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Programme & Unit Catalogues

School for Health, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

FH10034 Functional anatomy

Credits: 6
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: CW 100%

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To develop a basic understanding of the human musculo-skeletal system. On completion of this unit students should be able to: Classify and identify skeletal bones and muscles. Describe the structure and function of the muscular system. Demonstrate an understanding of muscle actions in human movements.
Skeletal construction; structure of bone and connective tissue, types of bone: long, thin, flat, irregular. Axial and appendicular skeleton. Names of major bones. Joint types; immovable, slightly moveable, freely moveable (synovial). Muscular system: muscle tissue, names of major muscles. Types of movement; flexion, extension, rotation, adduction, abduction, circumduction. Relationship of muscular system to skeletal system; identification of major muscle groups, origins, insertions and actions of main muscles. Practical analysis of limb movement. Types of muscular contraction including; isometric, isotonic, isokinetic, concentric, eccentric.