining" - setting the agenda. |
ESML0407: Border crossings: memory and identity in contemporary Europe Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: the purpose of this unit is to challenge assumptions about European and national identities; to enable students to gain an understanding of the complexity, diversity and interrelated nature of European cultures, as relected in the work of selected contemporary European writers and film-makers. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: - reflect on questions of identity in relation to family, community and ideology - describe and evaluate the impact on individuals of migration, forced and unforced movement across borders, between languages, tradition - assess the ways in which Europeans deal with the legacy of war, displacement, catastrophe, through the functioning of memory and the denial of memory. Content: An exploration of shifting identities in contemporary Europe, through a variety of written and visual media, with particular reference to geographical and linguistic boundaries, and the themes of exile, migration, memory and forgetting. Texts and films for analysis include: H. Mueller, The Land of Green Plums; E. Palandri, The Way Back; I. Kadare, The File on H; F.T. Fridriksson, Cold Fever; X. Koller, Journey of Hope; I. Bachmann, The Book of Franza; J. Berger, To the Wedding. |
ESML0408: German-English translation for SOCRATES students A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: This unit is for visiting students only. Aims and learning objectives: To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers. Content: The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on dealing with texts written in more colloquial registers. |
ESML0409: German-English translation for SOCRATES students B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW60 EX40 Requisites: This unit is for visiting students only. Aims and learning objectives: To refine students' ability to translate competently from German into English in a variety of contemporary registers. Content: The main emphasis in this semester will be placed on translating with texts written in more formal registers. |
ESML0410: Political ideologies Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES50 EX50 Requisites: Aims & learning objectives: To provide a grounding in the study of political ideologies, namely the thought which has been central to modern political debate, and to show the importance of ideas to the study of politics. By the end of the unit students should be able to demonstrate i) an understanding of the notion of ideology, and of the key political ideologies discussed, and ii) an ability to engage with and analyse the main debates and arguments discussed in the course. Content: The lectures will focus on the main ideologies which have helped shape the modern world, together with more methodological debates surrounding the study of ideology. Lectures will include: what is 'ideology'?; liberalism; conservatism; Marxism; social democracy; nationalism; feminism; ecologism; and the 'end of ideology' debate. |
ESML0411: Politics Dissertation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: This unit is for BSc Politics with Economics students only. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of the unit is for students to design and conduct a research project on an approved politics topic (NB politics is understood broadly to include related political aspects of related subjects such as social policy). The objective is for students to attain research skills, the ability and confidence to work and conduct primary research independently, and a critical awareness of the importance of methodology and analysis in political research and writing. (Further details of the Politics Dissertation are given in the Student Handbook for Politics with Economics students.) Content: Students will choose a specific research topic, in consultation with a suitable supervisor, and design a research project. |
ESML0412: Politics dissertation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: This unit is for BSc Politics with Economics students only. Aims & Learning Objectives: To complete work undertaken in Politics Dissertation 1 unit (ESML0411). Content: Discussion, further reading and writing up of a 10,000 word research project. |
ESML0413: Placement Academic Year Credits: 60 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide practical experience in a working environment, and to develop personal and organisational skills. By the end of their placement year students should have enhanced skills in communication (both written and oral), planning and time management, problem solving and analysis, and decision making. They should also have gained practical experience of working as part of a team. Content: Period of work experience. |
ESML0414: American politics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim is to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of central arguments and debates relating to the American political system, and to equip them to contribute to these debates, citing relevant evidence. Content: The course applies the concepts and theories of political science to the United states of America, assessing the role played by formal and informal political entities. Notions of liberal democracy are assessed by reference to debates on the role of political parties, interest groups, elites and political culture on political outcomes in America. A number of case studies consider the political significance from a European perspective of questions of race and poverty, judicial review, and the American foreign policy process. |
ESML0415: Media politics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim is to provide students with a grounding in the theory and practice relating to the political significance of the mass media, with reference to a number of case studies. Students should attain an awareness of the significance of the media in the public sphere and in the democratic process. They should also attain skills in conceptualising the media's role. Content: The course examines alternative theories of the political role of the mass media, and applies these to case studies. Topics include the Frankfurt School and mass culture, Marxist and pluralist notions of the media, the 'propaganda model', notions of public broadcasting, cinema and politics, the global role of the media, and the media and war. |
ESML0416: Totalitarian politics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To further student's knowledge of comparative politics and history by examining 20th century European communist and facist movements and regimes, with particular attention being paid to the relevance of the concept of 'totalitarianism' to these. The main focus will be on Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. By the end of the unit, students should be able to demonstrate: i) an understanding of the main theories of the rise, nature and failure of communism and fascist regimes; ii) familiarity with the concept of 'totalitarianism' and debates relating to its use. Content: The concept of 'totalitarianism'; the role of ideas and ideology in the genesis of fascist and communist movements and regimes; state and leadership in communist and fascist regimes; coercion and support; the Holocaust; the decay of communism; the possibility of the revival of fascism and communism in Europe. |
ESML0417: British politics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide a grounding in the study of the British political system, including wider aspects of Britain's relations with the EU. Students will attain a broad knowledge of British Politics, and the skills of being able to engage with the main arguments and debates, and analyse major problems in the subject area. Content: The lectures will focus on a wide range of specific topics central to beginning to study politics (parties, institutions, etc.). Lectures will include: conservatism; social democracy; voting behaviour; the media; electoral systems; parliament; executive; Britain and the European Union. |
ESML0422: French national option F14: Marguerite Duras-Femme du siècle Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the work of Marguerite Duras; to consider her position in major literary and intellectual debates of twentieth-century France; to develop an understanding of the thematic and stylistic evolution of Duras' oeuvre. Students who complete this unit successfully will have; - read and analysed at least 5 major texts by Duras - developed an understanding of Duras's position within broader literary and intellectual movements - developed their skills in critical analysis and literary theory Content: Topics of discussion will include: transgression, gender relations, sexuality, identity, and desire. The unit will focus primarily on the following novels and films: Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1955); Moderato cantabile (1958); Hiroshima mon amour (1960); India Song (1974); L'Homme assis dans le couloir (1980); L'Amant (1984); La Douleur (1985). |
ESML0423: German national option G10: Territorium und Nation. Die 'deutsche Frage' seit 1945 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0042 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the origins, development, and future of the 'German Question'. Learning objectives: students who complete this unit successfully will be able to demonstrate an understanding the links between the two concepts of territory and nation and how they are affected, or were affected by, German domestic and foreign policy and the relationship between the two German states and their neighbours in the context of the Cold War, the collapse of the East Bloc, and the democratisation of the former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Content: Topics of lectures and seminars will include the relationship between East and West Germany, Ostpolitik, German minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, the integration of refugess, expellees, and Aussiedler in the Federal Republic, and the political influence of expellee organisations on German foreign policy. The unit is taught in German. |
ESML0424: Introduction to the teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To enhance language awareness and introduce the basics of lingistuics as a discipline; to provide a self-contained introduction to TEFL, of practical use to students preparing to spend a year abroad, with the possibility of conversion to a recognised qualification (CELTA) via a subsequent add-on course (at student's own expense); to develop transferable skills, useful for a career in foreign language teaching. Content: An introduction to linguistics with a practical focus on the skills and systems of English language teaching; teaching methodology (the context for learning and teaching English at adult level, planning effective teaching, classroom skills); resources and materials (selection and evaluation). |
ESML0425: English-Spanish translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: EX Requisites: |
ESML0426: Information technology for linguists Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0427: Approaches to professional work 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0428: Film, politics & society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide students with a grounding in debates about the social and political significance and "effects" of film and television drama and documentary, in various industrial, national and global contexts. Students should attain the ability to read and interpret film texts and to understand and assess the visual and other codes of film language; they should also gain a confidence in discussing and analysing the significance of film in particular political and historical contexts. Content: The course draws on a number of theoretical approaches to film and the mass media, and draws on theoretical work on the political and social significance of film. The course deals with questions of the construction and reception of political meaning in film and television drama, and at issues relating to film and national identity, film policy, political culture, censorship, propaganda, and the notion of documentary. Examples are drawn in particular, but not exclusively from American and European film. |
