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Programme & Unit Catalogues


Department of Physics, Unit Catalogue 2008/09

PH40081 MPhys research project

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Semester: 1
Assessment: OT100
Before taking this unit you must take PH30080
Aims: The aims of this unit are to provide students with the opportunity to investigate in depth some aspect or application of physics, to develop experimental and/or computational skills complementary to those developed in lecture courses, and to give students first-hand experience of innovation and/or research.
Learning Outcomes:
While taking this unit the student should be able to:
* demonstrate industry and motivation in carrying out the project, as well as good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time to the project;
* demonstrate innovation and initiative, as well as a thorough understanding of the theory and background to the project;
* for an experimental project, demonstrate good practical skills in the operation of research equipment and in data measurement and analysis;
* for a computational project, design, write and test computer programs to simulate the physical system under study, and interpret the results from these programs.
Written Communication T/F A, Spoken Communication T/F A, Numeracy T/F A, Data Acquisition, Handling, and Analysis T/F A, Information Technology T/F A, Problem Solving T/F A, Working as part of a group T/F A, (Practical laboratory skills T/F A), Project planning/management T/F A.
A high-level research project, related to the research interests of physics academics.