School of Management, Unit Catalogue 2008/09 |
MN30415 International human resource management |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW 30%, EX 70% |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take MN20291 or a level 2 Human Resource Management, Strategic Management or International Management unit; or equivalent for exchange/occasional students (subject to approval by tutor). |
Aims: * provide students with an in-depth appreciation of the critical issues facing organizations in simultaneously managing their human resources and international environments; * explore the connection between corporate strategies and the effective management of human resources; * examine the structures, strategies and policies available to firms to manage human resources at different levels of the enterprise; * develop an appreciation of effective people strategies and management when working across cultures; * develop an understanding of the importance of international HRM (IHRM) to the success of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs). Learning Outcomes: By the end of this unit, the student should be able to: * display a sound understanding of approaches to international business and people strategies in global firms, and be able to appraise models and evidence critically; * determine how the international environment (economic, legal, social, political) conditions people strategies and management of an organization; * define and illustrate the key components of IHRM; * explain the role national differences make in the practice of IHRM; * compare and contrast varying approaches to IHRM policies and practices; * describe and give examples of how effective IHRM policies and practices lead to international business success; * apply principles and examples from the text to real life scenarios and problems; * evaluate and interpret new information and theory, engage in problem solving, demonstrate ability to think logically, critically and practically about a range of IHRM issues. Skills: Intellectual skills: * facility to apply subject-specific knowledge into a range of complex organizational and international business situations (TFA); * critical awareness of current issues and frameworks in management (FA); * understanding of theoretical concepts and frameworks that enables meaningfully and critically to link theory and practice (TFA); Practical skills: * deal with complex issues and make sound judgements in the absence of complete information, and to communicate conclusions clearly and competently (FA); * work effectively within cross-cultural groups and assume leadership roles where appropriate (F); * communicate and manage effectively in cross-cultural contexts (TF) Transferable skills: * ability to develop a holistic perspective on people strategies of organizations operating in different locations (TFA); * ability to develop a deeper appreciation of multiple and overlapping tensions of managing human resources globally (TFA); * appreciation and in-depth understanding of the human resources and competences required for successful operation in international contexts (TA); (Inter)Personal: * communicating, including presenting and promoting themselves and their ideas; preparing and production of effective management analysis (F); * verbal reasoning (F); * self motivation (F); * cooperative working with other students (F); * debating and appreciating the views of others (F). Content: The unit introduces students to the core themes, perspectives and practical issues facing global firms in their human resource strategies and management. Building on students prior understanding of human resource management, the unit consists of two analytical sections: The Context of IHRM * International Business and International Human Resource Management * Strategic International Human Resource Management * IHR in Organization Structure and Design of MNEs * IHR in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, International Joint Ventures and Alliances * Country Culture and MNE culture * Global Employment Law, Institutions and Standards The Practice of IHRM * Global Workforce Planning * Recruitment and Selection of Internatioonal Workforce and International Assignees in MNEs * Training and Management Development in MNEs * Global Compensation and Performance Management for International Assignees and Foreign Managers. |