ESML0429: French national option F15: Décisions et leadership Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To deepen students' understanding of decision-making and leadership processes in organisational and political life; to enhance their practical competencies in these matters; to explore methods by which individual and collective decisions are made in a range of settings. Content: The unit analyses decision-making and leadership at three levels: organisations, the French national polity, and the international arena (especially the EU). Drawing on a range of theoretical approaches, it identifies the social and personal characteristics of key decision-makers, explores contextual and procedural aspects, and outlines models of strategy formulation and policy making in majoritarian and non-majoritarian settings. Case studies are drawn mainly from France, supported by international comparisons and contrasts. The unit is taught in French. |
ESML0430: French cultural studies 2B, option 11: Ecrire les langues francaises: recent francophone literature Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the work of several contemporary francophone writers, and to the historical, cultural and theoretical context of post-colonialism. To examine how such works challenge the certainties of traditional 'French' literature. To explore the stylistic and thematic complexities of francophone novels, poetry and films through discussion of such issues as hybridity, exile, authenticity, voice, place and gender. Content: The unit will focus primarily on the following literary works Azouz Begag, Le Gone de Chaâba (1986): Aimé Césaire, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal (1939); Medhi Charef, Le thé au harem d'Archi Ahmed (1983); Andrée Chedid, La Maison sans racines (1985); Tahar Ben Jelloun, La Nuit sacrée (1987) - and the films, La Haine, Le Gone de Chaâba and Le thé au harem d'Archi Ahmed. We shall also refer to a number of historical and theoretical works. |
ESML0431: German cultural studies 2B, option 4: Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet? Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0038 Aims & Learning Objectives: Full title: Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet? Liebe, Beziehungen und Ehe in der deutschprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. To examine cultural representations of relationships and of the institution of marriange as key areas of social change during the 1960s and 1970s. To assess the impact of wider social change (in particular of the women's movement) on the nexus of personal identity, the private sphere and society. To identify new methods being employed by prose writers as a means of authentically representing the social experiences of particular women. Content: A framework of lectures will provide the cultural and political context within which to study the cultural representations of the topics specified above. Lectures will also introduce students to literary developments of the period and to the authors whose texts will be studied. The seminars will provide students with the opportunity to analyse in detail the following representative works of fiction: Brigitte Schwaiger, Wie kommt das Salz ins Meer; Elfiede Jelinek, Die Liebhaberinnen; Christa Wolf, Der geteilte Himmel; Christoph Hein, Drachenblut; and a film version of Christa Wolf's short story Selbstversuch. Taught in German. |
ESML0433: English-Spanish translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0434: Approaches to professional work 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0435: Comparative European politics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit aims to provide a focussed discussion of political change in contemporary European countries, centred around two broad issues. Firstly, are we about to witness major changes in party systems? Secondly, how can democracy adapt to changing times? At the end of this unit, students should be able to demonstrate: * An appropriate level of both empirical and theoretical knowledge relating to these two broad themes; * A similar knowledge of key concepts relating to these themes; * A detailed knowledge of at least one topic within these themes and the ability to write about it critically and clearly. Content: All lectures will take a comparative approach, and will not concentrate on one country. The general topics of lectures will be: the changing nature of social democracy (Third Ways?); the decline of the centre-right?; the rise of the extreme/populist right; the Green challenge; the rise of regionalist and micro-nationalist parties; presidential and parliamentary forms of government; constitutional design; the federal model; democratisation in Eastern Europe; democracy, globalisation and nationalism. |
ESML0436: European union policies & policy-making Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & learning objectives The aims of this unit are to offer an analysis of the framework in which EU policy-making is set; to familiarise students with the academic and political debates on globalisation; to give them an understanding of the relationship between globalisation and European integration; to evaluate the dynamics of the EU-US relationship; to offer an understanding of the complexities of EU enlargement; to analyse the main areas of public policy which are dominating the agenda in the current year; to assess the record of the French presidency from July to December 2000.By the end of this unit, students will be able to:ncritically evaluate the framework in which EU policy-making is set; nengage with the academic and political debates on globalisation;nexplain the relationship between globalisation and European integration;nanalyse and explain the intricacies of the EU-US relationship;nassess the different approaches towards (and the stakes involved in) EU enlargement;nprovide informed insights into the main areas of public policy dominating the EU agenda;nevaluate the extent to which the French presidency generated a Treaty of Nice which helps solve any of these key issues. Content Globalisation and world order; Transatlantic Relations; Enlargement; National Economic Policies; Social Policy; Schengen and Migration policy; Macroeconomic Policy; Competition Policy; CESDP; The IGC and Institutional Reform. |
ESML0437: Social structure & societal modernisation in Europe Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives This unit focuses on ongoing processes of transformation in contemporary European societies. More specifically, the unit aims:*To explore the political, economic, social, and cultural implications of the processes of societal change which have occurred in the context of globalisation; *To discuss the goals and dimensions of the project of modernising modern European societies;*To make students familiar with the major debates about possible options and pathways for future politics and policy development in European Societies. Students who have successfully completed this unit will be able: *To demonstrate a sound understanding of the major challenges contemporary European societies have to confront;*To compare how different European societies approach their various transformation crises;*Critically assess commonly used concepts and ideas such as the politics of the new centre, the Third Way, social capital, civil society etc. Content The first set of lectures focuses on the challenges to the established order of European Societies. In the second part of the unit, the emphasis is on different visions and pathways for the further development of European societies. Lectures include:*European Societies in Transition *The Political Economy of Uncertainty* Globalisation and New Obscurity *End of Politics - In Search of Politics *Employment Society and Democratic Culture *Polarisation, Poverty and Social Exclusion *Social Capital and Self-Empowerment *The Changing Role of the State *Civil Society and Governance *Sustainability: Social, Economic and Ecological *Transnational Civil Society and Global Governance |
ESML0438: Culture & identity in Europe Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: |
ESML0439: Spanish Stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of Spanish. Students will be able to improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0440: Spanish stage 7B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Further consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A. Students will be able to practise and further improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0442: EFL reading & vocabulary Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to raise the standard of their degree course work through reading more effectively and through expanding their vocabulary from their reading. Learning Objectives: * To develop students' reading skills * To enable students to read more quickly and efficiently * To improve students' comprehension of reading texts * To develop students' skills at taking notes from written texts * To expand students' specialist and non-specialist vocabulary * To enable students to use their newly acquired vocabulary in their writing. Content: Prediction; Skimming and scanning; Reading for gist; Improving reading; Note taking from written texts; Understanding the writer's intention; Understanding the meaning of a text; Distinguishing fact from opinion; Evaluating a text; Understanding words in context; Building new words from given vocabulary items; Using new vocabulary in writing. |
ESML0442: EFL reading & vocabulary Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to raise the standard of their degree course work through reading more effectively and through expanding their vocabulary from their reading Learning Objectives: * To develop students' reading skills * To enable students to read more quickly and efficiently * To improve students' comprehension of reading texts * To develop students' skills at taking notes from written texts * To expand students' specialist and non-specialist vocabulary * To enable students to use their newly acquired vocabulary in their writing. Content: Prediction; Skimming and scanning; Reading for gist; Improving reading speed; Note taking from written texts; Understanding the writer's intention; Understanding the meaning of a text; Distinguishing fact from opinion; Evaluating a text; Understanding words in context; Building new words from given vocabulary items; Using new vocabulary in writing. |
ESML0443: Spanish stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW40 EX45 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A and 7B Students will be able to use and develop previously acquired receptive and productive language skills in a variety of contexts. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0444: Spanish stage 8B (6 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW40 EX45 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Further consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 8A. Students will be able to continue to use and extend previously acquired receptive and productive language skills in a variety of contexts. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0447: Spanish stage 7A (advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of Spanish. Students will be able to improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0448: Spanish stage 7B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Further consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A. Students will be able to practise and further improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0449: Spanish stage 8A (post advanced) (3 credits) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW40 EX45 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A and 7B Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0450: Spanish stage 8B (3 credits) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW40 EX45 OR15 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A and 7B Students will be able to use and develop previously acquired receptive and productive language skills in a variety of contexts. Content: This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work. |
