- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Computer Science, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

CM50211 Studio techniques

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims: In this course students will become familiar with the technologies that are used in digital sound design. Of particular emphasis will be sound production in the recording studio, in combination with digital editing. This course will be workshop based and hands on in its teaching approach. Students will harness the various technologies in a well planned and coordinated approach to digital sound performance.
Learning Outcomes:
A student successfully completing this course unit will have:
* A knowledge and understanding of leading-edge computer sound studio methods.
* An understanding of the aesthetic background of digital music
* An ability to produce creative work in the digital medium
* An overview of non real-time digital signal processing as it is used in digital composition
* An awareness of the use and limitations of composed space in digital composition
* An understanding of digital music performance.
Ability to apply modern methods and algorithms to studio sound (T/F), wide knowledge of sound studio and applied digital music methods (T/F), creative media skills (F/A), communication skills (F/A).
Basis of digital music, its advantages and limitations. Sound Design, Digital Media, Sound Editing, Production Techniques, Sound Categorisation, Sound Libraries, Microphone Technique, Studio Engineering, Studio Technique.