Components of a unit
Each unit within your programme will have:
1. A code
This code is unique to an individual unit. See the unit coding table for further information on the structure of unit codes.
2. A credit value
The majority of units are worth either 3, 6 or 12 credits with the possibility that project work, placement periods and dissertation units may have different values. These credits give an approximate workload for each unit.
3. A level
This indicates the level at which the unit will be studied. See the unit coding table for further information.
4. A period slot
This indicates when during the academic year the unit will run. For undergraduate units this will be either:
- Semester 1
- Semester 2
- Academic Year (i.e. a year-long unit)
For postgraduate units the period slot may be any of the above or:
- Dissertation Period
- Modular (no specific semester)
- Month
5. An assessment pattern
This shows how the unit will be assessed (e.g. whether you will have to produce coursework or take an exam in order to pass the unit). See the unit assessment table for a description of the different codes used.
6. Requisites
These are rules which may restrict which students the unit is available to (e.g. you may have to take one or more other units in order to enroll on this unit). See the Rules Table for an explanation of the different types of requisites used.
7. A description
This will tell you what the Aims, Learning Outcomes, Skills and Content
of the unit are.