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Programme & Unit Catalogues

Department of Psychology, Unit Catalogue 2007/08

PS50066 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 2

Credits: 3
Level: Masters
Semester: 1
Assessment: CW 100%
Before taking this unit you must take PS50065
Aims: To equip students with the skills to use and interpret multivariate statistics using SPSS and appreciate the applications of multivariate analysis in health.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this unit, student will
* Have refreshed their knowledge of univariate and some multivariate parametric statistics
* Learn how to use SPSS to analyse health data and to handle data sets
* Be able to interpret the answers to statistical analyses and report them within the health context.
* To learn independently
* To critically evaluate and assess research and evidence as well as a variety of other information
* To utilise problem solving skills
Professional / Practical
* Advanced information technology and computing technology (e.g. SPSS)
* Independent working skills
* Advanced numeracy skills.
Multiple regression (simple, stepwise and hierarchical), Path analysis, MANOVA and MANCOVA, post-hoc comparisons, data screening, factor analysis.