(or equivalents authorised by Director of Studies)
Aims: To gain experience of working with other people and, on a small-scale, some of the problems that arise in the development of software.
Learning Outcomes:
1. To carry out the full cycle of the first phase of development of a software package, namely; requirements analysis, design, implementation, documentation, testing and delivery.
2. To further enhance team working skills gained in previous units.
3. To consolidate material taught in previous programming and software engineering units.
Skills: Communication (T/F, A), Working with others (T/F, A), Problem Solving (T/F, A).
Content: Project Management: Practice of software engineering techniques, Controlling software development, Project planning/Management, Documentation, Design, Quality Assurance, Testing.
Professional Issues: The practice of the computer professional - presentations by computer professionals to illustrate the importance of codes of practice, legal obligations and/or ethics in professional practice.