ESML0453: Spanish business environment 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the Spanish Economic Environment, to analyse the causes of economic development since the civil War, and to introduce students to the language of the Spanish business environment. On completion of the Unit students will have gained an understanding of these. Content: The unit first concentrates on the stages in the Spanish economy since the Civil War: autarchy 1939-1958; stabilisation 1959-1974; the transition 1975-85 and alignment with Europe 1986-96. It then moves on to consider the primary sector (agriculture, fisheries), industry (including energy), and the service sector (tourism and finance). |
ESML0454: Spanish business environment 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Pre ESML0453 Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide students with an introduction to the structure of the Spanish economy and the organisation of the major economic interest groups; to introduce students to the legal system in Spain which governs the relationship between the state and its citizens with particular emphasis on the implications of the constitutional framework on the organisation of business; to familirise students with relevant language and concepts; to assist students writing in Spanish about the relevant areas. On completion of the Unit students will have gained an understanding of these areas relevant to their learning outcomes. Content: i. The Spanish Economy a) structure b) interest groups within the Spanish economy ii) The Spanish legal environment a) the constitutional framework of business b) aspects of change in the legal environment of Spanish business |
ESML0455: Spanish politics & society: introduction to Spanish politics & society 1A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 EX Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the study of Spanish politics and society from the 1930s to 1945. On completion of the Unit students shall have a better appreciation of the forces which have shaped Spanish politics and society during the 20th century. Content: A chronological survey of Spain since the 1930s which examines issues including: the decline of democracy; Franco and the Spanish Civil War; immediate post-war developments. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of lectures as well as providing study skills session for note taking and writing historical commentaries. |
ESML0456: Spanish politics & society: introduction to Spanish politics & society 1B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Pre ESML0455 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build upon the political, social and other issues raised in Semester One and take them to the near present. By the end of this semester students should have a solid background in 20th Century Spain, understand some of the key aspects of Spanish politics and society, and have acquired essential analytical and writing skills in Spanish. Content: Post-war expansion; decolonization; changes in Spanish society since 1945; from Franco to monarchy; Spain and the EC; together with contemporary Spanish politics and society. Seminars provide a forum for discussion and consolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing. |
ESML0457: Spanish written & oral communication A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW40 PR40 OT20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in Spanish and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. On completion of the Unit students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition and have been introduced to a variety of Spanish texts dealing with appropriate contemproary issues. Content: 1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the Spanish-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of Spanish language structures this unit focuses on the various classes of words, their declension and their function within the phrase/sentence, ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from Spanish and guided composition in Spanish. |
ESML0458: Spanish written & oral communication B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX30 CW20 PR20 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0457 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit builds on Spanish Written & Oral Communication I, pursuing the same dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills (oral/aural) and to expand their vocabulary so that they are able to express themselves clearly in everyday as well as in business contexts as appropriate; to enable students to formulate their own ideas and to interact effectively in Spanish and to adjust flexibly to various situations by using a suitable register. 2. To refresh and consolidate students' knowledge and understanding of grammatical structures. On completionof the Unit students should be in a position to apply the acquired skills to the production of coherent and fluent written composition having been introduced to a variety of Spanish texts dealing with appropriate contemproary issues. Content: 1. Classes may consist of free discussions with the entire group, interactive exercises (e.g. role play, small-group discussions, one-to-one exchange of ideas). Spanish and Latin-American video material and newspaper articles form the basis for discussion and assessment whilst improving awareness of contemporary life in the Spanish-speaking world. 2. In respect of i. the consolidation of Spanish language structures this unit focuses on complex grammar points and Spanish syntax; ii. written communication a variety of linguistic skills are developed by means of translation into and from Spanish and guided composition in Spanish. |
ESML0459: Spanish written & oral communication in the business context A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW50 PR20 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0458 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim. 1. To improve students' communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. To enable them to converse accurately, fluently and in an appropriate register. 2. To develop more advanced skills in contemporary written communication with specific reference to material used in the core and interface courses; to focus on the business dimension of written communication in order to prepare students for industrial placements in a Spanish company/business school during their third year abroad. On completion of the unit students will be familiar with written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management in Spain and able to apply them accordingly. Content: 1. Classes may consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from Spanish/Latin American television. This may include summarisation, answering of questions and discussion of the topics presented to them. Also office skills simulations, such as answering the telephone, form a part of these classes. There are also free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at familiarising students with specific issues from the Spanish business context.Specific exercises include: comparative/text analysis, acquisition of business terminology, business communication: correspondence, reports, CVs, surveys, statistics, summarisations. |
ESML0460: Spanish written & oral communication in the business context B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX30 OR30 PR20 CW20 Requisites: Pre ESML0459 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit pursues a dual aim: 1. To build on the oral and aural Spanish skills acquired in Spanish Written and Oral Communication in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is to enable students to improve their communicative and listening skills and to expand their vocabulary, especially in economic, business and professional contexts. The unit will improve accurate conversation skills at a more advanced level of Spanish and improve both fluency and awareness of appropriate language registers for the business context. 2. To build on the skills and written language proficiency achieved in Spanish Language in the Business Context A. The purpose of the unit is for students to develop more advanced skills in contemporary Spanish written communication with specific reference to both the national and the European business environment. On completion of this Unit students will be familiar with more complex written communication tasks appropriate to the world of business and management and shall also have an appreciation of more academic texts on business issues in the Spanish context. Content: 1. Classes will consist of aural comprehension exercises by using videos of current (business) affairs, usually taped from Spanish/Latin American television. This may include summarisation, answering questions and discussion of topics presented to them. Students will practice office and negotiating skills as well as free discussions which involve either a larger group or smaller sub-groups. 2. Written communication materials consist primarily of socio-political and business texts. Exploitation of these texts is aimed at aiding students' understanding of Spanish national and European perspectives of issues in the business world as well as the acquisition of relevant terminology and language registers. Specific exercises include: writing reports, summarisations and essays on a business or economic topic; consolidation and expansion of business terminology, problem-solving in the business environment. |
ESML0461: Multiple perspectives on Europe - Spain Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre ESML0466 Aims & Learning Objectives: The unit builds on Comparative Employee Relations and aims to develop students' understanding of differing national persepctives of EU states with respect to business, social and political interests. In addition, it considers how national economic interests shape the bargaining agenda between states within the EU as well as those attempting to negotiate accession to the EU(eg Central and East European states or CEECs). On completion of the Unit students should be in a position to understand the differing agendas operating within member states under the above headings, together with their impact on Spain. Content: The Unit will address issues such as :EU Membership, background and key data, from the point of view of Spain, Germany, France and Italy; perspectives on Europe - the EU as perceived by the nations (and their business communites) already cited together with CEECs; the Europeanisation of economic policy making; social policy; political objectives and "bargaining": setting the agenda. |
