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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

ED30256 Practice of teaching 2 (PT2H)

Credits: 18
Level: Honours
Academic Year
Assessment: OT100
Before taking this unit you must take ED30255
Aims: This unit is entirely school-based. It is intended to provide practical experience and an opportunity to reflect through the support and feedback of others in order that students achieve effectively the Standards for QTS.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to demonstrate all of the following at least 'Satisfactory level' using descriptors identified by the Department of Education:
* high expectations of their pupils
* reflective practice informed by their practice through continuous evaluation
* effective professional relationships and responsibilities with pupils and fellow teachers
* transformation of their subject knowledge for learners in the appropriate age range
* effective and appropriate planning
* an appropriate repertoire of teaching strategies
* communication for learning
* monitoring of assessment and target setting for learning
* organisation of management of a safe learning environment
* equality of access to the curriculum.
The following skills will be facilitated:
* personal skills in being able to relate to others and manage learners effectively
* communication skills, reading, writing, speaking and listeing
* number and ICT skills as appropriate to their teaching subject(s)
* ability to work with others and in teams
* ability to understand how the student his/herself learns and develops as a teacher and ability to facilitate this learning as effective autonomous learners
* ability to identify the learning in others
* ability to regard all learners as having equal access to learning and be mindful that all should have the opportunity to succeed.
The unit consists of a block of teaching of at least thirteen weeks (65 days). During this block, students will:
* observe other practitioners and work along side them
* take full responsibility for the teaching of pupils across a major component of the age range for which they have been designated (11-18 or 7-14), typically above 50% but no greater than 70% of the teaching week
* attend meetings and training sessions organised by the school to familiarise them with the work of the school and the role of the teacher
* attend regular meetings with a teacher designated as their mentor and also meet regularly with a senior teacher designated as their professional tutor.
Full responsibility will include planning, teaching and assessing the learning of the pupils. Students will also develop teaching and assessment materials as appropriate. They will keep a portfolio of evidence of the work they have done in school. They will take responsibility for the planning and teaching of significant runs of lessons with a number of groups in order to develop the skills of long term planning. They will also contribute to formal assessment of learning such as National Curriculum Teacher Assessments and GCSE Coursework. They will also make use of, and with the help of a teacher, provide evidence for the formulation of children's individual learning plans where appropriate including work with pupils whose first language is not English.
Students will be visited by a representative of the department:
* to monitor their progress and provide guidance and feedback to students on their teaching and also their pastoral needs,
* assess the students based on their observations of teaching, discussion with teachers in the school and scrutiny of their portfolio of evidence.
* Ensure that mentors and professional tutors are aware of their roles and provide guidance, support and training as appropriate.

University | Catalogues for 2006/07