University home | Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03 |
Postgraduate Programme Catalogue for 2002/03 |
Department of Psychology |
Full time programmes |
THPS-AFL03 | PG Dip Science Culture and Communication |
THPS-AFM01 | MSc Health Psychology |
THPS-AFM02 | MSc Science Culture and Communication |
THPS-AFM04 | MSc Applied Social Psychology |
THXX-AFM13 | MRes Psychology |
THPS-APL03 | PG Dip Science Culture and Communication |
THPS-APM01 | MSc Health Psychology |
THPS-APM02 | MSc Science Culture and Communication |
THPS-APM04 | MSc Applied Social Psychology |
THXX-APM07 | MRes Psychology |
University home | Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03 |
Student Records & Examinations Office, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY |