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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN20016 Marketing 1

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 30%, EX 70%
Before taking this unit you must take MN10006
Aims: Marketing is arguable the prime business function as most businesses rely on a foundation of sales, without which there can be little, or no, other managerial activity (e.g. production, HRM, finance, accounting etc.). In this course our aim is to introduce students to, and encourage them to critically evaluate, the key principles and practices of marketing. These principles and practices will act as a foundation for pursuing other marketing related courses on the degree programme.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this modules students will be able to:
* Understand and critically evaluate core marketing principles.
* Apply and evaluate marketing models, theories and concepts commonly used in marketing practice.
* Analyse and evaluate contemporary marketing practice
* Understand the importance of marketing in advanced industrialized economies.

* Written communication skills (F/ A)
* Independent study skills (F/ A)
* Group working skills (F/ A)
* Analytical and evaluative skills (F/ A)
* Critical reflexivity towards the subject matter (F).
The course will contain a range of lectures, in-class assignments and case-studies and exercises for the following topics:
* What is Marketing?
* The Marketing Environment
* Segmentation /Targeting/Positioning
* Products vs Services
* Branding
* Promotion and Advertising
* Pricing
* Distribution Strategy
* Marketing Strategy
* Global Issues
* Revision.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07