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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN20083 Organisation behaviour II

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Assessment: EX70CW30
Before taking this unit you must take MN20080
Aims: The aim of this course is to develop a critical understanding of core organisational behaviour topics, for which Organisational Behaviour I will have provided foundation. Emphasis will be placed on utilising the students' previous experience, particularly of groups, to deepen their understanding of group dynamics as well as other topics covered.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this unit, the students should have an appreciation of a variety of lenses (gender, age, race, organisational position etc.) they can bring to organisational analysis. They should be conversant with key theorists and well able to make strong theory-practice links.
Through working with each other in various exercises, students should develop a strong capacity to critically evaluate the material introduced, building their reflective abilities and their competence in sharing their ideas. They will be introduced in class to learning in this way and these skills will be further encouraged throughout the semester as well as forming part of the assessment criteria.
Organisation culture, communication, managing conflict, working with others (the Human Relations school, group norms and conformity, understanding group dynamics, group structure, decision making in groups, from traditional to virtual - the reality of groups), understanding our own agency, working with diversity (including international culture/international management).


University | Catalogues for 2006/07