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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

ED10001 Exploring effective learning

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 100%
Aims: To review the student's own learning in order to identify approaches to learning which are effective and to develop a better understanding of the learning process in the context of study in Higher Education.
Learning Outcomes:
Students should understand better their own learning and be able to identify effective learning strategies; they should be able to debate and discuss critically their own learning drawing on experience, reflection and research.
The following key skills are either taught (T) and/or facilitated (F) and/or assessed (A) in this unit:
* Comprehensive and scholarly written communications (T/F/A)
* Effective oral communication (T/F)
* Ability to select/summarise and synthesise written information from multiple sources (T/F/A)
* Ability to develop rigorous arguments through precise use of concepts and models (F/A)
* Ability to apply theory into practice (T/F/A)
* Ability to produce work to agreed specifications and deadlines (T/F/A)
* Ability to work independently, without close supervision or guidance (T/F/A)
* Ability to work effectively as part of a group or team (T/F)
The nature of learning; what is learnt (skills, knowledge, values etc.); learning styles; learning in groups; autonomy in learning; communication as part of the learning process; study skills; presentation skills; time management; assessment and being assessed.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07