Department of Social & Policy Sciences Unit Index 2007/08 |
Below is a list of units offered by the Department of Social & Policy Sciences in 2007/08. Follow the links to view individual unit descriptions. Units are sorted by level and then by period slot. To find a specific unit code or title please use your browser's find on page function. |
SP10143 | Mind and behaviour for social work and applied social studies | 12 Credits |
SP10145 | Community profiling: community needs assessment, groups and teamwork in practice | 12 Credits |
SP10002 | Social problems & social policy | 6 Credits |
SP10043 | Sociology of modern societies | 6 Credits |
SP10059 | The principles and uses of social science | 6 Credits |
SP10001 | Social policy, welfare and the state | 6 Credits |
SP10019 | Developing professional competence | 6 Credits |
SP10044 | Sociology of inequalities | 6 Credits |
SP10159 | Social research: sources, presentation and communication | 6 Credits |
SP20004 | The sociology of the family & family policy | 6 Credits |
SP20006 | Social justice, social policy and the state | 6 Credits |
SP20021 | Social work placement/critical reflective practice | 18 Credits |
SP20047 | Economic sociology and work relationships | 6 Credits |
SP20049 | The sociology of crime & deviance | 6 Credits |
SP20069 | Philosophy of the social sciences | 6 Credits |
SP20131 | Discrimination & empowerment in social work | 12 Credits |
SP20138 | Social research: sources, presentation and communication | 6 Credits |
SP20005 | Power and policy: an introduction to critical policy analysis | 6 Credits |
SP20010 | Social policy evaluation | 6 Credits |
SP20023 | Child care research, policy & practice | 6 Credits |
SP20024 | Legislation for social work practice 1 | 6 Credits |
SP20025 | Theories & methods in social work | 6 Credits |
SP20048 | Understanding industrial behaviour | 6 Credits |
SP20050 | Sociology of criminal justice policy | 6 Credits |
SP20062 | Qualitative social research methods | 6 Credits |
SP20097 | Sociology of health and illness | 6 Credits |
SP20099 | Childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issues | 6 Credits |
SP20112 | Theoretical issues I: structure & agency | 6 Credits |
SP20130 | Policy & practice in mental health | 6 Credits |
SP30008 | Social policy dissertation 1 | 6 Credits |
SP30011 | Health policies & politics | 6 Credits |
SP30013 | Social security policy and welfare reform | 6 Credits |
SP30022 | Organisation and management of social care services | 6 Credits |
SP30029 | Legislation for social work practice 2 | 6 Credits |
SP30033 | Children & families | 6 Credits |
SP30054 | Power & commitment in organisations | 6 Credits |
SP30057 | Sociology dissertation 1 | 6 Credits |
SP30071 | Sociology of punishment | 6 Credits |
SP30072 | Corporate power & the social challenge | 6 Credits |
SP30102 | Applied social studies dissertation preparation | 6 Credits |
SP30118 | Theoretical issues II: subjectivities & identities | 6 Credits |
SP30129 | Sexual violence: explanations, responses & debates | 6 Credits |
SP30132 | Developing professional competence 2: principles of practice | 6 Credits |
SP30133 | Social work with adults | 6 Credits |
SP30161 | Sociology of death | 6 Credits |
SP30009 | Social policy dissertation 2 | 12 Credits |
SP30012 | European social policy: a comparative approach | 6 Credits |
SP30028 | Social work dissertation 2 | 18 Credits |
SP30035 | Social work placement 2/case study | 12 Credits |
SP30055 | Comparative industrial relations | 6 Credits |
SP30058 | Sociology dissertation 2 | 12 Credits |
SP30096 | Global regimes & new social movements | 6 Credits |
SP30103 | Applied social studies dissertation | 12 Credits |
SP50157 | Dissertation: death and society | 30 Credits |
SP50165 | Dissertation in international social policy | 30 Credits |
XX50023 | Dissertation in globalisation & international policy analysis | 30 Credits |
XX50054 | Dissertation, business & community | 30 Credits |
SP50075 | Comparative European social policy | 6 Credits |
SP50123 | Business, society and states: corporate power and accountability | 6 Credits |
SP50124 | Social research (dissertation) project 1 | 33 Credits |
SP50134 | Globalisation 1: political sociology of globalisation | 6 Credits |
SP50136 | Theoretical issues in sociology | 6 Credits |
SP50137 | Current issues in social policy | 6 Credits |
SP50139 | International policy analysis 1 | 6 Credits |
SP50146 | The social context of death and dying | 12 Credits |
SP50147 | Research issues in death and dying | 6 Credits |
SP50150 | Spirituality and religion | 6 Credits |
SP50158 | Research for social work: values, methods and contexts | 6 Credits |
SP50162 | Governing contemporary societies | 6 Credits |
SP50163 | Issues in international social policy 1 | 12 Credits |
SP50167 | End of life issues in old age | 6 Credits |
SP50080 | Globalisation & economic insecurity: social policy challenges | 6 Credits |
SP50122 | Comparative research methods | 6 Credits |
SP50125 | Social research (dissertation) project 2 | 45 Credits |
SP50126 | Making a research presentation | 3 Credits |
SP50127 | Preparing a research proposal | 3 Credits |
SP50135 | Well-being, welfare regimes & social policy: a global perspective | 6 Credits |
SP50142 | Morals, markets and politics | 6 Credits |
SP50144 | Research for policy: concepts, methods and values | 6 Credits |
SP50152 | Ethical issues in research, policy and practice | 12 Credits |
SP50153 | Dissertation planning | 6 Credits |
SP50154 | Death and the Arts | 6 Credits |
SP50156 | Funerals, memorials and disposal practices | 6 Credits |
SP50164 | Issues in international social policy 2 | 12 Credits |
SP50166 | Archaeology of death & burial | 6 Credits |
SP50170 | Social policy in Asia | 6 Credits |
XX50159 | Globalisation & international policy analysis extended essay | 6 Credits |