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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Psychology, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

PS50055 Dissertation

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Semester: 2
Assessment: DS100
Aims: To provide students with the opportunity to carry out an independent research project by putting into practice some of the methods, theories and skills that they have learned.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the dissertation, students will:
* Have developed their research skills;
* Developed the skills required for both autonomous and team work;
* Developed transferable skills that will prepare them for postgraduate employment or further study;
* Developed their critical, analytical problem-based learning skills.
* To communicate an argument;
* To critically evaluate and assess research and evidence;
* To gather information, data , research and literature from a number of sources;
* To synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding.
Professional / Practical:
* To effectively and efficiently apply principles of health psychology within a health context;
* To be aware of ethical and professional issues in carrying out research;
* Time management and administration skills;
* Presentation skills and verbal communication;
* To reflect on his/her academic performance and take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development;
* Advanced numeracy skills;
* Leadership skills.
The student will carry out a substantial research project of their own design, in health psychology, under the joint supervision of a practising health psychologist and an academic supervisor.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07