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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN10363 Law in context

Credits: 3
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims: To introduce students to fundamental legal concepts which affect businesses and the ways in which they function and to examine in particular the context of contract law. To understand the special terms and language used in law and its application in the context of business usage.
Learning Outcomes:
The unit will provide students with a firm understanding of the relevant principles of business contracts and the structure of the legal environment. The course will concentrate on the context of law and the very specific terms required to convey business intention.
Students will be able to understand whether contract terms are applicable and the consequences of terms not being complied with. They also consider the liability of businesses and individuals in respect of contracts.
Students are given a standard set of contract terms and a business context which forms the basis of coursework exercises and the examination.
Students will further develop their presentational skills and ability to present both in verbal and written coursework and discussion. The student will be taught to use legal method in gathering and analysing relevant criteria and applying them both in tutorial assessments and an examination. Lectures are supplemented by small group tutorials which are an essential part of the course and the acquisition of essential skills.
The legal aspects of the course will introduce concepts of legal systems and in particular the key elements of creating a valid contract, its terms and how to deal with breaches, with the emphasis being on the use of legal terms which are in general usage in the business world and the ability to analyse and explain the relevant principles.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07