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 University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | PG index for 2004/05

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Postgraduate Programme Catalogue for 2004/05

Department of Economics & International Development

Full-time Programmes

THEC-AFC01 PG Cert Micro-Economics
THEC-AFC02 PG Cert Micro-Economics (Development)
THEC-AFC03 PG Cert Macro-Economics
THEC-AFC04 PG Cert Macro-Economics (Development)
THEC-AFL03 PG Dip Economics
THEC-AFL04 PG Dip Economics (Development)
THEC-AFM03 MSc Economics
THEC-AFM04 MSc Economics (Development)
THXX-AFC10 PG Cert International Development
THXX-AFC11 PG Cert in Research (Economics)
THXX-AFL05 PG Dip International Development
THXX-AFL09 PG Dip in Research (Economics)
THXX-AFM06 MSc International Development
THXX-AFM12 MRes International Development
THXX-AFM20 MRes Economics

Part-time Programmes

THEC-APL03 PG Dip Economics
THEC-APL04 PG Dip Economics (Development)
THEC-APM03 MSc Economics
THEC-APM04 MSc Economics (Development)
THEC-APM05 MSc Economics (Finance)
THXX-APC04 PG Cert International Development
THXX-APL01 PG Dip International Development
THXX-APL09 PG Dip in Research (Economics)
THXX-APM02 MSc International Development
THXX-APM06 MRes International Development
THXX-APM20 MRes Economics


University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | PG index for 2004/05