BIOL0001: Skills & techniques 1 (basic laboratory & communication skills) Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW50 PR50 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide students with an opportunity to acquire basic laboratory skills ((general microbiological practice and biochemistry techniques) and communication skills delivered by directed tutorial assignments and computer practical sessions). Tutorial sessions will develop group discussion and presentation skills. Computer sessions will introduce students to Windows, MS Work and BIDS. After taking this course the student should be able to: * present reasoned arguments and analyses in the form of a word-processed document * to cite references (in recognised format) which they have obtained form an on-line bibliographical database * possess skills of accurate autopipetting and spectrophotometric determinations. Content: Practical skills: Basic quantitative laboratory skills; micro-organism handling; radioisotope techniques. IT skills: Introduction to IT and campus IT facilities; word-processing, BIDS. Presentation skills: Essay writing. Small group discussion work. These skills will be developed during tutorial sessions which have the additional aim of identifying and rectifying weaknesses in subject background. |
BIOL0002: Skills & techniques 2 (quantitative skills) Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0001 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide students with an opportunity to develop data analysis and mathematical skills through statistics workshops, directed tutorial assignments and computer session with Minitab. After taking this course the student should be able to: * decide on an appropriate statistical test for the analysis of scientific data * execute basic statistical tests using Minitab and interpret the outcome of such tests * manipulate and transfer data from one software application to another. Content: Introduction to quantitative biology, including elementary statistics. Use of Minitab. Numerical calculation workshops. Small group discussion work. Verbal and written presentation. |
BIOL0003: Biochemistry 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Co BIOL0001 Pre A-Level Chemistry Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To teach the students the pathways of central metabolism and to relate the regulation of these pathways to the homeostasis of the whole organism. In order to appreciate and understand metabolism, the students are taught the fundamental aspects of enzymes and their regulation, and this in turn is necessarily preceded by lectures on protein structure. After taking this course the student should be able to: * know the pathways of central metabolism * understand the way in which the cell degrades nutrients in small steps to allow the energy to be trapped and converted to a useful form * appreciate the way in which central metabolism connects catabolism and anabolism * understand the regulation of central metabolism with respect to the needs of the organism in relation to its environment Content: Proteins: amino acids - structures, ionisation and physical properties; primary structure and an overview of protein folding and conformation. Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, regulation. Metabolism: chemistry of monosaccharides, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, regulation of central metabolism. |
BIOL0004: Biochemistry 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the central pathways of fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial oxidation and integrate these into overall cell function. To inculcate appreciation of the metabolic pathways into function at the organ and tissue level. To teach the implications of stereochemistry into the biochemistry of key metabolic intermediates. After taking this course the student should be able to: * appreciate the principles of mitochondrial oxidative function * understand lipid structure and the pathways of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis * understand the mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction * comprehend the stereochemistry of small organic molecules of biological importance Content: The course is a direct follow on from BIOL0003. Topics studied are 1) mitochondrial bioenergetics, respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory; 2) lipid metabolism structure of lipids, catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, ketogenesis and coordination with other metabolic pathways; 3) biochemistry of animal tissues and organs, such as mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction; 4) stereochemistry of simple carbohydrates and citric acid cycle intermediates with applications of biochemical mechanisms. |
BIOL0005: Cell biology 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the techniques available for determining the structure and function of cellular components and processes, to describe the structure and function of cells and cell organelles and to show the diversity of cells. After taking this course the student should be able to: * describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells * describe the structure and explain the function of cell organelles * make comparisons between related structures and functions * critically appraise methods available to determine the nature and function of cellular processes * understand the dynamic nature of cell behaviour. Content: Introduction: eucarya, eubacteria and archaea; microscopical techniques; cytochemistry; cell fractionation and autoradiography. The structure and function of cell membranes, plant walls, intercellular channels. Cellular processes such as cell signalling, cytoskeleton and cell movement, secretion and absorption. Organelles involved in energy metabolism: chloroplasts and mitochondria, plant microbodies. Nucleus, chromosomes, cell growth and proliferation, mitosis and meiosis. |
BIOL0006: Cell & molecular biology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0005 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the structure and function of nucleic acids; To introduce the concepts and methodology of genetic modification. To introduce the processes of animal and plant development. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand how the structure of nucleic acid determines their biological function * understand the power of the techniques of genetic modification for studying and manipulating organisms, especially micro-organisms, for fundamental and applied science * appreciate the role changing patterns of gene expression play in modulating development during animal embryogeny Content: The structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in relation to organisms, genes, gene expression and protein synthesis. How organisms, genes and gene expression can be altered and studied via the technology of genetic modification. How the changing patterns of gene expression in cells and tissues can lead to the development of an egg into an animal, using examples from Xenopus, Drosophila and mouse. |
BIOL0007: Genetics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX60 PR30 OT10 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the principles of inheritance, to describe the chemical nature of inheritable material and the molecular basis of mutagenesis, to describe the structure and expression of genes and genomes in cells, to enable the student to appreciate how genetic data are generated and interpreted, to show basic genetic techniques in a wide range of organisms. After taking the course the student should be able to: * explain Mendelian principles and their underlying concepts * explain and create a genetic map * describe how the chemical structure of DNA accounts for information encoding and its change * appreciate the structure and dynamic nature of the genome * understand the basis of the gene transfer in prokaryotes. Content: Topics: Principles of inheritance in eukaryotes; chemical nature of the gene; structure of genomes; gene expression; mutagenesis; non-Mendelian genetic systems. Practical sessions cover: Random assortment of two genetic markers in the fruit fly (Drosophila); sex linkage in Drosophila; tetrad analysis in a fungus (Sordaria); complementation testing in the yeast Saccharomyces; genetic mapping in the fungus Aspergillus; mutagenesis in the bacterium Salmonella; genetic polymorphism in Homo sapiens. |
BIOL0008: Diversity I Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce students to the characteristic features and biological properties of bacteria (prokaryotes) and fungi (eukaryotes). The two strands of the unit are taught separately to provide a thorough grounding in the cellular, morphological and general physiological properties of the two groups of organisms through lectures and complementary practical sessions. These are related to the diversity of habitats, modes of life and practical and environmental importance of the two groups. After taking this course the student should be able to: (in bacteria) * describe in detail the size and anatomical features of typical bacterial cells * show a clear understanding of the structure and function of important cellular components * discuss bacterial growth in terms of nutritional requirement and the influence of physicochemical factors on growth and survival * demonstrate the acquisition of aseptic manipulative skills and accuracy, staining techniques, microscopic examination methods and observational and interpretative faculties (in fungi) * have an outline knowledge of fungal classification and how this is related to diversity in form and function * appreciate the scientific, environmental and practical importance of fungi * know where and how fungi grow and reproduce * know how to study fungi macroscopically, microscopically and in culture. Content: Bacteria: relative to the other domains of cell-based life; bacterial cell shapes and size, ubiquity and adaptability; methods for their visualisation; anatomy, from chromosome to capsule, via ribosomes, cytoplasmic inclusions, cell membrane, cell wall, pili, flagella and endospores; growth/cultivation; nutritional requirements, modes of energy-yielding metabolism, influence of physical factors (temperature, pH, redox potential, water activity). The essentials of practical bacteriology, embodying good laboratory practice. Fungi: Diversity and significance of the fungal Kingdom; hyphal structure and growth and the nature of mycelium; sexual reproductive cycles; asexual reproduction; nutritional ecology fungi as saprotrophs, biotrophs and necrotrophs, decomposers, parasites and symbiotic partners. |
BIOL0009: Diversity II Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To demonstrate the diversity of invertebrate animals, to use comparative anatomy and embryology to reveal clues about invertebrate evolution. To demonstrate the diversity of plants, emphasising the adaptive significance of the organisational innovations which have evolved within the constraints imposed. After taking this course the student should be able to: *define the terms deuterostome, protostome, coelom, diploblastic, triploblastic, radial and bilateral symmetry *describe aspects of structure and function which contribute to the success of animals at different levels of complexity *give an account of the defining feature of the major groups of invertebrate animals. *give an account of the defining features of the major groups of plants *understand how the different groups of plants use light energy for the biosynthesis of biomolecules Content: What is an invertebrate - defining terms, simple metazoans (sponges and coelenterates), 3 types of work-like animal (Nematodes, flatworms and Annelids), shell bearing animals (molluscs), focus on squid, cuttlefish and octopus (cephalopods), invertebrates with an external skeleton - why are insects so successful (arthropods)? A consideration of the functioning of plants as non-mobile, photo-autotrophic life forms with federal organisation. |
BIOL0011: The biosphere Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a global perspective of the communities and ecosystems of the world and the role of these systems in the flow of energy and matter. After taking this course the student should be able to: * identify the main flows of energy through the biosphere * understand how minerals cycle in the environment and how soils form * appreciate the main features of aquatic environments and terrestrial biomes * have an awareness of the effects that humans have on the environment Content: The flow of energy through the biosphere; the global biogeochemical cycles; soils and aquatic environments; the major terrestrial biomes(tundra, northern coniferous forests, temperate deciduous forests, temperate grasslands, and tropical forests). The impact of humankind on the environment, with particular emphasis on pollution. |
BIOL0012: Ecology & evolution Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a broad introduction to key concepts in ecology and evolution. To approach issues in ecology and evolution in a rigorous, cohesive way that will provide the students with a conceptual framework that will help them to examine other areas of biology in a fuller context of evolution and ecology. To provide a firm foundation for more detailed study within the specific fields of evolution and ecology later in their course. It aims to introduce students to the unique position of ecology and evolution in the biological sciences; why these disciplines pose unusual challenges such as huge time scales and an attendant paucity of experimental information; why ecology and evolution tend to be analytical rather than experimental sciences; reasons why these are theory driven sciences and the special role of mathematical models in these disciplines. After taking this course the student should be able to: *outline certain key principles in evolution and ecology *demonstrate an understanding of the unique position of evolution and ecology in the biological sciences *demonstrate an understanding of the logic of the arguments used in the construction of simple mathematical models for population growth, competition and predator prey relationships *synthesise evidence of many kinds that animal, fungal and plant communities have evolved in highly structured ways *show some appreciation of the role of ecological and evolutionary thinking in areas such as conservation and biodiversity *have some basics skill in obtaining, processing and evaluating ecological data in laboratory and field based practicals. Content: Key concepts in evolution, including the nature of evolutionary selection, including kin-selection, sexual selection and natural selection. Dynamics of ecological populations including field and laboratory examples and mathematical models. Population growth, intraspecifc and interspecific competition and predator/prey relationships. The structure and development of plant, animal and fungal communities are also examined and evidence is described from studies of the limits of similarity, island biogeography and food webs. |
BIOL0013: Directed studies 1 Semester 1 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To give each student experience in the study of biological information and in its written and verbal presentation. After taking this course the student should be able to: * make appropriate use of the various forms of biological publication * carry out searches using BIDS and EMBASE * write and word-process a substantial essay on a biological topic, with appropriately listed references to published literature. Content: The course consists of a series of small group sessions with a lecturer and about 6-8 students. |
BIOL0014: Directed studies 2 Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0013 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To give each student experience in the study of biological information and in its written and verbal presentation.After taking this course the student should have further developed the learning objectives of BIOL0013. Content: The course consists of a series of small group sessions with a lecturer and about 6-8 students. |
BIOL0015: Biochemical problems Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0096 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop students' abilities to assimilate compilations of experimental data and to draw valid conclusions from them. After taking the course, the student should be able to: * study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the Results Section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, eg answering particular questions or writing the Discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data. Content: Several members of academic staff will participate in the Course, each providing a particular problem. This will be handed out and explained to the class, who will then have some 4 days to provide written answers. These will be marked and returned. |
