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Unit coding details

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Table 4 | Table 5 | Table 6

Table 4
Unit codes

The unit codes assigned to units which are expected to be offered in the 2004/05 academic year are made up of 7 alphanumeric characters (e.g. CH10005) in the following manner:

Character position




1& 2
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Department code (2 characters): identifies the department or departments which contribute to the teaching of the unit

AR Architecture & Civil Engineering, Department of
BB Biology & Biochemistry, Department of
CE Chemical Engineering, Department of
CH Chemistry, Department of
CM Computer Science, Department of
EC Economics & International Development, Department of
ED Education, Department of
EE Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Department of
EU European Studies & Modern Languages, Department of
FH Health, School for
MA Mathematical Sciences, Department of
ME Mechanical Engineering, Department of
MN Management, School of
MS Medical Sciences, Department of
PA Pharmacy & Pharmacology, Department of
PH Physics, Department of
PS Psychology, Department of
SP Social & Policy Sciences, Department of
XX Cross-department
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Level code: a technical coding element which indicates the level at which the unit is studied; see Table 5 for national equivalent level codes for units

(see also the note at Table 5)

0 Foundation
1 Certificate (Initial degree level, not normally counting towards the final degree classification, except for students following degree courses in subjects which are not cognate)
2 Intermediate (Degree level, normally counting towards the final degree classification)
3 Honours (Degree level, counting towards the final degree classification)
4 Former UG master (Degree level, counting towards the final degree classification, and available only to undergraduate Master's students (and postgraduate Master's students) )
5 Former PG master (Postgraduate Master)
6 Doctoral
4 - 7
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Numeric identifier (4 characters): used to identify particular units within a group that otherwise has common characteristics of department and level  

This element should be assumed to have no intrinsic significance. Within the group of units which have the following common characteristics, for example:

Department of Mathematical Sciences; Honours level (MA3 ...)

the number at the end only serves to separate different individual units.

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Table 5
Description of levels

Unit codes contain a level code within the structure of the unit code as shown in Table 4. These correspond to a level code which is a standard code designated by the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ). The level of a unit will help to guide your choice of units if you are permitted to choose units from other Departments. At this stage, this is for guidance only, and may not be definitive.

Note: Completion of a number of units at any particular level does not mean that an award can be made at that level. Awards are covered by the scheme of study for a particular programme: only if a programme defines, for example, the possible award of a postgraduate diploma as an exit point on a programme leading ultimately to a master's degree, can such an award be made.
(Back to level notes in Table 4)

The following codes and definitions are used:




F Foundation Pre-degree level (level 0 within the unit code)
C Certificate Initial degree level, not normally counting towards the final degree classification, except for students following degree courses in subjects which are not cognate (level 1 within the unit code)
I Intermediate Degree level, normally counting towards the final degree classification (level 2 within the unit code)
H Honours Degree level, counting towards the final degree classification (level 3 within the unit code)
M Masters Degree level, counting towards the final degree classification, and available only to Masters students (level 4 or 5 within the unit code)
D Doctoral Available only to PG research students (level 6 within the unit code)

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Table 6
Unit assessment

To indicate the nature and proportion of the types of assessment associated with each unit there is a code followed by a numeric value to represent the percentage. For example, an assessment made entirely on the basis of a formal examination would be coded EX100. If there is no information, this does not mean there is no assessment! Some information was not available at the time of going to press. Please ask your Director of Studies for more information. The following codes have been used:



CW Coursework
DS Dissertation
ES Assessed essay
EX Written examination
OR Oral examination
OT Other
PR Practical or laboratory classes / reports / work
RT Report

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