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Undergraduate Programme Structures for 2004/05

Department of Psychology

UHPS-AKB02: BSc (hons) Psychology with Sociology

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
PS20028 Psychology placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS30011 Psychology dissertation 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 2 and 4 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS30014 History of psychology 6 Credits
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30018 Mind & social being 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
PS30026 Public knowledge: history, philosophy, sociology & psychology of science 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC10077 Introduction to international development 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS30012 Psychology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 6 and 12 Credits from the following list:
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
PS30059 The cultures of belief 1 3 Credits
PS30060 Science & religion 3 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
EC20023 Social change and development 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
SP20112 Theoretical issues I: structure & agency 6 Credits
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits

UHPS-AKB03: BSc (hons) Psychology

Mode of attendance: Thick sandwich (Full-time on campus)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS10001 Psychology 1 6 Credits
PS10003 Psychology laboratory 1 6 Credits
SP10059 Core skills for social scientists 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 12 Credits from the following list (from selected streams):
Neuroscience Stream:
BB10005 Cell biology 1 6 Credits
Biology Stream:
BB10012 Ecology & evolution 6 Credits
Computer Science Stream:
CM10134 Programming 1 12 Credits
Education Stream:
ED10001 Exploring effective learning 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU10001 French written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10030 German written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
EU10060 Italian written & spoken language 1A (ab initio) 6 Credits
EU10062 Italian written & spoken language 1A (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10081 Russian written & spoken language 1A 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP10001 Social Policy & the Welfare State 6 Credits
SP10043 Sociology of modern industrial societies 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS10004 Psychology laboratory 2 12 Credits
PS10057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PS10058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list (from a selected stream):
Neuroscience Stream:
BB10006 Cell & molecular biology 6 Credits
Biology Stream:
BB10011 The biosphere 6 Credits
Education Stream:
ED10002 Learning: Theory & context 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU10002 French written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10031 German written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
EU10061 Italian written & spoken language 1B (ab initio) 6 Credits
EU10063 Italian written & spoken language 1B (post A level) 6 Credits
EU10084 Russian written & spoken language 1B 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP10002 Social Policy & Social Problems 6 Credits
SP10044 Sociology of inequalities 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS20002 Mind, brain & behaviour 6 Credits
PS20005 Research methods & design 12 Credits
PS20008 Cognitive psychology 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list (subject to pre-requisites), only select 0 credits if taking CM10135 in S2):
Biology Stream:
BB20040 Concepts in evolution 6 Credits
Computer Science Stream:
CM10136 Software Engineering I 6 Credits
Education Stream:
ED20003 Education in society 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU20007 French written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20036 German written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20068 Italian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
EU20089 Russian written & spoken language 2A 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS20006 Psychology research project 6 Credits
PS20007 Developmental psychology 6 Credits
PS20009 Social psychology 6 Credits
PS20082 Individuals at work 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list (subject to pre-requisites):
Biology Stream:
BB20041 Field course 6 Credits
Computer Science Stream:
CM10135 Programming II 12 Credits
CM10137 Software Engineering II 6 Credits
Education Stream:
ED20126 Educational psychology 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU20008 French written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20037 German written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20069 Italian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
EU20092 Russian written & spoken language 2B 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic year

Mandatory units
PS20028 Psychology placement 60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS30011 Psychology dissertation 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 1 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS30014 History of psychology 6 Credits
PS30026 Public knowledge: history, philosophy, sociology & psychology of science 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list (subject to pre-requisites):
Biology Stream:
BB30072 Biology as a world view 6 Credits
BB30132 Sexual conflict 6 Credits
Education Stream:
ED30005 Science education in practice 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU30013 French written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30048 German written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30074 Italian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
EU30095 Russian written & spoken language 4A 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP30011 Health policies & politics 6 Credits
SP30054 Power & commitment in organisations 6 Credits
SP30071 Sociology of punishment 6 Credits
SP30118 Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities 6 Credits
ZZ30001 Director of Studies approved unit 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
SP20004 The sociology of the family & family policy 6 Credits
SP20006 Political values & social policy 6 Credits
SP20047 Sociology of work & industry 6 Credits
SP20049 The sociology of crime & deviance 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 3 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS30016 Health psychology 6 Credits
PS30018 Mind & social being 6 Credits
PS30019 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
PS30083 Stress, immunity & health 6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS30012 Psychology dissertation 2 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list (subject to pre-requisites):
Biology Stream:
BB30108 Life, environment & people 6 Credits
Education Stream:
ED30006 Issues in science education 6 Credits
Languages Stream:
EU30014 French written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30049 German written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30075 Italian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
EU30096 Russian written & spoken language 4B 6 Credits
SPS Stream:
SP30055 Comparative industrial relations 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
SP20003 'Race' & racism 6 Credits
SP20005 Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis 6 Credits
SP20048 Understanding industrial behaviour 6 Credits
SP20050 Sociology of criminal justice policy 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 18 Credits from the following list:
PS30017 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
PS30059 The cultures of belief 1 3 Credits
PS30060 Science & religion 3 Credits
PS30073 Alternative models in psychology 6 Credits
PS30084 Understanding gender relations 6 Credits
PS30085 Cognitive neuropsychology 6 Credits

Cross Faculty Programmes in Psychology and Communications Engineering


University | Catalogues for 2004/05 | UG index for 2004/05