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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

EU50686 Europe in global politics

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Semester: 2
Assessment: ES100
Aims: This unit aims to:
* Give a critical understanding in the range of theories and perspectives used in the study of the global role of the European Union.
* To develop substantive knowledge on the range of policies developed by the EC/EU that encompass the EU's external relations, development policy and foreign, internal and external security policies.
* The critically assess the developing global role of the EU both across time and across both the international political and international economic systems.
* Establish a critical appreciation of how the EU has developed an international role and how this development has been related to international events and integration processes.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who complete the unit successfully will be able to demonstrate that they:
* Can analyse a range of theories and perspectives that can be applied to the study of the international role of the European Union.
* Critically assess the utility of different approaches to the study of the foreign and security policy-making and processes of the European Union.
* Give a developed critical understanding of how European Union has developed and extended its presence in the international economic and political system.
* Select and apply concepts and theories on the EU's international role to specific research problems, and recognise the basic costs and benefits of those selections.
The key skills the unit will hone and further develop are:
* Advanced research skills in identifying, locating and exploiting a wide range of descriptive, evaluative and theoretical literature.
* Intellectual skills of conceptual, original and independent thinking, critical analysis, synthesis and reasoned argument.
* Skills of assessment and judgement in relation to the soundness of competing arguments and scenarios, including the reporting and assessing of qualitative and quantitative data.
* Generic and transferable skills related to the oral and written presentation of ideas.
* Skills of self-direction, self-evaluation and time management.
1: The study of the international role of the European Union in historical perspective
2: The politics and policies of the foreign policies of the EU: actors and processes
3: Making sense of Europe's Global Role: Contending approaches
4: Foreign Economic Policy: The substantive foreign policy?
5: Developing a Foreign Policy: EPC to CFSP
6: A European defence
7: European Homeland Security
8: Europe as an international environmental actor
9: Norms and values in European foreign policy
10: A European Foreign Policy Analysis?
1: European foreign policy analysis (linked to lectures 1-3)
2: Europe in the international political economy (linked to lecture 4)
3: Case study 1: The European Neighbourhood Policy (linked to lectures 4-6)
4: Case study 2: Transatlantic relations (connected to lectures 6- 7).