BIOL0016: Professional training in Biochemistry 1 Semester 2 Credits: 30 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: RT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: * to provide experience of the application of biochemistry * to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment After taking this course the student should be able to: * undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme * integrate into a commercial or academic environment Content: Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Director of Studies (Placements). |
BIOL0018: Enzymology A Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre CHEY0007 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a fundamental basis for understanding the action of enzymes as catalysts, mainly at a physical level, and also those properties of enzymes arising from their nature as proteins. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the nature of steady-state kinetics of simple enzyme-catalysed reactions * appreciate the influence that protein structure and organisation has on the catalytic and regulatory functions of enzymes. * understand the requirements of reliable assay procedures, including practical ability. * discuss the purpose of studies of the transient phase of enzyme-catalysed reactions. * from simple mechanisms, to derive steady-state rate equations. * appreciate the role of coenzymes and their underlying basis in heterocyclic chemistry. * understand reversible inhibition and covalent modification, and the effects of pH on catalytic activity. Content: Ligand binding; steady-state and transient kinetics; theories of catalysis; allostery; multienzyme complexes; chemical modification; effects of inhibitors and pH; isoenzymes; heterocyclic chemistry and coenzymes; purification and assay |
BIOL0020: Physical biochemistry & proteins Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre CHEY0007, Pre CHEY0008 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide understanding of protein conformation in terms of noncovalent interactions between amino acid side chains, the thermodynamic principles underlying the protein folding problem. Also to provide understanding of the various physical methods available for the characterisation of biological macromolecules and their application to the study of protein conformation. After taking this course the student should be able to: * give a qualitative description of the interactions that maintain the native conformation of a protein and determine the stability of the native conformation * appreciate the structural information that various spectroscopic techniques can give * understand the structural information that various scattering and diffraction techniques can give. Content: Polypeptide chain folding, the role of non-covalent interactions, the protein folding process, denaturation and renaturation, protein conformational change, spectroscopic techniques (UV/visible/IR, Raman, circular dichroism, nmr, esr), scattering techniques (X-ray diffraction, solution scattering), Microscopy (optical and electron) |
BIOL0021: Protein purification Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0097 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide understanding of the principles and application of the various methods for the purification and characterisation of proteins. To provide understanding of the principles and application of the ultracentrifuge in the biochemistry laboratory. After taking this course the student should be able to: * plan a purification scheme for the isolation of a protein from various starting materials, taking account of requirements for both purity and yield of the product * design experiments that involve the use of ultracentrifugation techniques. Content: Protein separation by column chromatography based on differences in molecular size, charge, hydrophobicity and specific affinity for ligands; electrophoretic methods for the purification and characterisation of proteins; theory and practise of preparative and analytical ultracentrifugation |
BIOL0022: Practical biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide practical experience of some commonly used molecular biology techniques and to evaluate these in comparison with other available methods so that the students are aware of a range of techniques used for the characterisation of gene structure and gene expression. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand how and why these techniques have been applied when they encounter them in journal articles * consider these methods when they design their own experiments * develop planning and organisational skills in carrying out a scientific project * develop data handling and interpretation skills Content: The course involves a series of linked experiments that form a mini-project. This begins with the preparation of cellular RNA, its conversion to cDNA and the amplification of gene fragments using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific fragments are cloned in a bacterial plasmid, these screened by restriction enzyme digestion and one or two are subject to DNA sequencing. Data interpretation involves DNA sequence analysis and the interrogation of remote nucleic acid databases, chromosome physical maps and mutational databases. A demonstration of various methods for analysing gene expression is included. |
BIOL0023: DNA (making, breaking & disease) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 CW10 ES10 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide understanding of the relationship between DNA synthesis, DNA repair, the animal cell growth cycle and apoptosis. After taking this course the student should be able to: * give a detailed account of the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair in a variety of living systems * show how DNA metabolism and cell cycle controls are related to cancer * give an account of antitumour therapy. Content: DNA replication, and where relevant DNA in øx174, E.coli, SV40, and human cells. Cross talk between synthesis, repair and the cell cycle in complex systems. Immortality and carcinogenesis. Site of action of antifolates, fluorouracil, magic bullets. |
BIOL0024: Cell biology 2 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To familiarise students with the concepts and vocabulary of key aspects of cell biology. To give students an understanding of current models of how cells attach to and move upon their substrate, how they maintain their composition and shape, how they communicate and how they grow. After taking this course the student should be able to: * outline and distinguish the roles of carrier proteins and ion channels, and describe current models of their functional mechanisms * describe the major components of the cytoskeleton and their function in cell integrity, in intracellular trafficking and in cell motility * differentiate the various types of plant and animal cell-cell junctions * summarise the major extracellular matrix components in plant and animal tissues and how cell attach to them * discuss the key signals and mechanisms permitting targeting of protein components to various subcellular locations * demonstrate knowledge of the major inter cellular signalling systems and intracellular signalling pathways, and also the ways that these are studied * understand the principles of cellular signal generation, control, recognition, integration and interpretation to generate a response * extend their knowledge in these areas by reference to primary research articles Content: Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix; membrane transport (carrier proteins and ion channels); intracellular trafficking; cytoskeleton; cell signalling: growth factors and regulation of vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation; tyrosine kinase receptors and the MAP kinase intracellular signalling pathway; G-protein coupled receptors and the cAMP and Ca2+ second messenger systems; hormone signalling via the intracellular receptor family. |
BIOL0024: Cell biology 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To familiarise students with the concepts and vocabulary of key aspects of cell biology. To give students an understanding of current models of how cells attach to and move upon their substrate, how they maintain their composition and shape, how they communicate and how they grow. After taking this course the student should be able to: * outline and distinguish the roles of carrier proteins and ion channels, and describe current models of their functional mechanisms * describe the major components of the cytoskeleton and their function in cell integrity, in intracellular trafficking and in cell motility * differentiate the various types of plant and animal cell-cell junctions * summarise the major extracellular matrix components in plant and animal tissues and how cell attach to them * discuss the key signals and mechanisms permitting targeting of protein components to various subcellular locations * demonstrate knowledge of the major inter cellular signalling systems and intracellular signalling pathways, and also the ways that these are studied * understand the principles of cellular signal generation, control, recognition, integration and interpretation to generate a response * extend their knowledge in these areas by reference to primary research articles Content: Cell adhesion and the extracellular matrix; membrane transport (carrier proteins and ion channels); intracellular trafficking; cytoskeleton; cell signalling: growth factors and regulation of vertebrate cell proliferation and differentiation; tyrosine kinase receptors and the MAP kinase intracellular signalling pathway; G-protein coupled receptors and the cAMP and Ca2+ second messenger systems; hormone signalling via the intracellular receptor family. |
BIOL0025: Practical molecular biology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: PR80 OR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide practical experience of some commonly used molecular biology techniques and to evaluate these in comparison with other available methods so that the students are aware of a range of techniques used for the characterisation of gene structure and gene expression. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand how and why these techniques have been applied when they encounter them in journal articles * consider these methods when they design their own experiments * develop planning and organisational skills in carrying out a scientific project * develop data handling and interpretation skills Content: The course involves a series of linked experiments that form a mini-project. This begins with the preparation of cellular RNA, its conversion to cDNA and the amplification of gene fragments using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Specific fragments are cloned in a bacterial plasmid, these screened by restriction enzyme digestion and one or two are subject to DNA sequencing. Data interpretation involves DNA sequence analysis and the interrogation of remote nucleic acid databases, chromosome physical maps and mutational databases. A demonstration of various methods for analysing gene expression is included. |
BIOL0027: Integrative animal physiology and immunology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Pre SCNC0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: This course is in two parts. The aim of the first part of the course is to develop an understanding of how animals integrate function at the level of systems, organs and physiological processes. It will enable you to appreciate the range of evolutionary solutions to physiological challenges by comparing human and laboratory model mammalian physiology with that of other vertebrate and invertebrate animals living in different environments. The second part of the course aims to provide you with an understanding of the immune systems of mammals, with some comparisons to the simpler defence systems of lower animals. The approach will stress the integrative features of cellular and systemic immunobiology, rather than the biochemistry of immune effector molecules. Lectures will be supported by a programme of coursework that aims to develop interpretative skills in these areas of biology. After taking this course the student should be able to: * have knowledge of the topics given in the outline of the course. Students should be able to discuss any of these topics in an exam question. Additionally, students should be able to analyse, display, interpret and draw conclusions from experimental data in the field of animal physiology and immunology. Content: A. Physiological systems 1. Animal structure and function: functional genomics, tissues and organs; size and shape; body fluids; control systems and homeostasis; diffusion, countercurrent systems. (Special topic: hot tuna) 2. Heart and circulation 1: open and closed circulation; heart as a pump; initiation and spread of the heartbeat; control of the heart; comparative cardiac physiology; haemodynamics. (Special topic: coronary disease) 3. Heart and circulation 2: peripheral circulation; blood pressure and its control; capillary exchange; lymphatics; effects of exercise, diving, haemorrhage; nitric oxide. (Special topic: Viagra) 4. Respiration 1: haemoglobin; other respiratory pigments; oxygen dissociation curve; carbon dioxide transport; pH regulation; diffusion from vessels to tissues. (Special topics: fish swimbladder, artificial blood) 5. Respiration 2: lung structure; pulmonary circulation; breathing; surfactants; heat and water loss from lungs; fish gills; birds' eggs; insect tracheal systems. (Special topic: birds' eggs) 6. Respiration 3: neural regulation of breathing; exercise; hypoxia; hypercapnia; diving mammals; living at altitude. (Special topic: diving mammals) 7. Osmoregulation 1: problems of osmoregulation; obligatory exchange of ions and water; osmoregulators and osmoconformers; challenges of marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. (Special topic: buoyancy and special adaptations of deep sea animals) 8. Osmoregulation 2: mammalian kidney structure and function; urine production, clearance, pH regulation; production of concentrated urine; aquaporins; regulation of kidney function; ADH, aldosterone, renin-angiotensin system; atrial natriuretic hormone. (Speical topic: desert animals) 9. Osmoregulation 3: extrarenal ion and water regulation in vertebrates (salt glands etc); invertebrate systems; excretion of nitrogenous wastes. (Special topic: blood sucking as a way of life) 1. Nutrition: structure and function of the digestive tract; digestive enzymes; absorption; nutritional requirements. (Special topics: lactose intolerance; slimming drugs) 2. Metabolism: metabolic rate, calorimetry, RQ, energy storage, specific dynamic action; body size and metabolic rate; costs of locomotion. (Special topic; the extravagant cost of flight). 3. Thermal relations: metabolic effect of environmental temperature; homeothermy; ectothermy vs endothermy; dormancy (sleep, torpor, hibernation). (Special topics: extremophile animals:camels, antartic fish). B. Defences against pathogens and parasites 4. Non-specific defences; barriers; skin; innate immunity; secreted antimicrobials. (Special topic: frog skin) 5. Cellular defences; classes of leukocytes; phagocytosis; cell killing; acute inflammation; complement; humoral defences, haemostasis. (Special topic: invertebrate blood cells). 6. Antibodies: acquired immunity; immunoglobulins, Ig classes; genetic basis of Ab diversity. (Special topic: phylogeny of immunoglobulins). 7. Development of B cells. MHC; clonal selection; immunity mediated by B cells. (Special topic: monoclonal antibodies) 8. Immunity mediated by T-cells. T cell classes; T-cell receptors; clonal deletion. (Special topic: the thymus) 9. Immunity to infection. Adversarial strategies of hosts, pathogens and parasites. (Special topic: How friendly microbes can live in your gut). 10. Vaccines and vaccination; hypersensitivity, allergy etc. (Special topic: Superantigens) 11. AIDS: HIV and what it does; epidemiology of AIDS; immunisation against HIV, a cure for AIDS. (Special topic: the origin of HIV) 12. Case study: Drosophila immunity. |
BIOL0028: Cellular neurobiology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Ex BIOL0099 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an introduction and broad overview of cellular neurobiology which should serve as a basis for more in-depth study in final year courses. After taking this course the student should be able to: * give a general description of the organisation of the nervous system including the basic anatomically subdivisions * relate neuronal cell structure with function * discuss the similarities and differences between receptor classes and their association with various signalling cascades * describe the principles of electrical signalling in neurons including the properties of ion channels Content: A brief description of basic aspects of neuronal development and anatomy: the cells of the nervous system; the subcellular architecture of neurons including features in common with other cells and unique aspects such as axons, dendrites, synaptic vesicles and the neuronal cytoskeleton; synaptic transmission and intercellular communication; and signalling in the nervous system including the electrical properties of neurons, resting and action potentials and ion channels. |
BIOL0029: Insect biology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an introduction to the biochemistry, physiology, morphology and behaviour of insects, particularly in relation to their role as crop pests and the development of methods of control. After taking this course the student should be able to: *define the elements of structure and function that have contributed to the diversity and numerical success of insects *identify aspects of insect biochemistry, physiology and behaviour that provide or potentially could provide targets for exploitation in pest control. Content: Insect classification and types of post-embryonic development; characteristics of the major orders of insects; polymorphism as found in aphids and locusts; biochemistry and physiology of some major life systems; insect plant relations; a survey of chemical pesticides - chemical classes, mode of action and mechanisms of resistance; biological pest control. |
BIOL0030: Plant biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR/CW20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce some important aspects of plant metabolism and their role in the functioning of the whole plant. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand how plants (by definition static) are able to utilise light energy for the biosynthesis of important biomolecules, yet cope with the potential problems posed by excess solar radiation and drought. * understand how plant protection systems will not only explain plant survival in an ever changing environment, with the possibility of animal predation, but also how the disruption of proteins and detoxification systems can lead to plant death via herbicides. Content: Utilisation of light energy in photosynthesis; CO2 incorporation; carbohydrate synthesis, storage and breakdown; the metabolism of stored carbohydrate to yield energy (respiration) and intermediary metabolites; the function and metabolism of lipids; pigments, with particular reference to porphyrins and carotenoids. Emphasis will be placed on sites where herbicides disrupt normal metabolism and biochemical protective and detoxification mechanisms (e.g.cytochrome P-450) in plants. Practical sessions provide experience in the use of a variety of techniques for the study of plant processes. An equivalent period of directed study will be provided for students who already have adequate experience of practical biochemistry. |
BIOL0031: Plant biotechnology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the techniques used in Plant Biotechnology and discuss their applications in Crop Production and Protection. After taking this course the student should be able to * understand the role that biotechnology and recombinant DNA techniques play in the development of novel plant genotypes: Content: This unit introduces the methods of plant tissue culture, genetic transformation and regeneration. The techniques of Agrobacterium - mediated and direct transformation e.g. particle bombardment are described. Applications of plant genetic engineering are discussed with examples drawn from a wide range of Crop Production and Protection situation e.g. manipulation of floral development; fruit ripening; pest and disease resistance. The socioeconomics of Plant Biotechnology as well as its role in germplasm conservation is discussed. Practical sessions provide experience in the use of tissue culture and transformation techniques in the study of Plant Development and Biotechnology. |
BIOL0032: Plant pathology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0009 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the biology and control of the major groups of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens. To introduce the physiological, biochemical and genetical basis of host-parasite interactions. After taking this course the student should be able to: * name the major groups of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens and describe their key biological features and methods of controls * understand the molecular and biochemical basis of host-pathogen interactions * be able to describe the modes of action of key fungicides Content: Pathogens' strategies and modes of nutrition; the biology, disease cycles and control via host resistance, fungicides and cultural practice of the major groups: plasmodial fungi eg clubroot; Phytophthora species; downy mildews; powdery mildews; vascular wilt fungi; smuts; rusts bacterial pathogens. The concept of disease management and integrated control. The genetic basis of host-parasite interactions; host resistance mechanisms. The mathematical modelling of plant disease epidemics and the relationship between these models and practical disease forecasting. Fungicide modes of action and resistance. |
BIOL0033: Bacteriology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0008 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To give students an appreciation of the diversity and importance of bacteria, their ecology and associated physiology, their isolation, characterisation and classification, and their influences on mankind. It also provides training and quantitative experimental/investigative experience in mainstream bacteriology. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the dynamics of bacterial population growth and how this can be quantified * know how bacteria can be inactivated and extinguished * be familiar with procedures (ranging from phenotyping to genotyping) for characterising and recognising bacteria * have an outline knowledge of the 'Bergey' system for bacterial classification * describe the main features of some key groups of bacteria and have more detailed knowledge of selected examples with medical, veterinary, environmental, public health and food industry relevance Content: Population growth dynamics, with emphasis on batch liquid culture systems; chemical and physical methods for inactivating and eliminating bacteria - heat sterilisation, filtration, antiseptics, disinfectants; characterisation and classification of bacteria, the 'Bergey' system; properties of main groups of bacteria; more detailed consideration of organisms of ecological and public health significance, food and water-borne human pathogens, and agents of plant disease. Practical sessions include quantitative experiments on bacterial growth, bacterial isolation from natural sources and demonstration of some biochemical properties; methods for bacterial characterisation, from traditional tests to state of the art rapid and miniaturised procedures. |
BIOL0034: Virology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce students to the basic characteristics of viruses, both as microorganisms and as agents of disease of animals and plants. After taking this course the student should be able to: * define the main characteristics of plant and animal viruses * know how to detect and identify viruses * understand the role of viruses in disease * recognise the importance of new and emerging virus infections * appreciate how some viruses spread and are controlled Content: The physical, chemical and biological properties of viruses; the life cycle and replication strategies of representative RNA and DNA viruses; the effects of viruses, including methods of pathogenesis, at the whole organism, cellular and biochemical levels; principles of virus detection and disease diagnosis; virus transmission, ecology and control; emerging viruses and novel virus-like agents. Practical sessions introduce common methods for identification and characterisation of viruses. |
BIOL0035: Genes & development 1 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the study of animal development, making use of the three most important animal models viz. Xenopus, Drosophila and the mouse, to demonstrate basic embryological concepts and the functions of developmentally important genes. After taking this course the student should be able to: * demonstrate a knowledge of the descriptive embryology of the three model species. * demonstrate a knowledge of selected methods for the study of gene expression, overexpression and ablation. * discuss how information from anatomy, molecular biology and genetics can be integrated in the explanation of a particular developmental process. Content: Xenopus development covering normal development, fate mapping, specification map, induction, morphogen gradients, DV patterning in egg, mesoderm induction, dorsalisation, neural induction, AP patterning. Drosophila development covering normal developmental genetics, dorsoventral and anteroposterior patterning. Mouse development covering gametogenesis and fertilisation, normal pre and post implantation development, ES cells, transgenesis and targeted mutagenesis. Cell adhesion. Extracellular matrix. Cell movement and morphogenesis. |
BIOL0036: Genes & development practicals Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: PR100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0035, Ex BIOL0100 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce students to the appearance of Xenopus, insect and mouse embryos; to the use of dissecting and compound microscopes; to simple microsurgical procedures and to immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. After taking this course the student should be able to: * recognise the stages of Xenopus and mouse embryos. * carry out simple experiments on Xenopus embryos. * relate the appearance of two dimensional microscope sections to three dimensional embryos. * identify selected Drosophila mutants * carry out immunohistochemical or in situ hybridisation procedures Content: 12 laboratory practical sessions: sorting and staging Xenopus embryos; embryo culture; maternal inheritance; simple micromanipulations; interpretation of sections; morphology of insect embryos; isolation of preimplantation mouse embryos; analysis of a gene trap ES cell line; in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemistry. |
BIOL0037: Crop protection & weed biology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the measures which can be taken to prevent losses of crops due to the effects of pest, diseases and weeds. Approaches range from those used in developed countries, often based on sophisticated technology involving application of pesticides and herbicides, to low cost cultural methods more practicable in developing countries. After taking this course the student should be able to: * decide upon optimal strategies for controlling pests, diseases and weeds * evaluate the risks involved in a control method and be aware of relevant legislation * identify key UK weed species Content: The history, principles and practice of protection of crop plants from parasitic microorganisms, pests and competing weeds; biological physical and chemical approaches to crop protection; pesticides and herbicides, their design, screening, formulation and application; legislation; strategic and safe use in view of non-target organisms; development of pest and herbicide resistance and environmental pollution; integrated control measures. Practical sessions include identification of weed plants and excursions to conventional and organic farms to study methods of weed and pest control. |
BIOL0038: Environmental physiology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0012 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To explore how animals (a) detect and react to environmental change, and (b) are influenced by environmental toxicants. After taking this course the student should be able to: * demonstrate understanding of the cellular and physiological mechanisms by which animals sense change in their environment, and co-ordinate developmental, physiological and behavioural responses to environmental change. * demonstrate how environmental toxicants affect some physiological and cellular mechanisms and mechanisms by which organisms may show tolerance. Content: Bacterial chemotaxis as an example of sensorimotor function; structure and function of animal sense organs; nervous and endocrine encoding of sensory information; central modulation of sensory function; extraordinary sensory modalities (eg electroreception); pheromones, kairomones and allomones, biological clocks - phenomenology, properties, cellular and systems location, genetic analysis; sleep. Impacts of environmental pollutants on animals in terrestrial and aquatic environments. The accumulation of environmental toxicants by animals. What are the consequences of accumulation? (heavy metals as examples). Interactions between toxicants during exposure to mixtures of toxicants. Mechanisms and processes to reduce toxicity. Organochlorines and hydrocarbons as pollutants. |
BIOL0039: Field course Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0012 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enhance students' awareness of the diversity of forms and behaviours to be found in natural populations and communities of organisms and of how the patterns in which this diversity occurs may be studied, described and understood. After taking the course the student should be able to: *know how to find and identify a variety of kinds of organisms within their natural habitats *know how to characterise distribution patterns using qualitative and quantitative methods and sampling procedures including conventional descriptive, mapping, quadrat, transect and trapping techniques and estimates of fractal dimension *recognise the influence of selection on distribution patterns *begin to question and understand how distribution patterns may arise from dynamic processes of energy transfer and feedback within and between living systems and their environment *have developed presentational skills enabling them effectively to convey, discuss and analyse ideas and information about natural diversity. Content: Two members of academic staff spend six days in full-time residence with students at a suitable location in the south west of the UK. This involves visits to intertidal, sand dune, coastal grassland, moorland/heathland, salt marsh and woodland habitats; sampling, identification, descriptive and recording methods for plants, animals and fungi; data presentation and analysis using statistical and non-linear mathematical approaches; consideration of evolutionary and ecological relationships between genotypes, phenotypes and environment; investigative project; oral and written discourse. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95) |
BIOL0040: Concepts in ecology & evolution Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0012 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop an understanding of a) the nature of selection; b) the role of self-organisation in evolution; c) population dynamics and conservation; d) behavioural ecology and optimal foraging theory; e) the contribution of Darwin to the development of modern evolutionary theory. After taking this course the student should be able to: * utilise concepts from natural selection theory, kin selection theory, optimisation theory, behavioural ecology, community biology, and ecological genetics in understanding ecological and evolutionary issues * understand the role of self-organisation in social insects. * offer a critique of the first edition of Darwin's 'The Origin of Species' and understand how key issues raised by Darwin as problems for his theory have been resolved. Content: The role of selection in evolution; agents of selection; units of selection; selection and adaptation; selection and fitness; natural selection and kin selection; genetic drift. Conservation and habitat fragmentation; exploiter mediated co-existence. Optimality in ecology and evolution; optimal foraging theory; self organisation; division of labour and the super-organism; battle strategies in social insects. Students are also requested to read 'The Origin of Species' and to discuss it in reading groups. |
