PFTHASS008: MSc: International Policy Analysis

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Full-time postgraduate)
Mandatory Units
ECOI0050Policy theory & process6Credits
HASS0019Public policy, business & civil society: the challenge of globalisation6Credits
SOCP0077Research methods3Credits
Optional Units
Select 12 credits from the following list:
ECOI0059 Economics of development 6 Credits
ECOI0060 International development: contested themes 3 Credits
ECOI0061 Sociology & social anthropology of development 6 Credits
ECOI0089 Introduction to environmental economics 6 Credits
ECOI0109 International development: poverty & policy 3 Credits
ECOI0111 Politics of developing countries 3 Credits
SOCP0076 European integration & social policy decision making 6 Credits
SOCP0094 Introduction to survey methods & analysis using SPSS (1) 3 Credits
Select 1 unit from the following list:
ECOI0075 Development research 3 Credits
SOCP0074 Comparative research methods 1 3 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Optional Units
Select 60 credits from the following list of unit and dissertation:
ECOI0054 Cost benefit analysis with environmental & other applications 6 Credits
ECOI0067 Globalisation, development & international relations 6 Credits
ECOI0068 Regional specialism 6 Credits
ECOI0069 Rural & urban livelihoods 6 Credits
ECOI0070 Environmental management & sustainable development 6 Credits
ECOI0071 Management of development 6 Credits
ECOI0085 Economies of the public sector in developing & transitional economies 6 Credits
HASS0020 Intensive course in international policy analysis 6 Credits
HASS0021 International policy analysis placement 12 Credits
HASS0026 MIPA study abroad Various Credits
SOCP0079 European social regulation & employment 6 Credits
SOCP0080 Globalisation & international standards 6 Credits
SOCP0081 Comparative research methods 2 6 Credits
SOCP0101 Introduction to survey methods & analysis using SPSS (2) 3 Credits
SOCP0111 European social policy analysis & evaluation 6 Credits

Year 1, Summer study period
Mandatory Units
HASS0023Dissertation in International Policy Analysis30Credits

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