Department of Education, Unit Catalogue 2007/08 |
ED50289 Research methods in education (MRes) |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Masters |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
In taking this unit you cannot take ED50102 |
Aims: The aims of this unit are to:
* Examine critically the specific nature of research and enquiry in education, and its relationship to enquiry in other social science disciplines; * Examine the theories and forms of explanation used in educational research; and the types of knowledge generated in educational research. * Address the major ways of designing and conducting research studies to address a range of issues and problems in education; * Consider the relationship between research, policy and practice in education; Learning Outcomes: Completion of this unit, and associated course-work, should enable students to: * understand the relationship between different kinds of knowledge and forms of explanation in educational research; how new knowledge in education is generated and the relationship between research and professional knowledge in education; * understand key concepts in educational research (e.g, objectivity, subjectivity reflexivity) and how they inform research studies; * be able to access, evaluate and review critically relevant research literature; * be familiar with the major paradigms within which educational research is conducted; and understand how they relate to research in other social science disciplines; * identify appropriate topics for enquiry and formulate research questions; * be familiar with, and understand how to apply, a range of research strategies and designs appropriate to educational problems (e.g. survey, experiments, case study, ethnographic approaches, biographical/narrative approaches). * understand ethical considerations, such as the connection between researcher and researched in educational settings; Skills: * Application of a critical understanding of issues in educational research by evaluating examples of published research (T/A). * Evaluating the claims of research and theoretical knowledge (T/F/A) * Problem analysis, research and critical reflection/evaluation (T/F/A) * Independent work and self-directed learning (F) * Group and team work (F) * Individual and group presentation skills (F) * Written communication (A) * Develop skill in communicating research to different audiences (T/F) Content: * Purposes for research in education. * Major forms and traditions of research in education and their methodological implications (e.g. research on educational policy; educational settings; pedagogy; pupil learning and achievement). * Critical literature review; and interpretation of research findings and claims to knowledge. * Key concepts in educational research (e.g. objectivity, subjectivity and reflexivity); their application in the conduct of a research study. * Identification of researchable problems in education and formulation of research questions. * The logic of research designs and strategies on educational topics. |