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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

BB20027 Infection and immunity

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX80CW20
Before taking this unit you must take BB10005
Aims: The course AIMS to provide the student with an understanding of how animals defend themselves against invading microorganisms, and how pathogenic microbes overcome these defences. The Unit aims to give an account of the immune systems of mammals, with some comparisons to the simpler defence systems of lower animals. A number of well studied microbial and viral diseases are used as examples. The approach will stress the methods by which knowledge has been gained, and the integrative features of cellular and systemic immunobiology. Lectures will be supported by a number of laboratory sessions that aim to develop practical and interpretative skills in these areas of biology.
Learning Outcomes:
After taking this unit, the student will be able to: (a) demonstrate knowledge of the topics given in the outline of the course and the ability to integrate such knowledge through answering factual multiple-choice questions on any of these topics, and discussing them in integrative exam questions. (b) analyse, display, interpret and draw conclusions from the experimental data obtained in the practical sessions.
Written Communication T/F/A, Data Acquisition, Handling and Analysis T/F/A, Problem Solving T/F/A, Working as part of a group F.
The course is in three parts: 1. Non-specific defences; barriers; skin; innate immunity; secreted antimicrobials; cellular defences; classes of leukocytes; innate immune responses; phagocytosis; cell killing; acute inflammation; complement; humoral defences, haemostasis. Invertebrate (especially Drosophila) innate immune responses to microbial invaders, and the phylogeny of the mammalian immune system. 2. Antibodies and acquired immunity; immunoglobulins, Ig classes; genetic basis of Ab diversity; MHC; T-cell receptors; development of B and T-cells; immunity mediated by B and T cells. 3. Case studies of interactions between pathogens and the immune system: meningitis, AIDS.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07