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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

MN50293 MRes dissertation

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Dissertation period
Assessment: DS100
Aims: To support students, within an active research community, identify a feasible research question, relate it to relevant literature and develop a cogent and coherent argument that addresses the research question.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit, the students should be able to demonstrate the skills listed below.
Knowledge and Understanding
* demonstrate a good knowledge of the literature on the chosen research question
* present independent analysis, argument and/or application of theory in a coherent fashion
Intellectual skills
* define a researchable question/focus
* integrate evidence to support arguments
* appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of existing literature
* develop and present a detailed argument in an original or stimulating way
Professional practice skills
* identify and access relevant information sources
* understand and apply in a correct fashion key research presentation skills such as referencing, bibliographical information, comprehensible tables and diagrams
* demonstrate good computing skills
* communicate arguments in a coherent and interesting manner
Transferable/Key Skills:
* apply research management skills such as time and resource planning and monitoring, archiving of data
* develop good writing, presentation and dissemination skills, including the use of Internet-based tools
* competency in the presentation of research findings.
Any area of research for which an adequate level of supervision is available can be offered.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07