- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

ED10182 Independent studies

Credits: 15
Level: Certificate
Modular: no specific semester
Assessment: CW100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To enable candidates to explore a particular aspect of disability and/or rehabilitation in a specialist way. This may be in relation to an aspect of clinical practice, it may relate to a specific disability or it may focus upon particular developments in service or rehabilitation concepts. The student must draw up a Learning Contract outlining the rationale and philosophy for their intended study, method of learning and learning plan, the anticipated learning outcomes, level of study, credit weighting, assessment specification (if different from the standardised model), any resource or other implications, and duration of study. This Contract will then be subject to approval by the DARE Foundation and the University. Candidates will be required to:
* Explore, through enquiry, the specific disability/rehabilitation approach/service provision identified;
* Present evidence for intervention and change;
* Implement project work development within the identified field of study and evaluate the change effects;
* Consider the implications of change for overall service provision with respect to their particular area of interest/focus.
This unit is likely to be taken by one of the following routes:
* A student will identify a particular 'issue' from their enquiries which they wish to address. This would form an enquiry-based investigation, identifying and defining the problem, researching the literature and evidence, proposing, implementing and (where feasible) evaluating change. Students will be guided in their independent study by their tutor and supported with structured open learning materials.
* The student would be a participant in a Workshop Programme run by the DARE Foundation and commissioned by various agencies across the UK. The Workshop Programme runs over 6 months and provides a structured, supported team based action research environment. The team would identify a particular problem and then devise, develop and implement a project to address the problem. Students entering the Independent Studies unit through this mode will be required to demonstrate evidence of independent learning as well as team working and will be guided in their independent study by their tutor and supported structured open learning materials.
* The student may identify a particular area of specialism which is not offered within the Programme but is considered a valid and appropriate area of study. This unit permits the student to gain that knowledge and expertise from another source, e.g. by taking (or attending) a unit offered within another programme of the University or by another recognised university. The study proposal within the Learning Contract would need to meet the general philosophy of the programme and lead to an equivalent of 30 credits study.