- Student Records
Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AR10362 Practice, management and law 1

Credits: 3
Level: Certificate
Semester: 2
Assessment: EX 100%
Aims: This unit aims to:
* to introduce the students to the management of the construction industry and the roles and responsibilities of the professions.
* to prepare the students for their first placement experience.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this unit students demonstrate the ability to:
* outline the structure of the construction industry and the role of the construction professionals.
* explain how a small architecture office is organised and managed.
* outline what laws affect architects.
* identify different types of architectural organisations.
Intellectual skills
* To understand taught material - taught
Professional/Practical skills
* To prepare students for their first placement experience - taught and facilitated
Transferable/key skills
* To communicate ideas in writing - facilitated and assessed.
This unit is designed to develop the student's concept of employment, professional duties and the 'business of business'. The unit contains the following content:
1. An appreciation of the economics of the construction industry.
2. An understanding of the various ways in which the design team may be structured.
3. The role and differing levels of the professional's responsibility within each structure.
4. An understanding of sole trader, partnership and corporate entities.
5. An examination of the laws governing employment.
6. The role of architects, engineers, contractors, and project managers both nationally and internationally.
7. The organisation and management of an architectures office with specific reference to health and safety.
8. A briefing on how to choose an office and get a first placement experience.