Aims: To introduce students to the principles of signals, systems and communications.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit students will be able to:
(i) distinguish between different types of generic signals, construct mathematical models of signals and systems and apply these models to predict the response of a linear system to a specified stimulus, and
(ii) explain the functions of the principal components of a communications system, describe the information content of natural languages and the origin (and technological role) of redundancy.
Skills: Application of the information, techniques and methods discussed in the lectures to solving engineering problems in signals, systems and communications. Taught, facilitated and tested.
* Signals and Systems Theory - Signals: review of signal types, phasors, Fourier series. Linear systems: impulse response, convolution, requency response, convolution theorem.
* Communication Systems - Introduction to modern telecommunications networks, services, and signals. Information theory and source coding. Communication channels and noise.