School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2007/08 |
MN50373 Accounting for SMEs |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Masters |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX 100% |
Requisites: |
Aims: To impart knowledge and skills in the preparation of economically relevant financial accounts and the use of financial accounting information in the financial management of small and medium sized enterprises (ie single company accounts and reports, rates of return and variance analysis).
Learning Outcomes: Achieving good practice accounting skills and the ability to reconcile that with economically relevant information requirements for SMEs. Skills: Financial numeracy in the context of both good accounting practice and its economic interpretation. Content: The course content is: 1. Introduction to business entities, accounting formats and accruals; 2. Principles of financial reporting, accounting policies and recognition; 3. Cash flow statements - reconciling cash to accruals; 4. Assets, economic impairment and traditional depreciation profiles; 5. Liabilities and provisions - economic substance over form; 6. Accounting and economic profit - rates of return; 7. Revaluation and the statement of total gains and losses; 8. Financial management accounting and business control (variance analysis); 9. Financial accounting and long run costs - variance continued; 10. Financial accounting and the balanced scorecard; 11. Review and integration. |