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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Chemistry, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

CH20097 Drug properties

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW20EX80
Before taking this unit you must take CH10135 and take CH10137 and take CH20149
Aims: The Unit will provide an introduction to the properties of drugs and some of the key aspects of medicinal chemistry which need to be considered by chemists involved in synthesising new drug molecules.
Learning Outcomes:
After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* identify common features of drug molecules;
* illustrate the utility of 'log P' values and the importance of drug solubility;
* describe structure/activity relationships and understand how this aids the drug discovery process;
* provide examples of how drugs are able to interact with DNA/RNA/enzyme receptors;
* provide examples of drug metabolism.
Numeracy (F, A); Problem solving (T, F, A); Scientific writing (F, A), Independent working (F); Group working (F).
Properties of drugs described by the Lapinski rules. Definition and use of log P and its relevance to bioavailability. Structure/activity relationships. Overview of successful drugs. Interactions of drug molecules with DNA and RNA. Case studies of enzyme inhibition and the mechanism of drug action. Natural products as drugs.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07