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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

SP10002 Social policy & social problems

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX 100%
Aims: The aims of the unit are:
i. To introduce students to the framework, operation and financing of social policy.
ii. To apply this framework to an analysis of selected contemporary social problems.
iii. To introduce students to cross-national welfare state comparisons.
Objectives: By the end of the unit, students will have knowledge of:
i. How social problems emerge and the policy responses to these.
ii. How to analyse social problems from a social policy perspective.
iii. How the UK compares in broad terms with approach to the construction of welfare in other countries.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit the students should be able to:
* seek out and use appropriative data for analysing social problems.
* understand the distinction between normative and empirical questions and be aware of political and ideological influences on policy.
* communicate and discuss ideas in writing and in discussion, including giving a brief presentation.

* To think creatively and analytically.
* To communicate an argument.
* To evaluate others' arguments and research.
* To learn independently and be able to assess own learning needs (i.e. identify strengths and improve weaknesses in methods of learning and studying).
* To critically evaluate and assess research and evidence as well as a variety of other information.
* To synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding.
* Study & Learning skills (note taking, avoiding plagiarism, using the library, gathering and using information, constructing a bibliography, referencing).
* Basic Information and Computing Technology skills (word processing, email, using the web to search for information).
* Essay research, preparation and writing skills.
* To construct a bibliography of varying complexity.
* Revision and Examination skills.
* Time-management and administrative skills.
* Presentation skills and verbal communication (i.e. oral presentations, seminar and tutorial contributions).
* To reflect upon his/her own academic and professional performance and take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development.
* To manage time effectively and respond to changing demands.
* To prioritise workloads, and utilise long- and short-term planning skills.
Social problems and the policy process; ideologies of welfare; ideologies and the policy process; social problems/ issues (health; education; labour market; poverty); paying for welfare; comparing welfare states.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07