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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

EU10505 Key concepts in politics

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 10%, ES 40%, EX 50%
Aims: This unit seeks to:
* provide students with an introduction to essential concepts in the study, understanding and analysis of politics;
* inform students about the nature and role of political institutions, agents, and ideologies at national, regional and international levels;
* introduce students to key debates in contemporary political thought on a wide variety of issues, ranging from how powers are dividedand used in democratic political systems to the dynamics of international organisation;
* illustrate the importance of moving beyond simple description, and engaging in critical debates about these issues.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate in seminars, essays and exams that they:
* have acquired knowledge of the key concepts in the study, understanding, and analysis of politics;
* are aware of major academic and political debates about the nature of contemporary political processes at national and international levels;
* can apply this knowledge and awareness to contemporary political issues.
Basic research and essay writing skills, seminar preparation and participation skills.
Lectures on: Power; the State and Forms of Government; the Executive ; the Legislature; the Judiciary; Political Ideologies; Political Parties and Party Systems; Political Culture; Political Change; National Sovereignty and Statesmanship; the Globalisation of Politics. Seminars on: Key Skills; Power; the State; Political Ideologies.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07