BIOL0041: Field course Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0012 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the student to natural habitats in ways that enable the students to recognise patterns of distribution and behaviour of organisms and to question the basis of these patterns and behaviours. To introduce the student to the use of appropriate sampling patterns, experimental design, data gathering and statistical analysis. After taking the course the student should be able to: *appreciate how aspects of behavioural ecology and of community structure can be investigated *understand how these behaviours and structure may have arisen and how they are maintained *design and perform a short field-based investigation; analyse and graphically present data *prepare a written report of field-based investigations. Content: Visit to ecosystem types of varying complexity and subject to different kinds of selection process, such as rocky shore, sand dune, coastal grassland, salt marsh, woodland, moorland and fresh water. Investigation of components of these ecosystem types including spatial distribution, size and age distributions, reproduction and behaviour. Each student designs and carries out a half-day and a two-day field-based investigation; a preliminary report of the two-day investigation is presented as a short talk on the last day of the field trip; the data from the investigations are analysed and graphically presented using University computing facilities after the field trip. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95) |
BIOL0042: Investigative project Semester 2 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide students with skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation, analysing and interpreting findings and reporting the outcome. After taking this course the student should be able to: *appreciate the intellectual, time- and resource-management and technical requirements for productive, rigorous and responsible scientific investigation and reporting *have gained experience of scientific writing at the level of a primary research paper and/or review *have acquired technical, time and resource management, analytical, interpretative and literature-accessing skills appropriate to the undertaking and presentation of their project *have contributed to knowledge. Content: Selection and definition of a problem that can be investigated effectively within constraints of safety, time and resources; strategic planning; gathering, processing, analysis and interpretation of information; literature searching and reviewing; scientific writing and presentation. |
BIOL0042: Investigative project Semester 1 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide students with skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation, analysing and interpreting findings and reporting the outcome. After taking this course the student should be able to: *appreciate the intellectual, time- and resource-management and technical requirements for productive, rigorous and responsible scientific investigation and reporting *have gained experience of scientific writing at the level of a primary research paper and/or review *have acquired technical, time and resource management, analytical, interpretative and literature-accessing skills appropriate to the undertaking and presentation of their project *have contributed to knowledge. Content: Selection and definition of a problem that can be investigated effectively within constraints of safety, time and resources; strategic planning; gathering, processing, analysis and interpretation of information; literature searching and reviewing; scientific writing and presentation. |
BIOL0043: Biological data interpretation Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of biological data. After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources *make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data *be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests * interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data. Content: The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of biological information, the course covers the interpretation of simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends, selection of appropriate statistical tests for particular data sets. As far as possible, the examples are generic, designed to be capable of interpretation without a requirement for in depth understanding of any particular area of biology. |
BIOL0044: Molecular & medical neuroscience Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0028 or Pre BIOL0099 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: An advanced review of the molecular and cellular processes underlying intercellular communication in the mammalian nervous system to provide an understanding of the neurochemical basis of brain disorders, their causes and treatments. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the properties of the various classes of receptors and ion channels present in the mammalian CNS, and how these molecules interact to co-ordinate neuronal activity. * describe a number of brains disorders in terms of their neurochemistry. * comprehend the gross regional anatomy of the human brain * read and comprehend the relevant scientific literature Content: Lectures: Receptors and ion channels- the existence of families and super-families. The structure of these various families of polypeptide. The functional consequences of this diversity and how it might be regulated at the gene and protein levels. Synthesis, release and uptake of neurotransmitters. Methods of studying human brain dysfunction. The altered neurochemistry of selected neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases will be reviewed, with respect to neurochemical aspects of their causes, symptons, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Video presentations will illustrate some of the clinical conditions. |
BIOL0045: Cell membranes Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0024 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the student to the principles governing the structure and function of biological membranes. To introduce the principles governing the structure of the lipid bilayer and the topological arrangement of proteins in the membrane. To introduce the principles and mechanisms involved in the transport of solutes across cell membrane. To introduce the student to mechanisms involved in sorting membrane proteins to specialised subcellular compartments. To provide an understanding of the overall importance of membrane processes in cellular function. After taking the course the student should be able to: *outline how membrane lipids and proteins are structurally organised in the membrane *describe how ions and sugars are transported across membranes *describe the mechanisms by which membrane proteins are sorted into specialised subcellular compartments and the routes by which membrane trafficking occurs. Content: Functions and common structural feature of membrane lipids and proteins. Case study of the erythrocyte membrane proteins. Lateral diffusion of membrane components. Common features of membrane transporters for ions and neutral molecules together with the specialised features that provide substrate specificity. Simple kinetic features of the membrane transport process. Mechanisms for membrane vesicle budding and fusion and the functional significance of these processes in terms of membrane protein sorting and trafficking. |
BIOL0046: Proteins & immunochemistry Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0020 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the molecular basis of antibody function and the principles of their application in immunochemical techniques. To provide an understanding of the significance of protein:protein and protein:nucleic acid interactions. After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand the molecular basis for antigen:antibody interaction *appreciate the role of antibody as a component of the immune system *understand the basis of specific immunochemical methods and their applications Content: Overview of the immune system and the biological role of antibodies, structure of an antibody molecule and its relationship to antigen-binding and effector functions, principles of immunochemical techniques, protein:protein interactions and their importance for the function of oligomeric proteins, protein:nucleic acid interactions and their relevance to restriction enzymes and repressors. |
BIOL0047: Carbohydrate polymers Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of carbohydrate conformation and of chemical synthesis of simple oligosaccharides as a basis for structural analysis. To teach methods of structural analysis of complex oligosaccharides. To outline the structure, biosynthesis and metabolic importance of glycogen, of glycoproteins and of mucopolysaccharides. After taking the course the student should be able to: *understand the principles of conformational analysis as applied to monosaccharides *appreciate the methods and applications of chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides *give an account of the means by which glycogen metabolism is regulated by the hormones adrenalin and insulin and by metabolic substrates *describe the structure and function of mucopolysaccharides * understand the basic structural pattern of glycoproteins and how these may be determined * outline the pathways of glycoprotein biosynthesis and discuss their function Content: Topics: Conformational analysis; simple chemical approaches to oligosaccharide synthesis, glycogen structure, biosynthesis and catabolism; regulation of glycogen metabolism by hormones; inborn errors of carbohydrate metabolism; relationship between mucopolysaccharide structure and function and distribution; common structural patterns of glycoproteins; methods of structural analysis of carbohydrate polymers and glycoprotein carbohydrates; general distribution of glycoproteins, biosynthesis and functions. |
BIOL0048: Enzymology B Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims To provide an outline of the various approaches that may be used to elucidate the mechanism of enzyme action, illustrating these with specific examples. After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand how information on kinetics and protein chemistry and structure can be used to provide mechanistic evidence. *appreciate general approaches and specific types of catalysis in the context of enzyme mechanisms. Content: the course addresses the methods used to study end elucidate mechanisms of enzyme catalysis. Three aspects of evidence are discussed. 1) Study of the overall reaction 2) Study of enzymes as proteins 3) Use of non-enzymic models. These approaches are applied to case studies of individual enzymes: ATP citrate lyase, citrate synthase, acetoacetate decarboxylase, ribonuclease and chymotrypsin |
BIOL0050: Biochemical problems Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0015, Pre BIOL0048 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop students' abilities to assimilate compilations of experimental data and to draw valid conclusions from them. After taking the course, the student should be able to: *study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the results section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, e.g. answering particular questions or writing the discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data. Content: Several members of academic staff will participate in the course, each providing a particular problem. This will be handed out and explained to the class, who will then have some 4 days to provide written answers. These will be marked and returned. |
BIOL0051: Laboratory project Semester 2 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0021 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of advanced laboratory practice with emphasis on the choice of analytical systems and development of team based research. After taking this course the student should be able to: *elucidate defined biochemical problem by designing appropriate practical experiments. Content: Could include molecular biology, enzymology, protein separation, immunochemistry. |
BIOL0051: Laboratory project Semester 1 Credits: 12 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0015 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of advanced laboratory practice with emphasis on the choice of analytical systems and development of team based research. After taking this course the student should be able to: *elucidate defined biochemical problem by designing appropriate practical experiments. Content: Could include molecular biology, enzymology, protein separation, immunochemistry. |
BIOL0052: Scientific communication Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0015 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To examine good and bad practice in communicating science to a variety of professional and lay audiences using written and oral methods. After taking this course the student should be able to: * communicate new findings in biochemistry to professional, student and lay audiences. They will have produced an education poster suitable for use by "A" level or first year undergraduate students, written a 1,000 word article for publication in the science section of a broadsheet national newspaper and given a short "journal club" oral presentation explaining a recent biochemical paper to an advanced scientific audience. Contents: Students are required to produce three pieces of work for assessment: 1.An education poster suitable for "A" level students or first year undergraduates. 2.A 1,000 word article on a recent advance in the biochemical sciences. 3.A 10-12 minute "journal club" presentation on a recent article in the biochemical literature. The presentation should summarise the paper and its significance and should critically evaluate the methods used, the results obtained and their interpretation. |
BIOL0052: Scientific communication Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0015 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To examine good and bad practice in communicating science to a variety of professional and lay audiences using written and oral methods. After taking this course the student should be able to: * communicate new findings in biochemistry to professional, student and lay audiences. They will have produced an education poster suitable for use by "A" level or first year undergraduate students, written a 1,000 word article for publication in the science section of a broadsheet national newspaper and given a short "journal club" oral presentation explaining a recent biochemical paper to an advanced scientific audience. Contents: Students are required to produce three pieces of work for assessment: 1.An education poster suitable for "A" level students or first year undergraduates. 2.A 1,000 word article on a recent advance in the biochemical sciences. 3.A 10-12 minute "journal club" presentation on a recent article in the biochemical literature. The presentation should summarise the paper and its significance and should critically evaluate the methods used, the results obtained and their interpretation. |
BIOL0053: Professional training in Biochemistry 2 Semester 2 Credits: 30 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0016 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: * to provide experience of the application of biochemistry * to provide a second placement experience, thereby building upon and extending the skills, techniques and knowledge gained in the second year. * to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment After taking this course the student should be able to: * undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme * integrate into a commercial or academic environment Content: Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Head of Student Placements. |
BIOL0055: Genes & genomes Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0023, Pre BIOL0007 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an advanced study of genome structure and expression in eukaryotes. After taking this course the student should be able to: *appreciate the complexities of gene regulation and the various stages at which expression is regulated *review the ways in which mRNA differs from the primary transcript. *know how to use genome structural information to distinguish between individuals *devise a strategy for the identification and mapping of genes. Content: Genome structure and mapping (genetic & physical). Repetitive DNA, its origins and use in DNA fingerprinting. Assembly of the eukaryotic RNA synthetic machinery and its regulation by transcription factors. Chromatin remodelling in transcription. RNA splicing, editing and other modifications and their control. |
BIOL0056: Topics in plant molecular biology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce recent work on plant development and genetics as elucidated by a molecular approach. To demonstrate the importance of genes and gene expression in the development and life-cycle of the plant as a whole. After taking this course the student should be able to: * demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of key topics of plant genetics and development. * critically evaluate experimental evidence within this field. * understand the importance of a molecular approach, amongst others, to elucidating aspects of plant biology. Content: The course examines plant gene-structure, gene-expression and molecular aspects of development. Topics include: plant genome size and repetitive DNA; plant transposable elements; the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes; male sterility; epigenetics, plant development; self-incompatibility; embryogenesis and seed formation; fruit ripening; seed germination. |
BIOL0057: Cell growth & proliferation Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0023, Pre BIOL0024 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of cell growth and division, the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the different constraints on free-living and metazoan cells, and the regulation of the cell cycle. After taking this course the student should be able to: *give quantitative interpretation of growth curves *account for the regulation and dependency relationships in cell cycles *give an account of the control of DNA replication in cells *give an account of the cell cycle controls that ensure ordered progress of the cell cycle *show how genetics and biochemistry have been used to elucidate the cell cycle *relate cell cycle principles to the causes of cancer *show how an understanding of the molecular biology of cell cycle controls is providing therapeutic insights into the treatment of cancer. Content: Topics: Methods for analysing growing cells and proliferating cell populations; batch culture; continuous culture; Escherichia coli cell cycle; cell cycle of yeasts; cell cycle of metazoan cells and cancer; specialised seminar topics presented by each participating member. |
BIOL0058: Microbial genetics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0023 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an overview of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genetic systems, to relate the genetics of microorganisms to their wider biological role, and give an indication of the diversity of genetic systems. After taking this course the student should be able to: *compare critically methods of mapping genes in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes *understand the unity and diversity amongst bacterial plasmids *explain the mechanism and implications of transposition *provide a critical understanding of the molecular basis and types of recombination *provide an account of the development of bacteriophage lambda with an understanding of the regulation of promoters and the nature of a genetic switch *relate the possible evolutionary relationships between different replicating genetic elements. Content: Topics: Advanced Mendelian genetics; recombination and repair; mitotic analysis; extranuclear genetics of yeasts; genetics of bacterial plasmids; genetics and development of bacteriophage lambda; specialised seminar topics presented by each participating member. |
BIOL0059: Insect-microbe interactions Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0029 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an insight into the nature of symbioses between insects and their microbial flora - from commensal through parasitic to mutualistic association; to provide an understanding of the nature of the diseases in insects caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses; to explore the basis of immunity and host defence against microbial pathogens; to demonstrate some of the complexity of the mutualistic associations that have evolved between insects and their flora. After taking this course the student should be able to: *discuss the concepts of pathogenesis, virulence and specificity as they relate to microbial pathogens of insects *compare and contrast the strategies used by different types of microbial pathogen of insects *define the strengths and weaknesses of insect immune systems *compare and contrast insect and vertebrate immune systems *define criteria for establishing a mutualistic role for a micro-organism. Content: Concepts of symbiosis; ice nucleating agents and insect cold hardiness; mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis in insects - host recognition, host invasion, role of toxins, molecular approaches to the study of virulence; entomopathogenic bacteria; endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus; entomopathogenic viruses - overview, baculoviruses, polyDNA viruses, host immunity - cuticle and gut barriers, cellular defence, humoral defence, immune proteins, comparison with vertebrate systems; mutualism - exogenous mutualists, cellulose digestion, intracellular mutualists. |
BIOL0060: Neurobiology - systems Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0028 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of some holistic systems in neurobiology to illustrate the integrated functioning of the nervous system After taking this course the student should be able to: *describe a number of integrated neuronal systems in terms of their physiology and neurochemistry Content: Model systems: Aplysia, C. elegans; Sensory systems: pain, vision; Memory: Plasticity & LTP; Motor control; Language & Lateralisation. |
BIOL0061: Topics in endocrinology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre: BIOL0027 recommended but not essential Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To study selected endocrinological topics in depth After taking this course, the student should be able to: * discuss evidence of hormone evolution * understand and be able to discuss methods used in hormone research * appreciate the effects of hormones on aspects of behaviour and physiology and how hormones are regulated Content: Techniques used in endocrine research; the biosynthesis of hormones from larger precursors; the hypothalamo-pituitary axis; the neuroendocrinology of stress; the behavioural effects of hormones, including the regulation of appetite and sexual behaviour; the pineal gland and melatonin; medical endocrine problems and hormone therapy |
BIOL0062: Fungi & people Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES15 OR5 Requisites: Pre BIOL0008 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide students with an understanding of the many ways (excluding those due to diseases of crops, which are covered in other units) in which fungi either are, or may in future be, of direct relevance to the quality of human life. After taking the course, the student should be able to: *categorise and describe the ways in which fungi are of practical and cultural importance to people *describe current methods of controlling and making use of fungi *identify the intellectual and technological constraints which presently limit ability to control and make use of fungi *identify opportunities available for the future practical application of fungal properties. Content: Toxic fungi - mycetisms and mycotoxicoses and their relevance in human traditions and the aetiology of human and animal diseases; cultivation of fungal fruit bodies and mycelium as sources of food; use of fungi in production of fermented foods and beverages, including cheese making and koji processes; industrial use of fungi in the discovery and production of useful compounds, including pharmaceuticals, organic acids and enzymes; fungal infections of people and animals (mycoses); fungi as agents of biodeterioration and biodegradation; fungi and pollution; future uses of fungi - constraints and opportunities. |
BIOL0063: Microbial pathogenicity Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0033 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce principles of microbial pathogenicity (of humans), with particular regard to the roles of the cell envelope and bacterial toxins. To present detailed aspects of the physiological and biochemical processes involved. After taking this course the student should be able to: * have a sound understanding of a range of physiological properties and biochemical mechanisms, particularly in relation to bacterial pathogenicity towards humans Content: Introduction to microbial pathogenicity; iron transport and the bacterial cell membrane; the mechanisms of cell adhesion; bacterial biofilms - their nature, formation and involvement in health problems; an introduction to bacterial toxins and their role in disease; structural properties and detection of toxins; cell envelope structural components and their role in vaccine development; E. coli H0157, an important 'new' pathogen; AIDS. |
BIOL0064: Plant-microorganism interactions Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0032 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the processes involved in infection and colonisation of plants by parasitic microorganisms which lead to disease. To detail the chemical signals exchanged between the two species as key components of recognition events. To reveal the potential range of defences of plants: constitutive, induced non-specifically by damage, or specifically by pathogens. After taking this course, the student should be able to: *understand the biochemical and physical factors which determine the outcome of interactions between microorganisms and plants *appreciate how pathogens can avoid, negate or suppress host defences *recognise different strategies by pathogens for obtaining nutrients from plant hosts *appreciate alternative strategies for control of plant diseases. Content: Constitutive resistance based on existing structural barriers such as cuticle, secondary cell walls and on antimicrobial chemicals such as saponins and phenolics; detoxifying enzymes; toxin binding sites. Induced resistance comprising formation of physical barriers such as new or altered cell walls, vascular occlusions, de novo synthesis of phytoalexins. Triggering of defence by stress or wounding, microbial elicitors or a recognition event. Infection structures of pathogenic fungi. Pathogenicity determinants including depolymerases, toxins, polysaccharides, siderophores, detoxifying enzymes; their structure, modes of action and role. Contrasting strategies of obligate biotrophs and facultative necrotrophs. |
BIOL0066: Microbial communication & development Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to examine the dynamic interaction between bacterial gene expression and the environment and to explore the molecular mechanisms of microbial communication and development. Learning Objectives: After taking this course the student should: * be able to discuss the role of the environment in controlling microbial physiology * have a detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms employed by bacteria to monitor their environments * be able to describe, in detail, the molecular biology of microbial differentiation and development * be able to orally communicate scientific ideas and concepts Content: Topic 1. (2 hours) What is the relationship between microbial gene expression and environment? Topic 2. (6 hours) How does a microbe sense its environment? What are the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction in bacteria i.e. two-component pathways and quorum sensing? Topic 3. (2 hours) What is the role of environmental sensing in controlling relationship between bacteria and hosts e.g. pathogen or symbiont?? Topic 4. (8 hours) Microbial Differentiation and Development. Molecular mechanisms of development and differentiation in bacteria such as Myxococcus xanthus and Bacillus subtilis. |
BIOL0067: Genes & development 2 Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0035 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an advanced course in developmental biology that will communicate the excitement of recent research advances After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand the basic principles underlying invertebrate development and organogenesis in higher organisms *relate the mechanisms of development to cellular and molecular events *understand the applications and implications of research in developmental biology to human developmental defects Content: This course builds on BIOL0035 to give a comprehensive grounding in developmental biology. The vertebrate development lectures will cover HOX genes, somitogenesis, myogenesis, neural development, epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, limb development and regeneration, and developmental defects. Invertebrate model organisms are increasingly being used for molecular genetic analysis of genetic systems important in human medicine. We shall introduce the important model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and extend the analysis of Drosophila development to include the mechanism of segmentation and the patterning of the imaginal discs. |
BIOL0067: Genes & development 2 Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0035 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an advanced course in developmental biology that will communicate the excitement of recent research advances After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand the basic principles underlying invertebrate development and organogenesis in higher organisms *relate the mechanisms of development to cellular and molecular events *understand the applications and implications of research in developmental biology to human developmental defects Content: This course builds on BIOL0035 to give a comprehensive grounding in developmental biology. The vertebrate development lectures will cover HOX genes, somitogenesis, myogenesis, neural development, epithelial-mesenchymal interaction, limb development and regeneration, and developmental defects. Invertebrate model organisms are increasingly being used for molecular genetic analysis of genetic systems important in human medicine. We shall introduce the important model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and extend the analysis of Drosophila development to include the mechanism of segmentation and the patterning of the imaginal discs. |
BIOL0069: Plant development Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre: BIOL0038 or BIOL0031 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a molecular genetic description of the main developmental pathways operating within the higher plant life cycle and to illustrate the principal experimental techniques used in plant developmental biology. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the principal mechanisms that 1) regulate body plan specification in plants 2) pattern the flower and the root and 3) regulate leaf development * describe the processes of cell and tissue differentiation at the molecular genetic level * design experimental approaches to investigate developmental pathways in Arabidopsis Content: The course starts by contrasting life cycle and styles of higher plants with that of animals; next we consider the establishment of the basic body plan of plants and again contrast the mechanisms adopted in plants with that of various animal models. The various molecular genetic techniques used in plant development research are then described and illustrated with a focus on plant embryogenesis. Cell fate specification is described in some depth with frequent examples from various organisms. Post-embryonic development is illustrated using flower development. Cell and tissue differentiation is described using anther and carpel development as examples. |
BIOL0070: Plant biotechnology & the environment Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To define 'Plant Biotechnology' and describe the categories included within the definition and their applications. By the end of this course the student should have gained: *a general understanding of the various categories of plant biotechnology *an understanding of the direct and indirect effects of plant biotechnology on the environment in terms of socio-economic costs and benefits *an appreciation of policy and institutional issues related to the exploitation of plant biotechnology by both the public and private sectors in a democratic society. Content: The definition of Plant Biotechnology, the categories included within the definition and their applications. The link: population + consumption level + (bio) technology = environmental impact. World, regional and national trends in population size and food consumption levels and their implications for agricultural and natural ecosystems. The contribution of plant biotechnology to agricultural systems and their environmental implications. Ex situ and in situ biodiversity conservation strategies and the impact of biotechnology. Risk analysis and the release of genetically manipulated organisms into the environment. Public and private sector research, ownership of biological resources and intellectual property rights. Control of biotechnology R & D and implementation: priority setting; public participation; policies and institutions; developed and developing countries. The Cassava Biotechnology Network as an example of control and implementation of plant biotechnology. |
BIOL0071: Topics in environmental plant virology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0034 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To explore the relationship between viruses, plants (including fungi) and people through the appreciation of plant viruses as pathogenic entities that move and survive, at the molecular level, within cellular environments, and at the whole plant level, within and between natural and crop environments After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand the biology of plant viruses and their impact on plants and people. Content: The nature of plant viruses. Viruses within the cellular environment; virus movement and distribution in planta; viruses in seed and pollen; secondary compounds in virus-infected plants; antiviral compounds; viruses and dsRNA in fungi; viruses within crop and natural environments: symptom expression; emerging crop virus disease problems (especially in developing countries); virus vector transmission mechanisms, especially nematodes, aphids and fungi; the origins and epidemiology of plant viruses; viruses as pathogens of fungi |
BIOL0072: Biology as a world view Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop an understanding of the history of biological thought in western culture. To develop an understanding of the extent to which the biological world view reflects and shapes the broader western world view. To provide an introduction to debates conducted within the philosophy of science about the potential of science to obtain an accurate picture of reality; this debate is illustrated with a case study which looks at philosophical and biological issues of the mind-brain problem. After taking this course the student should be able to: *discuss the development of biological thought in ancient Greece, in medieval Europe and between the onset of the Scientific Revolution and the present *debate problems associated with scientific methodology and discuss the implications for the biological world view of these problems. Content: Views of nature in ancient Greece, from presocratic philosophers to Plato, Aristotle and the neoplatonists, and in Europe from the medieval period to the present. Topics include: the nature of reality; what exists and why; the relationship between individuals, universals and classification. A critique of science which will include the following issues: how science is possible; how science identifies areas for study; the scientific approach, including the role of inductive and deductive reasoning, theory-ladeness and theory choice. |
BIOL0073: The evolution of genetic systems Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX70 CW30 Requisites: Pre BIOL0040 (recommended but not essential) Pre: A level Mathematics Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an introduction to mathematical population genetics and its application as regards understanding problems related to the organisation and structure of genetic systems. After taking this course the student should be able to: *demonstrate competence in the analysis of simple recursion equations as applied to one locus problems *understand the operation of two locus recursion equations with application to modifier analysis *understand the methods for testing evolutionary hypotheses *understand basic concepts within evolutionary genetic and molecular evolution. Content: The first four lectures provide an introduction to the mathematics of gene frequency change.This provides the basis for asking the following questions:1) Why do organisms have sex? 2) What determines the mutation rate? and 3) Why be diploid? After this the notion of selfish elements is introduced and their relevance to understanding the number of sexes and to genome structure is examined. Use of molecular evolutionary data comparative analysis and experimental tests of hypotheses are discussed. |
BIOL0075: Professional training placement Academic Year Credits: 60 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre A good record of achievement at level 1 and 2 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: * to provide experience of the application of biological science * to promote understanding of the principles and practices of working in a professional environment. After taking this course the student should be able to: * undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme * integrate into a commercial or academic environment Content: Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Head of Student placements. |
BIOL0076: Research project (MBiochem) Semester 1 Credits: 18 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0053 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation in biochemistry at the level of advanced research. After taking this course the students should be able to *undertake research at the advanced level, interpret the results and report the outcome. Content: All stages are undertaken under the guidance of an academic supervisor. The planning stage involves defining the problem and devising an appropriate strategy to investigate it within constraints of time and resources. Risk assessment. Investigation stage involves the acquisition of (usually) quantitative data. Experimental design. Carrying out quantitative techniques, evaluating sources of error. The analysis and interpretation stage involves the use of appropriate statistical techniques and the evaluation of results in relation to published work. The final phase is to communicate the outcome of the project in the form of a written report. |
BIOL0076: Research project (MBiochem) Semester 2 Credits: 18 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0053 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To develop skills in planning and undertaking a scientific investigation in biochemistry at the level of advanced research. After taking this course the students should be able to *undertake research at the advanced level, interpret the results and report the outcome. Content: All stages are undertaken under the guidance of an academic supervisor. The planning stage involves defining the problem and devising an appropriate strategy to investigate it within constraints of time and resources. Risk assessment. Investigation stage involves the acquisition of (usually) quantitative data. Experimental design. Carrying out quantitative techniques, evaluating sources of error. The analysis and interpretation stage involves the use of appropriate statistical techniques and the evaluation of results in relation to published work. The final phase is to communicate the outcome of the project in the form of a written report. |
BIOL0077: Molecular evolution Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0020, Pre BIOL0055 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To draw on the wealth of biochemical and molecular biological information that the students have accumulated over the previous years of their course. The revolution in molecular biology has created an extensive database of sequences and correlations between protein structure and function; to appreciate and analyse this, it is essential to understand the principles of molecular evolution. This course aims to provide that understanding. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the current theories of molecular evolution * appreciate that changes occur to the genotype, but selection is of the phenotype * interpret evolutionary changes in protein structure with respect to changes in function * apply what we learn from the evolution of proteins to the engineering of enzymes * understand the way in which phylogenetic trees are constructed * evaluate critically current theories of cellular evolution Content: Topics: Evolution - what is it and why study it? Chemical evolution and the origin of life. The RNA world. Genome evolution. Evolution of proteins: gene duplication, mutation and divergence, adaptation and selection. Construction of phylogenetic trees. Current concepts of cellular evolution. |
BIOL0078: Biotechnology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles and practice of advanced Biotechnology as described by industrial speakers. After taking this course the students should be able to: *give an account of how Biochemistry relates to Biotechnology in animal cell culture *describe the commercial use of extremophiles *understand therapeutic use of biopharmaceuticals *describe approaches to vaccine development *account for the world wide implications of Biotechnology. Content: Animal cell culture, extremophiles, biopharmaceutical production, vaccine development, clinical diagnostics, biosensors, viral products, computer aided drug design. |
BIOL0079: Clinical biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of biochemistry as applied to medicine as described by invited clinical speakers. After taking this course the students should be able to: *understand the molecular biology and appreciate the medical significance of various congenital and other defects in humans *give an account of the biochemical aspects of cystic fibrosis; abnormalities of postabsorbtive blood sugar, glycogen storage diseases, plasma lipids. Content: Topics: ion channels, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. |
BIOL0081: Biochemical ethics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0023 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the ethical issues that arise from advances in the life sciences. After taking this course the student should be able to: *give quantitative interpretation of advanced techniques which are ethical concern *provide balanced argument for a particular ethical stance. Content: Biochemical heretics, AIDS controversy, rights to genetic knowledge; embryo research, artificial chromosomes, gene therapy, genetic counselling scientific misconduct, cell transplants. |
BIOL0081: Biochemical ethics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0023 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the ethical issues that arise from advances in the life sciences. After taking this course the student should be able to: *give quantitative interpretation of advanced techniques which are ethical concern *provide balanced argument for a particular ethical stance. Content: Biochemical heretics, AIDS controversy, rights to genetic knowledge; embryo research, artificial chromosomes, gene therapy, genetic counselling scientific misconduct, cell transplants. |
BIOL0082: Neurochemistry Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW 100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0044 Aims & Learning Objectives: To acquire knowledge of neurochemical mechanisms underlying complex, integrated systems and processes in neuroscience * To gain an insight into current topics and controversies in the neurosciences * To develop presentation and discussion skills Content: e.g.synaptic transmission; plasticity in the nervous system (learning and memory development); biological clocks; sensory systems (olfaction, vision etc) |
BIOL0083: Enzymes in biotechnology & medicine Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0004, Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0048 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To use our current knowledge of enzymes to explore their applications in biotechnology and medicine. After taking this course the student should be able to: * appreciate the wide potential applications of enzymes with respect to their properties * understand how enzymes can be engineered to meet the needs of biotechnology and medicine * know a wide range of examples of biotechnological and medical uses * appreciate the economic factors involved in the use of enzymes * appreciate the impact of genome sequencing on enzymes and their applications Content: Enzyme engineering; electro-enzymology and biosensors; enzyme chaperones; enzymes in organic solvents; pepzymes; clinical enzymology; enzyme therapy; enzymes as target for drugs; catalytic antibodies; extremozymes; genomics and proteomics. |
BIOL0084: Cellular biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0045 Pre BIOL0028 or Pre BIOL0099 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To encourage students to think critically about the current state of knowledge of biochemical processes within cells. Current literature is studied in detail with a view to understanding the molecular basis of cell regulatory processes. The cellular basis for disease states including Diabetes and Cancer are discussed with a view to evaluating the key steps in research required for further progress in these areas. After taking this course students should be able to: *prepare and present a 40 minute seminar on an advancing area of cell biology and present their own views as to where progress is being made *critically assess recent scientific literature and be able to comment on areas of the literature where there are controversial or contrasting views. *prepare a research proposal which identifies a research problem in cell biology and describes a series of experiments which seek to solve the problem. Content: Signalling molecules, signalling proteins, cell structure and organisation, cell compartmentalisation and membrane protein trafficking. The cellular basis of disease. |
BIOL0085: Medical biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0004, Ex BIOL0102 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To generate an understanding of the extent to which Biochemical knowledge influences current clinical practice and therapeutic approaches. After taking the course, the student should be able to: *appreciate the increasing contribution of biochemical science to drug design and to the day to day activities in both hospital and general clinical practice *have a knowledge of the areas of biochemical research that are most relevant to clinical medicine. Content: A series of lectures/discussions will be led by invited clinicians from Regional Hospitals in the Bath and Bristol area. The specialists will discuss their clinical and related research areas and stress the extent of the foundation of their work on basic science. In a second aspect of the Option, students will prepare and present a 30 min talk on a particular area of clinical biochemistry, chosen, in general, from a list provided by the Option organiser. The talks will be followed by general discussion. Contributions of students to both their own talk and discussion of others will be assessed. |
BIOL0086: Molecular immunology Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To describe the principles of particular aspects of Molecular immunology. After taking this course the student should be able to: *give qualitative interpretation and description of the human immune systems *show how this system breaks down to give various disease states *show how the immune system can be used in therapy. Content: Antigen processing and presentation, Tcell receptors and receptor complexes, cell adhesion, self tolerance, allergic reactions, autoimmunity, antibody engineering, therapeutic antibodies, catalytic antibodies, cancer vaccines. |
BIOL0087: Vaccines Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To describe how recent advances in knowledge about the viral and microbial factors required for virulence and the immune response to infection are now leading to the development of new vaccines based on rational design. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand pathogenic mechanisms and role of action of whole cell, whole virus and purified subunit vaccines in protecting against various human diseases * appreciate how recent advances in molecular biology, protein and peptide purification and immunology might lead in the next century to new vaccines of well-defined specificities and low toxicity based on rational design. Content: Historical vaccines and eradication of smallpox and polio; diphtheria, tetanus and cholera vaccines; subunit vaccines against pertussis and meningococcal disease; malarial vaccines; possibilities synthetic peptides, chimeric antigens, vaccinia virus recombinants and anti-iodiotype antibodies as novel vaccines; mode of action and different types of adjuvants i.e. depots, emulsions, cell-wall components and liposomes. Specialised seminars presented by invited speakers and participating students. |
BIOL0088: Bioinformatics Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW 100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: To understand the concept of Bioinformatics; to become familiar with some of the most important tools of Bioinformatics; to recognise the ways in which Bioinformatics can be used to gain understandings about the biological function of genes and proteins. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the basis of sequence alignment, database searching, protein structure prediction, the recognition of pattern and compositional bias and phylogenetic inference. * know how the tools of Bioinformatics can be used in the prediction of protein functions and evoultionary relationships. * be aware of and understand the limitations of Bioinformatics methods *be familiar with some "hands-on" sequence analysis. Content: Despite the title, the unit in Bioinformatics is not about computing or programming. The series of topics will cover the current methods being used to compile and understand the mass of sequence data from the human and other genome projects. It will cover pattern recognition in DNA and protein sequences, the identification of compositional biases in DNA sequences, methods of sequence alignment and databese searching, prediction of protein structures, phylogenetic inference, and a discussion of how all this information can be put together in order to gain insights into biological function. |
BIOL0089: Biochemistry Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce students to the fundamentals of central metabolism and to relate the regulation of these pathways to the homeostasis of the whole organism. In order to appreciate and understand metabolism, the students are taught the fundamental aspects of amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid structures. After taking this course the student should be able to: * know the pathways of central metabolism & energy conversion of the cell * appreciate the way in which central metabolism connects catabolism and anabolism * understand the regulation of central metabolism with respect to the needs of the organism in relation to its environment * appreciate the principles of mitochondrial oxidative function * understand lipid structure and the pathways of fatty acid oxidation and sythesis * understand the mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction * comprehend the stereochemistry of small organic molecules of biological importance Content: 1) Proteins: amino acids - structures, ionisation and physical properties; primary structure and an overview of protein folding and conformation 2) Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, regulation 3) Metabolism: chemistry of monosaccharides, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, regulation of central metabolism. 4) Mitochondrial bioenergetics: respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory. 5) Lipid metabolism: structure of lipids, catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, ketogenesis and coordination with other metabolic pathways. 6) Biochemistry of animal tissues and organs, such as mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction. |
BIOL0091: Data interpretation in molecular & cell biology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW20 EX80 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of molecular and cellular biological data. After taking this course the student should be able to: *understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources *make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data *be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests * interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data. Content: The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of molecular and cellular biological information, the course covers the interpretation of gels and autoradiographs as well as simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends. As far as possible, the examples are drawn from molecular and cellular biology. |
BIOL0093: Practical microbial genetics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OR70 PR30 Requisites: Pre BIOL0007 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide practical experience of the use of advanced microbial genetics techniques. After taking this course the student should be able to: *organise working in a pair on two mini-projects *plan their own time schedule *make their own materials in advance for the growth and selection of cells *convert written protocols into practically designed experiments *perform good aseptic technique *make comprehensive and accurate records of their work *critically evaluate their own microbial genetics data *understand the theoretical basis of the experiments they have performed *interpret their results in relation to expected outcomes. Content: Interrupted mating experiment in Escherichia coli; bacterial conjugation and transposition; resistance factor plasmid transfer; transduction with bacteriophage lambda; genetics of lactose operon; Luria and Delbruck fluctuation experiment with yeast mutants; gene expression following mating in E. coli. |
BIOL0094: Professional training placement 2 Semester 2 Credits: 30 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: The placement period aims to provide experience of the application of Biological Science in the world. By the end of the placement year, the student should be able: To take individual responsibility for a piece of work within an agreed programme; To organise a personal work schedule, including setting of targets and objectives; To carry out practical work accurately and to appropriate specifications; To take the necessary steps to learn a new technique; To analyse, interpret and report scientific information; To produce a substantial report on the institution and on the personal work programme undertaken. Content: The placement period consists of 6 months, undertaken in an establishment, in the UK or abroad. The establishments include government-funded research institutes, commercial research establishments, public health laboratories, agricultural, food science and educational establishments. The majority of placements involve laboratory and/or field experimentation. A small number involve administrative and/or journalistic activities. |
BIOL0095: Integrated biochemistry Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: EX75 OT25 Requisites: Pre BIOL0016, Pre BIOL0075 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to use information from their courses, their placements and their attendance at departmental seminars to give themselves a competent overview of the subject of biochemistry. To gain expertise in expression of biochemistry research through poster presentation. After taking this course the student should be able to: *demonstrate the communication of a research (placement) experience through a poster presentation *in an examination at the end of the course, write two essays of a global nature that will illustrate the comprehension of biochemistry as an integrated subject. Content: See above |
BIOL0095: Integrated biochemistry Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: EX75 OT25 Requisites: Pre BIOL0016, Pre BIOL0075 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To enable students to use information from their courses, their placements and their attendance at departmental seminars to give themselves a competent overview of the subject of biochemistry. To gain expertise in expression of biochemistry research through poster presentation. After taking this course the student should be able to: *demonstrate the communication of a research (placement) experience through a poster presentation *in an examination at the end of the course, write two essays of a global nature that will illustrate the comprehension of biochemistry as an integrated subject. Content: See above |
BIOL0096: Biochemical problems [for MBiochemistry students] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Ex BIOL0015 Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0015. Content: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0015. This unit covers the content of BIOL0015 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement. |
BIOL0097: Protein purification [For MBiochemistry students] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0020, Ex BIOL0021 Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0021. Content: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0021. This unit covers the content of BIOL0021 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement. |
BIOL0098: Practical biochemistry [For MBiochemistry students] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Ex BIOL0022 Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0022. Content: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0022. This unit covers the content of BIOL0022 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement. |
BIOL0099: Cellular neurobiology [For MBiochemistry students] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Ex BIOL0028 Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0028. Content: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0028. This unit covers the content of BIOL0028 for the first few weeks of semester 2 before students leave to take up their placement. |
BIOL0100: Genes & development practicals [for MBiochemistry students] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: OT100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0035, Ex BIOL0036 Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0036. Content: Please see the catalogue entry for BIOL0036. Students should attend either the first half or the second half of BIOL0036. |
BIOL0101: Neurobiology - development Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0028, Pre BIOL0099 Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a detailed understanding of selected examples of the origins of neural tissues and the mechanisms that control their development. After taking this course the student should be able to: *outline the processes involved in generating a nervous system *explain current models of the mechanisms of neural plate specification and patterning Content: Neural development, including neuronal specification, survival and proliferation, and axon guidance to target tissues |
BIOL0102: Molecular mechanisms of disease Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW 100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0003, Pre BIOL0024, Ex BIOL0085 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To describe how a defect at the level of the gene results in an observed disease phenotype. To show how such patients can be treated with modern molecular medicine. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the common themes of genetic disorders, and how they relate to the overall phenotype * understand the principles of tools involved in diagnosis and treatment of the disorders. Content: Diseases: diabetes, glycogen storage diseases, hyperbilirubinaemia, familial hypercholesterolaemia, fibroblast growth factor receptors and skeletal dysplasia.Diagnosis and treatment: PCR/cloning, antibody engineering, gene therapy, gene targeting in the mouse, mouse models for human disease. |
BIOL0103: Molecular biology of animal adaptation Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW20 EX80 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To demonstrate to students how novel molecular tools can be used to address questions central to natural selection theory After taking this course the student should be able to: *describe central examples of natural selection such as pesticide resistance, mimicry and current examples from the growing field of evolution/development, and have examined the impact of molecular biology on these examples Content: Possible topics include: how do genotypes produce phenotypes; pesticide resistance, sex determination, colour pattern formation and mimicry, population genetics, neutral theory |
BIOL0105: Third year pre-placement course (MBiochem) Semester 2 Credits: 15 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW50 ES25 PR25 Requisites: Pre BIOL0016 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide preparation for the third year placement and final year work. After taking this course the student should be able to: * be able to use current methods to understand sequence data from the human and other genome projects * be able to communicate new findings in biochemistry and/or the nature of biochemical employment in writing. At least one of these presentations will be aimed at a lay audience. * be able (alongside earlier practicals) to perform the full range of biochemical techniques used in the Department * study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the results section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, e.g. answering particular questions or writing the discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data. Content: Workshops in bioinformatics. Preparation of presentation of scientific work. Laboratory sessions in advanced biochemistry. Problem classes. |
BIOL0106: Plant-animal interactions Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW10 ES10 EX80 Requisites: Pre BIOL0009, Pre BIOL0014 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To explore by means of lectures, directed study and student-led seminars, the biochemical, physiological, toxicological, ecological and evolutionary interactions between plants and animals, leading to an understanding of how these relationships have contributed to the evolution of these groups and of present day biodiversity. After taking this course, the student should be able to: * Display an appreciation of the richness of interactions between plants and herbivores at the biochemical, physiological, and toxicological levels. * Describe the host-finding and food-selection mechanisms of a number of herbivores, relating these to the properties of the plants and the environments in which they are found. * Describe a number of named examples of plant defensive mechanisms and herbivore strategies to overcome these. * Understand the feeding behaviour of herbivores in terms of optimal foraging and optimal digestion/nutrition strategies. * Relate the present status of plant-herbivore interactions to the existence of past evolutionary arms races. * Discuss other kinds of plant-animal interactions, including mutualisms connected with pollination, seed dispersal, and the trophic relations between carnivorous plants and their prey. * Display a critical appreciation of the experimental and field ecological methods used to study these phenomena. Content: Various examples of plant herbivore and other kinds of plant-animal interactions, taken from the scientific literature will be presented in introductory lectures, will form the subject of directed study by the class, and will be presented as topics in student led seminars. The course will focus very largely on angiosperm plants and insects, although examples of other groups will be used as appropriate. |
BIOL0107: Plant biochemistry [MBiochem] Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: PR/CW20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce some important aspects of plant metabolism and their role in the functioning of the whole plant. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand how plants (by definition static) are able to utilise light energy for the biosynthesis of important biomolecules, yet cope with the potential problems posed by excess solar radiation and drought. * understand how plant protection systems will not only explain plant survival in an ever changing environment, with the possibility of animal predation, but also how the disruption of proteins and detoxification systems can lead to plant death via herbicides. Content: Utilisation of light energy in photosynthesis; CO2 incorporation; carbohydrate synthesis, storage and breakdown; the metabolism of stored carbohydrate to yield energy (respiration) and intermediary metabolites; the function and metabolism of lipids; pigments, with particular reference to porphyrins and carotenoids. Emphasis will be placed on sites where herbicides disrupt normal metabolism and biochemical protective and detoxification mechanisms (e.g.cytochrome P-450) in plants. |
