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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Learning Partnerships, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

AS20207 Managing performance

Credits: 3
Level: Intermediate
Semester: 1 at City of Bristol College
Semester: 1 at Swindon College
Semester: 1 at Weston College
Semester: 1 at Wiltshire College
Semester: 2 at Action on Addiction
Semester: 2 at City of Bath College
Semester: 2 at City of Bristol College
Semester: 2 at Swindon College
Semester: 2 at Wiltshire College
Assessment: CW 100%
Aims: To provide the student with practical approaches, underpinned by the relevant theory, which will enable them to contribute to the effective management of people in an organisation and understand how this can contribute to improving organisational efficiency, productivity and effectiveness.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit a student will be able to:
1. Identify and agree performance objectives;
2. Assess performance and provide feedback;
3. Analyse performance support for improvement;
4. Analyse and Evaluate the use of, and apply the organisations disciplinary and grievance procedure.
Intellectual (taught and assessed) - organisational and human resource management theory, including motivation, performance review, appraisal, limits of authority, legislative background.
Professional (facilitated, taught and assessed) - equal opportunity and diversity issues, communication skills, performance monitoring, work planning and human resource allocation.
Practical (facilitated) - recruitment and selection procedures, methods for improving performance, planning and allocating work.
Key Skills (facilitated and assessed) - communications, team building, analysis of complex information.
This unit concentrates on:
* Organisational and human resource management theory which underpins the effective management of people and performance objectives within an organisational context;
* Work allocation and how it relates to organisational objectives;
* Principles and theories of team and individual motivation;
* Target setting and measuring achievement, assessing and improving performance;
* Methods for gathering, recording and using information for performance review and the processes for carrying it out, underpinned by the appropriate management theory;
* Disciplinary and grievance procedures.