ESML0463: Spanish international marketing communications B Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX60 CW40 Requisites: Pre UNIV0051 Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop students' understanding of the principles of marketing from their Second Year and to ally it to their own experience on placement, passing on to the international context. It also aims to place the marketing function within social and organisational networks of communication. Content: The unit builds on unit Marketing Communications A by examining the application of theory to specific products and campaigns in case study in addition to theory and practice in other applications of the marketing communications mix. On completion of the Unit students shall have an understanding of the interrelation between legal and other external forces with regard to marketing and communication in relation to advertising, as well as more general issues of international marketing. |
ESML0464: Spanish written & oral communication in the international business context A Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Students must have undertaken their IMML placement year in order to take this unit. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad. Special attention is paid to oral presentation and discussion skills, to methods of comparative text analysis, techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation, commentary, specialised translation etc. Students are encouraged to follow economic trends in Spain/Latin America through regular reading of relevant newspapers. On completion of the Unit students shall have maintained the communicative skills acquired hitherto on the programme and have knowledge of their more specific application. Content: Classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. The emphasis will be on issues of European economic integration and problems related to the globalisation of economic processes. Certain linguistic exercises will also make use of English texts as a further source of information. |
ESML0465: Spanish written & oral communication in the international business context B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30 Requisites: Pre ESML0464 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is keep up the level of linguistic fluency achieved during the year abroad. Special attention is paid to oral presentation and discussion skills, to methods of comparative text analysis, techniques of summarisation, abstraction of argumentation, commentary, specialised translation etc. Students are encouraged to follow economic trends in Spain/Latin America through regular reading of relevant newspapers. Content: Classes focus on material and topics relevant to the international business context. The emphasis will be on issues of European economic integration and problems related to the globalisation of economic processes. Certain linguistic excercises will also make use of English texts as a further source of information. On completion of the Unit students shall have maintained the communicative skills acquired hitherto on the programme and enhanced them further by knowledge and practice of their more specific application. |
ESML0466: Comparative employee relations (Spanish) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0467: Spanish politics & society (Advanced) 2A: Introduction to contemporary Latin American studies Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW33 EX67 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce students to the study of contemporary Latin American politics and society. On completion of the Unit students shall be able to: * Analyse the internal and external political forces that shaped Latin American politics in the twentieth century. * Demonstrate understanding of the social changes that occurred in terms of industrialisation, modernisation and class. * Analyse some of the political and social problems that confront Latin America today. Content: An overview of contemporary Latin America which examines issues including: the legacy of colonialism, the rise of authoritarianism, ISI, modernisation and urbanisation, the impact of the Cuban revolution and the role of the US in Central America. Seminars provide a forum for assessed presentations, discussion and consolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing. |
ESML0468: Transitions to democracy Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To understand the "third wave" of transitions to democracy which began in the last quarter of the 20th century by examining the general scholarly literature on this subject and the experience of a number of individual countries in five different regions of the world (Southern Europe, South America, Central America, East-Central Europe, the former USSR); to develop skills in comparative political analysis and seminar techniques. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: - a clear grasp of the key issues in democratization in each region; - familiarity with theoretical arguments surrounding "third wave" transitions; - the ability to critically evaluate these arguments by reference to national and cross-regional case studies. Content: The unit will begin with a lecture introducing the "third wave" and a discussion of the nature of democracy to establish criteria. This will be followed by lectures on theories of transition, addressing the debate over structure and agency, the significance of institutional choices, and the role of civil society. Introductory lectures on the five regions will be followed by seminar case-studies of individual countries presented by students, each focusing on an aspect of transition highlighted by the experience of the country concerned. The countries and themes chosen will vary from time to time but in the first instance will be: Spain - the importance of agency and pacts; Greece - the role of the military; Chile - the issue of impunity; Colombia - illiberal democracy; Nicaragua - the socialist democracy; Cuba - external pressure for democracy; Poland - abortion and the role of the Church; Hungary - political parties and society; Bosnia - war and ethnicity; Ukraine - institutions; Georgia - political culture. The unit will end with a general discussion, after which students will write an essay comparing an aspect of transition in at least two different regions. Key texts: S. Huntington The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late 20th Century (1991); D. Potter et al (eds) Democratization (1997). |
ESML0469: French to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0470: French to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0471: Russian to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0472: Russian to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0473: Italian to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0474: Italian to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0475: German to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0476: German to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0477: Japanese to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0478: Japanese to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0479: French to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0480: French to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0481: Russian to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0482: Russian to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0483: Italian to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0484: Italian to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0485: German to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0486: German to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0487: Japanese to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0488: Japanese to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0489: Spanish to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0490: Spanish to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0491: Spanish to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0492: Spanish to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0493: Chinese to English: simultaneous interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0494: Chinese to English: consecutive interpreting 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0495: Chinese to English: simultaneous interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0496: Chinese to English: consecutive interpreting 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0497: English to German translation 1 Semester 1 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0498: English to German translation 2 Semester 2 Credits: 0 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: Requisites: |
ESML0499: British History and Society Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW25 ES75 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students. The aim of this unit is to give a broad understanding of the way in which contemporary Britain has been shaped and influenced by its history. Having completed the course, students should have some insight into the incremental nature of the development of British society and will have gained a good knowledge of selected areas of British life and history. Content: The unit will cover aspects of British history and society in a thematic rather than a purely chronological way. Starting with consideration of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom and how they came together, the unit will go on to discuss topics including the Black Death, the end of feudalism and different definitions of the beginning of modern Britain; the evolution of the modern English language; the Industrial Revolution, urbanisation and demographic change; a general history of social policy from the monasteries to the welfare state; and monarchy, parliament and the development of constitutional government. |
ESML0499: British History and Society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW25 ES75 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students. The aim of this unit is to give a broad understanding of the way in which contemporary Britain has been shaped and influenced by its history. Having completed the course, students should have some insight into the incremental nature of the development of British society and will have gained a good knowledge of selected areas of British life and history. Content: The unit will cover aspects of British history and society in a thematic rather than a purely chronological way. Starting with consideration of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom and how they came together, the unit will go on to discuss topics including the Black Death, the end of feudalism and different definitions of the beginning of modern Britain; the evolution of the modern English language; the Industrial Revolution, urbanisation and demographic change; a general history of social policy from the monasteries to the welfare state; and monarchy, parliament and the development of constitutional government. |
ESML0500: Britain's International History: from the Romans to the Treaty of Rome Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW25 ES75 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students. The aim of this unit is to give students a good understanding of the historical events and forces which have influenced the development of key aspects of Britain and its foreign relations. After completing the unit students will have learned to look at contemporary British society from an informed historical perspective and will have gained a good knowledge of the specific topics studied. This unit is especially suitable for students with no previous knowledge of European history. Content: The units will offer an overview of selected issues in British history with a particular focus on Britain's relations with the rest of the world. Starting from the arrival of the Romans the course will review the other invaders and later immigrants who contributed to the making of the English and later the British people. The Norman conquest and subsequent conflict with France will be studied: the reformation will be examined in the context of the consequent hostility to Catholic Europe and the developing concept of Englishness. The unit will go on to study the founding of the early colonies in North America, trade and the American war of independence; the shifts in focus eastwards; the slave trade and the scramble for Africa. The unit will conclude with study of the two world wards, the league of nations and the U.N. and the founding of the European Union. |
