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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

BB10006 Cell & molecular biology

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX 100%
Before taking this unit you must take BB10005

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Aims: To introduce the structure and function of nucleic acids; To introduce the concepts and methodology of genetic modification. To introduce the processes of animal and plant development. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how the structure of nucleic acid determines their biological function
* understand the power of the techniques of genetic modification for studying and manipulating organisms, especially micro-organisms, for fundamental and applied science
* appreciate the role changing patterns of gene expression play in modulating development during animal embryogeny
The structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in relation to organisms, genes, gene expression and protein synthesis. How organisms, genes and gene expression can be altered and studied via the technology of genetic modification. How the changing patterns of gene expression in cells and tissues can lead to the development of an egg into an animal, using examples from Xenopus, Drosophila and mouse.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07