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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN20268 Enterprising careers

Credits: 6
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW100
Before taking this unit you must take MN10005 or take MN20080 or take SP10044
Aims: Students will be given an opportunity to explore the meaning of $ùenterprising careers&©. This does not necessarily mean an entrepreneurial career, but a career that people manage rather than being managed by others.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of career theories; be able to identify key issues and analyse these critically; gain ideas and approaches to reflect on their own life and career choices. Through a range of activities, guest speakers and assignments, students will explore individually and with others how they can bring skills, relationships, and values to their working life in and through organizations. We will use activities to help students develop their writing skills.
Ability to express link between career objectives and personal identity more coherently, in particular motives and skills. Ability to consider/access wider spectrum of resources for professional development. More effective use of social relationships. Writing skills.
The module uses an identity-based approach to human development. We will look at the changing context of work, explore the meaning of $ùboundaryless&© careers $ú in particular the opportunities and constraints of leading careers in a more networked world of organizing. To successfully navigate and act in this context individuals will need to develop clear, yet adaptable identities that provide them with the ability to take responsibility and change.
* The changing context of work & careers
* Identity (social and self)
* Values and ethics
* Constructing capability
* Pro-activity
* Individual learning
* Creativity
* Constructing relational identities in a networked world.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07