ESML0500: Britain's International History: from the Romans to the Treaty of Rome Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW25 ES75 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit is solely for overseas Exchange and visiting students. The aim of this unit is to give students a good understanding of the historical events and forces which have influenced the development of key aspects of Britain and its foreign relations. After completing the unit students will have learned to look at contemporary British society from an informed historical perspective and will have gained a good knowledge of the specific topics studied. This unit is especially suitable for students with no previous knowledge of European history. Content: The units will offer an overview of selected issues in British history with a particular focus on Britain's relations with the rest of the world. Starting from the arrival of the Romans the course will review the other invaders and later immigrants who contributed to the making of the English and later the British people. The Norman conquest and subsequent conflict with France will be studied: the reformation will be examined in the context of the consequent hostility to Catholic Europe and the developing concept of Englishness. The unit will go on to study the founding of the early colonies in North America, trade and the American war of independence; the shifts in focus eastwards; the slave trade and the scramble for Africa. The unit will conclude with study of the two world wards, the league of nations and the U.N. and the founding of the European Union. |
ESML0501: Shakespeare - English literature Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW50 EX50 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: A clearer understanding of the plays of Shakespeare, in a) an historical, and b) a literary context. OBJECTIVES: To introduce the student to a selection of Shakespeare's plays; to enable the student a) to interpret the text and b) to appreciate the notion of versions of production. Content: Three Shakespeare plays will be studied. There will be: one comedy, one tragedy, one history play. (If time permits, a 'problem' play will be included). Final choice will depend on current productions and film versions, which students will be encouraged to see. |
ESML0502: From Lansdown to Land's End - Writers of Bath and the West Country Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW50 EX50 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To acquaint students with the West Country writers, from Sheridan to today; to consider the relevance of Place, Class and Humour in local literature. OBJECTIVES: To study particular writers who have lived and worked in the South-West of England, from Bath to Cornwall. Variety of genres and styles to be studied; some film adaptations on video will be used. Content: 1) Richard Brinsley Sheridan (plays, 18th century) 2) Jane Austen (novels; late 18th - early 19th century) 3) Thomas Hardy (poetry and novels; late 19th - early 20th century) 4) A variety of poetry (from 18th, 19th and 20th centuries) Video adaptations of some of the texts. |
ESML0503: English literature - 19th century literature Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW50 EX50 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To introduce students to the main literary developments, movements and themes of the 19th Century. OBJECTIVES: To study, in depth, some major literary texts from different decades of the 19th century. Content: 1) Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (novel) 2) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (novel) 3) The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wilde (play) 4) A variety of poetry from throughout the century. Poets to include Wordsworth, Keats, C Rossetti |
ESML0504: Contemporary literature & film of the British Isles Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: CW50 EX50 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: AIMS: To gain an overview of the kind of literature and films emerging in recent years from various regions of the British Isles. OBJECTIVES: To study in depth a selection of texts and films; to consider them in the contexts of history, geography and literary/film culture. Common themes and differing treatments of them will be analysed. Content: 1) Talking Heads 2 by Alan Bennett (monologues) 2) The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter (short stories) 3) The Commitments by Roddy Doyle (novel and film) 4) A selection of poetry from various parts of the British Isles 5) Additional films will be selected from the following list: Clockwise; Shirley Valentine; Four Weddings and a Funeral; Trainspotting; The Full Monty; The Blue Boy; Shakespeare in Love; The Wrong Trousers. The themes of Place, Class and Humour will be discussed in relation to texts and films on this unit. |
ESML0505: Key concepts in politics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX50 ES50 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: To introduce students to the key concepts used in political science and international relations. Students who complete the unit successfully will: * be able to demonstrate a clear grasp of the main conceptual terms used by scholars of comparative politics (regimes, democracy, presidential and parliamentary government, representation, political change, divided societies). * be familiar with the concept of national sovereignty and will understand the role of the state in the international system. * be able to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts in the study of international relations and of the ethical issues (Just War, Human Rights) that are intrinsic to the study of international affairs. * have been prepared for higher-level units that they will take in the second and final years. Content: The unit will begin with an introductory lesson on the purpose of studying politics and on the theoretical study of politics. This will be followed by a series of lectures on key topics in Comparative Politics (Types of regime; Political Change and Modernisation, Presidential and Parliamentary forms of democracy; Civil Society; political parties; Divided Societies). The unit will then shift emphasis and look at the State in international society. This will consist of lectures on the Sovereign State, on War and Politics, On Human Rights and Self-Determination, and on the 'International Community'. The theme of the latter part of the unit will be the prospects for the pooling of national sovereignty in international institutions. |
ESML0506: Politics research training & political science methodologies I Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW25 ES50 OR25 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: This unit is designed to introduce postgraduate students to political science, its contemporary debates and its most common methodologies. More specifically, the unit aims: * to make students familiar with the remit and limitations of political research; * to raise an awareness for the peculiarities of political science as a semi-science; * to introduce students to the philosophy of political and social science and make them familiar with the most common theories required for political research. Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate: * good knowledge of the topics and functions of political research; * awareness of the limitations and restrictions of scientific research into political and sociological issues; * familiarity with the major theoretical approaches used in contemporary political research. Content: The unit begins with a general introduction on the relationship between European Studies, Cultural Studies and Political Studies. It then moves on to discussing the major methodologies of contemporary political science. The lecture programme includes: * European Studies, Cultural Studies, Political Studies * The Science status of Political Science and Social Science * International Relations and its Methodologies * Empirical Approaches to Political Research (Intro) * Theoretical Dimensions in Political Research (Intro) * Positivism and Relativism in Political Research * Hermeneutics and Interpretation * Postmodernism in Political Research * Critical Theory in Political Research * Feminist approaches to Political Research * Race and Racism in Political Research. |
ESML0507: Politics research training & political science methodologies II Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW100 ES50 OR25 Requisites: Aims and learning objectives: This unit is designed to complement Politics Research Training and Political Science Methodologies I. The major aims are: * to make students familiar with sources of information for political research; * to introduce students to the way in which various social science research methods can be used specifically for political research; * to raise and discuss legal and ethical issues political researchers have to confront. Students who successfully complete the unit will be able to demonstrate: * good skills in gathering information relevant to political studies research; * the ability to formulate precise political research questions and develop a suitable research design; * familiarity with the major research methods used by political and social scientists and apply them to concrete research tasks. Content: The unit begins with an introduction to various sources of information for political researchers. It then explores the relevance of commonly used research methods for political research. The lecture programme includes: * Sources of Information on the EU * Sources of Information on CEE * Comparative Political Research I * Comparative Political Research II * The Use of Questionnaires in Political Research * Different forms of Interviews in Political Research * Surveys in Political Research * Case Studies as a Research Strategy * Ethnographic techniques in Political Research * Historiographical approaches to Political Research * Ethical and Legal issues in Political Research Key texts: P. Pennings (et al.) Doing Research in Political Science, Sage 2000; D.Burton (ed.) Research Training for Social Scientists, Sage 2000. |
ESML0508: Political economy of European integration Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To explore the relationship between state, market and society in contemporary Europe; to assess similarity and difference between advanced economies of Europe; to examine the impact of EC policies on the political economy of member states. Students will gain a fuller knowledge of state, market and society in European countries and an appreciation of academic debates around models of capitalism, economic policy-making and the impact of integration, and economic transition in Central/Eastern Europe. Content: What is political economy? Models of capitalism Towards the knowledge economy? Welfare, work and globalisation EC/EU and competitiveness Economic transition of Central/Eastern Europe EC industrial policy Monetary union Trade Aerospace industry Liberalisation of utilities Regional policy |
