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 University | Catalogues for 2006/07

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Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Unit Catalogue 2006/07

SP10059 Core skills for social scientists

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: EX 100%
Aims: The aims of this unit are to introduce students to: 1. The major methodological traditions in social research 2. The main principles of research design 3. Key study and learning skills 4. Key computing skills
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit students should be able to:
* Design qualitative and quantitative research projects
* Critically evaluate published research studies
* Apply the principles of critical thinking to evaluate others' arguments
* Reflect on and develop their learning skills
* Use basic Information and Computing Technology (ICT) skills
Intellectual skills
* To think creatively and analytically
* To evaluate others' arguments and research
* To learn independently and be able to assess own learning needs (i.e. identify strengths and improve weaknesses in methods of learning and studying).
* To critically evaluate and assess research and evidence as well as a variety of other information
* To gather information, data, research and literature from a number of different sources (i.e. library, web-based, archives etc.).
* To select appropriate and relevant information from a wide source and large body of knowledge.
* To synthesise information from a number of sources in order to gain a coherent understanding.
* To utilise problem solving skills. Professional Practical Skills:
* To develop sensitivity to the values and interests of others. Transferable/Key Skills
* Study & Learning skills (note taking, avoiding plagiarism, using the library, gathering and using information, constructing a bibliography, referencing)
* Basic Information and Computing Technology skills (word processing, email, using the web to search for information)
* Inter-personal and communication skills
* Essay research, preparation and writing skills
* To construct a bibliography of varying complexity
* Revision and Examination skills
* Time-management and administrative skills
* Advanced information and computing technology skills (i.e. SPSS and other forms of computer based data analysis programmes, producing tables, spreadsheets, graphs and charts, Powerpoint, using IT to support presentations)
*Team and group working skills
*To reflect upon his/her own academic and professional performance and take responsibility for personal and professional learning and development.
* To solve problems in a variety of situations.
* To manage time effectively and respond to changing demands.
* To prioritise workloads, and utilise long- and short-term planning skills.
General learning and study skills such as time management, group working, plagiarism, essay writing, exam revision, reflective study. Critical thinking analysis, including formal and informal fallacies, necessary and sufficient conditions. Research design and evaluation applied to both quantitative and qualitative research. Basic skills in word-processing, spreadsheets, email, using the web to search for information.


University | Catalogues for 2006/07