Before taking this unit you must take MA10103 or have A-level Mathematics.
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide students with basic scientific knowledge and understanding of biomechanical aspects of human locomotion and sport performance and to provide experience of carrying out simple biomechanical measurements. At the completion of this unit students should be able to:
Describe the structure and function of the neuromuscular system and analyse co-ordinated human movements.
Demonstrate an understanding of biomechanical concepts relating to general human movement and sport performance.
Use video cameras and simple measurement devices to record and analyse the kinematics of human movements in a directed group situation.
Identify the structure and content of biomechanical scientific reports.Produce a biomechanical report.
Content: Neuromuscular structure and function of skeletal muscle; fibres and fibre types, nerve supply to muscle, sliding theory of muscle contraction. Production of force and factors affecting co-ordinated movements.
Linear kinematics; displacement, velocity and acceleration. Fundamentals of projectile motion.
Angular kinematics; rotation, angular displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Newton's laws of motion;
Basic techniques for analysing human movement; operation and use of video equipment, photocells and other techniques for motion measurements.