2. To submit approved programme or unit changes...
...contact your FEA/School administrator. Changes to programmes and units should be approved by the relevant
committees (i.e. Board of Studies/Senate) and then forwarded by your FEA to
Helen Buick in SREO for processing.
3. To download templates for programme and
unit descriptions...
6. For information and assistance on processing assessments in SAMIS...
...see the web manuals in the first instance. If you require further assistance please use the contact SAMIS Support via the on-line Problem Submission Form.
7. For information regarding access to Moodle and the Learning Materials Filestore and how this interacts with units in SAMIS...
Student Records & Examinations Office, University of Bath,
Bath BA2 7AY
Tel: +44 (0) 1225 383019
Fax: +44 (0) 1225 386366
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