ESML0509: Britain & Europe Semester 2 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This course seeks to familiarise students with debates about Britain's past, present and future relations with 'Europe' and other external actors. The course is designed for non-British students and regularly uses video clips, press cuttings etc. to give a feel for various issues/times. At the end of this course students should be familiar with: * Debates about British identity; * Debates about whether/why Britain has been an 'awkward partner' in Europe; * Contemporary debates about Britain's relations with the EU; * Debates about British relations with the wider world, especially the USA; * Relevant theoretical debates. Content: Lectures will include: the making of British identity; changes in British foreign policy in the early 20th century; Britain and the early EEC; Britain's applications to join the EEC, 1961-1973; Britain and the Single Market and the Euro; Britain and CFSP; Britain, the Social Chapter and Harmonisation; British Parties, Public Opinion and Europe, 1960s-2001; Contemporary Britain and the Wider World; Quo Vadis Britain? |
ESML0510: British politics & society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: This course seeks to provide an introduction to the study of British politics and society for non-British Masters students. It especially to highlight a variety of important contemporary issues which are currently in the news. Some lectures are designed partly to prepare students for study trips (e.g. a city experiencing economic decline or development; Houses of Parliament; Welsh Assembly) At the end of this unit, students should: * Have a sound overall knowledge of the basic outlines of the British political and social system; * be aware of major contemporary debates relating to British politics; * have researched one topic in depth for a paper, which should show an awareness of appropriate theoretical/methodological approaches, as well as demonstrating appropriate empirical research skills. Content: Lectures will vary somewhat depending on issues currently in the news/trips which have been arranged, but will probably include: the decline of parliament?; government management of the economy; Northern Ireland; devolution (Wales and Scotland); New Labour's 'Third Way'. |
ESML0511: The common European security & defence policy & NATO Semester 2 Credits: 18 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: ES100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The aims of this unit are to provide students with a theoretical grounding in post-war security and defence policy; to offer an analysis of the forces leading to the EU's attempts to create a common security and defence policy (CESDP); to analyse the relationship between the EU and NATO/the USA in the field of security; to assess the most recent developments in the move towards a European Pillar within NATO; and to consider alternative (French) visions of an autonomous European military capacity. By the end of this unit, students will be able to: * explain the difference between the main theories of international relations (neo-realism and social constructivism); * analyse the emergence, since the end of the Cold War, of pressures leading to the development of a relatively autonomous European institutional and military capacity; * assess the relationship between the embryonic CESDP and the Atlantic Alliance; * evaluate and offer critical commentary on the progress within CESDP, since the Saint Malo summit of December 1998, of the following five key elements: * The institutional framework (how efficiently are the new institutions working?); * Headline Goal military capacity (how operational is the RRF?); * A common European security culture (how well are the 15 distinct political and security cultures succeeding in synergising?); * The harmonisation of political objectives within three main groups of EU countries (Atlanticists, Europeanists and Neutrals) ; * The management of the political relationship between the EU and the USA. Content: International relations theory; European integration theory; European Political Cooperation; the Development of CFSP; the Crisis of NATO around Bosnia and Kosovo; the Blair initiative and Saint Malo; Institutional and Military developments since Cologne (June 1999); Negotiations leading up to the Treaty of Nice (December 2000). |
ESML0513: Effective communication in science Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre MATH0126 Aims & Learning Objectives: This unit aims to teach key skills in researching, organising and presenting information primarily in the written form. This will focus on "report writing" and respond to the varying needs of a multi-disciplinary programme. Developing the ability to understand the purpose and readership of a report and to use that information to write appropriately will help prepare students for writing extended reports on placement and dissertations for final year projects. In addition, the skill of reporting orally on experimental and technical work is developed. Specific Aims * to develop effective study methods and an awareness of the available library and computer facilities for use throughout the degree programme; * to give a thorough introduction to writing technical reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results; * to develop an understanding of the varying nature of scientific writing and reporting - varying from text books to short conference presentations via journal papers and letters; * to give guided practice in writing a range of text types, including scientific reports, business reports, and summaries of scientific articles expressing conflicting opinions. Objectives: After taking this course the students should be able to: * present reasoned arguments and analyses in the form of a word-processed document; * use bibliographic searches to uncover scientific work by subject and author; * to cite references which they have obtained from an on-line bibliographical database; * understand the process of writing a range of text types, including different kinds of reports (such as research, laboratory and project reports) and dissertations; * give brief oral presentations of experimental and technical work. Content: Study methods. Reading and note-taking skills. Using bibliographic searches. Citing references. Features of scientific and academic writing. Structure and style of laboratory reports; business reports; research reports; project reports; text books; conference reports; journal articles; dissertations. Presenting experimental data. Oral presentations of experimental work. |
ESML0514: Film and Critical Theory Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: To provide students with a systematic understanding of film theory and major critical concepts. On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a conceptual understanding of, and develop critiques of, film theory * analyse critically a range of filmic images and discourse in the light of current research and scholarship * explain the development of, and relationships betwee, a avariety of critiacl stances, giving evidence of critical awareness of contemporary debate in the field Contents: This unit will explore key elements of modern critical theory which inform current debate in film studies, and will include topics such as semiotics, psychoanalysis, Marxism, realism, feminism, queer theory, auteur theory, postmodernism, genre, reception theory. |
ESML0515: Film Business 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: * To provide students with a wide critical overview of the contemporary film industry, through detailed examination of its primary structures and concerns. * To enable students to make an original contribution on the present and future configuration of the European film industry On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * show a conceptual understanding of the structural and economic organisation of the European film industry, and evaluate critically the relationship between producers, distributors, exhibitors, and audiences; * assess the particular problems facing European film companies in the light of Hollywood domination and the impact of globalisation; * compare and evaluate the various approaches to film production favoured by different European countries; * understand the creative elements of the film industry, in particular the role of the director; * analyse the significance of genre, the star system, and audience response. Contents This unit will provide an interface between students, academic staff, and outside speakers representing relevant areas of the film industry. It will enable students not only to achieve their objectives of understanding the structure and working of the film industry, but also to identify and define potential career paths within the industry. Topics receiving particular focus will include: pre-production; production; European funding, including questions of subsidy; European co-production; distribution; exhibition; directing; scripting and animation. |
ESML0516: Film Business II Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0515 Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To consolidate critical awareness of the contemporary film industry, its primary structures and concerns, with particular focus upon questions of exhibition and dissemination at regional and local level, in relation to issues of audience and consumption, and the future of the European film industry. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit students will be able to: * demonstrate conceptual understanding of the relationship between the structural and economic organisation of the European film industry and of questions of distribution and exhibition at regional and local level; * communicate an original assessment of the particular problems facing European film exhibition, and analyse audience response and the need for wider dissemination; * examine critically the role of regional film societies and film festivals in the dissemination of film culture; * contribute to the debate on academic and educational structures in relation to film culture. Contents: This unit will provide an interface between students, academics, and outside speakers representing relevant areas of the film industry and culture at international, national, and local levels. It will enable students to increase their understanding of the structure and function of the film industry, in the broader context of public information and education, and to assess the importance of a thriving European film culture in relation to identity and representation. Students will continue to identify and define potential career and research pathways. Topics receiving particular focus will include: the organisation, day-to-day running, and cultural role of independent cinemas; the role of regional film societies within a national and European context; the organisation and function of regional film festivals; the social process circulating between production, film and consumption; film and education; the role of the British Film Institute; academic research and publication. |
ESML0517: Reasearch Methods 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: To provide a systematic understanding of the techniques and methodologies of research, encompassing both general presentational and organisational skills, and the specific analytical techniques and strategies required to research film material and visual images. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * evaluate critically the problems presented by various research objectives, and propose a range of suitable strategies; * identify, access and evaluate a variety of sources including libraries; data bases; the web; * discriminate between conflicting source material, and communicate ideas in a logical and coherent manner; * analyse film narrative in relation to camera techniques, visual images, and diegetic and non-diegetic sound; * demonstrate a comprehensive practical understanding of the discourse of film theory and criticism; * make presentations using edited video material and other audiovisual aids * write a short research paper including a bibliography and filmography, using a suitable referencing system. Contents: This unit will combine critical, theoretical, and practical approaches, and will include such elements as: basic IT and Library skills; presentational skills; close analysis of film sequences in relation to camera techniques, visual images, and diegetic and non-diegetic sound; study of technical terminology and the language of critical theory; preparation of video and other audio visual material; essay writing; referencing; and constructing bibliographies and filmographies. |
