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Department of European Studies & Modern Languages, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

EU10032 German cultural studies 1A: Kultur der Weimarer Republik

Credits: 3
Level: Certificate
Semester: 1
Assessment: ES 100%
Aims: To introduce students to the culture of the Weimar Republic in its socio-political context, in particular through close study of representative texts and films; to make students aware of the formal characteristics and expressive potential of forms of cultural production such as autobiography, film and short story; to develop their analytical capacities and self-confidence in the evaluation of works of culture; to improve their fluency in reading German.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit students should be able to:
* read and understand texts and film from the period;
* identify key themes and explain their socio-cultural significance in an oral presentation;
* describe their basic structure, style and symbolism;
* formulate and illustrate an argument about them in an essay.
Skills in critical analysis, conceptual thinking, precision in the use of written and spoken language, exercise of independent judgement, reasoned argument and the planning/conduct/reporting of non-quantitative research are taught and assessed in this unit. Skills in effective learning and language skills are developed in this unit.
Will include the study of a) Texts: Ernst Toller, Eine Jugend in Deutschland; Franz Kafka, Die Verwandlung; b) Film: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari.