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 University | Catalogues for 2003/04 | PG index for 2003/04

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Postgraduate Programme Catalogue for 2003/04

Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences: MRes programmes

Department of Economics & International Development

THXX-AFM12 MRes International Development
THXX-APM06 MRes International Development (part time)

Department of Education

THXX-AFM11 MRes Education
THXX-APM05 MRes Education (part time)

Department of European Studies & Modern Languages

THXX-AFM19 MRes European Politics
THXX-APM19 MRes European Politics (part time)

Department of Psychology

THXX-AFM13 MRes Psychology
THXX-APM07 MRes Psychology (part time)

Department of Social & Policy Sciences

THXX-AFM15 MRes European Social Policy
THXX-AFM18 MRes Sociology
THXX-APM09 MRes European Social Policy (part time)
THXX-APM18 MRes Sociology (part time)


University | Catalogues for 2003/04 | PG index for 2003/04