ESML0518: Research Methods II Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0517 Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: Building upon the research techniques and methodologies acquired in Research Methods I, this unit will consolidate and develop a range of specific and transferable skills in relation to the practice and presentation of academic research. It will extend critical awareness, and writing and editorial abilities; and will incorporate the strategies required for planning, structuring, and carrying out a sustained piece of research. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * evaluate critically the problems presented by various research objectives, and propose appropriate strategies; * access and evaluate data in order to formulate enhanced use of primary and secondary source material; * demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge * communicate conclusions of their research to specialist and non-specialist audiences; * analyse complex filmic narrative with originality from a variety of critical perspectives. Contents: This unit will combine critical, theoretical, and practical approaches, and will run in conjunction with various workshops organised at faculty level. It will include such elements as: cultural research; literature reviews; writing for publication; analysing primary and secondary material; detailed analysis of a range of filmic narratives and genres; the identification and structuring of a research project. |
ESML0519: History of Cinema Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: To provide a systematic understanding of the history and development of European cinema, in relation to key movements and landmarks in European culture. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a systematic understanding of the historical development of European cinema in relation to the wider context of European culture and history; * analyse critically the shifting relationship between film and other cultural discourse (art, literature, music, and photography) which marked twentieth century thought and understanding; * demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the achievements and significance of key filmic movements; * evaluate critically the influence of past movements and directors upon the contemporary language of cinema Contents: This unit will provide a critical account of the history of European cinema, and will focus, in particular, upon a number of key movements within that history, including: Soviet silent film; Surrealism; Italian Neo-Realism; French New Wave; Defa and New German Cinema; British New Wave. |
ESML0519: History of Cinema Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: To provide a systematic understanding of the history and development of European cinema, in relation to key movements and landmarks in European culture. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a systematic understanding of the historical development of European cinema in relation to the wider context of European culture and history; * analyse critically the shifting relationship between film and other cultural discourse (art, literature, music, and photography) which marked twentieth century thought and understanding; * demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the achievements and significance of key filmic movements; * evaluate critically the influence of past movements and directors upon the contemporary language of cinema Contents: This unit will provide a critical account of the history of European cinema, and will focus, in particular, upon a number of key movements within that history, including: Soviet silent film; Surrealism; Italian Neo-Realism; French New Wave; Defa and New German Cinema; British New Wave. |
ESML0520: European Film and Society Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: * To foster critical awareness of the interaction between film and society in a European context * To determine the extent to which European directors use film in the interrogation of contemporary social and political issues. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the specificities of contemporary European cinema(s) in relation to their social, political and cultural contexts * demonstrate conceptual comprehension of the social, political and economic contexts in which films are produced and consumed * analyse critically ways in which film may be seen to contribute to the creation of identities within society at local, regional, and national level * explain the increasing significance of marginalised and traditionally excluded voices within contemporary European film. Contents: This unit will examine a corpus of films in relation to the following topics: contemporary political thought; environmental issues; the city and urban/rural confrontation; utopia and dystopia; exclusion and marginalisation; totalitarianism. |
ESML0520: European Film and Society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: * To foster critical awareness of the interaction between film and society in a European context * To determine the extent to which European directors use film in the interrogation of contemporary social and political issues. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the specificities of contemporary European cinema(s) in relation to their social, political and cultural contexts * demonstrate conceptual comprehension of the social, political and economic contexts in which films are produced and consumed * analyse critically ways in which film may be seen to contribute to the creation of identities within society at local, regional, and national level * explain the increasing significance of marginalised and traditionally excluded voices within contemporary European film. Contents: This unit will examine a corpus of films in relation to the following topics: contemporary political thought; environmental issues; the city and urban/rural confrontation; utopia and dystopia; exclusion and marginalisation; totalitarianism. |
ESML0521: Techniques and Technologies Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 OT67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To enhance critical understanding of the language of film through the acquisition of key practical skills Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a critical understanding of the techniques of film and video making, and assess the relationship between artistic and technological objectives; * isolate and identify the technical components of film footage, and analyse their contribution to filmic narrative; * demonstrate originality in the application of relevant technical and formal skills; * explore the relationship between image and diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Contents: This unit will provide an introduction to the basic techniques of filmic discourse; it will also provide elementary technical training through the use of video and DVD technology. The unit will focus in particular on: camera skills; editing; lighting; sound techniques, including mixing and dubbing; music. |
ESML0521: Techniques and Technologies Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 OT67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To enhance critical understanding of the language of film through the acquisition of key practical skills Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate a critical understanding of the techniques of film and video making, and assess the relationship between artistic and technological objectives; * isolate and identify the technical components of film footage, and analyse their contribution to filmic narrative; * demonstrate originality in the application of relevant technical and formal skills; * explore the relationship between image and diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Contents: This unit will provide an introduction to the basic techniques of filmic discourse; it will also provide elementary technical training through the use of video and DVD technology. The unit will focus in particular on: camera skills; editing; lighting; sound techniques, including mixing and dubbing; music. |
ESML0522: Film and Identity Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To foster the evaluation of the role of European cinema in the articulation, interrogation, and construction of subjective and collective identities, with particular reference to autobiographical memory. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate understanding of the role of visual images within the processes of remembering and the creation of historical narratives; * demonstrate understanding of the nature and theory of autobiographical discourse, and account for its centrality within postmodern European film and culture; * analyse critically filmic autobiography within the context of current critical debate concerning first person camera, the auteur theory, and theories of identity; Contents: This unit will examine questions of identity in relation to memory and history, with particular reference to autobiography, and will include such elements as: the construction of identities (subjective; regional; national), and the nature of the Other; the theory and practice of filmic autobiography; the topographies of childhood; the autobiographical discourse of female directors; first person camera; the relationship between history, myth and identity; self-reflexivity and postmodernism in autobiographical film. |
ESML0523: Images in Transit: Film and Border Crossings Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To reach a comprehensive understanding of European cinema's exploration and articulation of areas of transition and change, whether geographical, linguistic, generic, or temporal, in relation to the insecure identities of postmodernism, and the cultural and historical movements and events that have shaped contemporary Europe. Learning objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to: * demonstrate originality in the analysis of the spatio-temporal language of film, in relation to the depiction of journey and change; * evaluate critically the significance of migration and change within contemporary European film and culture; * analyse critically the complex relationship between visual images, moving images, and language in filmic discourse. Contents: This unit will examine the filmic articulation and cultural significance of such issues as: the theme of journey and time-travel; migration and change; the movement from text to image in literary adaptation, and from still to moving images in photography and film; directors and films in transition between Europe and the States; the shifting boundaries between past and present, history and memory. |
ESML0524: MA in European Cinema Studies Dissertation Dissertaion period Credits: 30 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to undertake systematic and original research in an appropriate area of European cinema. Learning objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will have demonstrated: * self-direction and originality in selecting, planning and implementing an appropriate research topic; * the ability to construct arguments which make a contribution to current academic debate in the field of film studies; * the ability to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, and to demonstrate originality in tackling and solving problems. Contents: A theoretical and critical analysis of an appropriate topic in film studies. |
ESML0525: MA in European Cinema Studies Film Project Dissertation period Credits: 30 Contact: Level: Postgraduate Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to demonstrate systematic and comprehensive understanding of film techniques through an original film composition. Learning objectives: On successful completion of this unit, students will have demonstrated: * self-direction and originality in selecting, planning and implementing an appropriate subject; * the ability to construct an original short film, to demonstrate the relevance of the chosen methodology and to provide a critical evaluation of the result; * the ability to deal with complex theoretical and practical issues both systematically and creatively, and to demonstrate originality in tackling and solving problems; Content: A short film accompanied by a detailed shooting script and/or story board, and an evaluative report. |
ESML0526: EFL reading & vocabulary Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre ESML0442 This unit is taken as a continuation of ESML0442 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to raise the standard of their degree course work through reading more effectively and through expanding their vocabulary from their reading Learning Objectives: * To develop students' reading skills * To enable students to read more quickly and efficiently * To improve students' comprehension of reading texts * To develop students' skills at taking notes from written texts * To expand students' specialist and non-specialist vocabulary * To enable students to use their newly acquired vocabulary in their writing. Content: Prediction; Skimming and scanning; Reading for gist; Improving reading speed; Note taking from written texts; Understanding the writer's intention; Understanding the meaning of a text; Distinguishing fact from opinion; Evaluating a text; Understanding words in context; Building new words from given vocabulary items; Using new vocabulary in writing. |
ESML0527: French politics and society 2b,option 12: les partis politiques en france Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To build on the experience of French Politics and Society by applying the expertise gained to the study of French political parties Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students should be able to : * assess the role played by political parties within a democratic process and within the French political system; * locate and use confidently primary and secondary sources in French; * discuss basic political issues in French. Content: After a series of introductory lectures relating to the partisan system before 1958, the bipolarisation after 1958, the emergence of new political forces and the current fragmentation of the French party system, the seminars will combine a thematic approach (the reality of the right/left divide, political party funding and corruption, how parties face the issue of Europe, the issue of elitism and the impact of the parité on French parties) and the close study of specific parties. Taught in French. Key texts: P. Bréchon, Les partis politiques, Paris, Montchrestien, 1999 A. Cole, French Politics and Society, London, Prentice Hall, 1998 |
ESML0528: French national option F16: les scandales politiques en france Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To study the political scandals that are one of the most enduring and prominent feature of French politics. We will focus on three specific issues (1) the conditions under which scandals occur, (2) how scandals unfold, (3) the effects of scandals on the political system and their role in changing societal values. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students should be able to : * critically evaluate the impact of political scandals on French politics and society; * locate and use confidently primary and secondary sources in French; * discuss topical, social and political issues in French Content: After a series of introductory lectures relating to the specific nature of scandals in France and the role that judges, the media and intellectuals play in political scandals in France, the seminars themselves will focus on case studies ranging from the Dreyfus affair (1894-1906), the "affair" of the Rainbow Warrior, and the Blood transfusion scandal of the 1990's, to the most current scandals unfolding in France. Taught in French. Key text: R. Elgie (ed.), The Changing French Political System, London, Frank Cass, 2000 |
ESML0529: Spanish politics & society (Advanced) 2B - further contemporary Latin American studies Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW33 ES67 Requisites: Pre ESML0467 Aims & Learning Objectives: To build upon the political, social and economic issues raised in Semester One and apply them to contemporary political developments within Latin America. On completion of the unit students should have: * A solid understanding of the political, social and economic changes in 20th century Latin America. * Knowledge of the key aspects of Latin American political development. * The ability to apply theoretical understanding to specific case studies. * Acquire advanced analytical and writing skills in Spanish. Content: Analysis of the economic, social and political repercussions of economic transformation from the 1980's, and the limits of redemocratization. Case studies for political analysis include Colombia, Mexico and Chile. Seminars provide a forum for assessed presentation, discussion and consolidation of the lectures as well as providing study skills sessions for argumentative essay writing. |
ESML0530: European political economy Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES50 EX50 Requisites: Pre ECOI0006, Pre ECOI0007 Aims & Learning Objectives: To explore the relationship between state, market and society in contemporary Europe; to assess similarity and difference between advanced economies of Europe; to examine the impact of EC policies on the political economy of member states. By the end of this unit students will have gained a fuller knowledge of state, market and society in European countries and an appreciation of academic debates around models of capitalism, economic policy-making and the impact of integration, and economic transition in Central/Eastern Europe. Content: Topics will include: Theoretical approaches to political economy The political economy of European integration before the European Single Market The Single Market: winners and losers The CAP, past, present and future The social dimension of Europe: between cohesion and redistribution The politics and economics of Monetary Union Fiscal Co-ordination and EMU The political economy of European unemployment European migratory policy in the context of globalisation Enlargement: towards a multi-speed European Union? |
ESML0531: Modern british society Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: 25CW 75ES Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: This unit is solely for exchange and visiting students. The aim is to give an overview of modern British society. The unit will cover different definitions of Britishness, legal, cultural, political and geographic. Political institutions and the welfare state will be studied in the light of political devolution and cultural variation. Learning Objectives: Having completed the course students will have gained an understanding of contemporary Britain and will be able to distinguish between superficially distinctive features of this country and those features which represent differences between the United Kingdom and other countries in Western Europe and North America. Content: The course will cover the following topics: Geography and demography of the UK; population movement; variations in prosperity and in patterns of employment, including women in the labour market; the implications of an ageing population. The post-war welfare state, with particular emphasis on the NHS and its role as totem and agent of social cohesion. Changes in family patterns, particularly lone parents; the rise in social security, leading to a growing gap between the prosperous and the poor. "There is no such thing as society" change in emphasis to individual provision. The end of Empire and de-colonisation; changing patterns of immigration from short-term workers to permanent settlers. Education, from the Butler Act to comprehensive schools; the coming of the National Curriculum; school leaving qualifications; the expansion of higher education. The political process; declining turnouts; under-representation of women and ethnic minorities. |
ESML0531: Modern british society Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: 25CW 75ES Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: This unit is solely for exchange and visiting students. The aim is to give an overview of modern British society. The unit will cover different definitions of Britishness, legal, cultural, political and geographic. Political institutions and the welfare state will be studied in the light of political devolution and cultural variation. Learning Objectives: Having completed the course students will have gained an understanding of contemporary Britain and will be able to distinguish between superficially distinctive features of this country and those features which represent differences between the United Kingdom and other countries in Western Europe and North America. Content: The course will cover the following topics: Geography and demography of the UK; population movement; variations in prosperity and in patterns of employment, including women in the labour market; the implications of an ageing population. The post-war welfare state, with particular emphasis on the NHS and its role as totem and agent of social cohesion. Changes in family patterns, particularly lone parents; the rise in social security, leading to a growing gap between the prosperous and the poor. "There is no such thing as society" change in emphasis to individual provision. The end of Empire and de-colonisation; changing patterns of immigration from short-term workers to permanent settlers. Education, from the Butler Act to comprehensive schools; the coming of the National Curriculum; school leaving qualifications; the expansion of higher education. The political process; declining turnouts; under-representation of women and ethnic minorities. |
ESML0532: French politics & society 2B:option 13:La campagne presidentielle 2002:themes et acteurs principaux Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: ES67 CW33 Requisites: Pre ESML0011 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: are to build on the experiences of French Politics and Society by applying the knowledge gained to the study of the current French political debate and actors during the 2002 presidential elections. Learning objectives: on successful completion of this unit students should be able to: - identify the current key issues and actors in the French political system - assess the role of the Presidential elections within the French political and institutional framework - locate and use confidently primary and secondary sources in French. Content: The unit will start with an introductory lecture presenting the French presidency and the nature of the presidential campaigns. It will be followed by the thematic study of key issues in French political debates: law and order (l'insécurité ), the environment, European integration, the economic situation. These themes will be studied through both lectures and seminars. The unit will also focus on the presidential candidates of the 2002 elections and their policies on the issues mentioned above. |