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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Chemical Engineering, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

CE50109 Research project unit

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Dissertation period
Assessment: CW 100%
Aims: To conduct an experimental, theoretical, or computational research project, in a chosen field of specialism.
Learning Outcomes:
Student should be able to demonstrate a level of understanding about a chosen field of specialism, that has necessitated the need to read published research papers in the field, and to build on that knowledge (by theoretical or experimental work), to a level that would not normally be found in an undergraduate course text book.
Record keeping, working in a systematic manner, tackling an open ended problem, oral/written communication, allocation of priorities. Students will gather knowledge about their chosen specialism, realise the importance of time management, scheduling of work, and importance of reviewing progress against objectives.
In the earlier research project unit(s), the students will have gathered information and formed conclusions. The students will meet their allocated academic supervisors. This information is reviewed and then the work programme is actioned. Data is gathered, the results are interpreted, conclusions are formed. The final requirement is for a written Final Report and a 30 minute oral presentation. The length of this should be about 10,000 words of text supported by about 20 - 30 sides of diagrams/figures/tables, etc.