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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

EU10453 Spanish business environment 1

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 33%, ES 67%
After taking this unit you must take EU10454

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce students to the Spanish Economic Environment, to analyse the causes of economic development since the civil War, and to introduce students to the language of the Spanish business environment. On completion of the Unit students will have gained an understanding of these.
The unit first concentrates on the stages in the Spanish economy since the Civil War: autarchy 1939-1958; stabilisation 1959-1974; the transition 1975-85 and alignment with Europe 1986-96. It then moves on to consider the primary sector (agriculture, fisheries), industry (including energy), and the service sector (tourism and finance).


University | Catalogues for 2006/07