Aims & Learning Objectives: Aims: A treatment of the qualitative/geometric theory of dynamical systems to a level that will make accessible an area of mathematics (and allied disciplines) that is highly active and rapidly expanding.
Conversance with concepts, results and techniques fundamental to the study of qualitative behaviour of dynamical systems. An ability to investigate stability of equilibria and periodic orbits. A basic understanding and appreciation of bifurcation and chaotic behaviour
Content: Topics will be chosen from the following:
Stability of equilibria. Lyapunov functions. Invariance principle. Periodic orbits. Poincaré maps. Hyperbolic equilibria and orbits. Stable and unstable manifolds. Nonhyperbolic equilibria and orbits. Centre manifolds. Bifurcation from a simple eigenvalue. Introductory treatment of chaotic behaviour. Horseshoe maps. Symbolic dynamics.