BIOL0108: Life, environment & people Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: To explore the varied ways in which people and other life forms interact with one another and their surroundings as dynamic, responsive systems to produce the conditions for environmental and cultural stability and change. To use this exploration as a basis for examining topical issues concerned with the way we perceive and manage our relationship with the living world, and how this relationship affects our 'quality of life'. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand the fundamental nature and complex outcome of dynamic, interactive processes affecting enviromental and cultural stability and change over scales ranging from microscopic to global. * use this understanding to think critically about the origins and underlying assumptions of various kinds of knowledge, value-judgements and assertions about the environment and environmental impacts. * communicate this understanding in a variety of scientific and social contexts. Content: Lectures on pattern, process and relationship in living systems, including concepts of differentiation and integration, self and non-self, symbiosis and competition, degeneration and decomposition, chaos and complexity, life history strategies, succession. Discussion groups on topical issues, e.g. 'the relevance of biodiversity', 'biotechnology and bioengineering', 'food and food webs', 'sustainability and vitality', 'changing cultures', 'human needs and values'. |
BIOL0109: Structural biology in biotechnology & medicine Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Undergraduate Masters Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: to use our current knowledge of biomolecules to explore their applications in Biotechnology and Medicine, with particular emphasis on Structural Biology techniques. After taking this course the student should be able to: * Describe a wide range of examples of biotechnological and medical uses. * Understand the applications of state-of-the-art techniques in Structural Molecular Biology. * Show development of presentation and discussion skills Content: Protein structures and interactions; protein-peptide, protein-receptor, antigen-antibody, protein-nucleic acid and protein-carbohydrate interactions. Nucleic acid interactions with small molecules. Large macromolecular assemblies. Protein-engineering. Structure-based drug design; high-throughput screening; structure-sctivity relationships by NMR. Enzyme catalysis. Structural genomics. |
BIOL0110: DNA (making, breaking & disease) [NS] Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX80 CW10 ES10 Requisites: Pre BIOL0006 This unit is for Natural Science students only Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide understanding of the relationship between DNA synthesis, DNA repair, the animal cell growth cycle and apoptosis. After taking this course the student should be able to: * give a detailed account of the molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair in a variety of living systems * show how DNA metabolism and cell cycle controls are related to cancer * give an account of antitumour therapy. Content: DNA replication, and where relevant DNA in øx174, E.coli, SV40, and human cells. Cross talk between synthesis, repair and the cell cycle in complex systems. Immortality and carcinogenesis. Site of action of antifolates, fluorouracil, magic bullets. |
BIOL0111: Data interpretation in molecular & cell biology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of molecular and cellular biological data. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources * make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data * be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests * be able to interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data. Content: The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of molecular and cellular biological information, the course covers the interpretation of gels and autoradiographs as well as simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends. As far as possible, the examples are drawn from molecular and cellular biology. |
BIOL0112: Data Interpretation in Biology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide experience of the interpretation of biological data. After taking this course the student should be able to: * understand and interpret information on biological phenomena, using quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (text or image) sources * make logical statements and reach sound conclusions from biological data * be aware of the limits of interpretation and be capable of selecting suitable statistical tests * be able to interpret the outcome of a statistical test on biological data. Content: The course comprises a series of assignments and problems which are undertaken by the students and then analysed and discussed in weekly workshops. Using examples which illustrate different types of biological information, the course covers the interpretation of simple data sets, data transformation, graphical presentation, interpretation of trends, selection of appropriate statistical tests for particular data sets. As far as possible, the examples are generic, designed to be capable of interpretation without a requirement for in depth understanding of any particular area of biology. |
BIOL0113: Critical reading in biology Academic Year Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To acquaint students with a range of literature dealing with biology. After taking this course the student should be able to: * Understand the social determinants of biological research * Understand how biological ideas can impact on society. * Understand how biological technologies can impact on society. Content: Students will be expected to read 6 books on biology. These will be chosen to cover a range of areas within biology and to illuminate not just the scientific results but also the social context of discovery and the impact upon society that the discovery may produce. They may deal with research, with interpretation of biological facts or with biological technologies. Students should read the books carefully and critically, so that they can discuss the content from an ethical, sociological, historical and scientific point of view. |
BIOL0114: Critical reading in molecular & cellular biology Academic Year Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To acquaint students with a range of literature dealing with molecular and cellular biology. After taking this course the student should be able to: * Understand the social determinants of biological research * Understand how biological ideas can impact on society. * Understand how biological technologies can impact on society. Content: Students will be expected to read 6 books on molecular and cellular biology. These will be chosen to cover a range of areas and to illuminate not just the scientific results but also the social context of discovery and the impact upon society that the discovery may produce. They may deal with research, with interpretation of biological facts or with biological technologies. Students should read the books carefully and critically, so that they can discuss the content from an ethical, sociological, historical and scientific point of view. |
BIOL0115: Professional Training Placement (MBiol) Academic Year Credits: 60 Contact: Level: Level 2 Assessment: RT65 OT25 CW10 Requisites: Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: * to provide experience of the application of biological science To enable the students to 1. understand the principles of writing and presenting a major dissertation. 2. understand the principles and application of advanced laboratory work. 3. understand the principles and practice of working in a professional research environment. After taking this course the student should be able to: * undertake and report on a piece of work in an agreed programme * integrate into a commercial or academic research environment * understand the need for team work, be able to keep stringently accurate and logical lab books * write a major report about the professional placement * work as a professional biologist. Content: Laboratory or other professional experience which is deemed suitable by the Department. |
BIOL0116: Environmental Perception in Plants Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 ES20 Requisites: Note: Students need to have taken EITHER BIOL0031 OR BIOL0038 before selecting this unit Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide a molecular and biochemical understanding of sensory mechanisms in higher and lower plants that enable them to monitor and respond to changes in their environment. To illustrate the modular nature of sensory mechanisms by comparing environmental signalling in plants with a range of other organisms from fungi to mammals. After taking this course the student should be able to: * Understand why and how plants monitor their environment and the consequences of failing to do so. * Understand the molecular and biochemical nature of mechanism by which plants sense and respond to changes in light, temperature, water, nutrients, abiotic stresses and to other organisms. * Appreciate how sensory mechanisms have evolved to meet specific requirements of plants. * Demonstrate in depth understanding of the modular nature of environmental signalling systems in plants. * Make an objective assessment of how environmental signalling might be improved or exploited for the benefit of agriculture and horticulture. Content: The course will consider environmental signals that plants monitor and respond to in order to thrive. These include light, temperature, water, nutrients, abiotic stresses and other organisms. The mechanisms which higher and lower plants have evolved to monitor and respond to light intensity, quality, direction and periodicity will be described at the molecular level. Key light signalling components also exist in other organisms and the comparative biolgy of these will be considered. Sensory mechanisms for essential nutrients such as nitrate and sugars will be described and contrasted with similar mechanisms in other organisms. Perception of, and adaptive responses to, abiotic stresses such as salinity and drought will be considered at both molecular and holistic levels. The importance of abiotic stress management to crop productivity will also be explored. Responses to temperature will include the role of vernalization in controlling flowering time, and parallels between heat shock mechanisms in plants and animals. Signalling between plants and other organisms will concentrate on plant-insect interactions, and on the complex symbiotic relationship between legumes and Rhizobium bacteria. The role and action of plant hormones in relaying environmental information will be described in relation to interactions with nutrient and light signals. |
BIOL0117: Genes and Population Dynamics Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: ES20 EX80 Requisites: Pre BIOL0040 Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: After taking this course the student should: * Be aware of the most common tools in bioinformatics and phylogenetics * Appreciate the dynamics of genome evolution within a population context. Content: Molecular evolution in the context of population biology, systematics and conservation Evolution of bacterial and viral pathogens Comparative genomics: genome content; genome structure; genome evolution; recombination. Transposable elements: types; history; evolutionary dynamics; as a major component of genomes Databases and sequence matching: database searching; hidden markov models; mathematical, statistical, and theoretical aspects of sequence database searches Phylogenetic analysis: theoretical, mathematical and statistical bases; sampling properties of sequence data; hypothesis testing; maximum likelihood theory and practice in phylogenetics and population genetics. |
BIOL0118: Current topics in gene regulation and cell differentiation Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: CW100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0005, Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0024, Pre BIOL0025, Pre BIOL0035, Pre BIOL0055 Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide an understanding of the exciting new advances in Gene regulation and eukaryotic cell differentiation. After taking this course the student should have gained an in depth knowledge of: * modulation of gene expression at various levels. * the molecular basis of the coordinated regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. * the molecular and biochemical basis of cell differentiation and lineage commitment Content: This will be a student seminar and discussion course. The topics include cell cycle control, cell death and differentiation, chromatin remodelling, phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in regulating gene expression, acetylation and deacetylation, post-transcriptional and translational contraol, cell matrix interactions. |
BIOL0119: Molecular Phylogenetics Semester 2 Credits: 3 Contact: Level: Level 3 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Pre BIOL0077 co BIOL0077 Aims and Learning Objectives: Aims: To provide the students with an understanding of the underlying concepts and some of the most common methods for phylogenetics inference using molecular sequence data and for assessing confidence in the inferences made. Methodological and biological considerations/limitations to these methods will be addressed. After taking this course the student should be able to demonstarte and understanding and knowledge of:: * what phylogenetic inference is, how molecular sequence data can be used for this, and how to interpret phylogenetic trees. * the theory, methodology and practical application of the most common methods (distance, parsimony, maximum likelihood, splits decomposition). * what the major methodological and biological considerations/limitations are and some of the approaches to accommodate/correct for these. * about the most common methods to assess confidence in phylogenetic inferences. * about some specific examples that illustrate and reinforce the theory. Content: Syllabus: Molecular phylogenetics in perspective. Philosophical considerations and interpretation of trees. Obtaining and assessing phylogenetically informative characters (including comparison to morphological characters). Common methods of inference. Modifying models of evolution. Assessing confidence for inferences. Methodological considerations/limitations. Considerations/limitations due to the nature of molecular evolution. Examples. |
BIOL0120: Biochemistry 1 [NS] Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre A-Level Chemistry This unit is the equivalent of BIOL0003 for students not in the department of Biology. Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To teach the students the pathways of central metabolism and to relate the regulation of these pathways to the homeostasis of the whole organism. In order to appreciate and understand metabolism, the students are taught the fundamental aspects of enzymes and their regulation, and this in turn is necessarily preceded by lectures on protein structure. After taking this course the student should be able to: * know the pathways of central metabolism * understand the way in which the cell degrades nutrients in small steps to allow the energy to be trapped and converted to a useful form * appreciate the way in which central metabolism connects catabolism and anabolism * understand the regulation of central metabolism with respect to the needs of the organism in relation to its environment Content: Proteins: amino acids - structures, ionisation and physical properties; primary structure and an overview of protein folding and conformation. Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, regulation. Metabolism: chemistry of monosaccharides, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, regulation of central metabolism. |
BIOL0121: Biochemistry 2 [NS] Semester 2 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Pre BIOL0120 This unit is the equivalent of BIOL0004 for students not in the department of Biology. Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: To introduce the central pathways of fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial oxidation and integrate these into overall cell function. To inculcate appreciation of the metabolic pathways into function at the organ and tissue level. To teach the implications of stereochemistry into the biochemistry of key metabolic intermediates. After taking this course the student should be able to: * appreciate the principles of mitochondrial oxidative function * understand lipid structure and the pathways of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis * understand the mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction * comprehend the stereochemistry of small organic molecules of biological importance Content: The course is a direct follow on from BIOL0120. Topics studied are 1) mitochondrial bioenergetics, respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory; 2) lipid metabolism structure of lipids, catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, ketogenesis and coordination with other metabolic pathways; 3) biochemistry of animal tissues and organs, such as mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction; 4) stereochemistry of simple carbohydrates and citric acid cycle intermediates with applications of biochemical mechanisms. |