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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Chemistry, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

CH40033 Electrochemistry and surfaces

Credits: 3
Level: Masters
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX100
Before taking this unit you must take CH20016 and in taking this unit you cannot take CH30033

Aims & Learning Objectives:
This course provides an introduction to both kinetic electrochemistry and modern methods of modifying and studying surfaces including Surface Plasmon Resonance, Plasmon Fluorescence. Additionally, methods of modifying surfaces with molecules and polymers to make e.g. sensor devices will be discussed. After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Define the relationship between mass transport and electron transfer processes in electrochemical measurements.
* Analyse current-voltage behaviour potential step and cyclic voltammetry measurements.
* Understand how a molecular build up approach can be used to make functional surfaces.
* Understand how SPR, electrochemistry and impedance, can be used to gain real time information about molecular adsorption and protein-molecule binding.
* Demonstrate a thorough understanding of how the techniques can be applied to novel situations i.e. to develop new biosensors on systems they have not been taught about in the course.
Introduction and revision of basic concepts in electrochemisty, Electrode kinetics and deriving the Nernst & Butler-Volmer equation, Coupled electron transfer and chemical reactions: EC, ECE and ECE' mechanisms. The glucose biosensor, Methods to improve signal noise: Square Wave & Pulse voltammetry, thin layer cells. Bioelectrochemisty. Surface modification: Self-assembled Monolayers and Polymers. Surface Plasmon Resonance: Theory and Application. Kinetic analysis of surface binding. Impedance Spectroscopy: Analysis of thin films at surfaces. Scanning Force Microsopies. Fluorescence methods.