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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Biology & Biochemistry, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

BB20096 Biochemical problems & bioinformatics

Credits: 3
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW100
In taking this unit you cannot take BB20015 and before taking this unit you must take BB20018 and take BB20020

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Aims: To develop students' abilities to assimilate compilations of experimental data and to draw valid conclusions from them. After taking the course, the student should be able to:
* study a collection of biochemical observations, such as the Results Section of a publication or simply a series of related observations compiled specifically for the exercise, and assess their significance. Indications of this ability could be, eg answering particular questions or writing the Discussion section of a paper. It is especially important that the student learns to draw only such conclusions as are fully justified by the data. Additionally a student should be able to use current methods to understand sequence data from the human and other genome projects.
Several members of academic staff will participate in the Course, each providing a particular problem. This will be handed out and explained to the class, who will then have some 4 days to provide written answers. These will be marked and returned. Bioinformatics.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07